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🚼 =====🔴赤壁之战🔴➕🟠武将立绘🟠➕🟡旧宫府:🟡======
🆎 =====🟢【TUP】🟢======➕======🔵【TROM】🔵======
🆘 =====🟣兵模优化🟣➕🟤卡顿优化🟤➕⚫文本优化⚫======
🈲 =====⚪人物传记⚪➕🔘特殊兵种🔘➕🚫禁止爬墙🚫======



👉TROM 3.9c Pack 2及其以上为基础版,后面配件可酌情选择



  1. 似乎 [Alpha Version 0.8] Chibi Start Date (赤壁之战)MOD合集还没有完成,可能还在完善中,存在一些未知BUG❗❗❗
  2. 本合集 【赤壁+TUP+TROM】™ 存在汉化不完全的BUG(虽然不影响娱乐,但作为普通玩家、英语小白、强迫症患者,英文的存在实在让我不舒服),哪位大佬看看能不能修复一下汉化问题?万分感谢🙏🙏🙏
    近日有大佬制作了 [TROM+TUP] 中文漢化 ,可惜是繁体字,目前该翻译还没有全部完成,令人振奋的是,该作者也在持续更新中,全部内容完成会继续更新简体中文版的 (2023/1/31)

  3. 玩家不需要玩人物生平/传记的可忽略 !!!本合集 【赤壁+TUP+TROM】™ 的人物生平/传记存在BUG, NGC新武将合集人物生平 存在不能显示部分名将生平的BUG,而 新人物传记 Character biography (CN) 的人物生平不全,二者都缺少人物生平资料更新问题。如果有大佬能更新本合集 【赤壁+TUP+TROM】™ 人物传记资料库就好了😭😭😭
    [TROM+TUP] 简体中文 昨日上线,或许已经解决上述问题(2023/3/7)

  1. 感谢本合集中所有MOD制作者的工作成果,使得该游戏 全战:三国(Total War: THREE KINGDOMS)游戏的玩法更精彩 ✨✨✨
  2. 受到本合集下方 已链接的合集 内容的启发,本合集 【赤壁+TUP+TROM】™ 是结合自身爱好重新组合的 ,仅供方便自身娱乐🎉🎉🎉
  3. 喜欢本合集 【赤壁+TUP+TROM】™ 内容的朋友欢迎订阅✅✅✅,如果觉得本合集玩法精彩,请点个赞吧👍👍👍
Vật phẩm (66)
Improved Campaign Map Performance
Tạo bởi Levie
What does this mod do? This mod smooths out campaign map performance by reducing application errors and file query times. This is especially noticeable when moving over Nanman lands. What is causing the stutter? Special thanks to Spartan VI and HuntingDog ...
The Gathering : Core Object 1.2.2
Tạo bởi Inter-object
Modified the core object of the TW:TK script to make the game run more reliably 삼탈워 엔진의 코어 오브젝트를 개조하여 게임이 더 안정적으로 돌아갈 수 있도록합니다 修改了TW:TK脚本的核心对象,以使游戏运行更可靠 In TW:3K, events are like the heartbeat of a game. The core object is a...
TheGathering : BattleBox 2.3.2
Tạo bởi Inter-object
Update Notes 2.3.0 UI change and totally redevelopment to pit UI XML style opened in TW:TK 1.7.0 2.2.3 2.2.3 - Now uses "View camera bookmark 10" shortcut key to open/close panel The UI creation method has changed in TW:TK 1.7.0. Problems are occurring for...
Tạo bởi melt
最新207赤壁剧本mod的汉化补丁,大部分地方已经汉化完成,排序放在本体之上。 只和原版 mtu tup兼容(强烈建议和tup一起用,因为有许多外族将领的立绘)
Chibi TUP Frontend
Tạo bởi Ironic
Just a mod that changes the frontend characters to their proper form for TUP. Place above the original mod....
