Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers

Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers

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Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers (Detailed Walkthrough).
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In 1995th my cousin Dmitry bought “Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers” and “Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within” when he was in UK. Dmitry played these games a little then left to me.
When I played “Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers” in 1995th, I used “Secrets of CD-ROM games” and “Encyclopedia of the best IBM PC games” books.
I hope my walkthrough will help you.
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Day One.
After Gabriel’s nightmare, Day One will begin.

St. George’s Book Shop.

Grace will tell you that she has located Historical Voodoo Museum and Dixieland Drug Store. Both of them are located in the French Quarter. Then Grace will give you a hand tape recorder. It’s a useful tool if you miss something important in dialogues. Question Grace. Exhaust a “Messages” topic. Grace will mention a Gabriel’s grandmother, NOPD. Detective Mosely, Gabriel’s friend and someone named “Wolfgang Ritter”. Ask her about “Herself”. Grace is quite satisfied with the fact that she works in the Gabriel’s book shop. She has the hobbies: Tai-Chi and painting. Open the cash register. Get 20$ gift certificate. Take the tweezers and magnifying glass from the table. Read the newspaper. It says that Voodoo aspect in the murders is fake, scaring tactics. Who knows? It’s YOUR job to find out. Horoscope says: Potential storms are ahead. Don’t get involved to anything new at this time. You are ALREADY involved. No time to retreat. Read two books from the top shelf near the ladder. One is to the left of ladder, another one to the right. First book is German poetry. Another one is contains information about snakes. Enter Gabriel’s bedroom. Get the hair gel in the bathroom and the flashlight from the dresser near the bed. Leave the bedroom. Leave the book shop. Drive to the Grandmother Knight’s House.

Grandmother Knight’s House.

Question Gabriel’s grandmother. Ask her about “Herself”. She is quite satisfied with her life. Ask her about “Knight Family” then exhaust “Harrison Knight”, “Philip Knight” and “Margaret Templeton Knight” topics. Gabriel’s grandmother will give you a HUGE family background and mention the St. Louis Cemetery #1. Finally, “Complement Her”.
Go to the attic. Get a sketchbook from the chair and read it in the Inventory. Looks like images of Gabriel’s father nightmares. Operate the old clock on the chest. Set up a time: 03:00. Move the clock ring until dragon face will be at 12. Then operate a clock key. The secret compartment will open.
Get an old photo and a letter. Look at the photo in the Inventory. There are three men on it. One of them is Gabriel’s grandfather. Two others are unknown yet. “Schloss Ritter, 1925.” was written on the photo. Read the letter. It’s in German. The letter was sent from Schloss Ritter, Rittersberg, West Germany and addressed to someone named “Heinz Ritter”. The only recognizable word is “Schattenjäger”. The letter is signed: “Wilhelm Ritter”. Exit the attic.
Question Gabriel’s grandmother once again. Ask her about “Schattenjäger”. Exhaust the “Heinz Ritter” Topics. Gabriel’s grandmother knows nothing about “Schattenjäger” but she’ll tell you about “Heinz Ritter”. It’s a strange story of Gabriel’s grandfather. His real name was “Heinz Ritter”, he emigrated to USA from Germany and legally changed his name (“Ritter” means “Knight” in English). Gabriel’s grandfather didn’t want to discuss his German past. Who is Wolfgang Ritter? A distant relative? “Complement Her” once again. Leave the grandmother’s house. Let’s visit Detective Mosely. Drive to the Police Station.

Police Station.

Question desk sergeant. Ask him about “Detective Mosely”. Mosely is at the crime scene. Ask about “Crime Scene” but desk sergeant won’t tell you. Ask about “Photographs”. The desk sergeant will give you a manila envelope. Open it in the Inventory. The manila envelope contains two photos. One photo shows young Mosely when he was at Police Academy. Another one is from the Voodoo Murders case file. It shows a victim of human sacrifice. Talk to the desk sergeant. A beignet vendor will arrive. The desk sergeant and policewoman will go to buy the beignets. It’s important. Remember it. You’ll need it later. It’s time to locate the crime scene. Leave the Police Station.

Jackson Square.

A motorcycle cop is bored. His radio is turned on. You need to distract the cop. Take a walk across the square, find a mime and lure him to the cop. The mime will distract him. Operate the motorcycle radio. You’ll overhear the police conversation. Now you know the location of the crime scene. It’s near the Lake Pontchartrain. Leave the Jackson Square.

Crime Scene.

Gabriel and Mosely will start conversation. An expensive car will stop near the crime scene. Watch the cut-scene. Yeah, it’s a love at first sight. Moseley will speak with a woman in the car then she’ll drive away. Mosley knows this woman. Her name is “Malia Gedde”. She is a lady of high society and extremely rich. Moseley and Gabriel will continue the conversation. Looks like the killers didn’t leave any concrete evidence. Mosely will tell Gabriel that he will be at the Police Station. Then he and his men will leave the crime scene.
It’s time to conduct your own investigation. Draw the part of the pattern on the ground down in the sketchbook. Use magnifying glass on the grass near the tree at the right. Keep doing it until you’ll find a small object. Get it with tweezers. Use the magnifying glass on the small object in the Inventory. It’s a snake scale hued with greens and purples. Finally get some clay from the lake shore. Read the partial pattern in the Inventory. It’s only a part of a whole pattern. What if the other parts were found at the other crime scenes? Maybe Mosely can help? You are done here. Drive to the Police Station.

Police Station.

