Purgatory Dungeoneer

Purgatory Dungeoneer

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Class FAQ
By DeveloperDamien
An overview from the game designer of each of the Classes, how to unlock them, & what skills they gain.
Hello everyone! This is an overview of each of the Classes, explaining how to unlock them, & what skills they gain (as of patch 1.02). First, some information about how characters unlock.

There are 12 Classes that are unlocked at the start of the game, 33 that are unlocked by clearing a run through the Dungeon with a member of a particular Class, and the rest are through plot progression. Each Class unlocks with a single member available. You gain an additional member of a Class by clearing a run through the Dungeon with the initial member, and the last two (bringing the total/limit to four) by clearing the first Remembrance Mission of either of the members of the same Class. The unlock conditions for each Class will be shown under each Classes' description, but will also be shown here for convenience.

Initially in the Guild: Adventurer, Arcanist, Cleric, Commando, Crossbowman, Guard, Healer, Hunter, Mimic, Scout, Shadow Mage, Tourist.

Completed Quest 3/Inn appears: Bandit, Bard, Beggar, Berserker, Drunken Master, High Priest, Illusionist, Puppeteer, Rogue.

Completed Quest 4/Fairy Circle appears: Cheerleader, Druid, Lancer, Rune Knight, Spellbow.

Completed Quest 5/Farm appears: Beast Keeper, Jester, Maid, Warrior, Witch.

Completed Quest 6/Academy appears: Academy Wizard, Archivist, Assassin, Doctor, Entomomancer, Imperial Knight, Juggler.

Completed Quest 8/Barracks appears: Fencer, Kensei, Medic, Saboteur, Shielder.

Completed Quest 9/Quarry appears: Abjurer, Cultist, Onmyoji, Summoner.

Completed Quest 10/Pond appears: Doomsayer, Elementalist, Pirate.

Completed Quest 12/Dorms appears: Acrobat, Dungeon Master, Geometer, Gladiator, Gunner, Monk.

Completed Quest 13/Church appears: Accursed One, Cursed Cleric, Cursed Knight, Cursed Mage, Cursed Thief, Heretic, Inquisitor.

Completed Quest 14: Gambler.

Completed Quest 15/Pyre appears: Emomancer, Necromancer, Valkyrie.

Completed Quest 17/Castle appears: Magus, Plague Doctor, Princess, Siegemaster, Storyteller.

Unlocked from playing others: Archer (play Crossbowman), Archmage (play Academy Wizard), Armored Mage (play Abjurer), Astralist (play Geometer), Battle Cleric (play Cleric), Bishop (play High Priest), Blackguard (play Imperial Knight), Blood Mage (play Doomsayer), Boss (play Dungeon Master), Commander (play Commando), Dancer (play Bard), Dark Hunter (play Hunter), Dark Knight (play Rune Knight), Duelist (play Fencer), Enraged Mage (play Berserker), Entropomancer (play Cultist), Evoker (play Summoner), Fighter (play Drunken Master), Guardian (play Guard), Hero (play Adventurer), Magician (play Puppeteer), Ninja (play Pirate), Paladin (play Inquisitor), Sage (play Jester), Saint (play Monk), Sniper (play Gunner), Survivalist (play Scout), Taboo User (play Entomomancer), Tempest (play Lancer), Thief (play Bandit), Throwing Master (play Juggler), Trapmaster (play Saboteur), Trickster (play Rogue).

Also, some members of the Class may unlock later into the game even after clearing Remembrance Missions because certain Races are also gated by plot progression/certain places appearing in town, with a few individual members as exceptions. These unlock points and Races are as follows:

Completed Quest 4/Fairy Circle appears: Fairies & Gnomes.

Completed Quest 5/Farm appears: Minos & Centaur.

Completed Quest 9/Quarry appears: Duar & Gorgons.

Completed Quest 10/Pond appears: Awoken & Laehka.

Completed Quest 15/ Pyre appears: Liches & Skaleres.
Class Format
Now onto the individual Classes overview. The format will look as follows:

Class Name: What one of the 105 Classes it is.
To Unlock: When/how do you gain access.
Characters: Character names and races.

Level Progression: What level each skill is gained, along with what skill and its description.

Special Notes: Any unusual info needed, such as character-specific skills in the Class.
Class Name: Abjurer
To Unlock: Complete Quest 9/Quarry appears.
Characters: Danai (Gorgon), Kakalina (Duar), Myeong-Suk (Awoken), Corrado (Bunbun)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Tatterdemalion - ARM increased by 20%. Regen 5% Hp per turn. Passive.
Lv1: Propan - Increases ARM by x1.5 for one ally for 4 turns.
Lv2: Shield Break - Deals low Blunt damage to one based on your ARM. Lowers their ARM by 30% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Fedez - Protects the target from one attack.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Propanoss - Increases ARM by x1.5 for all allies for 4 turns.
Lv6: Mental Block - Lowers one's LOG and DEV by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Synthetic Shielding - Increases the party's ARM and Recovery by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Siphoning Barrier - Lose 10% of your Hp per turn but increase your ARM by 100%. Lasts until KO'd.
Academy Wizard
Class Name: Academy Wizard
To Unlock: Complete Quest 6/Academy appears.
Characters: Cadogan (Lich), Sonam (Laehka), Kolman (Demon), Makana (Duar)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Cautious Casting - LOG increases the higher your current Hp (up to +40% at 100% Hp). -50% Aggro. Passive.
Lv1: Nat - Deals low Cold damage to a single target. Damage based on user's LOG stat.
Lv2: Eneoss - Deals low Energy damage to all targets. Damage based on user's LOG stat.
Lv3: Progon - Increases LOG by x1.5 for one ally for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Extra Ruin - Deals medium Space damage to a foe based on your LOG. Grants yourself 5% Mp Regen and 30% damage reduction until you take damage.
Lv6: Fracture Lightning - Deals high Energy damage to all foes based on your LOG. Lowers your Mp Costs by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Instruction - Increases one's LOG by 50% and Accuracy by 33% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Gathering Deluge - Deals high Cold damage to all foes based on your LOG. Lowers their Evasion by 25% for 4 turns.
Accursed One
Class Name: Accursed One
To Unlock: Complete Quest 13/Church appears.
Characters: Halima (Mummy), Trystan (Fairy), Liliya (Nephil), Arsen (Gnome)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Vile Strength - Stats increase the lower your current Hp (up to +75% at 1% Hp). Passive.
Lv1: Favor of Weakness - “Curses self” skills apply +20% Max Hp, +20% to a stat, seal that skill from reuse, and grants the Expel Curses skill.
Lv1: Gather Curses L - High Hp heal to one based on your DEV. Curses own DEV & Max Hp. Can't Reuse or use D version.
Lv1: Gather Curses D - Revives and high Hp heal to one based on your DEV. Curses own DEV & Max Hp. Can't Reuse or use L version.
Lv1: Amplify Curses - Deals high Non damage to one based on your STR. Curses own STR & Max Hp. Can't Reuse.
Lv1: Cursed Caster - Recover 35% of your Mp. Curses own LOG & Max Hp. Can't Reuse.
Lv1: Steal Curses - Deals Chaos damage to one based on your AGI. Heals self for 50% of the damage dealt. Curses own AGI & Max Hp. Can't Reuse.
Lv1: Expel Curses - Can only use while Cursed. Removes all debuffs and Curses from the user.
Lv2: Bless of Sloth - STR, AGI, LOG, & DEV increased by 25%. Evasion & SPD lowered by 20%. Passive.
Lv3: Forsaken Power - STR, AGI, LOG, & DEV increased by 25%. Recovery lowered by 33%. Passive.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Fallen Force - Damages four foes randomly based on the user's Max Hp, STR, AGI, LOG, & DEV.
Lv6: Surpass - STR, AGI, LOG, & DEV increased by 25%. -12% Hp Regen. Passive.
Lv7: Blinding Power - STR, AGI, LOG, & DEV increased by 25%. Accuracy lowered by 20%. Passive.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Diabolical Excess - Max Hp and Critical damage increased by 100%. Passive.
Class Name: Acrobat
To Unlock: Complete Quest 12/Dorms appears.
Characters: Antonello (Bunbun), Nomusa (Minos), Vien (Centaur), Sayen (Lizardfolk)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Quick Leaps - SPD increased by 20%. Evasion increased by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: Blurry Bounty - Increases one's Evasion by 20% and Aggro by 100% for 4 turns.
Lv2: Proseboss - Increases SPD by x1.5 for all allies for 4 turns.
Lv3: Reflexive Hit - Deals low Blunt damage to a foe based on your SPD. Increases your ARM by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Rapid Defense - Protects the target from one attack. Increases their Evasion by 15% while Protected.
Lv6: Casting Choreography - Increases one's AGI by 33% and lowers Mp Costs by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Speed Break - Deals low Space damage to a foe based on your SPD. Lowers their SPD by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Showstopper - Protects the party from one attack. +100% Aggro while Protected.
Class Name: Adventurer
To Unlock: Initially in the Guild.
Characters: Sarika (Laehka), Xochipilli (Lizardfolk), Priita (Woad), Made (Nezumi)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Rapid Blade - Deals low Slash damage to a foe based on your STR. Increases your AGI by 50% for 5 turns.
Lv1: Blood Devotion - Deals Toxic damage over time to a foe based on your AGI. Increases your DEV by 50% for 5 turns.
Lv2: Mental Calm - Small Hp heal to one based on your DEV. Increases their and your LOG by 50% for 5 turns.
Lv3: Empowering Burst - Deals low Explosive damage to all foes based on your LOG. Increases your STR by 50% for 5 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Adventurous - STR, AGI, LOG, & DEV increased by 20%. Passive.
Lv6: N/A
Lv7: Discipline - Increases one's STR, AGI, LOG, & DEV by 33% and -50% Aggro for 5 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Revolution - Rotates through 4 spells based on STR, AGI, LOG, & DEV. Each has a 25% chance to lower their stat by 30% for 4 turns.

Special Notes: Revolution uses the following four skills in succession, in order.
Spell 1 - Deals Slash damage to two foes based on your STR. 25% chance to lower STR by 30% for 4 turns.
Spell 2 - Deals Toxic damage to two foes based on your AGI. 25% chance to lower AGI by 30% for 4 turns.
Spell 3 - Deals Explosive damage to two foes based on your LOG. 25% chance to lower LOG by 30% for 4 turns.
Spell 4 - Deals Holy damage to two foes based on your DEV. 25% chance to lower DEV by 30% for 4 turns.
Class Name: Arcanist
To Unlock: Initially in the Guild.
Characters: Roimata (Android), Siarl (Fairy), Sylvaine (Skalere), Ariane (Slime)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Shifty Spellcasting - LOG increased by 20%. Evasion increased by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: Ido - Deals low Time damage to a single target. Damage based on user's LOG stat.
Lv2: Supercharge - Deals Non damage to a foe based on your LOG. Removes debuffs for your LOG & increases it by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Biotic Acceleration - Small Hp heal to one based on your LOG. Increases their SPD by 30% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Apocalyptic Desertion - Deals medium Space damage to all foes based on your LOG. Lowers their STR by 30% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Blurry Cinders - Deals medium Time damage to one based on your LOG. Lowers their SPD by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Anomalous Cowardice - Lowers all foes' AGI & DEV by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Arcing Disruption - Deals medium Space damage randomly based on your LOG. Increases your SPD by 66% for 4 turns.
Class Name: Archer
To Unlock: Clear a run with a Crossbowman in the party.
Characters: Batu (Gnoll), Samiya (Mummy), Kira (Vampire), Temitope (Void Child)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Nimble Training - AGI & SPD increased by 20%. Passive.
Lv1: Atzoss - Deals low Piercing damage to all targets. Damage based on user's AGI stat.
Lv2: Kozsavval - Deals medium Acidic damage to random targets. Damage based on user's AGI stat.
Lv3: Rapid Fire - Lowers your AGI and Accuracy by 33%, but gain an extra action for 4 turns. Doesn't cost a turn to use.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Multipuncture - Deals medium Pierce damage to all foes based on your AGI. Lowers their Evasion by 20% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Manyshot - While no enemies are KO'd, your Attack count is increased by 2. Passive.
Lv7: Disintegrating Arrow - Deals medium Acidic damage to one based on your AGI. Lowers their ARM by 30% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Sure Shot - AGI increases the higher your current Hp (up to +40% at 100% Hp). Gain 10% Accuracy. Passive.
Class Name: Archivist
To Unlock: Complete Quest 6/Academy appears.
Characters: Ngaio (Android), Sebastian (Demon), Young-Ja (Awoken), Marianela (Lleoll)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Mage Analysis - LOG & Accuracy increased by 20%. Passive.
Lv1: Ene - Deals low Energy damage to a single target. Damage based on user's LOG stat.
Lv2: Idooss - Deals low Time damage to all targets. Damage based on user's LOG stat.
Lv3: Forbidden Text - Deals severe Non damage to one foe based on your LOG. Stuns yourself for 1 turn.
Lv3: Charged Evasion - Small Hp heal to one based on your LOG. Increases their Evasion by 10% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Mental Scrying - Increases the party's LOG by 40% and Critical chance by 20% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Misfortune - Deals low Time damage to all foes based on your LOG & dispels most buffs from them.
Lv7: Magical Binding - Lowers a foe's ARM by 35% & Critical chance by 20% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Compressed Gravity - Deals Space damage over time to all foes based on your LOG & lowers their SPD by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Relentless Knowledge - Lower your ARM by 50%; increase your LOG by 65%. Stance.
Class Name: Archmage
To Unlock: Clear a run with an Academy Wizard in the party.
Characters: Hideyoshi (Kitsune), Meine (Demon), Cerridwyn (Fairy), Galini (Gorgon)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Apex Caster - Hp increased by 15%. Regen 5% Mp per turn. Ignore Mp cost changes. Passive.
Lv1: Archmagic - One spell that consumes all of your current Mp on use; stronger the more Mp it uses.
Lv2: Audacity - While above 99% Hp, gain 30% LOG and Critical chance. Passive.
Lv3: Mana Withholdings - While below 50% Mp, gain 10% Mp Regen. Passive.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Mana Vigor - Accuracy increased by 15%. The Attack action gains 10% Healthsteal and Manasteal. Passive.
Lv6: Dominance - While above 99% Mp, gain 40% LOG and Critical damage. Passive.
Lv7: Authority - Recover 10% of your max Mp. Increases your Hp & Mp Regen by 5% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Mana Glutton – Max Mp increased by 100%. Passive.

