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Farming Kills (5k)
By Jedo
This is a short guide on utilizing Apprentice to continuously farm the last wave of the Desert Dungeon.
Before we continue...
This guide assumes that you are now able to reliably beat the Desert Dungeon using the Apprentice. Here's the basic gist of it (as described by others)...
  • Roll for a shield on the shop. It will be equipped by the apprentice.
  • Roll for a party of Apprentice, Paladin/Priest, Warrior/Tank
  • Roll for at least the Alchemist Pet. Potions heal more as your character's HP grows. At a certain point, it becomes infinitely better than any healing done by Priests/Paladins.
  • Keep stalling in the early game by keeping your Apprentice's attack low and defence high. Build your apprentice's stats in this order: Defence (3 stats around 30ish), HP (pre-100), Luck (to get high tier equipment), Offense (speed + either magic/physical attack), HP (post-100).
  • After you built up all your stats, you can let the other teammates die. Always keep a stack of 1-4 potions. With your high HP and defence, your enemies will be dealing 1 damage (most of them) while 1 potion will heal you in the hundreds.
  • Win. Go straight for the boss (unless farming kills) because he'll keep on spawning minions.
What do I need?
  • Healer *
  • Alchemist

* The healer is optional cause its heal sucks until you sacrifice good gear anyway. Near the end you won't be using it anymore due to amazing hp & potions. Sage works too.

  • Apprentice
  • Priest
  • Warrior/Tank

As you already know, the Apprentice levels up whenever you use his special. The Priest is there temporarily to help you survive the early phases of the desert dungeon as you buld up your Apprentice's defences. The Tank/Warrior will provide damage absorption necessary to survive that same early phase.

A few things you should know...
  • Level ups by killing don't stack. The only time they stack is if you use the Apprentice special on top of a current level up.
  • The damage absorbed by the Warrior/Tank will depend on his own defenses, not the defences of the ones he is protectic.

In case you are wondering, those were my final stats during my first time farming. You can do this method with much lower stats, just make sure you attack before the enemy and that you can kill everything in 1~3 hits.


Don't forget to get the defensive totem!
The most important part...
Having 2 experience runes equipped makes each kill give you a level. If you're having trouble getting these (they're the most important piece), try to aim for over 40 luck. You can make do with just one, but having 2 is so much better.

Ideally you'll want to have this at least several waves before the final one. That way you can get as close to your ideal damage before the actual farm begins.

You'll also want to have the best equipment by the time you reach the boss. You want to maximize that damage as soon as possible so you can sit back and relax as the game does the work for you (see video below).

* Take note that the kills don't get counted until after you end the instance, or in this case defeat the boss. The game seemed quite glitchy after about 20 minutes of continuous farm so I recommend ending the dungeon when things start to look weird (like no new spawns or if the game starts freezing).
Jedo  [author] Jun 21, 2015 @ 1:47am 
I don't recommend farming for too long. I experienced issues finishing my runs after extensive farming (the game became unstable). I recommend just getting to a high enough level to finish the run.
Csontzuzo Jun 21, 2015 @ 1:44am 
what about if i stop at a necromancer and i let my warrior which hit fast and 1shot zombies and i leave it there and i go to work/sleep? do those zombies count as kills? because they dont give exp.
karinczee Jun 14, 2015 @ 2:11am 
Jedo  [author] Mar 24, 2015 @ 12:52pm 
If I still remember correctly, I make sure to kill them before they mimic the apprentice.

It's been a while but I don't think they mimic the apprentice if they are not in the same row. With enough speed and attack you can 1hko mimics before they can transform.
SquareEnixFanboy Mar 24, 2015 @ 12:50pm 
Thank you for your efforts man :golden:

And I have a question about this, what happens when the mimic monster appears and copy your supernatural Apprentice, how will you deal with him as I have troubles with him, thougth I did teh desert dungon ok, but I feel sometimes that i will lose when he mimics my strongest chractre, plus how long approxemitly will this take and is there a faster way?
Anonymate Jan 12, 2015 @ 11:17pm 
@Seranth Yep, with rogue it is too easy too. I used that same strategy with rogue before I had the apprentice.

About the guide, I think it explains everything about playing with the apprentice (a super OP class, by the way), but just remember you don't need the desert dungeon to farm. It is faster in The Paladin quest, and you don't even need apprentice or rogue, just the priest. I actually keep the priest and the bard alive, so I have two characters killing the monsters summoned by the boss. The problem is just the crashes.