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Questions and Answers
Από Kara Coder
Some of the most common questions about AudioSpace answered.
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What is this?
AudioSpace is a virtual space for enjoying visualized audio. It can be used both for personal entertainment and for professional purposes such as video production, live performances and streaming. Get it now and experience your favorite music like never before! 🎶😍
How does this work?
AudioSpace creates nice visuals from sounds that come out of your PC (for example when playing back some music) or into it (for example from a microphone). You just start it up, select the visualization mode, and enjoy.

Tutorials can be found here:
Basic use
Advanced use
What do I get for my money?
You'll get lifetime ownership of AudioSpace and permission to use it both for your own entertainment and as part of your non-commercial video productions and streams. Regarding commercial use, please drop a short message to to receive permission and possibly also some giveaway gifts for your streams. All future updates will be free for you, and after downloading you won't even need to be online.
Can I used this in my stream / video / live concert?
Yes! Just send a message to about where and when this will happen - and if you are a streamer, mentioning that anyone can get their own copy of AudioSpace from Steam would naturally be appreciated! 😁
How can I support this project?
As this is not a monthly subscription, each purchase is vital for the future development of the best audio visualizer this side of the galaxy! ✨ Therefore, the best help you can give is to rate AudioSpace positively in the store (if you like it, that is 🤔). No need to write long reviews or anything (unless you like to), just a thumbs-up is plenty. Also, if you encounter a bug or have other challenges using AudioSpace, please reach out first via forums or by mailing directly instead of writing an angry review - those hurt us small developers more than you might think. And after all, quite often it's just a matter of exceeding minimum hardware requirements or some such triviality anyways.
What should I know about running this in VR?
For VR use, first check that AudioSpace is compatible with your gear. Supported devices are listed on the store page.

Standing, sitting and roomscale VR are all supported. On the very first run, AudioSpace resets your position and orientation in the virtual world. VR position and orientation can also be reset at runtime with Home key or controller thumbstick click, but the preferred way is to use the "Recenter" functionality of your OpenXR Runtime (such as SteamVR).

Left motion controller is generally dedicated for movement, and right one for rotations. Controller buttons have also mappings, check the in-game console by the doorway for more info.
How can I get better synchronization of music and visuals?
When the visualization is lagging behind, it is usually caused by a latency delay in audio hardware or drivers. This tends to be a challenge especially when monitoring input audio (e.g. from microphone).

Normally AudioSpace uses the Windows Audio Session API (WASAPI) as audio source. If your audio equipment supports it, you can probably get smaller latency by using ASIO drivers instead. To use ASIO drivers, just set "useASIO=true" in Documents/AudioSpace/config.ini and start enjoying better sync. Currently used driver is displayed at the in-app console by the doorway. Tip: buffer sizes can usually be adjusted through your ASIO driver's control panel; keep them as small as possible for minimal latency.
How do the presets work?
Each preset contains full configuration for your AudioSpace room, as well as your position and orientation. All changes are automatically saved to current preset, so when you restart AudioSpace, everything should be just as when you left. Exception is your position and orientation, those you can save to current preset by pressing Enter (or a controller button, see the in-game console) at any time.

You can change the current preset either with a number key (0..9) or by zapping a preset button in the menu. If 10 presets are not enough, press Page Up or Page Down to access another set of 10 presets. All in all, 100 presets are available, from 0 to 99.
What do the "random" buttons do?
For each visualization element, randomization is available for both the color palette and the parameters. When activated with the button and the small triangular arrows for any (or even all) of these, new colors or values are selected at random whenever there is a silent moment in the audio stream. Typically this happens between the tracks of a playlist.

Presets can also be randomized in the same way: when enabled, a random (used) preset is selected whenever there is a moment of silence in the audio stream. This way you can easily vary the visualization of playlists with a few nice presets.
Does this require internet connection?
No, AudioSpace is fully functional also offline.
Why did my PC reboot when installing / uninstalling AudioSpace?
Media player functionality of AudioSpace is fully integrated with Windows Explorer. This ease-of-use through Explorer context menus comes with a cost of installing s.c. Shell Extension, which sometimes requires restarting Windows. Unfortunately Steam may not warn users about this, so check that it's OK to reboot before launching AudioSpace the first time after downloading it.
Why is it dark here?
Maybe the lights are off and there's no audio to be visualized? Turn around by moving the mouse left or right to check if you can see the doorway area. If not, restart AudioSpace. If still nothing, check that your PC meets the hardware requirements. As a last resort you can try deleting files under Documents\AudioSpace, see if that helped, and if not, reinstall AudioSpace.