Call of Duty: Black Ops

Call of Duty: Black Ops

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Basic rules of survival.
starlight (#FixTF2) tarafından
For the people who have never played COD zombies before and are dying to pick up a 13+ year old game to start.

This guide was made for new players in mind. My goal is for new players to have a clear, convenient all-in-one tutorial when playing Zombies. If you are a veteran, you probably won't find anything useful here.
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A little about me
I've played this game on and off for about 10 years, started on PS3 then moved on to PC. Where I still play today. As of right now, I have about 100 hours on this account.

I almost always play solo, unless I'm with a friend. I can't say much about playing with randoms.

On all maps I typically last until about round 15-20. My most common cause of death is getting trapped, surrounded by a huge horde, and getting my booty torn up like it's Christmas morning.
Starting off

So this is probably you. You spawn into a dark room that has no power, this will happen a lot.

In most maps, you will find 3 things you can buy upon starting the game:
  • M14, (Rifle)
  • Olympia (Double barreled shotgun)
  • Quick Revive

Many CoD players like to debate whether the Rifle or the Shotgun is better, much like that vampire and werewolf love story written by a crazy Mormon woman. Don't listen to those people.

You can use either of them, hell if you get enough points you can even buy both of them. I've done this on many runs.

The M14 is a personal favorite of mine because it allows you to shoot the zombies from afar.

The Olympia also pretty good for close range. Such as when a zombie has either broken in or is trying to break in. On lower rounds, it's also easier to kill 2-3 zombies with a single shot.

The quick revive is great if you're just starting out and don't know your way around the map. Think of it as "Noob Insurance".

It effectively gives you a second chance when you go down. It can also be used if Juggernog is not easily accessible (ie: "Five")

However there are some drawbacks:
  • When you get up, even though all the zombies have moved away from you, all of your perks will be gone. If you happened to have gone down at a later round, you'll probably be boned.
  • It also takes up a perk slot that could be used for another perk that can keep you from getting downed in the first place.
  • The perk can only be used 3 times before the perk literally snaps out of existence.
  • And in order to get the most out of QR, you're almost forced to camp the spawn area. Which can get you killed.

Besides that, your first priority should be accumulating enough points to open doors so you get the power on. That's where the real fun begins!
Barricades are a great way of scoring easy points and keeping the zombies out on early rounds. But after late rounds, you're better off not bothering with them since zombies get quicker and more numerous.

If a zombie is trying to tear down a barricade, you can stall it by spamming the use key.

On "Five" you can destroy glass windows to repair them with wooden barriers.

Carpenter repairs all barriers on the map.

The Best way to Engage
Firstly, no matter which guns you buy you should always be on the move.

Always keep a lookout for doors, and "holes" in the zombie horde that will let you zip right past them.

The zombies in this game are not very bright. They always move in a straight line towards you, and rely on strength in numbers to surround and kill you.

The trick to getting good at this game is learning map layouts, which doors can be opened for how much. And knowing how the zombies work so you can "dodge" them (ie: running past them). It's also vital that you think on your feet. Being able to quickly make decisions on where to go and what to buy will help you improve in the long run.

If a zombie is right in front of your face, you messed up and are about to die.

Do everything you can to avoid being in their face, especially before you get Juggernog.

If you are about 6 feet away from a zombie (or not within clawing distance), they messed up up and are probably about to die. Guns are ranged weaponry, and since zombies don't have guns (yet) they won't be able to do anything as long as you keep your distance.

This is how far you should stand when you are shooting zombies. Doesn't have to be exactly this distance, a good rule of thumb is just making sure you are far enough where the zombie can't easily run up and maul you.

With shotguns you should be about this close. Getting closer can help you do more damage, but just keep in mind it'll be easier for the zombie to attack you.

PROTIP: When you are reloading, watch your ammo counter. Once you're ammo is refilled (even though the animation is not done yet) you can "skip" the reload by quickly switching weapons or sprinting.
The health of zombies increases with every round. Zombies start with 150 health on Round 1, and gain 100 health every round until round 9. Upon reaching round 10, their health is given a 1.1 multiplier every round.

For example, a zombie has 550 health on Round 5, 1045 on Round 10, 2710 on Round 20, 47295 on Round 50 and 5552108 on Round 100.