Special Notes: Each Archmage has a different Archmagic at Level 1. They have different ratios but all base their values off of the caster's LOG, and how much Mp they have at the time they use the ability. The abilities are as follows:

Hideyoshi: M.Missile - Deals Blunt damage to 5 random foes.
Meine: Explosion - Deals Explosive damage to all foes.
Cerridwyn: Fatal Fear - Deals Profane damage to a foe.
Galini: Balance - Deals damage to all foes. Heals the Hp of all allies.
Armored Mage
Class Name: Armored Mage
To Unlock: Clear a run with anAbjurer in the party.
Characters: Thi (Centaur), Radhika (Laehka), Annushka (Nephil), Anush (Gnome)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Mana Defenses - ARM increased by 20%. Regen 5% Mp per turn. Passive.
Lv1: Eneval - Deals low Energy damage to random targets. Damage based on user's LOG stat.
Lv2: Duhoss - Deals low Heat damage to all targets. Damage based on user's LOG stat.
Lv3: Flaming Comets - Deals medium Heat damage randomly based on your ARM. Lowers your Mp Costs by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Neheneoss - Deals high Energy damage to all targets. Damage based on user's LOG stat.
Lv6: Panoply - Increases the party's LOG and ARM by 10% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv7: Audacious Empowerment - Deals Energy damage over time to a foe based on your ARM. Increases your ARM by 30% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Focused Poise - Increases the party's ARM and Accuracy by 40% for 4 turns.
Class Name: Assassin
To Unlock: Complete Quest 6/Academy appears.
Characters: Ratree (Gruub), Danila (Nephil), Riku (Kitsune), Proinsias (Lich)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Silent Oaths - AGI increased by 20%. -50% Aggro. Passive.
Lv1: Mission Missive - Increases your Evasion, Critical chance, & Critical damage by 30% for 4 turns.
Lv2: Spare Awareness - Increases one's AGI by 50% and -50% Aggro for 4 turns.
Lv3: Planned Demise - Deals low Time damage to one based on your AGI. Lowers their ARM by 25%. Lasts until KO'd.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Nehsenki - Deals high Non damage to a single target. Damage based on user's AGI stat.
Lv6: Sudden Blood - Deals high Acidic damage and applies a DoT to a foe based on your AGI.
Lv7: Arrangement - Lowers a foe's SPD by 25% & ARM by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Await - Can't take action for a while. Removes/prevents AGI debuffs. Grants Assassinate and Coup.
Lv9: Assassinate - Deals immense Non damage to a target based on your AGI. Always hits. Removes the “Await” status.
Lv9: Coup - Deals heavy Non damage to all foes based on your AGI. Always hits. Removes the “Await” status.
Class Name: Astralist
To Unlock: Clear a run with a Geometer in the party.
Characters: Sameera (Laehka), Mila (Nephil), Filip (Slime), Shinta (Nezumi)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Stellar Blessing - LOG increased by 20%. Regen 5% Mp per turn. Passive.
Lv1: Urval - Deals low Space damage to random targets. Damage based on user's LOG stat.
Lv2: Astral Barrage - Deals low Space damage to all foes based on your LOG. Increases your Critical chance by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Luminous Guile - Increases the party's LOG by 50% and SPD by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Temporal Regrowth - Small Hp heal to one based on your LOG. Lowers their Mp Costs by 20% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Guiding Star - Increases the party's Accuracy and Evasion by 6% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv7: Light Devouring - Lowers all foes' Accuracy & Evasion by 20% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Stellar Destruction - Deals high Space damage to a foe based on your LOG. Lowers your Mp Costs by 25% for 4 turns.

Special Notes: Sameera has the skill Lunar Barrage in place of Astral Barrage.
Lunar Barrage - Deals low Space damage to all foes based on your LOG. Heals you for 20% of the damage dealt.
Class Name: Bandit
To Unlock: Complete Quest 3/Inn appears.
Characters: Yuusuf (Guank), Xiang (Cyclops), Mylene (Skalere), Helga (Slime)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Desperado - STR increased by 20%. Accuracy increased by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: Puhelk - Decreases Evasions by 25% for one foe for 4 turns.
Lv2: Bleeding Blade - Deals low Slashing damage and applies a DoT to a foe based on your STR.
Lv3: Riotous Night - Deals low Explosive damage randomly based on your STR & dispels most buffs.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Strong Companionship - Recover 5% of the party's max Mp. Increases their STR by 30% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Fake Feint - Deals low Explosive damage to a foe based on your STR. Does not cost a turn to use; can only use once a turn.
Lv7: Outlaw Tactics - Increases the party's STR by 15% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Terrible Bounties - Lowers one enemy's Accuracy & Evasion by 25%. Lasts until KO'd.
Class Name: Bard
To Unlock: Complete Quest 3/Inn appears.
Characters: Adriana (Lleoll), Erdenechimeg (Gnoll), Idwal (Fairy), Ade (Void Child)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Traveler's Bless - Mp Costs reduced by 10%. Regen 5% Hp per turn. Passive.
Lv1: Proseb - Increases SPD by x1.5 for one ally for 4 turns.
Lv2: Weighted Drinking - Small Hp heal to one based on your AGI. Increases their Healthsteal by 5% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Prokrioss - Increases Critical chance by 20% for all allies for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Song and Chant - Increases one's Critical chance by 20% & reduces their Mp Costs by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Song of Encouragement - Increases the party's AGI and SPD by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Song of Fury - Deals Chaos damage over time to a foe based on your AGI. Increases your AGI by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Perpetual Canon - Small Hp heal to the party based on your AGI & gain a 20% chance to act again for 4 turns.
Battle Cleric
Class Name: Battle Cleric
To Unlock: Clear a run with a Cleric in the party.
Characters: Nikora (Android), Tzipora (Angel), Dae-Seong (Awoken), Shui (Cyclops)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Might of the Divine - STR & DEV increased by 20%. Passive.
Lv1: Jova - Grants low healing to a single target. Healing based on user's DEV stat.
Lv2: Blasting Devotion - Deals medium Heat damage to a foe based on your STR. Increases your Healthsteal and Recovery by 12% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Holy Mail - Revives and heals Hp for one based on your DEV. Increases their ARM by 30% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Extending Bless - Small Hp heal to one based on your DEV and removes debuffs. Increases their and your STR by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Divine Ash - Deals Holy damage over time to a foe based on your STR. Increases your DEV by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Spiritual Armaments - Increases the party's DEV and ARM by 10% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Glory - Increases the party's STR and DEV by 50% for 4 turns.
Beast Keeper
Class Name: Beast Keeper
To Unlock: Complete Quest 5/Farm appears.
Characters: Altantsetseg (Gnoll), Nikoleta (Gorgon), Omran (Mummy), Thaksin (Gruub)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Beast Ally - Gain 1 pet.
Lv1: Belly Rub - Revives and heals Hp for your pet based on your AGI.
Lv2: Sic 'em - Has the Beast Ally use a skill.
Lv3: N/A
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Strike! - Has the Beast Ally use a skill.
Lv6: Forage - Increases the party's Max Hp & Max Mp by 50% and Healthsteal by 10% for 4 turns. Your pet gains an extra version of this buff.
Lv7: Pack Support - Cleanses debuffs from the party. Increases Attack Count by 1 for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Caretaker - ARM and Aggro +100% while over 80% Hp. Hp Regen +10% while under 80% Hp. Passive.

Beast Level Progression:
Lv1: Beast - Cannot Equip or be given commands. Constantly Attacks. +10% Healthsteal. Passive.
Lv3: Domestication - Gains 80% resistance to damage and +100% Aggro while over 90% Hp. Passive.
Lv6: Feeding Frenzy - STR, AGI, LOG, DEV, ARM, & SPD increase the lower their current Hp (up to +100% at 1% Hp). Passive.
Lv9: Apex Predator - Gain +1 Attack and +100% STR, AGI, LOG, DEV, ARM, & SPD. Passive. (Not included in the description, but Apex Predator also raises Accuracy, Critical chance, & Evasion by 10%.)

Special Notes: Each Beast Keeper has a different effect from using their Level 2 & 5 skills. These require their corresponding ally to not be KO'd in order to use them. The character (and their pet) unique skills are as follows:

Altantsetseg (Batu the Rahk)
Lv2: Deals low Pierce damage and inflicts damage over time to one based on the Beast's AGI for 4 turns.
Lv5: Lowers the STR and SPD of all foes by 50%.

Nikoleta (Korina the Ardevo)
Lv2: Deals low Pierce damage and inflicts damage over time to one based on the Beast's AGI for 4 turns.
Lv5: Lowers the SPD and Evasion of a foe by 25% for 4 turns. Inflicts damage over time based on the Beast's AGI.

Omran (Ammar the Udu)
Lv2: Deals low Pierce damage to one based on the Beast's AGI. Lowers their ARM by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv5: Deals Non damage to one based on their current Hp. Reduced effect on elite enemies.

Thaksin (Lawan the Kortha)
Lv2: Deals low Pierce damage to one based on the Beast's AGI. Lowers their Evasion by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv5: Deals low Bludgeon damage randomly based on the Beast's AGI.
Class Name: Beggar
To Unlock: Complete Quest 3/Inn appears.
Characters: Truc (Centaur), Romi (Angel), Adalberto (Lleoll), Wibowo (Nezumi)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Belief - DEV increased by 20%. -50% Aggro. Passive.
Lv1: Beg Alms - Heals a random amount of Hp based on your DEV for all allies. (The formula is the same as a Small Hp heal skill * 1.5, and then a random multiplier between 0.5 & 1.5 is applied.)
Lv2: Shared Sentiment - Revives and heals Hp for one based on your DEV. Lowers their and your Aggro by 90% for 4 turns. Low priority.
Lv3: Donation - Increases the party's Healthsteal by 4% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Friendly Bless - Medium Hp heal to the party based on your DEV. Removes most debuffs.
Lv6: Request - Increases one's AGI and SPD by 55% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Indigence - Lowers a foe's STR & AGI by 55% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Beseech - Large Hp heal to the party and heals over time based on your DEV for 4 turns.
Class Name: Berserker
To Unlock: Complete Quest 3/Inn appears.
Characters: Prasert (Gruub), Lesedi (Minos), Nobutoshi (Kitsune), Mwenye (Guank)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Confident Grip - STR increased by 20%. Healthsteal increased by 5%. Passive.
Lv1: Berserkergang - Increases your stats by 100% and gain +1 Action. Can only Attack. Lasts 2 turns. Doesn't cost a turn to use.
Lv2: Vagoss - Deals low Slash damage to all targets. Damage based on user's STR stat.
Lv3: Continued Cleave - Deals low Slashing damage to a foe based on your STR. Increases your Healthsteal by 10% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Kozkaooss - Deals medium Chaos damage to all targets. Damage based on nothing. (Actually based on their STR; has 99% variance)
Lv6: Infectious Anger - Deals Chaos damage over time to a foe based on your STR. Increases your STR by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Indignance - Increases the party's Critical chance and lowers Mp Costs by 6% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Berserkergang Gang - Increases the party's stats by 100% and gain +1 Action. Can only Attack. Lasts 2 turns. Doesn't cost a turn to use.
Lv9: Returned Violence - STR increases the lower your current Hp (up to +65% at 1% Hp). Passive.
Class Name: Bishop
To Unlock: Clear a run with a High Priest in the party.
Characters: Sandip (Laehka), Potsunakwahipu (Lizardfolk), Esa (Woad), Margalit (Angel)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Benevolence - DEV increased by 20%. Evasion increased by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: Javit - Heals the target over time for 4 turns. Healing based on user's DEV stat.
Lv2: Eltapuh - Heals DEVx0.2 Hp to all allies. Removes debuffs.
Lv3: Channel - Increases your DEV by 75%; increase your Mp Costs by 50%. Stance.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Divine Prayer - Large Hp heal to one and heals over time based on your DEV for 4 turns.
Lv6: Rapturous Impaling - Deals medium Holy damage to a foe based on your DEV. Increases your Critical chance by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Protective Attuning - Increases the party's DEV and ARM by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Communion - Small Hp heal to the party based on your DEV. Increases their Healthsteal by 15% for 4 turns.

Special Notes: Sandip has the skill Exalted Impaling in place of Rapturous Impaling.
Exalted Impaling - Deals heavy Holy damage to a foe based on your DEV.
Class Name: Blackguard
To Unlock: Clear a run with an Imperial Knight in the party.
Characters: Kato (Guank), Huang (Cyclops), Serge (Skalere), Berjouhi (Gnome)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Reckless Fighter - STR increased by 20%. +50% Aggro. Passive.
Lv1: Bun - Deals low Blunt damage to a single target. Damage based on user's STR stat.
Lv2: Puhgonoss - Decreases LOG by x0.6 for all foes for 4 turns.
Lv3: Vow of Deceit - Deals low Profane damage to one based on your STR & dispels most buffs.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Dark Deceleration - Lowers a foe's SPD by 40% & Accuracy by 13% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Nehbunval - Deals heavy Blunt damage to random targets. Damage based on user's STR stat.
Lv7: Weighted Falsehood - Lowers all foes' LOG & DEV by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Daunting Presence - Dispels and lowers Critical damage for all foes by 100% for 4 turns.
Blood Mage
Class Name: Blood Mage
To Unlock: Clear a run with a Doomsayer in the party.
Characters: Anselm (Demon), Selima (Mummy), Lukacs (Vampire), Nsia (Void Child)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Bloody Practice - LOG increased by 20%. Hp increased by 15%. Passive.
Lv1: Kozvilval - Deals medium Profane damage to random targets. Damage based on user's LOG stat.
Lv2: Transfuse - Spend 35% Max Hp to gain 25% Max Mp. Does not cost a turn to use; can only use once a turn.
Lv3: Inverted Flow - Deals high Profane damage to one based on your LOG. Lowers their Recovery by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Csatorna - Deals low Chaos damage and heals the user. Damage based on user's LOG stat.
Lv6: Blood Pool - Damages the party & deals severe Chaos damage to the foe. Both are based on your LOG.
Lv7: Mana Infusion - Recover 10% of one's max Mp. Removes most debuffs.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Void Calamity - Deals high Chaos damage to all foes based on your LOG & dispels most buffs.
Class Name: Boss
To Unlock: Clear a run with a Dungeon Master in the party.
Characters: Tarek (Mummy), Taavi (Woad), Jae (Awoken), Meintje (Slime)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Arrogance - Immune to healing and buffs that would recover Hp from allies. Passive.
Lv1: Leviathan - +100% to Max Hp, STR, AGI, LOG, DEV, SPD, & ARM. +100% Aggro. Passive.
Lv1: Skill 1
Lv2: N/A
Lv3: Skill 2
Lv4: N/A
Lv5: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv6: Second Phase - STR, AGI, LOG, DEV, SPD, & ARM +100% while below 50% Hp. Passive.
Lv7: Skill 3
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: The Extreme - Gain an extra action per turn. Regen 5% Hp & Mp per turn. SPD and Evasion decreased by 30%. Passive.

Special Notes: Each Boss has a different skill for Level 1, 3, and 7, detailed below.

Skill 1: Tomb Curse - Deals Profane damage to one based on your DEV & lowers their Evasion by 100% for 4 turns. Removes most buffs.
Skill 2: Time Drain - Deals Time damage to one based on your LOG. Recovers the user's Mp for 50% of the damage dealt.
Skill 3: Poison Cloud - Deals Toxic damage and applies a DoT to all foes based on your AGI for 4 turns.

Skill 1: Flower Burst - Deals damage over time to all foes based on your STR and lowers their resistance to Non damage for 4 turns.
Skill 2: Allergens - Deals low Non damage based on your AGI and removes most buffs. Lowers all foes' Accuracy & Critical chance by 15% for 4 turns.
Skill 3: Heal Spore - Heals the party over time based on your DEV for 4 turns. Removes most debuffs.

Skill 1: Clean Tide - Medium Hp heal to the party based on your DEV. Removes most debuffs.
Skill 2: Deep Loch - Deals low Cold damage to all foes based on your LOG. Lowers their STR & AGI by 30% for 4 turns and removes buffs.
Skill 3: Mind Crush - Deals medium Chaos damage to one based on your AGI. Lowers their LOG, DEV, & ARM by 60% for 4 turns.

