Europa Universalis IV

Europa Universalis IV

27 ratings
[1.36] The Ultimate EU4 Guide
By SkeL
WIP Guide
I plan on adding multiple strategies for different countries, all of them aiming for the completion of the mission tree.
I'm currently playing as England, so if anyone have any tips feel free to comment down below :)
Always aim your conquests towards Trade Nodes that you have, after conquering it aim for the adjacent Trade Nodes.
--- Power & Rulers
  • Your main source of Power (Mana) points is your Ruler, Disinherit your Heir if they have low amount of points. It cost -50 Prestige, but it isn't hard to get back up.
  • Don't use your Rulers or Heirs as Generals, unless you want them to have a higher chance of dying fast.
--- Institutions & Technology
  • Improve relations with the Nation which spawned the Institution and "Ask for Knowledge Sharing" when available, it costs part of your income but its worth it.
  • When a Institution is fully Present in your Capital immediately pay Ducats to Embrace it, take loans if necessary.
  • Its usually better to pay to Embrace the institution than to develop a province to get it Present. Mana points are more valuable.
  • If you are nearly able to Embrace a Institution, wait to upgrade your Technology, it will cost less when you embraced it.
  • After Embracing a Institution you can "Offer Knowledge Sharing" in exchange for a monthly income increase, aim for the Rischest nations first.

  • Its better to wait for the tech cost reduction of -5% or -10%. (More important in Multiplayer than Singleplayer)
  • Upgrade Military Technology as you need it, don't upgrade it just because you have enough points. If your tech is above your neighbors they get a cost reduction for theirs. (-5%, -10%)
  • Stack enough Military Power points to upgrade your Tech before starting a war, if your enemy upgrade his Tech, you can upgrade yours and maintain your advantage.
  • Diplomatic Tech 9 allows you to get a tech cost reduction for tech already taken by the nation you have a Spy Network on. The bigger the Spy Network value greater is the discount.
--- Idea Groups
S Tier
A Tier
B Tier
C Tier
D Tier
F Tier
Horde Government
World Conquest
Horde Government
Horde Government
--- Army Composition
Tech Group
Tech 5
Tech 9
Tech 12
Tech 15
Tech 19
Tech 23
Tech 26
Tech 28
Tech 30
Free Shooter
Line Infantry
Impulse Infantry
Drill Infantry

[Optimal Battle Composition]
Tech 3
22 Infantry
4 Cavalry
0 Artillery
Tech 5
24 Infantry
4 Cavalry
0 Artillery
Tech 6
26 Infantry
4 Cavalry
0 Artillery
Tech 7
26 Infantry
4 Cavalry
4 Artillery
Tech 9
28 Infantry
4 Cavalry
4 Artillery
Tech 11
30 Infantry
4 Cavalry
10 Artillery
Tech 16
34 Infantry
4 Cavalry
30 Artillery
Tech 18
36 Infantry
4 Cavalry
32 Artillery
Tech 20
40 Infantry
6 Cavalry
34 Artillery
Tech 22
48 Infantry
6 Cavalry
36 Artillery
Tech 24
54 Infantry
6 Cavalry
38 Artillery
Tech 26
62 Infantry
8 Cavalry
40 Artillery
--- Colonization
- Tips -
  • Colonize the Caribbean as fast as possible, the majority of trade comes from there, meaning more money to you.
  • Colonize the Centers of Trade provinces first. Provinces don't need to be connected if they are inside the same Colonial Region.
  • When you colonize 5 provinces in the same Colonial Region it will become a Colony.
  • Each Colony that gets 10 provinces you gain +1 Merchant extra.
  • After you colonized everything you want with a Self-Governing Colony you can change it to a Crown Colony.

- Colonies Type -
[Crown Colony]
Great source of income, best if there's Gold in multiple provinces of the colony.
  • Colonial Caribbean
  • Colonial Mexico
  • Colonial California

[Private Enterprise Colony]

[Self-Governing Colony]
Fast colonization of adjacent provinces
  • Colonial Canada
  • Eastern Colonial America
  • Colonial Louisiana
  • Colonial Cascadia
  • Colonial Australia
--- Vassals and Personal Unions
- Vassals -
Nations too big can't become a vassal trough Peace Deals since it will be over 100% warscore. In this case its better to wage war against it and make it Release Nations in the Peace Deals or take some provinces from them, when it get small enough you can make it your vassal, later reconquering their core provinces.
If you want to keep annexing a Vassal during a war, you will need to Scuttage it before starting a war.
    [How to get them]
  • Diplomatically ask them to become your vassal, do whatever you can to improve their relations (alliance, royal marriage, improve relations, offer military access, pay debts, influence nation)
  • Subjugate them trough war, asking them to become your vassal in the peace deal, it will cost diplo points.
  • Release a subject from a province you own, some of those subjects may have cores on the area, which will allow you to wage a war to reconquer those cores.
    [How to control them]
  • Improve relations with them.
  • Don't get too many vassals or it will increase their Liberty Desire.

