Town of Salem

Town of Salem

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Investigator Results for Every Role
De către AZP22
This guide will show you what every investigator result is to help you people claim a role when evil or just want to.
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Mafioso and Ambusher Results
The results for these roles would come up as the following: Vigilante, Veteran, Mafioso, and Ambusher. But in the Coven Expansion it would be as the following: Vigilante, Veteran, Pirate, Mafioso, and Ambusher.
Janitor and Necromancer Results
The results for the normal Town of Salem would be: Medium, Janitor, or Retributionist. For the Coven Expansion it would be: Medium, Janitor, Retributionist, Necromancer, or Trapper.
Medusa and Amnesiac Results
For the regular Town of Salem it would be: Survivor, Vampire Hunter, or Amnesiac. For the Coven Expansion DLC it would be: Survivor, Vampire Hunter, Amnesiac, Medusa, or Psychic.
Blackmailer Results
For regular Town of Salem it would be: Spy, Blackmailer, or Jailor. For the Coven Expansion DLC it would be: Spy, Blackmailer, Jailor, or Guardian Angel.
Werewolf, Poisoner, and Executioner Results
For regular Town of Salem it would be: Sheriff, Executioner, or Werewolf. For the Coven Expansion DLC it would be: Sheriff, Executioner, Werewolf, or Poisoner.
Vampire, Hex Master, Framer, and Jester Results
For regular Town of Salem it would be: Framer, Vampire, or Jester. For the Coven Expansion it would be: Framer, Vampire, Jester, or Hex Master. My thoughts on this is if you are one of these roles or come up as such just act as a jester or say I was hexed in coven expansion or say you're framed.
Forger, Juggernaut,Coven Leader, and Witch Results
For normal Town of Salem it would be: Lookout, Forger, or Witch. For the Coven Expansion it would be Lookout, Forger, Juggernaut, or Coven Leader.
Consort and Hypnotist Results
For regular Town of Salem it is the following: Escort, Transporter, Consort, or Hypnotist. Which happens to be the same as the Coven Expansion results as well.
Disguiser, Serial Killer, and Potion Master Results
For the regular Town of Salem it would be: Doctor, Disguiser, or Serial Killer. For Coven Expansion it is: Doctor, Disguiser, Serial Killer, or Potion Master.
Consigliere and Plaugebearer Results
For normal Town of Salem it would be: Investigator, Consigliere, or Mayor. For Coven Expansion DLC it would be: Investigator, Consigliere, Mayor, Tracker, or Plauguebearer.
Godfather and Arsonist Results
For normal Town of Salem it would be: Bodyguard, Godfather, or Arsonist. For Coven Expansion it is: Bodyguard, Godfather, Arsonist, or Crusader.
What Roles Come up as Innocent to Sheriff
These roles come up as innocent to the sheriff: All town members, town traitor, werewolf on non-full moons, all neutral benign, all neutral chaos, all neutral evil, Juggernaut, a Coven member wielding the Necronomicon, a mafia member disguised as any of the above, and godfather.
6 comentarii
AZP22  [autor] 5 febr. 2023 la 15:47 
No problem ace, pleasure to assist :steamhappy:
ace2k (i'm back) 5 febr. 2023 la 12:53 
The roles that appear inno section is actually super useful, thank you
AZP22  [autor] 10 dec. 2022 la 6:29 
No problem I'm really happy this is being blown up so soon :steamhappy:
Riflas 10 dec. 2022 la 0:26 
Appreciate it
AZP22  [autor] 4 dec. 2022 la 10:39 
Also this might be more helpful if you do the layover with Shift+Tab and go over to guides. Just so that you can see this stuff in your game. :steamthumbsup:
AZP22  [autor] 3 dec. 2022 la 11:34 
Hopefully this list will help you gamers deceive the town. I've spent a lot of time gathering this information so please enjoy yourselves with this list and also awards are greatly appreciated.