TUP Balancing Changes [207 Comp]
Tạo bởi Ironic
This mod changes the CEO of TUP to be more balanced, here instead of the mess of balance that it is by itself. This is not finished as I haven't gotten through all of the items yet. Changes: Characters added in Fates Divided have 60 points of Wuxing and ne...
[Alpha Version 0.8] Chibi Start Date
Tạo bởi Ironic DO NOT PLAY ANOTHER CAMPAIGN WITH THIS ON We have Chinese Simplified and Korean currently Chinese Simplified: Created by: 我酱紫走...
Tạo bởi 赤壁の妖术师
原本只是做出来自己用的娱乐立绘,因为很多人到群里来询问,所以上传至工坊,如有其他问题望告知。 本立绘修改了官方的甄姬立绘并对应修改了她的大小立绘、模型、护甲立绘,应该和任何mod都兼容。(如果你也同时订阅了我的整整齐齐立绘,请将此mod置于上方) 我的大小乔立绘修改: Google translation:This is a modification of the officia...
Tạo bởi 赤壁の妖术师
娱乐立绘,不喜勿喷,求女拳放过。 本mod修改了原版的大小乔立绘,小立绘以及半身立绘,欢迎喜欢的人订阅此mod。(如果你也同时订阅了我的整整齐齐立绘,请将此mod置于上方) 我的甄姬立绘修改: Google translation:This mod modifies CA's Da Qiao,Xiao Qiao's Lift, Little Joe's Lift and Bust...
Tạo bởi crazyfly
在TUP简体中文的翻译支持下改动的,直译生硬,以下改动都不是翻译,很多都是直接改成别的了。(比如赵云的马的名字我直接改成了夜照玉狮子)改动标准,符合历史第一,符合TUP游戏第二。比如TUP游戏中词条太阿剑,直译MOD是胎儿,我正常翻译就是太阿剑,但是其模型立绘都是一把刀,我就改成了其他刀的名字,另外选取了一把属性很好的剑作为太阿剑(太阿排中国名剑第四所以选属性好的)。 现在没有改完,因为TUP的翻译mod没了就先上传。 暂时只改了以下 人物称号和注释 根据百度百科中选择了自己喜好的,符合历史的。称号基本都是...
Tạo bởi crazyfly
1蔡邕,朱灵立绘建模正常显示。 2英雄花鬘战役开始就诞生在孟获派系(控制台召唤不出南蛮英雄) 至此所有TUP英雄都可以出现在战役中;花鬘立绘建模正常显示。 要新档花鬘才会出现,不是新档除开花鬘不会出现外其他都能生效。 排序放在TUP前面才生效 。 以下5个问题我均可修复,但是需要改TUP本体MOD才生效,只能等TUP作者自己修复。 1朱异 邹丹 王异立绘消失 2周鲂 陈琳 蒋干 董厥 王累 张肃演义模式下是史实模式的状态 3郑甘 梅成 名字 甘 梅丢失 杨仪 杨错误成扬 4武器模型丢失 5脸部模型丢失 ...
Make Them Unique Simplified Chinese Language Add-on (简体中文补丁)
Tạo bởi procrastinator
This mod is compatible for both MTU and MTU Events Add-on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a Chinese language package for Illust...
TROM Simplified Chinese Addon (简体中文补丁)
Tạo bởi procrastinator
Based on lacus's: Manually re-translated and edited over 1400 entires from Iacus's work. Will lowly update and complete the description section. ------------------------------...
[TROM+TUP] 简体中文
Tạo bởi bbq
繁体中文 从这里下载 中文: 这个mod基本上是 TROM,TUP,MTU,和一些武将合集的大集成,感谢Bean跟woodhawk先生把这个错综复杂的mod上mod完成。近日我终于有时间把里面的过万条的英文句子翻译了,因为个人喜好我把陈茂的 "火凤燎原" 和 "三国机密" 也加进了人物传记和角色技能当中。此外你会发现当中的角色技能有很多已经重写成更有风格的四字成语。请记得根据 我的安装排列就可以了。 这个汉化翻译了: 1. (基本上包括了 TROM, TUP, MTU 和一些武将合集) 2. Relatio...