- Personal Unions -
Personal Unions are only available for nations that follow Christian religions (Catholic, Reformed, Protestant, Orthodox, Anglican, Coptic, Hussite)
    [How to get them]
  • Curry Favors until 90 and "Request Relative as Heir" when their Ruler dies and the new one doesn't have a Heir.
  • Royal Marriage them while having higher Prestige, and wait for their ruler to die without a heir.
  • Claim Throne Method: Ruler in the target nation is from the same Dynasty, they have No Heir or a heir with Weak Claim, your prestige needs to be HIGHER than the target nation.
  • Heir Disinheriting Method: You will get a the dynasty Ruler from the highest Development Royal Marriage you have. Marry a nation of the Dynasty you want to obtain, wait for your Ruler to get old then disinherit your Heir, wage wars until your Ruler dies (to avoid succession war on your nation), this will make a noble from the target Dynasty to rule your nation.
    [How to control them]
  • Improve relations with them.
  • Be at war ALL the time, this will prevent them declaring independence.
  • Maintain your Prestige as high as possible. It will lower their Liberty Desire.
  • Give provinces bordering (land or water) them to lower their Liberty Desire. They will also deal with any rebellion on those provinces.
  • Don't let them get to 50% Liberty Desire or they will start making alliances.
  • If another country support their independence, Rival them and start a Humiliation war.
--- Development Cost Reduction Bonus
[-?%] - "All Power Costs" bonus includes Dev Cost. From Innovativeness and Golden Age.
[-5%] - Capital gives -5% Dev Cost per 100 Total Development in the Nation.
[-5%] - Trade Bonus for Tropical Wood gives -5% Dev Cost.
[-5%] - Local Organization "Jesuits" gives -5% Dev Cont in the entire State.
[-5%] - Centers of Trade level 2 gives -5% Dev Cost in the Province.
[-10%] - Centers of Trade level 3 gives -10% Dev Cost in the entire State.
[-10%] - Parliament Debate "Land Reform" gives -10% Dev Cost.
[-10%] - Trade Good "Cloth" or "Cotton" gives -10% Dev Cost on the province.
[-10%] - State Edict "Encourage Development" gives -10% Dev Cost.
[-10%] - States with Max Prosperity gives -10% Dev Cost.
[-15%] - Expand Infrastructure province option gives -15% Dev Cost each time its used.
[-15%] - Trade Company District "Foreign Influence" gives -15% Dev Cost in the entire State.
[-20%] - Universities gives -20% Dev Cost on the province.
[-20%] - Self-Governing Colonies gives -20% Dev Cost.

[-5%] - Clergy Estate Privilege "Development of Temples" gives -5% Dev Cost on provinces with Churches or Cathedrals built with the same Nation Religion.
[-?%] - Clergy Estate Privilege "Inward Perfection" gives -X% Dev Cost based on the amount of land the Clergy owns.
[-10%] - Burghers Estate Privilege "Tropical City Planning" gives -5% Dev Cost on provinces with Tropical Climate.
[-10%] - Burghers Estate with at least 50% loyalty gives -10% Dev Cost.
[-15%] - Cossack Estate Privilege "Cossack Exploration Expeditions" gives -15% Dev Cost

[-5%] - Catholic Pope can activate Golden Bulls "Christiana Pietas" gives -5% Dev Cost.
[-5%] - Protestant can choose Aspect "Organized Through Bishops" gives -5% Dev Cost.
[-10%] - Anglican Religion gives -10% Dev Cost.
[-10%] - Orthodox "Icon of Christ Pantocrator" gives -10% Dev Cost.
[-10%] - Muslim "Maliki" gives -10% Dev Cost.
[-10%] - Shinto at level 4 Isolationism gives -10% Dev Cost.
[-10%] - Confucian at 100 Harmony gives -10% Dev Cost. (-0.2% Dev Cost per point above 50 Harmony)

[Government Reforms]
[-5%] - Theocracies Tier 9 Reform "Expulsion of Heathens" gives -5% Dev Cost.
[-20%] - Government Reform Tier 1 "Free Cities" gives -20% Dev Cost.
--- Development Priorities
*** Never develop without a Development State Edict ***
The more developed a province gets, the more expensive it will be to develop. Because of that you should focus developing Manpower while also developing Production. Manpower is the most valuable type of development.

For economic value you should always prioritize Developing Production, not Tax.

[Base Tax Development]
Usually shouldn't be developed above 5, later into the game most of the income come from Production.

[Base Production Development]
Develop the following Provinces until 15 Total Dev, then click the "Expand Infrastructure". (Its the small "+" button on the right side of "Province Values" text.

Development Priority Order:
  1. Provinces with High Trade Value from Trade Goods. (Gold > Gems > Glass > Iron > Copper > Salt > etc...)
  2. Provinces in the Trade Node you have the highest % of control.
  3. Cheapest province to Develop.
For provinces with Gold don't develop above 10 (Check the Halving chance)

[Base Manpower Development]
Develop as much as you can, whenever possible.
Development Priority Order:
  1. Provinces with Highest Amount of base Manpower.
  2. Provinces with Accepted Cultures.
  3. Cheapest Province to Develop.
--- Construction Cost Reduction Bonus
[+?%] - Inflation increases the Construction Cost.

[-?%] - Missions, should be activated when building Manufactories.
[-5%] - Embracing Renaissance
[-5%] - Parliament Debate "Appropriate Land"
[-5%] - Expanded Infrastructure, per level.
[-10%] - Capital State
[-10%] - Ruler Trait "Architecture Visionary"
[-10%] - Orthodox Religion "Icon of Christ Pantocrator"
[-10%] - Catholic Religion Papal "Levy Church Tax"
[-10%] - Local Organization "Carthusians"
[-20%] - Provinces producing "Tropical Wood"
--- Buildings
Churches in the Early Game, increase Tax Income.
Marketplaces, increase Trade Power.
Workshops when Developing Provinces with Base Production
Regimental Camps, bigger armies without costing a kidney.
Shipyards, bigger navies without costing the other kidney.
Manufactories, equals to 5x Developing Provinces with Base Production.

Barracks, increases Manpower.
Soldier's Household on Food Provinces.

Below is each building category ranked by priority with what to build where, to get most of the bonuses.
Buildings marked with a "(***)" is from the category called "Manufactory" its in the bottom of the list in-game, you unlock them as you progress technologically and can only build one of them per province.

*Priority should be Stated Provinces > Cored Provinces > Territories.

[Trade Buildings]
[Marketplace] = Provinces with "Center of Trade" or "Rivers" icons.
Upgrade: Prioritize your main Trade Node first, following the Trade Nodes which flow to it.