Question the desk sergeant. Ask him about “Detective Mosely” and enter Mosely’s office. Question Mosely. Ask him about Voodoo Murders. Seven murders have taken place with same M.O. but Mosely doesn’t have any concrete evidence or trail to follow. Ask him about “Himself”. Mosely hopes to solve the “Voodoo Murders” case and get promoted. Ask him about “Case Status”. “Voodoo Murders” case doesn’t have any progress. Ask him about “Pattern Around Bodies” then “Other Six Patterns”. So, you are in the lucky streak. Mosely will allow you to see patterns from crime scenes. They are in the police file. You must ask officer Franks to access the file. Leave the Mosley’s office. Talk to policewoman. Say: “Can you get a file for me?” Franks will give you the file and warn: Don’t leave the police station with the file and don’t make the photocopies. Read the file in the inventory. Looks like these partial patterns are the part of one whole pattern. You desperately need that file but you have been already warned. You need to do something. Put the file back on the table and return to Mosely’s office. Question Mosely once again. Ask him about “Photographs”. Say: ”A cop/author photo might be nice”. Mosely will call officer Franks. She is the police photographer. Franks will take a photo. Say: “Hold on a sec while I go check my hair”. Leave the Moseley’s office. Get the file, make photocopy of the file (Photocopy machine is nearby) and put it back on the Franks’s table. Return to Mosely’s office. Franks will take another photo and leave. Leave the Mosely’s office then exit Police Station. It’s time for historical lesson. Drive to Historical Voodoo Museum.

Historical Voodoo Museum.

Question a girl. She doesn’t know anything particular. Dr. John, the owner, will arrive tomorrow. Operate the switch above the small coffin near the door. It will frighten the snake in the cage. Remember this. So, a historical lesson is postponed. Leave the museum. Drive to Dixieland Drug Store.
Day One (Continue).
Dixieland Drug Store.

Look at the sign on the counter to the left of the Willy Walker, the storekeeper. It’s says about St. John’s Eve and the “lagniappe”, a little extra: Master Gambling Oil and Lover Come Back To Me Oil with every purchase over 50$. Question Willy Walker. Ask him about “St. John’s Eve” but he will refuse to answer. Ask him about “Voodoo Murders”. Willy will tell a mysterious phrase: “Cabrit Sans Cor'”. Ask him about “Cabrit Sans Cor'” but Willy will deny saying that. It’s time to return home. Drive to St. George’s Book Shop.

St. George’s Book Shop.

Question Grace. Ask her about “Request Research” then “Check out Malia Gedde”.

Day One has ended.
Your score: 59 of 342.
Gabriel sees the same dream.
Day Two.
St. George’s Book Shop.

After Gabriel’s nightmare, Day Two begins.

After a little dispute, Grace tells Gabriel Malia Gedde’s address. Read the newspaper: Nothing new about “Voodoo Murders” case, some historical information on the Jackson Square. Horoscope warns: “The Dark Star can rise. Don’t trust your instincts”. I agree but sometimes the instincts are better than the pure mind. Leave the St. George Book Shop. Drive to the Jackson Square.

Jackson Square.

Go north to the St. Louis Cathedral. A technical artist is working. Enter the Cathedral.

St. Louis Cathedral.

Enter the dressing room at far right corner of the Cathedral. Get the priest collar and priest clothes. Return to the Jackson Square.

Jackson Square.

The wind will blow away the technical artist’s drawing. He will chase after it. Follow the artist. The drawing has fallen beyond the metal bars near the horse statue. The artist will try to reach it but fail. After the artist leaves the area try to reach drawing by yourself. No, you can’t reach it too. Go south. A boy is dancing. A Lucky Dog vendor is reading. Looks like, he likes to read. Give him the 20$ gift certificate. Gabriel needs some advertisement. Vendor will give you a Lucky Dog. Feed the dancing boy with it. He’ll eat the lucky dog ravenously. After a little lunch he’ll tell you that he can complete the “special requests”. Talk to the boy and ask him to retrieve artist’s drawing: “Can you fit through the bars around the statue?” The boy will easily reach the lost drawing. Go to the artist and return it to him. He will be very grateful and offer his help. Give him the photocopy of police file. Artist will tell you that these are the fragments of the whole pattern but one area is missing. Give him drawing from the crime scene near Lake Pontchartrain. Artist will tell you that he has all he needs and promises to reconstruct the pattern tomorrow. Let’s visit the Historical Voodoo Museum. Maybe Dr. John has returned?

Historical Voodoo Museum.

Question Dr. John. Ask him about “Voodoo” then exhaust “Historical Voodoo” Topic. It will be a LONG historical lesson. Exhaust “Marie Laveau” Topic. Looks like, Dr. John admires her. He’ll mention St. Louis Cemetery #1. Marie Laveau’s tomb is there. Exhaust a “Current Voodoo” Topic. Dr. John will tell you that many Voodoo sorceresses, Voodooiennes are making special Voodoo potions, “Gris Gris”. Dr. John knows one of them. Her name is “Magentia Moonbeam”. Dr. John promises to arrange a meeting with her. Ask Dr. John about “Himself”. Dr. John is a true enthusiast to be an owner of Historical Voodoo Museum. Exhaust a “Hoodoo” Topic. Hoodoo is the folk traditions of making Voodoo Spell Potions. Leave the museum. Drive to the St. Louis Cemetery #1.

St. Louis Cemetery #1.

Question the watchman. Exhaust “Marie Laveau” Topic. Watchman will tell you that the believers leave the offerings near Marie Laveau’s tomb and write strange markings on it. Dr. John visits Marie Laveau’s tomb every day. Exhaust “Other Marked Tombs” Topic. Watchman will tell you that he has seen very strange offerings near the tombs. Ask him about “St. Louis Cemetery #1”. It’s a really historical place.
Get the brick from the ground. Look at the unmarked tomb. There are strange symbols drawn on the wall. Draw them in the sketchbook. Leave the cemetery. Drive to the Moonbeam Residence.

Moonbeam Residence.

Question Magentia Moonbeam. Exhaust “St. John’s Eve” Topic. Looks like the St. John’s Eve is a great event in Voodoo. Magentia will mention the details of celebration: Bayou St. John, Lake Pontchartrain, dancing, huge bonfire and the animal masks. Ask her about “Herself”. She likes her occupation VERY MUCH to be Voodooienne. Ask her about “Snakes” then “Grimwald”. Magentia will refuse to give you the snake scales. Say: “Would you show me how you handle Grimwald?” When Magentia is dancing, quickly steal a snake skin from the cage. Use the magnifying glass on the Grimwald’s snake skin in the Inventory. The Grimwald’s snake scales are hued brown and don’t match to the snake scale from the Lake Pontchartrain. Give the sketch with mysterious symbols from the cemetery to Magentia. She will decipher it. Now you have a message: “DJ CONCLAVE TONIGHT BRING FWET KASH”.
“DJ” is easy to guess – “Dr. John”. You already know that he visits the cemetery every day. “CONCLAVE TONIGHT” – that’s clear. “BRING FWET KASH”. “FWET KASH”? This question remains unanswered yet. Looks like, someone is giving the instructions to Dr. John. Leave the Moonbeam Residence. Drive to the Dixieland Drug Store.

