Evil Tonight

Evil Tonight

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Evil Tonight Full Text Guide
Av Oymon
A full text-based guide for Evil Tonight, including enemy and weapon descriptions, Figurine locations, and achievement tips.
Hi all!

So I played Evil Tonight a while ago now and after enjoying it a hell of a lot (and hoping that we get a sequel) figured that I’d round off my enjoyment of the game by writing a guide for it.

Yeah I guess I’m just that kind of person.

Anyway, this guide contains a full text-only walkthrough for the game, as well as a bunch of info about weapons, enemies, and a few secrets and such.


Some Tips
Here's a few quick tips to give you a hand before starting the game...

- Save Often! There’s no auto-saving in the game so if you die you gotta do everything again, so even if you’ve done just a few small things, there’s no harm is making as many saves as you like.

- Use the knife to finish off enemies and save a few bullets. Also some enemies are easy to kill using just the knife if careful movement is used, saving a lot of bullets.

- All the puzzles in the game are randomised, so I can’t give you the full answer in the guide. I will however explain how to solve each puzzle as we go, so hopefully you won’t get too stuck.

- When I start explaining where all the items in the room are I will always do so from the door you entered the room from.
Location: You start with this
Uses: For smaller enemies using the knife to kill them rather than one of your guns is a great way to save ammo, and once you get into the habit of using it, most enemies in the game can be taken out with the knife. While it’s obviously the weakest of the weapons, its lack of a need for ammo makes learning to use it essential.

Location: You start with this
Uses: As a basic weapon it’s very versatile for dealing with weak and medium level enemies in the game, especially as it will keep you as a distance from some of the more dangerous foes. Learning to use this in combination with the knife will make the flow of combat much easier.

Location: Residence Section, East, Toilets
Uses: Good to crowd control, this can give you a bit of breathing room if you find yourself surrounded. It fires three bolts, one straight ahead and two at an angle to either side, so you can either fire from a distance to try and hit multiple enemies or get up close and fire all three into just one enemy.

Location: Main Building, Upstairs West, Workshop
Uses: This is your boss-killer. Easily the most powerful weapon, getting up close to enemies will allow you to one-shot most of them. It’s best to save your ammo for boss fights, as the damage it can do will make quick work of them, but some of the tougher enemies in the game can also be taken out with this.

Machine Gun
Location: Main Building, Downstairs West, Classroom
Uses: Kind of a rapid-fire handgun, although each bullet itself doesn’t do a lot of damage the speed at which you can fire will quickly stack up, and it also has pretty good stopping power. Good for crowd control and taking out a lot of enemies quickly. Just watch your shots and be careful not to waste too much ammo by ‘spraying and praying’.
Note: I don’t know any official enemy names so these are all just what I’m calling them.

These little guys sit in the ground and pretend to be a plant until you get too close, where they will then pop out and run right at you. Thankfully they’re not too tough and can usually be taken out with a few well-timed knife swings.

A fairly common enemy, they can be taken down pretty easily with the knife if they’re on their own. Just take a few swings and then back off to give your stamina time to regenerate. If you run into them in a large group the Handgun or Crossbow can make quick work of them.

Knife Maid
You’ll need to be careful with these as they have an attack which moves them forward very rapidly. You’ll want to use the handgun from a distance to take these girls out.

As with most games where these creatures appear, they look like normal chests until you get too close, where they’ll wake up and start attacking. Thankfully they mostly just tend to wander randomly, and a few well timed shots with the Pistol should take care of them.

Spinning Doll
As the name implies, these little doll like to move around by spinning in wide curves around the area. Keep your distance when they are spinning or you’ll take damage. Either shoot them from a distance or wait for them to stop and go in with the knife.

These enemies can be quite annoying, but aren’t too difficult to deal with if you’re careful. When they spot you they’ll growl, which is something you should listen out for, and then they’ll turn invisible. Not completely though, as they’ll be still be ever-so-slightly visible as they float towards you. Thankfully they move quite slowly, so you can easily take them out with the knife.

Although these enemies are quite flimsy, they can do a good bit of damage if you’re not careful. They’ll spit balls of energy at you, so be sure you keep your distance and use your Handgun to kill them. Don’t use your knife to kill them, as when they die they explode and send a series of energy balls out in all directions, so shoot them and get ready to dodge their last attack.

A simple enough creature to deal with if fought solo, but can be more tricky then necessary due to only a few weapons being able to hurt it. A few good knife attacks will finish it off, and a Shotgun blast should kill it in one but those are the only two weapons you can use as all the others tend to miss. Be aware that it can disappear when you’re attacking it and reappear elsewhere, typically right under your feet, so if it vanishes, keep moving.

You can probably guess what these look like from the name. They pop out of their little box and fire energy orbs at you, before hiding in their box and giving chase. Annoyingly they’re actually invulnerable when hiding in the box, so you’ll have to wait for them to pop out before attacking them.

These guys love to teleport around the room, disappearing and reappearing randomly and trying to surprise you. If you give them the chance they’ll throw knives at you, three specifically, one forward and two at an angle. Best idea is to wait for them to appear, run up and knife them a few times before they can attack. They’ll then teleport away and you can repeat.

Be careful with these, as they move fast and hit hard. Certainly worth going in with the Crossbow or even the Shotgun if you have ammo you feel ok using. They can teleport, and they have a flame attack that has a tendency to go over objects much like your bullets do, so be sure to keep moving when they’re around and only attack if you’re sure to hit them.

In a way this creature is a kind of miniboss, as there’s only one in the game and it’s very tough. Thankfully it’s not too hard to deal with if you know what you’re doing. The trick is to dodge it’s rushing attack, fire a couple of times and then dodge again. If you can get it into this rhythm then you can easily take it out without taking a hit yourself. Stick to either the pistol or crossbow, as the knife is a little too close for comfort.

A somewhat oriental-looking figure, they move around the room and will throw three bombs at you to try and attack you. Not only are the explosions themselves damaging, but they will leave fire spread out on the floor that can also hurt. Take then out from a distance with the Handgun.

One of the tougher enemies in the game, they like to spew a swarm of bats at you which can be very dangerous because of their sheer numbers overwhelming you. Not to mention they can do it often enough that if you’re not careful you won’t have time to recover. Best advice is to either keep a distance and use the pistol or Machine Gun to take them out, or if they’re already throwing bats at you try to get around them and attack from the side. The bats themselves will fizzle out if they hit a wall, so you can also use the environment to your advantage.
Part 1 - The Other Side
Side Entrance
After all the opening scenes you’ll be dropped off just inside the side gate into the School. Head around the no-longer-working fountain and off to the right. You’ll see two boxes above you on the path, and if you look carefully you can see there are marks on the floor below them. This indicates that they can be pushed and you should very much look out for those kinds of scuff marks as they will lead you to a lot of hidden items.
For example, if you push those boxes out of your way and step into the small area beyond, you’ll see a pulsating source of malice. Whilst interesting in and of itself, just to the right of it you can see a stone pillar. Pushing it to the right and you’ll find some Handgun Bullets. Yay!
Head back to the path and continue to the right. Past one destroyed bench you can spy an Apple sitting out in the open. Once you’ve got that, head up and you’ll be in a small courtyard area, but aside from another source of malice there’s nothing to find here so you might as well just head on inside.

Bedroom Corridor
Head up and to the right and you’ll see a doorway that’s blocked by some boxes. Before destroying them and heading inside keep going to the right and past them and you’ll reach a larger area with another source of malice. Just above that is a large red sofa that you can push to the left for some Handgun Bullets. Once you’ve got them go back to the boxes and use the knife to smash them and head inside the room.

Bedroom 3 (Save Room)
At the back of the room you’ll see a very large source of malice. Interact with it and after some showing off, you’ll be whisked away to...somewhere else...
Now in the alternate version of not just this room but the whole school, things are now going to be getting dangerous. In this room you can see a very obvious and glowing Save Point, but more importantly there’s a large green chest in the bottom corner of the room. If you push it down you’ll find some Handgun Bullets under it. Once you’ve got them head back out of the room.

