Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

336 ratings
How to download the community T7patch by Serious and play online zombies safely (also FPS Fix)
By JTtopcat
A tutorial on how to download the community T7patch by Serious. For zombies players players
As many are aware playing Black ops 3 online poses many security risks. Activision has shut down the boiii client and xlabs as well. Thankfully community member Serious, shiversoftdev, or anthonything has made a patch that still works and helps to protect players playing zombies. Massive credit and thanks for him working on this and updating it.
  • The patch fixes the fps issue the game has.
  • This patch will not make you safe when matchmaking and connecting to strangers. It is for playing in private match with friends or solo while connected to the server for your unlocks.
  • You can still matchmake if you want to if you just desire the "fps fix"
  • Don't expect anymore updates unfortunately.
  • Patch is not compatible with any mod menus.
  • Please do not try to use any public cheats with this patch. Almost all of them are incompatible.
  • Not compatible with ZBR.
  • Doesn't work on steam deck, Mac Os, or Linux (Linux might work after latest update)
  • The patch hasn't worked with Campaign (will crash) for awhile so I am removing from the guide.
  • FAQ[]

Version 2.02 is the latest version.
1. Make a folder
Make a folder(you can just put it on your desktop if you like) name it Black ops 3 patch.
2. Download the Patch
Go to And download the latest version of the patch. You will want to click and download number).zip
3. Potential antivirus Issues
You may get a message that the file is unsafe and dangerous. The patch is protected from reverse engineering. Many antivirus software are going to be scared of it for this reason. If you can't download it you need to whitelist it on your antivirus software or temporarily turn off your antivirus but I wouldn't recommend that. There's hundreds of antivirus software's so I can't specifically tell you how to do this. For windows defender you can Go to Start > Settings > Update & Security > Windows Security > Virus & threat protection. Under Virus & threat protection settings, select Manage settings, and then under Exclusions, select Add or remove exclusions.
4. Extract it
Once you download the file right click and extract it to Black ops 3 patch folder you created. Windows has a built-in zip tool now so you probably won't need to download anything to do this. If you need to you can look up a guide on how to use WinRAR and extract zip folders.
5. Run the Patch
Open the Black ops 3 patch folder and run the patch t7patch_(version number). If it doesn't open or it deletes it you once again have to whitelist this program on your antivirus software.
6. Patch Interface
You now have the patch downloaded but there are many things to note. You can change your name to whatever you want. If you're going to be streaming you're going to want to change your name and hide your steam name. You also see "network password" and I highly recommend you set it to something. Without a network password you may be vulnerable to crashes. If you're going to be playing public matches you can leave the network password blank but I would highly discourage that and it's a risk having random people in your games. Check the friends only box and share your network password with only people you trust so you can play together. If you play with a friend who doesn't have the patch without a network password you are still exposing yourself. So make sure you get everybody you're playing with protected.
7. Make sure it is working
Always run the patch before you start the game. At the Start menu on the top right you should see that it says community patch by Serious with the version number. If you don't see it right away give it a second for it to change. Now have fun playing Bo3 zombies while protected!
Abyssal May 25 @ 12:01pm 
ICL man u kinda ass at D2
JTtopcat  [author] May 11 @ 5:03pm 
@Dango 1. I am not gonna promise anything but I have Riot Vanguard anti-cheat for Valorant and have had no issues with it.
2. If you want the online protection of no one connecting to your lobbies then you all need to run the patch. If you are only running it for the fps fixing then it doesn't matter.
Dango May 10 @ 5:47pm 
Will this patch flag RIOT's Vanguard anticheat? I want to play bo3 with no fps issues and this seems like the best way to go about it. Do my friends also need to download this patch so that i can play with them online?
JTtopcat  [author] May 2 @ 10:06pm 
@Inconsistent. You will not get banned
Inconsistent May 2 @ 9:50pm 
I also have another question and that, would you get banned somehow for using this patch to play solo zombies or just generally, have a chance of getting banned for using this patch? I'm kinda worried the game ban would be issued onto my steam profile.
JTtopcat  [author] May 2 @ 10:02am 
@Inconsistent You "probably" don't need to use vpn unless you are streaming or are famous.
Inconsistent May 2 @ 5:49am 
Hey, do you need to connect to a VPN while using this patch? I saw the Installation video on the github page saying that you need to connect to the VPN to be extra safe. For your information, I plan to play only zombies and campaign.
JTtopcat  [author] May 1 @ 8:56pm 
@K33XW I will repeat this as I have many times. I and many others have used the patch with no issues for years now. Serious / shiversoftdev is a trusted member of the community. If you don't trust it, don't download. Your choice. It would completely ruin his credibility online if it was a virus or malware.
JTtopcat  [author] May 1 @ 8:55pm 
@combatsige You can close file explorer. You have to leave the patch interface open.
K33XW May 1 @ 12:44pm 
Whats Gridinsoft (no cloud) and SentinelOne (Static ML) it seems like remote access trojan malware this download uses ZgRAT.