Tạo bởi nenyerbisnus
CGI is short for Complementary Generals Illustration, it adds portrait illustration similar to CA's artwork for better immersion (refer to screenshot). Notice: 1. Use only with TROM or MTU. All others NOT tested. 2. CGI is NOT compatible with any mod that ...
[TROM+TUP] Campaign Overhaul (Part 1 Skills)
Tạo bởi Beans
Part 1 of the compatibility project of TUP + TROM. Required. Skill tree component with edits. Original Havie Skill Tree for TUP mod: Please direct all comments and discussion to the main pag...
[TROM+TUP] Campaign Overhaul (Part 2 TUP)
Tạo bởi Beans
Part 2 of the compatibility project of TUP + TROM. Required. TUP component with edits. Original TUP mod: Please direct all comments and discussion to the main page for PART 5 https://steamcommu...
[TROM+TUP] Campaign Overhaul (Part 3 WDG)
Tạo bởi Beans
Part 3 of the compatibility project of TUP + TROM. Required. WDG component with edits. Original WDG mod: Please direct all comments and discussion to the main page for PART 5 https://steamco...
[TROM+TUP] Campaign Overhaul (Part 4 MTU)
Tạo bởi Beans
Part 4 of the compatibility project of TUP + TROM. Required. MTU component with edits. Original MTU mod: Please direct all comments and discussion to the main page for PART 5 https://steamco...
[TROM+TUP] Campaign Overhaul - Full Romance & Records support (Part 5) [1.7.2]
Tạo bởi Beans
Love TUP? Love TROM? But hate that those two mods are not compatible? NOT ANYMORE! This mod is a complete reworking of the core components of TROM, rebuilt from the ground up to be compatible with TUP (and many more mods). It was not possible to 1:1 port o...
TROM 4.1 Pack 2
Tạo bởi hooveric
Please check Pack 1 page. (This is a movie type pack so it may not appear on the custom mod manager.)...
RMK: Remake Original Characters - A Girl Worth Fighting For - 1.7.0 support
Tạo bởi NQ
Before you use This mod change the vanilla girl art, so if you like the vanilla one, don't use this The art style is base on 'REAL PERSION' in realife so sometime i'll be update until we feel it perfect
整整齐齐的原版立绘|Neat Character Pictures.pack
Tạo bởi 赤壁の妖术师
大家好啊,我是武将合集制作组的无火的余灰,这个mod修改了原版的所有特殊武将立绘,将他们的头像,兵牌,大小立绘都统一了高度和位置,同时也给一些妹子武将提了点亮度,修改了部分武将的立绘细节。此mod将来还会继续修改原版的大众脸立绘,应该兼容所有mod,如想使用修改了原版立绘的其他mod请将此mod置于下方,希望你们能喜欢(づ ●─● )づ 2020.8.24更新说明:调整了部分武将的兵牌现在他们较之前头部更小,调整了一些武将的立绘位置,可能还会有遗漏的欢迎在评论区指出,由于作者最近工作繁忙,下次更新将在南蛮d...
Generals Face Overhaul | 将领脸模大修
Tạo bởi deema
This mod makes generals look better via mesh reskin and retextures. Includes: -Cao Ren - Ma Chao - Huang Shao - Ma Teng - Sima Yi - Xiahou Yuan - Zhang Liao - Yue Jin - Xu Huang - Gongsun Zan - Kong Rong - Yuan Shu - Han Sui - Zhang Kai - Pei Yuanshao - Xu...
Generic Generals Overhaul | 将领盔甲优化
Tạo bởi deema
The generic generals' looks are leagues below the uniques. This mod aims to change that by changing and adding more equipment to armor ancillaries. Portraits are edited to match the changes. Includes female sentinel and commander armors since someone asked...
Better Faces Plus | 將軍臉部重塑 +
Tạo bởi deema
This mod aims to make characters look better by making changes via retextures. Changes that can found in this mod vary a lot from changing eyebrows, making armors shinier to changing skin hues. I did not increase the texture size so there shouldn't be any ...