Skill 1: Sticky Ooze - Deals low Acid damage to all foes based on your AGI. Lowers their SPD by 50% for 4 turns and removes most buffs.
Skill 2: Velocity - Deals low Space damage to one based on your STR. Lowers their ARM by 40% for 4 turns.
Skill 3: Metalize - Heals one based on your LOG and removes most debuffs. Increases their SPD, ARM, Critical chance, & Critical damage by 30% for 4 turns.
Class Name: Cheerleader
To Unlock: Complete Quest 4/Fairy Circle appears
Characters: Hamlet (Gnome), Kostas (Gorgon), Nicola (Bunbun), Peter (Slime)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Excitable - SPD increased by 20%. Mp Costs reduced by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: Prokri - Increases CRIT by 20% for one ally for 4 turns.
Lv2: Proponoss - Increases HIT by 25% for all allies for 4 turns.
Lv3: Minor Motivator - Increases the party's SPD by 10% & Healthsteal by 2% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Encouragement - Increases an ally's and your own SPD by 50% and Mp Regen by 5% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Invigorating Vitals - Increases one's Critical chance and Evasion by 15% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Physical Elation - Increases one's STR, AGI, & Critical damage by 75% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Mental Elation - Increases one's LOG, DEV, & Critical damage by 75% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Bravado - Removes most debuffs from the party. Clears more than 5 debuffs; can revive. Stuns yourself for a turn.
Class Name: Cleric
To Unlock: Initially in the Guild.
Characters: Nguyet (Centaur), Pryderi (Fairy), Anatoly (Nephil), Chaya (Angel)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Virtuous - DEV increased by 20%. Healthsteal increased by 5%. Passive.
Lv1: Jova - Grants low healing to a single target. Healing based on user's DEV stat.
Lv2: Kozjam - Deals medium Holy damage to a single target. Damage based on user's DEV stat.
Lv3: Holy Mail - Revives and heals Hp for one based on your DEV. Increases their ARM by 30% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Calming Light - Small Hp heal to all based on your DEV. Increases their ARM by 30% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Castigating Truth - Deals medium Order damage to all foes based on your DEV. Removes buffs. Increases your SPD by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Extended Virtue - Increases one's DEV by 50% and Healthsteal by 15% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Healing Grace - DEV increases the higher your current Hp (up to +40% at 100% Hp). Passive.
Class Name: Commander
To Unlock: Clear a run with a Commando in the party.
Characters: Susilo (Nezumi), Taonga (Minos), Malia (Duar), Comgan (Lich)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Regimen - SPD increased by 20%. Recovery increased by 25%. Passive.
Lv1: Propon - Increases HIT by 25% for one ally for 4 turns.
Lv2: Proerooss - Increases STR by x1.5 for all allies for 4 turns.
Lv3: Kozvagval - Deals medium Slash damage to random targets. Damage based on user's STR stat.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Bear the Banner - Increases one's STR, AGI, LOG, DEV, & their Aggro by 75% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Personnel Orders - Deals low Slashing damage randomly based on your STR. Increases your ARM by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Demand Declare - Increases the party's STR by 50% and Accuracy by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Active Superior - Increases the party's STR/AGI/LOG/DEV by 10% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Class Name: Commando
To Unlock: Initially in the Guild.
Characters: Pravina (Laehka), Wairimu (Guank), Whetu (Android), Suchart (Gruub)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Harsh Regime - STR increased by 20%. Regen 5% Hp per turn. Passive.
Lv1: Rob - Deals low Explosive damage to a single target. Damage based on user's STR stat.
Lv2: Proero - Increases STR by x1.5 for one ally for 4 turns.
Lv3: Faj - Damages the target over time for 4 turns. Damage based on user's STR stat.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Combat Support - Small Hp heal to one based on your STR. Increases their SPD & Critical damage by 30% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Grim Determination - Deals medium Cold damage randomly based on your STR. Removes debuffs from yourself.
Lv7: Memory of Raid - Deals Explosive damage over time to a foe based on your STR & dispels most buffs.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Force - STR increases the higher your current Hp (up to +40% at 100% Hp). Passive.
Class Name: Crossbowman
To Unlock: Initially in the Guild.
Characters: Gantulga (Gnoll), Jun (Cyclops), Etiennette (Skalere), Ubon (Gruub)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Trained Aim - AGI & Accuracy increased by 20%. Passive.
Lv1: Kozatz - Deals medium Piercing damage to a single target. Damage based on user's AGI stat.
Lv2: Verzik - Damages the target over time for 4 turns. Damage based on user's AGI stat.
Lv3: Stabilized Shooting - Lower your ARM, SPD & Evasion by 30% but increase your AGI by 100%. Lasts until KO'd.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Molten Barrage - Deals low Heat damage randomly based on your AGI. Increases your Mp Regen by 5% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Dull Ammunition - Deals Blunt damage over time to a foe based on your AGI & lowers their AGI by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Blasting Scry - Increases the party's AGI by 50% & Critical chance by 20% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Battlement Prep - AGI increases the higher your current Hp (up to +25% at 100% Hp). Regen 5% Hp per turn. Passive.
Class Name: Cultist
To Unlock: Complete Quest 9/Quarry appears.
Characters: Miguel (Lleoll), Ilka (Vampire), Adaeze (Void Child), Ning (Cyclops)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Bloody Faith - DEV increases the lower your current Hp (up to +65% at 1% Hp). Healthsteal increased by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: Atok - Damages the target over time for 4 turns. Damage based on user's DEV stat.
Lv2: Initiation - Small Hp heal to one based on your DEV. Increases their and your Critical chance by 10% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Sacrificial Prayer - Deals damage to the party based on their DEV. Increases their STR, AGI, LOG, & DEV by 40% for 4 turns. Costs 25% of the caster's Max Hp instead of using Mp.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Rite of Hesitation - Lowers a foe's Healthsteal by 10% for 4 turns & dispels most buffs.
Lv6: Shaken Beliefs - Deals Non damage to one based on the target's DEV.
Lv7: Sacrificial Energy - Deals low Profane damage to a single target based on your DEV. Decreases your Mp costs by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Ascendant - High Hp heal to one based on your DEV. Increases their and your Healthsteal by 15% for 4 turns.
Cursed Cleric
Class Name: Cursed Cleric
To Unlock: Complete Quest 13/Church appears.
Characters: Petros (Gnome), Achinoam (Angel), Jung-Hoon (Awoken), Giorgina (Bunbun)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Legacy of Devout - DEV increases the lower your current Hp (up to +100% at 1% Hp). +20% Max Hp. Passive.
Lv1: Curse of Devout - “Curses self” skills apply -20% Max Hp, -20% DEV, seal that skill from reuse, and grants the Expel Curses skill.
Lv1: Gather Curses L- High Hp heal to one based on your DEV. Curses self.
Lv1: Gather Curses D - Revives and high Hp heal to one based on your DEV. Curses self.
Lv1: Expel Curses - Can only use while Cursed. Removes all debuffs and curses from the user.
Lv2: Atok - Damages the target over time for 4 turns. Damage based on user's DEV stat.
Lv3: Szijova - Grants severe healing to a single target. Healing based on user's DEV stat.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Nether Recovery - Recover 35% of the party's max Hp and heals over time based on your DEV for 4 turns. Curses self.
Lv6: Obscene Devotion - Lower your Hp Regen by 15% but increase your DEV by 80%. Lasts until KO'd. Does not cost a turn to use.
Lv7: Rapturous Sharpening - Deals damage over time to all foes based on your DEV. Increases your Critical chance by 30% for 4 turns. Curses self.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Jinxed Devotion - Lowers the party's DEV by 20%, and increases your own by 50% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Cursed Knight
Class Name: Cursed Knight
To Unlock: Complete Quest 13/Church appears.
Characters: Ahti (Woad), Zoi (Gorgon), Moti (Guank), Kalena (Duar)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Legacy of Sword - STR increases the lower your current Hp (up to +100% at 1% Hp). +20% Max Hp. Passive.
Lv1: Curse of Sword - “Curses self” skills apply -20% Max Hp, -20% STR, seal that skill from reuse, and grants the Expel Curses skill.
Lv1: Amplify Curses - Deals high Non damage to one based on your STR. Curses self.
Lv1: Expel Curses - Can only use while Cursed. Removes all debuffs and curses from the user.
Lv2: Faj - Damages the target over time for 4 turns. Damage based on user's STR stat.
Lv3: Szibun - Deals severe Blunt damage to a single target. Damage based on user's STR stat.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Nether Smiting - Deals high Chaos damage to one based on your STR. Lowers their Recovery by 55% for 4 turns. Curses self.
Lv6: Obscene Strength - Lower your Hp Regen by 15% but increase your STR by 80%. Lasts until KO'd. Does not cost a turn to use.
Lv7: Scarmor - Gain 50% damage reduction while below 100 Hp. Passive.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Jinxed Strength - Lowers the party's STR by 20%, and increases your own by 50% while you're not KO'd. Passive.

Special Notes: Ahti, Woad Cursed Knight gets Scardening instead of Scarmor.
Lv7: Scardening - Gain 50% damage reduction while below 150 Hp. Passive.
Cursed Mage
Class Name: Cursed Mage
To Unlock: Complete Quest 13/Church appears.
Characters: Peter (Demon), Arwel (Fairy), Lumusi (Void Child), Yohanes (Nezumi)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Legacy of Spell - LOG increases the lower your current Hp (up to +100% at 1% Hp). +20% Max Hp. Passive.
Lv1: Curse of Spell - “Curses self” skills apply -20% Max Hp, -20% LOG, seal that skill from reuse, and grants the Expel Curses skill.
Lv1: Cursed Caster - Recover 35% of your Mp. Curses self.
Lv1: Expel Curses - Can only use while Cursed. Removes all debuffs and curses from the user.
Lv2: Mereg - Damages the target over time for 4 turns. Damage based on user's LOG stat.
Lv3: Sziene - Deals severe Energy damage to a single target. Damage based on user's LOG stat.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Magical Excess - Increases one's Mp Regen by 5% and heals them over time based on your LOG for 4 turns. Curses self.
Lv6: Obscene Logic - Lower your Hp Regen by 15% but increase your LOG by 80%. Lasts until KO'd. Does not cost a turn to use.
Lv7: Nether Corrosion - Deals high Chaos damage and applies a DoT to all foes based on your LOG. Curses self.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Jinxed Logic - Lowers the party's LOG by 20%, and increases your own by 50% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Cursed Thief
Class Name: Cursed Thief
To Unlock: Complete Quest 13/Church appears.
Characters: Kanda (Gruub), Khulan (Gnoll), Sakurako (Kitsune), Donagh (Lich)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Legacy of Snipe - AGI increases the lower your current Hp (up to +100% at 1% Hp). +20% Max Hp. Passive.
Lv1: Curse of Snipe - “Curses self” skills apply -20% Max Hp, -20% AGI, seal that skill from reuse, and grants the Expel Curses skill.
Lv1: Steal Curses - Deals Chaos damage to one based on your AGI. Recovers the user's Hp for 50% of the damage dealt. Curses self.
Lv1: Expel Curses - Can only use while Cursed. Removes all debuffs and curses from the user.
Lv2: Verzik - Damages the target over time for 4 turns. Damage based on user's AGI stat.
Lv3: Sziatz - Deals severe Piercing damage to a single target. Damage based on user's AGI stat.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Nether Anarchy - Deals medium Chaos damage randomly based on your AGI. Increases your Critical chance by 30% for 4 turns. Curses self.
Lv6: Obscene Agility - Lower your Hp Regen by 15% but increase your AGI by 80%. Lasts until KO'd. Does not cost a turn to use.
Lv7: Nihilistic Demise - Lowers a foe's SPD by 50% for 4 turns & dispels most buffs. Curses self.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Jinxed Agility - Lowers the party's AGI by 20%, and increases your own by 50% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Class Name: Dancer
To Unlock: Clear a run with a Bard in the party.
Characters: Veda (Laehka), Arnaq (Lizardfolk), Kagiso (Minos), Marco (Bunbun)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Flowing Movement - Mp costs decreased by 10%. Evasion increased by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: Puhseb - Decreases SPD by x0.6 for one foe for 4 turns.
Lv2: Minor Carnival - Lowers all foe AGI by 30%, and increases allied AGI by 30% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Spotlight - Increases one's SPD by 50% and Aggro by 100% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: With Knives - Deals medium damage randomly based on your AGI. Increases your SPD by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Footwork - Lower your AGI by 40% and doubles your Aggro; decrease your Mp costs by 30%. Stance.
Lv7: Slow Dance - Lowers a foe's SPD by 40% & all foes' Critical damage by 35% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Heightened Tempo - Increases the party's AGI by 50% and lowers their Mp costs by 20% for 4 turns.
Dark Hunter
Class Name: Dark Hunter
To Unlock: Clear a run with a Hunter in the party.
Characters: Altansarnai (Gnoll), Hong (Cyclops), Sabrina (Skalere), Yejide (Void Child)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Baited Hunt - AGI increases the lower your current Hp (up to +65% at 1% Hp). Healthsteal increased by 5%. Passive.
Lv1: Certain Cull - Deals low Toxic damage to one based on the user's AGI. Lowers their resistance to DoTs by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv2: Motion - Deals Non damage to a foe based on your AGI. Removes debuffs for your AGI & increases it by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Kozjova - Grants medium healing to a single target. Healing based on user's AGI stat.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Nehmeross - Deals high Toxic damage to all targets. Damage based on user's AGI stat.
Lv6: Perfumed Expiration - Deals Toxic damage over time to a foe based on your AGI & lowers their STR by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Patient Shadow - Deals medium Order damage to a foe based on your AGI. Increases your Hp Regen by 5% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Daredevil - Increases your AGI by 80% for this turn. Does not cost a turn to use; can only use once a turn. Costs 30% of your Max Hp.
Dark Knight
Class Name: Dark Knight
To Unlock: Clear a run with a Rune Knight in the party.
Characters: Jimeno (Lleoll), Fadi (Mummy), Szabolcs (Vampire), Farai (Minos)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Cruelty - STR increased by 20%. Critical chance increased by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: Bloodbath - Deals heavy Chaos damage to one based on your STR & Max Hp. Costs 25% of your Max Hp.
Lv2: Kozvil - Deals medium Profane damage to a single target. Damage based on user's STR stat.
Lv3: Nehkaooss - Deals heavy Chaos damage to all targets. Damage based on nothing.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Csatorna - Deals low Chaos damage and heals the user. Damage based on user's STR stat.
Lv6: Severing Power - Lower your ARM & Evasion by 20% but increase your STR by 80%. Lasts until KO'd.
Lv7: Sweet Heresy - Deals medium Profane damage to one based on your STR. Lowers their ARM by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Vicious Impulse - Increases the party's Healthsteal & Critical chance by 20% for 4 turns.
Class Name: Doctor
To Unlock: Complete Quest 6/Academy appears.
Characters: Hine (Android), Li (Angel), Iolana (Duar), Dario (Bunbun)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Hygiene - DEV increased by 20%. Recovery increased by 25%. Passive.
Lv1: Kozjovaoss - Grants medium healing to all targets. Healing based on user's DEV stat.
Lv2: Sterilize - Removes debuffs from the party and increases their Recovery by 50%.
Lv3: Vil - Light Profane damage, Single
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Decontaminate - High Hp heal to one based on your DEV. Removes most debuffs.
Lv6: Public Health - Increases the party's DEV and SPD by 10% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv7: Corrective Procedure - Recovers 5% Mp for the party and heals Hp over time based on your DEV for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Prepare Procedure - Protects the target from one attack. Increases their Recovery by 100% while Protected. High priority.
Class Name: Doomsayer
To Unlock: Complete Quest 10/Pond appears.
Characters: Kunibert (Demon), Irini (Gorgon), Jaidev (Laehka), Young-Soo (Awoken)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Healthy Paranoia - Hp increased by 15%. Evasion increased by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: Kozidooss - Medium Time damage, All
Lv2: Useless Warning - Lowers all foes' STR & LOG by 35% for 4 turns. Removes one buff.
Lv3: Terrible Doom - Deals Time damage over time to all foes based on your Max Hp & lowers their DEV by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: The Creeping - Deals low Profane damage to one based on your LOG. Lowers their SPD by 55% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Unstable Terror - Lowers all foes' Recovery by 40% & Critical chance by 20% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Harbinger - Lowers the party's Mp costs by 10% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Vicious Demise - Lowers all foes' Healthsteal & Accuracy by 12% for 4 turns.
Class Name: Druid
To Unlock: Complete Quest 4/Fairy Circle appears
Characters: Anh (Centaur), Myfanwy (Fairy), Ferapont (Nephil), Porntip (Gruub)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Feral Celerity - SPD increased by 20%. Critical chance increased by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: Jovaoss - Light Hp Heal, All
Lv2: Jamoss - Light Holy damage, All
Lv3: Prokeross - Decreases MPC by 20% for all allies for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Wet Regeneration - High Hp heal to one based on your DEV and removes most debuffs. Increases their Mp Regen by 3% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Natural Potency - Increases the party's STR and DEV by 10% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv7: Weighted Brambles - Deals medium Piercing damage to all foes based on your DEV. Increases your SPD by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Stone Storms - Lowers all foes' SPD, ARM, & Evasion by 25% for 4 turns.
Drunken Master
Class Name: Drunken Master
To Unlock: Complete Quest 3/Inn appears.
Characters: Mavuto (Minos), Zuberi (Guank), Yoshiro (Kitsune), U'ilani (Duar)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Waster - Recovery increased by 25%. Critical chance increased by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: Basker's Brew - Lower your LOG & DEV by 30% but increase your ARM & Hp by 30%. Grants Stumbling Strikes.
Lv1: Stumbling Strikes - Deals medium Blunt damage randomly based on your STR. Increases your Recovery by 33% for 4 turns. Dispels Basker's Brew on self.
Lv2: Swagger - SPD increases the lower your current Hp (up to +100% at 1% Hp). Hp Regen increased by 5%. Passive.
Lv3: Dilainkku Coffee - Lower your STR & AGI by 30% but increase your resistance to single-target damage by 40%. Grants Flame Breath.
Lv3: Flame Breath - Deals severe Heat damage and applies a DoT to all foes based on your LOG. Dispels Dilainkku Coffee on self.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Wine of Kutijina - Increase your Critical chance & damage by 35%, and gain +200% Aggro. Grants Metabolic Release.
Lv5: Metabolic Release - Medium Hp heal to the party based on your DEV. Removes most debuffs. Dispels Wine of Kutijina on self.
Lv6: N/A
Lv7: Crouh's Cold Brew - Lower your Evasion by 15% but increase your resistance to multi-target damage by 40%. Grants Sobering Fist.
Lv7: Sobering Fist - Deals high Blunt damage to a foe based on your AGI & dispels most buffs. Dispels Crouh's Cold Brew on self.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Debauch - Restore 5% of your Mp and attempt to consume all four drinks. Each has a 50% chance of applying.
Class Name: Duelist
To Unlock: Clear a run with a Fencer in the party.
Characters: Obi (Void Child), Winona (Lizardfolk), Vahan (Gnome), Ilham (Nezumi)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Aggression - AGI increased by 20%. Aggro +50%. Passive.
Lv1: Atzval - Light Pierce damage, Random targeting
Lv2: Topple - Deals Non damage to one based on the target's STR.
Lv3: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv4: Reckless Taunt - Raises a foe's STR by 40% & lowers their Healthsteal by 15% for 4 turns.
Lv5: Unwavering Impaling - Deals high Piercing damage to a foe based on your AGI. Removes debuffs from yourself.
Lv6: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv7: Malice - Increases the party's STR and AGI by 10% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv8: Satisfaction - Increases one's Healthsteal by 10%, Critical chance by 40%, and Aggro +100% for 4 turns.
Lv9: Isolation - STR, AGI, LOG, & DEV increased by 100% when there is only one enemy. Passive.
Dungeon Master
Class Name: Dungeon Master
To Unlock: Complete Quest 12/Dorms appears.
Characters: Jukka (Woad), Min (Cyclops), Coralie (Skalere), Margriet (Slime)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Underlings – Gain 3 followers.
Lv2: N/A
Lv3: N/A
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Vital Underlings - Revives and heals Hp for your underlings based on your Max Hp.
Lv6: Tutelage - Increases the party's STR, AGI, LOG, and DEV by 30% for 4 turns. This bonus is undispellable, and tripled for your underlings.
Lv7: Demesne - ARM increases the lower your current Hp (up to +75% at 1% Hp). Passive.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Midboss - Your underlings have +1 Attack and +5% Hp & Mp Regen. Passive.
Lv9: Gathering - Heals 20% of your Hp, removes debuffs, and grants use of Destructive Wave once.
Lv9: Destructive Wave - Damages all enemies based on your STR, AGI, LOG, & DEV. Removes most buffs. Can't use Gathering briefly.