Dixieland Drug Store.

An old woman will enter the store. She will speak with Willy Walker and leaves. Her name is “Madam Cazaunoux”. Looks, like she knows something about Voodoo. Question Willy Walker. Ask him about “Madam Cazaunoux” but he’ll refuse to answer. Ask him about the “Animal Masks” then “Willy Jr”. Walker will sell the mask but only for 100$. You don’t have cash yet. Leave the store. Drive to the Police Station.

Police Station.

Question desk sergeant. Ask him about “Detective Mosely”. Open a swinging door and operate the temperature gauge near the Mosley’s office. Increase the temperature. Enter Mosely’s office. Wait until he takes off his coat then question him. Ask him about “Coffee”. Mosely will go for it. Steal a police badge from his jacket. Leave the Police Station. Drive to the Gedde Estate.

Gedde Estate.

Operate the door knocker. Say “I’d like to see Malia Gedde, please” and “I DO have official business” to the butler. Then show him the Mosely’s police badge. The butler will let you in.
Question Malia Gedde. Exhaust “Voodoo” Topic. Malia will mention the Historical Voodoo Museum. Ask her about “Herself”. Yes, it’s a great pressure to be a head of Geddes family. Ask her about “Lake Pontchartrain”. Malia doesn’t know anything about the murder near the lake. Finally, “Flirt with her”. Malia will expose Gabriel’s lie and show him out. Drive to St. George’s Book Shop.

St. George’s Book Shop.

Question Grace. Ask her about “Request Research” then “Look up a Madam Cazaunoux”.

Day Two has ended. This time there is something new in the Gabriel’s nightmare: The waved dagger which turns into three snakes.
Your score: 104 of 342.
Day Three.
After Gabriel’s nightmare, Day Three begins.

St. George’s Book Shop.

Grace was unable to locate Madam Cazaunoux but she gives you a phone book page. Read it in the Inventory. There are four persons who have “Cazaunoux” last names. It also contains the phone numbers of the Veterinary Clinic and Travel Agency. Bruno, the owner of a flower shop, will pay you a visit. He wants to buy Gabriel’s father painting. Say: “How much would you give me for it?” Bruno offers 100$. Grace will protest. Answer her: “Stay out of this, Grace”. Say to Bruno: “Fine. It’s yours”. Bruno will pay for the painting and leave. Question Grace. Exhaust the “Messages” Topic. Mosely has a suspect in custody! Great news! Maybe it’s a beginning of the good trail? Wolfgang Ritter called you and asked to call him back. Ask Grace about “Ritters’s Phone Nbr”. Grace gives you a Wolfgang’s phone number. Read the newspaper. There is a lecture on the “African Religions” at the Tulane University. Looks like another historical lesson. Horoscope warns: “An evil eye is upon you. Change course before it’s too late”. Well, it’s ALREADY late. No way back! Let’s check our police friend. Maybe you’ll find a good trail to follow? Drive to the Police station.

Police Station.

Question desk sergeant. Ask him about “Detective Mosely” and enter the Mosley’s office. After a little dispute, about the stolen badge Mosely will start to interrogate Crash (the suspect). But Crash won’t tell anything. Mosely must let him go after 24 hours. Good trail didn’t start. Question Mosely. Ask him about the “Case Status”. Mosely hoped that Crash would give him a lead but interrogation failed. Leave the Police Station. Now let’s check the artist. Maybe a reconstructed pattern will shed some light on the “Voodoo Murders” case? Drive to the Jackson Square.

Jackson Square.

Go to the technical artist. Talk to him. The artist reconstructed the pattern but something frightened him. Read the pattern in the Inventory. Yeah, the pattern is containing something scary. Go to the left of the artist. There is Madam Lorelei, the palm reader. When she starts the dance, assist her (“GET” icon). She’ll drop her veil. Get it. Use the magnifying glass on the Madam Lorelei’s veil in the Inventory, notice a snake scale on it and use tweezers on the veil. Use the magnifying glass on the new snake scale. It’s hued olive green and doesn’t match the snake scale from the Lake Pontchartrain. Return the veil to Madam Lorelei. She’ll do a palm reading for you. Madam Lorelei will tell you about a mysterious, dangerous woman. Suddenly something will frighten Madam Lorelei and she’ll run away. It’s time for another historical lesson. Leave the Jackson Square. Drive to the Tulane University.

Tulane University.

Prepare to a VERY long historical lesson. Watch and listen carefully. “Fwet kash” means a “Ritual whip”, “Sekey madoule” means a “Small ritual coffin”. Have you seen the small coffin before? Gabriel will fall asleep and see a weird nightmare with the coffin. Professor Hartridge will wake him up. Enter the Hartridge’s office. Show him the victim’s photo from the Mosely’s manila envelope. Question the professor Hartridge. Exhaust the “Black Voodoo” Topic. Black Voodoo is a very dangerous thing. Nobody in New Orleans is safe. Ask him about “Carbit Sans Cor’”. It means a “Goat without horns”. It’s a human sacrifice. Show the reconstructed pattern to Hartridge. That will interest Hartridge VERY much. He’ll tell you that Voodoo in New Orleans is AUTHENTIC! It’s NOT the fake! He’ll make a copy of pattern to research it and promises to call you to the St. George’s Book Shop. Leave the University. It’s time to find out more about Wolfgang Ritter. Who is he after all? Drive to Grandmother’s Knight House.

Grandmother’s Knight House.