Distinguished Generals Overhaul | 弃叛之世"传奇将领模型优化
Tạo bởi deema
I really like all of the tertiary generals that were added in A World Betrayed DLC and so I made a reskin mod for them. This will be dumping ground for all the current and upcoming tertiary characters. Includes - Liu Yao - Wang Lang - Li Jue - Ji Ling Comp...
东汉兵模-Eastern Han units model
Tạo bởi harrylee95
这个原本是用来录历史视频所用的模型 历史化兵模里的汉派系基础兵种“ 西汉兵模 ”全部换成 “东汉兵模” 样式,把西汉“武弁”换成东汉“帻”。 需要配合历史化兵模一起使用才可以。 mod管理器加载顺序: 1.东汉兵模 2.历史化兵模优化 ********************************************************************************* Change Han faction units model to Eastern Han(AD25—AD220...
历史化兵模优化-Units model historical reskin
Tạo bởi harrylee95
-This MOD has modified the TW3K vanilla unit model and remade and beautified the Han faction unit model. The militia style (with inconsistent clothing colors) is a Western Han style attire, while the mid-level military style is an Eastern Han and Three Kin...
Tạo bởi galiu
👉吕布、貂蝉、黄忠、孙仁、马超来投——赤壁208剧本刘备派系专用™ 其他派系有效,但不建议使用 吕布大概率背叛而离开派系,不想让他离开可以订阅 最小忠诚度从0修改为1 207年冬&208年春 代码设置是建新档时立投的,但测试刘备派系时却不是207年秋,事件触发大概率是208年春,可能是由于开局事件多导致的事件推迟 貂蝉小姐劝谏吕布一起前来投奔主公! 《三国演义》中吕布先后投靠过丁原、董卓,并拜他们当了干爹(电视剧《新三国》中又认了王允当干爹),是演义小说中不多见的“认干爹专业户",所以张飞嘲笑他为"三姓家奴...
Tạo bởi waxgourd
必要前置 hidde大佬的原mod: 简介 如图,在武将列表增加了两个快捷按键(关怀和任务),让使用频率较高的两个功能可以不用打开人物界面直接使用。在右侧武将列表栏点击君主或者夫人就可以激活UI。 另外,上方属性过滤栏加了一个槽位,蛮将我放在了木系里。如果玩南蛮想用原mod的分类栏可以把本mod排在原mod下面,让原mod覆盖 10/14 更新:添加了开...
Tạo bởi 我有一个学妹
这是旧宫府的版本,如果你喜欢新版本,请去工坊下载“新宫府” 《新宫府》 。二者不可同时启用! 更新日志 2022-08-01: 将新宫府的一些改动挪了过来:文本优化;纳娶按钮点击后会自动关闭宫府界面,以便玩家选择结婚事件;按钮展示显示为两列,防止按钮过多被隐藏。 Mod简介 宫府界面,对角色呈现额外的操作:斩首、纳妾、废后、桃园结义、巩固忠诚 与任何mod都兼容(理论上和工坊中的纳娶Mod也不冲突),可以随时开随时关,不影响存档 ============================= Mod功能 1、 ...
No opinion icon
Tạo bởi Little Fighter
Function: Remove personality opinion icons, both green√ and red× (Personality likes and dislikes are not changed) Those √ and × were really annoying in court and army. So I made this MOD...
生育率0/No kid
Tạo bởi CUI
绝育npc,解决后期卡顿 all generals can't have children...
AI Won’t Execute Characters AI 不处决人物
Tạo bởi Alex Zhao
This mod prevent AI execute captured character, now they will only recruit or release them. However characters killed in a battle still will be dead. I also decreased the relationship bonus from releasing captive....
Unlock All Titles 直接解锁头衔
Tạo bởi Alex Zhao
This mod will allows you to unlock all titles when your start a new campaign. Compatible with everything. Thanks for HIIIIIHAAA's help for reconstructing this mod to increase compatibility and stability....