[Taxation Buildings]
[Church] = Provinces that gives at least 0.10 coins.
Upgrade: Not worth it! When you get the ability to upgrade it, taxation won't be your main source of income anymore.
*Maybe upgrade it in provinces bordering other religions, so you can get the bonus for Missionary for a faster religion conversion.

[Production Buildings]
[Workshop] = Every Province.
Upgrade: Prioritize provinces with trade goods base price at least 3.00.
(***) [Manufactory] = Provinces with trade goods base price at least 3.00.
(Cloth, Copper, Glass, Iron, Salt, etc...)
(***) [Furnace] = Provinces with Coal.

[Army Buildings]
[Barracks] = Prioritize provinces with Fish, Grain, Livestock or Wine.
[Regimental Camp] = Provinces with Grain.
(***) [Soldier's Household] = Provinces with a Barrack built or the highest amount of manpower first.

[Navy Buildings]
[Dock] = Provinces with Fish or Naval Supplies.
[Shipyard] = Provinces with Docks or Every Province if you want to be a Maritime Power.
[Impressment Offices] = Provinces with Docks/Shipyards.

[Government Buildings]
[Courthouse] = Every Province.
Upgrade: Prioritize your Stated provinces > Cored provinces > Territories.

[University] Provinces you want to Develop (using mana points).

[Manufactory Buildings]
[Manufactory] = Provinces with trade goods base price above 3.00.
(Cloth, Copper, Glass, Iron, Salt, etc...)

[Defence Buildings]
[Castle] = Choke Points
(***) [Ramparts] = Provinces with Castle built or your Capital.

[State House]
--- Burgundy Inheritance Event
When Burgundy takes a Ruler called "Charles de Bourgogne" he has 95% probability of dying without a heir, so its a extremely easy [Personal Union] (PU) if you have a [Royal Marriage] with them by the time it happens, you also need to have a high amount of Prestige to get it.
If Burgundy sees you as a Rival, you can declare war and ask them to End Rivalry with you in the peace deals, after that Improve Relations and Royal Marriage when its available.

If other nation inherit it or get a PU, that's not the end of the world. Just capture one of the provinces which belonged to Burgundy and release it as a Subject to eventually start a Reconquest War.
--- (England) Great Britain - Build
- The Diplomacy -
Remember to Embargo your Rivals and to Send Insult (Scornful) to get +10 Power Projection from time to time.
  1. France
  2. Denmark
  3. Burgundy - (Only if they Rivaled you)
  4. Ottomans

  1. Austria - Strong ally
  2. Castile/Aragon -One of the two is most of the time available.
  3. Burgundy - Strong ally and the possibility to Inherit with the event.
  4. Portugal
• Improve Relations until 200, specially the Europeans for the mission "Mainland Alliances".
• Curry Favors until 10, to be able to "Call to Arms" on your wars. Later increase Favors until 90 with Portugal and Castile to "Request Relative as Heir" and Claim Throne to take their Colonies.
Request Marriage only after the event "The War of the Roses" have finished.

[Improve Relations]
  1. Papal State - To increase the yearly Papal Influence, spend it on "Sanction Commercial Monopoly" until you get 40 Mercantilism for the mission "Issue the Royal Warrant".
  2. HRE Electors - To join the HRE and be able to wage wars in the Lowland Countries.

[Request Marriage] - Burgundy when Charles is the Ruler and have no Heir, this will give you a Personal Union with them.

- The Events -
[The War of the Roses]
Choose the house with the best Ruler, then chase the rebel armies until the leader is captured.
Before taking the first +1 Stability from the event, complete the mission "War of the Roses" and boost your Stability until +1.

[The Surrender of Maine]
I rather deal with France in my own terms, so I usually sell Maine to Provence or Brittany. I don't like the event for the following reasons:
  • Date trigger is random, it could be in 1444 or decades later.
  • Can trigger while Conquering Ireland.
  • Can trigger before you are able to have enough Favors to call your allies.
  • Can trigger while you are Subjugating Scotland.
  • Can trigger while dealing with The War of the Roses.
  • Can trigger while most of the things above is happening at the same time.

But you have two choices:
  1. War w/ France - Don't surrender Maine, call your allies into the war. Complete the mission "The Hundred Years War" after the event.
  2. No War w/ France - Sell Maine to Provence/Brittany. Also by releasing Gascony as your Vassal, you can start a war with France whenever you like using the Reconquest CB.

[Destiny of England]
Keep the British Missions

[The Lollard Heresy]
Its best to stop them so you get the Yearly Papal Influence bonus, choose some buffs in the Papacy Screen when you get enough Influence. Also the negative relations can be one step closer to Coalitions if you get too much Aggressive Expansion.

[Margaret of Anjou]
If it triggers before "The War of the Roses" take the Advisor option.

- Parliament Debates -
List of good Debates to take, not necessarily in this order:
• Centralize Land Ownership > Reform the Government > Fund Expansion of Bureaucracy > Support the War Effort > Quartering of Troops

List of good Support options:
• Placate > Exempt Impressment > Mobilize Province > Bribe MP

- National Ideas -
  • Exploration Ideas (Diplo)
  • Expansion Ideas (Admin)
  • Religious Ideas (Admin)

- Estates Privileges -
Religious State
Primacy of the Nobility
Land of Commerce
Religious Diplomats
Increased Levies
Patronage of the Arts
Development of Temples
Supremacy over the Crown
Allow Burghers Economic Freedom
Clerical Education
Grant Court Position
Burghers Financial Demand
Monopoly on Wine
Strong Duchies
Commercial Advisory Board
Clerical Advisory Council
Aristocratic Counselors
Promote Burghers Bookkeping
Estabilish New World Missions
Nobility Expedition Rights
Grant New World Charters

- Government Reforms -
Some Tiers might have 2 reforms, that means you should switch to the second one after you completed all the Tiers.
Before Tier 10 Completed
After Tier 10 Completed
Tier 1
English Monarchy
Tier 2
Strengthened House of Lords
Tier 3
Expanded Royal Court
Tier 4
Expand Temple Rights
Tier 5
Royal Marines
Tier 6
General Estates
Tier 7
Tier 8
Tier 9
Tier 10

