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A Basic Buggos Guide For Basically Guiding Buggos
By weavah9
A Buggos guide for guiding buggos. I'm not that good at the game, but there aren't any other guides right now so someone's got to get the ball rolling.
Semi-Organised Heap
This is for Buggos the video game, not to be confused with Bug-Os the unpeakably terrible breakfast cereal.

It's a neat little game with the kind of simple, solid gameplay that you can expect from a game made by one person with an idea they want to share. But it can be a bit hard, so I, in a sort of blind-leading-the-blind scenario, will try to provide some useful insights.

Your units have speed, range, armour, health, and damage stats.

Speed tells you how far they can move when they move. Faster buggos are more effective buggos, because the time between the bug getting in range of the enemy's guns and getting close enough to hurt the enemy is reduced. Travel time between the hive and the fight is also reduced and improved efficiency further. Speed matters, in short.

Range is only relevant to a few bugs. Range tells you how far away your bug can be from something while still hurting it. This also gets the violence started sooner, but if there's more than one kind of bug involved then the stabby ones will keep drawing fire while the shooty ones keep shooting.

Armour directly reduces incoming damage. Only one unit thus far can completely negate incoming damage (Warrior bug with an upgrade) by getting its armour high enough, but keep an eye on enemy damage output, which you can see by clicking on a unit. Armour-based upgrades may let you engineer situations in which the number of hits your bugs can take from some enemies changes, and that's when armour matters.

Health measures the total damage a bug can take without becoming a stain. Bugs with a lot of this can absorb a lot of incoming fire before going down, and this serves to protect all of the more fragile bugs around them. Mixing a few tough bugs in to the horde can really help to overpower an enemy position, even if the tough bugs usually die before getting a hit in.

Damage is important only when it speeds up the time-to-kill between your bug and its target. Since you will often be relying on chip damage to bring targets down, every single point counts.

Look for little things that can ramp up your power. A little burst of speed or damage, any special unique abilities that a bug type can get. Your strategy is going to rely heavily on pouring huge numbers of short-lived monsters in to the battlefield, but the right refinements if your horde can make a huge difference.

Look at the available upgrades for a unit. Would going completely bugnuts on improving it help you? The fully loaded versions of a bug are vastly more dangerous than the basic ones. Also pay special attention to the branches of the upgrade tree that improve all bugs.

And now, a brief overview of units.

Swarmers are the filler in your legions. They move, fight, and die fast. Mostly die. But an enemy shooting a swarmer isn't shooting another bug, and once the swarm reaches an enemy unit, that enemy unit's pretty much hosed. The Egg Twins upgrade gives a chance to spawn a rare golden swarmer, which is much tougher and hits harder and if you're relying on swarmers is probably your best bet against flame troops.

Spiners are your basic ranged bugs. Being able to hurt things from further away is nice, and they have plenty of upgrades to make them shootier. Not super impressive, but they get some real work done.

Builders are a critical element in expanding your base and getting some decent nutrient income going. You're going to wand them, and you're going to at least want to consider upgrading them. Rebuilding and efficient building can work wonders, and if you get the thing that lets you switch off unwanted bug types, you can make a huge pile of these and rapidly get your resource income and a few extra hives up and running. Making them produce goo on death is useful if you get some of the goo upgrades that enhance your units.

Defenders are spiners with more durability and less speed. By eating a bunch of hits, they can enable the rest of your forces to get in close and rip some faces off. Their ranged damage is pretty respectable too. I'm not sure how good their armour-stripping upgrade is, but I could see it being really potent if the right thresholds are being met and each point of lost armour really is bringing in more damage per hit.

Warriors can be upgraded to take no damage from lesser enemy units. That's hilarious. What else do you really need to know about them? Lkay fine they're a little slow until they get the right upgrades, but they can tank so much incoming fire that they really help the swarm take ground.

Wasps are little more than a juiced-up swarmer, but they're a good juiced-up swarmer. Being able to build a mass of them and send it over otherwise impassable terrain can give you a shot and popping enemy buildings without having to chew through their entire force, and that's nice.

Swarm Mothers are a source of free swarmers. This means that you set their waypoint far enough back from the front lines that they're not being shot, and let them pour buckets of bitey little blue goons in to combat as a sort of shield for the rest of your forces. Make the enemy swim upstream through a river of claws. Also when enough swarm mothers have built up that they're clogging up your unit cap, the right upgrade will make them leave a pile of additional swarmers when you toss them at the enemy and they inevitably die.

The Boom Slug is a slow, fairly durable fighter with unimpressive damage and a tendency to leave a smoking crater when it dies. These are hilarious and deserve every upgrade you can give them, because every bit of speed or blast radius or toughness on these guys translates to more chunks blown out of the enemy front line.

The Titan is... Okay, you know how builders and nutrient pustules can give you a truly silly amount of nutrients in the bank? This is why you want to do that. Titans will seldom win a mission on their own, and they're not for that, but if you have the nutrient income to support it, just crank out a load of these top-heavy idiots and keep them in reserve until you want the enemy defences to completely collapse under their weight. That healing aura upgrade is neat, too, even buying your basic bugs another quarter-second of survival can really help your push.