Better Ground Effects 更好的地形效果
Tạo bởi Alex Zhao
Updated for 1.7. I made Nanman units get better buff in forest and shallow water, more debuff in sand, less debuff in snow compare to vanilla. ================= This mod added more detailed ground effects for different terrain types like Total War Arena. S...
地域增益/Regional Buffs
Tạo bởi ceper
For English Patch, the link is here. ———————————————————————————————————————————— This mod is a sub-mod of the Regional Recruiting. It works independently and for both AI and player. The buf...
【已支持1.7】Wonders of China 2.0 | 中国奇观 2.0.pack
Tạo bởi thak117
3.12更新: 应该没问题,有问题请反馈 感谢翠星大大的授权,我使用了部分地域收益调整mod中的部分效果,并挑选了一些有名的奇观地点进行了更新。 岠山 位于下邳 鄱阳湖 位于潘阳 圣姑庙 位于安平 岘山 位于襄阳 剑阁 位于巴西 阳平关 位于汉中 此外,所有关隘都添加了额外的效果 地域收益调整mod中的那些恶地效果还在考虑是否要添加,如果有人可以接受那些负面城市buff,我也可以考虑添加进来。 原mod地址
Military Forges & Special Resources Buildings provide buffs for new recruits
Tạo bởi 武田士織
This mod simply added more effects to the military forges and some of the special resource buildings. Now the three branches of the military forges will each provide 10% armor, weapon damage and long-range damage to local newly recruited units. The Norther...
更专业的配兵 /Dynasty Warlords' Armies
Tạo bởi Phantathos
由于MOD机制,建议大家使用新档进行游戏! It is recommended to use this mod in new game. 这个MOD与原版游戏兼容 This mod is compatible with the vanilla game. 兼容 更好的AI配兵,对于原版玩家,两者一起使用效果会更好 This mod is compatible with Better AI Templates. 使AI招募的部队更加精锐 Make AI recruit more elite troops 1)...
城市最高等级8级™CITY HIGHEST LEVEL 8™version 1.
Tạo bởi galiu
version 1.城市等级影响补员速率、粮食消耗等 version 1. City level affects recruitment rate, food consumption, etc. 另外一个版本见链接 城市最高等级8级™CITY HIGHEST LEVEL 8™version 2. See the link for another version 城市最高等级8级™CITY HIGHEST LEVEL 8™version 2. 除了派系都城外,所有城市最高升级到8级 Except for th...
Better walls and camps - no climbing on walls
Tạo bởi Spark
This mod disallows medium infantry and heavy infantry to climb walls (excluding Hero), while allowing both crossbowmen and light infantry to climb walls (including heavy crossbowmen).This has increased the AI's propensity to build sieges and sieges can be ...
更加真实的攻城器械™A More Realistic Siege Engine™
Tạo bởi galiu
👉更加真实的攻城器械™A More Realistic Siege Engine™ 延长了冲撞城门的时间,降低了冲撞车、攻城塔的血量和耐火性,要小心火箭 Extended the time of ramming the city gate, reduced the blood volume and fire resistance of the ramming car and siege tower, be careful of rockets 配合 轻装近战步兵100+士气™ 和 更好的城墙与营寨更好的城墙...
轻装近战步兵100+士气™Light Melee Infantry 100+ Morale™
Tạo bởi galiu
👉轻装近战步兵100+士气™Light Melee Infantry 100+ Morale™ 所有原版轻装近战步兵100+士气,配合 更加真实的攻城器械™ 和 更好的城墙与营寨更好的城墙与营寨——禁止随意爬墙 一起使用,使得攻城更加真实 All original light melee infantry with 100+ morale, in conjunction with More Realistic Siege Engine™ and Better Walls and Camps Better W...
禁用铁蒺藜和烟雾弹™Disable Caltrops and Smoke Bombs™
Tạo bởi galiu
👉禁用铁蒺藜和烟雾弹™Disable Caltrops and Smoke Bombs™ 理论上对AI和玩家均有用 Theoretically useful for both AI and players 对原版兵种有作用,对修改过或者新添加的兵种可能会无效 It is effective for the original arms, but it may be invalid for the modified or newly added arms 兼容性未测试,自行测试 Compatibility no...