- Ages -
Age of Discovery
Age of Reformation
Justified Wars
Transfer Subject
Improved War Taxes
Higher Developed Provinces
--- (England) Great Britain - Opening Moves
- The Start - Opening Moves -
Every month you get new Debates
[Start Debate] - Centralize Land Ownership, wait for next month if its not available.
[Support] - Placate > Grant Title > Take Sides in Parliament > Mobilize Province > Bribe MP
[Place Seats] - Essex > Lincolnshire > York > Farmlands with Cloth or Cotton (-% Dev Cost)

[Summon the Diet]
  • Complete 3x Nobility Agendas, for mission "A House Divided"
  • Complete 3x Burghers Agendas, for mission "Acts of the Parliament"
  • Best Agenda available
[Seize Land] - Always use it when Estates have at least 50 loyalty can only be done while at peace, every 5 years
[Estates Privileges] - Remove Nobility Privilege "English Villeinage" if you got the Parliament Issue "Centralize Land Ownership"
  • Clergy: Religious State(+1 Mana), Religious Diplomats, Development of Temples, Clerical Education, Monopoly on Wine
  • Nobility: Primacy of the Nobility(+1 Mana), Increased Levies, Supremacy over the Crown, Grant Court Position
  • Burghers: Land of Commerce (+1 Mana), Patronage of the Arts, Allow Burghers Economic Freedom, Burghers Financial Demand, Indebted to the Burghers
[Sale of Titles] - The event "Estate Statutory Rights" will popup later, don't accept it.

[The Court]
[Court Advisors] - When its economically viable, promote them to at least Skill 3.
  • Administrative Advisor: Cheapest Monthly > National Unrest (Promote it to Skill 2)
  • Diplomatic Advisor: Cheapest Monthly > Diplomatic Reputation (Promote it to Skill 2)
  • Military Advisor: Cheapest Monthly > Morale of Armies
[National Focus] - Military Power

[Sell Province] - Sell Maine to Brittany for ~45 gold
[Mission] - "The Hundred Years War" Keep the British Mission Tree

[Raise War Taxes] - Enable

[Decisions and Policies]
[National Decision] - "Burghers: Ask for Contribution"

[Defender of the Faith] - Enable

[Naval Doctrine] - Ship Boarding, sell some ships if it becomes too expensive to maintain, good source of income.

[Mercenaries - Recruit] - The "Free Company" in Lancashire province, use the Mercenaries to attack, preserve your Manpower.
[Give Ruler Military Command] - Commanding England Army, use it only to support the Mercenaries and to siege.
[Army-Move] - Lancashire and Chester
[Army-Disband] - 3x Cavalry
[Army-Group] - Group 16x Infantry and 4x Cavalry into a single Army.

Add Light Ships captured to the "Protect Trade" fleet.
[Build Ships] - Build a Light Ship Flagship with the following traits: Trade Route Map, Standardized Signal Book, Spare Jolly Roger
[Navy] - Move the Heavy Ships w/ Transports to Lancashire
[Navy - Mission] - Set the Light Ships to [Protect Trade] in the English Channel, enable [Go to Port during War]

Complete Objectives in "Age of Discovery" panel.
[State Edicts - Encourage Development] - Yorkshire, East Midlands (Change it to "Protect Trade" after developing)
[State Edicts - Defensive Edict] - Picardy, Normandy, Gascony (Only if you didn't sell Maine)
[State Edicts - Protect Trade] - London, West Midlands, Picardy, Normandy
[Destroy - Forts] - London, Montgomery, Calais
[Decrease Local Autonomy] - All provinces available
[Development] - Until 10 Total Development = York and Lincolnshire, using Diplo/Military Points
[Buildings] - Upgrade Center of Trade = Calais, Cotentin, York, Lincolnshire
--- (England) Great Britain - Objectives
# The Years of 1444 ~ 1499 #
[Rival] - France, Scotland, Burgundy (If is a Rival), Denmark > Ottomans
[Send Insult (Scornful)] - France
[Offer Alliance] - Austria, Castile/Aragon, Burgundy (If is not a Rival)
[Offer Military Access] - All allies
[Issue Embargo] - All rivals
[Curry Favors] - All allies until 10
[Improve Relations] - All allies, Papal State (for Papal Influence bonus)
[Curry Favors] - Portugal and Castile until 90.

[The Conquest of Ireland]
Wipe out all the armies before besieging the provinces. Use the Heavy ships to help with the sieges.
[Mission] - "Raise an Army" (Before December 10)
[Declare War] - Irish Countries, in every month at the same day (Starting December 11). Conquer the whole Ireland
[Peace Deal] - All Provinces + Money
[Unstate] - Leinster
[Concentrate Development] - Use it in all Ireland States
[Mission] - "Conquer Ireland"
[National Decision] - "Parliament: Crown of Ireland Act", Choose the Ireland Personal Union for the permanent bonuses
[Navy-Sell Ships] - Sell excess ships to Lowlands countries for ~30 gold.

