Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

47 평점
How To Get Most of the Achievements
LordHaveMercy 님이 작성
Along with the official release on 25th October, comes the steam achievements that have given us, the achievement hunters, a purpose. Through this post I will guide you to get most the achievements easily. I will explain it as how I played the game and got the achievements, in sequence of the gameplay dynamics.

Lance-a-lot and Mounted Archery are actually multiplayer achievements.

The latest update that mentioned achievement says that they have fixed Ride it Like You Stole It, Swordbearer (confirmed), Explorer (confirmed), and Supreme Emperor.

Steam achievement only works for the vanilla game without mod, no need ironmode. But I think there's a mod that can enable achievement on the modded game.

Ctrl+F the achievement needed.
즐겨찾기 해제
For the singleplayer achievements I will divide it into three categories, which are easy to get, spend a few more days to get, and bloody hard to get.
- Easy to get
Trained. Finish tutorial.
Finish the tutorial quest with each weapon at the starting camp, followed by clearing the kidnapper's hideout.

Duelist. Defeat Radagos in a duel.
Radagos is the kidnapper. Make sure to use shield to block his attacks.

Lawbringer. Clear a hideout.
You will automatically got this after defeating Radagos.

Butterlord. Have 100 buttlers in your inventory.
Buy them on a village to get cheaper price or just go to a town settlement.

Lawmaker. Propose and win a policy.
Join a kingdom faction, get enough influence through battles, and propose a policy with >50% supporters.

The king is pleased. Get 1.000 in tributes in a single day.
Keep defeating your king's enemies until they propose a peace with good amount of tributes. You can be the king yourself.

Landlord. Obtain your first fief.
There will be a council vote and your king will kindly gift you a fief. But this is random, I have taken a castle by myself yet it didn't become mine.

Entrepreneur. Own a workshop and a caravan at the same time..
Go to a town settlement and get both when you have enough money. Get the one with better troops for caravan. Also there are guides about which workshop at which city gives the most profit (although I think they depend on how your world goes).

I spit on your grave. Execute a lord that you have -100 relations with.
Eventually you will have -100 relations with the enemy lords through the constant raiding, besieging, defeating them in battles, imprison them, or even executing their families. Execute the lord when the time comes.

Apple of my eye. First born child.
Have a child. To marry someone you will need to gift denars. I think the smaller/poorer the clan or the more untalented the spouse is, the cheaper it will be. Both you and your spouse will have to spend some time together in a town settlement, either same party or just idle in the keep works. Marry someone as soon as possible because the bigger your clan, the more caravans you can have for denars and strong heroes as heir.

Heartbreaker. Marry the widow of a lord or lady you personally executed.
I never had the chance to clear this as I forgot it exists. I have married twice with good wives, maybe I will try for the third one. It might be easy as you just need to kill the husband/wife first then ask the clan leader for permission through denars. But the issue might be the relation stats because of the execution. But I don't think good relation is necessary for the marriage, my relation to the clan and wife were 0 at the time.

Minor Clan. Have your 7th kid born.
This is easy but it takes a while. You will have to wait a lot in a settlement for the pregnancies to happen, leave, then come back for another pregnancy. Your spouse will become too old (around 40) to have a children. But don't worry you can marry another.

Great Granny. Become a great grandparent.
Have a grandchild, your children's child. Not literally a great-grandparent, more like a good/excellent grandparent. I unlocked this with just having a grandchild. One that would call me grandsire.

Horde breaker. Defeat an Army with your party alone.
Eventually you will clear this as you become stronger later.

Undercover. Complete an issue in a hostile town.
You will have to infiltrate a hostile town during war times, then take any quest issue from the merchant/artisan/gang leader. I don't think this require a high relation. I received "Artisan can't sell product" quest from an artisan, relation is 23 now after the quest, it was around 10 I think. Gang leader might require less relation, I received "Recruit prisoners" quest from a gang leader with 5 relation.

Before getting into this achievement, I suggest prepare enough recruitable looters for any possible recruitment quest. Don't use companion to solve the quest, I tried and didn't get the achievement.

Infiltrate check is hard to pass, save first then load and keep trying. I passed mine with 29% chance by trying multiple times. Or have high rogue skill through selling prisoners and recruit bandits as troops using the perk, don't forget to put focus for faster experience.
- Spend a few more days to get
Bannerlord. Assemble Dragon Banner of Calradia.
Follow the main quest where you talk to both NPCs, raid two hideouts, and get the two banners. Including yours it will be three banners to be assembled. But before reaching that quest, you may need to talk to nobles first. Ask any passing nobles and they will mention a name, simply search the name through "N" menu and the location where they were last seen is displayed. You can decide which side to join after the banners are assembled, then talk to one of the NPCs.

Know your enemy. Win 100 battles against enemy armies.
You will clear this eventually.

