Eldest Souls

Eldest Souls

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Eldest Souls Wish I Knew Guide (Secrets and Combat)
Oleh Jovian
Secrets, Combat, and Tips I Wish I Knew before I started playing!
Combat (Windslide Style, Berserk Style, Counter Style), Wild Hunt to move faster, Shard Tips, Edd the Wanderer Quest, Blacksmith Quest,
Pledges and the Empty Vessel, Empty Vessel and the Alchemist, Crow Lord Darkyn & Abyssal Eye, Forest Sage & Hunter’s Blessing, Bright Inquisitor & Kindled Heart of Fire, Frigid Father & Blessed Trueice Prism, and How to get different endings.
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Eldest Souls Gameplay Secrets, Combat, Tips I Wish I Knew

In this guide I’ll give you a quick overview of the 3 combat styles as well as teach you some secrets to help you in your game!

Check the video for more context and details!

Note that some combat styles work better for certain bosses so don’t be afraid to switch up your build especially if you’re getting destroyed. Resetting your points is free and can be done any time you’re not in battle.

0:13 Windslide Style
Windslide is fast and agile; the right tech path send out extra homing attacks and when fully charged you can unleash an attacking dash which can help you get in more hits or reposition to avoid damage. This was the hardest style for me. I had a lot more success with the other two.

0:26 Berserk Style
Berserk Slash dishes out lots of damage, you can even chain Bloodburst attacks by hitting the enemy and then picking up the gems to reset your bloodburst bar!

0:34 Counter Style
I found Counter style was my best option early on when I was learning the bosses. The shields and healing options kept me alive longer and when you build up your counter bar, you can trigger it at the right time to ignore the enemies damage and send it right back at them!

Find a build that works for you but the video shows a strong Berserk and Counter build I was using to beat the game. [Time stamp 46 seconds]

0:50 Wild Hunt to move faster
Getting around the overworld can feel slow since you only get three dashes but try this trick once you get the Wild Hunt shard from the Deer God fight, equip it on your dash slot. If you try to dash without a charge, you’ll spend some health to dash anyways. In the overworld you can just dash to your destination and leave a trail of blood the entire way. Just remember to use a save crystal to reset your health and swap your shards before a battle unless you like this option.

1:11 Shard Tips
Speaking of shard placement, here are some options that I found useful in a lot of situations.
Both the Corrupted Grasp and Lightbringer shard are excellent in the Bloodburst slot. The Lightbringer is especially good here since it gives you more speed when Bloodburst connects and this pairs really well with Berserk combat style in which you’re landing Bloodbursts and collecting gems to do it all over again. The Corrupted grasp is good here too especially against enemies who stay in one area for a while but also works really well in the main combat slot (under where you selected the combat style) especially with the Counter style! Not only will your counter stop the enemies damage but you’ll likely fill your HP bar in the process! The Corrupted grasp is also useful in the active slot since it lets you hook around the area to reposition or damage a boss.

But I preferred the Singularity Orb as my active shard. It sends out a slow moving orb which does a little damage and you can trigger it again while in transit to teleport to its location and add more damage!

These last secrets are truly hard to figure out on your own.
2:00 Edd the Wanderer Quest
Edd the Wanderer is the muse you keep running into.

When in the Citadel, give him the Harp String you found in the Abandoned Battleground. Edd will give you the Feather of Dawn which increases your movement speed when out of combat.
Next, when you get to the Everforest, go north until you see a gate (or fallen tower) and collect the Sunfire Butterfly.
Then go to the Spire and use the Sunfire Butterfly on the telescope. Now talk to Edd to get the Blessed Feather of Dawn which increases movement speed and damage while moving. Be sure you spoke to Edd each time you saw him otherwise he wont be at the telescope and will instead be waiting in the last place you didn't speak to him.

2:28 Blacksmith Quest
Now to solve the Blacksmith quest.
When in the Citadel pick up the Wall Guard Insignia and bring it back to him.
Next, in the Spire, find the Rusted Key and go back to the Citadel
The rusted key will open the room in the top left from the save crystal and in there you’ll find the Bag of Crowns. This is the money the blacksmith wants. He’ll let you choose between Reinforced Plating (defence) or Sharpening Steel (offence).

2:46 Pledges and the Empty Vessel
The next quest allows you to pledge yourself to one of 4 NPC’s on the map. Note that you can pledge yourself to all four without a problem but in the end, you can only use your empty vessel on one NPC each playthrough. I’ll explain each option but first we need to get our hands on the empty vessel.

3:00 Empty Vessel and the Alchemist
For this you’ll need The Alchemist located in the bottom left corner of Concord Sanctuary.
First get the Amethyst Vial in front of that locked door you opened with the Rusted Key in the Citadel and take it to the Alchemist.
After you defeat Hyem in the Spire, the ice covered door to the left will melt and grant you access to the Negative Zone where you’ll find some Research Papers by going right and then up.
Bring these papers to the Alchemist.
Once you defeat the Deer God and Warden of Purity, you’ll gain access to the Moon’s Way. Dodge the lasers here and take the left path to collect the Abyssal Stone.
Bring this to the Alchemist and finally receive the Empty Vessel.

This item allows you to collect essence from specific slain bosses and give that to one of 4 NPC per playthrough, here are your options:

3:39 Crow Lord Darkyn & Abyssal Eye
The Abyssal Crow is located in the lower-left corner of the Crossroads. Collect the essence from Azikel and bring it here to get the Abyssal Eye. This item stores the damage you take and pulses 150% of that damage every 15 seconds!

3:52 Forest Sage & Hunter’s Blessing
Or find the Forest Sage in the Everforest on top of the middle building. Grab the essence from the Warden of Purity and bring it to the Forest Sage. Note that you’ll also need to cleanse all three shrines in the Everforest before the Sage rewards you and you can do this with the filled vial before or after you talk to it. With the Hunters Blessing reward, if you take at least 30 damage within half a second, it’ll cause a Wild Burst that heals you for 25% of your HP but this can only be triggered once every 45 seconds.

4:18 Bright Inquisitor & Kindled Heart of Fire
Next option is the Bright Inquisitor who’s also in the Everforest in the door below the Forest Sage. To unlock his door, you’ll need the Smothered Heart of Fire which is close to the Alchemist.
Now collect the essence from Eos the hot and cold orb boss and take it to the Bright Inquisitor. This will give you the Kindled Heart of Fire which charges up every time you heal. Once it’s charged, it’ll explode for 250% of the healing accumulated.

4:40 Frigid Father & Blessed Trueice Prism
The last option is from the Frigid Father located in the lower left of the Spire. To get here, you need to use the Trueice Prism you found in the Everforest to remove the icicles and carefully make your way across the ice towards him. Watch out for the obstacles on the ice, they’ll kill you instantly. Give him the essence from Hyem and receive the Blessed Trueice Prism which stops a lethal blow from killing you and instead leaves you at 15% HP but this can only happen once per fight.

5:04 How to get different endings
The very last thing to note is that on the Steps of Ascension before you face the end boss, you’ll run into Edd one last time. He’ll say something different depending on which NPC item you chose or if you didn’t pick any at all. Also, you’ll get a different ending screen after beating the final boss based on these decisions as well.

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1 Komentar
Eyeflyer 3 Mar 2023 @ 9:37pm 
Thanks a ton for the guide. I would never have figured some of this stuff out myself.