Broken Sword 2 - the Smoking Mirror: Remastered

Broken Sword 2 - the Smoking Mirror: Remastered

51 평점
Broken Sword 2 - Achievements
Eirnin 님이 작성
Achievement guide (english)
즐겨찾기 해제
Hi Folks!

Most of the achievements you will get by playing through the game. However there are a few achievements that unlock when you do something out of the norm. Most of the achievements are pretty self-explaining but for those who got stuck or don't get the clue I put them right below for you to get :)

I put the locations where you can get the achievements in the pictures so that you can figure it out for yourself. If you get stuck I have also put a text description below the pictures how to get the achievement and blacked it out.

So be warned about SPOILERS!

PS: There is also another guide about achievements in Russian. Since I don't speak Russian I thought I will create this small guide in English.

And now, have fun with the game wherever you are coming from :D
Story Achievements
These achievements unlock while playing the game as intended (18/27):

Note: Seems like the "hardcore" achievement does still unlock if you accidentally click on the question mark once.
So if this happens to you don't click any further down if you want to get the achievement.
- Thank you @Big Whoop for trying this one out :)

Other Achievements
Achievements that unlock by doing something different from the intended playthrough. Pictures show the scene in which it can be unlocked and the text below describes what to do if you get stuck (9/27):

1) save before getting this achievement (or just start a new game because it is right at the beginning)

Just in this scenery right at the beginning try to stomp the spider two times and then just wait until it jumps at you -> DEAD (END)

1.5.1) IMPORTANT!!! Get the tequila worm from the tequila in this scene (somehow). You will need it later

1.5.2) IMPORTANT!!! Get the lump of coal from the bucket in this scene (somehow). You will need it later


2) save before getting this achievement

When you knock on the door at the docks and the guy answers the door just pick one text option and wait until he opens the door and shoots you -> DEAD


From the docks you will get a lump of coal (lucky coal (1.5.2)). When you arrive in South America you'll see a goat standing in front of the building right next to you. Use the coal with the goat.


I don't know how I got this achievement exactly but in this scenery there is a computer right behind the General's desk. When the General and his assistant are gone use the coal and the dart with the computer and the achievement did unlock for me......

A user wrote: '...i just kept interacting with the computer. didnt need to use any items with it'
- thank you @5M0k1N

another user wrote: "Also, for the "Black Screen of Death" achievement, it does pop up when you use the lump of coal on the screen."
- thank you @y0LAs



Use the tequila worm (from the spider room) with the cat. That's it.


In this scenery at some time you have to use a tire with the tree in the background. Use the coal with the improvised slingshot and watch the coal fly into the orbit. But where does it land? Later in the game (next scenery) when you reach the shores of the zombie island just pick your lucky coal from the beach. Be careful, maybe it is still hot. but lucky ;)


This is a hard one to figure out by yourself.
When you reach the subway station:
- use hairclip with the purple vending machine.
- Pick up the coin.
- use coin with the purple machine.
- pick up chocolate bar and don't forget to pick up your coin again.
On the right side there appears a ghost.
- Just from where you stand use the chocolate bar with the ghost (cogs).

The ghost does not seem very talkative but this should unlock an exit on the far left side of the map (the left tunnel in the screenshot).
If this is not the case you can always try to use the chocolate bar with the ghost until it unlocks for you (be careful the ghost disappears if you stand too close. Just go further away until he reappears). After that you have to go there and watch the small cutscene (and after that you should play beneath a steel sky ;)).


8) save before getting this achievement

In this scenery just go onto the ship and wait for the man to come around and shoot you -> DEAD

9) save before getting this achievement

In this scenery just wait until he strangles you -> DEAD (but achievement)
Secrets/Easter Eggs
There are some Easter Eggs hidden in the game. For some you will get an achievement
(f.ex. The talking goat or the Foster achievement) and some are just for having fun.

At the docks when you enter the hut of the guard via the floor panel and try to talk to him he will fart and you will/have to exit the hut again :D

If you talk with the woman from the mining company in South America about your lump of coal her assistant will get something from the printer with a little surprise. But she suggested that he wears it :P

Not really an Easter egg but if you walk through the jungle of Zombie Island I get some Monkey Island 1 vibes when you come across the same sceneries (though here it is intended) ;)

Also in the jungle: When you hit the pig with the arrow and it runs towards you, you get a small timeframe to act. Try to grab (click) the branch of the tree near you and the pig will run upwards and create a nice shortcut. Otherwise you have to walk around through the jungle which is kind of annoying (if you have felt enough monkey island 1 vibes ;) )

In the wheel room right at the end of the game you can skip the puzzle by clicking on the dark pixel in the middle of this stone (red circle):

When you have done it right the cursor will be blurred out and Nico will walk towards the exit of the room and then see for yourself ;)
In some guides I found that the pixel is somewhere in the green circle area but for me it was in the red circle area (maybe you can try out both possibilities if one does not work for you)

There is also another (english) guide regarding secrets:
Last words
I hope you enjoyed my guide. If you find any part of this guide unsatisfying or there is something incorrect please comment below. And also feel free to comment with anything else.

A big thank you to the other guide authors for your work and of course the people that brought us these great games of my childhood and the many hours they brought me joy while solving the puzzles :D

Thats all Folks!
댓글 15
G Smith007 2024년 1월 25일 오전 2시 31분 
the guide isnt finished though there's more achievements ? what am i missing here
Ajumma29 2023년 12월 28일 오후 3시 59분 
Thanks, this helps me a lot! <3
Mrkvus 2022년 10월 29일 오전 7시 53분 
On the puzzle screen I clicked the small X in the red circle and the door opened.
yolas 2022년 10월 28일 오전 9시 04분 
Thank you, I juste guessed that it was intended for the slingshot, but you were faster than me! ^^
Eirnin  [작성자] 2022년 10월 28일 오전 9시 04분 
@y0LAs. Thanks for your remark on the two items. The same pictures originally are intended. Because the tire on the tree maybe spoils the riddle. But yes, I also thought how to do this the best way possible ;) Maybe I will change it when I finished my next playthrough some time.
Also thank you for your second tip with the coal. I will put it in the guide.
yolas 2022년 10월 28일 오전 8시 55분 
For the "Lucky Coal" achievement, I think you missed the screenshot as it is the same as the previous achievement, and that there is no tire on a tree in it...
Also, for the "Black Screen of Death" achievement, it does pop up when you use the lump of coal on the screen.
Thank you for your work, anyway!
Eirnin  [작성자] 2022년 10월 24일 오전 12시 21분 
@Big Whoop. Thank you for your effort :) I will write it down in the section above.
Big Whoop 2022년 10월 23일 오전 1시 05분 
Just to confirm I finished the game and got the Hardcore achievement so clicking the question mark alone is fine so long as you don't expand any of the hints.
Eirnin  [작성자] 2022년 10월 18일 오전 8시 52분 
@Big Whoop. Unfortunately I cannot say for sure if your action wrecks the "hardcore" achievement. If you just clicked on the question mark and did nothing else I would say that you still can get the achievement (but I don't know it for sure) because you also get to choose other options. I would say if you haven't proceed very far into your play you can start a new game. Otherwise I would keep playing and hope it will unlock. If you know the puzzles the game isn't that long to play through again....
Another idea would be to post your question into the discussion forum because there are also the devs who could help you out. Good luck and have fun :)
Big Whoop 2022년 10월 16일 오전 3시 53분 
I clicked the question mark on the interface but didn't click to reveal anything further; have I wrecked my shot at the Hardcore achievement?