Unreal Tournament 2004

Unreal Tournament 2004

[UT2004] DM-DustStorm-DC (CounterStrike's DE_Dust in Unreal Tournament 2004)
"Map Download: http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/107014

The battle droids you see as my team mates are also my work. You can download them here:
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH1orWUUCag

This map is an edit of DM-DustStorm_a, which itself is an edit of DM-Dust2k5 with numerous changes including: opening up and redesigning a number of buildings, adding teleporters, improving lighting and otherwise making the map invasion friendly. Exploding barrels, a number of static meshes, and great many pickups were also removed, I assume to reduce lag online in invasion. I couldn't find a version of this map for download anywhere, except an expired filefront link, so that's the reason for the extended description. You can find this map on a number of invasion servers.

Monsto Brukes was responsible forDustStorm_a, Equinox made 2k5, and I have no clue who made the CS version.

Still with me? Great! In this version I've greatly improved bot pathing which should prevent out-of-bounds warnings on my server and most importantly ensure monsters can find players. I've also attempted to balance play for the DC server by moving the weapon lockers out into the open, and adding health pickups throughout the map. This also will make TDM and TAM play against bots much more fun. Still weapon placement isn't perfect for non-invasion gametypes (for example avrils are in the weapon lockers,) but it is a definite improvement over DustStorm_a. I've also enhanced a few of the textures and added in detail textures on every texture in the map, many of which were decidely low-res. I removed the inexplicably shiny floor shader and changed the barrel texture to contrast with the exploding barrels engineers can now summon. I also removed the teleports in this version since they were a telefragfest. Lastly, this level now has a music track, the classic Forgone Destruction (Forgone.ogg.)


Play this map on the Disastrous Consequences invasion server:
