70 ratings
Tips for FAItH: The Unholy Trinity
By Biohazard
NOW COMPLETE - CONTAINS SPOILERS. This is not a walkthrough, but just a collection of tips and hints that will make the game easier for new players.
General Tips
The main menu features a tutorial wherein you can learn the basics of moving around and casting out demons. You can mode with the WASD keys, or arrow keys. I find using arrow keys in my right hand and the spacebar in my left was comfortable and effective.

Each game contains notes that you can collect to elaborate upon the story of the game. As stated in the first note presented in all three chapters, you can review your collected notes from the pause menu at any time by pressing the Esc key. If you collect a note and die before reaching a save point, you will not retain that note, and will have to pick it up again.

After collecting a note and reaching a checkpoint, that note will be added to your total discovered notes collection, accessible from that chapter's main menu. These notes carry over between games, so if you play through a chapter once and do not get all the notes, you can go through it again and get the ones you missed. Notes archived in such a way will not be available from the in-game pause menu; That only holds onto notes you've picked up so far during that playthrough.

It has been rumored that collecting more notes makes boss fights easier in all three chapters. I cannot confirm this.

Display options can be changed from the Options screen in the main menu, or the pause menu, at any time. Additional backgrounds and color themes will become available as you progress through the chapters.

After completing a chapter, you can select "Continue" from its menu to pick it up again from the last checkpoint. You can also exit a chapter at any time and select "Continue" to reset your playthrough to the last checkpoint. Selecting a new game will override the saved progress of the previous playthrough.

A lot of times, enemies will approach you from a diagonal angle, making it difficult to combat them. Try to stay at a low angle to enemies, to catch them in your Holy Arc of Purification, since you can only exorcise in one of the four cardinal directions.
FAItH: Chapter One Tips
The chupacabra (the white creature that appears to attack you) can be repelled by the cross, and can be outrun, by exiting the screen before it can reach you.

The chupacabra will attack more frequently and move faster, the more times you have repelled it. After repelling it enough times, it will drop a note, and will cease to harass you in the woods.

Walking in the middle of the road puts you at significant risk of being run over by a truck.

Notes can be attained through casting demons out of suspicious or out-of-place objects in the environment. There are several objects in the woods, including large puddles, arranged stones, headstones, bones, and dead trees.

You can access a rudimentary map in the pause menu. Walking "off the map," will cause the woods to loop until you return to a landmark such as the well, shed, or house.

The key to the Martin house is in the shed. It's on your map, to the southeast of the house.

After Amy makes an appearance, she will begin hunting you. A few seconds after entering a room, sigils will appear on the floor, approaching you. Present your cross in that direction, and Amy will reveal herself. She will surround you with illusions. You must ward off the real Amy to survive this encounter. The real Amy will blink out of sync with the three illusions. If you are fast enough, you can flash your cross in all four directions quickly.

After thwarting Amy several times, you will be alerted to a door opening on the second floor. The door is in the northwest corner of the room at the top of the stairs. This leads to the attic.

When first encountering her, keep your cross trained on Amy the whole time. You will progress to the fight proper before any gray demons can reach you.

Amy's first phase is the same as it was when she was hunting you in the house, except now you must keep your cross trained on her. After a moment, she will rush at you from offscreen. She will always move in the direction she was facing while her illusions surrounded you - She will always rush you from behind. You can move aside and face the direction she is moving, to exorcise her after she passes you.

In Amy's second phase, avoid standing on the pentagram as much as you can. Pick the left or right side of the room, and exorcise Amy when she gets to one of the points on that side. Keep your distance, so you don't get caught in her sigil spiral. Your cross has greater range than the spiral.

After acquiring the rifle, your ending will change depending on who or what you choose to shoot. There are four branching paths in the woods, each leading to a different target. The fifth ending happens when approaching your car with the rifle. The chupacabra will ambush you, and shooting him gives you the 5th ending.

If you fire your rifle prematurely, it will respawn in the Martin house's living room.

You can shoot out the mirror in the Martin house's bedroom, to confront the demon living in it. You will need three bullets to break it. This will not affect the ending, but successfully exorcising the demon therein will give you a hidden note.
FAItH: Chapter Two Tips (Prologue)
Chapter 2 includes a prologue to the main story which may or may not be available on the first playthrough. If not, it is likely unlocked after completing Chapter 2 proper.

The prologue is unique in that it uses a point system. If you collect all the notes and get the "good ending," you will get all 666 points. You can check your score on the pause menu.