Damage Multipliers
With any weapon, damage is applied to zombies. A head or neck attack will multiply weapon damage by 2.0, a chest or torso attack will multiply weapon damage by 1.5, and a limb or groin attack will multiply weapon damage by 1.0. It's recommended to use a LMG or other good high damaging/amount of ammo clip weapons and to use them when training zombies

Other useful info:
Sometimes a headless zombie will keep walking and continue to take damage every second until they die, upon which the full 100 points for the headshot is awarded.

Furthermore, it may take several more hits to finally die, depending on current round and amount of time it's been headless.

They get faster as time goes on.
Astronaut Zombie
An Astronaut Zombie grabs and head-butts any player that gets too close, causing them to teleport to a random point on the map. In addition to this, it will take a random perk (though typically the first one received), re-arrange the order of the perks the player still has, and critically damage the player's health.

Astronaut Zombies do not react when shot, and they move very slowly, similar to a Napalm Zombie.

Astronaut Zombies can spawn on any round, at any time, as long as the player is on the Moon.

Best way to defeat them is to keep your distance and unload your gun into him until he explodes.

Only appears on Ascension. When the monkey round occurs, the player will hear a buzzer in the beginning of the round, and the map will turn in a yellow-orange tint. "Warning. Re-entry detected. All security personnel on high alert."

The monkeys arrive in lunar landers crashing onto the ground.

They occur every four to five rounds after a perk has been bought. They steal the players' perks in the form of attacking the various perk machines, and can also damage and kill the player.

The Space Monkeys will attack a perk machine until the player loses their perk. Once the machine has been disabled, the player must re-buy the perk. The last Space Monkey, upon death, will drop a Max Ammo, and also a Random Perk Bottle if the players successfully kill all monkeys without having any machines damaged.

Monkeys have two different attacks: close range which is strong, and long range which will cause the player to become dazed and weakened.

Once a monkey has taken out a perk machine, any monkeys involved in breaking it do not appear to be able to break any other perk machines and will exclusively target players.

They can also throw back grenades.

I hate this mini-boss, they always drive me bananas.

Napalm Zombies have a higher damage threshold and take significantly more bullets to dispose of than normal zombies.

Napalm Zombies explode violently upon death, leaving behind a small patch of napalm that will harm players and zombies if touched.

This can be used to the player's advantage. A player can run up to the Napalm Zombie and back up quickly while in a narrow chokepoint that many zombies go through. The Napalm Zombie will explode with minimal damage to the player(s) while killing all zombies that go through the fire.

When a player is near a Napalm Zombie, the outer edges of their screen will turn orange. If a player is too close to a Napalm Zombie, it will explode and can kill the player even if they have Juggernog if they are close enough.

In "Five", Yuri Zavoyski appears as the Pentagon Thief. He will teleport onto the map at certain rounds after the power has been turned on and will attempt to steal players' weapons. He cannot hurt the players.

When he steals a player's weapon, he teleports that player and himself to the power room.

If he steals one weapon from each player and manages to escape, a Max Ammo is placed in the electricity room.

If the player kills him after taking a player's weapon, he will give the players their weapons back, and drop a Max Ammo and a Fire Sale; if he is killed before stealing any weapons, the Fire Sale will be replaced by a Bonfire Sale.

George A. Romero
Appears in Call of the Dead

Calm State:
When first appearing, Romero is calmly walking around while groaning as a massive blue aura surrounds him.

Berserk State:
If he is damaged or he hits a player while not in water, Romero transforms into his berserk state. This state involves chasing the players while swinging his broken stagelight, roaring spontaneously, and distracting the player from the other zombies until he is reverted to his usual calm state by luring him to the water.

He also can electrify surrounding zombies in this state by striking the ground with his Stagelight weapon, allowing the zombies to give off an electric charge if they get too close.

Romero's health does not increase throughout the higher rounds. But he does have an astronomically high health pool (250k HP). As a solo player, you probably don't have a lot of hope in beating him. So your best bet is to run really far away from him and avoid shooting near him if he is nearby.

If you really want to kill him, your best shot might be the Pack-A-Punched Dragonov with it's 10k damage per headshot. Death Machine, Upgraded Ray Gun, and Upgraded LMG's might work too.

Appears on every other map. There will be a heavy fog covering the map when they spawn.

They randomly spawn throughout the map (a ball of lightning will usually indicate whenever they spawn) in packs of two to four (depending on the amount of players) every four to five rounds and their sole objective is to kill the player by attacking with their teeth and claws or by exploding after death.