Bedroom Corridor
First head to the right, and go up into the little area where there are some Handgun Bullets on the sofa you originally moved back in the real world. We’ve got a few places we can go now, but first let’s head into the only other open bedroom. Go back to the left down the corridor, past the room you first exited from and to the door to the left of it. As the other two doors are locked, this is the only one we can go into.

Bedroom 2
In here you can find an Apple on the desk to your left, and a Diary Page on the bed. Once you’ve got these two items you can head back to the corridor.

Bedroom Corridor
Head to the left and then down and you can see a Figurine on the shelf to the left. Continue down from here and back outside the way your original came in.

Side Entrance
In this area you’ll encounter your first enemies, so be ready for them!
Head into the open area to your right and there’ll be a few Mandrakes hiding in the grass, and you can find some Handgun Bullets on one of the deckchairs. Heading back and going down, you’ll run into a few Eyebats floating around this area. Once you reach the path, on your right will be a box that you can smash for some Handgun Bullets. Head off to the left now and on the far left, near the now-working fountain you can find some Crossbow Bolts on a bench. Also, you might notice that the pot on the top-right of the fountain is movable, and doing so will net you an Apple.
Now head to the area beyond the smashable boxes where there’s another Eyebat and a couple of mandrakes. In the top-left corner of the area there’s a Figurine behind a tree, and the top-right corner hides a box with a First Aid Kit, which is very useful!
Now we can focus on the puzzle in this area. It’s a fairly standard matching puzzle, where you have to push the pillars with the symbols on them around the little grid so that they match the symbols on the floor. With three missing spaces it’s quite easy to have some wiggle room to move things around in. I can’t help you with the specifics however, as the layout of the pillars and where they need to go is randomised.
Once you’ve gotten them all in place you can check the nearby statue for the Students’ Residence Key. When you take the key it will make a few enemies appear as you make your way back inside, so watch out for Mandrakes and Eyebats.

Bedroom Corridor
There’ll be a bunch of Eyebats in here now so watch out. Once they’re dead you can save if you like, but head to the far-right of the room and through the door at the bottom.

Residence Corridor
Right inside the room there’ll be an Eyebat floating around, so watch out for it. There’s also several more floating around the area.
Just to your right is locked door, and next to that a box you can smash for some Crossbow Bolts. There’s also a door below those two, but you can ignore that for now. Continue right to find the Kitchen Door that’s locked, and to the right of that you’ll find an area where the room splits. At this junction there’s a desk with a couple of plates on it that you can push to the side for some Handgun Bullets.
First go down and around the corner and there’ll be a Sword Door, keep going around the next corner and then up to find a Tonic sitting on a table. The door to the right here is also locked.
Go back to the junction and go up now. You’ll pass by a Coin Door, and at the end of the corridor you’ll find a door you can finally open.

This room is fairly small but has a couple of useful items in it. Check the stalls at the back of the room. The one on the far-left has a broken doll in it, but checking it will net you some Handgun Bullets. You’ll also easily notice a Chest in the third stall along which contains the Crossbow!
Once you’ve got that you can head back out.

Residence Corridor
When you leave the room you’ll notice a new Eyebat floating around to your left, and as you approach it another will burst in through the nearby window, so be ready for a fight.
Once they’re dead return back to the far-left of the room and open that door on the south of this area.

Study Hall
There’ll be a large table in front of you, and on the far side you can see some Handgun Bullets and on a smaller table below that one is an Apple. You’ll also notice that a kid is being attacked by a Knife Maid. Once he runs off dispatch the Knife Maid and then check the reception desk in the area where it was and you can find a Figurine. Once you’ve got that, follow the kid into the room.

Walk up to the kid, who you’ll come to learn is called Dino, and he’ll eventually run off again. Once he’s gone you can find some Handgun Bullets on some boxes in the top-right corner of the room and a Figurine nearby on top of the draws. To the left of this is a square panel you can interact with but we can’t do anything with it yet. Head back out.

Study Hall
Head down to the door at the bottom here and you’ll need to use the Residence Key to open it up and go through.
Part 2 - We Are Not Alone
Courtyard West
You’ll find several Mandrakes and Eyebats in this area, so be ready with your knife.
First, go down and then left, then up into the small area to find a box you can smash for some Crossbow Bolts. Next head down and you’ll see a large area with some fountains. In the middle of the fountains are three plant pots, and you can push the middle one for some Handgun Bullets. Continue down and around to the left. Smash the boxes here and there’ll be another just up from there all by itself, and inside is a First Aid Kit. To the right of here you can see a bunch of statues in various poses and a Coin Door, both of which you can ignore for now.
Head back to the area with the fountains and head up on the right-hand side. There’s a locked door on the way up, and further up then that there’s a small area with a smashable bow, which is empty, and some benches, one of which has an Apple on it.
North from there is a small area with two boxes at its entrance. Break them to get inside and on the right you can find a Figurine.
Head right along the path to another large open area. Head up to find two boxes you can smash but they’re sadly empty. Go right and up again and you can find some Crossbow Bolts on the hedge. From here go south and around to the right to enter a new area.

Courtyard East
This area is also full of Mandrakes and Eyebats much like the previous area.
Near where you enter there’ll be two boxes you can smash, but you won’t get anything for it save for access to some stairs that lead to the Theatre Door.
Heading down the room and around to the other side of the fountain you can find the Garden Gate, and just up from there is an Apple on a bench. North of here is another locked door, so head back down and through the large door between the statues at the bottom of the room.

Main Hall
This room is a sort of hub that we’ll be coming back to a lot, so try and remember it!
Firstly let’s grab some of the hidden items in this room. On either side of where you entered there’s some stairs that lead to raised areas. One the left-hand side of the room there’s a statue, and under the chair here you can find a Figurine. On the right-hand side of the room you can push the small table to the side to get some Handgun Bullets.
Now, there are a lot of doors in this room and most of them are wide open to explore, with only the two on the upper floor being locked from the inside. Let’s start with the most important one, which is right next to the clock behind the large statue that dominates the room. Head on inside.

Office (Save Room)
There’s some Crossbow Bolts on the sofa in here, but as you can imagine the main reason I told you to come into this room first is because of the Save Point, which you’ll likely be wanting and will be using a lot in the future. After you’ve made a save, head back out.

Main Hall
With that done, go through the door to your left on the other side of the corridor next to the painting.

Waiting Room
On the left side of the room you can see a Diary Page on the sofa, and you may also spot a Chest at the top of the room. However, this is not a real chest but is in fact a Mimic! Keep your distance or it’ll wake up. You can safely ignore it, just grabbing the page and leaving if you want to save on ammo.

Main Hall
Now that we’re done here, head to the bottom-right door out of the room, next to the tiger-head on the wall, and go through.

Downstairs East Corridor
A few steps into this room and a cutscene with kick off introducing you to the big evil you’ve got to defeat to beat the game. After a short chat she’ll disappear again, but don’t worry we’ll be running into her again real soon.
Continue into the room, past the Coin Door and you’ll likely notice another new enemy floating around; the Spinning Doll. There’s several in this area so keep an eye out for them.
As you move forward you’ll notice some Handgun Bullets on the chair next to the split in the room, and further down that direction there’s a box in the corner, although breaking it won’t get you anything. Continue down and then left and enter the door here.

Dressing Room
In this room are multiple Knife Maids, so be careful as they can easily corner you in this cramped room. Also, the chest at the back-left of the room is actually a Mimic, so watch out.
To your left from where you entered you can find an Apple and a Figurine sitting on the dressers, as well as two pieces of paper that seem to be shining and trying to get your attention. Checking them and you’ll see that they both have a six digit number written on them, each of which has one of those six number highlighted in a darker colour. You need to remember the number and the position of the number from all the notes in this room. Continuing into the room you can find a third note on your right, and to your left is a fourth note and some Handgun Bullets. At the back of the room you can find the final two notes, and if you check the teddy bear that’s sitting in a chair, you can nab some Crossbow Bolts. And to the far-left of the teddy bear there’s some Handgun Bullets in a chair near where the Mimic chest is.
With all six notes read you should have a six digit number. Check the blue-coloured chest on the left-most table at the back of the room, it should be sparkling at you, and you can enter your six digit code in here. Unlocking the box will get you the Key Of Coins. Nice!
With that, you can leave the room

Downstairs East Corridor
Back in the corridor, a new Spinning Doll with have popped into existence now that we have our new key. There are actually several doors in here that we can open but only one of which is of any use to us at the moment.
Head back left, up and left again and then go up at the intersection here. Go right when you can and the first door you see will be a Coin Door, which we’ll open shortly. First however, further to the right you can find some Crossbow Bolts just waiting on the dresser here. On the left of them is a Club door that you can’t open yet, but to the right is a cabinet with a jester-looking doll in it. You might notice that you can push it, and doing so will net you some Handgun Bullets. Backtrack to the door you door you passed easier and open it up with the Key Of Coins.