Walking to the right, down the road, will show you how you crashed your car.

North of the scarecrow, there is an invisible demon lurking in the corn. The corn will wither as he approaches. Wave your cross in that direction to reveal the demon. Afterwards, it will relocate to another part of the screen and move toward you quickly, usually at a diagonal. Quickly maneuver yourself and keep your cross trained on the demon for about a second to send it away.

After every confrontation with the cornfield demon, continue northward and you will loop back to the scarecrow. Check the scarecrow after each encounter, and you will notice it change slightly. After three encounters with the demon, the scarecrow's face will be completely gone, and you can continue out of the cornfield.

Once you reach Snake Meadow Hill Church, head left into a side room and exorcise the chalice on the altar. A demon will appear and flicker around you quickly. Keep turning to face it and flash your cross until he stands still, then he should be banished. You will receive a note.

In the room north of the church's entrance, you will see a cross, with the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" written on it, out of order. This is a clue to the puzzle in the rooms further ahead, and tells you in what order to tackle each task to open the basement hatchway: Right, Left, and Up.

To the right of the main room, where the trapdoor is, you'll see a hallway with a painting and a pile of debris. Exorcise the painting. As you walk away, a thrall will rush you. Quickly turn and flash your cross to send him away. **NOTE** Take note of the boarded up doors in this hallway. It's a callback to Note #2, recovered from exorcising the statue at the grave site, before you reached the church. Apparently, after the events described in that note, the remaining children were indeed boarded into their quarters. Grab the note on the trapdoor, back in the chapel.

In the room left of the trapdoor, you'll see a confession booth and a skull. Exorcise the skull, and another thrall will rush you from the confessional. Be ready for him - These guys are fast (and know not what they do, if you take their word for it). Be sure to grab the note on the trapdoor.

Don't worry about the thralls in the room north of the trapdoor - They're harmless. Take a moment to get a close look at each stained glass window, and exorcise the one that looks like Amy Martin.

The church basement is very dangerous, due to the lack of light. You can exorcise everything in your flashlight range. When you see the demon (This one is one of my personal favorites), hold your cross to him until he vanishes. He will relocate himself around the room and move slowly toward you, occasionally relocating to other parts of the room, after a few seconds. Naturally, this demon is most dangerous when approaching from a diagonal. Shine your light all around as soon as you realize it's relocated; Don't be afraid to make some distance if it's too close, once you locate it - There is no time limit. When the demon says "Hurry up and find me," it will hide, and if you can find it quickly enough, you can deal some damage safely. When it says "Here I come," then it's returned to stalking you. You might need a few tries for this, but keep at it. I have faith in you.

You may see other disturbing things, in the dark, while tackling the demon. Ignore them - They're just figments of a paranoid mind.

Once you're done with the demon in the basement, head back upstairs. Collect the note on the ground - It's vitally important. The note tells you how to get the good ending. You must become the "master of spirits," and put three "Spirits that follow the dragon" (The dragon is the devil - The spirits are the demons you've been fighting) into an effigy: The scarecrow. This will be signified by the mangled scarecrow having red eyes, when you look at it. Then it must be "purified" (you can exorcise it. Very important - Do not forget that part). Then the scarecrow must be burned.

If, instead, you exit the basement and follow the Martin child back toward the alter, north of the trapdoor, Miriam Bell will appear and the prologue will end.

Once you have defeated all the demons (Cornfield, Chalice, and Basement), exit the church the way you came and continue south, back to the scarecrow. You'll notice it is surrounded by runes and its eyes are red, and it's bleeding. Exorcise it now, or the next part won't work. Continue south toward your crashed car. You'll see it's on fire.

You're about to learn a very important lesson. Touch the burning car and immediately make a beeline for the scarecrow. You'll notice you move a lot faster now. You have just enough time to run up and light the scarecrow on fire before you burn to death. If done correctly, you will get a brief cutscene where children come out of the corn and stand in a circle around you.

If you went for the "good" ending, you should not be some sort of spider monster (congratulations). Wander around the screens a bit and eventually, you'll stumble across Miriam Bell. Approach her to end the prologue.

If you got all 666 possible points, you'll get a reward: A photo of the developer's dog! Worth it.
FAItH: Chapter Two Tips (Part 1)
After Michael escapes, you can return to Fr. Garcia's bedroom and check the now open closet to find a clown nose collectible. This is part of an easter egg that, as far as I know at time of writing, Airdorf never fully implemented into the game. There's a nose in Chapter 1 somewhere too, but nobody ever found it in Chapter 3. The nose serves no purpose whatsoever at this time, but you can see it in the pause menu.

