Battlefield™ 2042

Battlefield™ 2042

79 ratings
Reduce CPU workload (fix for 100% load)
Fast and easy fix.

Why would a CPU with 8 Cores / 16 Threads to load 90%+ for the menu screen?

If your CPU workload it is abnormal due to the the Season 3 update on Menu screen / idle there is an easy and fast workaround to limit the load while having the same performance if not better.

Create a TXT file in game's directory
Go to the file directory, in this case:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Battlefield 2042

Create a TXT file with the following settings:

  • If you have a CPU with 4 Cores / 8 Threads:

    *You may want to try adding the first 2 lines only
    (if you don't see any difference in-game, proceed to add all the 5 lines)

    Thread.ProcessorCount 4
    Thread.MaxProcessorCount 4

    Thread.MinFreeProcessorCount 0
    Thread.JobThreadPriority 0
    GstRender.Thread.MaxProcessorCount 8

  • For 8 Cores / 16 Threads:

    Thread.ProcessorCount 8
    Thread.MaxProcessorCount 8

    Thread.MinFreeProcessorCount 0
    Thread.JobThreadPriority 0
    GstRender.Thread.MaxProcessorCount 16

    If you have different # of Cores / Threads, just replace the current # of cores in ProcessorCount & Max ProcessorCount, and # Threads on the MaxProcessorCount

Save the file as

Or name it as you want it, just make sure it ends with .cfg (as it shows from the screenshot).

SL4Y3R May 1 @ 1:00pm 
working thanks!!!
milo Apr 20 @ 4:30am 
yeah but that should not be the solution. The solution should be optimization of the game by the dev team @twitchie1
twitchie1 Feb 27 @ 1:50pm 
The easy fix is called "updating your CPU"
HARDTEKK SOLDIER Feb 15 @ 8:06am 
11700k + RTX 3080 Ti, Season 6 100% CPU Usage, nice game. Played 5 seasons on and off without problems
InfernoSpark Feb 15 @ 1:59am 
not working, game is still using all cores, and capping to 100% e-cores, instead of p-cores
Rage Jan 11 @ 3:14pm 
Like I said, it was unplayable back when I had the 2600k so clearly it's been optimized a good amount since then.
ВЕЛИКИЙ БОМЖ✔ Jan 11 @ 2:05pm 
This game should still work on 4 core devices so I'm lucky, and as for the 2060 it's enough for my needs and the game
Rage Jan 3 @ 5:26pm 
mad props to still using the 2600, I played this game with a 2600k back when it came out and it was unplayable.
ВЕЛИКИЙ БОМЖ✔ Jan 3 @ 2:29pm 
RTX 2060 / I7 2600. Working :)
SEIGEIN Dec 29, 2023 @ 3:41am 
does it still work in Season 6 ? Desperately need help with this problem