There are two variants of the Hellhound: the flaming Hellhound, which on top of being perpetually on fire will explode on death, and the normal Hellhound, that simply falls to the ground and will not explode when killed. When the last Hellhound in their special round is killed, it will always drop a Max Ammo power-up.
Turning On The Power
The first map with a power switch. It is located on the complete opposite side of the map. The switch is on the opposite side of the room of the Mystery Box. Using it opens the door dividing the two starting rooms.

Der Riese
The switch can be found in the courtyard attached to a giant generator. Using it lowers a bridge that connects the second floor of the two sides and opens two doors, letting players move from the courtyard to this area directly instead of going through whichever side they unlocked. It also lets the players use the teleporters.

Kino der Toten
The switch is backstage, next to the M16. Using it draws back the curtain, opens the door in the lobby and activates the projector. It also lets Crawler Zombies spawn from then on. It then allows the player(s) to link and use the teleporter.

It is found in the central room in the basement. Using it unlocks the teleporters and the DEFCON Switches. It also lets the Pentagon Thief and the Nova Crawlers spawn.

Located on the top floor of the main building. Using it activates the Lunar Landers and changes the game from black and white to color. It also allows Space Monkeys to spawn.

Call of the Dead
It is in the uppermost part of the ship. It lets the players use the Flinger and start the Original Characters Trapped Easter egg. It also allows Pack-A-Punch to begin spawning.

Two power switches are located underground near the Bowie Knife where the water falls from the ceiling to turn the turbines. These power switches activate the water (each switch activating each side) and the power won't turn on until both switches are pulled. Because the switches are associated with water flow, the Water Slide can't be used without them pulled. Turning on the power also lets the player(s) use the Mine Cart.

The power switch is in the center of the map by the pyramid and Stakeout. In addition to its basic functions, it restores oxygen and gravity to certain areas of the map and allows the Excavators to start breaching the base.
Other Zombie Variants
Shrieker Zombies
Shrieker Zombies are a variant of zombie appearing in the Zombies map Shangri-La.

They have a whitish-blue glow to their appearance along with pale white skin, and blind the players temporarily by shrieking at them.

They spawn by blasting their way out of the ground with a sonic screech, so chances are the player will hear a Shrieker before seeing them. They also sprint constantly at a high rate of speed similar to that of the sprinting zombies in Verrückt, Call of the Dead, and Moon.

They appear in the maps Kino der Toten and "Five".

Crawler zombies are skinny zombies who run around on all four limbs. Crawler zombies can be quite subversive and hard to see as they stay close to the floor.

When killed, they will flip onto their backs, curl up, and explode, dealing damage to players in the radius, as well as emitting a cloud of green toxic gas that disorients the player and blurs their vision.

When a Crawler Zombie explodes, all zombies in radius of the explosion (excluding other Crawler Zombies and the Astronaut Zombie) will die instantly, which can be helpful in clearing large groups in the later rounds.

They will not, however, release the cloud of gas if the final blow dealt to them is from a knife attack, Wonder Weapons, traps, explosives; or if standing too close to a Teleporter.

Appears in Shangri-La.

When a power-up is dropped, they will howl wildly and one will run towards it. If a player gets a power-up before a monkey gets it, the monkey will attack the player once, and then run away.

If the monkey reaches the Power-up first, they will run to the top of the temple with the Power-Up on its back, cycling through the various Power-Ups while glowing red.

If the Monkey is killed before it can escape, the Power-Up shown when it was killed is dropped and can be picked up, even if the power-up is dropped on stairs of the temple.

If the Monkey escapes, the Power-Up is lost.
Earning Points
You gain points by:
  • Non-lethal hit: 10 points
  • Lethal torso hit: 60 points.
  • Lethal limb hit: 50 points.
  • Lethal explosive hit: 50 points
  • Lethal neck hit: 70 points.
  • Lethal headshot: 100 points
  • Lethal melee: 130 points
  • Repair a barrier: 10 points per board or segment of wall, (most) windows maximum 60 points (6 boards) each.
  • The number of points is capped at 40. This increases by 50 every round to a maximum of 490.
  • Hacking a window gives 100 points, but only for the first two times.
  • Revive a teammate: 5% of downed player's total points.
  • Collect a Carpenter power-up: 200 points to all non-downed players.
  • Collect a Nuke power-up: 400 points to all non-downed players
  • Killing a Zombie Monkey (Shangri-La): 500 points if it hasn't attacked the player, 10 points if it has attacked
  • Kill a Napalm Zombie (Shangri-La): 300 points & however the player killed it (neck, head, torso, limb, etc.)

TL;DR - Hurt zombie, kill zombie, rebuild barricades to earn points.
Mystery Box

With just 950 points, you can get a weapon that ranges between Zombie's Worst Nightmare to Player's Worst Nightmare.

If a player receives the Fire Sale Power-Up, The Fire Sale reduces the cost of using the Mystery Box from 950 points to 10 points and temporarily opens the Mystery Box at all spawn locations for 30 seconds. This can also be achieved by hacking the box location on Moon.

When the player rolls a teddy bear, it means the current Box is used up and will teleport to a different spawn location. When the bear appears, the Demonic Announcer will laugh at the player and the plush animal, then the Box will shoot up into the sky, removing the beam, and refunding the player's points.
Mystery Box Locations
Nacht der Untoten
  • In the "Help Room", in a corner to the left of the door connecting the room to the starting area

  • Power room, across from the power switch (initial)
  • Left upstairs, next to the wall barrier
  • Left balcony, next to the door to the power room
  • Right hallway, directly in front of the door
  • Spawn room, next to Juggernog on the right side

Shi No Numa
  • Down the stairs from spawn room
  • Doctor's quarters
  • Storage hut
  • Communications room
  • Fishing hut
  • Next to spawn room

Der Riese and The Giant
  • Courtyard, opposite the power switch (initial on Der Riese)
  • Front of Teleporter A
  • Balcony in Teleporter B room
  • End of catwalk in Teleporter C room
  • Animal testing lab
  • Far wall adjacent to furnace in garage

Kino der Toten
  • Spawn room (never initial)
  • Upper hall, in front of the door
  • Lower hall, near the door to the alley
  • Back room, next to a window
  • Near power switch in theater
  • Near Juggernog in theater
  • Dressing room
  • Foyer room
  • Alley way

  • Animal testing lab
  • Weapons testing lab
  • Small lab room
  • Either side of the spawn room (never initial)
  • In the war room (never initial)

  • Power room (initial)
  • Down the stairs from the power room near Mule Kick
  • Across from the rocket launch bay
  • Right by all three Lunar Landers
  • Next to Stamin-Up
  • In the corner of the spawn room

Call of the Dead
  • Top of the lighthouse
  • Spawn area (never initial)
  • On the other side of the lighthouse in front of a pool
  • On the balcony in front of the lighthouse
  • At the far end of the ship, in front of Mule Kick
  • In the room directly below the power room

  • In the cave near the AK-74u
  • In the waterfall area near Mule Kick
  • In the spawn area (never initial)
  • Directly across the power switches (never initial)

  • Receiving Bay next to Quick Revive (never initial)
  • Power Room next to the Stakeout
  • Outside by the teleporter
  • Bio-Dome, next to PhD Flopper
The Pack-a-Punch Machine allows weapons to be upgraded to better versions of themselves. The machine typically changes the weapon's name, adds one or more attachments, increases the damage output, increases the magazine capacity and makes the firing sound higher pitched accompanied by a red/purple muzzle flash.

Pack-A-Punch costs 5,000 for each weapon. It is a must-buy for later rounds.

Pack-A-Punch Locations
Der Riese and The Giant
The Pack-a-Punch machine is seen on the platform where the players start, blocked off by a door. To open it, the power must be turned on and the three teleporters be linked to the mainframe. As each teleporter is linked, the door gradually opens.

Kino der Toten
The Pack-a-Punch machine is in a small projector room above the theater. To access it, the player must turn on the power and link the teleporter in the theater to the mainframe. The teleporter can then be used to teleport the players in it to the projector room.

After 30 seconds, all players will be teleported out of the room. The teleporter enters a cooldown period, and any subsequent time the players wish to access the Pack-a-Punch machine, the teleporter must be re-linked to the mainframe.

The Pack-a-Punch machine is in a closed panic room in the war room (middle floor). To access it, the power must be turned on and all four DEFCON switches must be used to lower the DEFCON level to 5.

After this, all the teleporters in the map will teleport players into the panic room, and the Pack-a-Punch machine will become usable for the next 30 seconds.