Chapter 2 has three endings, which I will refer to henceforth as the Best Ending, the Alright Ending, and the Bad Ending. Ironically enough, the Bad Ending is the most difficult to get, and has three steps you need to take over the course of the chapter, in order to unlock. I will notate the key points in the playthrough with two asterisks (**) , so you can more easily find them.

Just after entering the cemetery, there are two rows of four headstones. The top-rightmost one is out of alignment - That's the one that's hiding a note for you to find.

**The note outside the Save Family Mausoleum tells you, in some vague terms, how to get the Bad Ending. You must summon a demon, do a demon's bidding, and go amongst people as a demon. Keep these things in mind, if you want to get the Bad Ending.

The game will save every time you enter the mausoleum, if that wasn't obvious. To progress the game, you must approach the mirror and watch a small cutscene.

The order in which you tackle each of the three demons in the graveyard is irrelevant. Take on whichever one you want in whatever order you please.

On the path to the right of the mausoleum, flash your cross at the tombstones as you pass. One of them has a note hidden.

The Umbilical Cord Demon (Another of my favorites) is pretty slow, when approaching directly. If you catch it at the farthest range of the cross, you can hurt it enough before it gets to you. Afterward, it will go horizontally across the screen in an undulating pattern. Give it a wide berth - It has a surprisingly large hitbox. If you're far enough away, you can hit it as it passes. It will then relocate and slowly approach you. Catch it at a shallow angle - It moves slower than you do, so you can take a moment to reposition.

On the path to the left of the mausoleum, take note of the directions the statues are pointing: Left, Up, Right, Up. This is the path you must take to draw out the demon in the upper-left part of the cemetery. If you get lost, just head southward to get out of the maze again.

The Maze Demon is pretty straightforward - You can beat it without even moving. Just keep your cross trained on it as it approaches. When it relocates, turn and do it again. If done correctly, you should defeat the demon just before it can touch you. If not, then just back up a little. Easy peasy.

**Take note of the details in the note you find after defeating the Maze Demon. To get the Bad Ending, you will need to form the Demon's Seal in the manner described in the note.

The Cloud Demon isn't so tough - It won't attack you directly, but it moved quickly from cloud to cloud. As long as you stay out of the clouds, and try not to stand between the demon and whichever cloud is closest to it, you should be okay. The demon will stay in the cloud until it reaches the edge of the screen before moving, usually between the middle and bottom cloud streams.

Once you have defeated all the demons in the graveyard, return to the Save Mausoleum and look in the mirror.

Nevermind the bleeding wound - You'll be fine. Now that you have the key, you can exit the Snake Meadow Hill Cemetery through the gate to the north of the mausoleum.

**Now that you're leaving a trail of blood on the ground, you're ready to summon a demon. Return to the circle of stones south of the cemetery, where you began the game. Stand on the top-left stone, and use your blood to draw an inverted star, moving from the top-left stone to the bottom, then to top-right, and so on. It doesn't have to be perfect. If you screw it up, you can leave the screen and come back and try again. You'll know if you've done it right. Leaving the ritual site, move back toward the cemetery, and you'll be rushed by the demon you just summoned (It is not your friend.) Ward it away the same way you did to Michael in Chapter 1. It will attack again when you enter the next screen. Ward the demon away a total of 3 times, and it will stay away. You have summoned a demon. This is the first step toward getting the Bad Ending.

If you check out the cornfield behind the church, some disembodied voice will say "Will you help me?" Don't worry about that - it's only important for the Bad Ending, and even then, not until later. Just head to the church.

The Spindly Lady is a demon that can be difficult to defeat, if handled incorrectly, so it's best to take her on right after the save point when you enter the church, or not at all. Note the candles on the floor of every room in the church. It's a crude map of the church. One flame is you, and one flame is the Spindly Lady. Every time you enter a room, she'll move, too. The goal is to be in the same room as her at the same time, to exorcise her. If you try to cheese it by rapidly moving from one screen to another, forcing her to go through all the rooms in short order, she'll get...Upset. It won't end well for you. Once you're in the same room as her, and there's only one candle burning, flash your cross around until she appears. She'll teleport to three spots on screen, then rush you in a straight line. Quickly sidestep the attack, and you can attack her as she passes. Keep at it until you win. You need to beat her to open the door to the church basement.

