Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

93 ratings
Lucius Helbore Lasgun Guide and MK Differences
By Stalviet
This guide explains the stat differences and behavior between the Lucius Helbore Lasguns MK. 1-3
Lucius Helbore Lasgun
The Lucius comes in 3 variations, conveniently names MK.1, MK.2 and MK.3. The differences between these is not only appearance but also the possible maximum and minimum rolls for various stats. Before going into the differences I want to lay out the consistent stats. The ranges for these are consistent across all models, and are as following: Damage modifier per enemy, no mk is better or worse than another at a distinct enemy unless they drop with a trait that specifies it. Rate of Fire, all models fire at 1.5 shots per second. Ammo pool, all have a max magazine size of 100 and max reserve ammo of 600. Recoil, all models have the same recoil ranges.

Now that is out of the way I would like to point out something unique i noticed in its damage model. in the damage and Stagger stat, the damage against various armored enemies is shown, both damage up close vs far away. The lucius has the inverse of my guns which is it does more damage the farther away you are. Example if you had a max damage roll lucius of any mark, the most you can do to an unarmored enemy at close range is 94% of a shots damage, but at long range this goes up to 116% damage. the percent ranges are identical across all lucius models meaning that you have a 20% damage bonus against far away enemies, reinforcing its marksman rifle model. Now we can get into the actual differences between Models. Note: in discussing the stats of the various models i will be using the maximum value or perfect roll as that shows the differences better.
Lucius MK.1

The Mk.1 is the "medium" lucius model, its stat ranges and purpose fall in between the other two models. Lets go over the stats and why that is.
Note these are all the max rolls a MK.1 can get

Power, aka Full charge damage: 437
The power of a weapon can be seen by hovering over the damage bar, and is shown as the full charge damage in the weapons page. the max a MK.1 can roll with is 437 but note that is only on full charge, the uncharged, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 charges will all do less damage but in turn consume less ammo

NO Charge damage: 131
The max uncharged damage of an MK.1 is 131 at highest roll, and is always 30% of your full charge damage. this pushes the MK.1 towards a semi charge or full charge playstyle, focusing more on picking off elites than anything else.

Ammo Consumption: 3 at no charge, 9 at full charge. quarter, half or 3/4 charge will consume the appropriate number between these

Reload time: 3 seconds

Charge Time: 0.5 seconds

Spread: 392

Sway: 48

Stagger: 24

Lucius MK.2
The Mk.2 is the "Battle Rifle" lucius model, its stat ranges and purpose lean towards a faster playstyle with less time charging and more time shooting. Lets go over the stats and why that is.
Note these are all the max rolls a MK.2 can get

Power, aka Full charge damage: 350
The power of a weapon can be seen by hovering over the damage bar, and is shown as the full charge damage in the weapons page. the max a MK.2 can roll with is 350 but note that is only on full charge, the uncharged, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 charges will all do less damage but in turn consume less ammo. Also do not let the lower potential damage dissuade you, this is my favorite model and next stat you'll see why

NO Charge damage: 175
The max uncharged damage of an MK.2 is 175 at highest roll, and is always 50% of your full charge damage. this pushes the MK.2 towards an uncharged playstyle, focusing more on rapid firing into hoards and only charging for elites. The MK.2 is the only model to sport a 50% uncharged modifier in stead of the 30% seen on the other two models, meaning it is the highest damage uncharged lucius even though it has the lowest potential max charge damage.

Ammo Consumption: 2 at no charge, 6 at full charge. quarter, half or 3/4 charge will consume the appropriate number between these. this is the best ammo economy for dealing with lighter enemies as you can fire high damage uncharged shots for the same ammo cost as a kantrael.

Reload time: 2.75 seconds
fastest reload for lucius models

Charge Time: 0.35 seconds
fastest charge time for lucius models

Spread: 392
worst spread for lucius models

Sway: 48
best sway for lucius models

Stagger: 24
worst stagger for lucius models
Lucius MK.3
The Mk.3 is the "Sniper Rifle" lucius model, its stat ranges and purpose lean towards a slower playstyle with more time charging but massive single shot damage output. Lets go over the stats and why that is.
Note these are all the max rolls a MK.3 can get
Unique traits: The MK.3 has different, and much better, iron sights than the other 2 rifles, making it better for long range engagements.
It also has a different bayonet animation and damage model. I need to test this more but all the MK.3's iv seen do much more damage and more headshot damage. Combined with its unique animation, which does an overhead chop with the bayonet, this means it is the most capable as a melee weapon out of any lucius model. I believe this is to make up for the ammo economy and waste from shooting standard enemies.

