Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Lucre | Small Box Games | Official
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59.478 KB
2023년 3월 5일 오후 7시 38분
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Lucre | Small Box Games | Official

Lucre by Small Box Games. Official TTS Mod.

LUCRE is a trick taking card game for 4 players. The nameless Guilds care about one thing: coins. Each player controls a single Guild, and will play cards from their Guild deck (13 cards, each with a Value of 1-13 and worth 1-3 coins, each with no Value and 1 coin on the back) in an attempt to acquire more coins.

Each game, the 8 Purse cards are seeded randomly from each player’s Guild deck,
meaning that every game, the Purse cards and the Guild cards available to each player will be different. At the end of 8 rounds, the player with the most coins wins.


I sincerely hope that you enjoy Lucre! If you’re enjoying this digital version of the game, I hope you’ll consider heading over to and help support the digital versions of the games I design, or to to purchase the print and play files or a physical copy of the game.

Small Box Games is a small, independent, one person operation, and your support helps me to continue making the card games I design and publish.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Thank you for checking out the games I design!