Look around the church for things to exorcist to get more notes. Stained glass windows, relics, paintings, whatever looks strange or out of place.

Enter the confessional, in the room left of the church entrance, for a brief cutscene. There is a hallway behind the confessional you'll be taken to afterward. Here you can exorcise the painting for a note.

**This is the second step to get the Bad Ending. You must bring a child back to the confessional. Head to the corn field behind the church, and a child will now spawn and run up to you. If you turn to face the child, it will run away, and you will have to return to the cornfield to find it again. Bring the child back to the confessional, and a demon will grab it. As you try to leave, it will grab you too! The confessional demon will approach you at varied speeds before relocating and trying again. Keep a step ahead of it - It moves as fast as you do. Once you've dealt it enough damage, the lights will flicker, and the demon will appear as a black outline that's difficult to see. Flash your cross at it before it reaches you, and it will return to its previous attack method. Best it three times, and it will drop a note, and you'll return to the church. You have done a demon's bidding. This is the second step toward getting the Bad Ending.

Enter the church basement. There is a puzzle you need to complete to progress. The note at the bottom of the staircase denotes the time as 2:00, which is important. The symbols on the floor show how you need to traverse the next room. Starting at the H-shaped symbol at the 2:00 position, you need to walk on the symbols in the order of the clock until you reach the right side of the room. I personally use a pen and paper to make a note of it, but you can use whatever method works best for you. Maybe you have a working memory, unlike me.

Now that you are a spider-thing (Congratulations), wander around the few screens until you get to some white walls, and head up between them. You'll turn back into a human once you pass under the bridge.
FAItH: Chapter Two Tips (Part 2)
**The final step toward getting the Bad End is to get some blood on your spidery hands. Now's the time. Once you see the people on the overpass, do NOT go under it, or you'll lose your spider form. Head south again and go through a hole in the wall. Go back up the left side of the drainage ditch and ram your spidery body into the two innocent people trying to fix their car. Be careful not to get run over by a truck that will pass immediately thereafter. You have walked among men in the form of a demon. The Bad Ending is almost yours, now you just need to collect a note, further into the game.

Take note of the graffiti in the Candy Tunnels. There is a note behind the wall where it says AQUI and a dire warning on four pillars further ahead. You'll be able to get behind those grates later. Explore the tunnels, exorcise the skeletons, and remember not to move when you see it. You'll know.

Once you get in behind the grates, walk left as far as you can to where it says AQUI and get a note. Watch out for a thrall that will rush you, afterward. There's another note on the far left, behind the grates, too. Stand behind the grate with arrows pointing upward in order to progress.

You need a flashlight to progress into the deeper tunnels, past the grate surrounded by runes. Follow the candles, and you'll have to fight a demon for it. This one plays the same way it did in the prologue, but to me, he feels a little softer, and easier to beat. Follow the candles back and head through that rune-covered drain.

Now that you're in the sanctum, you'll need a key to progress. Head to the right, and take note of the words scrawled on the ground.

This next room is tough. You need to exorcise the picture at the center of the top wall while keeping three light-sensitive thralls at bay. Try to herd them all into one tight-knit group, and keep switching between exorcising the picture and flashing your light at them to keep them away. When you hear the noise, the barrier at the right side of the room has opened, and you can pass through. If it gets to be too stressful, or you otherwise need to reset the thralls, exit the room and return. I don't know if this resets your progress on exorcising the picture though (Honestly, I don't know if it resets the thrall placement, either. Be careful coming back through here, once you have the key - The thralls will still be there waiting for you.

**There is a room to the north of that which holds the key. If you have not completed the Bad Ending tasks, it is blocked off by tablets representing those three tasks. Otherwise, the way is clear. Grab the note in order to achieve Chapter 2's Bad Ending, once you beat the boss.

During the fight with Miriam Bell, in all its phases, getting the Best Ending or the Alright Ending depends entirely on if Father Garcia survives, and his survival is contingent on you. If he dies and you want the good ending, you can die, yourself, and try again. Otherwise, continue the fight as you normally would.

The game is saved after each part of the boss fight, so if you let Garcia die in part 1, he's still gonna be dead in parts 2 and 3. Just be aware of that.

During the first part of the fight, cultists will rush Fr. Garcia from doorways along the side of the room, and kill him if they reach him. The best strategy is to stand as close to Garcia as possible, and wave your cross at the cultists as they approach. They stand in the doorway a moment to give you ample warning of where they're coming from.