Underling Level Progression:
Lv1: Underlings – Gain 3 followers.
Lv1: Skill 1 – Each of the Underlings has a different skill they start with.
Lv3: Skill 2 – Each of the Underlings has a different skill they learn at Level 3.
Lv5: Huddled Masses - Gain +100% Critical chance while more than 3 enemies are alive. Passive.
Lv7: Demesne - ARM increases the lower your current Hp (up to +75% at 1% Hp). Passive.
Lv9: Midboss – Gain +1 Attack and +5% Hp & Mp Regen. Passive.

Special Notes:

Jukka's Underlings and their skills
Jan Lv.1 Mer, Lv.3 Meross (low AGI Toxic damage to one/all)
Aku Lv.1 Progyo, Lv.3 Progyooss (AGI buff to one/all)
Leena Lv.1 Puhpon, Lv.3 Puhponoss (Accuracy debuff to one/all)

Min's Underlings and their skills
Xia Lv.1 Duh, Lv.3 Duhoss (low LOG Heat damage to one/all)
Hui Lv.1 Progon, Lv.3 Progonoss (LOG buff to one/all)
An Lv.1 Jova, Lv.3 Jovaoss (low DEV Hp heal to one/all)

Coralie's Underlings and their skills
Dany Lv.1 Jam, Lv.3 Jamoss (low DEV Holy damage to one/all)
Leo Lv.1 Prooda, Lv.3 Proodaoss (DEV buff to one/all)
Eve Lv.1 Javit, Lv.3 Eltapuh (DEV heal over time/party debuff removal)

Margriet's Underlings and their skills
Mick Lv.1 Bun, Lv.3 Bunoss (low STR Blunt damage to one/all)
Coen Lv.1 Proero, Lv.3 Proerooss (STR buff to one/all)
Fenna Lv.1 Puhpan, Lv.3 Puhpanoss (ARM debuff to one/all)
Class Name: Elementalist
To Unlock: Complete Quest 10/Pond appears.
Characters: Javier (Lleoll), Somhairle (Lich), Duc (Centaur), Rafael (Vampire)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Prime Focus - LOG increased by 20%. Mp costs decreased by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: (ELE) Impale - Deals medium ELE damage and applies a DoT to all foes based on your LOG.
Lv3: (ELE) Bore - Deals low ELE damage to one based on your LOG. Lowers their resistance to ELE by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Szi (ELE) – Severe single-target damage skill.
Lv7: (ELE) Shower - Deals medium ELE damage randomly based on your LOG. Increases your LOG by 33% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Attunement - Increases your Critical chance & damage by 35%, and lowers your Mp costs by 25% for 4 turns.

Special Notes: Each Elementalist has a different element they focus on, which replaces the ELE signifiers above.
Javier: Holy
Somhairle: Heat
Duc: Toxic
Rafael: Cold
Class Name: Emomancer
To Unlock: Complete Quest 15/Pyre appears.
Characters: Milja (Woad), Omiros (Gorgon), Sung-Hyun (Awoken), Sesto (Bunbun)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Daydreaming - LOG increases the higher your current Hp (up to +40% at 100% Hp). Passive.
Lv1: Fleeting Memories - SPD increases the lower your current Hp (up to +60% at 1% Hp). Passive.
Lv1: Viloss - Light Profane damage, All
Lv2: Discouragement - Lowers all foes' STR & Recovery by 35% for 4 turns. Removes one buff.
Lv3: Calming Sorrow - Deals low Order damage to all foes based on your LOG. Lowers their AGI by 33% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Friendly Helplessness - Lowers a foe's SPD & Evasion by 30% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Ardor - Increases the party's LOG by 15% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv7: Despair - Lowers a foe's STR, AGI, LOG, DEV, ARM, & SPD by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Custom Paranoia - Deals high Chaos damage over time to one foe based on your LOG for 4 turns.
Enraged Mage
Class Name: Enraged Mage
To Unlock: Clear a run with a Berserker in the party.
Characters: Rosmarie (Demon), Filippos (Gorgon), Haniyah (Mummy), Wikolia (Duar)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Hostility - LOG increased by 20%. +50% Aggro. Passive.
Lv1: Eneval - Deals low Energy damage to random targets. Damage based on user's LOG stat.
Lv2: Nehduhoss - Heavy Heat damage, All
Lv3: Mage Rage - Take double damage but increase your LOG, Critical chance, Accuracy, & Mp Regen by 10%. Lasts until KO'd.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Joyous Fury - Increases the party's LOG and SPD by 10% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv6: Heated Outburst - Deals medium Heat damage to one foe based on your LOG. Increases your Critical chance by 22% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Hunting Profanity - Deals low Explosive damage to all foes based on your LOG. Recovers the user's Hp for 50% of the damage dealt.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Escalating Violence - Deals high Energy damage to one foe based on your LOG. Increases your LOG by 50% for 4 turns.
Class Name: Entomomancer
To Unlock: Complete Quest 6/Academy appears.
Characters: Ita (Lich), Huw (Fairy), Santtu (Woad), Poghos (Gnome)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Positive Infestation - LOG increased by 20%. Regen 5% Hp per turn. Passive.
Lv1: Idoval - Light Time damage, Some Rnd
Lv2: Leeches - Applies a Toxic DoT to a foe based on your LOG. Lowers their resistance to ELE by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Chitin Evolution - Increases one's LOG and ARM by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Mass Parasite - Deals low Toxic damage randomly based on your LOG. Recovers the user's Hp for 50% of the damage dealt.
Lv6: Locust Cloud - Deals Chaos damage over time to a foe based on your LOG & lowers their DEV by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Living Venom - Deals medium Toxic damage to all foes based on your LOG. Lowers their Healthsteal by 10% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Living Hive - All enemies have their Recovery lowered by 15% and take Chaos damage over time while you're not KO'd. Passive.

Special Notes: Leeches has a different element debuff depending on who's casting, which replaces the ELE signifier above.
Ita: Time
Huw: Acid
Santtu: Piercing
Poghos: Chaos
Class Name: Entropomancer
To Unlock: Clear a run with a Cultist in the party.
Characters: Piripi (Android), Dayo (Void Child), Prokopy (Nephil), Istvan (Vampire)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Lasting Decay - LOG increases the lower your current Hp (up to +65% at 1% Hp). Healthsteal increased by 5%. Passive.
Lv1: Kao - Light Chaos damage, Single
Lv2: Inevitable End - Lowers all foes' Healthsteal by 10% & Recovery by 33% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Astral Ruin - Applies a Chaos DoT to all foes based on your LOG. Lowers their resistance to ELE by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Nehido - Heavy Time damage, Single
Lv6: Avatar of Riot - Increases your LOG by 80% for this turn. Does not cost a turn to use; can only use once a turn. Costs 30% of your Max Hp.
Lv7: Degenerate - Deals damage to the party based on their LOG. Decreases all foes' STR, AGI, LOG, & DEV by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Dilapidate - Deals high Time damage to one based on your LOG. Lowers their ARM by 66% for 4 turns.