[The War of the Roses]
Choose the house with the best Ruler, then chase the rebel armies until the leader is captured.
[National Decision] - "Designate Calais as The Staple Port"
[Mission] - "War of the Roses"
[Mission] - "The Royal Court"
[Boost Stability] - Boost to +1 Before clicking the first +1 Stability Event
[Estates Privileges] - (After the end of War of the Roses)
  • Clergy: "Clerical Advisory Council"
  • Nobility: "Aristocratic Counselors"
  • Burghers: "Commercial Advisory Board"
[Royal Marriage] - All allies

(Optional) [Excommunication of Provence]
• Build Spy Network until you can Fabricate Claim
[Fabricate Claim] - Anjou
[Declare War-Provence] - Take Anjou
[Peace Deal-Provence] - Make Vassal, Money

(Alternate Path) [The Surrender of Maine]
For those who didn't sell Maine
• Build Spy Network and survive in Caen until you can call your allies.
[Mission] - "The Hundred Years War"
[Research Tech] - Military Tech 4, when available
[State Edict-Defensive Edict] - Picardy, Normandy, Gascony
[Peace Deal-France] - Union with France + Pillage Orleans Capital + Province Armagnac + Money
[Mission] - "End the French Conflict"
[Estate Privileges] - Nobility: "Strong Duchies"
[Diplomacy-France] - Improve Relations
[State Edict-Remove] - Gascony, and change Normandy Edict to "Protect Trade"
[Destroy-Forts] - Caen, Labourd, Northumberland

[The Reconquest of Gascony]
• Build Spy Network, let your Allies do the work.
[Army-Move] - Normandy
[Seize Land] - Before starting the war
[Unstate] - Guyenne and Gascony
[Concentrate Development] - Both States above
[Diplomacy-England] - Release Vassal (Gascony)
[Estates Privileges] - Nobility: "Strong Duchies"
[Declare War-France] - Reconquest CB and Call to War your allies
[Peace Deal-France] - Gascony's cores, Humiliate Rival, Pillage Capital, War Reparations
[Subjects-Gascony] - Enable Scutage
[Decrease Local Autonomy] - All Available
[Destroy-Fort] - Caen
[Build-Marketplace] - Cotentin, Caux
[Mission] - "End the French Conflict"

[Subjugation of Scotland]
If France joined the war, deal with Scotland first.
• Build Spy Network and use the Heavy ships to help with the sieges.
[Army-Move] - Scotland Border
[Destroy-Fort] - Northumberland
[Declare War-Scotland] - Subjugation CB
[Peace Deal-Scotland] - Make Vassal, Revoke Cores "Isle of Mann"
[Peace Deal-France] - War Reparations, Money
[Subjects-Scotland] - Enable Scutage
[Mission] - "Subjugate Scotland"
[Mission] - "Unify the Isles"
[Diplomacy-Scotland] - Improve Relations > Royal Marriage

[The Conquest of Iceland and Faroe Island]
• Build Spy Network and use the Heavy ships to help with the sieges.
[Rival] - Denmark
[Declare War-Denmark] - Take Claims
[Peace Deal-Denmark] - Your claims, War Reparations, Money
[Diplomacy-Scotland] - Give Province (Faroe Island)

[The Exploration Begins]
[Mission] - "Abolish Villeinage" if you got rid of the Nobility Privilege
[Mission] - "Found the Royal Navy" with this you get a Explorer
[Navy-Explorer] - Explore = America East Coast, Caribbean
[Army-Conquistador] - Create 2 armies of 3x Infantry = Send them to the New World to "Hunt for the Seven Cities"

[Annexation of Gascony]
[National Focus] - Diplomatic Power
[Diplomacy-Gascony] - Annex Vassal

[Humiliate Rival: Burgundy]
• Build Spy Network
[Declare War - Burgundy] - Humiliate CB
[Peace Deal] - Vassal one of the Low Countries (Flanders, Holland, Brabant), End Rivalry England, War Reparations, Money
[Mission] - "English Superiority"
[Diplomacy-Burgundy] - Improve Relations > Royal Marriage > Offer Alliance

[Annexation of Scotland]
[Diplomacy-Scotland] - Annex Vassal

# The Years of 1500 ~ 1600 #
[Integration of Ireland]
[Integrate] - Ireland

[Colonizing Canada]
[National Ideas] - "Expansion Ideas"
[Mission] - "Discover the Americas"

[Colonizing The Caribbean]
[Mission] - "Colonize the Caribbean"

# The Year of 1500 #
Start Golden Era

[Becoming the Great Britain]
[Mission] - "The Acts of Union"
--- Portugal - Build
- The Diplomacy -
Remember to Embargo your Rivals and to Send Insult (Scornful) to get +10 Power Projection from time to time.
  1. Morocco
  2. Tlemcen
  3. Tunis
  4. Granada

[Alliances & Improve Relations]
Offer Alliance > Royal Marriage > Offer Military Access > Improve Relations > Trade Favors for Trust.
  1. [The Papal State] - Maintain high relations (200) to increase the yearly Papal Influence, spend it on "Levy Church Tax" and "Proclaim Holy War" in the beginning. Also gives rights of colonization, increasing the Settler Chance.
  2. [Castile] - A strong neighboring nation which you rather have by your side at the beginning. Maintain high relations (200).
  3. [England] - Starting Ally, good to keep them around if/when you want to conquer the Iberian Peninsula. Also keep at least +100 relations to complete the mission "English Alliance" when you want to conquer Castile/Spain.

- The Events -

- National Ideas -
  • Exploration Ideas (Diplomatic Power)
  • Expansion Ideas (Administrative Power)
  • Religious Ideas (Administrative Power)

- Estates Privileges -
Religious State
Primacy of the Nobility
Land of Commerce
Religious Diplomats
Increased Levies
Patronage of the Arts
Clerical Education
Supremacy over the Crown
Allow Burghers Economic Freedom
Clerical Advisory Council
Grant Court Position
Burghers Financial Demand
Monopoly on Wine
Monopoly on Livestock
Commercial Advisory Board
Estabilish New World Missions
Aristocratic Counselors
Grant New World Charters
Nobility Expedition Rights

- Government Reforms -
Some Tiers might have 2 reforms, that means you should switch to the second one after you completed all the Tiers.
Before Tier 10 Completed
After Tier 10 Completed
Tier 1
Portuguese Monarchy
Tier 2
Curtail Noble Privileges
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Tier 8
Tier 9
Tier 10

- Ages -
Age of Discovery
Age of Reformation
Portuguese Colonial Growth
--- Portugal - Opening Moves
- The Start - Opening Moves -
[Summon the Diet] - Best Agenda available.
[Seize Land] - Always use it when Estates have at least 50 loyalty can only be done while at peace, every 5 years.
[Estates Privileges]
  • Clergy: Religious State(+1 Mana), Religious Diplomats, Development of Temples, Clerical Education, Monopoly on Wine.
  • Nobility: Primacy of the Nobility(+1 Mana), Increased Levies, Supremacy over the Crown, Grant Court Position.
  • Burghers: Land of Commerce (+1 Mana), Patronage of the Arts, Indebted to the Burghers, Private Trade Fleets, Allow Burghers Economic Freedom, Burghers Financial Demand.