In the second part of the fight, the lights will go out and Miriam will approach slowly toward you, relocating around the room every so often. Keep walking around and flash your light in as many directions as you can, looking for even one pixel of Miriam. Dealing the slightest damage will send her fleeing. Keep at it - If you can beat the demon in the Flashlight Room and the Prologue's church basement, you can beat her. Don't worry about Garcia, he's tucked away in a corner somewhere or something and totally safe.

In the third part of the fight, Miriam will follow a pattern of attacks. First, she will go across the screen in an undulating manner, level with where you stand. Move up or down to dodge it. Then she will appear on screen and move across the floor once, in a random direction. Then she will make 4 illusions of herself around you, like Amy did in Chapter 1. Flash your cross at the one that blinks out of sync, or all four, if you're fast. After that, she will rush you from across the room, in a straight line. Miriam may then try her own version of Amy's pentagram attack. This is the easiest time to attack, since she'll stay in a relatively small place and be unable to reach you. Between any of these attacks, she could appear close to Fr. Garcia, and attack him after a brief pause. Stay close to Garcia, to protect him - Any damage will refocus her attacks to you. Keep at it until you beat her.

Once you are back home, collect your mail to complete the chapter. Remember to grab the letter out of the kitchen, before you pick up the one by the front door.

**If you chose the Bad Ending, collect your mail and head out through the back door t complete the chapter.

If you performed any of the requirements for the Bad Ending, or failed to protect Father Garcia, you will get the Alright Ending. If you remained pure and protected the innocent, you will get the Best Ending. If you went out of your way to satisfy the UNSPEAKABLE, you will receive the Bad Ending.
FAItH: Chapter Three Tips (Part 1)
Do not adjust your speakers - The beginning of this chapter is supposed to sound like you're hearing it from the next room. It's a flashback.

Chapter Three has 3 different endings depending on your actions, with Endings 1 and 2 each having two variations, respectively. Critical points that determine what ending you will receive will be marked here with two asterisks (**), for easy reference.

When exiting your house, instead of going straight to your car, you can peek in your neighbors' windows. You will notice changes in what you see on Oct. 30th (in-game time).

**When you visit a location, you have the option to get back into your car and leave at any time. If you do this before completing your tasks at locations 1 and 2, you can only get Ending 1 (with variation 2, if you leave the apartments too early). Leaving location 3 will result in you immediately receiving Ending 3. It's the easiest and fastest way to complete Chapter Three.

Standing in the road outside the clinic is a good way to get hit by a truck. Again.

**The note outside the clinic regarding Beelzefest 1987 is a clue toward satisfying one of the conditions for Ending 2.

You need to hide behind the left side curtain before Jeffrey comes back. As long as you're hidden from view, you'll be fine. Once Jeffrey's engaged with the corpse in the upper-right part of the room, you can slip out.

Hide in the pile or corpses in the hallway. Make sure to get deep in there - Jeffrey will go all the way to the end of the hallway.

You cannot kill Jeffrey (naturally), you can only slow him down. Wave your cross at him to slow him down, and let the cop take pot shots at him. The easiest way to do this is to stand below the table in the middle of the room. The lower windows are far enough away to see Jeffrey coming, and he'll have to go around the table to get to you; You can exorcise him from the other side of the table. Four bullets should be enough to get the job done. Afterwards, you can leave the clinic.

If you follow the cop, chasing after those damn hippies, you'll get to see what becomes of your only non-clerical ally, so far.

**The first challenge toward getting Ending 2 is back in the clinic basement. Get back in the stretcher and wheel yourself over to the pile of to the left, and sit in front of the door. Wait perfectly still for a minute. Notice the "JOIN US" written in the corner.

**The Mother is a pretty easy fight. The babies on the ground don't hurt you, they just slow you down. Keep your cross trained on the Mother for the first part of this fight. In the second part, the babies crawl onto her as a sort of armor. Try to banish the little ankle-biters as they surround you, but keep an eye on the Mother. Every so often, one baby will crawl off her and into the corner. Do everything you can to exorcise that baby - It will have glowing red eyes - Before it reaches the corner. Once it does, it will grow into a demon that actually CAN kill you, so watch out. After three of these, the third phase of the fight begins, and the babies will congregate onto the Mother again. More of these corner-seeking babies will spawn, but if you position yourself just right, between the symbol and the candle in the middle of the floor, you can exorcise the Mother and any babies that drop off her at the same time. Once the Mother is banished, the remaining babies will retreat back into the vents. You have defeated the Mother and satisfied one prerequisite for Ending 2. You can leave the clinic, now.