Question Gabriel’s grandmother. Exhaust the “Wolfgang Ritter” Topic. Wolfgang is Gabriel’s grandfather brother and Gabriel’s great Uncle. “Complement Her”. Leave the Gabriel’s grandmother house. Drive to the St. George’s Book Shop.

St. George’s Book Shop.

Question Grace. Ask her about “Request Research” then “I have the pattern I need you to research”. Go to the bedroom. Call to Madam Cazaunoux. A correct phone number is 555-1280. She’ll refuse to talk to you but you’ve overheard her pet nickname: “Castro”. Call to the Cajun Critters Veterinary Clinic: 555-6170. Say: “Do you have a Madam Cazaunoux as a client?” and “I am worried about Castro. He’s missed three dance lessons”. You’ll get the Madam Cazaunoux address. Call to Uncle Wolfgang: 49-09-324-3333. After a small dispute, Wolfgang will tell to Gabriel that he will send a journal of Gabriel’s ancestor. Wolfgang insists that Gabriel will read this journal. Let’s check Madam Cazaunoux. Maybe she knows something? Leave the St. George’s Book Shop. Drive to Cazaunoux Residence.

Cazaunoux Residence.

Use the priest clothes and hair gel on Gabriel. Select clay from the lake in the Inventory. Operate a door knocker. Say: “Father MacLaughlin ta see ye”. Madam Cazaunoux will let you in. Question the Madam Cazaunoux. Ask her about “Carbit Sans Cor’” and give a correct answer: “It means “goat without horns.”” You’ve impressed her. Looks like, she knows something about human sacrifice. Ask her about “Human Sacrifice”. She’ll mention the REAL Voodoo Queens. Ask her about the “Real Voodoo Queens”. Madam Cazaunoux will tell you that Marie Laveau was only a decoy, a figurehead. Real Voodoo Queens were practicing secretly in the secret Voodoo Hounfour. Ask her about the “Voodoo Hounfour”. Looks like Madam Cazaunoux is too scared to tell something concrete. She inherited a snake bracelet, important item in secret Voodoo but she afraid of it. Madam Cazaunoux will ask you for blessing snake bracelet. Use clay from the lake on the bracelet during the “blessing”. Now you have a clay mold of this important item. Madam Cazaunoux feels better after your “blessing”. Leave Cazaunoux Residence. You have 100$ now. It’s time to buy an animal mask. Drive to the Dixieland Drug Store.

Dixieland Drug Store.

Buy ”Willy Jr.” crocodile mask for 100$. Walker will give you a “lagniappe” – Master Gambling Oil. Leave the Dixieland Drug Store. Drive to the Napoleon House.

Napoleon House.

Question the bartender. Exhaust “Voodoo” topic. Bartender will tell you that one of bar patrons used Voodoo. Exhaust the “Bar Patrons” Topic. Bartender will tell you that Sam and Markus played chess for 20 years. Sam was always loosing. Exhaust the “Sam and Voodoo” topic. Bartender will tell you that Sam charmed one girl 50 years ago by using Voodoo Spell Potion. Now she is his wife. Exhaust the “Street Musicians”. Bartender will tell you that the drummer outside the bar is drumming a repeatable sequence. It’s a useful hint. You’ll need it later.
You have “Master Gambling Oil”. Let’s try it. Offer that Oil to Sam. Say: “This is a powerful Voodoo oil”, “This Voodoo oil could make a NUN get lucky” and “Ever wonder why Markus wins every time?” Looks like you’ve convinced Sam. Bartender will make him a cocktail with Master Gambling Oil and Sam will return to the chess table.
Sometime later Sam will win the chess match and become VERY happy. Sam will tell you that if you need a favor, just ask him. Give him the clay mold of the snake bracelet. Sam is a jeweler and promises to make a replica of bracelet tomorrow. Leave the Napoleon House. Drive to the St. Louis Cemetery #1.

St. Louis Cemetery #1.

Walk right until you’ll reach the Gedde’s tomb. Malia will come out of it. Gabriel and Malia will talk and she leaves. Leave the St. Louis Cemetery #1.

Gabriel will return home. Grace will leave St. George’s Book Shop. Malia will appear. After a little, dispute Gabriel will let her in. Watch the love scene.

Day Three has ended. And Gabriel doesn’t have the nightmare at the night!
Your score: 150 of 342.
Attention! Advertisement!
When the lecture is over in the Tulane University, look at the bulletin board. You must find a name: Laura Bow Dorian. If you are fan of the detective game genre, these links are for you: and
Day Four.
Day Four begins.

St. George’s Book Shop.

Grace gives you an old newspaper clipping dated by 1810th. Read it in the Inventory. It says that ritualistic murder had taken place more than 100 years ago. The patterns around the bodies looked like Gabriel’s reconstructed pattern. Read the newspaper. Damn! The police have closed the “Voodoo Murders” case! The newspaper says that it was a “little criminal war” and now it’s over. Horoscope warns: “Death walks close to you today. Resist temptation lest His eye fall on you, too”. It’s a reasonable warning. It’s time to talk seriously with Mosely! Leave the shop. Drive to the Police Station.

Police Station.

Question desk sergeant. Ask him about “Detective Mosely”. After that Gabriel overhears the conversation between a desk sergeant and officer Franks. They are unhappy that beignet vendor left the place near the Police Station. Enter the Mosley’s office. Question Mosely. Exhaust the “Case Status” Topic. Mosely will tell you that there was a war between the criminals. Now they’ve left New Orleans. There is nothing to worry about. Ask him about “Reopen Case” Topic. Mosely will tell that he needs the hard evidence to reopen the case. You must prove that the Voodoo in New Orleans is authentic, prove that there is a threat and find a good, solid lead on the Voodoo Сult. It’s time to detective work! Leave the Police Station. Let’s check out Sam. The replica of the snake bracelet must be ready. Drive to the Napoleon House.

Napoleon House.

Sam celebrates his victory. He’ll offer you the replica. It’s time to visit Madam Lorelei. Maybe she’ll explain her strange behavior? Leave the Napoleon House. Drive to the Jackson Square.

Jackson Square.