Small Prop Storage
There’s a constant sound in this room, but don’t worry as it’s just a lifeless doll hanging around.
Head into the room and you can find a Tonic just sitting on a stool here, and further into the room there’s a box on the right you can smash for some Crossbow Bolts. At the very back of the room you can find the Grappling Hook right next to the large window. Grabbing will cause two Spinning Dolls to break into the room, so kill them quickly, and there’s also a Knife Maid by the entrance to the room.
Once they’re all dead, you can go through the now broken window and grab some Handgun Bullets, before leaving the room.

Downstairs East Corridor
Head left and then up and go up the stairs here.

Upstairs East Corridor
Right from the off in this room you’ll be spotted by a Spectre, so keep an eye on the environment and watch out for almost invisible things. There are several Spectres in this room as well as a Spinning Doll, so be careful you don’t get swarmed.
In the open area near the stairs you can grab some Crossbow Bolts from the small table here, and while there door above them is open there’s nothing we can do in that room yet. Go right, past the Sword Door on the bottom of this bit, and through the door at the end.
Part 3 - Locks & Keys
Break Room (Save Room)
I’m sure you’ll be relieved to know that this room is a Save Room, and you can also grab the Apple from the top-left corner of the room too, before heading back out.

Upstairs East Corridor
Head left, back to the stairs and keep following the corridor round. At the corner that turns left you can see a large pot that can be pushed for a Figurine. The nearby door is a Cup Door that we can’t open yet, so continue left and there’ll be some Crossbow Bolts in a chair. In the little open are here you can find some breakable boxes which are sadly empty, and an Apple on the dresser.
Going up from where will lead you to a door that you can unlock and go through.

Main Hall
You’ll find yourself back in the Main Hall, so you can go to the save room if you want, but to continue we need to head out of the door at the bottom of the room, in front of the large statue.

Front Garden
This area is littered with Eyebats and Mandrakes, so move slowly and keep your wits about you to avoid damage.
Move down from the door and on your right is a small plant pot that you can push for some Handgun Bullets. Sticking to the right side, head down and along the little path here. Smash the two empty boxes here to get into the small area and you can find a Figurine at the back-right. Continue around the hedge to find a Tonic on a bench next to a permanently locked gate. Go up from here and there’ll be a box with some Crossbow Bolts in it next to a couple of fountains. Left from here will put you back at the door you entered into this place from.
Continue left, going behind the statue you can find a box with some Handgun Bullets in them. Further left you can find a small area with tables and chairs where you can find some more Handgun Bullets.
On the far left side of the whole area is a large area that’s kinda of split into four by hedges. Sticking to the bottom part you can find some Handgun Bullets sitting on a bench. Head up the left-hand side of the area, past all the fountains, you can find some Crossbow Bolts on another bench.
Right from there you can see some broken glass on the floor, and above it is a broken window on the upper floor. Use your Grappling Hook to get up there. Just note that you have to use it when facing the little sparking bit on the floor, not when standing next to the wall. It’s a little confusing.

Upstairs West Corridor
On your left, at the end of the corridor by the broken stairs you can find some Handgun Bullets on a table and to the left of the nearby door is a Diary Page on a chair. Enter the door here.

Art Storage
In this room there is a Spectre, but also a new enemy type; the Octohead, so be sure to take that out before dealing with the Spectre.
Once they’re dead we can loot. On the dresser to the left you can find some Handgun Bullets, and below that you can see two pots at the bottom of the room. Check the left one of the two for an Apple. At the back of the room you can find some Crossbow Bolts, but more importantly the Squared Piece.
Remember where we need to use that? Either way, head back out of the room.

Upstairs West Corridor
As you exit you’ll run into another of the kids running around this place. Once Carlotta runs off over the rubble that we sadly can’t get past (young kids have all the luck), you’ll find there’s now a couple of Spinning Dolls floating around the room for you to deal with.
Head right, past the Cup Door and up towards a twin statue where you can find an Apple. Continue to the right, past both a Club Door and a Sword Door, and then up where you can find a box with some Crossbow Bolts in it, and a door you can unlock and go through.

Main Hall
Back in the Main Hall once again. Go to the save room if you need to, and then head to the only door in this room you haven’t used yet, in the bottom-left corner of the room.

Downstairs West Corridor
There’s an Eyebat and a few Spectres floating around this room, so keep your eyes peeled for those invisible enemies.
The nearby door is a locked Club Door, so head up and at the corner with the clock there’s a large globe you can push for some Crossbow Bolts. To the left of this is a door that you can’t access due to a thankfully self-contained fire. Go down from here and off to the left you can see a Cup Door, and left of that some lockers. Check the open locker for some Handgun Bullets, and then left of there are the destroyed stairs and an Apple on the nearby table.
Head back right and go up to find a Club Door. To the right of this is a box you can break to reveal to pushing marks on the floor, so give the stuffed fox a push to get some Handgun Bullets. Right of here is an open door, but there’s nothing we can do in that room yet, so we’ll come back later. To the left however you can find some more Handgun Bullets on a table, and then the door above it can be unlocked, so head on through.

Courtyard West
You’ll find yourself back in familiar territory here. Start by heading down and left towards the area with all the statues from earlier. You’ll find some Eyebats and a Mandrake has spawned in down here. Kill them all and then look at all the statues here and pay attention to their poses and the number of dots on each platform. Unlock the Coin Door here and go inside.

Games Room
On the left side of this room is a small grassy area that has a Mandrake hiding in it, and the chest there is also a Mimic.
Once they’re both dead grab the Apple from the sofa and push the flowerpot for a Figurine. The middle chessboard has some Handgun Bullets and the sofa in the upper-right corner of the room has some Crossbow Bolts.
Now you can check the angle statue at the top of the room. Doing so will allow you to enter pictures of the ballerina poses you saw on the statues outside, with the number of dots dictating the order to enter them in. Doing so will net you the Garden Key. With that, you can leave the room.

Courtyard West
Head all the way up to the top of the room, keeping to the left side, and head back inside.

Study Hall
Head through the door on your right.

This room now houses two Eyebats and two Spectres, and although they can usually be taken out with the knife, you might want to consider the crossbow as the room is quite small.
At the back of this room is a panel that needs the Squared Piece you picked up earlier. Once you’ve got it in place you’ll have to arrange all the tiles in a set pattern, which is actually in this very room. Standing in the middle of your room you can find the pattern you need on the floor of the room, so enter it into the wall tiles and you’ll get the Key Of Cups.
With that you can now leave.

Study Hall
Head through the door below you.

Courtyard West
Head to the right and into the other half of the courtyard.

Courtyard East
Head down and into the building.

Main Hall
If you want you can head into the save room here, which I would recommend, before you head upstairs on the right side of the room and through the door.

Upstairs East Corridor
Head down and then right, and the first door you see along here you can unlock with the Key Of Cups, before heading inside.
Part 4 - Our First Fight
In here you’ll find a few of a new enemy; the Slime, and the chest at the back of the room is actually a Mimic.
In the middle of the large table you can grab some Handgun Bullets, and the table on the left has an Apple. You’ll likely have seen and heard the rather ominous-looking statue at the back of the room, but behind it there is a box with some more Handgun Bullets inside.
Now, before you even think about interacting with the statue, note that doing so will teleport you to a boss fight, so be sure you’ve save and healed up before you do so!
When you’re ready, you can grab the Key Of Swords from the statue and then get zipped off for a little fight...