**At the apartments, attempting to enter the 7th floor will cause the lights to flicker. Keep doing this until you see a demon appear in the doorway. This slippery little bastard is your key to the second prerequisite for Ending 2. Afterward, the Elevator Friend will randomly appear throughout the apartment building and run toward you. The slightest damage is enough to ward him off. Keep after him, tromping up and down between floors, until he drops a note. This note contains the second part of a code needed to travel beyond. The first part of the code is outside the elevator on the 6th floor.

They key to Lisa's apartment is in Tiffany's apartment, 3B.

In order to progress, and remove the Seal of Alu from Lisa's apartment, you must purify a ritual blade and a ritual mask, IN ORDER, as signified by the graffiti that appears when attempting to purify the seal itself. The blade is in apartment 2A. Just follow the candles down the stairs.

There's a note hidden in the mirror outside apartment 6A.

The blue key goes to the maintenance room on the 10th floor.

Once you've parted from your cross, you need to get to the basement. That's where your cross, and the mask, are. Take note of the security screen in the maintenance room, before you leave. An old friend has come to visit.

Use the spacebar (or whatever your action button is set to) to use the camera's flash and find your way around.

Be careful not to flash your camera near the altar - You don't want to draw attention to yourself.

Don't forget to purify the ritual mask, once you get your cross back.

The Peekaboo Demon will slowly approach, signified by the candles igniting as it approaches. It will occasionally relocate to another spot. Keep flashing your cross in its direction to reveal and harm it.

Fighting Alu isn't that hard, once you get how the fight goes. When it begins, Alu, inside of Lisa, will attack you. You're faster than she is, so try to keep her in the middle of the room, away from the stickmen, while you exorcise her. Eventually, Alu will leave Lisa and inhabit one of the stickmen, along with four illusory demons. Look carefully and try to see which one moves faster than the others - You'l only have enough time to purify one or two stickmen before Alu attacks you. If you choose correctly, Alu will appear and be briefly vulnerable - Just don't let him touch you, and try not to stand too close to Lisa. After a moment, Alu will go back into Lisa, and the fight stards over again. If you pick the wrong stickmen to purify, Alu possesses you, instead, and tries to make you kill Lisa. You can fight it, but it gets harder every time. Alu will go back into Lisa, after a few seconds.

**If Lisa dies during this fight, you cannot obtain Ending 2, and will get the second variation of Ending 1.

Once Lisa has been rescued, you can leave the apartments and go back home.

**Once Lisa is safe, you'll be notified of a seal breaking somewhere beyond. It's time to find Tiffany. Take the elevator to the 1st floor and follow the code at the bottom of Timmy's two drawings (which you should have found earlier) and use them to play the Elevator Game. Press the buttons for the floors in the order it appears on the notes - First those in Note #17, then the code in Note #18. The code is 1 4 2 6 2 10 5 1. If you screw it up, head back to the 1st floor to reset the puzzle. If you see an old woman enter the elevator at any time, do not look at her, no matter what. If you play the game correctly, you'll end up somewhere beyond. Normally, this area is blocked off by another Seal of Alu, and can only be reached once Lisa has been rescued. If Lisa is dead, this seal will persist. Search the rooms.

**Tiffany is a difficult boss to fight. She will move slowly, at first, and teleport around the room every few seconds. When you've dealt enough damage, she will ricochet from wall to wall like a DVD screensaver. Avoid this, and continue the fight. As the fight progresses, she will move faster and relocate more often, often very close to you. Keep moving and try to stay out of the corners - Tiffany has a habit of relocating right where you're trying to walk to. Try to avoid attacking her from above, because her hitbox is large and difficult to gauge; Stick to attacking her from below and from the sides.

FAItH: Chapter Three Tips (Part 2)
**Watch out for what's left of Tiffany rushing you in the hallway, after the fight! Grab the note. You have defeated the Daughter and satisfied the second prerequisite for Ending 2. Don't go straight home yet - There's still some notes to collect. Drop down the elevator hole 3 times and you'll end up on the 7th floor. Take a look around. Find out what happened to Timmy, in the end. Then you can go home.

You have to go around back to get into the daycare. The door is unlocked.