Crash is here! He is coughing and doesn’t look well. Try to talk with Crash but he is too scared. Go to Madam Lorelei booth. She has returned! Talk to her. Watch the weird cut-scene. Let’s try to spy on Crash. Leave the Jackson Square. Drive to the Jackson Square Overlook.

Jackson Square Overlook.

Operate the first pair of binoculars on the far left. You’ll see that Crash has said something to the drummer then went to the St. Louis Cathedral. Let’s try to question him. Leave the Jackson Square Overlook. Drive to the St. Louis Cathedral.

St. Louis Cathedral.

Try to question Crash. He’ll refuse to answer. Then show him snake bracelet’s replica. After that Crash will talk. He’ll show his snake tattoo and say that it is an important sign in the Voodoo Cult. Question Crash once again. Ask him about the “Drummer”. Crash will tell about the secret Rada drum code. So, these street drummers aren’t just plain musicians. They are messengers! You must find out about their secret code. Ask him about “Voodoo”. Crash will tell you that Voodoo in New Orleans is REAL! It's NOT a fake! Ask Crash about “Voodoo Hounfour”. Crash will tell you that secret Voodoo Cartel is ruled by the very powerful persons. They control everything in New Orleans. These people have money and power. He’ll confess that there is a secret underground Voodoo temple but he doesn’t know where exactly. Something strange will happen with Crash and he’ll die. The good trail has ended so sadly. Look at Crash body. His death wasn’t a pleasant one. Open a Crash’s T – Shirt and draw down his snake tattoo in the sketchbook.

St. George’s Book Shop.

It’s time to go home. Day Four ends. After Grace leaves the shop, Gabriel calls to Malia and she let him come to her. And, not surprisingly, Gabriel didn’t have the nightmare once again.
Your score: 165 of 342.
Day Five.
Day Five begins.

St. George’s Book Shop.

Gabriel has returned from Malia and entered the book shop. The package from Germany has arrived. Phone will ring. It’s professor Hartridge. Looks like he has made a breakthrough in research of Gabriel‘s reconstructed pattern. He is too agitated. You’d better pay him a visit. The package contains a letter from Wolfgang and a journal of Gabriel’s ancestor. In the letter Wolfgang asks Gabriel to read the journal carefully. It will help Gabriel to understand Ritter’s family background. Read the journal in the inventory. In this journal describes witch-hunting mission of Gabriel’s ancestor, Gunter Ritter, in the Charleston. He fell in love with a beautiful African woman named “Tetelo”. Tetelo turn out to be a witch, and Gunter betrayed her. But Tetelo managed to steal Ritter's family talisman. Gunter begs for forgiveness of his father. Sad story. Read the newspaper. Gabriel doesn’t want to read about “Voodoo Murders” case and turns right to the horoscope. It says: “The shadow upon you is not longer reversible”. Looks like, that’s correct. Question Grace. Ask her about “Request Research” then “See what you can find on Rada drums”. Let’s visit Professor Hartridge. What did he find out? Leave the St. George’s Book Shop. Drive to the Tulane University.

Tulane University.

Enter the professor’s office. Too late! Hartridge is dead! Another trail ends so sadly. Look at his body. Hartridge’s death is similar to Crash’s one. Get the notes from the table and read it in the Inventory. Notes look strange. The Agris tribe? Damballah? Ogoun Badagris? The People’s Republic of Benin? And the reconstructed pattern? Do these terms have anything to do with reconstructed pattern? There are more questions than answers. Leave the University. Malia mentioned the Historical Voodoo Museum. Let’s ask Dr. John about her. Drive to the Historical Voodoo Museum.

Historical Voodoo Museum.

Damn! The snake has fallen from above and starts strangling you. Operate the fan switch quickly! Dr. John will arrive with excuses. He’ll tell you that museum is closed and he didn’t wait for any visitors. Gabriel leaves the museum automatically. Drive to the St. George’s Book Shop.

St. George’s Book Shop.

When Gabriel enters the book shop, Grace notices something on his face. She removes it. Use the magnifying glass on the ashtray. It’s a snake scale. Use the tweezers on the ashtray. Use magnifying glass on the new snake scale. Its hued greens and purples and matches with the snake scale from the Lake Pontchartrain! What a surprise! Gabriel places these two snake scales together. It’s time to re-convince Mosely! Leave the book shop. Drive to the Police Station.

Police Station.

Question desk sergeant, ask him about “Detective Mosely” then enter the Mosely’s office. Question Mosely. Report him about Crash and professor Hartridge murders. It won’t convince Mosely because M.O. doesn’t match. Show him the Hartridge notes and reconstructed pattern. You’ve proved that Voodoo in New Orleans is authentic. Show Mosely the old newspaper clipping. Mosely will believe that Voodoo Cult is a threat. And, finally, show him the two identical snake scales. Now Mosely have a good, solid lead. Congratulations! You’ve re-convinced Mosely! He will reopen the “Voodoo Murders” case and thank you for an excellent detective work. But it looks like Mosely is going to investigate the case alone. He and Gabriel leave the Moseley’s Office. Before leaving Mosely advises Gabriel to lay low, he’ll handle the case by his own. Leave the Police Station.

Gabriel returns home. Day Five ends. After Grace leaves Gabriel calls to Malia but she is unavailable. The nightmare starts again. But this time there is something new in it: The flaming ring within a flaming ring.
Your score: 188 of 342.
Day Six.
After Gabriel’s nightmare, Day Six begins.

St. George’s Book Shop.

When Grace enters the book shop, she sees a disgusting sight! Grace wants to call the police but Gabriel manages himself. Grace offers the Rada drums codebook. Sometime later someone drops something through the front door window. Get it. It’s an envelope, open it in the Inventory. The envelope contains a note and a key. Read the note. It’s a Mosely’s note. The note says that Mosely has gone underground. This case is too dangerous for an amateur. Mosely has sent the key of his office. There are some useful things. Mosely asks to save this note for the Gabriel’s book. Read the newspaper. It contains some historical info on the St. John’s Eve. Horoscope says: “Today you will either die, or your life will change forever”. How will it change?
Looks like Gabriel wants to visit St. John’s Eve celebration. As Crash said, he must have a snake tattoo. Offer the snake tattoo sketch to Grace. Say: “I’m going to a party tonight. Costume, you know.” and “Well, if you’re jealous about my feelings for her….” Finally Grace will paint the snake tattoo on the Gabriel’s chest.
Well, you have the Rada drums codebook. Remember the conversation between Crash and Cartel messenger (the drummer)? Let’s visit him. Leave the book shop. Drive to the Jackson Square.

