Disgaea 5 Complete

Disgaea 5 Complete

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Disgaea Unleashed Mod
By ninakoru
This is a mod I made long time ago, I am revisiting the game and decided to share it with whoever want this changes in.

- Better descriptions for evilities.
- Released some internal caps.
- Some Evility adjustments.
- Minor stat adjustments in many items.
This is a mod I made long time ago, I am revisiting the game and decided to share it with whoever want this changes in.


- Better descriptions for evilities: some clarifications/correction and PWR instead of ATK when affects power adjustment instead of the stat.
- Released some caps, like 50k -> 200k for most innocents, or 199M stats instead of 99M for the stat cap.
- Some Evility adjustments, mainly minor power-ups to the worst / most unfair, and/or less slot costs in many of them.
- Minor stat adjustments in many items IE: Revenge weapons have some stats in all attributes (easier maxing out).

For the full changelog, there's a changelog.txt in the zip file.
Warning: Must own a steam version of the game, the description changes are only for english.

Download this zip:

Just replace the EXE and the Database_0.dat in the root folder of your Disgaea 5 files (IE: C:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Disgaea 5 Complete)

Please notice the Database_0.dat is under Data/Database folder. Both files must be overwritten.
Go to the steap app>Library>Right-click on Disgaea 5 complete
Select Properties>Local Files>Verify integrity of local files, steam will re-download and replace the modified files.
Compatibility issues
If you use the mod, merge innocent past the original caps, revert the mod and save again, you loose the extra innocent levels.
When you first load the game, evilities with less size you have already equipped may waste one slot. Just save without the evility and load again, Is a one time thing.
Other than that, the mod is very specific shouldn't cause any problem at all.
ninakoru  [author] Feb 13 @ 1:42pm 
Glad to hear that. Thanks.
ラハール Feb 13 @ 10:02am 
played with the mod for about 3 hours...... pretty good
ninakoru  [author] Feb 12 @ 5:14pm 
I consider all the changes improvements, but is up to you to decide.
ラハール Feb 12 @ 4:00pm 
so basically just disgaea 5 but it makes everything better?
ninakoru  [author] Oct 7, 2023 @ 7:49am 
OK, I'll check it out, seems weird.
Wraith309 Oct 7, 2023 @ 3:25am 
That didn't work, but let me get back to you after testing out making a new Wrestler or starting a new game since the class is available so early.
ninakoru  [author] Oct 6, 2023 @ 4:14pm 
Remove the evilities. Save. Load. Should be good to go, is a one time thing.
Wraith309 Oct 6, 2023 @ 2:18pm 
My both my generic and story Wrestler still had one slot consumed even after clearing all the evilities and reloading.
I'm not sure how it works exactly, but by testing removing his unique evility with cheat engine, it looks like pro tosser is consuming 1 common evility slot despite being a unique when this mod is installed.
ninakoru  [author] Aug 3, 2023 @ 1:08pm 
Uhm... nope, you can go well past that, I did it with certain character to get +100% ATK. There's a limit of 1500 point in any given attribute, and all classes mastered and elite four to level up, you get past 10M to meet the vanilla cap.
Torikakae Aug 2, 2023 @ 5:26am 
Ahh so like previous Disgaea titles where we get to 186,000 stored levels? Understandable~