Special Notes: Astral Ruin has a different element debuff depending on who's casting, which replaces the ELE signifier above.
Piripi: Energy
Dayo: Non
Prokopy: Order
Istvan: Slashing
Class Name: Evoker
To Unlock: Clear a run with a Summoner in the party.
Characters: Nalini (Laehka), Yolotli (Lizardfolk), Selena (Nephil), Bettina (Demon)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Spirit Ally - Gain 2 spirits.
Lv2: Refresh Allies - Revives the party, healing them based on your LOG. Spirits get healed even if not KO'd.
Lv2: Empower - Increases the party's Accuracy, Critical chance, and Critical damage by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Order: Attack - Spirits gain an extra action and a damaging aura for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Order: Defend - Spirit's Aggro is increased by 200% and they take 50% less damage for 4 turns.
Lv6: Order: Aid - Spirit's Attacks can apply buffs on hit for 4 turns.
Lv7: Soul Insurance - While below 50% Hp, take 25% less direct damage and gain 5% Hp Regen. This also applies to Spirits. Passive.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Spiritual Direction - Mp costs reduced by 30%. Passive.
Lv9: Elevation - Both spirits have +1 Action and 100% increased stats. Passive.
Class Name: Fencer
To Unlock: Complete Quest 8/Barracks appears.
Characters: Juliane (Skalere), Ganbaatar (Gnoll), Katleho (Minos), Purnama (Nezumi)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Confrontational - AGI increased by 20%. Regen 5% Mp per turn. Passive.
Lv1: Atzval - Light Pierce damage, Some Rnd
Lv2: Progyo - Increases AGI by x1.5 for one ally for 4 turns.
Lv3: Pret - Increases one's AGI by 50% & Critical chance by 20% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Riposte - Deals Piercing damage over time to a foe based on your AGI. Gain an extra action next turn. Can't use consecutively.
Lv6: Fleche - Deals high Piercing damage to one foe based on your AGI & dispels most buffs.
Lv7: Stop Hit - Lowers a foe's SPD by 35% & Recovery by 45% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Last Word - Deals high Non damage to one based on your AGI. Ignores ARM and can't miss.
Class Name: Fighter
To Unlock: Clear a run with a Drunken Master in the party.
Characters: Ana (Lleoll), Anas (Mummy), Yared (Guank), Aleksanteri (Woad)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Practiced Form - STR increased by 20%. Evasion increased by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: Sapping Palm - Deals medium Blunt damage to a foe based on your STR. Increases your Mp Regen by 5% for 4 turns.
Lv2: Brawl - Deals low Blunt damage randomly based on your STR. Lowers their AGI by 30% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Probuv - Increases MPR by 10% for one ally for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Iron Focus - Small Hp heal to one based on your STR. Increases their and your Critical chance by 15% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Combat Hardening - Increases one's STR and SPD by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Splitting Fist - Deals Slashing damage over time to a foe based on your STR. Increases your Critical chance by 20% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Surpass Limit - While above 50% Mp, STR and SPD are doubled, as well as Mp costs. Passive.
Class Name: Gambler
To Unlock: Complete Quest 14.
Characters: Lusineh (Gnome), Petronella (Slime), Seong-Min (Awoken), Haru (Kitsune)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Highly Favored - Critical chance & Evasion increased by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: Kaoval - Light Chaos damage, Some Rnd
Lv2: Damage? - Deals damage of a random Element to all foes. Might repeat.
Lv3: Buff? - Applies a random buff to all allies. Might repeat.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Debuff? - Applies a random debuff to all foes. Might repeat.
Lv6: Raise! - All allies have their Accuracy and Critical Chance lowered by 15%, and their Critical damage increased by 100% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Nehkaooss - Heavy Chaos damage, All
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv8: Bluff - Lowers one's Hp by 75%, but doubles core stats, and Accuracy, Evasion, Critical Chance, Mp costs, and Recovery improve 25%.
Lv9: Double Down - Increased chance for any “?” Skill to recast. Passive. (This raises their chance from 30% to 50%.)
Class Name: Geometer
To Unlock: Complete Quest 12/Dorms appears.
Characters: Piet (Slime), Avra (Gorgon), Heida (Demon), Kalani (Duar)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Practical Alignment - Hp increased by 15%. Mp costs decreased by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: Koznatoss - Medium Cold damage, All
Lv2: Rescript - Increases the party's Accuracy by 15% and Manasteal by 5% for 4 turns. Costs 50% of your Max Hp to use.
Lv3: Symbol of Recovery - Small Hp heal to the party based on your LOG. Increases their Healthsteal by 10% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Symbol of Raider - Deals low Explosive damage to all foes based on your LOG. Increases your Evasion by 20% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Proloposs - Increases LS by 10% for all allies for 4 turns.
Lv7: Symbolic Affliction - Deals Order damage over time to all foes based on your LOG & lowers their STR by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Align Oneself - Increases your LOG & SPD by 55%, and your Critical chance & Manasteal by 15% for 4 turns.
Class Name: Gladiator
To Unlock: Complete Quest 12/Dorms appears.
Characters: Ngoc (Centaur), Lencho (Guank), Evgeniya (Nephil), Etain (Lich)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Contender - STR increased by 20%. Mp costs decreased by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: Nehbun - Heavy Blunt damage, Single
Lv2: Armatura - Increases one's STR and Critical damage by 55% and Critical chance by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Caesim - Deals high Slashing damage to a foe based on your STR. Lowers your Mp Costs by 20% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Nehvagval - Heavy Slash damage, Some Rnd
Lv6: Arena Tactics - Deals Non damage to one based on the target's SPD.
Lv7: Punctim - Deals low Piercing damage to one based on your STR. Lowers their Accuracy by 20% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Pollice Verso - Deals Order damage over time to a foe based on your STR & lowers their Healthsteal by 15% for 4 turns.
Class Name: Guard
To Unlock: Initially in the Guild.
Characters: Nafula (Guank), Chifundo (Minos), Leimomi (Duar), Awinita (Lizardfolk)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Security Training - STR & ARM increased by 20%. Passive.
Lv1: Kozvag - Medium Slash damage, Single
Lv2: Patrol - Increases your ARM by 60% and +400% Aggro for 4 turns.
Lv3: Repossess - Applies an Order DoT to a foe based on your STR. Lowers their resistance to ELE by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Defensive Strike - Deals medium Slashing damage to a foe based on your STR. Increases your ARM by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Militia Orders - Increases the party's STR and ARM by 10% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv7: Urban Camouflage - Lowers all foes' STR by 40% & Accuracy by 15% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: To Serve - STR increases the lower your current Hp (up to +50% at 1% Hp). Passive.
Lv9: To Protect - ARM increases the higher your current Hp (up to +50% at 100% Hp). Passive.

Special Notes: Repossess has a different element debuff depending on who's casting, which replaces the ELE signifier above.
Nafula: Blunt
Chifundo: Space
Leimomi: Explosive
Awinita: Profane
Class Name: Guardian
To Unlock: Clear a run with a Guard in the party.
Characters: Siranush (Gnome), Tatanka (Lizardfolk), Terhi (Woad), Manyara (Minos)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Armor Master - Hp increased by 15%. ARM increased by 20%. Passive.
Lv1: Ren - Light Order damage, Single
Lv2: Puhkri - Decreases CRIT by 20% for one foe for 4 turns.
Lv3: Shield Bash - Deals low Blunt damage to one based on your Max Hp. Lowers their SPD by 30% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Stalwart - Spend 40% Max Hp to Protect all allies. High priority.
Lv6: Binding Malice - Lowers a foe's Healthsteal & Critical chance by 12% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Granted Hope - Increases the party's ARM by 40% & Hp Regen by 5% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Herald - ARM increases the lower your current Hp (up to +50% at 1% Hp). Recovery increased by 25%. Passive.
Class Name: Gunner
To Unlock: Complete Quest 12/Dorms appears.
Characters: Ashwin (Laehka), Kahurangi (Android), Magalie (Skalere), Gerasim (Nephil)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Cover Tactics - AGI & ARM increased by 20%. Passive.
Lv1: Reload - Unseals skills, allowing them to be used again.
Lv1: Shotgun - Deals medium Piercing damage to all foes twice based on your AGI. High variance. Can't be reused.
Lv2: Six Shooter - Deals Piercing damage randomly based on your AGI. Can't be reused.
Lv3: Line Sights - Increases one's AGI and Accuracy by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Hip Fire - Gain 30% AGI, Accuracy, Critical chance, & Critical damage on Turn 1. Passive.
Lv6: Shellshock - Deals high Explosive damage to all foes based on your AGI. Lowers their LOG by 50% for 4 turns. Can't be reused.
Lv7: Sudden Restock - Recover 10% of one's max Mp. Heals over time based on your AGI for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: APFSDS - Deals severe Non damage to one based on your AGI. Ignores ARM and can't miss. Low priority. Can't be reused.

Special Notes: Ashwin has the skill Shotgun Messenger in place of Hip Fire.
Shotgun Messenger - Gain 30% AGI & an extra action on Turn 1. Passive.
Class Name: Healer
To Unlock: Initially in the Guild.
Characters: Belen (Lleoll), Randa (Mummy), Raz (Angel), Okoro (Void Child)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Practitioner - DEV & SPD increased by 20%. Passive.
Lv1: Merciful Mending - Small Hp heal to one based on your DEV. Heals over time based on your DEV for 4 turns.
Lv2: Eltapuh - Heals DEVx0.2 Hp to all allies. Removes debuffs.
Lv3: Mental Therapy - Increases one's LOG and Critical damage by 30% & Mp Regen by 3% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Critique - Deals low Order damage to one based on your DEV. Lowers their Critical chance by 20% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Simple Labor - Small Hp heal to one based on your DEV. Instant.
Lv7: Physical Therapy - Increases one's STR and Critical damage by 30% & Mp Regen by 3% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Daily Disciplines - Increases the party's DEV by 10% & lowers their Mp costs by 10% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Class Name: Heretic
To Unlock: Complete Quest 13/Church appears.
Characters: Nikora (Android), Rina (Angel), Ji-Hoom (Awoken), Sekani (Minos)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Joyous Heresy - DEV & ARM increased by 20%. Passive.
Lv1: Critical Reasoning - Small Hp heal to the party based on your DEV. Increases their Critical chance by 10% for 4 turns.
Lv2: Recant - Deals Profane damage to a foe based on your DEV. Removes debuffs for your DEV & increases it by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Faithless Shield - Medium Hp heal to one based on your DEV. Increases their ARM by 30% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Faltering Beliefs - Lowers all foes' DEV & Recovery by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Denial - Increases the party's ARM by 15% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv7: Blaspheme - Removes all debuffs from an ally but lowers them to 1 Hp. Does not cost a turn to use; can only use once a turn.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Disperse Conviction - Deals low Profane damage to all foes based on your DEV & dispels most buffs.
Class Name: Hero
To Unlock: Clear a run with an Adventurer in the party.
Characters: Zaya (Gnoll), Spiros (Gorgon), Tjarrd (Slime), Hayato (Kitsune)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Valiant - Healthsteal & Critical chance increased by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: Kozeneoss - Medium Energy damage, All (STR)
Lv2: Nehjovaoss - Heavy Hp Heal, All
Lv3: Szisenki - Severe Non damage, Single
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Protective Disruption - Deals medium Holy damage to all foes based on your LOG. Increases your ARM by 35% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Severe Regeneration - High Hp heal to the party based on your DEV. Heals over time based on your DEV for 4 turns.
Lv7: Occult Charging - One recovers 8% of their max Mp. Increases their and your Critical chance by 15% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Critical Force - Increases your Critical chance and damage by 50% for 4 turns.
High Priest
Class Name: High Priest
To Unlock: Complete Quest 3/Inn appears.
Characters: Melati (Nezumi), Llewella (Fairy), Iyov (Angel), Achille (Bunbun)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Divine Position - DEV increased by 20%. Mp costs decreased by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: Desperation - Greatly heals the party based on your DEV. Doesn't cost a turn to use. Can't use again until you're KO'd.
Lv2: Neheltapuh - Heals DEVx1.2 Hp to all allies. Removes debuffs.
Lv3: Prayer Position - Lower your SPD and Evasion by 25% but increase your DEV by 75%. Lasts until KO'd.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Vivify - Revives and heals Hp for one based on your DEV. Increases their SPD by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Protection of Light - Deals high Holy damage to a foe based on your DEV. Increases your Hp Regen by 5% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Group Rites - Increases the party's DEV by 15% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Brief Miracle - Doubles the party's Max Hp and Mp while healing over time based on your DEV for 2 turns. Undispellable.
Class Name: Hunter
To Unlock: Initially in the Guild.
Characters: Amporn (Gruub), Thomas (Skalere), Bolortsetseg (Gnoll), Eavan (Lich)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Wild Survival - AGI increased by 20%. Recovery increased by 25%. Passive.
Lv1: Certain Cull - Deals low Toxic damage to one based on the user's AGI. Lowers their resistance to DoTs by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv2: Toxic Coordination - Deals low Toxic damage and applies a DoT to all foes based on your AGI.
Lv3: Mark Weakness - The next instance of damage the target takes deals triple damage. High priority.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Pack Leader - Increases the party's AGI and ARM by 10% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv6: Nehmerval - Heavy Toxic damage, Some Rnd
Lv7: Track Down - Lowers a foe's ARM by 35% & Evasion by 20% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Final Dedication - Increases your AGI by 100%; increase your Mp Costs by 50%. Stance.
Class Name: Illusionist
To Unlock: Complete Quest 3/Inn appears.
Characters: Partha (Laehka), Waman (Lizardfolk), Pihla (Woad), Nurul (Nezumi)

Level Progression:
Lv1: False Impression - LOG & SPD increased by 20%. Passive.
Lv1: Crossfade - Deals low Blunt damage to a foe based on your SPD. Increases your Evasion by 20% for 4 turns.
Lv2: Invisibility - Lowers Aggro to 0 and increases Evasion by 40%. Lost on damage or 4 turns.
Lv3: Proelr - Increases MS by 5% for one ally for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Kozido - Medium Time damage, Single
Lv6: Disillusion - Removes debuffs from the party and increases their Accuracy by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Hoax - Deals medium Time damage to a foe based on your LOG. Decreases your Mp costs by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Illusory Fog - Lowers all foes' LOG & Accuracy by 25% for 4 turns.
Imperial Knight
Class Name: Imperial Knight
To Unlock: Complete Quest 6/Academy appears.
Characters: Subira (Guank), Na (Cyclops), Marianna (Vampire), Pualani (Duar)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Dutiful - STR increased by 20%. Recovery increased by 25%. Passive.
Lv1: Anti-Mage Tactics - Deals low Order damage to one based on your STR. Lowers their LOG by 35% for 4 turns.
Lv2: Bunoss - Light Blunt damage, All
Lv3: Pommel Pummel - Deals low Blunt damage to all foes based on your STR & dispels most buffs.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Thoughtless - Deals Non damage to one based on the target's LOG.
Lv6: Battle Extension - Increases one's STR by 50% & Healthsteal by 15% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Bladed Clarity - Deals high Order damage to one foe based on your STR. Removes debuffs from yourself.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Heavy Saunter - Lower your SPD and Evasion by 50%; increase your STR and Aggro by 100%. Stance.
Class Name: Inquisitor
To Unlock: Complete Quest 13/Church appears.
Characters: Federico (Lleoll), Shad (Mummy), Piroska (Vampire), Ufuoma (Void Child)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Conviction - AGI & DEV increased by 20%. Passive.
Lv1: Jam - Light Holy damage, Single
Lv2: Verzik - Inflicts bleed (Agi) on a foe.
Lv3: Condemn - Deals medium Order damage to all foes based on your DEV. Decreases your DEV by 30% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Radiant Faith - Small Hp heal to the party based on your AGI. Heals over time based on your AGI for 4 turns.
Lv6: Purging Flame - Deals medium Holy damage to all foes based on your DEV. Removes debuffs from yourself.
Lv7: Proclamation - Increases the party's STR and ARM by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Divine Valor - ARM increases the higher your current Hp (up to +40% at 100% Hp). Healthsteal increased by 10%. Passive.

