38 ratings
How to Fullscreen (Omori)
By Barikus
In this guide I will show you a couple of ways to remove the black bars on the sides of the screen
This guide is a translated version of my guide in Russian:
The first way (easy)
This method can stretch the game to the fullscreen.
If you want to keep the correct ratio, see the second way.

At the beginning I will show you a simple way in a few clicks.

Go to the folder with the game. You can either find it manually or open it via steam:

Right-click => Manage => Browse local files

Find the file OMORI.exe, right-click and select "Properties":

Go to the "Compatibility" tab and select "Run in 640 x 480 screen resolution.
(Some people also suggest to check the "disable fullscreen optimizations" checkbox, try it at your own discretion.)

Click Apply and OK, then run the game via Steam.

Go to the game settings and activate the fullscreen option.

All done! The result will look something like this:

- The second way:
The second way will allow you to expand the game window to the full height of your widescreen monitor without stretching it to the sides.

For this, we need a program that scales the game window by postprocessing.

It would look something like this:

So, the pros and cons of this method:
+ Fullscreen!
- The pixels may distort slightly.
- Not easy to configure the program.
- The program is at an early stage of development. If used incorrectly, the computer can be heavily loaded. This is solved by simply rebooting your computer, do not be afraid.
- FPS drop due to additional calculations and the specifics of the method.
- The launch of the game will be separate from Steam:
| - Steam Overlay does not work (Shift + Tab).
| + However, the time spent in the game will work.
| + Achievements also work! (You need to launch Steam.)

This method is a bit unconventional. Try it, but at your own risk.

How the method affects details:

These screenshots were taken with the X2 option on a 1920x1080 monitor. The original was scaled up 1.125 times in the editor for a proper comparison.
| How it works?
The standard resolution of OMORI is [640 x 480] (4:3).
Due to the nature of the RPG Maker game engine, the resolution can only be scaled as 2x 3x 4x, etc.

If you select the 2x scaling option, the resolution becomes 1280 x 960.
If you can force the window to expand, the next available resolution becomes 1920 x 1440 (3x).

At 2x resolution the height of the game screen is 960 pixels. My monitor, for example, supports 1080 pixels. This difference causes black bars at the top and bottom of the screen.

If you try to expand the game window to the full screen of your monitor, the "game part" stays the same and the black bar covers the rest of the space. This is also how the pseudo full screen mode works in the game settings.

For this case we will use a program that scales the "output" picture. That way we can stretch it to the full supported height of the monitor and also add some width. The proportions will remain the same.

If you set your system's screen resolution so that the width to height ratio is 4:3, then you will have no black bars at all. (See the bonus chapter for details.)

How does it work?
The program starts the game and then captures the window of the running game. Then the pixels are scaled and broadcast to your monitor.

Why isn't it run via Steam?
Because I don't know how to run the game via steam with the effect applied.
| 1. Software
I suggest using the program OmniScaler, which was developed by mashakos.
Let's download the latest version from github (0.9.9 as of this writing):

Unpack the downloaded archive to a new folder in any location you want (except the folder with the game).

So, we have 2 files:
- executable file (exe)
- config (ini)

Open the ini-config in notepad and type in:

the address of the folder with the game in Steam:
GameDir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\OMORI
(Your address may be different. Make sure you enter it correctly.)

executable file (OMORI.exe):

Type it in carefully! (Copy-paste will be useful)
(Running the program with the wrong settings is highly undesirable!)

If you want, you can make the picture softer by applying a filter:
(I recommend it.)

Save and close your eyes the .ini file.
Create a shortcut to the exe-file (right-click):

Then right-click on the created shortcut and choose "Properties".
Go to the "Shortcut" tab and look for the 3rd line "Object".
Scroll it to the right and at the end enter the line:
This allows you to run the game without connecting to Steam.

Click apply and OK.
| 2. Launching the game
Finally, it's done.
If not, let me remind you:
1. Download OmniScaler from mashakos
2. Unzip it anywhere (except the folder with the game).
3. In the ini file write:
_ _ the address of the folder with the game
_ _ ".exe"
_ _ filter (optional)
4. Create a shortcut and in it enter the special launch code

You can rename the shortcut and move it wherever you want.

To enter the game with the effect, just run the shortcut.

Make sure that you have turned off fullscreen mode in the game settings.

If you want to play the standard version, run OMORI via Steam as usual.

If the game doesn't stretch to its full height, change the resolution in the settings from X2 to X1.
Also noticed that the graphics are sharper on X2 resolution.

If you see a black screen, try turning Windows Aero on/off.

Do not minimize the game. Otherwise a cursor will appear on the screen.
If this happens, press 'win' + 'L' and then 'Enter'.
| Bonus for the second way
You can get rid of the side black bars completely if you change the screen resolution on your system to a ratio of (4:3) before starting the game.

For example, if your default screen resolution is 1920 x 1080 (16:9),
a (4:3) aspect ratio of 1440 x 1080 or 1400 x 1050 is fine for a game.

It is important that by setting this resolution your screen actually stretches to the full visible monitor, and not becomes a square with bars on the sides. If this does not happen, find such a scaling (stretching) option in your graphics control center settings (Intel, AMD or Nvidia).

Set the right resolution each time before you start the game, or search on the internet for a way to quickly switch between screen resolutions.

The disadvantage is that, the game will look a bit stretched and disproportionate.
The best option for the enjoyers of widescreen :)

This is very similar to the first way, but there are differences. At least because in the first way the resolution of your screen is reduced to match the resolution of the game window. And in the second way, the program copies the pixels of the game and scales them to fit the entire monitor.

The End
The first way I found on the Internet.
The second way was found by me.

I will be glad if my work will be useful to someone :)
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vasilije Jan 19 @ 12:13am 
Also there's a widescreen mod that mostly works and literally just removes the black borders through code and it looks amazing ngl. its a lil bugged on the sidebars but nothin too bad
Barikus  [author] Dec 21, 2023 @ 8:34am 
Glad to help c:
tadleszcz Dec 21, 2023 @ 1:28am 
Thank you for thine most gracious service upon this world.
Willy Jul 3, 2023 @ 3:53am 
thank you!
Barikus  [author] Jul 3, 2023 @ 3:20am 
it works for me. It's important that Steam is running in the background and that your profile shows in green that you're playing
Barikus  [author] Jul 3, 2023 @ 3:18am 
Willy Jul 3, 2023 @ 2:14am 
can i still get achievement
Key Jun 1, 2023 @ 5:34am 
It helped, thank you.
Barikus  [author] Apr 21, 2023 @ 1:32pm 
Океюшки, спасибо
Monster Apr 21, 2023 @ 12:19pm 
гайд то отличный, не парься. тема просто нишевая, фулскрин делается на alt+enter, вот и все, а черные полосы никому убирать смысла нет, потому что изображение растянутое выглядит неприятно. но твои старания явно стоит оценить, хорошая работа