Ransomware Dating Sim

Ransomware Dating Sim

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Ransomware Dating Sim Achievement Guide
By DonSunderland
Despite being a pretty short game, some of these achievements gave me a lot of trouble. After doing a lot of experimenting and contacting the developer, I finally know how to obtain every achievement in the game. This is my first guide, so I hope it helps!
Table of Contents
  • Over Easy
  • The Gulliblist
  • Do Not The Donut!
  • The Champion!
  • A Real Catch!
  • Rejected!
  • Bad Date
Over Easy - Lose in the first session
Ironically the first and hardest achievement in the game. I actually couldn't figure out how to get this one until I contacted the developer. What you're supposed to do is talk to BestDate during the session 1 introductions and allow them to access your computer. The kicker is that this works completely at random. There is nothing you can do to improve your chances of this giving you the achievement. There's a pretty high chance your firewall will block the download attempt, but according to the developer, you literally just need to keep reloading this session and repeating the interaction until it works. Just be prepared to spend a really long amount of time on this one if you're dedicated to completing the game
The Gulliblist - Trust a program you shouldn't
This can be achieved as early as session 2. Talk to either OriginalSin or CrownPrince73. The first will ask you to share a file attachment, while the second will ask to allow a 'tiny download'. Agreeing to either will end the game prematurely and give you this achievement. Luckily the game has a chapter select session, so you won't lose much progress.
Do Not The Donut! - Should you really have eaten that?
In session 4, you'll have to do a 2D claw machine mini-game for each contestant. After a little while, a doughnut will start to spawn in the mini-games. All you need to do is grab the doughnut and deposit it in the receptacle and the game will automatically end, giving you this achievement.
The Champion! - Finish the game with your choice contestant
These last 4 achievements are pretty spoilery, so I'm gonna censor them for your protection

You need to make sure your first choice in the final session survives all rpg battle encounters, including the final battle with Upsi. If you've chosen one of the more humanlike love interests and ended with high Hotness, you'll get this achievement.
A Real Catch! - Finish the game with a contestant other than your first choice
Just like the previous achievement, you need to choose a more humanlike contestant and end with high hotness, however this time you need to let your first choice die in the rpg battles. This character will be immediately replaced with another one, so don't worry. You can afford a couple deaths before officially losing, so just make sure that whichever replacement character you get has high hotness and is more humanlike.
Rejected! - Get rejected at the end by your choice contestant
If you've been reading this guide linearly, you may notice I made reference to hotness and you choice contestant being 'humanlike'. These next two achievements are why. After contacting the developer, they confirmed that you need to choose a 'good' date and then get to the end of the final session with low hotness. They couldn't remember if the game checks their hotness before or after the rpg battle gauntlet, so you may want to try both to be safe. They never specified what they meant by 'good' dates versus 'bad' ones, but I'm assuming that means contestants that are real people and not the ones that are obvious bots. This achievement may be bugged, as I've tried with a couple characters and only ever got the achievement for winning with your first choice.
Bad Date - Finish the game with a date who does not have your best interests at heart
This one requires ending the game with a 'bad' contestant. From what the developer has told me, I'm assuming this means anybody with whom you can't get the previous achievement. I got this achievement with LuvyBugy. This will seemingly happen regardless of the contestant's hotness, so long as they're a bad date.