During this time period, the players will be free of zombies (as they cannot enter the teleporter and more will not come out of the windows in the room), however after it, the panic room's doors leading into the war room will open and the Pack-a-Punch machine will become unusable. When all players have exited the panic room, the doors will close and the DEFCON resets to 1.

Another way to open the panic room and link all the teleporters to the room is to obtain the Bonfire Sale power-up, which is rewarded by killing the Pentagon Thief without having anybody's weapons stolen. The room can be accessed then, regardless of DEFCON levels.

The Pack-a-Punch machine is located near directly below the rocket, in a small room next to the launch pad. To access it, the power must be turned on and all three Lunar Landers must be used at least once. After this, the rocket can be launched via a button next to the power switch, and after it has taken off or blown up, the big door blocking off the launch pad opens, and the player can use the Pack-a-Punch machine.

Call of the Dead
The Pack-a-Punch machine will be randomly placed in any of three spots around the map (in a pool of water near Stamin-Up, Quick Revive or Juggernog).

To access it, the player must turn on the power, after which the lighthouse's light beam starts to spin around. After a random amount of time, a lightning strike is heard and the beam will start to move radically and will eventually stop and point to the Pack-a-Punch machine which rises up from the water.

After a while, the Pack-a-Punch machine will lower back into the water and the light beam will start rotating again (the Pack-a-Punch machine cannot lower back into the water if a weapon is in it, making it safe to use even at the brink of time). The machine cannot be located or used when the light beam is not pointing at it.

The Pack-a-Punch machine is located on the top of a staircase in the starting area, with some of the upper halves of the stairs missing. To access it, the player must turn on the power, after which four small stone statues around the map have some parts of them spinning (the amount of parts spinning is directly dependent on the number of players in the game.
If there is one player, there will be only one part spinning while if there are four players, all four parts will be spinning).

These statues are located next to the Quick Revive, on the lower side of the big wooden bridge near the MP5K, next to the power switches and in the cave leading to AK-74u. Next to the statues are stone slabs, and by standing on one, a part of the statue stops moving.
Once all parts stop moving (all players standing on a stone slab), the missing stairs to the Pack-a-Punch machine will emerge from the ground and the machine becomes usable. However, after a certain amount of time, water will flush down all the players on the staircase and the stairs will lower down.

The Pack-a-Punch machine is in the No Man's Land (next to where the players start), and it can potentially be used immediately (although gaining 5000 points in the area is difficult and the player only has M1911 to upgrade).
To access it again once the players teleport to the Moon, all players must stand on the teleporter pad over the power switch (it is accessible by jumping on it from the area with the AK-74u). This will teleport all players back into the No Man's Land, and the Pack-a-Punch machine can be used there. After teleporting back, the teleporter cannot be used to get back to No Man's Land until the next round.
The Pistols
I generally find the pistols to be useless unless you pack-a-punch them. Although I can't really comment on Pack-A-Punching pistols since I usually swap to a SMG or Shotgun before then.

Maybe when you have Insta-Kill on, you can knife zombies faster or one hit kill with them. But beyond that there's really not much of a point in using a handgun.

The M1911 is good for scoring points off of zombies on Round 1-5. After Round 5, it's good for feeding you to the zombies.

The one I like is the Python (Revolver). It has the lowest clip and takes a bit longer to reload. But it does the most damage and it has a high rate of fire. As with the CZ75, You can only find it in the Mystery Box.

The SMG's
I might be biased, but my personal favorite guns are the SMG's. When I play nowadays, I run two smgs and swap between them when I run out of bullets. Sometimes I carry 3 when I have Mule Kick.

They might not do the most damage, but I like them for their high rate of fire and you're able to run faster while holding them. This makes getaways much easier.

Every SMG is full-auto and can be bought on the wall except for the Spectre.

The PMC63 is great but it has a low clip it easily burns through, so you will always find yourself reloading. Same with the AK74u.

The MP40 is great since it's 32 rounds per clip and lowest rate of fire make conserving ammo easier. It has a weird recoil however, so controlling the gun might be harder than the others.

The MP5k and MPL are great all-around. You can't go wrong with them.

The Spectre is great at getting points but you need to go for headshots. It can only be found in the Mystery Box.

Submachine guns
Spectre (Mystery Box)

Submachine Guns, WaW Maps
MP40 (and Kino Der Toten)
Type 100
The Rifles
You might not be able to run as fast, but they do a lot more damage than SMG's. Great for clearing out hordes.