Boss Fight 1
As you can imagine you’ll be fighting Violetta for this fight, and she’s got a few tricks up her sleeves!
The biggest issue that you’ll have is that she’ll have an impenetrable shield around herself for the majority of the fight, and it only goes away when you make it. You’ll notice that when she gives herself the shield she also flings three energy orbs out into the arena, which will turn into large glowing orbs. In order to take out her shield you have to smash those orbs. Thankfully they’re very weak and will go down at any kind of attack, be it from a gun or a knife. Ideally you’ll want to use the knife on them to save ammo, but actually getting to them whilst dodging Violetta and her attacks can be tricky, so if you can’t reach them with a knife a pistol shot will do the job. When you do take them out you’ll only have a short time to find and attack Violetta before she regenerates her shield, so make sure you know where she is before you take out the last one.
This is compounded by the layout of the arena itself; which has an open area in the middle but the left and right sides are both small mazes of thin corridors that you can easily get trapped in, so watch where you’re going and be careful.
As for Violetta herself, she can teleport to wherever she wants in the area to chase you down before attacking. Her primary attack is to hurl fire at you, which flies in a straight line until it connects with something and explodes. Easiest way to dodge these is to just keep moving. Once you’ve taken off a bit of health she’ll start spawning in a bunch of glowing skulls, which will just wander around the arena aimlessly. Thankfully these guys are weak and can be taken out with the knife, but she can summon a LOT of them into the arena and touches them causes damage. You’ll have to weigh up using some time to take them out verses trying to dodge them and Violetta. Her third attack is the most powerful. Once you’ve done a lot of damage she’ll stand in place and start hurting a lot of energy orbs at you, and these ones have a slight homing nature to them. Thankfully they can’t pass through things, so put a statue or a shelf between you and her to block their attacks.
So the basic flow of the fight should be you running around to smash the large purple orbs to take out her shield and dodging her attacks, and once the shield is gone go in close with the Crossbow to do good damage. Just keep moving, lest you get hit, and over time you’ll slowly whittle her health down.
Once the fight is over you’ll immediately get teleported back to the Library!

Once you’re back there’ll be a scene between several characters. When it’s over you’ll likely wanna hit the nearby save point, so head back to the main hall. I’m gonna assume you know the way by now...

Main Hall
Once you’ve saved, time to head back upstairs on the left side of the room and through the door here.

Upstairs West Corridor
You’ll find a few enemies have spawned in here; namely a Spinning Doll, an Eyebat and a new enemy, the Jack-In-The-Box. Once they’re dead, on the left-side of the doll on the rocking horse and next to the soldier in the display case is a Cup Door you can open and head inside.

Dressmaking Room
You’ll run into another new enemy in here; the Jester. Once he’s dead you can find an Apple on a chair to the front-left, some Crossbow Bolts on the sofa at the back-right of the room, and most importantly you can find a Slide on the table at the back of the room, which we’ll be needing to solve a puzzle much later. Once you’ve got all that you can head back out.

Upstairs West Corridor
Head to the right and open the Sword Door that here.

Workshop Room
In here you’ll find four Octoheads floating around, so be careful as you take them out from a distance.
Once they’re dead we can get the good loot in here. Above where you entered is a Diary Page next to an empty breakable box, and then to the left you can find an Apple sitting in a bowl. Just above that is another breakable box, this one contains some Shotgun Shells. Above that is a chest that you’ll no doubt have spotted, but don’t worry as this one isn’t a creature this time, instead it contains the Shotgun!
About time we found that!
Finally, to the right of here, past another empty breakable box you can find the Unicorn Head just lying on the desk. Be aware that when you take it a Jester will spawn into the room and start attacking, so be ready for him.
With all that it’s time to leave.

Upstairs West Corridor
With all those new items in tow, head back to the Main Hall.

Main Hall
Use the save point if you want and then head through the bottom-right door.

Downstairs East Corridor
Head right and open the Coin Door just ahead.

Prop Storage
In here you’ll find two Spectres floating around, and a Jack-In-The-Box off to your left. Up from the door you can find a Figurine sitting on a shelf, smash the box next to the horse for some Handgun Bullets, an Apple in the shopping cart, and a Slide in the opposite corner on the table. Once you’ve got all those go down the left-hand part of the room to find some Shptgun Shells on the table and a box you can smash to reveal that the shelves here can be pushed to reveal a hidden door. Head on in.

Statue Room
You’ll notice an odd noise in here, but we’ll find the source of that soon enough. In the middle of the room is a large horse statue without a head. As you can imagine the Unicorn Head that’s currently sitting in your inventory will fit rather nicely there. Once it’s on the room will light up and a door will open, but also two Djinn will appear, so either take them out or just run for the door.

Display Room
In here you’ll find the source of the strange noise is one of the missing kids, Pepe, who been spending his time totally not crying. Once he’s run off check the suit of armour on the left for some Handgun Bullets, then you can grab an Apple from the shelf on the right. Once you’ve gotten both of them, head to the back of the room where you can find the Artist Portrait hanging on the wall. With all that, time to leave, but as you do a Knife Maid will burst through the window and attack. Once you’ll kill it, you’ll notice some Crossbow Bolts through the now broken window that you should grab before leaving.

Statue Room
Nothing else to do here, so head out.

Prop Storage
As you head through this room to get back to the hallway a Jester will pop up and attack. Kill him if you want, or just leave him be as we won’t be returning here again.

Downstairs East Corridor
Go right and then up and head upstairs.

Upstairs East Corridor
Just to your right will be a double door that already unlocked but we didn’t need to go into earlier, but now’s the time to wander on inside.
Part 5 - Too Many Rooms
Art Gallery
In this area will be two Octoheads and a Jester wandering around, and also be aware of the chest sitting above the entrance as it’s actually a Mimic. I’d recommend taking care of the Octoheads first as they’re the easiest, then deal with the Jester leaving the Mimic until last.
Once they’re all dead it’s time to solve a little puzzle. You’ll notice four paintings at the back of the room, with a pretty obvious empty space that you can put the Artist Portrait in. Once you’ve put it in place you can examine the paintings to see they all have dates under them along with some buttons. Now, if you check the angel statue below the paintings it will give you a clue as to the order you have to press those buttons. As you can imagine you have to work out the ages of the person in each painting and then press them in the order from youngest to oldest.
Doing so will cause the statue off to your right to release its hold on the Fuses. You’ll also spot some Shotgun Shells on the nearby seat that you should grab before leaving.

Upstairs East Corridor
As you leave the room two Octoheads will now have appeared nearby for you to deal with, but once they’re dead head left, then down and around to the main hall.

Main Hall
Use the save point if you want, but then head through the bottom-left door.

Downstairs West Corridor
Head up, left, then up again and then outside through the door just to your left.

Courtyard West
Head left and up and enter the building.

Study Hall
There’ll be three Octoheads floating around in here now for you to deal with, and once they’re dead head up on the left side of the room and through the door.

Residence Corridor
Haven’t been back here for a while, huh?
Anyway, head to the right and then go up to find a Coin Door to open and head inside.

Dining Room
You’ll find three Knife Maids wandering around this room for you to take care of, so be careful with them. There’s a bunch of items in here, so let’s get looting! Start just to the left of the door where you can see two pots in which is some Crossbow Bolts, then continuing around the room clockwise you can find some Handgun Bullets on the corner of the large table. Heading up you can find a Figurine sitting on a chair in the corner by the fireplace and the other corner has some breakable boxes which hide a First Aid Kit. Down from here you can find a Diary Page, and then right from there are some more Handgun Bullets. With your haul secured, you can leave.

Residence Corridor
Head back left, then all the way down and right a little to the first door here, which is a Sword Door you can now open.

Hospital Room
There’s a couple of Knife Maids in this room for you to dispatch before item-hunting.
To the right of the door you can see a trashcan with some Crossbow Bolts in it, and then to the left you can see two wheelchairs, the upper of which you can push to find even more Crossbow Bolts hidden under it. Right above this you can find another Figurine. Up from here you’ll see a door that’s been boarded up which we’ll have to come back to later. To the right you’ll see a series of beds, the left-most of which has a Diary Page sitting on it and next to that a breakable box with some Handgun Bullets inside. Between the second and third bed you can find some Shotgun Shells, and between the third and fourth bed you can find an Apple. Finally, to the right of the fourth bed you can see another breakable box, and smashing it will get you a Tonic, as well as allowing you access to the Extinguisher (Empty). With all that, head out the door just below you to unlock it.

Residence Corridor
With both the Extinguisher and Fuses in hand we can now move into new territory. Start by heading all the way left, but beware of the new Knife Maid that’s now hanging around in here.

Study Hall
Head down and back outside.

Courtyard West
Head off to the right and into the other half of this area.

Courtyard East
Head off to the right side of this area, where a new Eyebat will be floating around. We can also open up the lower of the two gates here with the Garden Key. Be aware that the garden area of this room has several Mandrakes scattered around, but also a very large Ent, which is a tough creature to kill, but you’re gonna have to as it’s too big to just run past. If you need to retreat, I don’t think it can follow you through the gate, and even if it can the area on this side is a lot more open than the garden area.
Once it’s head you can move into the small maze here. As you wander around, Roots will burst out of the ground and can damage you if you touch them, so just whack them with a knife to get rid of them. Move right and then go up at the first chance. You’ll see a Statue here that you’ll have to interact with to solve a puzzle in this area, but we’ll get to that soon. Up and to the left of this another statue, and left of that is a plant pot with some Crossbow Bolts.
Head back down all the way to the bottom of the area and then go left to find a third statue, but just before you get two that are two plant pots, the left-most one of which you can push for a Figurine.
Head back right and you should see a long box just sitting there waiting to be broken and give you a First Aid Kit. Stick right and going up you can find a fourth statue and some Handgun Bullets. Finally, backtrack again and go up the only path you haven’t been up yet to find a box on your right with some Shotgun Shells inside, and to your left a locked gate.
Now, to open up that locked gate you have to interact with all the statues in this area. But it’s not as simple as just checking them, as you have to do it in the correct order. Sadly there’s no way to know what to order is short of trail and error and as always it’s random each time. So check all four statues until one of them stays lit, then check the remaining three. If you get the wrong one you’ll have to relight the first one again. Thankfully each time to get one right the amount you have to check decreases, so at least there’s that.
Once you’ve got them all lit the gate will open, allowing you access to the Eyebat floating around here, but also to the Jester that might appear too. Once they’re both dead head through the door just above the gate.

Tool Shed (Save Room)
There are three smashable boxes in here, with the upper one having some Handgun Bullets in them, and there’s also an Apple on the box near the door, and some Crossbow Bolts on the barrel near the Save Point, which you can use if you want. Once done, head back outside.

Courtyard East
Just to your left will be a box you can smash for a Tonic and then check the bin bags to the left for some Handgun Bullets. Once you’ve gotten those you can head left and down to unlock the gate here for a handy shortcut. Then you can go up and through the door here.
Part 6 - Behind The Curtain
In here there are two Octoheads floating around, as well as two of a new enemy; the Bomber. Once everything is dead start by destroying the two boxes above where you entered, which will be empty, and then grabbing the Apple just above them. Next, go back down and slightly to the right where you can see a pot and a bucket of paint next to the red box. Check the pot for some Handgun Bullets. Go to the far right corner where there are three rocks, and you can push one of them for some Shotgun Shells, and then go directly up from there along the right-hand wall to find a box with some more Shotgun Shells inside.
Circle around to enter the small room-like area to find some Crossbow Bolts in the top corner and a Diary Page sitting on the cushion. Leave the small room area and go left to find a Figurine sitting next to the spools of wire. With all that, head to the top-left, smash the box there and head through the Sword Door.

Back Alley
There are five Eyebats floating around in this area, but they should be no trouble. Start by going up to the left and smash the box for some Handgun Bullets. Head back down and then start going right. The first door you pass will be locked, but just beyond there you’ll see a traffic cone just sitting on the floor. Pushing it as the marks on the floor suggest will oddly get you nothing, however doing so will allow you to push the large box for some Crossbow Bolts. A little right and up from here is an area with two large dustbins, and to the left of them is a Tonic sitting on my tires.
Below where the bins are you can see a door. Just to the right of the door is a Figurine sitting on a wooden pallet. Now time to head through the nearby door.

Power Room
There’ll be six slimes in this room, but they’re pretty spaced out so try and take them on one at a time.
To the right of the entrance you can see a box but it’s sadly empty. Head down on the left-hand side and once you reach the area with all the shelves, look at the box at the very top of that area. You should see that you can push it for a Figurine. Just below this is a First Aid Kit on a chair and then head to the right and then up to find some Shotgun Shells on another chair.
Now, next to them you’ll see a panel plinking away at you for some Fuses, so go ahead and put those in. Once they’re in place, look at the panel again to get into a small puzzle where you have to swap fuses around to get all the numbers around the edge to go green. What number it needs is random and the game doesn’t specially tell you, so you just kind of have to experiment and trail-and-error your way to an answer. Best tip I can give you is that if you have a line that makes a green number, don’t swap fuses out of that line. Try to keep correct lines the same and incorrect lines swapped.
Once you get it the power will restart for the whole area, which unfortunately means that all the metal floor panels in the room will now occasionally electrify themselves, so be sure you’re not standing on them when that happens! Not only that, but two Djinn will also have appeared, just to make things more interesting. Deal with them, dodge the electricity and head back outside.

Back Alley
Continue heading right and past the first door here, which is open but we don’t need to go in there yet. You’ll see a couple of boxes to break here, and then even further to the right will be some Shotgun Shells sitting on the ground next to a door you should go through.

Boiler Room
In here will be five Djinn floating around, so watch out for fires.
You’ll notice that this room seems to be full of broken steam pipes that are releasing jets of steam to block your progress, and yes you will take damage if you touch them, so don’t. If you go left from the entrance you can find a valve on the wall you can turn to change which steam jets are actives and which ones aren’t, so start by giving the valve here a turn. Head back to the right and down into the new accessible area where you’ll spot another valve, but don’t turn it yet. Just to the left you can see two breakable boxes. Smash them and then head past and down to find an Apple sitting on a box, and then left of here is another valve to turn. Turning this one will let you into a small area with a box to break for some Crossbow Bolts inside it. Head back to that valve and un-turn it, heading back to the right to the valve you ignored earlier. Spin it now and head down into a new section of the room. To the right of the gap here will be an empty smashable box, and to the left of the gap is an empty wooden crate you can push for some Shotgun Ammo.
Now, the thing we came for is just to the left, and you likely noticed it by the annoying buzzling sound it’s been making this whole time. It’s an Extinguisher refilling machine, so stick the Extinguisher (Empty) inside and after a few seconds you’ll get the Extinguisher (Refilled).
Head back to the area with all the valves, and head left and up through the path that should be open, but keep going left and you’ll be able to go down on the left side of the room to find some Handgun Bullets. With all that done, we can finally leave.

Back Alley
Head all the way back to the left side of the room and through the door.

Head straight down and through the door.

Courtyard East
Head down, through the gate and the down past the fountain to the door back inside.

Main Hall
Pop into the save room if you want, and then head through the door at the bottom-left corner of the room.

West Downstairs Corridor
A few enemies will have spawned in here; three Slimes and two Spectres.
Once they’re all dead, head to the very obvious fire that’s in the middle of the room and use the Extinguisher (Refilled) on it to put it out, then head into the door it was blocking.
Part 7 - Dance Of Death
Dance Hall
You’ll notice a lot of mannequins in this room and while that might be unsettling, what’s really bad is they’ll just explode into Spinning Dolls once you step into the room a little. Not only that, but there’s a full nine of them in total! As you can imagine this is a lot of spinning dolls to deal with in a relatively small area. While the knife will save you ammo, best to use the Handgun to take care of them at first to give yourself some breathing room. Once the numbers have been lowered you can finish the rest off with the knife.
Once they’re all dead, head straight up from the door to find some Crossbow Bolts, and then head right and down to find some Shotgun Shells by the large ball. Heading up from there you can find a Tonic on the desk, and you may notice something rather curious just above that.
Be aware that checking the mirror will kick off a boss battle, so head back to the Save Point if needs be. Once you’re ready check the mirror with the trapped kid and you’ll be whisked off for a fight...

Boss Fight 2
Violetta is once again looking for a fight, so be ready to give her one!
Before the fight begins, you’ll notice a key sitting on the floor right never to where you warped in. Grabbing it will net you the Key of Clubs, the final key for our collection! With the acquired, head up to find another mirror, and after a short scene the fight proper will kick off.
This fight is a little different from the last one, as Violetta is invulnerable for the entire time this time around. As the first starts she’ll spawn in three mirrors randomly in the arena, all of which have her reflection in them, but one will have a glowing pink crystal in front of it. It’s the crystal that you’ve got to attack in order to damage her. So just keep running around until you see that pink crystal and then go straight to it and start attacking, preferable with the Shotgun as it’s really tough to damage so you’re gonna want to hit it hard and fast.
In terms of her attacks, she has a few new ones to throw at you. Her basic one that she uses at the start of the fight is to fire off three large balls of energy, one going forward and two diagonally off to either side. If you’re standing too close you can get hit by multiple of them, so keep your distance from here at all times.
Once she’s taken enough damage she’ll start summoning jellyfish into the arena, but much like the glowing skulls from before they can be taken out with a knife swing to make yourself some room.
Her third attack is to make a line of small puddles in the floor and then a second later have spears fly out of the water to try and hit you. Again, they show up in the same three-pattern as the energy orbs, so take care.
The trick to this fight is to just keep away from Violtta as much as you can and keep looking for the pink crystal to damage her, but just remember that like her last fight she can still teleport herself to your location, so keep on your toes.
Like before, once the fight is over you’ll immediately get teleported out!

Main Hall
Once the scene is over and you’re back in control, use the Save Room if you wish and then it’s time to use our new key! Head through the door one the bottom-right of the room.

East Downstairs Corridor
There’ll be a Djinn and two Octoheads in here now.
Head right, up and right again, all the way to the end of the corridor and the door here you can open with your Key of Clubs.

Locker Room
Two Knife Maids will greet you in here, but there’s also some nice goodies too.
Once they’re dead start by going up and to the left to find a Machine Gun Magazine sitting in a locker, and to the left of that are some Handgun Bullets on a table. Near to this table are a couple of breakable boxes, both of which are sadly empty, but the mannequin next to the upper of the two boxes can be pushed for an Apple.
Head up and you can see some Shotgun Shells just sitting on the bench here, and if you then check the draws in the top-right corner of the room you can find a Small Key.
Once you grab it a Knife Maid will burst in through the window, with another one entering the room via the door. Once they’re both dead, check the window that was broken and you can find a Figurine on the other side. With that, time to head out.

East Downstairs Corridor
A new Djinn will be hanging around here now, so deal with it and then head back to the Main Hall

Main Hall
Use the Save Room if you wish, and then head up and through the large door to the outside.

Courtyard East
Head up and to the left and through the upper gate and then through the door further up.

Two more Djinn will be floating around in this room now, so kill them and had out the door at the top of the room.

Back Alley
This area will now be host to five Octoheads, but also a new enemy type in the Vampire, so start alert!
Head right down the path and towards the end go through the door going up.

Editing Room
In here will be three Slimes sliding around and a Jack-In-The-Box hiding out.
Head left first and you can see a Diary Page on the desk here, and just to the left of that you can search the shelves for some Handgun Bullets. Head back right and take the Crossbow Bolts sitting on the chair and then above this are some Handgun Bullets on a desk. Left of here is another desk and if you check it you’ll see that it has a locked draw. Use the Small Key on it to get the VHS Tape. Finally to the left of this are some Shotgun Shells by the ladder.

Back Alley
Head all the way back to the left and through the door at the bottom of the room.

Head straight down and out the door.

Courtyard East
Head down, through the gate then keep going down and a little left and through the door.

Main Hall
Use the save point if you wish and then head through the door on the upper-right.

East Upstairs Corridor
Head down, right and then up to the small open area with the table. You’ll likely see a Bomber here, so kill her if you want then right and into the Sword Door just past the open area.

Video Room
There’s a Vampire and a Jester in here, as well as a Jack-In-The-Box, so be careful!
From the door head right and check the third shelf at the end for some hidden Handgun Bullets, and just below that some Crossbow Bolts on a chair. Head down from the door and you’ll see some Shotgun Shells on the shelf to your left, some Handgun Bullets on a chair below them, and a Tonic sitting on the TV left and up from there.
Head back to the right and you’ll see a TV and a VCR. Take your VHS Tape and use it on the VCR, then check the TV. You’ll see it flashing with four random letters, which get added to your Notebook if you need to reference them, that we’ll be using to solve a puzzle shortly.
With all that we can head back out.

East Upstairs Corridor
Head back to the Main Hall.

Main Hall
Use the save point if you wish and then head through the door on the upper-left.

West Upstairs Corridor
There’ll be a new Knife Maid hanging around by where you entered here, so take care as you take her out. Once she’s dead head down and go through the Club Door here.
Part 8 - Part Of The Family
Sewing Room
There’s two Octoheads and a Bomber in here to deal with. Once they’re dead start by going left from the door where there’s a dress form and a box, which has some Shotgun Shells in it. On the table just below the door is some Handgun Bullets, and the third table down from the door can be pushed for a Machine Gun Magazine. Head left and down a little and near the mannequin, hidden behind the dress form is some more Shotgun Shells, and then up from there, in the middle of the table is another Machine Gun Magazine.
Now, left and up from there is a box in the corner that you can check to see needs four letters inserted in it. As you can imagine it’s going to be the four letters that you got from the Video Room. Of course the issue is that while you know the order you don’t know which one comes first, and if you check your notebook you’ll see that all four options have been written down. Obviously it’s random, so just enter in the letters until you get it right to get the Huge Gem. With that time to leave.

West Upstairs Corridor
Head back to the Main Hall.

Main Hall
Use the Save Room if you want and then head through the door on the bottom-left.

West Downstairs Corridor
Head down and through the Club Door on the left.

There’ll be a Jester in this room, and the Chest by the teacher’s desk is actually a Mimic.
Head down and to the left to find a box you can smash for a First Aid Kit and up from there is a Machine Gun Magazine on top of the chest of draws. Just to the right of there is a Chest you can open to finally find the Machine Gun! Down and right from that the left-most chair on the upper set of tables can be pushed for an Apple.
Now, head up to the upper-right corner of the room and between the chalkboard and the picture is a Calendar you can check it to see the month of September, albeit in French, and each day of the week having one of its dates circled. This will get added to your Notebook, so worth remembering too as we’ll be using it shortly. With that you can leave the room.

West Downstairs Corridor
Head up, then left and up again and the door right ahead of you will be a locked Club Door that you can open and go inside.

Teachers Office
You might notice the window at the back of the room is partially broken. If you approach it a Vampire will burst into the room, so be ready to deal with it!
On the desk in the middle of the room you can find some Shotgun Shells, on the other side of the broken window is some Crossbow Bolts, check the trash bin behind the desk for some Handgun Bullets, and a Diary Page is sitting on the sofa on the right side of the room.
Once you’ve got all that, check the large stuffed bear at the back of the room and you can insert the Huge Gem into its mouth. It will then move and reveal a safe that needs seven numbers in order to open. Luckily we just got seven numbers didn’t we, from the Calendar in the Classroom. You have to enter each number one at a time, from left to right, into the keypad. Meaning type in the number and then hit the tick-mark for each number. When the safe pops open you’ll get the Musical Score. With that it’s time to leave.

West Downstairs Corridor
Now, we’ve got a boss fight coming up shortly, so if you want to go and save, now would be a good time, but when you’re ready head all the way down from the room there and just to the left to find a locked Cup Door. Open it and head inside.

Music Room
On the right side just above the door is a Diary Page for you to grab and then above that on another sofa will be some Handgun Bullets. Heading down and left you can find a Tonic in the bottom corner of the room.
Now, you might notice that the Piano is kinda glowing in a similar way to other objects you’ve run into so far, and as you might guess it indicates a boss fight.
Using the Musical Score on the Piano kicks off a short cut-scene that ends with you getting warped off into another Boss Arena.