Jackson Square.

Go to the Cartel messenger. Use the Rada drums codebook on him and start to decipher the message. The first word will be “CALL CONCLAVE”. Turn the book page. The second one is “TONIGHT”. Turn the book page again. The final word is “SWAMP”. Looks like the “conclave” will take place at Bayou St. John. But where is exactly? Maybe you’ll find the useful equipment in the Mosley’s office? But Mosely is absent and desk sergeant won’t let you in. You need to distract him. Remember the beignet vendor? Find him at Jackson Square. Talk to vendor. Say: “Say, haven’t I seen you before?”, “You say you used to be at Royal and Conti?”, “Why don’t you go back there?” and “I definitely think you should go back to Royal and Conti.” You’ve convinced the vendor to return to the Police Station. Leave the Jackson Square. Drive to the Police Station.

Police Station.

Beignet vendor will arrive. Desk sergeant and officer Franks will go to buy food. A classic walkthrough says: “Sneak into Moseley’s office while desk sergeant is buying food”. It doesn’t work in Steam version. I watched a solution at YouTube.
Select Moseley’s office key in the inventory. When desk sergeant returns to his place, leave the Police Station. Then return. SAVE YOUR GAME! Keep opening the Mosely’s office door. Ignore desk sergeant. If it’s won’t work load saved game. Sooner or later you’ll enter inside. Use the Mosely’s office key on the office door quickly!
In the Mosely’s office open the bottom left desk drawer and look inside. You’ll find a tracking device. Get it. You’ll get the two signal devices too. Close the drawer. Exit Mosely’s office. Desk sergeant will throw you out. Leave the Police Station. Drive to the Historical Voodoo Museum.

Historical Voodoo Museum.

Question Dr. John. Ask him about “Malia Gedde”. As you remember, she has mentioned the museum. Dr. John will deny that he knows Malia. Look at small coffin near the door. It’s a sekey madoule! Place the signal device into sekey madoule. Now somebody must bring it to the final destination. If you remember Dr. John visits the St. Louis Cemetery #1 every day and someone writes the instructions for “DJ”. Coincidence? Let’s try it anyway. Dr. John will show you out. Drive to the St. Louis Cemetery #1.

St. Louis Cemetery #1.

Looks like, there are new symbols on the Marie Laveau’s tomb. Draw them down to sketchbook. Read the new symbols in the Inventory then use the sketch with known symbols on the unknown ones. You’ll get a new message: “DJ KEEP E?ES ON GK B?T DO NOT HAR?” Three symbols remain unknown but it’s easy to guess: “DJ KEEP EYES ON GK BUT DO NOT HARM”. Looks like, someone forbade to do any harm to you, someone merciful. Who could it be? It’s time to give your own instructions to “DJ”. Remember the first message? “DJ CONCLAVE TONIGHT BRING FWET KASH”. Just change “fwet kash” to the “sekey madoule”. Wait until watchman leaves the area and use a brick on the tomb’s wall. Write: “DJ CONCLAVE TONIGHT BRING SEKEY MADOULE”. Then exit. Leave the St. Louis Cemetery #1. Drive to the Bayou St. John.

Bayou St. John.

Use the tracker device on Gabriel. There is a dot on it. Follow the directions towards the dot until you reach the bonfire. Use a crocodile mask on Gabriel. Answer “Damballah” one the first Dr. John (Brother Eagle) question and “Ogoun Badagris” on the second one (Remember professor Hartridge’s lecture?) Celebration will begin. Suddenly spirit of Tetelo (Remember the Gunter’s journal?) will ride Malia. Something unthinkable will begin. Gabriel will try to escape and then someone will save him.

Day Six has ended.
Your score: 225 of 342.
Day Seven.
Day Seven begins.

St. George’s Book Shop.

Grace will wake Gabriel up and explain to him everything what happened last night. She followed him to the St. John’s celebration and saved him from the Tetelo. Malia Gedde is the head priestess of Voodoo Cartel. Grace advises Gabriel to call Uncle Wolfgang to Germany.

Call Wolfgang: 49-09-324-3333.

Gabriel re-tells him the latest events. Exhaust the “Schattenjäger” Topic. Wolfgang will explain the role of Ritter’s (Schattenjäger) family. They are fighting against supernatural evil since 13th century. Exhaust the “Tetelo” Topic. Wolfgang will explain that Tetelo is a primary Loa (Spirit) who possesses the female descendants of Gedde’s family. Wolfgang also will mention the Gunter’s journal and the events in the Charleston. Exhaust the “Talisman” Topic. Wolfgang will tell that Ritter’s talisman was a main weapon against evil until Tetelo had stolen it in the 17th century. It’s a top priority to regain the talisman. Ask him about “Tetelo’s Remains”. Wolfgang will suggest locating the remains of Tetelo’s tribe in the Africa. Ask him about “African Homeland”. Gabriel will mention “People’s Republic of Benin” (A phrase from Hartridge’s notes). It will inspire Wolfgang. He’ll tell that he must immediately to do some research and invite Gabriel to Schloss Ritter castle. Leave the bedroom. Read the newspaper. There is nothing about “Voodoo Murders” Case. It says there are many rumors about St. John’s Eve. Horoscope says: “Wise is the warrior who knows when to fight and when to get the hell out of Dodge”. This is so obvious. Leave the book shop. Drive to St. Louis Cemetery #1. Maybe Gabriel will meet Malia again?

St. Louis Cemetery #1.