[The Court]
[National Focus] - Diplomatic Power.
[Court Advisors] - When its economically viable, promote them to at least Skill 3.
  • Administrative Advisor: Gomes Eanes de Zurara (50% Cheaper) > Cheapest Monthly.
  • Diplomatic Advisor: Cheapest Monthly.
  • Military Advisor: Cheapest Monthly.

[Raise War Taxes] - Enable.

[Naval Doctrine] - Portuguese Marines.
[Slacken Recruiting Standards] - Enable.

[Army-Recruit] - Build up to Army Force Limit, +5 Infantry units.

Add Light Ships captured to the "Protect Trade" fleet.
[Build Ships] - Build a Light Ship Flagship with the following traits: Portuguese Navigators, Portuguese Bombardier, Portuguese Trade Route Map
[Navy-Mission] - Set the Light Ships to [Protect Trade] in the Sevilla, enable [Go to Port during War]

Complete Objectives in "Age of Discovery" panel.
[States-Edicts] - Protect Trade: Alentejo, Beiras, North Morocco
[Destroy - Forts] - Lisboa, Évora
[Decrease Local Autonomy] - All provinces available
--- Portugal - Objectives
# The Years of 1444 ~ 1499 #
[Rival] - Morocco > Tunis > Tlemcen > Granada
[Send Insult (Scornful)] - Morocco
[Alliances] - The Papal States, Castile, England
[Offer Military Access] - All allies.
[Issue Embargo] - All rivals.
[Curry Favors] - All allies until 10
[Improve Relations] - All allies, specially The Papal State (for Papal Influence bonus)
[Curry Favors] - Castile until 90.
[Royal Marriage] - All allies.

[States-Local Organization] - After Admin Tech 5 = Benedictines: Alentejo, Beiras.

[The Exploration Begins]
[Navy-NewFleet] - The Flagship + 2x Light Ships into a separate fleet lead by a Explorer (Diogo Gomes).
[Navy-Mission] - Send the Explorer fleet to [Explore].
[Mission] - "Competitive Advantage".
[Mission] - "Launch a Flagship".

[1447 - 1st Morocco War]
Build Spy Network to Siege faster
Use your Flagship to support coastal sieges, order Naval Barrages its 90% cheaper!
[DeclareWar-Morocco] - Conquest CB
[PeaceDeal-MoroccoAllies] - Humiliate, War Reparations, Money.
[PeaceDeal-Morocco] - Melilha, Tétouan, Tangier, Salé, Humiliate, War Reparations, Money.
[Mission] - "Conquer Tangiers"

[Colonization of Cape Verde]
Don't upgrade to Diplomatic Tech 5, save Diplo points for the first two Idea traits.
[Ideas] - Exploration Ideas
[Native Policy] - Native Repression Policy
[Mission] - "Beyond Cape Bojador"
[Send Colonist] - Cape Verde
  • Clergy Privileges: Establish New World Missions
  • Nobility Privileges: Nobility Expedition Rights
[Army-Recruit] - 2x Marines
[National Decision] - "Nobility: Recruit Conquistador"
[Army-Move] - Group your 2x Marines lead by the Conquistador and send them to Central America to "Hunt for the Seven Cities".

[Jolof War]
Build Spy Network to Fabricate Claim and Siege faster.
[Fabricate Claim] - Cayor
[DeclareWar-Jolof] - Conquer Cayor CB
[PeaceDeal-Jolof] - Trarza, Cayor, Siine

[Colonization of the Americas Begins]
--- Ottomans Build
- The Diplomacy -
Remember to Embargo your Rivals and to Send Insult (Scornful) to get +10 Power Projection from time to time.
  1. Venice
  2. Mamluks
  3. Hungary

[Alliances & Improve Relations]
Offer Alliance > Royal Marriage > Offer Military Access > Improve Relations > Trade Favors for Trust.
  1. [Crimea] - Mission "Crimean Destiny"
  2. [Bohemia] - To help against Austria or Hungary
  3. [France] - To help against Aragon/Castile (Only ally after their war with England ended)

- The Events -
Fate of the Patriarchate
- Close down the Patriarchate

- National Ideas -
  • Influence Ideas

- Estates Privileges -
Religious State
Establish Religious School
Grant Local Residence to Scholar
Clerical Education
Religious Diplomat
Primacy of Umera
Increased Levies
Supremacy over the Sublime Porte
Grant Court Positions
Strong Duchies
Merchant Guilds
Land of Commerce
Indebted to the Merchant Guilds
Patronage of the Arts

- Government Reforms -
Some Tiers might have 2 reforms, that means you should switch to the second one after you completed all the Tiers.
Before Tier 10 Completed
After Tier 10 Completed
Tier 1
Ottoman Government
Tier 2
Devshirme System
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Tier 8
Tier 9
Tier 10

- Ages -
Age of Discovery
Age of Reformation
Justified Wars
--- Ottomans Opening Moves
- The Start - Opening Moves -
[Summon the Diet] - Best Agenda available.
[Seize Land] - Always use it when Estates have at least 50 loyalty can only be done while at peace, every 5 years.
[Estates Privileges]
  • Ulema: Religious State(+1 Mana) + Establish Religious Schools + Grant Local Residence to Scholar
  • Umera: Primacy of the Nobility(+1 Mana)
  • Merchant Guilds: Land of Commerce (+1 Mana) + Indebted to the Merchant Guilds

[The Court]
[National Focus] - Military Power.
[Court Advisors] - When its economically viable, promote them to at least Skill 3.
  • Administrative Advisor: Cheapest Monthly.
  • Diplomatic Advisor: Diplomatic Reputation > Cheapest Monthly.
  • Military Advisor: None, wait for the "Urban" advisor event.

