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How to Edit Your Gold
Por LaGGer
This guide was created to help you edit your in game gold. This can be useful for earning the achievements, or just to mess around with the game. I will keep it short and to the point. I plan on adding pictures soon if anyone is confused.

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How To Edit Your Gold
Things you will need

  • Some gold to mess around with.
  • A few minutes.
  • Cheat Engine [www.cheatengine.org]

Step one

Download Cheat Engine.[www.cheatengine.org] This program is basically a memory editor that we will be using to edit the value assigned to your money. It can also be used to edit any other numerical value (Fame,Xp,Health).
NOTE This program sometimes will be shown as a false positive by some anti viruses. Dont be alarmed.

Step two

Launch Fate and Cheat Engine.

Step three

We will need to show Cheat Engine where to search for the program memory, click the flashing computer screen at the top left of cheat engine. Make sure Fate is running. Next look for fate.exe. If you cannot find it try clicking window list and looking their. Double click fate.exe and you are ready to begin editing your gold.

Step four

Find out how much money you have in Fate. Type the value of your money into the value box into Cheat Engine. Now click First scan
Now spend some of your money. Type the new value of your money into the value box. Click Next scan. Keep repeating this untill there are only 1 or 2 adresses on the left side of Cheat Engine.
NOTE Make sure not to click First scan again after the first scan, this will reset all of your progress trying to find the gold address. Make sure to keep using Next scan until you are left with 1-2 addresses.

Step five

Once you have narrowed it down to 1 or 2 addresses, double click them both. You will notice they are transfered to the bottom box.
Now double click them in the bottom box in the value category. A box should appear. Type in your desired ammount of gold. Try not to go too high, this may result in negative gold.
5 comentário(s)
UnknownCAPN 7/nov./2019 às 6:22 
Fishing is honest to god OP and better than just cheating though this has crossed my mind when ever i used it for CubeWorld to fuck around offline.
vmaldia 5/dez./2015 às 7:34 
cheat engine also works with skill points
Bojangles4th 16/out./2014 às 16:47 
Or you can just fish. Seriously, it almost feels like cheating when you receive an artifact after 5-10 minutes of just fishing (Normal Difficulty + Level 5 of dungeon or deeper)
Choose your Fate! :yourFate: Bring a helm! :fateHelm: And a rod! :fateFish:
LaGGer  [autor(a)] 19/jul./2014 às 19:19 
Your welcome :)
BeyondLezbean 19/jul./2014 às 11:28 
LOL !!!!!!!!!