Power, aka Full charge damage: 525
The power of a weapon can be seen by hovering over the damage bar, and is shown as the full charge damage in the weapons page. the max a MK.3 can roll with is 525 but note that is only on full charge, the uncharged, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 charges will all do less damage but in turn consume less ammo. As you can see a max roll full charge shot from a lucius does incredible damage, also remember that at long ranges a lucius does more than its max damage, meaning this, paired with sharpshooter volley fire makes this hit like an absolute truck.

NO Charge damage: 157
The max uncharged damage of an MK.3 is 157 at highest roll, and is always 30% of your full charge damage. this pushes the MK.3 towards a diverse playstyle, doing more damage than an MK.1 uncharged, but also using much more ammo to do it. So while it can be fired uncharged, its not as good ammo economy wise to do so.

Ammo Consumption: 5 at no charge, 12 at full charge. quarter, half or 3/4 charge will consume the appropriate number between these. this is the worst ammo economy for dealing with lighter enemies as you will almost always be using more ammo then needed to kill them.

Reload time: 3.3 seconds
slowest reload for lucius models

Charge Time: 0.65 seconds
slowest charge time for lucius models

Spread: 375
best spread for lucius models

Sway: 48

Stagger: 35
Best stagger for lucius models
Personally I love the MK.2 for most content. It behaves like a normal lasgun, you shoot uncharged, and the high uncharged modifier means you can kill most standard enemies in a head or even torso shot depending on difficulty. the ammo economy of the gun means you can fire at most enemies you see without worry of running low on ammo. the charge is there for if you need to bring down an elite, and the quick charge time means youre not left vulnerable. overall its a safe reliable gun that still asks for a bit of skill from the user, which keeps me engaged after running missions over and over.

After that the MK.3 offers a fun model, the superior iron sights make using it much more pleasant at range and the ability to just delete thing is very fun. The ammo economy of this rifle demands a competent melee user, but the superior bayonet damage and headshot multiplier gives you a tool to deal with the occasional standard enemy. however this has little to no horde utility as this is no longer a primary weapon but a tool for removing elites.

The MK.1 comes last for me as its playstyle feels odd. it has the worst uncharged shot but only a moderate full charge. the medium charge time means its asks the player to take a kind of marksman rifle role, asking you to slow down and charge your shots but not always killing what your shooting at.
Reverend Revenant Nov 19, 2023 @ 4:27pm 
@Marsh Man

No the bayonets are different. Mk 1 and 2 are a forward stab that can kill most unarmored enemies to the head. Mk 3 has a much slower slash that doesn't do as much damage
Marsh Man Nov 15, 2023 @ 1:52pm 
Do all the bayonets act the same on each model?
Squirrely Wrath Dec 26, 2022 @ 9:50pm 
i would like to see an iron sights comparison to round it up
Volk Dec 16, 2022 @ 4:21am 
Looking to see how opinions change with the Lucius Helbore tweaks done in yesterdays update
The Flying Halberd Dec 13, 2022 @ 4:22pm 
Amazing guide. Wishing there was one like this for all the weapons.
Oedipus's Stepdad Dec 11, 2022 @ 1:04pm 
The mk. iii bayonet is terrible IMO, you can't charge it and it's super slow.
Tech-Priest Dakka Dec 11, 2022 @ 6:14am 
The Krieg in me loves the Mk2, only because of how the bayonet works on it and the Mk1 compared to the Mk3. Ive spent entire games with my Mk2 shooting, then joining the Melee stabbing if needed or back dodging while stabbing. Its INSANELY FUN. I FUCKING HATE HOW THE Mk3 "MELEES". The Overhead is worthless vs more than one enemy on you while you can stab to death most of a swarm with the Mk2. I really wana make the Mk1 work but... Yeah. it seems the Mk2 is better. Being able to melee rapidly is so damn fun and useful that its the only lasgun I use.
Orpheus Dec 9, 2022 @ 11:36pm 
Lord Jackass Dec 8, 2022 @ 3:27pm 
Wait hang on...

Someone put a sniper rifle on that spear!?!
Jigmac Dec 8, 2022 @ 3:15am 