STAR WARS™ Starfighter™

STAR WARS™ Starfighter™

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Disable Screen Shake
By Some Random Avali
Fix the unplayable screen shake by editing just one file.
The Fix
The game is unplayable after the first couple of levels due to the ridiculous amount of screen shake. Many guides online will tell you to limit FPS to 30. Limiting FPS to 30 will not fix this.

Instead, go to the install folder of the game. It should be located in your SteamApps folder. Starting from there, you want to go to <your steammaps folder>/common/Star Wars Starfighter/Game and open the file named AutoExec.con in a text editor.

The shake effect gets initialized on lines 29, 37, and 41:

CreateGOB CShakeCtrl, _Shake
CreateGOB CShakeCtrl, _Shake2
_Shake2.SetPlayerNum 2

You can remove the effect by either deleting or commenting out those lines. Personally, I prefer to comment out the lines in case I want to revert to the "authentic" experience without having to reinstall. In order to comment out, you want to prefix the lines with "//", so they'll look like this:

// CreateGOB CShakeCtrl, _Shake
// CreateGOB CShakeCtrl, _Shake2
// _Shake2.SetPlayerNum 2

Open up the game, and viola: no screen shake.

As far as I can tell, this disables screen shake both for when you are damaged, and for when you accelerate.
Doge of Tsushima Oct 26, 2023 @ 6:36pm 
Thank you. I just loaded up the EOS missions and got bounced around like a ping pong ball. It was obnoxious.