The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante

The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante

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An Imperial Nobleman
By fedorkkk
This is a polished version of one of my previous guides. This guide aims to roleplay Sir Brante as a decent Imperial nobleman, a man who struggles to adhere to the principles of honor, pride and nobility while climbing the social ladder of the Empire.

This guide allows you to achieve the best "social" outcome, keep most of your loved ones safe, experience a passionate romance with a highborn lady and finish it all off with a nice redemption arc. Also, crazily intense swordfights.

Special events triggered by specific conditions are marked by *

Achievement icons mark the moments when you get those particular achievements.
Chapter I. Childhood

At the end of time
- any option

- reach for the fist

Hide and seek
- find your way home

The Great Descent
- finish the song properly

The Lot of suffering
- demand an explanation

Two fairly important scenes. In this playthrough, Sir Brante is likely going to accept the Lots and their integral part in the world.

Gloria's rhymes
- complain about your sister

Add a little bit of selfishness to our protagonist.

The newborn's cries
- snatch Nathan from mother

Toy soldiers
- Tell the truth

* Father's sword
- ask father to teach you the basics

A must-have event for a future nobleman.

The intrusion
- pull your toy soldiers from the fire

An illistruous guest
- greet the baroness politely

This is a shady thing to do, but consider this. You are far closer to your father than to your mother, and Robert explicitly asked you to behave properly so he can see Stephan again. It might not be pretty, but you are a dutiful son.

The kaleidoscope
- keep looking into it

Sweet temptation
- tell the truth

The Sacrament
- accept your Lot

For now, you are a commoner, such is the way of the world. Yet one day you WILL rise above your lowly birth.
Chapter II. Adolescence

Neighbour down the street.
- listen to your brother first.

You protect Nathan in childhood, you listen to him here. Your bond and mutual trust are firmly established.

Riders on the road.
- shield Sophia

Stephan's arrival.
- join Gloria in her plight

Do not leave your sister in her time of need, but don't make a scene either. Endure and be patient, as your Lot demands. One day you will surpass Stephan.

A dropped handkerchief
- keep it as a memento

As a lowly commoner, you can't possibly be worthy of the Arknian lady's attention. Remember her beauty well.

A storm of expectations
- study law and history

Sons of nobility
- shake Diederik's hand

Let's be a little selfish as our character demands, shall we?

The Silver Tree
- listen to the red-haired piligrime

This New Faith sounds pleasant... but offers little in the way of alternatives.

The shadow of the past
- evade the question

You don't want to push Gloria away, but how can you decide what's best for the family? There are three noble males in line before you.

The nobleman's Lot
- follow your brother's orders

Trial of the assailants
- convince Robert to change his mind

* Forbidden love
- help Stephan's affair

As demanding as the Lots are, happiness is more important than following the rules. Let your brother seize the moment of joy.

* An adult question
- confirm Nathan's fears

The Gods give us nothing but the spark of life and the will to struggle. They care not how we feel about Them or Their creation.

- stop grandfather

The last respects
- ask for grandfather's blessing

Throughout the years, you've achieved somewhat of a mutual begrudging respect with late sir Gregor. His spirit admires your stubborness and endurance enough to let you join his Blood Tide... but remember: you are now bound by blood to fullfil his wish, to get your family ennobled.

* Poets
- keep Gloria's secret

You've broken the rules to let Stephan be happy. It would be hypocritical not to do the same for Gloria.

The fugitive girl
- confront Otton

You can hide away if you want to, but getting Sophia's trust now will add a nice touch of tragedy later.

The last night
- spend time with father
Chapter III. Youth

Arrival in the capital
- meet the noble youths

Luke's sermon
- listen to his counsel

As a commoner, you should show humility and listen to the wisdom of both Faiths, Old and New.

The city that never sleeps
- visit the Markian society

The girl from the past
- help Sophia

The three Lots
- break into the university

Seize your chance to obtain nobility. May Sophia find her own path in the world.

Bonds of friendship
- swear an oath of friendship

Though you are not that close with Tommas, he is a better man that you'll ever be. He is brave, and honest, and straightforward. Do not push away his generous offer of companionship.

The Ball
- dance with the mysterious lady

A-a-and we immediately betray Tommas again to seize the moment and have a romantic evening with Octavia Milanidas. Oh well. A selfish ♥♥♥♥ we (sometimes) are.

Sir El Croix's lesson
- rely on the will of the Twins

The first case
- set the girl free

Acting with kindness is more important than following the law to the letter. Save the girl, make love with her, be chill.