埋伏援军进场时间加快/Ambush reinforcement time reduce
Tạo bởi NCIS_Sky
兵贵神速!埋伏成功但援军竟然要3分钟才进场实在拖垮,这个MOD会缩短成1分钟后进场,配合援军打败敌军吧!(不过记得AI埋伏成功时也一样) This mod will reduce the ambush reinforcement time from 180 to 60 seconds....
Enhanced Dust Particles
Tạo bởi Petellius
IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION FOR INSTALLATION This mod requires you to set your "VFX detail" settings to "high" or above. Enhanced Particles is a follow on from the very popular mod for Rome 2 of the same name. The mod...
Arrow Trails Redux
Tạo bởi Petellius
IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION FOR INSTALLATION For enhanced fire arrows, you need to set your "VFX detail" settings to "high" or above. Updated for Patch 1.5 Arrow Trails Redux is designed to reduce the amount of visual...
Tạo bởi Teemo Alpha AF
"Accuracy: Determines the likelihood of hitting the enemy when firing." this is the original description in the main game database but this stat is unused. It exists in Warhammer but I don't know why is disabled in 3k (in fact every unit accuracy is set to...
Tạo bởi Teemo Alpha AF
"Hit Chance: Increases the chance of hitting the enemy target by decreasing its Melee Evasion." This stat is hidden and unused in the original game (I think to make balancing the game easier they set this value to 0) But some mod that add new generals may ...
faster horse(updated for 1.7 patch)
Tạo bởi 陈_风暴烈酒
Increase all the cavalry move speed(elephants and tigers unchanged). Though not mentioned, CA officially increased mounted general`s speed once again in 1.6 patch, so I increased the cavalry speed to suit the change. Now the light/medium/heavy/cata/heavy c...
larger cavalry unit size(updated for 1.7 patch)
Tạo bởi 陈_风暴烈酒
increase 50% of all cavalries` unit size, but total HP remains unchanged. Now cavalries can deal more damage but are easier to lose entities...
More balanced cavalry charge
Tạo bởi 陈_风暴烈酒
English isn`t my native language, but I`ll try to explain what this mod does. In short : when cavalry charges against infantry, it have 100% chance to jump attack, making "metal" units too vulnerable against cavalry. But when it charges against "wood" unit...
1.7.1 史诗音乐BGM V1.9 Musical epic 180 songs / 200多个小时制作
Tạo bởi 羞羞的么哈
重要申明 此MOD内的所有歌曲归版权作者所有,禁止一切商业用途! 本人只是个人喜好做了筛选,本人充分尊重作者的意愿,如果有冒犯请给我留言,我会删除非常感谢! 我想这会是一个让你体验大不相同的MOD,你应该来试试它。花了200多个小时,解压了1000首歌曲,一首一首听,然后做记录找适合的歌曲,一首不错的曲子我大概需要找30-50首,然后替换这些歌曲工作也很繁琐,工作量非常巨大。有些音乐觉得还是不太满意,但个人精力有限,不能完全找到合适的,目前版本已经有了大幅度改进,还有些地方可以继续优化提升。这不是违和版本,...
Tạo bởi Lcero
随从立绘 | Followers Icons
Tạo bởi Oo.Xiao
2020.09.07:更新匹配游戏版本。 2020.03.26:更新匹配游戏版本。 2020.01.31:更新天命DLC新增的两个随从。 原版的随从立绘,服饰有唐宋风格,人物刻画相对粗糙,个人不太喜欢,因此拿了其它游戏素材做修改,做了这套立绘。 —— Machine translation —— The original version of the follower's freehand painting, dress style of Tang and Song Dynasty, character p...
【AOD】Hero card/英雄卡牌.pack
Tạo bởi thak117
本mod包含了所有aod子mod中的兵牌,包括黑熊和AOD派系兵团包。 ...