The puzzle to open the trapdoor in the daycare is to purify each of the four symbols on the floor into the correct color, as hinted at in the childrens' drawings. Red star, Orange moon, Magenta chalice, and Blue bird.

If you try to exit through the front door, you'll get a cutscene where you calmly explain the dire nature of the circumstance to the police.

Some of the drawings in the daycare are references to other games, like ULTRAKILL and Summer Nights. Not important to the gameplay, but fun little easter eggs. :)

Yes, you really are supposed to stare at the painting, like the note says. Give it a minute.

Approaching the statue will save your game when the lights in the little pillars come on. There's also a note inside.

The guys in red hoods are annoying, but harmless. You can exorcise them if you want, or just walk right past.

The chair puzzle is difficult. It honestly just takes some finagling to get it to work. I think Bael is on the left, Ordog is in the middle, and Andras is on the right.

**In this final flashback, there are two ways to go. You can go to the basement and find Father Allred, or you can go out the front door. Whichever you choose will affect which variation of ending 1 or Ending 2 you will receive. Leaving Father Allred behind is considered the "Bad" decision, and is akin to having Lisa dead.

Amy's mother is on the second floor, in the southwest room. Her father is on the first floor, in the southwest room. You can approach them for a closer look.

There is another note inside the second save statue.

**The hallways around the Moloch statue are the site of the third prerequisite for Ending 2. Wander the hallways, being sure to look at every painting you pass. Eventually, the Unholy Spirit will come for you, floating in from offscreen. Stay close to the edge of the screen and keep your cross trained in its direction until it gets too close, then go to the next room. The Unholy Spirit will approach again from a random spot on the edge of the screen. Note that you cannot save while being pursued. If it catches you, you will be transported to a flashback wherein you must escape while the Unholy Spirit pursues you, with pentagrams appearing to block your path. The pentagrams are largely unpredictable, so there's no advice I can give on this situation other than this: Try not to get into this situation. If you escape, you'll return to the Moloch Tunnels and can fight the Unholy Spirit some more. Once you've beaten it, you've satisfied all the prerequisites for Ending 2. Remember to save.

The Moloch Puzzle has three parts, and each of them is annoying. Remember to save after each one.The details are described below:

Moloch Left: This is the easiest one. On the leftmost side of the tunnels is a room with a statue, and beyond that, a key. Grab it, and the statue room will loop a few times, then you'll be in a room with a red hood guy. From now on, all these red hood guys are extremely dangerous. If you get too close he'll wormify and grab you from a good distance away, then kill you. They move pretty fast, too. You can exorcise them, if you can stay out of their grip, but in this case, it's best to hug the upper wall and just avoid him altogether.

Moloch Right: Past another one of these worm guys (the game saves when you enter the room, so this is a good spot to practice fighting these things, or you can just hug the wall and go around.), there will be a long hallway with some stairs, and one annoying dude at the back. If you move during the "Red Light" phase, he will run up and kill you. There's no way to tell when he'll switch, but you can usually get at least one second, reliably, before he switches to Red Light. On the way back, a demon emerges from the right of the screen and slowly approaches you. You can't fight it, so just keep a level head and try to get back out with the key. The demon will disappear when you reach the stairs. On the way back, you'll have to get rid of two of those worm guys in your way. Try to go high or low and exorcise one of them a little to get its attention and draw it away a little, so you don't have to take on both at once. Once you get rid of one, you can sneak past the other without issue.

Moloch Upper: For this one, you need to banish a demon that only appears in the mirror while the mirror is being obscured by some weird growth. You can only attack the Mirror Demon IN the actual mirror - Not where it would be, if it were visible - You need to attack its reflection. Stay close to the mirror so you can catch the reflection in your Holy Arc of Purification as it comes at you from the side. The growth will inhibit your movement, so try to do this all quickly. A rising sound will get louder as the demon gets closer, and it may relocate. Don't be afraid to run back to the room to the south and try again, if you get to feeling overwhelmed. Once the demon is defeated, the key will drop and you can pick it up. Keep away from the red robed guys in the cages! They'll wormify on you! Don't forget to save, on your way back to Moloch.

**Note 39 is at the bottom of the Moloch Stairs. Read it carefully, it has important clues on how to obtain Ending 2.

The purple enemies here are called Acolytes of Malphas. They're relatively weak, but too numerous to waste time fighting, especially in the dark. Follow the left, right, and upper trails of occult glyphs to three prisoners you must purify to break the central seal. Sidestep any acolytes that appear - There are too many to waste time fighting, and you move faster than them, anyway. They do have an annoying habit of appearing directly in your path, though.

