Dreamer's Road

Dreamer's Road

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Dreamer's Road missable achievements
By FrozenShiver
A guide for the missable achievements in chronological order. Levels can be replayed.
Level 1
Collect 50 candy in this level to get
Fat wallet Collected 50 items!

Right after the starting cinematic, go left in the fence's hole to get
Recalculating Where did you want to go?

At the starting checkpoint, fall down the hole twice to get
Down the rabbit hole Fell into a hole.
Again? Fell into a hole two times.

When you are pushing the first box, simply hold the right movement key to get crushed by the box
Ouch! Killed by a box.

When you find this rock formation, walk/jump left into it so it kills you. Taking the checkpoint before doing this will save you some backtracking.

Hulk Broke a wall and dead!

Don't be good at hiding and get caught by the car.
Papers, please Captured by car.

When you are chased by the helicopter, stand still to get killed by a missile.
Exterminated Killed by a missile.
Level 2
Stand still and let the time run out
Lazy day Ran out of time.
Level 3
Walk into all the obstacles - waiter, spilled water and a banana
Bumper cars Crash all the obstacles.
Level 4
No missables here
Level 5
Get hit by the boss's mucus projectile, I got hit by it randomly when I was doing the objective, but standing still probably helps
Headshot Enemy mucus hit you directly.

Shoot 7 infected to cure them
Shaun of the dead Cured 7 infected!

Complete the levels by picking up the items to get stars, dying/running out of time will cause you to lose stars, levels can be replayed to get it
Superstar Completed all the levels with 3 stars!