Special Notes: Ufuoma has the skill Foreordain in place of Condemn.
Foreordain - Deals medium Order damage to all foes based on your ARM. Decreases your ARM by 50% for 4 turns if more than 1 foe.
Class Name: Jester
To Unlock: Complete Quest 5/Farm appears.
Characters: Ngaire (Android), Yorick (Skalere), Voski (Gnome), Barbara (Bunbun)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Athleticism - Accuracy increased by 20%. Evasion increased by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: Kaooss - Light Chaos damage, All
Lv2: Vicious Joke - Lowers all foes' STR & AGI by 35% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Heartening Joke - Increases one's STR and DEV by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Badminton - Deals medium Blunt damage randomly based on your AGI. High variance. Increases your AGI by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Divine Comedy - Lowers a foe's DEV by 40% & Critical chance by 15% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Flexible Entertainment - Small Hp heal to the party based on your AGI. Can grant various buffs for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Vile Taunts - Deals medium Profane damage randomly based on your AGI. Increases your Evasion by 20% for 4 turns.
Class Name: Juggler
To Unlock: Complete Quest 6/Academy appears.
Characters: Sarangerel (Gnoll), Finlay (Lich), Marjo (Slime), Mali (Gruub)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Rapid Reclaim - AGI increased by 20%. Hp Regen increased by 5%. Passive.
Lv1: Senkival - Light Non damage, Some Rnd
Lv2: How To Juggle - Using a “Juggle skill” adds a 20% AGI buff to you and prepares a skill for use. Use Throw! to consume the buffs.
Lv2: Throw! - This is used to activate any active Juggle skills all at once.
Lv2: Serrated Blade - Deals Slashing damage over time to a foe based on your AGI. Juggle skill.
Lv3: Caltrops - Lowers a foe's SPD by 55% & Healthsteal by 20% for 4 turns. Juggle skill.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: A Brick - Deals high Order damage to a foe based on your AGI and removes most buffs. High variance. Juggle skill.
Lv6: Three Torches - Deals medium Heat damage randomly based on your AGI and lowers their Recovery by 50% for 4 turns. Juggle skill.
Lv7: Many Balls - Deals medium Blunt damage to all foes based on your AGI and lowers their ARM by 50% for 4 turns. Juggle skill.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Perfect Coordination - After Turn 3, gain an extra action. Passive.
Class Name: Kensei
To Unlock: Complete Quest 8/Barracks appears.
Characters: Lanh (Centaur), Wangui (Guank), Ustinya (Nephil), Akachi (Void Child)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Diligent Practice - STR increased by 20%. Mp Regen increased by 5%. Passive.
Lv1: Vagval - Light Slash damage, Some Rnd
Lv2: Sincere Swing - Deals high Slashing damage to a foe based on your STR. Increases your Evasion by 20% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Duty - Small Hp heal to one based on your STR. Increases their and your Mp Regen by 4% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Nehbunval - Deals heavy Blunt damage to random targets. Damage based on user's STR stat.
Lv6: Unstoppable - After Turn 3, gain 30% STR, SPD, and Accuracy. Passive.
Lv7: Honorable Moment - Increases one's STR by 50% & Mp Regen by 5% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Tenrai - Increases your STR & ARM by 60%, and your SPD & Accuracy by 25% for 4 turns.
Class Name: Lancer
To Unlock: Complete Quest 4/Fairy Circle appears
Characters: Klahan (Gruub), Rufaro (Minos), Naruhito (Kitsune), Carroll (Lich)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Polearm Practice - STR & AGI increased by 20%. Passive.
Lv1: Pippet - Deals low Piercing damage to all foes based on your STR. Recovers the user's Hp for 50% of the damage dealt.
Lv2: Bloody Blow - Deals Chaos damage over time to a foe based on your AGI. Increases your STR by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Ward Off - Removes debuffs from yourself and Protects. Gain 50% STR & AGI while this Protect remains.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Harrying Swipe - Deals medium Piercing damage to a foe based on your STR. Increases your AGI by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Nehatzoss - Heavy Pierce damage, All
Lv7: Ferocious Thrusts - Lowers your Evasion and Accuracy by 25% but increases your Critical chance and Critical damage by 35% for 4 turns. Stance.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Ward Accord - Gain “Ward Off” automatically at the start of battle. Passive.
Class Name: Magician
To Unlock: Clear a run with a Puppeteer in the party.
Characters: Lucine (Gnome), Nanuk (Lizardfolk), Adamo (Bunbun), Darma (Nezumi)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Smooth Operator - SPD increased by 20%. -50% Aggro. Passive.
Lv1: Mentalist - Lowers a foe's LOG by 40% & ARM by 25% for 4 turns. Removes most buffs.
Lv2: Flourish - Removes debuffs from the party after choosing an ally to get +200% Aggro for 4 turns.
Lv3: Retention - Deals Space damage over time to a foe based on your LOG & lowers their Critical chance by 20% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Puhelkoss - Decreases Evasions by 25% for all foes for 4 turns.
Lv6: Filch - Increases the party's Manasteal by 2% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv7: Stacked Deck - Deals medium Order damage to one based on your LOG. Lowers their Healthsteal by 10% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: One Ahead - Deals Space damage over time to all foes based on your LOG & lowers their Accuracy by 20% for 4 turns.
Class Name: Magus
To Unlock: Complete Quest 17/Castle appears.
Characters: Ulli (Demon), Fedelma (Lich), Yuriy (Nephil), Jochem (Slime)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Genius - LOG increased by 20%. Critical chance increased by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: Nehene - Heavy Energy damage, Single
Lv2: Natoss - Light Cold damage, All
Lv3: Overcast - Lower your Healthsteal by 16%; increase your LOG, Critical chance, and Critical damage by 25%. Stance.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Extending Energy - Deals medium Energy damage to a foe based on your LOG. Recovers the user's Hp for 50% of the damage dealt. Can't Overcast.
Lv6: Magical Calamity - Deals high Acidic damage to all foes based on your LOG. Lowers their ARM by 35% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Tiresome Channeling - Lower your SPD & increase your Mp costs by 30% but increase your LOG by 80% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Glorious Flux - Deals medium Cold damage randomly based on your LOG. Increases your Critical damage by 25% for 4 turns.
Class Name: Maid
To Unlock: Complete Quest 5/Farm appears.
Characters: Nieve (Lleoll), Talya (Angel), Vid (Vampire), Christina (Gorgon)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Dutiful Worker - DEV increased by 20%. Critical chance increased by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: Quality Meal - Small Hp heal to one based on your DEV. Increases their SPD by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv2: Wash Up - Revives and heals Hp for one based on your DEV. Increases their Recovery by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Clean Clothes - Increases one's Recovery by 40% & lowers their Mp costs by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Expertise - Increases the party's ARM and Critical damage by 10% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv6: Inspection - Removes two debuffs from the party. Does not cost a turn to use; can only use once a turn.
Lv7: Leisure - Lower your Evasion and Accuracy by 25%; increase your Mp Regen by 5%. Stance.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: A Perfect World - Deals high Time damage to all foes based on your DEV & dispels most buffs.
Class Name: Medic
To Unlock: Complete Quest 8/Barracks appears.
Characters: Chae-Won (Awoken), Avram (Angel), Vili (Vampire), Abeni (Void Child)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Kindred Aid - DEV increases the higher your current Hp (up to +40% at 100% Hp). Passive.
Lv1: Insurance - SPD increases the lower your current Hp (up to +50% at 1% Hp). Passive.
Lv1: Prevent Tragedy - Low Hp heal to one based on your DEV. Removes most debuffs.
Lv2: Sharp Healing - Increases the party's Recovery by 40% & Critical chance by 20% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Feleleszt - Revive an ally at full Hp.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Disinfect - Heals the party over time and grants immunity to DoTs for 4 turns.
Lv6: Trauma Prep - Readies “Trauma Procedure”, a powerful healing skill.
Lv6: Trauma Procedure - High Hp heal to the party based on your DEV. Increases their ARM by 60% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Sanitize - Medium Hp heal to one based on your DEV. Applies 5 fake buffs that removal skills will target first.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Protocols - After Turn 3, gain 30% DEV, SPD, and Critical damage. Passive.
Class Name: Mimic
To Unlock: Initially in the Guild.
Characters: Seong-Hyeon (Awoken), Coba (Slime), Yuta (Kitsune), Mu (Cyclops)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Inefficient - Mp costs increased by 25%. Passive.
Lv1: Collaborator - Grants the user buff skills from other classes. Stance.
Lv1: Vandal - Grants the user damage skills from other classes. Stance.
Lv1: Discordant - Grants the user debuff skills from other classes. Stance.
Lv1: Refurbisher - Grants the user recovery skills from other classes. Stance.
Lv1: Caution - Grants the user endurance skills from other classes. Stance.
Lv1: Irresponsible - Grants the user dangerous skills from other classes. Stance.
Lv2: N/A
Lv3: N/A
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: N/A
Lv6: N/A
Lv7: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv8: N/A
Lv9: Action Talks - Gain an extra action per turn. Mp costs increased by 25%. Passive.

Special Notes: So each stance grants 4 skills, each from a different class, as well as a hidden buff to stats. One skill won't change the chosen Stance, but the other three will. Each Stance's secret passive and skills will be shown below, along with which class the skill originally comes from.

Collaborator - Grants the user +100% Recovery while active.
Combat Hardening (Fighter) - Increases one's STR and SPD by 50% for 4 turns.
Sureshot (Sniper) - Increases one's Accuracy, Critical chance, and Critical damage by 30% for 4 turns. Stance becomes Vandal.
Chitin Evolution (Entomomancer) - Increases one's LOG and ARM by 50% for 4 turns. Stance becomes Discordant.
Invigorating Vitals (Cheerleader) - Increases one's Critical chance and Evasion by 15% for 4 turns. Stance becomes Refurbisher.

Vandal - Grants the user +25% STR, AGI, LOG, & DEV while active.
Extra Ruin (Academy Wizard) - Deals medium Space damage to a foe based on your LOG. Grants yourself 5% Mp Regen and 30% damage reduction until you take damage.
Riotous Night (Bandit) - Deals low damage randomly based on your STR & dispels most buffs. Stance becomes Discordant.
Violent Prayer (Sage) - Deals damage over time to a foe based on your DEV & lowers their ARM by 40% for 4 turns. Stance becomes Refurbisher.
Molten Barrage (Crossbowman) - Deals low damage randomly based on your AGI. Increases your Mp Regen by 5% for 4 turns. Stance becomes Caution.

Discordant - Grants the user +25% Evasion while active.
Clouded Mind (Shadow Mage) - Lowers a foe's LOG & SPD by 50% for 4 turns.
Puppet's Formality (Puppeteer) - Lowers a foe's AGI by 50% & Accuracy by 25% for 4 turns. Stance becomes Refurbisher.
Track Down (Hunter) - Lowers a foe's ARM by 35% & Evasion by 20% for 4 turns. Stance becomes Caution.
Divine Comedy (Jester) - Lowers a foe's DEV by 40% & Critical chance by 15% for 4 turns. Stance becomes Irresponsible.

Refurbisher - Grants the user +100% SPD while active.
Calming Light (Cleric) - Small Hp heal to all based on your DEV. Increases their ARM by 30% for 4 turns.
Battle Continuation (Valkyrie) - Revives and heals Hp for all KO'd allies for 20% of their Max Hp. Increases their Healthsteal by 10% for 4 turns. Stance becomes Caution.
Prevent Tragedy (Medic) - Low Hp heal to one based on your DEV. Removes most debuffs. Stance becomes Irresponsible.
Home Remedy (Witch) - Increases one's Critical damage by 35% and heals them over time based on your LOG for 4 turns. Stance becomes Collaborator.

Caution - Grants the user +30% damage reduction while active.
Spares (Survivalist) - Increases the party's Max Hp by 30% for 4 turns.
Rapid Defense (Acrobat) - Protects the target from one attack. Increases their Evasion by 15% while Protected. Stance becomes Irresponsible.
Granted Hope (Guardian) - Increases the party's ARM by 40% & Hp Regen by 5% for 4 turns. Stance becomes Collaborator.
Patrol (Guard) - Increases your ARM by 60% and +400% Aggro for 4 turns. Stance becomes Vandal.

Irresponsible - Grants the user +25% Max Hp & Critical chance while active.
Terrible Doom (Doomsayer) - Deals damage over time to all foes based on your Max Hp & lowers their DEV by 40% for 4 turns.
Terror (Necromancer) - Deals heavy Profane damage to a foe based on your LOG and afflicts them with multiple random debuffs. Stance becomes Collaborator.
Ferocious Thrusts (Lancer) - Lowers your Evasion and Accuracy by 25% but increases your Critical chance and Critical damage by 35%. Stance. Mimic Stance becomes Vandal.
Sacrificial Prayer (Cultist) - Deals damage to the party based on their DEV. Buffs STR/AGI/LOG/DEV by 40%. Stance becomes Discordant.
Class Name: Monk
To Unlock: Complete Quest 12/Dorms appears.
Characters: Dieu (Centaur), Marko (Woad), Ntombizodwa (Minos), Anoush (Gnome)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Abbey Training - Hp increased by 15%. DEV increased by 20%. Passive.
Lv1: Jova - Light Hp Heal, Single
Lv2: Senki - Light Non damage, Single (DEV)
Lv3: Cloister - Heals one for 30% of your Max Hp and gives them 50% single-target damage reduction for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Lectio Divina - Lowers all foes' DEV by 40% & Healthsteal by 15% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Stigmata - Heals all other allies for 20% of your Max Hp. Increases the whole party's Max Hp by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Benediction - Heals one for 20% of your Max Hp and grants 30% multi-target damage reduction for 4 turns. Removes most debuffs.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Misericord - ARM increases the lower your current Hp (up to +100% at 1% Hp). Hp Regen increased by 5%. Passive.
Class Name: Necromancer
To Unlock: Complete Quest 15/Pyre appears.
Characters: Mared (Fairy), Emmanuelle (Skalere), Satomi (Kitsune), Adriana (Bunbun)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Internal Reinforce - LOG & ARM increased by 20%. Passive.
Lv1: Bone Frenzy - Deals low Chaos damage randomly based on your LOG. Lowers their STR by 30% for 4 turns.
Lv2: Curse of Frailty - Lowers a foe's AGI & SPD by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Soul Vampirism - Deals low Profane damage to all foes based on your LOG. Recovers the user's Mp for 20% of the damage dealt.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Horrific Return - Revives and heals Hp for one based on your LOG. Increases their STR by 60% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Death Familiarity - Increases the party's LOG and DEV by 10% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv7: Unholy Hunger - Deals Cold damage over time to all foes based on your LOG. Increases your Hp Regen by 5% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Terror - Deals heavy Profane damage to a foe based on your LOG and afflicts them with multiple random debuffs.
Class Name: Ninja
To Unlock: Clear a run with a Pirate in the party.
Characters: Ashkii (Lizardfolk), Inderpal (Laehka), Rong (Cyclops), Nirmala (Nezumi)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Bunkai - AGI increased by 20%. Evasion increased by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: Merval - Light Toxic damage, Some Rnd
Lv2: Invigorating Recovery - Small Hp heal to one based on your AGI. Increases their and your SPD by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Choho - Increases one's Recovery by 50% & Evasion by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Shadow Strike - Deals Non damage to one based on the target's AGI.
Lv6: Shady Aura - Increases the party's AGI and SPD by 10% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv7: Poisoned Shuriken - Deals low Toxic damage randomly and applies a DoT based on your AGI.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Steal Breath - Deals high Space damage to one based on your AGI. Lowers their Recovery by 90% for 4 turns.
Class Name: Onmyoji
To Unlock: Complete Quest 9/Quarry appears.
Characters: Ingeburg (Demon), Qing (Cyclops), Aaron (Lleoll), Yoshie (Kitsune)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Spirit Refinement - Gain 15% LOG for 5 turns after using your class spells. Each skill grants its own buff. Passive.
Lv1: Final Pyre - Deals low Heat damage to one based on your LOG. Ignores ARM.
Lv2: Yang Infection - Deals medium Non damage and applies a DoT to a foe based on your LOG.
Lv3: Offerings - LOG increased by 20%. Healthsteal increased by 5%. Passive.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Lignify - Deals low Order damage based on your LOG and lowers a foe's SPD, Evasion, and DoT damage resistance by 25% for 4 turns. Undispellable.
Lv6: Rebalance - Increases the party's Mp Regen by 3% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv7: Yin Restoration - Revives and heals Hp for all KO'd allies based on your LOG. Increases their ARM by 35% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Metalize - Heals one based on your LOG and removes most debuffs. Increases their SPD, ARM, Critical chance, & Critical damage by 30% for 4 turns.
Class Name: Paladin
To Unlock: Clear a run with an Inquisitor in the party.
Characters: Eemeli (Woad), Yaqoob (Mummy), Inbal (Angel), Berko (Void Child)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Blessed Path - ARM increased by 20%. Healthsteal increased by 5%. Passive.
Lv1: Lay Hands - Small Hp heal to one based on your DEV. Increases their Recovery by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv2: Luminous Ruin - Deals low Holy damage to a foe based on your STR. +100% Aggro for yourself for 4 turns.
Lv3: Jamval - Light Holy damage, Some Rnd
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Fedez - Protects the target from one attack.
Lv6: Confiscate Sin - Deals medium Order damage to all foes based on your DEV. Recovers the user's Hp for 50% of the damage dealt.
Lv7: Seraph's Blade - Deals high Order damage to one based on your STR. Lowers their Accuracy by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Divine Gaze - Increases the party's ARM by 75% and Evasion by 25% for 4 turns.
Class Name: Pirate
To Unlock: Complete Quest 10/Pond appears.
Characters: Petera (Android), Batbayar (Gnoll), Jung-Sook (Awoken), Yuko (Kitsune)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Ebb - SPD increases the lower your current Hp (up to +50% at 1% Hp). Passive.
Lv1: Flow - AGI increases the higher your current Hp (up to +40% at 100% Hp). Passive.
Lv1: Atz - Light Pierce damage, Single
Lv2: Puhpon - Decreases Accuracy by 25% for one foe for 4 turns.
Lv3: Grog-soaked Munitions - Deals medium Acidic damage and applies a DoT to a foe based on your AGI.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Kozatzval - Medium Pierce damage, Some Rnd
Lv6: Mutinous - Lower your ARM by 95%; increase your Aggro, Critical chance, and Critical damage by 35%. Stance.
Lv7: Shanty - Low Hp heal to one based on your SPD. Removes most debuffs from them & increases their Critical damage by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Strong Tides - Critical chance & Critical damage increased by 15%. Passive.
Plague Doctor
Class Name: Plague Doctor
To Unlock: Complete Quest 17/Castle appears.
Characters: Farrah (Mummy), Wickaninnish (Lizardfolk), Herbert (Demon), Elikapeka (Duar)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Process Scrutiny - DEV increased by 20%. Mp Regen increased by 5%. Passive.
Lv1: Vile Leeches - Deals Profane damage over time to a foe based on your DEV & dispels most buffs.
Lv2: Eltapuh - Heals DEVx0.2 Hp to all allies. Removes debuffs.
Lv3: Fumigate - Deals low Toxic damage to all foes & recovers the party's Hp based on your DEV.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Nehvil - Heavy Profane damage, Single
Lv6: Clinical Application - Increases the party's AGI and DEV by 10% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv7: Vulture Pact - Deals medium Profane damage to a foe based on your DEV. Recovers the user's Hp for 50% of the damage dealt.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Neurotoxin - Deals Toxic damage over time to all foes based on your DEV & lowers their LOG by 50% for 4 turns.