As for buildings, I find the turrets decent for giving my troops an edge near my base, the nutrient pustules absolutely mandatory, I've never used the walls, and the floor traps are honestly a little hard to keep alive. don't get me wrong, they're funny as hell when they work, but they're for blocking enemy advances and the buggos are the ones who are supposed to be advancing. Decent for protecting a flank, I suppose.

The artillery thing is new, and loads of fun. build a few of them on the other side of a rock formation from the enemy base and protect them while they rain leisurely hell on enemy facilities.
Amendment 1:
Walls and floor traps better than expected.Walls can have lots of health and very high armour, do not block buggo paths, and consume only a single builder to create. So if you order some placed in the areas where your swarm and the humans are clashing, they can potentially eat a lot of incoming fire and get more of your bugs a chance to stab something.

Floor traps have to be placed carefully. You may need to push the enemy back along a channel to get your traps planted, and they'll die fast unless you upgrade them fully, but if you fall back fully along that channel so that the enemy doesn't have any targets they can see while they're walking along the road of traps, then a huge number of enemies are just going to die. Good for securing a flank.

Also consider switching off swarmers once you've got enough hives and a big enough resource base. Fill more of your population cap up with bigger, beefier bugs like Defenders that can shred enemy armour and Warriors that simply negate low damage attacks. And, of course, stockpile Titans to unleash a colossal wave of bugs when ready.

Remember Titans do not consume population cap.

Influence, in my limited understanding
To control buggos, you must place markers. Pins on the map, that guide the swarm. The degree of influence you have over a type of buggo determines(i think) how reliably they proceed toward the pin. Do they treat it like a high priority, or a general aspiration?

I do not typically put a lot in to maximising influence, but if you wish to employ tactics more complicated than throwing a curated mix of monstrosities at the enemy, it might come in handy.
Fin_Mun325 Dec 5, 2023 @ 12:11am 
As someone who could (more or less) easily get wave 200, I would say that the wasps are very powerful in terms of keeping strong clusters of enemies at bay.
Also very good for pushing, as they can spawn 5 swarmers when they die, and they can cost only 15 nutrients.

Builders are also required for anything past the basic levels. You would always be running out of nutrients otherwise. Artillery is also good (in amounts more than 5) if you have an un-moving front-lines, as it's easy to hit a still target.
ItsCody Feb 15, 2023 @ 4:45pm 
Robot Testing Facility is the level Im just derping on.
ItsCody Feb 15, 2023 @ 4:44pm 
Giving that a shot. Other than that Im trying to counter Rocket Troopers. THey have that AoE that when my hive starts in such a small space they just two shot my whole swarm. Difficult to spread out forces when you can only give one direction per type. Even more annoying when they just send one tank or trooper to min/max your turrets range and slowly clear your base. lmfao
weavah9  [author] Feb 13, 2023 @ 8:14pm 
Maxing out swarmers and swarm mothers is good for maps with a tight budget, since you can make absolute carptons of swarmers for free if you switch off every bugtype but swarm mothers for a short time.
ItsCody Feb 13, 2023 @ 3:45pm 
Yeah, I suppose I thought it would be easier to see what the issue was, and I could respec accordingly... but I am getting stuck on different levels that I didn't even have any issues at all the first time around. Which is interesting... frustrating... but interesting lol. Seems my biggest struggle is the maps where you start with very little room for expansion and they start pressuring on multiple sides right out of the gate. Splitting my force doesn't seem like a good idea because then both fronts end up getting slowly wiped and overwhelmed. I love this game, but the instant the game starts you have to move fast. I've always hated feeling like Im just too slow in terms of RTS games but thats my own burden to bare. lmao
weavah9  [author] Feb 13, 2023 @ 1:45pm 
I've gotten stuck more than once. Clear and rebuild your tech tree is my best suggestion. Focus on different buggos, see if they help you out. Ad yeah, artillery are based used when you know you can block the big enemy wave that will inevitably follow. Having a big mob of swarm mothers to ensure a constant onrushing wall of swarmers can help, as can having some actual walls, or a massive field of floor traps for the enemy to be eaten by as they advance.

Walls are good to pair with boom slugs, because the walls get shot instead of the slugs and the slugs deal massive area damage.
ItsCody Feb 11, 2023 @ 11:15am 
I'm not entirely sure how or why... but i was basically stuck on a level i had breezed through previously... (started over for the luls so I wouldn't feel stuck) and I just played it and im at a loss for what I did different if anything but Im confused why I was stuck on it for almost an hour... weird lol
ItsCody Feb 11, 2023 @ 11:13am 
I tried that and it didn' t seem to work. Plus once the first art shot lands... they basically mob rush it. So I would advise a word of caution to have a pretty solid defense or maybe use it as a diversion of some kind if possible. They don't like long range lol
bone man Feb 6, 2023 @ 10:51pm 
hey poppin you can use long range spore cannon it helped me get threw the final level
weavah9  [author] Feb 6, 2023 @ 5:15pm 
I also thought that walls were not of great use! But they convert a weak builder that splatters when an enemy breathes on it in to a massive wad of hitpoints and armour that lets all the buggos behind it not get shot until they charge past it and try to claw off someone's face.