Boss Fight 3
As you might imagine this fight has a similar style to the previous two fights.
She’ll float around the arena a little and then split herself into four. One of those four is real and three are fake, however you can’t damage the real one, so you have to attack the fake ones. The easiest way to tell them apart is to look at the hair; the real one has blonde/yellow hair, and the other three will have a darker orangey-brown colour. Damaging one of those will hurt her for whatever damage that attack wouldn’t done, and also destroy the fake. One all three fakes are gone, she should spawn in new ones and allow you to keep damaging her. I’d recommend using the Shotgun, as it does the most damage.
In terms of her attacks, her basic one is to summon two energy orbs and fire them off diagonally to try and hit you. They’re easy enough to dodge if you keep moving.
She also has a minion-spawning ability again, this time creating some wandering ballerinas, which move around randomly. Thankfully they’ll die to a knife attack, so they’re easy to get rid of.
Once you’ve knocked off enough of her health she’ll start firing off large swords in an eight-point pattern from the real her. Look at where the swords are pointing and the direction they’ll be flying off to dodge them.
You can slowly whittle down her health and eventually she’ll go down...

Music Room
You’ll get another cut-scene once the fight is over where you’ll get some nice reveals, and once Violetta vanishes you’ll notice that she’s left the Kitchen Key behind. Grab it and then leave.

West Downstairs Corridor
Head right, straight up and then left and through the door back outside.

Courtyard West
Three Mandrakes and a Vampire now occupy this area, although if you’re lucky you might be able to avoid some of them. Of course if you want to take them out to save running into later, that might be an idea.
Head left and up, past the fountains and back inside.

Study Hall
Head left and up and through the door.

Residence Corridor
In here will be three Octoheads and two Bombers.
From the door in, just to the right is the locked Kitchen Door that we’re looking for, so unlock it and head through.

There are two Slimes and two Spectres in here so take care.
To the right will be some Shotgun Shells sitting on a barrel and below that you can see two large pots. Checking the bottom of the two will net you some more Shotgun Shells. The two boxes just above those are empty sadly, but up and to the left you can find some Crossbow Bolts next to the cooker. To the right and up from there you can see a barrel that you can push for a Machine Gun Magazine, and the box above that has some Crossbow Bolts inside.
Just to the right of there is a Screwdriver that we’ll need to progress. Grab it and leave.

Residence Corridor
Head to the left and through the upper door at the far end of the corridor.

Bedroom Corridor
There’s a Knife Maid and a Vampire in here, so take care. It’s been a while since we’ve been back here so we can now fully explore the rooms here. Let’s start with the Club Door on the right, that you can unlock and enter.

Bedroom 4
On the right just above you you’ll see some Handgun Ammo, and then to the left is a box you can destroy to gain access to some Crossbow Bolts. On the other side of the bed are three more boxes that you can destroy for some Shotgun Shells. With that loot grabbed you can leave.

Bedroom Corridor
As a reminded there’s a save point in the room just to your left, but all the way on the left side is a Cup Door you can also open.
Part 9 - Wrapping Things Up
Bedroom 1
You’ll spot a Spinning Doll in this room so take them out before anything else. On the desk on the right of the room is a Tonic, and on the bed is some Handgun Bullets. You’ll notice in the top-left of the room is a breakable box, and behind it you can find a vent. Use your Screwdriver on it to open the vent and then crawl inside.

Vent System
There are a grand total of four Eyebats and three Slimes in this area, and they’re spread out across the whole room, so watch out for them. As an fun note, if you push a box on top of a slime you’ll kill it instantly, which is a fun way to save ammo.
Move up and off to the right, past some breakable boxes you can find some Crossbow Bolts in the dead end. Go back left and then up and push one of the boxes out of your way to reach a larger area with a lot of moveable boxes. Now, despite their different colours, you can actually push all of them, assuming there’s a place to push them into, so don’t let that fool you. Also, if you screw up you can always reset the boxes by just leaving and re-entering the room.
Start by pushing the lower-left box out of the way, then move upwards and push the left-most box up twice. From there push the box next to the item right and you can grab the Shotgun Shells. Push the box below the shells down, then move right and push the box here to the right. Move up and right and then push a box down to get to the breakable box, smash it and then push the box beyond it to the right. Head down to find another breakable box and then go left to find another one with a Machine Gun Magazine inside. Head back right and push a few boxes right to get past and into the far-right side of the room. Before going down head up and you can see a couple of items to get. Pushing the lower of the movable boxes first will allow you to get to both items at once if you’re careful. You can get an Axe and a Figurine.
Once you’ve got them you can head down, past more boxes, and finally out of the vents.

You’ll spot an Octohead in here, and there’s also a Knife Maid hanging around too, so kill them quickly.
To the right of the vent entrance is a Diary Page, and the box right of there has some Handgun Ammo inside. Below there you can easily see a Machine Gun Magazine to grab, and just left of that is a pushable box that hides some Shotgun Shells. Left of here there’s a dead pig laying on a table, and you’ll notice it clearly has an item hiding inside it, so check it for a third Slide. Below this is a Tonic resting on a box, which is also next to the door so you can go ahead and leave.

Residence Corridor
Head right, down and right again and through the door here.

Hospital Room
There’s a Bomber and a Vampire in this room now so be very careful as that can be a difficult combination. Nothing much to do in this room so in the top-left corner you can use your new Axe on the boarded-up door here to open it up and head inside.

Display Room
To your left will be a Machine Gun Magazine, to your right is some Handgun Ammo, and above that you can check the display case for a Tonic. In the upper part of the room you can smash the box for a First Aid Kit, and then check the small box on the dresser for a small puzzle.
To open the box you need to press the correct buttons so that the little red line moves all the way over to where the arrow is. Each button adds a set number to the total. So press each button one by one, note how many each button adds to the total, then work out how many you need to hit the arrow and you can do the math from there.
Once it’s open you get a Cable. With that time to leave.

Hospital Room
Head straight down and through the door.

Residence Corridor
Go right, up, and right and through the door at the bottom.

Study Hall
Two Knife Maids and two Octoheads will have appeared in here now, so watch out. Once they’re all dead head down and through the door at the bottom.

Courtyard West
There are two Vampires floating around out here now, once of which is likely very near to the door you just entered the room through, so watch out and be ready for a fight.
Once they’re dead head down and right and back inside.

West Downstairs Corridor
Head to the right and up a little to the only door around here we haven’t been into yet.

Meeting Room
There’ll be two Djinn in here to deal with. Once they’re dead you can find some Handgun Bullets on the table in the middle of the room, and an Apple and some Crossbow Bolts on the chairs at the top of the room.
At the top of the table in the middle of the room you can find an old projector. Examine it to turn it on and then insert all three slides into the device. Each one will add a little bit of detail to the projection on the far wall, and if you examine it you’ll see the pattern is now made up of complete and incomplete squares.
This information will also have been added to your notebook.
Once you’ve got that piece of information you can leave.

West Downstairs Corridor
Head left, down, left, down again and through the door on the right.

Main Hall
You can nip into the save station if you wish and then head through the door at the top of the room and head outside.

Courtyard East
Head up and to the right, through the upper of the two gates and in through the door.

Head straight up and back outside.

Back Alley
There’ll be four Slimes hanging around by the door here so watch out. Once they’re dead you can head into the door just above where you entered.
Part 10 - Curtain Call
Maintenance Room
There’s two Djinn and three Slimes in here, so be careful.
Once they’re dead, grab the Apple from just above the door, then to the right of there you can find some Shotgun Shells. Up from that you can find some Crossbow Bolts, a breakable box with some more Shotgun Shells inside, and check the bin next to them for some Handgun Bullets.
With all that, smash the box in the top-left corner of the room and you’ll find a broken console. Use the Cable on it to fix it and then you’ll find there’s a grid of buttons available to push. But which ones? Well, if you remember the picture that we got from the slides, we just have to match up with all the complete squares from that picture.
The steam on the far side of the room will shut off, allowing you to access the area beyond which contains the final Diary Page and an Ornamental Key.
With that you can leave.

Back Alley
Head down through the door just below you.

Head down through the room and out the other side.

Courtyard East
Head down, through the gate and you might notice that two Vampires have taken up position near the large door in this room. Killing them can be tricky because of their location, so always remember you can despawn all the bats their spew out by just leaving the room.
Once they’re dead you can use the Ornamental Key to open the large door here.
Now, before you go through you might want to head down into the Main Hall and into the save room just off there as we’re about to fight the final boss!
Assuming you’ve been following the guide you’ll already have all the Ammo, Healing Items and Diary Pages you’re going to find, as well as nineteen of the twenty Figurines too.
So whenever you’re ready and all healed up, head on inside...