Special Notes: Herbert's skills are all based on LOG rather than DEV.
Class Name: Princess
To Unlock: Complete Quest 17/Castle appears.
Characters: Quyen (Centaur), Ewout (Slime), Ilana (Angel), Aliz (Vampire)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Succession - SPD increased by 20%. Mp Regen increased by 5%. Passive.
Lv1: Guard Order - Deals Order damage over time to a foe based on your DEV. Increases your ARM by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv2: Acquisition - Increases one's AGI and LOG by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Procession - Increases the party's Accuracy by 10% and Hp Regen by 4% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Divine Right - Deals medium Holy damage to a foe based on your DEV. Increases your DEV by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Probuvoss - Increases Mp Regen by 10% for all allies for 4 turns.
Lv7: Tribute - Deals low Order damage to a foe based on your DEV. Does not cost a turn to use; can only use once a turn.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Lead By Example - Increases the party's STR, AGI, LOG, & DEV by 33% for 4 turns.
Class Name: Puppeteer
To Unlock: Complete Quest 3/Inn appears.
Characters: Korbl (Demon), Ruiha (Android), Vissarion (Gorgon), Aine (Lich)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Studied Practice - LOG increases the higher your current Hp (up to +40% at 100% Hp). Hp Regen increased by 5%. Passive.
Lv1: Puhseboss - Decreases SPD by x0.6 for all foes for 4 turns.
Lv2: Insert Strings - Deals Piercing damage over time to a foe based on your LOG & lowers their SPD by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv3: High Strung - Grants the target a bonus action, but increases their Mp costs by 70% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Puppet's Formality - Lowers a foe's AGI by 50% & Accuracy by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Aided Motion - Increases the party's SPD by 15% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv7: Forced Exertion - Lose 10% of your Hp per turn & 50% Recovery; gain an extra action. Stance.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Ransotengai - +100% SPD. Immune to statuses that prevent actions. Passive.
Class Name: Rogue
To Unlock: Complete Quest 3/Inn appears.
Characters: Kanda (Gruub), Bolormaa (Gnoll), Tane (Android), Suharto (Nezumi)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Shady Customer - AGI increased by 20%. Critical chance increased by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: Pilfer - Deals low Space damage to a foe based on your AGI. Recovers the user's Hp for 50% of the damage dealt.
Lv2: Secret Knowhow - Deals medium Acidic damage to all foes based on your AGI. Increases your AGI by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Kozmerval - Medium Toxic damage, Some Rnd
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Puncture - Deals Non damage to one based on the target's ARM.
Lv6: Informant - Increases the party's Critical chance by 8% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv7: Stolen Fate - Deals Space damage over time to all foes based on your AGI. Increases your Critical chance and Evasion by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Spell Theft - Deals Chaos damage randomly based on your AGI. Recovers the user's Mp for 20% of the damage dealt. High variance.
Rune Knight
Class Name: Rune Knight
To Unlock: Complete Quest 4/Fairy Circle appears
Characters: Isingoma (Guank), Wahida (Mummy), Claudette (Skalere), Tu (Centaur)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Spellswordplay - STR & LOG increased by 20%. +3% Manasteal. Passive.
Lv1: Koznat - Medium Cold damage, Single
Lv2: Kozvagoss - Medium Slash damage, All
Lv3: Camaraderie - Increases an ally's and your own STR & LOG by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Jutting Corrosion - Deals medium Acidic damage and applies a DoT to a foe based on your STR.
Lv6: Luminous Fog - Deals medium Slashing damage to all foes based on your LOG. Lowers their SPD by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Apportion - Increases the party's STR and LOG by 10% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Celerity - Grant yourself a bonus action for a turn. Does not cost a turn to use; can only use once a turn.
Class Name: Saboteur
To Unlock: Complete Quest 8/Barracks appears.
Characters: Debora (Lleoll), Sung-Min (Awoken), Amerigo (Bunbun), Zabel (Gnome)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Troublemaker - LOG increases the higher your current Hp (up to +40% at 100% Hp). Evasion increased by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: Mereg - Inflicts a LOG DoT on a foe.
Lv2: Patient Prep - Readies “Patient Propigation”, a powerful Time DoT and ARM debuff skill.
Lv2: Patient Propigation - Deals Time damage over time to all foes based on your LOG & lowers their ARM by 60% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Rusty Prep - Readies “Rusty Downfall”, a powerful DEV and Healthsteal debuff skill.
Lv3: Rusty Downfall - Lowers a foe's DEV by 75% & Healthsteal by 22% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Malicious Prep - Readies “Malicious Misfortune”, a powerful Acidic DoT and dispelling skill.
Lv5: Malicious Misfortune - Deals Acidic damage over time to all foes based on your LOG & dispels most buffs.
Lv6: Disruptive Prep - Readies “Naughty Disruption”, a powerful STR and SPD debuff skill.
Lv6: Naughty Disruption - Lowers all foes' STR & SPD by 75% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Agonizing Prep - Readies “Ravenous Agony”, a powerful Time Damage and Hp draining debuff skill.
Lv7: Ravenous Agony - Deals high Time damage to all foes based on your LOG. Recovers the user's Hp for 50% of the damage dealt.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Prep? - Prepares two random Sabotages.
Class Name: Sage
To Unlock: Clear a run with a Jester in the party.
Characters: Timoti (Android), Eirian (Fairy), Bo (Cyclops), Priyanka (Laehka)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Scholastic - LOG & DEV increased by 20%. Passive.
Lv1: Natval - Light Cold damage, Some Rnd
Lv1: Jova - Heals DEVx0.65 Hp to one ally.
Lv2: Fastcast - Lower your STR, AGI, LOG, and DEV by 35%; gain an extra action. Stance.
Lv3: Roboss - Light Explosive damage, All [LOG]
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Thoughtful Cure - Small Hp heal to the party based on your DEV. Increases your LOG by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv5: Burning Belief - Deals low Heat damage to all foes based on your LOG. Increases your DEV by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Befuddle - Lowers a foe's LOG by 40% for 4 turns & dispels most buffs.
Lv7: Violent Prayer - Deals Holy damage over time to a foe based on your DEV & lowers their ARM by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Excess Use - While above 50% Mp, gain 25% LOG and DEV. Passive.
Lv9: Speedy Reserves - While below 50% Mp, gain 50% SPD and 20% reduced Mp costs. Passive.
Class Name: Saint
To Unlock: Clear a run with a Monk in the party.
Characters: Meir (Angel), Yanis (Gorgon), Hooda (Mummy), Kanchana (Gruub)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Deific Favor - DEV increased by 20%. Hp Regen increased by 5%. Passive.
Lv1: Lead Worship - Small Hp heal to the party based on your DEV. Increases their DEV by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv2: Rite of Recovery - Revives and heals Hp for one based on your DEV. Heals them next turn if they aren't KO'd.
Lv3: Neheltapuh - Heals DEVx1.2 Hp to all allies. Removes debuffs.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Sanctuary - Small Hp heal to one based on your DEV. Protects the target from one attack.
Lv6: Illumination - Increases one's Hp Regen by 10% and +100% Aggro for 4 turns.
Lv7: Feleoss - Revive all allies at 1/2 Hp.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Holy Works - High Hp heal to one based on your DEV. Increases their and your Evasion by 25% for 4 turns.
Class Name: Scout
To Unlock: Initially in the Guild.
Characters: Giang (Centaur), Anong (Gruub), Zoe (Bunbun), Mwidya (Nezumi)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Racer - SPD increased by 30%. Passive.
Lv1: Forced March - Deals Cold damage to a foe based on your SPD. Removes debuffs for your SPD & increases it by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv2: Proker - Decreases MPC by 20% for one ally for 4 turns.
Lv3: Proelkoss - Increases Evasions by 25% for all allies for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Adrenaline Rush - SPD increases the lower your current Hp (up to +65% at 1% Hp). Passive.
Lv6: Rescue - Recover 25% of one's max Hp. Increases their SPD by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Lookout - Increases the party's Accuracy & Critical chance by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Overactive - While above 80% Hp, gain an extra action. Passive.
Shadow Mage
Class Name: Shadow Mage
To Unlock: Initially in the Guild.
Characters: Grigor (Gnome), Cadfan (Fairy), Sunan (Gruub), Eamonn (Lich)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Secret Keeper - LOG increased by 20%. -50% Aggro. Passive.
Lv1: Shady Ruin - Deals Profane damage over time to a foe based on your LOG & lowers their Accuracy by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv2: Kozkao - Medium Chaos damage, Single
Lv3: Shadow Cloak - Deals Profane medium damage to a foe based on your LOG. Gives you -50% Aggro for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Clouded Mind - Lowers a foe's LOG & SPD by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Night Class - Increases the party's LOG by 50% & Evasion by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Purging Darkness - Deals medium Chaos damage to all foes based on your LOG & dispels most buffs.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Gloom - LOG increases the lower your current Hp (up to +100% at 1% Hp). Passive.
Class Name: Shielder
To Unlock: Complete Quest 8/Barracks appears.
Characters: Kai (Duar), Aucaman (Lizardfolk), Eemi (Woad), Mansoor (Mummy)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Defiance - ARM increased by 20%. +50% Aggro. Passive.
Lv1: Reinforce - Deals Non damage to a foe based on your ARM. Removes debuffs for your ARM & increases it by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv2: Puhero - Decreases STR by x0.6 for one foe for 4 turns.
Lv3: Sturdy Bless - Small Hp heal to one based on your ARM. Increases their ARM by 30% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Renoss - Light Order damage, All
Lv6: Desistance - Increases the party's Evasion by 7% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv7: Enduring Repairs - Removes debuffs from one and increases their and your ARM by 30%.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Forbear - After Turn 3, gain 30% ARM and +100% Aggro. Passive.
Class Name: Siegemaster
To Unlock: Complete Quest 17/Castle appears.
Characters: Seble (Guank), Stamatios (Gorgon), Theodora (Skalere), Gemma (Slime)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Requisition - STR, AGI, LOG, & DEV increased by 20%. Passive.
Lv1: Certainty - Critical chance and Critical damage lowered by 35%. Passive.
Lv1: Nehsenkival - Heavy Non damage, Some Rnd
Lv2: Halted Provisions - Deals medium Time damage to one based on your LOG. Lowers their Recovery by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Proelross - Increases MS by 5% for all allies for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Forebuilding - Increases the party's ARM by 50% and heals them over time based on your DEV for 4 turns.
Lv6: Proper Repast - Small Hp heal to the party based on your AGI. Increases their Evasion by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Dead Angle - Deals medium Explosive damage to all foes based on your STR. Lowers their Critical damage by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Supply Line - Increases the party's Hp and Mp Regen by 3% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Class Name: Sniper
To Unlock: Clear a run with a Gunner in the party.
Characters: Ines (Lleoll), Enkhjargal (Gnoll), Odon (Vampire), Miki (Kitsune)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Predator - Hp increased by 15%. AGI increased by 20%. Passive.
Lv1: Exacting - Immune to Attack Count buffs. Max Mp lowered by 20%. Passive.
Lv1: Sureshot - Increases one's Accuracy, Critical chance, and Critical damage by 30% for 4 turns.
Lv2: Guerilla - Increases your Hp Regen by 10% and Recovery by 40% for 4 turns. Aggro and SPD are 0 while active.
Lv3: Nehatzval - Deals heavy Piercing damage to random foes based on your AGI.
Lv4: Kill Secured - Critical chance increased by 15%. Critical damage increased by 75%. Passive.
Lv5: Safe Shooting - AGI increases the higher your current Hp (up to +40% at 100% Hp). Passive.
Lv6: Shatter Shot - Lowers a foe's ARM & Recovery by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Still Standing - ARM increases the lower your current Hp (up to +65% at 1% Hp). Passive.
Lv8: Kill Secured+ - Critical chance increased by 15%. Critical damage increased by 75%. Passive.
Lv9: Isolation - STR, AGI, LOG, & DEV increased by 100% when there is only one enemy. Passive.
Class Name: Spellbow
To Unlock: Complete Quest 4/Fairy Circle appears
Characters: Mere (Android), Nhung (Centaur), Iona (Nephil), Wahunsenacawh (Lizardfolk)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Multitasker - AGI & LOG increased by 20%. Passive.
Lv1: Spell Arrow - Deals Non damage to one based on your AGI & LOG. Applies and grows stronger with Enchants.
Lv2: Snare Ench. - Deals Cold damage to one based on your LOG. Attack & Ench. skills lower Evasion & Critical chance for 4 turns on hit. Increases both by 10% for you.
Lv3: Break Ench. - Deals Blunt damage to one based on your AGI. Attack & Ench. skills lower SPD & ARM for 4 turns on hit. Increases both by 40% for you.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Ele Ench. - Deals ELE damage to one based on your LOG. Makes you apply an ELE DoT for 4 turns on hit.
Lv6: Coordination - Increases the party's AGI and LOG by 10% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv7: Shade Ench. - Deals Profane damage to one based on your AGI. Attack & Ench. skills lower Accuracy & Healthsteal for 4 turns on hit. Increases both by 10% for you.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Magic Provisions - Recover 10% of one's max Mp. Increases their Healthsteal by 12% for 4 turns.
Class Name: Storyteller
To Unlock: Complete Quest 17/Castle appears.
Characters: Hanzou (Kitsune), Gerd (Slime), Annamaria (Bunbun), Anakoni (Duar)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Interpreter - Mp Regen increased by 3%. Mp costs lowered by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: Senkioss - Light Non damage, All
Lv2: Bedtime Story - Heals an ally for 100% of their Max Hp. High priority. Has a delay before it can be used again.
Lv3: Ramble - Prevents all enemies from using Attack 2 turns. High priority. Has a delay before it can be used again.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: One Dozen Parables - Raises one's stats by 200% for this turn. High priority. Has a delay before it can be used again.
Lv6: N/A
Lv7: Ardo's Revenge - Lowers one's stats by 90% for this turn. High priority. Has a delay before it can be used again.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: The Four Kingdoms - Lowers one's Mp costs by 100% for this turn. High priority. Has a delay before it can be used again.
Class Name: Summoner
To Unlock: Complete Quest 9/Quarry appears.
Characters: Surya (Nezumi), Colwyn (Fairy), Lada (Nephil), Eun-Young (Awoken)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Linked Fate - Most direct healing effects halved.
Lv1: Summoned Ally - Gain 1 summon.
Lv2: Probuvoss - Grants a 10% Mp Regen increase to the party.
Lv3: N/A
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Empower Summon - Increases your summon's stats by 100% for 4 turns.
Lv6: N/A
Lv7: Cessate - Stun yourself for 3 turns. Your summon gains an extra action for 3 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Pomp - Summon gains +1 Attack and +50% STR, AGI, LOG, DEV, ARM, & SPD. Passive.

