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[Guide] Berserker PvP (basic)
By mogoj
Basic tricks and catching variations for Berserker class in early game + video
Basic video clip
Text tutorial
All combo-tricks are ending with stun skills, then berserker may do some tricks after it.

The main stun skills in early game - Down Kick, Ground Spike and Cry of Warrior:
1)Down Spike is very simple - stun on the ground(3 sec). It gives possibility to use High Smash and Down Kick;
2)Down Kick needs to be charged, then it will be a very long stun(5 sec). If berserker used skill in Dungeon when an enemy was on the ground in the middle of combo - enemy will soar into the air.
3)Cry of Warrior is a simply AoE stun. The duration of stun will be increased by leveling skill (1lvl = 3sec, 2lvl = 4sec, 3lvl = 5sec). Cry of Warrior skill is in the category of passive skills and need only 1 point to level up.

Down Spike control:
The direction of this skill can be changed by pressing ← , ↑ or ↑ , → (and in the opposite direction). Berserker can lengthen Ground Spike skill by pressing all movement keys. It's the most usefull skill in PvP for catching the enemy.

Other control:
Cry of Warrior is a long stun too, but it's too low damage(100% of attack). Can be used to counter the enemie's AoE(in video clip) or just for catching.
Shoulder Charge skill can be used in other directions too, like a Down Spike. Just press movement keys on the final charge. It also can be canceled after 2 hits for using other skills (Jump Kick, Destruction, Hight Smash, Slashes, Jump Cancel and etc.)
Jump Cancel - the most important command for all classes. Berserker can cancel all his attacks when he hasn't SA(Super Armor) and even ordinary hits. It's a very usefull skill for all combos.
Skill build
If you want to have your own combo stuff, I advise you to learn all skills on 1 lvl min. Take all passive skills but don't learn all buffs cause it's not so useful in PvP. The most usefull buffs in PvP - SA and cooldown buff. I also advise you to max all stun-damage skills - it's very usefull in catching and great dmg.

1)Max skills: Down Spike (great catching + stun), Downward Crash (great dmg and nice combo beginning), Crimson Screw (dmg and catching), Double Impress (small cd, dmg and catching), Crazy Impact (semi-ulti skill, great dmg, impossible to evade while using), Down Kick (to your notice, just dmg for stun), Destruction (great dmg and 2nd attack later, small cd). You shouldn't max other skills but should just learn them cause there are a lot of different situations in PvP with other classes so you will need practically all active skills;

2)Max buffs: just SA (Tough Body) and learn 1/1 Explosion of Fury;

3)Max passives: all attack and defense passives, HP passive. Other passives learn to your notice.

And remember - there are not only lvl-up AP but for quests too.
This guide is only for low-lvl berserkers and swordsmen warriors, so all combos and tricks are weak and primitive. Some skills are lacking in this guide(Butterfly, Wave, Rider Boom), because I have my own skill build for late game.

The majority of zerker's skills stuns, so it's very important to learn/max all of it. Maybe later I will create new guide for high lvl berserkers with all stuns/combo/catching tricks and gameplay features. Now I can answer all you questions in game, beginners berserkers! Just add me and pm all time you want.

Character name - mogoj

Thanks for your attention and enjoy!
Steve` Aug 12, 2014 @ 6:44pm 
Some great tips and hints here, thanks.
Моль-милашечка :3 Aug 3, 2014 @ 2:57am 
not bad, not bad at all! like mothefaka!1:agathacross:
nosef Aug 1, 2014 @ 6:56pm 

You do not want to max any skills generally (if you're going for a PvP build). Maxing a skill will allow you to hit the damage cap really quickly, it isn't advised. The first grab has really bad range, but if you can memorize the commands then I guess it isn't too terrible (I wouldn't recommend it though). Double Impress is an excellent skill, it has decent range and the knockdown is very nice.

Butterfly is one of our main combo starters/combo chains along with Upper Kick and High Slash. It's a great move, but use it sparingly against Hunters, Mages, and other Warriors because it can give you an opening for a reversal.


Good guide, I'd also like to recommend the HP buff (Zerks don't really have any good buffs tbh, other than the super armor one). Sometimes the extra HP could help in some situations. But of course it isn't needed, more personal preference.
76561198143214410  [author] Jul 31, 2014 @ 6:30am 
JG, all aireal combos in this game are weak cause of penalty on it. You can't do absolutely infinity combos, even stuns. So there is the only one best way to combo - deal maximum damage with maximum hits before starting penalty. That's why you need all stuns. Double strike has good dmg too, but it's not usefull grab for catching unlike the Double Impress.
Skiptrace Jul 31, 2014 @ 6:18am 
Hmm, that skill build seems kinda.. Shallow... i would assume that you would want to max the grab ability we get early on in the game (Double Strike i think it is?) as, that's one good way to juggle combo or end a combo, and Butterfly from what ive used it is great for chaining in or out of an arieal combo as, if you hold Down while using it it does a knockdown strike, which could be chained by an OTG skill.
76561198143214410  [author] Jul 31, 2014 @ 3:08am 
The guide was updated (Skill build category)
Skiptrace Jul 30, 2014 @ 1:11pm 
Do you have a PvP skill build for Berzerker? i just started and realised that there is no mass reset scroll for skills, i think i can learn all the combo stuff on my own though. I just need a build.
76561198143214410  [author] Jul 29, 2014 @ 12:24pm 
Thanks but it's a far not the best guide on this class and not a far the best my tricks :>
Anyway, thanks if u appreciate it
Nastia❤❤❤ Jul 29, 2014 @ 10:37am 
Its realy best guide on BERZERKER
SHRI Jul 29, 2014 @ 10:22am 
Классно егты гля,мне нрава