Your best bet is using the full-auto rifles. Like the AUG, FAMAS, Galil and Commando, especially on later rounds.

Similarly, you would have a hard time going wrong with a LMG. They're like Rifles but their clip size is much higher. They can only be found in the Mystery Box.

The semi-auto rifles such as the FN FAL and the M14 are okay, but when a huge horde of zombies is running up to me I would rather use the full-autos.

The Snipers like the L96A1 I would not recommend. While it does pack a heavy punch, and can be used when you're really far away, there's barely anything you can do once the zombie gets up close to you.

The only exception I can see is if someone used the Deadshot Daiquiri perk. Since it removes the idle Sniper Sway and makes it easier to hit zombies as a result.

Don't use the Kar98k past round 3 or something.


Rifles, Mystery Box

Light Machine Guns

Rifles, WaW Maps
Gewehr 43
Kar98k/Scoped Kar98k
M1A1 Carbine
M1 Garand
STG 44
FG 42
The Shotguns
Shotguns are one of the best secondary weapons you can find in my opinion. On most maps you'll only find the Olympia and Stakeout (Pump Action). But you can find the others in the Mystery Box.

Shotguns provide a high damage output when you're close to a zombie. So get close, but not so close that you get attacked as well.

They're great in tight, enclosed areas like a hallway or a door.

SPAS-12 (Mystery Box)
HS10 (Mystery Box)

Shotguns, WaW Maps
Trench Gun
Double Barrel Shotgun
Sawed-Off Shotgun
The Explosives
Even though the grenades do a lot of damage to zombies, I don't trust explosives because it's too easy to kill yourself with the splash damage. The grenades I'm fine with (ie: frags and monkey bombs) but the others I would not recommend most of the time.

I would only recommend explosives when you're running the PhD Flopper Perk. Other than that just stick with Monkey Bombs.

The Monkey Bomb distracts zombies and makes them crowd around it when thrown. Very useful when your friend is down and there's a horde of zombies looking to eat him.

Semtex appear in the Zombie maps Call of the Dead, Shangri-La and Moon. Semtex replaces default Frag Grenades, and are significantly more powerful.

Frag Grenades/M67 Grenades

Explosives, Mystery Box
China Lake
M72 Law
Monkey Grenades
The Specials
It's simple, if you have a Wonder Weapon you have struck gold. Be careful not to hurt yourself with splash damage.

Bowie Knife is just a stronger melee attack. A must-have for later rounds. Costs 3000.

Ray Gun
Wunderwaffe DG-2
Monkey Bomb
Gersh Device
Matryoshka Doll

Bowie Knife
Power-Ups can appear after killing any zombie that has broken through a barricade. They appear glowing green with a golden item of some kind. You can hear it if you're near one.

If you see one, you should only grab it if it's safe to do so. If a crowd of zombies are near the power up, you should just run away until the horde is cleared. Power-Ups stay on the map for 30 seconds if nobody picks it up.

Completely boards up all of the windows on the map. Also awards a 200 point bonus to all players (that are not downed) when it has finished boarding the windows.

Carpenter appears in the form of a hammer.

Refills all players' reserve ammunition possible to obtain for all weapons. You should reload before picking this up if you can.

Max Ammo appears as a box of ammo.

All damage sources from the player will instantly kill a zombie at any round for 30 seconds. Boss Monsters are not effected.

Insta-kill appears as a skull.

Kills every zombie currently spawned on the map when obtained. A lot of players say this is a bad perk, but I disagree. This can really save you in a pinch.

Kaboom appears as a nuke.

Doubles the earned points received by a player for most actions for 30 seconds.

Double Points appears as a "x2" symbol.

Gives you a minigun with unlimited ammo for 30 seconds. It can be found in the maps "Five", Ascension, Call of the Dead and Moon.

Firing it constantly will not affect its duration. Only the player who picks it up gets to use it.

It appears as a bunch of floating bullets. It is easily identifiable by casting a blue glow instead of the usual green.

The Fire Sale reduces the cost of using the Mystery Box from 950 points to 10 points and temporarily opens the Mystery Box at all spawn locations for 30 seconds.

Fire Sale appears as a price tag.