A great feast for all
- demand your rights

The way of the sword
- dedicate your fights to your father

Show gratitude to your family, seize your first noble victory and get lady Octavia intrigued by your exploits.
Chapter IV. Peacetime, part I

- ask Nathan some questions

Reforge your bond with the younger brother and find out about the strife in your family.

First day of service
- get acquainted with other judges.

Reception at the Brante house
- talk about your victory in the tournament

Note how in this lifepath, you have a fairly friendly relationship with Jose El Peletier, the noble who takes a liking in Gloria.

A rock and a hard place
- appeal to Nathan

Stephan and Gloria both disrespect their father and their Lot. Let Nathan show his inner wisdom.

The land dispute
- ask Jung for a bribe

Don't be cruel to the smallfolk, but don't be naive either. Strike a profitable deal with the craftsman.

A gift for the family
- give the jewels to nobles

The power of the law
- side with El Borne

The prefect's passion for his cause is too hard to resist. It sounds right to take his side.

An old friend
- have a dinner with Tommas

"So, you haven't forgotten your old friend, Brante!"

The newspaper case
- legitimize the gazette

The call of the ancestors
- side with father

It is astonishing how arrogantly and disrespectfully Stephan acts, isn't it? Who he thinks he is, a second sir Gregor?

The vassal and the lord
- defuse the situation

- insist on being treated as her equal

You are no longer a lowborn plaything, but a noble pleasure-seeker. Stand your ground and love your lady like no human has ever loved her before.

Brothers in misery
- use your authority

The case of father Mark
- set him free

Time and again, you act against the law to do what you think is right. Was it really such a good idea to side with El Borne in his crusade?

A friend in need
- agree to be Tommas' second

The case against Otton
- let Tommas roam freely

Your animosity towards El Borne grows. Not only does he dare to blame you for saving your brothers or being your friend's second, he also doesn't give you any options to save Tommas that do not ruin either your family's name or your own future. And now he throws a deadly dangerous case on your shoulders with no resources and no support. What the ♥♥♥♥?!

* The road to the top
- agree

This is an evil deal to make, but you are in a terrible spot right now. You desperately need power, authority and friends in high places to bring Otton down and protect those you love. To hell with El Borne. Accept the magistrate's help even though it tarnishes your honor.

The festival of the Silver Tree
- let Gloria read her poems

Gloria's Lot is hard enough as it is. Let her express herself.

* A rendezvous with Octavia
- lose yourself in pleasure

"You just don't want to let me slip away". Indeed you don't.

The search for evidence
- ask Overseer Gaius for support

* Stephan's gambit
- agree

Arranging Gloria's marriage is not a morally perfect solution, but the best one under the circumstances. She needs a place to belong, a name of her own, yet you can't ruin the future of the entire family just to indulge her desire for adoption. Giving her a new Lot as a wife of an honorable man is the best thing you can do for her.

* An audience with the Overseer
- take the envelope

Not only do you secure your career as a senior judge, you now have a clear plan against Otton. He will be dealt with in the Court of Honor, by the way of the sword. Things are looking up.

A realm unknown
- legitimize the circle

Threats and promises
- seek sir El Verman's protection

Exercise caution and play it safe. Otton must not suspect anything about your plot.

Nobleman's honor
- sentence El Corvio to capital punishment

Nobles of Magra can't be bullied and killed by some capital upstart! Use Octavia's help to avenge young El Este and punish his murderer.

* The hunt for Tommas
- protect Tommas

A great "what you are in the dark" moment. Pay your debts, honor your oath, save your friend no matter the cost.

El Ferro's list
- shelter the suspects

Once again, doing what's kind is more important than following the law. Besides it's always fun to subvert Gloria's expectations about "tyrannical noblemen" and improve her opinion on you.

* A family of means
- host a gala

Over the years, you've accumulated many tokens of gratitude, gifts and bribes from your clients, your associates and your loved ones. The financial future of your family is beyond secure. Time to celebrate.

* The rebel
- persuade Gloria to accept her fate

You don't need to blackmail Gloria through mother. You know your sister, she trusts your judgement, and you WILL treat her with the decency she deserves.

Justice for all
- turn to Octavia for aid

Play it safe. No need to put your butt on the line to condemn one young troublemaker. Besides it makes sense to use every possibility provided to help Octavia and ask her for help. It makes the romantic subplot even more meaningful.

- share your strength with mother

Your struggle to keep the family loving and peaceful finally pays off. Mother finds the will to recover, and you achieve absolute harmony.

* A moment of respite
- "there is no place like home".

Though this scene has no choice to offer, it is very important in our narrative. As we unlock it with Gloria still in the house, her bond with you raises up to "affection", higher than ever. You achieve such level of mutual respect and understanding with your sister like you've never done before. Though she must part ways with your house, you love each other more than ever. This will be very important.

- demand that Octavia be returned to her family

The first big tragedy hits you. Nothing, not even your mutual love, can save Octavia from this feeling of meaninglesness, that mortal life is not worth living. Doesn't mean you can't try to get her back, even though all your attempts are ultimately in vain.

* The gilded cage
- challenge Stephan to a duel

Stephan's cruelty knows no bounds. She pushes the entire family to kick Gloria out of your lives entirely, to betray your bond and submit to his will. Throughout the years, it's become painfully clear that Stephan is an unworthy heir and the Brantes will know nothing but misery and shame if he leads the family. Though it will break your heart, you must rid the family of his tyranny. And here it comes, the biggest tragedy of the chapter.
Chapter IV. Peacetime, part II
* To the death
- parry

"You win... a noble victory. Proud of you... brother".

* Tommas's wedding
- bear witness to their wedding vows

"I will never forget you, Brante. And I will never forget everything you've done for me".

- call mother

Let Nathan preserve his hope and his faith in the Twins. Could you be wrong this whole time? What if They really do care about us?

A family matter
- become members of the Overseer's entourage

A noble bloodline
- step forward as the family heir

"You never let anyone bring you down... You have made me proud, my grandson".

* The empty chair

You are about to replace El Borne as the prefect of Magra, and yet your victory tastes... shallow. Empty. What good have you done for your province? Yes, you have all this power and influence, and you have helped people here and there. But will your name be worthy of a single mention in history books? Have you passed any reforms, made any positive change? How can one be so powerful and yet so...meaningless? Betrayal doesn't feel so good after all, does it?

* Twilight over Anizotte
- warn El Borne

Your redemption begins. Confess your guilt and sacrifice your last life to subvert the noble conspiracy against the Overseer. You might be a scheming bastard, but you are NOT a backstabbing murderer and you are NOT a traitor to the Crown.

Final preparations
- bide your time

No need to run around. Otton's role in the noble conspiracy is well known, and you have solid evidence of his previous misdeeds. Rest at home and gather your strength. The storm's about to begin.

The hour has come
- bring Otton to the Court of Honor

You may not go down in history books, but you will rid your province of Otton's cruelty, just like you've freed your family from Stephan's. "The judgement of our ancestors is the highest justice there is".

You actually win absolute affection of Gaius Tempest for your achievements, but will that help you when the Revolt storms through Anizotte?
Chapter V. The Revolt

In this lifepath, the Revolt does seem understandable. While the province was sinking deeper into poverty and discontent, while the strife between the estates was growing, you and other nobles were too preoccupied with your own little ambitions and power gambits. Now your payment's due, the desperate common folk is raging on the streets. As a loyal servant of the Overseer, you must find any way to salvage the situation and stop Anizotte from collapsing into a total bloodbath.

* The family's fate
- agree with father and protect your home

No noble of the sword worth their salt should ever leave their ancestral home.

* By their will
- he should ask the Elder

Nathan is not worthess like many people think. He has a deep connection with the Twins and Their design, the desire to understand and let Them help understand. Perhaps it is in the humblest soul where salvation of this world can be found...

Mustering the forces
- unite the nobles

* A fading light
- part ways with her

No matter what you think of Octavia's transformation, can you really send your beloved to the Inquisition? Let her go to the worlds beyond she so desperately craves. You need to save this world, here and now.

* Sir El Borne's choice
- support El Borne's plan

Continue your redemption. Protect El Borne when it matters and help him calm the raging crowd down.

The Prefecture under siege
- challenge Otton to a duel

The crescendo of your redemption arc. You put your life on the line to save El Borne and fellow judges from certain death, against an enemy who killed dozens of humans. "Let the trial of honor begin".

The duel with Otton
- call upon your forebear

"The judgement of our ancestors", indeed. You prove to be worthy of your noble title and destroy your nemesis with the help of your (one hell of a stubborn) grandfather.

The March of the New Faith
- fend them off with the Champions of Faith

Alas, you can't stop death and destruction here, only minimize it.

The rebel leader
- break up the mob

By this point, the Revolt rating goes down to 0, so it doesn't trigger a scene where you have to protect your home from looters. Chaos is averted, and your family is saved.

* The final hour
- go see El Borne

* The battle for Anizotte
- force the rebels to surrender peacefully

Lo and behold, you've managed to unite the entire city under your banner, gain the trust and support of all three estates, minimize casualties and quell the unrest. If you are not worthy to become the supreme judge of the province, I don't know who is.

And yet, there is a hint of tragedy in your victory: Sophia, your first crush, is captured and will be executed, hating you to her last breath.

Your destiny has been fullfiled... almost.

* A new day dawns
- say you would grant the world forgiveness

This is what Nathan's been trying to explain to you all along.

NOW your destiny has been fullfiled.

The end results
Most importantly, because the Revolt was dealt with peacefully, Gaius Tempest becomes more aware of the commoners' plight and begins an age of reforms aiming to bring commoners more rights and protection. In time, the entire Empire follows suite: the ancient order is preserved, but gradual changes are made.

Your actions as a judge, as well as your leadership during the Revolt, bear a good fruit for your province. Magra becomes peaceful and lawful, its citizens enjoying wealth under new laws, the power of the Overseer firmly established. Most interestingly, no Faith wins decisively, and disputes and squabbles continue (I wonder whether that has anything to do with us setting father Mark free).

Our father Robert and Augustin El Borne become the Overseer's closest advisors, which allows them to finally instigate a new, enlightened age. They both are remembered fondly by people of Magra, common folk in particular.

Your mother lives to an old age and dies content and proud of her family.

Because you have maintained ties with Gloria, in time she finds comfort in her new life, reciprocates her husband's feelings and raises a son. She lives a life of quiet comfort, away from any misfortunes.

The major downside is that you had to kill Stephan in order to secure both Gloria's and the Brantes' future.

Nathan becomes a prophet and spreads the gospel of forgiveness. Coincidentally, divine omens appear throughout the Empire so that all mortals may know: he who sincerely repents his sins shall be forgiven.

Sir Gregor can rest in peace, now that his bloodline is ennobled for all of time.

Tommas lives a quiet family life on a small farm, remembers you fondly and names his firstborn son after you.

Octavia disappears from the world without a trace, her mysterious teachings gone with her.

Sophia is executed, and her legacy is mixed to say the least.

You become the new prefect and one of the closest confidants of Gaius Tempest. By the Emperor's decree, your noble deeds are inscribed into history books for future generations. With you as the heir, the House of Brante can expect a glorious and prosperous future.

So ends the story of Sir Brante, a man who struggled to rise above his humble beginnings and make the best out of his life while finding his own meaning of honor and nobility.

Hope you've enjoyed this guide, may it be helpful for you ;)

indirectionlayer May 20 @ 7:25pm 
One of the only guides I've seen where Brante has a reasonably consistent personality. Great guide!
OK Mar 24 @ 3:33am 
Can confirm the guide works
guy complaining below just fucked up somewhere
Bryock Apr 16, 2023 @ 10:48am 
Good guide, interesting take on a selfish El Brante that has a bit of an epiphany later in life.
Very interesting that you manage to kill Stephan in an honorable duel but still maintain the family AND achieve nobility. It lead to a bit of optimization in the early game but it's a very interesting take.
Congratulation and good job :)
fedorkkk  [author] Apr 13, 2023 @ 12:07am 
Elsen, I honestly don't know what's up with your version of the game. In my version, sentencing El Dude raises Justice, drops Career, raises your Wealth, and that's it. To ban the Court of Honor in this playthrough should be flat out impossible, because you have to keep your promise to El Borne, and by the time of this scene, you've betrayed him THREE times. I'm very confused.
Eisen Apr 12, 2023 @ 11:20pm 
I said "sentencing", not outlawing. The "Duel of Honor" is crossed out, therefore the option to duel Stephan is grey.
fedorkkk  [author] Apr 12, 2023 @ 10:23pm 
Elsen, "Outlaw the Court of Honor" is a different option from "Sentence El Dude for capital punishment". I suggest the latter, not the former.
Eisen Apr 12, 2023 @ 10:12pm 
No, there is definitely something wrong. There is a contradiction in your own guide. You outlaw dueling (by sentencing the "El" dude for killing someone) but then you put in your guide to "duel Stephan". I don't think this is my mistake afterall.
fedorkkk  [author] Apr 12, 2023 @ 2:03am 
Elsen, unlikely. As far as I know, Ironman mode doesn't change the requirements, it only hides the consequences. Maybe, however, if you have the patience to replay it with open consequences, it will all come together.
Eisen Apr 12, 2023 @ 1:55am 
Is it because I play on Ironman?
fedorkkk  [author] Apr 12, 2023 @ 1:37am 
Elsen, I've checked it out just to be sure. The bribe option still requires 10 Man. I can show you the screen as a proof if you friend me. Honestly, I don't know what to make of this conundrum.