Crackshot. Score a headshot from 200 meters away.
You need to play bow and the accuracy perks might help. Equip a bow and 3 packs of arrow to spam arrow. This requires few big battle simulations to clear, depends on your headshot rate. The 200 meters distance can be measured by holding ALT, it will show the distance. The most easy scenario is during a siege where your enemies are waiting their turn to climb the ladders.

Crowdfunded. Win 100 tournaments.
Win tournaments. I suggest to avoid cities like Aserai or Khuzait where there are horse fights. Horse fight is longer to end than foot fight.

Explorer. Visit every settlement in the world in the game.
A comment said you need to visit every town, castle, and village on the map, no need entry. You can do this while doing a tournament tour.

God of the Arena. Become the leader of the tournament board.
Be the number one (around 50-100 wins, depends). You want to do tournament as early as possible to clear this since the longer the game goes, the higher the tournament wins needed. Because the NPCs are also winning the tournaments.

I can do it. Capture a town on your own.
To capture it on your own you either need to get good or just play smart. Get good requires time, to build party size and study engineering where you build 4 trebuchets, move one to reserve when it is done, and use all 4 at the same time. Play smart means conquer a castle with a big army, then leave as it is for the enemy to capture it again, wait for the enemy to move away, and capture it on your own because there will be only like under 100 defenders and the walls are broken.

What have the Romans ever done for us? Complete all projects in a settlement.
You need to own a town settlement and then upgrade all the buildings to the max. Don't forget to put enough gold and a governor to speed up the upgrades and make sure it doesn't stop.

Against all odds. Defeat a force that has 500 more troops than you.
This is easily done in a siege where you are defending a good fortified settlement/castle. Get archers and keep the enemy off the wall. If the enemy leaves when you are defending, then simply get in when they are already besieging.

Dynasty. Reach clan tier 6.
Increase your renown by winning big battles, create parties of your clan for them farm renown through winning battles, win tournaments, quests, and many more. I suggest reach tier 6 first before creating your own kingdom.

King Solomon. Acquire 10000 denars a day.
Send many caravans, buy workshops, high taxes policies, and minimize the garrison soldiers cost. Easier to achieve when your clan is at tier 6.

My way. Start your own Kingdom.
Take your time, don't rush. Reach tier 6 and build riches first. The main quest gives you enough time. I created a kingdom just a few days before the quest expires and I have become the strongest.

Veni vidi vici. Become a king with 21 clans under your rule.
Invite clan leaders to join your faction. This is where your positive characteristic perks will play (generous, calculating, brave, honor, ...), while the one with negative perks might have it harder (devious, cruel, ...). Recruiting requires a lot of denars, a good clan needs 600k or 800k, and sometimes you can give items instead. Check who are the clan leaders through menu "N". Their willingness will always change depending on their faction's position. Every king has like two loyal clans that will not join you until their kingdom has no fief. Meanwhile mercenary clans aren't loyal, they will leave without any notification. I have recruited all of Vlandia's vassals but its king, and the lone king keeps recruiting mercenary clans. A good relation is not necessary, but it will help the charm check.

Freedom! Barbarian victory.
Upon creating a new kingdom, there will be a follow-up quest where you have to continuously do boring quests or there will be a consequence. You have to face the consequence eventually, but it needs preparation as the consequence is facing three the three Empire at the same time and peace is not possible at all, until a certain parameter achieved. And the other non-Empire kingdoms might attack you too, so your faction against the whole map. But to clear this achievement you just need to destroy one of the Empire. I suggest before you face the consequence, keep decreasing your enemies power.

Long live the Empire! Imperial victory.
I didn't take this path but it must be very similar to the Freedom! Barbarian victory achievement above. But instead, you will face the non-Empire kingdoms.

Take note that you can gain attribute point every 4 level of leveling up. As a reference my day 2500 character is 62 years old and level 36, and it's already hard to level up.

Fat Cat. Make 1 million denars trade profit.
Buy low, sell high. Sorry I don't trade but there are plenty of guides out there.

Real Estate. Assault and capture 100 fortifications.
Either town settlement or castle. See the "I can do it" achievement above.

Crush your enemies. Defeat 10.000 troops.
This requires time and a few playthroughs. My one campaign of 2500 days only contributed to like 4k out of 10k.

Supreme Emperor. Conquer all Calradia.
This needs to be done in one playthrough as you have to conquer all the lands.
(continuation of spend a few more days to get)
Swordbearer. Craft a tier 6 sword.
Updated, this achievement is working now. I have crafted a new tier 6 one-handed sword with my own recipe and it cleared the achievement (Smithing 269). Tier V parts is needed to craft tier 6 sword. I used both tier IV and V parts, ones that require Fine and Thamaskene Steel. To unlock higher tier parts you need to smelt the high-tier swords or through crafting, the Smithing perks "Curious Smelter" and "Curious Smith" will help. I have attached my tier 6 stats as reference.