Bonfire Sale is a special power-up that is obtainable in "Five". If the player kills the Pentagon Thief before he can steal anybody's weapons the Bonfire Sale will be dropped

A Bonfire Sale reduces the price of the Pack-a-Punch Machine from 5000 points to 1000 points, and links all of the teleporters to the Pack-a-Punch Machine regardless of the DEFCON level.

Bonfire Sale appears as a Pack-A-Punch Machine.

The Lightning Bolt is a power-up featured in Call of the Dead.

The Lighting Bolt is obtained by completing the Original Characters Trapped Easter Egg. The power-up will grant the player a Wunderwaffe DG-2 that will last until the player runs out of its ammo.

The Bonus Points power-up can only be acquired via QED in Moon. Bonus Points has two effects, one giving all players in the match points, or giving the player who grabbed it an amount of points. The power-up is exclusive to Moon much like the Lightning Bolt from Call of the Dead. All of these are obtained in a special way.
The Juggernog (And Why It's So Important)
I highly advise you buy the Juggernog before getting any other perks (besides Quick Revive if you're new). It's the red and white vending machine.

The reason being is that the Juggernog lets you tank a few more hits before doing down, making escapes much easier. It has saved me more times than I can count.

Juggernog costs 2,500 points. Your best bet is saving a truck-ton of points and then spam buy a bunch of doors before turning on the power and buying Jug. Get to like 6,000 points. It's easier than it sounds.

Once it's purchased, it'll increase the player's health from 100 points to 250. This increases the amount of damage the player can take from opponents as follows:

Zombies - Four hits, going down on the fifth.

Hellhounds - Four hits, going down on the fifth.

George A. Romero - Two hits, going down on the third.

  • Kino der Toten - In the theater on the left side through the main doors, next to the Bowie Knife.
  • "Five" - Downstairs in the war room, next to the door that leads to the Pack-a-Punch Machine room.
  • Ascension - Down the second staircase after buying the door that leads to the MPL room. The entrance is right next to the PM63. Can also be obtained from a Random Perk Bottle by finishing a Space Monkey round without having them attack the Perk Machines.
  • Call of the Dead - In the hull of the ship, nearby one of the Pack-a-Punch's many spawn locations. Can also be obtained from a Random Perk Bottle by killing George A. Romero whether the player has finished the easter egg.
  • Shangri-La - Outside the temple next to a pillar by the MPL or on the bridge on the side of the mud pit (spawns randomly, switch with Speed Cola). Can also be obtained from a Random Perk Bottle by killing a Zombie Monkey after it's stolen another power-up and rotates through the power-ups.
  • Moon - In Area 51 by the teleporter. Changes places with Speed Cola every time the player returns to Area 51. Can also be obtained from a Random Perk Bottle by either jumping multiple times on the bounce pads or spawning it with a QED.
Perk Recommends
Double Tap Root Beer
After getting Jug, I would recommend getting Double Tap Root Beer. This perk increases fire rate by approximately 30% in all weapons. You will kill zombies a lot faster with this, especially if you're running a machine gun of some kind.

It costs 2,000 points. It's easy to get as long as you save your money.

Speed Cola
Speaking of speed, the next perk I would highly recommend is the Speed Cola. It decreases the reload time of all weapons by 50%.

Additionally, it will greatly increase the rate at which barriers are rebuilt. Speed Cola costs 3,000 points, making it the second most expensive perk in the game.

Mule Kick
The next gun you buy takes it's own slot instead of replacing the one in your hands. Great for when you have a big horde and already ran out of ammo on your two other guns.

If you have 4,000 points but no idea where to spend it, try this on for size.

Another perk I like, but I don't see too often is Stamin-Up. It has two effects, one gives the player twice the amount of sprint endurance. The other giving a 7% speed increase.

The color for this perk is yellow/cheddar, and the icon is a man running at a high speed. It costs
2,000 points.

Perk Locations
  • Verrückt - On the German side, next to the MP40.
  • Shi No Numa - Randomly spawns in one of the four huts.
  • Der Riese - On the second floor of the automobile garage, next to the bridge.
  • Kino Der Toten - In the alley, after buying the door, which costs 1000 Points.
  • "Five" - Right next to the elevator in the War Room after heading down it on the Main Floor.
  • Call of the Dead - On the boat to the right, on the deck of it.
  • Shangri La - Randomly spawns in the mines, changes places with Stamin-Up, PhD Flopper, and Deadshot Daiquiri.
  • Moon - On the first floor of the laboratories.