[Diplomacy-Ragusa] - Revoke Guarantee
[Diplomacy-Wallachia] - Proclaim Guarantee
[Diplomacy-Bosnia] - Proclaim Guarantee

[Raise War Taxes] - Enable.

[Decisions & Policies]
[National Decisions] - "Adopt the Title of Khalifa" + "Denouncement of Sect Practices" + "Enforce Religious Unity".

[Convert] - Add your emissaries to Autonomous Converting.
[Defender of the Faith] - Enable

[Naval Doctrine] - Great Turkish Navy
[Slacken Recruiting Standards] - Enable.

[Army-Recruit] - Recruit 10x Janissaries Infantry
[Mission] - "Train the Janissaries"
[Mission] - "Refill the Ortas"
[Army-Recruit General] - Recruit 1x General, with a total of 2 Generals leading armies for the mission "Aftermath of Varna" when it triggers.

[Navy-Group] - Group up your ships.
[Build Ships] - Build Galleys and Transport until 20 total each.
[Mission] - "The Crescent Fleet".

Complete Objectives in "Age of Discovery" panel.
[Destroy - Forts] - Sugla, Kocaeli, Ankara (Except Selanik, Gelibolu)
--- Ottomans Objectives
# The Years of 1444 ~ 1499 #
[Rival] - Venice > Mamluks > Hungary
[Send Insult (Scornful)] - Mamluks
[Alliances] - Crimea, Bohemia, France (After their war with England ended)
[Offer Military Access] - All allies.
[Issue Embargo] - All rivals.
[Royal Marriage] - Crimea
[Improve Relations] - Crimea until 150 for mission "Crimean Destiny"
[Curry Favors] - Crimea = Trade Favors for Trust until 60.
[Mission] - "Crimean Destiny"
[Improve Relations] - All allies

[The Victory over the Varna Crusade]
[Mission] - "Aftermath of Varna".

[The Siege Engineer Urban]
Accept the Event and hire him as your Military Advisor.
[Mission] - "The Guns of Urban".

[War - Byzantium & Greece]
Build Spy Network to Siege faster
[Event] - "Fall of Constantinople" = Annihilate all remnants of Byzantium.
[DeclareWar-Byzantium] - Conquest = Take Constantinople CB
[DeclareWar-Epirus] - Conquest = Take Arta CB
[PeaceDeal-Byzantium] - All Provinces + Money.
[PeaceDeal-Epirus] - All Provinces + Money.
[National Decisions] - "Integrate Galata" + "Make Constantinople Capital"
[Mission] - "City of World's Desire"
[Mission] - "Reign in Greece"
[Building-Upgrade] - Konstatiniyye Center of Trade, Atina Center of Trade
[Decrease Autonomy] - All available provinces.
[Overextension] - Core Provinces (After Upgrading Admin Tech to 4)
[Destroy-Fort] - Anabolu (After Devastation is at 0.0)

[War - Anatolian Conquest]
[DeclareWar-Candar] - Conquest = Take Kastamonu CB
[PeaceDeal-Candar] - All Provinces + Money.
[Release Subject] - Candar > Promote to Eyalet

[DeclareWar-Ramazan] - Conquest = Take Adana CB
[PeaceDeal-Ramazan] - All Provinces + Money.
[Release Subject] - Ramazan > Promote to Eyalet

[DeclareWar-Dulkadir] - Conquest = Take Divigri CB
[PeaceDeal-Dulkadir] - All Provinces + Money.
[Mission] - "Conquer the Beyliks"
[Release Subject] - Dulkadir > Promote to Eyalet
[Destroy-Fort] - Sinop (After Devastation is at 0.0)

[DeclareWar-Aq Qoyunlu] - Conquest = Mush CB
[PeaceDeal-Aq Qoyunlu] - All Provinces + Money
[Release Subject] - Aq Qoyunlu > Promote to Eyalet

[DeclareWar-Trebizond] - Conquest = Trebizond CB
[PeaceDeal-Trebizond] - All Provinces + Money
[Release Subject] - Trebizond > Promote to Eyalet

[DeclareWar-Karaman] - Conquest = Take Karaman CB
[PeaceDeal-Karaman] - All Provinces + Money.
[Release Subject] - Karaman > Promote to Eyalet
[Mission] - Unify Anatolia

[War - Defeat the Mamluks]
Build Spy Network to Siege faster
[Mercenary-Recruit] - Grand Company
[DeclareWar-Syria] - Conquest = Antakiya CB
[PeaceDeal-Mamluks] - Antakiya, Tarabulus, Sayda, Jaffa, Al-Quds + Money
[Release Subject] - Lebanon/Syria> Promote to Eyalet
[Mission] - "Defeat the Mamluks"

[War - Cyprus]
[DeclareWar-Cyprus] - Conquest = Cyprus CB
[Mercenary-Move] - Rush to Mamluks Capital to capture it, siege nerby forts if needed.
[PeaceDeal-Mamluks] - White Peace (To reduce the Truce timer from 15 to 5 years)
[PeaceDeal-Cyprus] - All Provinces + Money.

