"BCD to 7-segment decoder using transistors and diode logic gates"
wrOngplanet  [author] Jun 3, 2023 @ 3:41am 
For the logic, this is an excellent guide here on Steam for 7-segment logic.
I basically did the same thing (just a different order of variables).

As for the circuit, in very short: look into diode-resistor OR- and AND-gates, and transistor inverters and buffers (non-inverters, or emitter followers like in the bottom row of transistors).

You also have to keep in mind what load you connect to the "gates", and know about resistor parallel resistance, so as to not load the gates too much. I kept it quick'n' dirty simple and just used an order of magnitude greater values on the next step (aka. times 10 resistor value for the next step, to minimize load). Basically just 2 steps before the transistor steps to buffer it, otherwise it could become problematic. I think (kind of winged this part)
76561198195535669 Jun 2, 2023 @ 6:00pm 
Hey bor, could you help with that
wrOngplanet  [author] Apr 15, 2023 @ 10:23am 
Thanks! I tried. A bit surprised it worked. The segment logic would be better in "reverse order" (or the 7-segment would be better upside-down), as there's lots of criss-crossing to the 7-segment via the bottom power rails (as data signals, not power).
QMD Apr 15, 2023 @ 8:39am 
Very clean and no spaghetti wires mess, :steamthumbsup:
wrOngplanet  [author] Mar 22, 2023 @ 11:36am 
Unless the workshop is for custom components only, idk about that.
And small correction, some of my other comments did have links (schematic pictures), but they were unrelated to this (a week's worth of comments gone).
wrOngplanet  [author] Mar 19, 2023 @ 9:12pm 
Sorry. I tried, I posted a link here but Steam didn't like that. So I got my first ban on Steam ever. Even deleted several of my comments in the Crumb Steam forum (which didn't have any links in them).

I guess we have to wait for 2.0 and the workshop integration for sharing circuits.
AEU Mar 19, 2023 @ 9:20am 
Great Job bro, Could you please send me file ?