  • Ascension - Located past the gates to the left of the upper spawn door. It is in the back of the alleyway past the door leading to the launch pad near the AK-74u and next to a spawn point of the Mystery Box on the left.
  • Call of the Dead - Behind the lighthouse and inside an abandoned house.
  • Shangri-La - Will spawn randomly in one of the rooms underground (changes spawn with PhD Flopper, Double Tap Root Beer and Deadshot Daiquiri).
  • Moon - In the second room of Tunnel 11, to the left of the Semtex.

  • Nacht der Untoten - In the starting room, to the left of the M1 Carbine.
  • Verrückt - In the corner of the first cell blocks, next to the stairs.
  • Shi No Numa - In the starting room, to the left of the Gewehr 43.
  • Der Riese - Below the path leading towards the teleporter in the automobile garage, next to the box location.
  • Kino der Toten - In the portrait room, next to the door to the foyer.
  • "Five" - In the war room, across the Mystery Box location.
  • Ascension - Underneath the Speed Cola room, next to a barrier.
  • Call of the Dead - At the back of the ship, right across the Mystery Box location.
  • Shangri-La - In the waterfall area near the box location.
  • Moon - Outside, near the teleporter to Area 51, and where the AK-74u can be purchased.

  • Kino der Toten - In the starting room by the bar.
  • Five - In the starting room in the corridor.
  • Ascension - Starting room, on Centrifuge Floor 1.
  • Call of the Dead - Starting area, connected to the courtyard of the lighthouse.
  • Shangri-La - Starting area, on the wall of the middle.
  • Moon - In the Receiving Area on the Moon.
Other Perks
PHD Flopper
I don’t really use this perk, but I thought it’d be useful to include here. The PHD Flopper costs 2,000 points. PhD Flopper completely negates self-inflicted damage; however, the player will still groan and suffer temporary movement reduction when falling from an elevated area. Another feature of this perk is that when players dive to prone from a height from which they would normally take damage, a 7.5-meter radius explosion is created upon landing.

The explosion is very powerful, with a maximum of 5000 damage at the center of the blast and can kill zombies with one hit up to approximately round 20. Between rounds 20 to 30, PhD Flopper will begin to make crawlers, and on rounds beyond 30, zombies will retain their legs even in the center of the blast.

I barely ever see this perk myself, but I guess I can see the appeal since it negates self-damage with explosions. And the only reason I don’t trust explosives is for that very reason.

  • Ascension - In the room by Lunar Lander Д (closest to MP5K), with the grenades available to purchase off the nearby wall. Can also be obtained from a Random Perk Bottle by finishing a Space Monkey round without having any machines attacked.
  • Call of The Dead - In the abandoned second floor of the multi-story building that branches off the lighthouse. Can also be obtained from a Random Perk Bottle by killing George A. Romero.
  • Shangri-La - Will spawn randomly in the mines. (Changes spawn with Stamin-Up, Double Tap and Deadshot Daiquiri). Can also be obtained from a Random Perk Bottle by killing a zombie monkey as it cycles the power-up after it steals one.
  • Moon - Spawns on the far-right side in the Bio-Dome near the Mystery Box spawn. Can also be obtained from a Random Perk Bottle by either jumping multiple times on the bounce pads or spawning one with a QED.

Deadshot Daiquiri
Another perk I don't see but I think others could find useful is the Deadshot Daiquiri.

The perk makes the player's crosshairs narrower by 35%, reduces all weapon recoil, and removes the idle sway from sniper rifles. Attempting to knife will lunge the blade at the enemy's face, which may cause a miss in low-gravity areas on Moon.

Deadshot Daiquiri Locations
  • Call of the Dead - On the top floor of the lighthouse, next to the Zipline.
  • Shangri-La - Changes places among Double Tap Root Beer, PhD Flopper and Stamin-Up in the mines of the map.
  • Moon - In the top floor of the laboratories near the door to the Bio-Dome.
Conclusion / Sources
I hope you've found this useful. Do keep in mind I am not an expert, I may be wrong so if that's the case feel free to let me know in the comments down below.


- Mainly my own personal experiences after years of playing.

- The CoD wiki on Fandom
3 Yorum
Thanks, trying to help out a friend.
waifuw 25 Nis @ 8:31 
very good guide c:
GoldSpartan 21 Şub 2023 @ 22:24 
Coolio. Thanks for the information. It really helped.