[War - Balkan Conquest]
[DeclareWar-Serbia] - Conquest = Kosovo CB (Co-belligerent Bosnia)
[PeaceDeal-Hungary] - White Peace

  • Ulema: Religious State(+1 Mana), Religious Diplomats, Grant Local Residence to Scholar (Aggressive Expansion), Freedom of Interpretation, Clerical Education.
  • Umera: Primacy of the Nobility(+1 Mana), Increased Levies, Grant Court Position.
  • Merchant Guilds: Land of Commerce (+1 Mana), Patronage of the Arts, Indebted to the Burghers, Private Trade Fleets, Allow Burghers Economic Freedom, Burghers Financial Demand.
(OLD) British Empire - TLDR Strategy
*** Cleaning Up ***

Holy Roman Empire: Dismantling or Join it?
Taking one of the two options is important if you plan on conquering the Low Countries region to consolidate your Trade Node or to simply conquer Europe.

Dismantling the HRE
To dismantle the HRE you need to occupy the Emperor’s and Elector’s Capitals, so the more Electors are allied with you the less amount of Capitals you’ll need to occupy.
The easiest way to dismantle the HRE is by allying all the Electors and declare war on the Emperor and taking the Capital.
After sieging down the Capitals the button "Dismantle HRE" on the HRE Screen will be available.
*Spend your Prestige before clicking the button, since it will reward you with 100 Prestige. Best way would be to spend it on your “Vassals/Personal Unions” by using “Placate Local Rulers” to lower their Liberty Desire.

Joining the HRE
To join the HRE you need to improve your relations in every way possible with every Elector so they can vote for you to become the Emperor.
Castile - Step by Step
November 1444
[Court - National Focus] Administrative Power
[Court - Advisors] Administrative = Stability Cost Modifier -10% >
[Diplomacy - Rivals] England, France, Morocco.
[Estates] Seize Lands
[Estates] Summon the Diet
[Estates - Clergy] Add Privilege "Religious Diplomats", "Clerical Education",
[Estates - Nobility] Add Privilege "Increased Levies", "Supremacy over the Crown", "Grant Court Positions".
[Estates - Burghers] Add Privilege "Indebted to the Burghers", "Allow Burghers Economic Freedom", "Burghers Financial Demand", "Promote Burghers Bookkeeping", "Private Trade Fleets".
[Military - Select Naval Doctrine] Grand Armada
[Diplomacy - The Papal States] Alliance
[Diplomacy - Navarra] Alliance
[Diplomacy - Aragon] Alliance
[Army] Give Ruler Military Command
[Army] Give Heir Military Command
[Army] Field one of your armies with 20 Infantry and 4 Cavalry.
[Army] Field the other army with 11 Infantry and 4 Cavalry.
[Navy] Select your Barques Fleet and add more 3 Barques. Then send them to Protect Trade on Sevilla.
[Navy] Build a Flagship with the following traits: "Trade Route Map", "Standardized Signal Book", "Spare Jolly Roger". Add this ship to the Barques Fleet.
[Navy] Select the Combat Fleet and set then to Hunt Pirates in Sevilla.
[State - Edicts] Enable edict "Protect Trade" on North Castile, Lower Andalucia, Toledo
[Province - La Mancha] Improve Base Production to level 10, so you get more money out of the Gold Mine.

December 1444
[Diplomacy - Navarra] Royal Marriage
[Diplomacy - Portugal] Alliance
[Diplomacy - Burgundy] Alliance

January 1445
[Diplomacy - Navarra] Send Gift
[Diplomacy - Portugal] Royal Marriage
[Diplomacy - Burgundy] Royal Marriage

February 1444
[Diplomacy - Navarra] Influence Nation

March 1444
[Diplomacy - Navarra] Offer Military Access

July 1444
[Diplomacy - Navarra] Offer Vassalization

The Infants of Aragon Event
Stand with the King and crush the rebel armies. (Do it Fast or more events to spawn more rebels will trigger)
[Stability and Expasion] Increase your Stability back to 0 after defeating the Rebel armies.
[Stability and Expasion] Increase your Stability to 1 after the Event is completed.

La Reconquista - Granada War
[Declare War - Granada] Conquer all the provinces from Granada.
[Diplomacy - Granada] Build Spy Network to siege faster.
[Diplomacy - Morocco] Build Spy Network to siege faster.
[Army] Siege the enemies Castles and provinces, if you have a general with Siege Skill, use it. Also click "Detach Siege" and let only the necessary amount of troops on siege.
[Navy] Select the Combat Fleet and blockade the Gibraltar Strait, to block the Morocco Army from moving into Castile territory.

The Iberian Wedding

[Estates - Nobility] Add Privilege "Strong Duchies".

North Africa Wars

Restore Union with Naples

Union with Portugal

[National Ideas] Aristocratic
SkeL  [author] Sep 9, 2023 @ 8:57am 
Im waiting for a Paradox sale to buy the last 2 remaining DLCs of EU4 so I can continue this guide.
SkeL  [author] Aug 7, 2023 @ 7:12pm 
@One-Snowman Beware this isn't updated, 1.34.5 was before the overhaul Paradox did to England.
One-Snowman Aug 5, 2023 @ 7:14am 
great work thank you !
Cap'n Stabby Apr 1, 2023 @ 1:44pm 
It did used to be true. They changed it, I believe with the Sweden updates. I can't find the DD

I had Independance war trigger twice today, once where I was third party weakening the overlord. Also, I just started a game as Sweden, waited for Denmark to be at war, and attacked him immediately. Feel free to test it out, takes 5 minutes.

That wasn't judging, just factual.
SkeL  [author] Apr 1, 2023 @ 1:20pm 
@Cap'n Stabby
Why? I got this information from multiple sources (Forum posts, YT videos), didn't extensively tested it but I never lost a PU to independence even when they were at 100%.
And don't judge a entire guide just because of one "possible mistake".
Cap'n Stabby Apr 1, 2023 @ 10:15am 
"• Be at war ALL the time, this will prevent them declaring independence."
This guide is out of date already.
Jehovah's Thickness Mar 25, 2023 @ 3:09pm 
Great Guide Man:steamthumbsup: