SuperPower 2 Steam Edition

SuperPower 2 Steam Edition

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HDM Console commands explained
By Liquid_Trigger
This guide explains all of the Joshua server console commands included in the Human Development Mod
The Human Development Mod for SP2 comes with a ton of useful console commands with functions such as add money, add population, multiplayer functions and other commands that can be used to manipulate the game to your liking.

Link to the human development mod:
Country IDs
The SuperPower game has hidden IDs used to identify different countries, regions, military designs, treaties, units etc. Thanks to HDM, you can make region and country IDs visible. To make them visible, go to your SP2 folder and open file named hdm_cfg_client with notepad and scroll to the end and change the following settings to true instead of false. This will make the game display country and region IDs, making it much more easy to use these commands.

  • help - shows all available commands
  • annex (country ID annexing country) (Country ID being annexed) - Forces the first country to annex all regions that it has military control over from the second country. For example, "annex 86 66" will force Israel to annex regions Palestine that Israel has military control of.
  • ban - With this command you can ban a user through the console instead of the game itself.
  • bombard (bombarding country) (target country) - With this command you can force the first country to bombard the second with its naval force. For example "bombard 184 84" will force the United States to bombard Iraq.
  • build - This command is used to build units through the console. This command is complicated as you need the country ID and the design ID and the quantity built. For example, "build 184 259 1000" will force the United States to build 1000 M1A2 Abrams with lowest build speed. Each military unit has its own numerical design ID in the database, infantry is 1.
  • build_amds - Forces the target country to build an AMDS (Anti Missile Defense system). For example "build_amds 84" will force Iraq to build AMDS. This will also decrease relations between the target country and the rest of the world.
  • clock - Will display an engine clock in the Joshua console.
  • crashexit - Forces the game to quit.
  • declare_peace - Forces all countries to declare peace, ending all current wars. This is useful in multiplayer games if a troll declares wars.
  • declare_war - Forces the target country(ies) to declare war on another country(ies). If you want several countries to declare wars, put slashes (/) between the ID numbers, for example "declare_war 184/183 142/16" will force the United States and the United Kingdom to declare war on Russia and Belarus.
  • embargo - The forces the first country to embargo the second country. This works only with two countries at a time. For example, "embargo 184 142" will make the United States embargo Russia.
  • fight - This will set up an artificial fight between randomly chosen countries.
  • force_anarchy - Forces the target country to fall into anarchy. For example "force_anarchy 37" will force China into an anarchy.
  • force_client - Forces the first country to create a client treaty with the second country. This only works if the second country is occupied militarily by the first country. For example "force_client 142 16" makes Russia attempt client Belarus.
  • force_occupy - All regions of the second country will be occupied by the first country. For example, "force_occupy 142 16 2"
  • give_population - Adds population to the target country. For example "give_population 86 6000000" will add 6 million people to Israel. It only works to add population and cannot be used to remove population. It may take awhile for the game to calculate the new population.
  • givemoney - Adds money to the target country, this can also be used to removed money if you input a negative number. For example, "givemoney 184 1000" will give the United States 1000 dollars. "givemoney 184 -1000" will remove 1000 dollars from the United States.
  • join_treaty - Forces the target country to join a treaty. Requires the country ID, treaty ID and the side of the treaty to be specified. For example, "join_treaty 57 1 1" will make Estonia join NATO on side 1, which will make it a part of the alliance. The other treaty IDs can be found inside the database.
  • kick - Kicks a player through the console.
  • leave_treaty - Forces country to leave a treaty. This command has only two parameters, country ID and treaty ID. For example, "leave_treaty 183 47" will force the United Kingdom to leave the European Union.
  • load - Loads a game from the specified file.
  • load_hdm_cfg - This will load an HDM server config file. This is very useful in multiplayer games so that a host can update the HDM config mid-game. For example the host can use the command to change nuke rules mid-game.
  • load_hdm_database - Loads an HDM database. You can change the rebel ID mid-game for example.
  • load_hdm_historical_events - This will load the HDM historical events. You can use this command to remove or add historical events mid-game. For example, this command can be used to stop scripted events in the GeoTWAM mod, such as the United States attacking Iraq on March 19, 2003.
  • military_removal - This make the first country ask the second country to remove all military units from the first country's territory. For example, "military_removal 68 83" will make Germany ask UK to remove its units from Germany.
  • name - This command is used to change the name of the multiplayer server.
  • new - This will create a new game, but this command is broken because the game will crash.
  • new_from - This will create a new game from the specified database.
  • occupy - This will force the first country to occupy the second country. This command can also be used on the same country to occupy its own regions with its military units. For example, "occupy 184 184" will force the United States to spread its military units across its own regions, "occupy 184 83" will force the United States to occupy Iran.
  • ping - Pings the server