I think two-handed sword tier 6 is easier to craft, I remember that I unlocked the tier V parts of 2H sword way earlier than the 1H sword. Also I suggest to have your main character as the one who smelts plus crafts and at least one companion as refiner (to get materials such as coal and steel), this will be decided through the Smithing perks.

Mastery. Increase any skill to 300.
To reach skill level 300, you have to put at least 7 attribute points and 5 focus. Otherwise it will be stagnant before reaching 300. I suggest to pick the most easy to level up skill and the most useful one. I'm not sure about which one is, but Scout does increase as I walk on the map. Charm and Leadership do increase as I interact with decisions and do battle simulations. Steward, Engineering, and Medicine increase as you lead your party and do all of it by yourself. Or Smith, it gives you a lot of money. Pick in accordance to your play style.
- Bloody hard to get
Best served cold. Execute a lord that has executed one of your clan members.
Day 2500 of playing the good character who have never executed someone, no NPCs have executed my family even though we have bad relations. Another save I have tried to raid their villages, have -100 relations, and executed their families, yet they still don't execute mine. OR you could sacrifice yourself and get executed, then your heir shall take revenge.

Kingslayer. Kill a faction King or Queen in battle.
They only get wounded. I have tried defeating only the king in a battle simulation then letting the party to go away then attack again when the King recovers, over and over again. But the king only gets wounded. I have seen notifications where characters/NPCs died in battle, even myself, but I guess it is random. Taking account of the medicine skill perk where it might prevent me killing my opponents, I have tried having no surgeon on my party yet even after several battles enemy king is still alive.

This Is Our Land. Repel an attack on the walls.
Every time I defend a fortification, my enemies always managed to get on the wall through the siege unit. There was a time when the enemy stuck at climbing the ladder because my soldiers are blocking the way and killing them from up there, yet it still didn't clear.
I can't guide you because it is unplayable for me.

Slice n dice. Kill 10 enemies with a successful chain attack combo.
Someone in the comment mentioned to perform a successful chain attack combo you have to input an attack before your current attack animation ends. Recommended to do it on duel servers and use 2H swords. Also use slash because the combo can't be done from a thrust or into a thrust.

Lance-a-lot. Kill 500 troops with a couched weapon on horseback.

Mounted Archery. Kill 500 troops with range weapons while on horseback.

Butcher of Calradia. Kill 10.000 other opponents in captain mode, with your troops.

Catch. Kill an enemy player with a boulder.

Headhunter. Kill 100 enemy players with headshots with ranged weapons in multiplayer.

Jack of All Trades. Get a kill with a melee weapon, mounted melee, ranged, mounted range, and couch lance in one skirmish round.

Roadkill. Kill 100 enemies with charge damage in multiplayer.

Strike! Kill 3 enemy players with a single mangonel shot.

This is Sparta! Kick an enemy player off a wall to death.

Ride it like you stole it. Spawning on foot, commandeer a mount and kill 5 enemy players without dying.
This guide will always be updated. Thanks to those who have contributed through the comment section.'
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TaSoN 2024년 5월 13일 오후 11시 56분 
LordHaveMercy  [작성자] 2023년 3월 24일 오후 10시 40분 
Thank you Lord Margrave, us lords should always help each other. Appreciate it.
Lord Margrave 2023년 3월 24일 오후 7시 38분 
Explorer also popped for me recently after I visited every village, town and castle on the map. Entry not required.
Lord Margrave 2023년 3월 24일 오후 7시 35분 
This is Our Land popped for me recently when I attacked the siege army from without after they had started the automated attack on the city.
LordHaveMercy  [작성자] 2023년 3월 24일 오전 2시 57분 
Thanks [LPG] JunellnOs and Reknot for the update
Reknot 2023년 1월 29일 오후 12시 24분 
Entrepreneur and What have the Romans ever done for us? poped for me in todays session.
Not Explorer though. Been tagging everything visited as Favorite in Encyclopedia and everything in settlement is tagged and yet it wont pop. Last thing i did after painted the map was to visit every castle to make sure i "enter"- Do you actually need to "take a walk" in every settlement?
[LPG] JunellnOs 2023년 1월 21일 오전 7시 43분 
What have the Romans ever done for us? is now work :dauros:
LordHaveMercy  [작성자] 2022년 12월 5일 오전 7시 34분 
Explorer still doesn't work, I tried it just now. From what I know so far only Swordbearer has been fixed
Wendek 2022년 12월 5일 오전 7시 24분 
Yeah that's what I was afraid of for Entrepreneur. Do you know if Explorer and "What have the Romans ever done for us?" work now? They're super grindy so wouldn't want to do all the work only to realize they're still broken lol.
LordHaveMercy  [작성자] 2022년 12월 5일 오전 5시 32분 
@Wendek Entrepreneur still doesn't work too for me

@Butcher Pete Thanks, I just got the Swordbearer too and I have updated the guide