Summon Level Progression:
Lv1: Linked Fate - Most direct healing effects halved.
Lv1: Initial Skills - Each Summon starts with 4 different skills.
Lv3: Gains a Severe damage single target skill.
Lv6: Gains a High damage multi target skill.
Lv9: Gains +1 Attack and +50% STR, AGI, LOG, DEV, ARM, & SPD. Passive.

Surya's Summon (Dorji) skills:
Lv1: Kozren, Rengoss, Kozido, Idooss - Medium single and Low AoE Order and Time damage.
Lv3: Sziren – Deals severe Order damage to one enemy.
Lv6: Nehidooss – Deals high Time damage to all enemies.

Colwyn's Summon (Lhamo) skills:
Lv1: Kozjam, Jamoss, Kozur, Uross - Medium single and Low AoE Holy and Space damage.
Lv3: Szijam – Deals severe Holy damage to one enemy.
Lv6: Nehuross – Deals high Space damage to all enemies.

Lada's Summon (Wangchuk) skills:
Lv1: Kozvag, Vagoss, Kozduh, Duhoss - Medium single and Low AoE Slashing and Heat damage.
Lv3: Szivag – Deals severe Slashing damage to one enemy.
Lv6: Nehduhoss – Deals high Heat damage to all enemies.

Eun-Young's Summon (Gyatso) skills:
Lv1: Kozbun, Bunoss, Koznat, Natoss - Medium single and Low AoE Blunt and Cold damage.
Lv3: Szibun – Deals severe Blunt damage to one enemy.
Lv6: Nehnatoss – Deals high Cold damage to all enemies.
Class Name: Survivalist
To Unlock: Clear a run with a Scout in the party.
Characters: Samuli (Woad), Limbani (Minos), Quetzalli (Lizardfolk), Ardal (Lich)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Hardy - Hp increased by 15%. Hp Regen increased by 5%. Passive.
Lv1: Scavenge - Increases the party's Hp Regen by 6% for 5 turns.
Lv2: Eltapuh - Heals DEVx0.2 Hp to all allies. Removes debuffs.
Lv3: Spares - Increases the party's Max Hp by 30% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Reclaim - Deals low Space damage to all foes based on your AGI. Recovers the user's Hp for 50% of the damage dealt.
Lv6: Remain - Hp, ARM, & Recovery increased by 25% after Turn 3. Passive.
Lv7: Quality Rations - Small Mp heal to one based on your Max Hp. Heals over time based on your AGI for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Everlasting - Increases the party's Recovery by 20% and Healthsteal by 4% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Taboo User
Class Name: Taboo User
To Unlock: Clear a run with an Entomomancer in the party.
Characters: Vasant (Laehka), Norbert (Demon), Joonas (Woad), Jancsi (Vampire)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Power Conservation - ARM increases the higher your current Hp (up to +40% at 100% Hp). Passive.
Lv1: Unstable Power - LOG increases the lower your current Hp (up to +50% at 1% Hp). Passive.
Lv1: Nehduhoss - Heavy Heat damage, All
Lv2: Phantom Parting - Deals high Chaos damage to one based on your LOG & dispels most buffs.
Lv3: Oblivion - Deals severe Chaos damage to one based on your LOG, but randomly debuffs allies.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Terrible Excess - Increase your Mp costs by 50% but increase your LOG by 100% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Nemesis Destabilizer - Deals high Energy damage to all foes based on your LOG. Lowers their Healthsteal by 15% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Fearless Ascent - SPD increases the lower your current Hp (up to +65% at 1% Hp). Mp Regen increased by 5%. Passive.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Engorge - KO's the selected ally, but increases most of your stats by 100% for 4 turns.
Class Name: Tempest
To Unlock: Clear a run with a Lancer in the party.
Characters: Khamisi (Guank), Fu (Cyclops), Leopold (Skalere), Giang (Centaur)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Exuberance - STR & SPD increased by 20%. Passive.
Lv1: Repetition - Deals low Heat damage randomly based on your STR. Increases your Accuracy by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv2: Warm-up - Small Hp heal to one based on your STR. Increases their and your STR by 30% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Szivag - Severe Slash damage, Single
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Tailwind - Increases the party's Attack Count by 2 for 4 turns.
Lv6: Rending Cleave - Deals Slashing damage over time to all foes based on your STR & lowers their AGI by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv8: Krieg - Deals Slashing damage several times based on your STR. High variance.
Lv9: Momentum - Lower your STR, AGI, LOG, and DEV by 25%; gain an extra action. Stance.
Class Name: Thief
To Unlock: Clear a run with a Bandit in the party.
Characters: Maximiliano (Lleoll), Kapua (Duar), Dakarai (Minos), Enitan (Void Child)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Certain Escape - SPD increases the higher your current Hp (up to +40% at 100% Hp). Passive.
Lv1: Mark - Deals Profane damage over time to a foe based on your AGI & lowers their Evasion by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv2: Fade Away - Increases one's AGI & SPD by 40% and gets -50% Aggro for 4 turns.
Lv3: Back To The Wall - AGI increases the lower your current Hp (up to +65% at 1% Hp). Passive.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Nehsav - Heavy Acidic damage, Single
Lv6: Rampant Theft - Deals Profane damage randomly based on your AGI. Recovers the user's Hp for 50% of the damage dealt. High variance.
Lv7: Silencing Night - Lowers all foes' STR & DEV by 45% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Escape Route - Reduces your Aggro and damage taken from party-wide attacks by 50%. Passive.
Throwing Master
Class Name: Throwing Master
To Unlock: Clear a run with a Juggler in the party.
Characters: Wiremu (Android), Narangerel (Gnoll), Rolan (Nephil), Jiahao (Cyclops)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Disarming - AGI increased by 20%. Mp costs lowered by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: Kozatzoss - Medium Pierce damage, All
Lv2: Unburden - Deals low Piercing damage to a foe based on your AGI. Increases your SPD & Evasion by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv3: Chaotic Perception - Deals medium Chaos damage and applies a DoT randomly based on your AGI.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Wrist Flick - Deals low Piercing damage to a foe based on your AGI. Does not cost a turn to use; can only use once a turn.
Lv6: Deft Aid - Increases the party's AGI by 15% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv7: Magnetic Marbles - Lowers a foe's ARM by 60% & all foes' SPD by 30% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Empty Pockets - Deals low Space damage five times to random enemies. Each hit ignores ARM, Evasion, and removes a buff from the target.
Class Name: Tourist
To Unlock: Initially in the Guild.
Characters: Kazmer (Vampire), Kyriaki (Gorgon), Chi (Centaur), Nani (Duar)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Ease - Hp Regen increased by 5%. Mp Regen increased by 3%. Passive.
Lv1: R 'n' R - Removes debuffs from the party.
Lv2: Kiemel - Gives +400% Aggro to a target for 4 turns.
Lv3: Proegeoss - Increases Hp Regen by 10% for all allies for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Oblivious - Lower your STR, AGI, LOG, DEV, and SPD by 30%; increase your Max Hp, ARM, and Aggro by 30%. Stance.
Lv6: Sightsee - Increases the party's Hp Regen by 4% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv7: Vacation - Recover the party's max Mp for 5% of your Max Hp. Heals Hp over time based on your Max Hp for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Wonder - Increases the party's ARM the lower their current Hp (up to +40% at 1% Hp). Passive.
Class Name: Trapmaster
To Unlock: Clear a run with a Saboteur in the party.
Characters: Wattana (Gruub), Emrys (Fairy), Michela (Bunbun), Hayk (Gnome)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Prudence - Critical chance increased by 10%. -50% Aggro. Passive.
Lv1: Activate Trap - Activates your traps. Each one does low Non damage based on your AGI in addition to their other effects.
Lv1: Etos Poison - Next trap activation applies a 50% AGI & Recovery debuff, and a Non DoT based on your AGI to all enemies.
Lv2: N/A
Lv3: Faith Blinder - Next trap activation applies a 50% DEV, 50% ARM, & 20% Accuracy debuff to all enemies.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Sinew Snap - Next trap activation applies a 50% STR, 50% SPD, & 20% Evasion debuff to all enemies.
Lv6: N/A
Lv7: Iron Spikes - Next trap activation applies a 50% LOG, 25% Critical chance, & 15% Healthsteal debuff to all enemies.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Hasty Trap - Sets up one of your traps randomly. Increases your SPD & Evasion by 25% for 2 turns.
Class Name: Trickster
To Unlock: Clear a run with a Rogue in the party.
Characters: Chingus (Gnoll), Geevarghese (Laehka), Wayan (Nezumi), Shea (Lich)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Cheat - Healthsteal increased by 5%. Mp costs lowered by 10%. Passive.
Lv1: Mer - Light Toxic damage, Single
Lv2: Fade Away - Increases one's AGI & SPD by 40% and gets -50% Aggro for 4 turns.
Lv3: Double Deception - Lowers all foes' AGI & LOG by 45% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Scandal - Deals Order damage to a foe based on your AGI. High variance. Lowers their resistance to multi-target damage by 30% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Puhkrioss - Decreases CRIT by 20% for all foes for 4 turns.
Lv7: Defraud - Deals Toxic damage over time to a foe based on your AGI. Increases your Critical chance by 30% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Delusion - Deals Chaos damage to all foes based on your AGI. High variance. Lowers their resistance to single-target damage by 30% for 4 turns.

Special Notes: Chingus and Geevarghese have the skill Finagle in place of Defraud.
Finagle - Deals Toxic damage over time to a foe based on your AGI. Lowers their resistance to DoTs by 30% for 4 turns.
Class Name: Valkyrie
To Unlock: Complete Quest 15/Pyre appears.
Characters: Ayaka (Kitsune), Bracha (Angel), Owain (Fairy), Ekundayo (Void Child)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Decisive - SPD & ARM increased by 20%. +3% Manasteal. Passive.
Lv1: Nehvag - Heavy Slash damage, Single
Lv2: Kozuross - Medium Space damage, All
Lv3: Battle Field - Increases the party's STR and SPD by 10% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Slatra - Deals Slashing damage over time to all foes based on your AGI. Decreases your Mp costs by 25% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Battle Continuation - Revives and heals Hp for all KO'd allies for 20% of their Max Hp. Increases their Healthsteal by 10% for 4 turns.
Lv7: Saga's End - Deals medium Holy damage to one based on your DEV. Lowers their Healthsteal by 15% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Einherjar - Revives and heals Hp for one for 25% of their Max Hp. Gives them an extra action next turn. Does not cost a turn to use; can only use once a turn.

Special Notes: Bracha has the skill Unslain in place of Battle Continuation.
Unslain - Revives and heals Hp for all allies based on your DEV. Increases their and your Steals by 10% for 4 turns.
Class Name: Warrior
To Unlock: Complete Quest 5/Farm appears.
Characters: Otieno (Guank), Xun (Cyclops), Matthias (Skalere), Mandla (Minos)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Hearty - Hp increased by 15%. STR increased by 20%. Passive.
Lv1: Overpower - Deals Non damage to a foe based on your STR. Removes debuffs for your STR & increases it by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv2: Puhgyo - Decreases AGI by x0.6 for one foe for 4 turns.
Lv3: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv4: Kozbunoss - Medium Blunt damage, All
Lv5: Blade Barrier - Deals low Slashing damage to all foes based on your STR. Increases your ARM by 40% for 4 turns.
Lv6: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv7: Group Exercise - Small Hp heal to the party based on your STR. Decreases their Mp costs by 15% for 4 turns.
Lv8: Fierce Assault - Deals medium Slashing damage randomly based on your STR. Lowers their SPD by 50% for 4 turns.
Lv9: Attack+++ - Attack count increased by 3. Accuracy increased by 15%. Passive skill.
Class Name: Witch
To Unlock: Complete Quest 5/Farm appears.
Characters: Chucho (Lleoll), Sybille (Demon), Karoly (Vampire), Seong-Su (Awoken)

Level Progression:
Lv1: Resourceful - LOG increased by 20%. Recovery increased by 25%. Passive.
Lv1: Tool Casting - Deals low Blunt damage to a foe based on your LOG. Lowers your Mp Costs by 20% for 4 turns.
Lv2: Puhegeoss - Decreases Hp Regen by 10% for all foes for 4 turns.
Lv3: Toil and Trouble - Deals medium Toxic damage to all foes based on your LOG. Lowers their LOG by 44% for 4 turns.
Lv4: Attack+ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv5: Herbal Fumes - Increases the party's Recovery by 12% & their Mp Regen by 2% while you're not KO'd. Passive.
Lv6: Quick Cant - Deals low Explosive damage to a foe based on your LOG. Does not cost a turn to use; can only use once a turn.
Lv7: Home Remedy - Increases one's Critical damage by 35% and heals them over time based on your LOG for 4 turns.
Lv8: Attack++ - Attack count increased by 1. Passive skill.
Lv9: Astral Shower - Deals medium Non damage randomly based on your LOG. Removes debuffs from yourself.
Pseudo Jan 14 @ 1:38pm 
I initially thought the guide wasn't up to date. 😅
DeveloperDamien  [author] Jan 13 @ 7:21pm 
I'm only now seeing your comment here Pseudo and I genuinely don't know what you did to sequence break the game as hard as you did, but kudos to that kind of skill and apologies that the game is not unlocking things in the correct order.
Pseudo Jan 5 @ 9:03pm 
FYI I had the Acrobat, Dungeon Master, Geometer, Gladiator, Gunner, and Monk unlock after quest 5 instead of quest 12 and Beast Keeper, Jester, Maid, Warrior, and Witch did not unlock.
Mittens the Maleficent Oct 30, 2022 @ 7:44pm 
needed this guide, thanks!