On the right will be an Apple sitting next to the candle, then head back to the left side of the room and up to find the final Figurine next to another candle.
Once you have those head up the middle of the room to find a source of malice, the one you’ve been looking for the entire game, sitting in the middle of the stage. As you approach it a scene will kick off involving all the characters and you’ll get warped off for a final boss fight...

Boss Fight 4
There’ll be a save point here if you want to use it, but doing so will mean not being able to wander around the main game if you want to. When you’re ready wander up the stairs and to the far side of the room to kick off the fight.
At first she’ll be floating around the room, following you and throwing out a liquid that sets on fire to try and damage you. So use the opportunity to swing in close and blast away at her with the shotgun, as the liquid can’t really fall too close to where she is.
Once you’ve chipped off a bit of health purple spots will start appearing around the arena that will slow you down if you step into them, so try to avoid them as best you can.
With a bit more health chipped off she’ll summon some rocks around her that will damage you if you touch them and of course protect her from damage. Not only that but she can launch them right at you and hit you from a distance, and they hurt quite a lot too.
Keep dodging her attacks and...
It’s onto Phase 2!
She’ll grow a pair of wings and start teleporting around the area, so you’ll have to move quickly to keep up with her.
All her attacks are different now too. Her main attack is to summon and line of energy balls and fire them all across the screen, either up/down or left/right, typically in whatever direction you are compared to her. These hit hard, but you can avoid them by either standing between them or use a pillar for cover.
Next she’ll start using a beam attack, sweeping it across the room and trying to hit you. The only way to avoid this is to use the pillars around the room, so hope that you can avoid it and get behind one.
Her final attack is to race across the room at you, leaving a trail of fire in her wake. Again tricky to avoid as she moves very fast, you just have to be quick with movement.
Keep dodging these attacks and focus on hitting her with the shotgun whenever you get the chance. Once you whittle down her health bar it will finally all be over.

There’ll be a series of scene, one after another, as the story slowly wraps itself up and the game comes to a close.
Figurine Locations
#1 - Residence Building, Bedroom Corridor
On the East side of the Residence Building is a corridor where the four bedrooms are located. The Figurine is on the left side of the room, sitting on a shelf.

#2 - Residence Building, Side Entrance
This is the area where you started the game, but in the alternate version once you’ve entered the other world.
In that room there’s an area with a puzzle where you have to push pillars around to solve. In the top-left corner of this area you can find the Figurine hiding behind a tree.

#3 - Residence Building, Study Hall
Sitting on the reception desk at the bottom part of the room.

#4 - Residence Building, Office
On top of the shelves in the top-right corner of the room.

#5 - Central Courtyard, West Half
When entering this area from the Residence Building, to the right of the door is a small area full of trees, where the Figurine sits on the right-hand side of that area.

#6 - Main Building, Main Hall
On the left-hand side of the room, up the stairs there’s a statue, and under the chair here you can find a Figurine.

#7 - Main Building, Dressing Room
To your left from where you entered you can find a Figurine sitting on a dresser.

#8 - Main Building, Upstairs East Corridor
From the stairs, head down and you’ll see a large pot that can be pushed for a Figurine.

#9 - Main Building, Front Garden
From the door head right and down and along the little path here. Smash the two empty boxes here to get into the small area and you can find a Figurine at the back-right.

#10 - Main Building, Games Room
On the left side of the room is a small grassy area with a large flower pot in the middle. Push it to find the Figurine.

#11 - Main Building, Prop Storage
Just above the door into this room are three shelving units, one by itself and two above that. On the left of the two you can find the Figurine it sitting on a shelf.

#12 - Residence Building, Dining Room
In the upper part of the room is a fireplace and the Figurine is sitting on a chair just to the side.

#13 - Residence Building, Hospital Room
On the left side of the room are a couple of wheelchairs, and just above them is a Figurine sitting on a small trolley.

#14 - Central Courtyard, East Half
In the Maze-like area on the right side of this room, at the bottom and on the left side of the maze are two large trees inside pots. You can push the left of these two trees to uncover the Figurine.

#15 - Maintenance, Warehouse
In the middle of the room, just to the right side of the fake room set are a couple of spools of wire, with the Figurine sitting next to them.

#16 - Maintenance, Back Alley
Roughly in the middle of the area, next to the door that leads to the Power Room, the Figurine is sitting in the open on a wooden pallet.

#17 - Maintenance, Power Room
In the area with the table and chairs and all the shelves, there’s a large cardboard box at the top of this part of the room. Pushing it to the side will reveal the Figurine.

#18 - Main Building, Locker Room
After grabbing the Small Key in this room a Knife Maid will break through the window and attack. Once it is dead head through the broken window and the Figurine will be sitting on the floor.

#19 - Residence Building, Vent System
On the far upper-right side of the room, near to where you find the Axe, the Figurine is sitting in the open. Just push the boxes around carefully to reach it.

#20 - Central Courtyard, Theatre
The final room of the game, you can find the final Figurine on the left side of the room, halfway up, sitting on a candle.
Beat the adventure.
Tips: Simple enough to do, especially using this guide.

Beat the adventure in Hardcore difficulty mode.
Tips: Best to do after at least one run through the game once you’re familiar with what to do and where to go. Feel free to save often, keep multiple save files and restart if you take too much damage.

Lucky Lady
Beat the adventure without dying.
Tips: Play on Casual, save often, and if you die or are very close to just quit out of the game (as in actually shut the game down) and load your last save as this won’t keep the death.

Fearless Femme Fatale
Beat the adventure without saving.
Tips: Hope you can set yourself several hours to pull this one off. Again, play on casual, keep your health topped up (you can use Save Points to restore your health even if you don’t use them to actually save), and just make sure you’ve got the time to finish the whole game in one go.

Cold As Ice
Beat the adventure without using healing items.
Tips: Once again a Casual play through is a must as the Save Point healing will be required to get you through the game.

Swifty Hips
Get time rank A.
Tips: While not yet confirmed, best guess at the time you need to under 1h 30m. Learning the perfect route through the game, ways to avoid enemies and which ammo you should/shouldn’t pick up will be very difficult. Only thing to do here is practice.

Find and collect all ballerina figurines.
Tips: My guide tells you where all of these are.

Beat the adventure in Commando difficulty mode.
Tips: Obviously meant to be the hardest difficulty, it’s a lot more action-focussed compared to the other modes due to having all the weapons from the start and enemies dropping items to keep you going. Just save often and make sure you know what you’re doing.
Well, there you have it!

Hope this guide was useful to you in getting through the game.

I tried to be as thorough as possible, and as clear as I could, but let me know if there's something I missed or you don't understand.

Thanks for reading!

7 kommentarer
Oymon  [skapare] 4 okt, 2023 @ 7:02 
Good to know!
Suzuki Samuel 4 okt, 2023 @ 5:01 
Good news, it does actually work even if you use casual mode's healing save points. I just got the achievement.
Suzuki Samuel 4 okt, 2023 @ 0:27 
Alright. I'll try it on easy mode then, because doing the whole game without any healing would be crazy. I'll try to remember to let you know if I get the achievement with that method.
Oymon  [skapare] 3 okt, 2023 @ 10:59 
While I can't say for 100% sure that healing at a Save Point will cancel getting the Achievement, I'm fairly certain that you're ok to use them. The healing at a Save Point is automatic, so if you couldn't use that you wouldn't be able to save at all, so I think the Save Point heal is a freebie.
Suzuki Samuel 3 okt, 2023 @ 5:21 
I assume that for Cold As Ice - Beat the adventure without using healing items. - I can't use the save points to heal, yes?
Oymon  [skapare] 22 jun, 2023 @ 11:57 
Thanks for the heads-up on the A-Rank completion time, I've amended the achievement to reflect that.
Glad the guide was helpful for you!
basetaste 22 jun, 2023 @ 8:22 
I just got Time Rank B for a 1 hour 31 minute playthrough, so I'm going to guess you have to finish under 90 minutes to get Time Rank A.

Thank you for the comprehensive guide.