Bit Heroes

Bit Heroes

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How I got to Tier 13 before level 200 (Without Pay-to-Win)
By wimobimo
This is a brief account of my proven strategy (for anyone who wants it) to move through tiers super fast, with only 1 legendary t11 and 1 mythic t12 fully-upgraded gear required to get to tier 13. The rest of my normal gear is epic, and I actually STILL don't even have a fully-upgraded legendary mount.

2 full-boarded Korgz
7 (Raid Epic) Oevors, + 7 (Epic) Kov'algs = 7 Kov'ors
7 (Epic) Grimz + 7 (Rare) Pengeys = 7 Pengzs (your familiar for progressing to T3)
7 (Epic) Quirrels + 7 (Common) Gaks = 7 Quirks (your familiar until you get Korgz)
Ideal Augments:
Evade, Empower, Dual Strike, Speed, Damage
SP Skill Damage
Spread Heal and Shield Team when you hit an enemy
Chance to Evade the enemy's first attack

Raid Epic Familiars are harder to get than Normal Epic Familiars
Bit Hero

Stats (Roughly):
65% Damage
30% Health
5% Speed
Weapon: Axe
Damage Reduction, Absorb or Block Chance if you have a shield pet (not both)
Ideal Pet:
Spread Heal when you get hit
Special Runes:
Reduced damage first time an enemy hits you, Damage Reduction at full health, gain SP when you get hit
Preferably Spomder with a defensive bonus and NOT focusing on speed

Take full advantage of the capture rate bonus new players are offered for (i think) the first 2 weeks.
Get to Tier 5 fast and stay in Tier 5. Save up gems to bribe most of the Oevors. Persuade every other familiar until you get 7. Then use the 2 full-boarded Korgz to speed through every tier. Don't forget to use your energy first when you log on, because energy completely refills every time you level up.

when going for full-boarded familiars, 2 of the same takes just over half the time to get as 2 different familiars would. You only need 7 Korgz to make 2 full-boarded Korgz. Making a full-boarded Korgz & Bobodom would take 6 Korgz & 6 Bobodoms (12 legendary fams total). So being the Tank/bait for your team is the best option.

Korgz is the best option because of their stats and Dual Strike

If you die on the very first battle of a dungeon, remember, the first battle is ACTUALLY one of the hardest battles of the dungeon, because you don't have any SP, so don't give up trying the dungeon until you get all Dual Strikes, Empowers, Evades, and Absorbs you need to win.

The Dungeons you need to farm:
Grimz Crossing (Epic Grimz)
Yeti's Tundra (Rare Pengey)
Blubber's Gutter (Common Gak)
Quirrel's Fortress (Epic Quirrel)
Kov'alg Pit (Epic Kov'alg)
Hyper Dimension (Epic Oevor)
wimobimo  [author] May 3, 2023 @ 2:12pm 
sweet, hope it works as well for you as it did for me
tyr2009 Apr 30, 2023 @ 2:08pm 
Cool beans my dude. Changed my rating. Going to try this on my alt instead of grinding out Uls and Remmys.
wimobimo  [author] Apr 30, 2023 @ 12:24pm 
Not bad suggestions. It should be clearer now. But also it's funny that still no one's noticed how glitched the first picture is.
tyr2009 Apr 28, 2023 @ 10:33pm 
I gave you a thumbs down, but can change it once you make a few tweaks. 1) Why do you need 6 monsters to make Korgz? (i.e., list the fusions and where the fusion scroll drops) 2) Are the 6 monsters listed from dungeons or the raid... list the locations 3) List what rarity each monster is so people know how much money/gems it will cost for bribes.