On the upper trail, if you follow it west, then northward past some stickmen, you'll find an easter egg.

If Gary deals any damage to you, he will knock you down and your cross will land somewhere on the stage. During this time, you must crawl to reach it before Gary reaches you. If you know you're going to take a hit, try to be as far from Gary as possible. If you succeed, Gary will be briefly stunned. Gary's attacks are numerous, but if you stay toward the center of the arena, they are largely avoidable. Move toward the bottom of the screen when he summons Rain of Spiders, so you can have the maximum time to work out their movements and avoid them. Spend a minute or two familiarizing yourself with Gary's attacks, and avoiding them, before you work toward attacking him. Keep trying. You're so close to victory.

**If you have not broken the seal, there is only one course of action, in the Crucible. You must purify the floating slab and seal the entrance. This is the way to get Ending 1.

**If the seal is broken, descend into the Crucible for the final and toughest fight of the game. Everything after this note is pursuant to the lead-up to Ending 2.

You can walk behind Miriam, at the top of the room. It's not always recommended because of the pentagrams, but every bit of maneuverable space helps.

Malphas will stomp you on his way down, even if you're not standing where he will land.

Be aware of your own hitbox, when it comes to the fireballs. Anything below the waist mostly doesn't count. That means your legs can pass through those pentagrams, too.

Keep away from the torches! One touch, and you're licked.
FAItH: Chapter Three Tips (Part 3)
If you can maneuver yourself into a corner above or below Malphas, in the extreme corner, you can hit him and he'll be pretty much defenseless. You might be able to do this if Gary is busy zipping back and forth around the room.

Gary and Malphas share a health pool, so it doesn't matter which one you attack. If you can manage to purify both Gary and Malphas at the same time, you'll do double damage!

With Super Miriam, you'll get 10 chances to defeat her. After taking 10 hits, you'll die and have to fight Gary and Malphas again.

Be very aware of your hitbox during this fight. Remember: Your legs are pretty much intangible.

If you can avoid running into her, you can deal a lot of damage from the upper corners while staying out of harm's way. Mostly. It's best to be up here when Miriam is shooting exploding skulls.

When Miriam drops a ton of skulls all over the place, head toward the bottom of the screen. It's too dangerous to attack at the moment.

Once Gary and Malphas are separated from Miriam, you need to burn her. You have to approach the braziers in a weird way - I've had success approaching with your legs in-line with the red part of the flame. Once you're on fire, transfer the flame to Miriam before Malphas and Gary regroup! That is now you get Ending 2. Which variation you get depends on you.
Zogistra Mar 3 @ 11:15am 
Is it posible to still get 666 points? I did get all the notes and nothing.
Biohazard  [author] Dec 26, 2023 @ 1:46pm 
judesaysrelax In Chapter 1, after acquiring the rifle, your ending will change depending on who or what you choose to shoot. There are four branching paths in the woods outside the cabin, each leading to a different target. The fifth ending happens when approaching your car with the rifle. The chupacabra will ambush you, and shooting him gives you the 5th ending.

You receive the ending after shooting something and returning to your car.
judesaysrelax Dec 26, 2023 @ 7:57am 
Ok but where is amy and where do you get the endings? Not very useful to me
Dwight Kurt Schrute Dec 7, 2023 @ 2:24am 
For Chapter 2 its righ,t up, left, up, it is not the way you describet it:er_sad:
Biohazard  [author] Nov 6, 2023 @ 3:53pm 
UPDATE: The guide is finished. Thank you all for bearing with me. :faithgoldcrux:
Biohazard  [author] Nov 4, 2023 @ 9:38pm 
UPDATE: Added tips for Chapter Two, Chapter Two's Prologue, and one additional tip to General Tips. I'm finally working on finishing this guide. Go forth with faith, brothers and sisters. :faithgoldcrux:
Mitch McConnell Oct 27, 2023 @ 12:44am 
pls finish it
Azrael Oct 21, 2023 @ 6:31pm 
Accidentally posted this in CH1.

For some reason in Chapter III, I can't exorcise the mask or the dagger. I tried reloading the entire save, and just uninstalling the whole damn thing but neither of 'em would exorcise.
WizardScythe Sep 10, 2023 @ 8:37am 
why is this game so damn difficult and frustrating
Notebook Sep 7, 2023 @ 10:19pm 
RIP Ch 2 and 3 tips.