Exo One

Exo One

29 ratings
Maximum Energy (Pickup locations)
By Dampfsalzig
Here are the locations for all energy pickups in Exo One. After collecting each one you should have a total energy of 3750MV.
Each planet has one energy pickup with only 3 exceptions:
  1. Daramulum
  2. Sojournus XXIII
  3. Jupiter
Sagan IV
Fly forward, after the tutorial section you will already see a small light beam next to the blue one from the railgun. Fly towards the structure and collect it in the little opening.
Follow the twin monoliths until you pass the big black structure that's right in front of the pit.Then let the draft carry you upwards toward the pickup.
Quirinus II
Fly fowards until you reach the tall dune.
After that comes a small tower with a booster and a cube in the sky where the pickup is on top of.
Descend into the to indentation. After loosing all your speed, roll towards the booster exit and shortly before reaching it start flying so that you go into it with a steep angle. Then just fly upwards and navigate to the top of the cube.
Nautica pt.1
This one is already visible from the get-go, just straight ahead until you see the booster and then just collect it.
If you missed it, then no worries, you can roll up either of the two cliff sides and jump towards it.
Nautica pt.2
Again visible the moment you surface. If you dont know how to gain height in the water: Jump, then dive into the water always in disc mode, then wait till you surface again and you will have already gained a lot of height. Repeat the motion until you have reached the desired height.
This is the only planet with two energy pickups. (Or rather level because technically there are also two on Nautica.)
Both can be collected at night. So after you wake up in the floating pool, fly around the rock and you will see two floating plates.
Between them is the first one and the second one is situated between the two blocks after the lake.
In order to get the first one, climb the rock on the right until you have reached a sufficient height to glide over to between the plates.
The second one is trivial.
This one can be easily missed.
Normally you would take the route towards the railgun but in order to get the pickup you go into orbit like you normally would but take off towards the small asteroid this time.
From there you go back to the twin ball asteroid and head towards the railgun again.
Sojournus XXIII
No one on this joint.
Darwin III
Simply fly forwards until you get it.
Obias III
Its beam is visible form the beginning. Traverse the rocky terrain until you reach the upside down pyramid.
Collecit it. Similar to Nautica, you can also roll up the small spikes then jump in order to acquire it.
This one is the hardest to get.
If you accidentily trigger the singularity cutscene because you got too close to the railgun, you need to quickly go to the menu and restart the level before your new savepoint is set.

The pickup is high in the sky and almost unreachable with our given abilities.
However, on Coelus exclusively there are little purple particle clouds that give you a boost you can activate. The more particles you collect, the farther it's going to take you.
Just fly around and collect them until you barely see your ball anymore. (The more the better.)
Then when you are almost beneath the pickup, dive down until you reach the storm area under the clouds and afterwards let yourself be shot up straight into sky in an almost perpendicular angle. When you lost all of your upwards momentum, use the boost you've charged up with the purple particles. Hopefully this should take you to the right height so that you can collect the pickup.
If you weren't able to get it, simply restart the level.

Here's also a video of the process.

And that's it!
It's just the ending, what did you expect.
mysticpanties Jun 25 @ 8:39am 
Thank you, very helpful. I saw the title and at first thought, "Kinda self explanatory since they literally have beams" BUT you have strategy too and without this I wouldn't have learned of the one on Coronides. Just got the achievement!
Warlordninja Apr 2, 2023 @ 10:42am 
Thanks for the helpful guide! Max energy run complete.