Ancient Dungeon VR

Ancient Dungeon VR

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A guide so far.
By Mop
In this guide I will show you how to survive the horrid depths of the dungeon.
and how to stomp face too!
What i learned so far...
When you first start out in this goofy yet wonderful game you must be aware that you have to talk to the archaeologist, we'll call him "Professor Apathy", as he doesn't seem to care HOW many times you die in the game. NOT A SINGLE TWINGE OF GUILT! Give the good professor the time of day and talk to the black smith, he's a great guy! Gives you a enchanted knife! As soon as you get that knife AND start a dungeon be sure to set up your settings to as you like them, I have a old as dirt HTC vive, and the old girl handles great, set up your game as you like and let's get started!

Before you go into the dungeon please notice this list:

Basics of dungeoning for people who are smart! :

1. Don't die! That makes your brain sad!
Although it is part of the game, try to find relics and pages as best as you can so you can get some insight, insight allows you to gain perks near the professor, they are stupid expensive but they are worth it.

2. Cheap shots can save your life.
That zombie wants to slap your face with his drity hands
Clap him by throwing the knife! make it hard for him if you hit monsters (with legs mind you) in the leg there is a chance they might fall you can also deflect projectiles by hitting them with your sword.
monsters ALSO take damage from spikes, pits and arrow traps, make life HELL for them.

3. "I cast: KNIFE!"
You have that enchanted knife for a reason, throw it at everything! Sometimes you can critical hit mobs in the face! i once killed a line of bugs by throwing the knife past them and recalling it.

4. Pay attention to your surroundings!
Arrow traps, poison spitting plants and slimes wearing helmets are not pleasant experiences.
You can dupe most monsters into these traps and watch them eat a arrow to the face, or ectoplasm.. falling into pits will not instantly kill you but will damage you by a lot.
My runs are at best random, i often got dead. That's fine, albeit frustrating. As they say on the internet "Get good!" nobody is a professional right off the bat.

5. Beeping noises are bad.
If you hear a beep (or a chime) that means the monsters have spawned and they want you dead.
I personally wish we could discuss things properly over a cup of vine tea, and laugh and joke about that death-hungry professor, but NO! We must fight, and kill, and chop! And eat potatoes! (mmm french fries..) When you hear that chime or beep, get ready to stomp the yard because those monsters are after you!

6. See rings? Climb!
occasionally you might see a ladder or some rings in the wall, you can climb up to the location they lead and you might find some nice things!

7. Not all chests have treasure!
Mimics are nothing you want, except for the money they drop. so always be cautious about the treasure chests you see, they might have a hankering for your head.

I hope these tips will aid you in your adventures. I'll probably update this guide when possible
Mop  [author] Jan 8, 2023 @ 3:05am 
Thanks for the heads up buddo
Terrakotta Jan 8, 2023 @ 3:05am 
Ah, and entering your own random seed is considered cheating and don't unlock any perks for you.
Terrakotta Jan 8, 2023 @ 3:04am 
About mimics- just open all chests by throwing knife. Also works with the red chests that trigger spawns around it. Also works on chests behind closed bars so you can check if it's something good or a potato (as a bonus money and keys will fly to you, so free loot)...

About arrow traps - sword doubles as shield. It's especially nice if you get sword enlargement perk.

You can bat most missiles back to sender with your sword (100% accuracy).

Bonus to point 1- blacksmith also gives perks, but you need to win to buy them.