Tạo bởi MasonDestro
警告:请在订阅前阅读 对密集排列的相对小物体敏感,感觉头晕、恶心、头皮发麻,是密集物体恐惧症的常见症状。本mod中有大量密集圆点,如果您在游戏过程中出现任何症状,请立即停止游戏并在继续游戏前取消本mod的订阅。 说明 1. 改的只是镜头拉高后看到的水墨画,是一个贴图,不是对3D建模的改动(那玩意儿CA不开放修改) 2. 只要CA没有改pack中的文件结构,这个mod就能在任何版本运行,隔壁 Improve World Map 同理,且我和他改的是同一个文件,所以不兼容 3. 订阅后在模组管理器中启用,可直接...
Tạo bởi 公承
说明 特别注意事项: 200剧本新增势力,全部没有派系等级国号,升级派系后,全部国号没设置国号所以都显示为空白名势力,比如士徽、陈登、张猛、袁熙、李术等这些新势力,都是会升级侯爵后面开始没了国家名字,因为CA没做!所以本mod进行了修补补充,目前已经修补,有问题可以继续反馈。 一、本mod已自建旗帜替换,例如恭迎献帝后的大汉旗帜等,无法和任何旗帜修改类型mod共享! 二、本MOD与任何修改国号、郡国名、文化内容等文本mod冲突(不兼容本MOD) 三、本mod自行修改了幕府官职名字、头衔称呼等,无法和同类型m...
(已适配武将合集12月更新) 战役世界地图及地名重置-武将合集兼容版
Tạo bởi lizshaw
本mod是专为武将合集制作,请先订阅武将合集再订阅此mod This mod is made only for NGC (New General Collection) 武将合集mod在最新的版本中对郡国做出了如下调整: 1. 原颍川农场独立为陈留郡 2. 原陈郡畜牧场独立为沛国 3. 原淮南农场畜牧独立为谯郡 4. 原交趾农场畜牧场独立为兴古郡 5. 原零陵两资源点独立为桂阳郡 6. 原苍梧一资源点归入零陵郡 7. 原上庸武器铺归入巴郡 不得不说,对原版CA糟糕的行政区划做出了很大改善,并且通过增加北方城...
NGC新武将合集人物生平/NGC character bio
Tạo bởi Sleeping-Rowlet
人物详细界面会有新的一个书图标,鼠标移上去后可以看到人物生平资料。 目前已预先注册了1065个人物,全部由预设传记文本。 独特简易家谱功能 显示活人亲属关系(父母死人也会显示) 新增显示死亲属(非远亲)功能,点一下图标即可...
Tạo bởi 公承
大幅缓解2K战役等界面卡顿 本mod理论不冲突任何mod,针对原版游戏的语言进行了优化,让UI的各种大小下的界面不再无故超大卡顿,比如2K显示下,UI不改为100%模式下游戏会卡顿,有了这个mod后理论可以自由选择UI100%~200%了,均不会再无缘无故移动战役地图视角或者点击菜单或者进入幕府等乱卡顿半天了,1080P玩家只是界面卡顿程度非常低所以感觉不到,理论使用本mod进行UI语言优化也是有好处的,只是可能肉眼差距不明显。 使用本mod后,2K4K显示器可以使用200%UI界面,所以不需要任何放大字体...
FPS Boost 帧率增加 +10%
Tạo bởi 外國人 Hoe ❄
For potato computers where GPU is the bottleneck! Will not help much with weak CPUs. Best used with Low and Medium settings. 适用于弱GPU 适用于中低端游戏环境 修改 : 没有视频效果 (VFX) ,LOD 修改, 质地 修改 没有太大的区别 Actual FPS boost on nvidia GPUs should be between 5% and 15%. Use this ...
[1.7.X] Kelstr's No Campaign Clouds
Tạo bởi Charming Tumour
This mod removes the campaign clouds on the map. I found that my FPS dropped significantly whenever clouds were anywhere near my screen. Enjoy !!! Kelstr Setup Subscribe to this mod. Enable the mod in the launcher. Notes Provides stable FPS and less visual...
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