Walk to the Geddes tomb. The button of the tomb door is opened. Operate it. You’ll find yourself inside the Geddes tomb. It is dark here. Lights are broken. Turn on the flashlight. Open the central tomb drawer. Mosely is dead! Damn! You’ve dropped the flashlight. When you were searching it, somebody has knocked you out. Sometime later, open the central tomb drawer again. Mosely’s body is gone! There is a wallet here. Get it and open in the Inventory. You’ll get a credit card. Operate the red button on the right wall. Walk to the exit. Leave the cemetery. Drive to the St. George’s Book Shop.

St. George’s Book Shop.

Grace will tell you: Uncle Wolfgang has called again. He said that he has found what he was looking for. You can come to the castle at any time. You are a rightful heir. Go to the bedroom. Call to the “C” World Travel Agency: 585-1130. Say: “How much for a trip to Rittersberg, Germany?” and “Charge it to my Americans Repressed”. Leave the bedroom. Gabriel informs Grace that he is going to Germany. Leave the book shop. Drive to the New Orleans International Airport.

Schloss Ritter, West Germany.

Gerde will meet you. Wolfgang Ritter is absent. He didn’t tell where he went. Gerde worries about him. Question her. Exhaust the “Schattenjäger” Topic. Gerde will re-tell a Wolfgang’s story. Ask her about “Wolfgang”. Gerde will tell you a sad story of the old man. She also mentions the Schattenjäger’s library. Only Schattenjäger can enter it. Exhaust the “Ritters Family” Topic. Ritters was a prospering family until 17th century. Then the Rittters Family started to decline. Looks like the loss of Ritter’s talisman played its role. Exhaust the “Schloss Ritter” Topic. The castle needs urgent repairs. Go upstairs. Try to open the door. It’s locked. Read an inscription above the door. It’s in German. Return to Gerde. Walk left to her. It’s a Ritter’s chapel. Look at the panels. Return to Gerde. Question her. Ask her about the “Portal Poem”. Gerde will translate it. Ask her about the “Chapel Panels” then “Initiation Ceremony”. Gerde will tell you that each Schattenjäger must pass it. Get a shaker of salt near Gerde. Get a Schattenjäger’s dagger near the staircase. Go upstairs. Get the scissors, chamber pot and scroll. Open the window. Operate the snow. Look at the mirror. Use scissors on Gabriel. Go downstairs and enter Ritters chapel. Place the chamber pot on the altar. Pour the salt in the chamber pot. Use Ritter’s dagger on Gabriel. Operate the altar. Gabriel will kneel. Use the scroll on Gabriel. Something will happen! Ritter’s magic? No, it’s just Gerde were vacuuming. It’s time to go to the bed.

Day Seven has ended. Gabriel will see a strange dream at night. He is speaking with the dragon, then kills him with the sword. A key appears at the end of dream.
Your score: 256 of 342.
Day Eight.
After Gabriel’s strange dream, Day Eight begins.

Schloss Ritter, West Germany.

Get the key seen in the dream. Walk to Gerde. She wishes you “good morning.” Question her. Ask her about the “Key”. She doesn’t know anything about it. Either Gabriel’s dream has come true or Gerde snuck to the bedroom at night and put the key. Go upstairs. Try to unlock the door. The key fits! You’ll find yourself in the library. So, it means that you are a new Schattenjäger now, but you are rookie. You must prove yourself. Defeating the Voodoo Cult is a suitable work for the new Schattenjäger!
But let’s back to work. You must reconstruct the Wolfgang’s research and track down his current location. Look at shelves until you find a “People’s Republic of Benin” book. Get it and read. Now you need to find “The Primal Ones” book. Get it and read. You need to find “Ancient Roots of Africa” book. Get it and read. You need to find “Sun Worshippers” book. Get it and read. Now find and read “Ancient Digs of Africa” book. Book contains a picture: Wheel-within-a-Wheel. Gabriel decides to keep this book. Now you’ve got Wolfgang’s trail! Exit the library. Walk downstairs. Offer “Ancient Digs of Africa” book to Gerde and say: “We can use my credit card”.

Day Eight has ended.
Your score: 267 of 342.

Day Nine.
Day Nine begins.

People’s Republic of Benin. Outside of the Snake Mound.

After a brief conversation with the driver, walk to the Snake Mound.

Snake Mound. Outer Circle.

Walk around the Outer Circle and collect the tiles. Each tile has a hole. Look at them in the Inventory. Number of snakes means digit. Circular snakes mean “eight”. Only 12th and 7th (door to the Inner Circle) tiles are stuck. Walking around you’ll find a blue stick. Get it. It’s a snake rod, a ritualistic object. Place the tiles in the correct digital order. If you are a success, you’ll hear a “score” sound. Go to the 3rd tile. WARNING! SAVE THE GAME IN THE DIFFERENT SLOT! Insert snake rod in the hole on the 3rd tile. Something will happen. Mummies will start to resurrect. Quickly rush to the northern passageway. Do it again in the next room. In the third room you must outsmart the mummy. Run to the right. Mummy will follow you. Then run to the northern wall and rush to the passageway. There are three mummies in the next room. Quickly operate the vines! Door to the Inner Circle in the next room is opened. Uncle Wolfgang will appear and start to distract mummies with the torch. He asks you to close the door to the Inner Circle. Use the snake rod on the knothole near the door. Gabriel and Wolfgang will find themselves in the Inner Circle.

Snake Mound. Inner Circle.

Wolfgang doesn’t look good. Show him the letter and photograph from Gabriel’s grandmother house. Wolfgang will translate the letter. Photograph shows Wolfgang, his brother and Gabriel’s grandfather, Heinz Ritter and their father, Wilhelm Ritter. Walk right to the altar. Look at the ornament on the base of the altar. Wolfgang will decipher a story of Geddes tribe. Look at the bar holes on the altar. Get two iron bars from the wall and insert them into the holes. Then operate the iron bars. The altar is stuck. It needs a human heart. Wolfgang will ask Gabriel to cut out the heart of dead mummy. Walk left and use the Schattenjäger’s dagger on the dead mummy. Watch the cut-scenes. Wolfgang will die a horrible death and Gabriel retrieves the long lost Ritter’s talisman. Meanwhile, Grace talks to Gerde by phone. Then something weird happens in the St. George’s Book Shop.