  • print_amds - Shows a country's AMDS status. For example, "print_amds 184" will show the AMDS level of the United States.
  • print_bombardments - Shows all units currently bombarding as well as source and target countries.
  • print_foreign_presence - Lists all foreign military units on the specified country's territory.
  • print_max_players - Shows the maximum player limit of the current server
  • print_military_control - Lists all regions under military control as well as historical claims, political control and coordinates of a specified country.
  • print_nuclear_research - Prints a country's nuclear research levels of a specified country.
  • print_players - This will list all current players on your server. This command also shows all player IDs and their ping. This command is useful if a host wants to find out if a player is lagging the server.
  • print_region_languages - Prints the specified region's languages and population. You will need the regions numerical ID
  • print_region_religions - Prints the specified region's religions and population. You will need the regions numerical ID
  • print_regions_in_area - Lists all regions within a given low and high longitudes and latitudes. This command needs 4 parameters
  • print_relations - Print relations of that country.
  • print_server_name - Prints the name of the server
  • print_wars - Prints the description of all ongoing wars.
  • priority - Selects the Windows process priority of SuperPower 2 (low, normal and high)
  • research_nuclear - Forces the target country to start nuclear research.
  • save - Saves the game to the specified file, you have to type the name of the save game. This is useful if your game crashes but the Joshua.exe console is still running. For example, "save RP" will save the current game to file titled "RP".
  • say - Broadcasts a chat message to the server. For example, typing say "hello world" will broadcast "hello world" to the server.
  • sell_units - Print and sell necessary units for every country. This command might be unstable.
  • set_admin_country - Set admin player by country ID. For example, "set_admin_country 177" will make any player playing as Turkey admin.
  • set_admin_player - Set admin player by player ID.
  • set_aggr - Sets the game AI aggressiveness level between 0 and 1. For example, "set_aggr 0.5" will set the aggression bar to the middle.
  • set_country_name - Changes the name of the specified country. For example, set_country_name 142 "Soviet Union" will change Russia to "Soviet Union". It's useful in multiplayer games if a troll changes their country name to something stupid.
Commands (cont.)
  • set_diplomatic_relations - Changes target country's relations with all other countries. This is useful in multiplayer games if a player destroys their relations with the rest of the world. For example, "set_diplomatic_relations 184 100" will make the United States to have 100 relations with every country in the world
  • set_max_players - Sets maximum number of players in the server. This is very useful because it updates the server and republishes it on the server list. For example, "set_max_players 31" will set the maximum player count to 31.
  • set_password - Will set new password required to join the server.
  • set_speed - This command is used to change the game speed. You can use the command to set speeds not normally available through the game itself. For example, "set_speed 64" will make the game run extremely fast.
  • set_stability - Sets the stability of the target country. This command is useful if you don't want a country to fall into anarchy. For example, "set_stability 184 100" will set the stability of the United States to 100.
  • set_time - This command will restart the clock of the game.
  • speed - Displays the game's speed.
  • start_civil_war - Causes a civil war in the target country. For example, "start_civil_war 184" will cause a civil war in the United States. This is different from anarchy because civil war may not always occur when a country falls into anarchy depending on the config settings.
  • start_game - Starts a game through the Joshua console.
  • status - Change status of a unit group. You need the unit's numerical ID.
  • time - Displays the game time.
  • transfer_claims - Transfers historical claims of a country. Requires 4 parameters: old country ID, new country ID, military control, military units. For example, while playing the GeoTWAM mod "transfer_claims 183 236 1 1" will make Scotland secede from the United Kingdom and inherit military units on Scotland's territory. If player country Russia annexes Ukraine, then you can undo this by tying "transfer_claims 142 181 1 1" this will make Ukraine an independent country again with it's own military. It's very useful in multiplayer games for transferring regions back to a country instead of trying to sell them back.
  • transfer_country - Transfers a country to a new owner. Requires 3 parameters (transferred country ID) (receiving country ID) (whether or not the receiving country inherits the transferred country's military). For example, "transfer_country 32 184 1" will transfer Canada and all of its military to the United States. If you put 0 instead of 1, Canada will be transferred without its military.
  • transfer_region - Forces region transfer to new owner. Requires 4 parameters (region ID) (new owner ID) (transfer military control) (transfer military units). For example, "transfer_region 2356 142 1 1" will transfer Crimea to Russia along with military units stationed there.
  • transfer_research - Copies the first country's research to another country. For example, "transfer_research 184 142" will give Russia the military research levels of the United States.
  • transfer_units_in_region - This is to transfer military units in one region from one country to another country. Requires 3 parameters, (region ID) (old owner ID) (new owner ID). For example, "transfer_units_in_region 2361 184 181" will transfer United States units in Lviv region of Ukraine to Ukraine.
  • version - Gives the current version of the game as well as the mod.
Amogus Mar 18, 2023 @ 11:56am 
Joshua Console that is on your task bar alongside with SP2 application
Guavamanitis Mar 11, 2023 @ 5:49am 
How do I toggle the console command?