Day Nine has ended.
Your score: 293 of 342.
Day Ten.
Day Ten begins.

Gabriel returns home to New Orleans. He notices such an OBIVOUS clue from the airplane.

New Orleans International Airport.

Drive to the St. George’s Book Shop.

St. George’s Book Shop.

Grace disappeared! Read the newspaper. It describes the city chronicle. Horoscope says: “Gird thyself with mercy, arm thyself with righteousness. The final hour awaits”. I agree. The new Schattenjäger has arrived! The Final Battle begins! Read the note. It’s from Malia. She informs Gabriel that Tetelo has kidnapped Grace. Malia also advises Gabriel to return the Ritter’s talisman and escape from New Orleans.
Suddenly Mosely will come out of the Gabriel’s bedroom. He is ALIVE! He will explain what happened in the Geddes tomb. Mosely was searching it then he has heard that someone comes. He broked the ceiling lamp and hide himself in the tomb drawer. Mosely knocked Gabriel out because he thought that he could be one of Voodoo Cult. Then Mosely will advise Gabriel to talk in the bedroom because someone can watch them. Return the wallet and credit card to Mosely. Question Mosely: Ask him about “Fill Me In” and “Fill Him In”. Gabriel and Mosely will exchange the information. Ask him about “Grace”. Rescuing Grace is a top priority. Ask him about “Make a Plan”. Mosely and Gabriel will work out their strategy: Gabriel must find the entrance to the Voodoo Cartel Headquarters and place a signal device near it. Mosely will join Gabriel. Together they must rescue Grace then find the concrete evidence and send them straight to the FBI. Gabriel gives the tracker device to Mosely and then Mosely leaves. Leave the bedroom. Leave the book shop. Drive to the St. Louis Cathedral.

St. Louis Cathedral.

Enter the confessional right to the priest room. Find a knothole on the wall and insert the snake rod in it. The confessional starts to move. It’s an elevator! Place the signal device and snake rod under the kneeler. Exit the confessional. Elevator will return to the Cathedral. So, the only way OUT is the way IN!

Voodoo Cartel Headquarters. Outer Circle.

Voodoo Cartel temple was built like a Benin’s one: Outer circle and Inner circle. Doors are positioned in the digital order: They have the number signs. “Stick” means “five”, “dash” means “one”. Some doors are electronically locked. The keycard is in the 2nd room. But Dr. John (Brother Eagle) is there too. You must find the way to distract him. Walk to the 7th room. Enter it. Get two masks and two robes (Boar and Wolf disguises). Exit the room. In the 10th room there is some sort of a zoo. Animals are probably for the sacrifices. In the 3rd room Gabriel will see a spiritual session between Malia and spirit of Tetelo. They will start arguing. Malia doesn’t believe that Gabriel will betray her. So, you MUSTN’T. Exit the Malia’s room. In the 4th room get the black record book. Nicknames of Voodoo Cult members are written there. And their drum codes. Go to the Inner Circle.

Voodoo Cartel Headquarters. Inner Circle.

Look at the base of the altar. Gabriel will decipher the further story of the Geddes tribe. SAVE YOUR GAME! Use Rada drums codebook or black record book on the drums. Select “SUMMON”, choose other book and select “BROTHER EAGLE”. Select “Exit”. Exit the Inner Circle.

Voodoo Cartel Headquarters. Outer Circle.

Go to the 2nd room, get the keycard and exit. Go to the 1st room, use the keycard and go inside. There is a Voodoo Cartel treasure room. Rob the treasure. Use GET icon three times. Gabriel needs money to repair his castle in Germany. Exit the treasure room. Go to the 11th room, use the keycard and go inside. This is a Voodoo Cartel morgue. Dead bodies! Damn, how many people they sacrificed? Well, you’ve found the hard evidence for FBI. Now it’s time to rescue Grace. Go to the 8th room, use the keycard and go inside. Grace is here! Moseley will arrive. Voodoo ceremony is started, you must act quickly. Use the talisman on Grace. She’ll wake up. Gabriel, Mosely and Grace will work out their strategy. Give the boar outfit to Mosely. Use the wolf outfit on Gabriel. Dr. John (Brother Eagle) will come and call Gabriel and Mosely to the ceremony in the Inner Circle.

Voodoo Cartel Headquarters. Inner Circle.

Wait until Malia (Tetelo) starts sacrificing Grace. Use the talisman on Malia (Tetelo). Watch the cut-scene. Mosely will “sacrifice” Dr. John (Brother Eagle). Altar will open. When Malia (Tetelo) starts to threat Mosely and Grace, throw the talisman to Mosely. They can leave the area safely. You are unarmed now. When Malia (Tetelo) will grab you, quickly get and break the idol on the altar. Earthquake will happen! Malia will hang on the edge of the rift. It’s time to break the vicious cycle! Do not repeat the Gunter’s betrayal! Save Malia (GET Icon)! Watch the cut-scene and ending movie.

Day Ten ends. And the game.

Your score: 342 of 342. Congratulations!

5 Yorum
Stranger  [yaratıcı] 21 May @ 18:28 
Sorry about the old clock, Handfradze! I've posted screenshot at Day One.
Handfradze 13 May @ 19:34 
Woooow! I finally got it! The German poem tell you about "the three dragons"! Even I, as a native German speaker, coudn't figure this one out! How hard must it be if you have to rely on the (in-game) German-English dictionary! O_O
Handfradze 13 May @ 18:45 
Thank you for the walkthrough!
... but ...

Quote: "Operate the old clock on the chest. Set up a time: 03:00. Move the clock ring until dragon face will be at 12. Then operate a clock key. The secret compartment will open."

HOW do you figure that out?! It's a bit boring to have the solution to a riddle and don't know WHY it is the solution... every walkthrough just tells it that way... althrough this one is a detailed one (You didn't lie! That's great!)
Stranger  [yaratıcı] 11 May 2023 @ 12:49 
Рад был помочь.
COMPANION CUBE 8 May 2023 @ 10:08 
Спасибо огромное! :p2cube: