Cursed House 11

Cursed House 11

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Cursed House 11 Walkthrough
Da SynthpopAddict
Walkthrough for all M3 and Sokoban levels.
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General tips
I am assuming you have played some of this developer’s games previously so will not discuss all the different obstacles and features this game has. If you are new to Cursed House, the objective in every M3 level is simply to collect all the coins. Any other moves are useless unless they are needed to remove obstacles. Check the help book in the top left corner of the game screen as there is plenty of information in it explaining how everything works.

Some coins are now dark, meaning they have to be zapped with a light ray before they become regular coins which you can obtain, and regular coins now drop down. Otherwise, the game uses the same mechanics and widgets seen previously in the series.

A M4 gives you a small moving bomb. M5s and bigger give a morphing powerup (rocket, lightning, or large bomb) which you right-click to select the morph. Unlike games in some of the other series this developer makes, rockets will not passively drop down. Rocks and clay will not break with matches.

Hovering the cursor over the arrowhead on the right side of the scene pulls out the level replay section where you can replay any previously completed level or minigame at your leisure.
The Sokoban puzzles are listed in the walkthrough after the M3 level they appear in as you’re going through the game on a new player profile.
Levels 1-10, Sokobans 1-2
Level 1: Clear the wood on the left enough to get the coins to drop down so you can gather them. Blast the leaves piece which was above the coins to free the light ray and wait for it to turn the shadow coins into regular ones. Fire the cannon to get all the coins from the bottom right.

Level 2: Blast the clay blocking the upper light ray and get it to zap the 5 dark coins in the top right. While collecting the coins from the top right, blast the rocks blocking the magnet and then match by the magnet to remove it so the lower light ray zaps the last dark coin. Fire the cannon twice to thaw the coins in the top left and clean up.

Level 3: Blast the rock blocking the fire and spread the fire to the coal on the right which is blocking the light ray. Then spread the fire to the coal on the left so the drop falls into the slot. Get the fire spreading one more time to the coal in the upper right corner to release the frozen rune. Click on the 3 runes at the top from left to right to free the slots for the drops. Next, click on the runes in the sequence shown on the last cloth from left to right to remove it. Collect all the regular coins, then join the coin halves and get the last coin.

Sokoban 1: Down 2 to get first gem to slot. Up 1 and left 4 to move second gem next to slots. Get underneath of the gem and push it up into the slot. Up 1, right 2 to move third gem by slot. Get underneath and push it into the slot. The last gem is pushed up 1, left 3, then down to the slot.

Level 4: Work through the fog until all the clay blocking the light ray is uncovered and blast the clay to free the light ray. After the light zaps the first dark coin, gather it so the light can zap the next dark coin, then get that coin too. Remove the shielded tile by matching on the right side of it and let the light ray clear the 2 dark spots. Scoot the coin half towards the right so you can reach the shielded tile in the way of its other half. Clear out the shielded tile using a match on the right of it, then join the coin halves and get the coin. If the bomb below hasn’t exploded while you’re working on the coin halves, set off the bomb so the light ray below can zap the dark coins. Get rid of the one dirt tile blocking the last dark coin so the light can reach it and clean up.

Level 5: Do the match sequence on the papyrus at the right first. Then complete the sequence on the other papyrus so you can get the frozen coins. The eyes are only in the top section. Fire the cannon for the coin on the bottom right. Join the coin halves in the top left, then clear out the shielded tiles until the light ray has removed all the dark spots. Get all the remaining coins.

Level 6: Blast the clay blocking the permanent bomb by the cannon at the bottom, then keep tripping the permanent bomb until all the coins from the bottom right are gone. Bomb out the clay above the red bomb next and explode the bomb so you can get the coin from the halves and free the light ray. Work through the obstacles on the top right and clean up.

Level 7: Spread the fire to the coal to drop a rune out of the ice. Make 2 M5s and pick lightning for each one. Use one lightning on blue crystals and the other on leaves. Wait for the chain reaction to finish, which drops most of the remaining runes from the ice. Make another M5 and pick rocket; set the rocket off to remove one of the bugs from the bottom left. Make yet another M5 and pick lightning. Use it on whatever tile type is sitting above the freed red bomb in the bottom left to get rid of the rest of the bugs. Collect the coin blocking the cannon and fire the cannon for another coin. Now all the runes are finally free for you to clear out the cloth and get the last coins.

Level 8: Bomb the single purple crystal on the right, then make a M5 and pick lightning. Use the lightning on whatever tile type matches the one that’s below the red bomb at the left to explode the bomb and get the 2nd purple crystal for you. The candle shield unlocks, so gather candles with matches until the shield disappears. The coins up top will fall into the area around the bomb which then explodes itself after a few seconds. Spread the fire up and around the small water area to reach the coal so the frozen coins can be obtained.

Level 9: Break through the ice to free the pathway between the electricity generator and the lamp. Drag the blue lightning pieces into the pathway when they are in range until the lamp lights. Fire the cannon to remove the magnet. Make a M5 and pick lightning; use it on the tile type which is sitting between the 2 coins below the light ray at the left side to set off the bombs. Wait for the chain reaction to finish. There is one regular coin at the bottom right to gather, which will then allow the light ray to zap the next dark coin in line. Keep getting the coin out of the way until the light ray has zapped all the dark coins and clean up.

Sokoban 2: Get below the gem at the start and push it up 1, then left until it goes in the slot. Go to the right of the middle gem in the column of 3 and push it left into the slot. There are a pair of gems near the top. Go above the one on the right in this pair and push it down 1, left 2 to get it out of the way. The highest gem in the puzzle now has a free pathway to be pushed rightwards into the slot. Get below the highest gem of the remaining 2 and push it up 1, right 3, up 1, then right until it’s in the slot. Get under the last gem and push it up 2, right 1, up 1. Push the gem right until it’s under the slot then push it up into the slot.

Level 10: Blast out the clay blocking both magnets and get rid of the magnets. Make a M5 and pick lightning. You need to trip the red square on the right, but there are no other red pieces in the playfield, so use the lightning on the tile type below the red piece to get the pesky red piece out of the way. This moves something down by the red square to be removed with another lightning to trip the red square. Gather the frozen coins so the light ray can trigger a chain reaction at the bottom and light the torch for you to get the last frozen coins on the bottom left. The green square in the middle will have a tile next to it at this point. Make a lightning powerup again and use it on whatever’s by the green square so you can get the last coins from the drops.
Levels 11-20, Sokoban 3
Level 11: Collect the locked coin in the top, then the coin which was behind it. Blast the clay by the shielded tile so you can get a match below it in order to remove the shielded tile. Remove the papyrus next; mirrors are only in the top section. Get the locked coin from the bottom right so you can access the fire for the frozen coins. Blast the clay blocking the permanent bombs and trip the permanent bombs repeatedly until the wood is gone from the top left. Clear any mirrors in the way of the light ray’s path in the open top section and use the permanent bombs to get rid of any mirrors in the blocked off column. When the light ray removes the dark spot on the top right, the chain reaction will get the coins in the center.

Level 12: Work on getting the locked coin first. Don’t touch the clay by the red square yet. Pick up all the trunk coins from the bottom right to activate the trunk. Now blast the clay blocking the magnet and get rid of the magnet. If the red square hasn’t tripped yet, get the coin near it and trip the red square. You can do the rest.

Level 13: Collect the frozen coin blocking the light ray on the bottom left. Get the coin from the drop at the bottom left, then clear out any mirrors blocking the light ray so it will zap the dark coin on the bottom right. Get rid of the bugs. Gather the coin blocking the green square and trip the green square to remove the shield in the top right. Get enough pumpkins to remove the last shield blocking the cannon. Fire the cannon until all the runes on the left are out of the ice. Remove the cloth and wait for the chain reaction to grab the remaining coins.

Level 14: While evicting the bugs, do not set off bombs or rockets near the electrified chain as you do not want to break the chain by accidentally blowing up something in range of it. It helps to blast out some of the clay and then clear the wood while removing the bug in the large area of the playfield so as to get more working room for making rockets close to the top to get the 2 bugs off in the corners. Don’t forget you can drag a rocket up 1 space to set it off if the rocket happens to be in the 2nd row up from the electrified chain to keep the explosion from breaking the chain. After all the bugs are gone, spread the fire towards the coal and get the coin out of the way to thaw all the coins below. Now make something to blow up the electrified chain close to the electricity generator so most of the chain vanishes and the pieces will set off a chain reaction finishing the level for you.

Level 15: That papyrus is sneaky because there’s only one yellow eye at the start and eyes only appear in the bottom half. Make some matches in the lower half until some more eyes appear and get the eye match set up for later, then get the other matches of the papyrus sequence set up and complete the whole sequence. Don’t forget you can use small bombs to blow up a tile which is next in the sequence to keep it going if you don’t have a match. The chain reaction which occurs when the papyrus goes away will get rid of most of the bugs. Finish clearing out the 2 bugs remaining with bombs. Get all the coins you can reach from the bottom half, then trip the permanent bombs until the up arrow deflector piece falls into the cannon’s path. Fire the cannon twice to remove both magnets. Make a lightning and use it on the tile type which matches the one atop the red bombs to finish.

Level 16: Work through the top half of the large area to reach the one bat piece in the corner and blow it up. You should end up picking up most or all of the coins in the top half while doing so. After the chain reaction finishes, blow up the clay closest to the coins in the bottom center and gather all the “easy” coins. Make a rocket for the last pesky coin in the bottom left corner.

Level 17: Clear out the obstacles blocking the vases and then remove the vases so the magnets go away. Make a lightning and use it on leaves to drive off all the bugs. Collect all the coins you can, then make another lightning and use it on blue crystals to blow up the red bombs so you can reach the last coins.

Sokoban 3: Move the beetle so it’s in the nook created by the L-shape of 3 gems and the single wall spot (it will have a gem to its left, a gem below it, and the wall to its right). Push the gem on the beetle’s left 1 space to the left to get it out of the way for now. There are now 2 horizontal pairs of gems. Go below the rightmost gem of the lower pair and push it up 2, right 3, and up into the slot. Go underneath the singleton gem remaining of what was the lower pair and push it up 1. You should have 3 gems in a row at this point. Go to the leftmost one and push it down 1, right 6, up 4, right 2, then up into the slot. Go to the rightmost gem remaining and push it down 1. The other gem is now on the beetle’s left; push it left 1 to get it out of the way. Now push the lower gem right 4, up 4, right 2, up 1, and right into the slot. Push the last gem right 3, down 1, right 3, up 4, right 2, up 1, and right until it’s in the slot.

Level 18: Remove the dirt tiles on the top left. Shuffle the pieces around in the top section with matches until a left arrow deflector piece falls into the cannon’s path and is in the 3rd row from the top. Blast out the clay blocking the permanent bomb and trip the permanent bomb to fire the cannon. Wait for the light ray to finish, then drag all the coin halves from the left column 1 space right so all the coins are next to the red squares. Shuffle the pieces around in the top section until a right arrow deflector piece lands in the 4th row from the top in the cannon’s path. Trip the permanent bomb to fire the cannon.

Level 19: Use a lightning on purple crystals to open up the bottom left, then blast the candle piece. Make another lightning and use it on the green pieces to open the bottom right up and blast the bug and gloves there. Then make a 3rd lightning and use it on yellow eyes to open up the top left and blast the skull. You should be able to figure out how to get the remaining coins.

Level 20: Gather the coins from the bottom left, then spread the fire into the torches and coal at the left. Use the top left torch which lit to get the coin in the middle left and light the 2 torches in the center. Pick up the coins in the top right, but don’t trip those permanent bombs yet! Blast the clay blocking the light ray in the bottom left so the light will remove the dark spot. Now trip the permanent bomb so the red square below is tripped, freeing the drop for the last coin.
Levels 21-30, Sokobans 4-5
Level 21: Break the wood in between the shielded tiles so the shielded tiles drop down and then you can clear them out with matches from the top. Blast the clay to reach the wood blocking the light ray and let it zap the row of dark coins. Collect the locked coin from the bottom right, then break enough of the wood on the right until the light ray is freed and zaps the remaining dark coins. You can take it from here.

Sokoban 4: There’s 3 gems by a 1 space wall; go to the gem on the right of the wall and push it down 2 to form a vertical pair of gems near the bottom. The beetle will have a gem to its left; push this gem left 1. Go to the lowest gem in the playfield and push it right 1. The beetle has a gem above it to push up into the slot. Move to the lower of the 2 gems in the top left next and push this gem right 2, up 2, down 3. Go back to the top left corner and push the gem there down 1, right 1 to get it out of the way. There should be a diagonal row of 3 gems now. Go to the middle one and push it up 3, right 1, and up into the slot. Move to the highest gem remaining and push it right 1, up 2, right 2, and up into the slot. Push the last gem up 1, left 1, up 3, right 2 and up 2 to finish.

Level 22: Clear out the clay and coins blocking the light rays on the left. Move those pesky mirrors out of the way until all the light rays have done their job on the dark spots to the right. Blast the clay blocking the light ray on the bottom until all the dark coins are zapped and clean up.

Level 23: Clear the papyri in this order: bottom right, bottom left, top right, top left. Note that the papyri on the right side have their pieces only in the bottom section and the papyri on the left side have their pieces only in the top section. You can also pick a side and clear the bottom papyrus first, then the top one before going to the other side and repeating the process. Doing it in this alternative order causes the game to flash the “replay” button, but don’t worry, the level isn’t impossible so long as the singleton blue pieces which were above the papyri on each side fall down and match out the magnets in the corners. Once the magnets are gone, use rockets to get rid of all the bugs and clean up.

Level 24: Blast the clay blocking the key, then collect the locked coin. Fire the cannon until the magnet is shot out, then use rockets on the bugs. If you have no matches by the coin next to the red bombs in the bottom section, use a lightning on something next to it which will collect the coin. Get rid of the cloth next. If you don’t have enough runes in the bottom, shuffle the pieces around there until more runes emerge as they will only be in the bottom section. Set off the red bombs and blast the clay on the right to get to the rest of the coins.

Level 25: The most annoying part of this level is having to get rid of all the bugs before using a rocket on the single trunk coin at the bottom. Do not blast the clay above the red bombs because you do not want them to explode before you’ve tripped the trunk. I make the rockets on the left side of the playfield to avoid hitting the clay. Match next to the activated trunk to remove a wall blocking the fire, then light the torches. Finally, you can blast that clay!

Sokoban 5: Go to the single gem which is not in the column of 3 gems and push it down 3, then up until it goes in the slot. Head over to the topmost gem of the column of 3 and push it right 1, down 2, up 4, and left until it’s in the slot. Push the lowest gem remaining left 2, right 4, left 1, up 4, right 2 and up into the slot. Push the last gem up 1, right 1, up 2, right 2 and up until it’s in the slot.

Level 26: You can probably shift some of the purple crystal pieces around with other matches to get some of them aligned into a match setup, which will help keep the electrified chain in place so the bug coins don’t fall down as far later. Blast the remaining purple crystals so the shield on the bottom right corner vanishes and the chain reaction clears the magnet. Start making lightning powerups and use them on the tile types by the coins on the bottom until all the regular coins are gone. Use rockets on the bugs and you can take it from here.

Level 27: Focus only on blowing up the red bombs on the top right so the light ray will eventually be freed because it’s the dark coins you have to get zapped. While collecting the coins from the bottom, gather enough purple crystals to get rid of the shield in the top left for the last 2 coins.

Level 28: Gather the 4 trunk coins above the trunk and use a lightning to get 2 more at the bottom right corner. Use a large bomb to get you through the rocks on the top right faster and set off the red bombs there. Blast the rock blocking the light ray. The last trunk coin is pretty easy to get to. Trip the trunk to open a pathway and torch for lighting the coal and you can do the rest.

Level 29: Make 1-2 lightning powerups in the top right and use them on different pieces matching the chained ones around the trunk coins. This should break off enough chains elsewhere for you to have working room in the left for the last trunk coins. Trip the activated trunk, then use a lightning on whatever tile type is below the fire to light the coal and the rest is easy.

Level 30: Bomb through the 3 clay tiles blocking the 3 coins on the left and get those coins before anything else. Be careful to not trip the red square on the left or the coins will fall down into the unreachable spots. Once you’ve gotten this tricky bit done, trip the red square (removing the magnet is optional). Wait for the chain reaction to finish, then clean up.
Levels 31-40, Sokobans 6-8
Level 31: Get rid of the cloth on the top right, which gets you 2 coins. Shuffle the pieces around in the top right with a few matches until the missing rune appears to clear out the other 2 cloths. When the bottom left populates, move the pieces around with matches until an up deflector arrow lands in the 3rd row from the bottom and in the same column as the magnet above. Fire the cannon to get rid of the magnet, then use whatever coin collecting methods you’d like to get the rest of the coins. Use more up arrow deflectors aligned with the cannon to knock out some of the clay above.

Sokoban 6: Go to the left side of the playfield and push the 2 gems down into their slots. Move to the leftmost gem remaining and push it up 3, right 2 to put it in the slot. Go to the leftmost of the 2 gems remaining and push it left 1, up 2, right 2, up 1, and left into the slot. Push the last gem left 1, up 2, and right into the slot.

Level 32: Gather purple crystals which are fortunately only on the bottom section. Do not touch the top section, and don’t break any of the clay on the bottom because the green square needs to stay there for now. When the shield by the red square disappears, break the wood blocking the upper of the 2 light rays so the mirror will block it and prevent the coins above from falling down. Use a lightning on whatever tile type is next to the red square to trip the red square and get you the 4 coins. Remove the papyrus blocking the coin halves and drag all the halves on the right 1 space left so the coins are next to the green squares. Now you can finally blast the clay by the green square and trip it for most of the remaining coins, and blast out the clay for the last coin.

Level 33: Don’t break the electrified chain with explosions while you’re ridding the playfield of the bugs. I like to use small bombs on the bugs since they can be moved away from the electrified chain. When the bug coins turn into regular ones, get the one blocking the lamp and wait for the chain reaction to finish. You can take it from here.

Level 34: Join the coin halves in the bottom section and get those 2 coins before the shields up top are gone, otherwise the rock pile will make the bottom coins nearly impossible to collect. Then get enough blue pieces until the first shield vanishes, unlocking the candle shield. It helps to use lightning for this part as well as the candle shield, as the lightning will probably help you get the coins up top. Get enough candles to remove the last shield which drops the rocks down so you can go get the coins in the top half. Get the whole coins up top ASAP if they’re still there, because they will otherwise fall into the rock pile and get trapped. Oddly, rockets will prioritize the rocks and not the coins, so you’re really out of luck if a coin gets stuck in the pile. Join the coin halves and pick up the last coins.

Level 35: Mess around with the pieces in the bottom right until up arrow deflector pieces land in the pathway of the cannon and are lined up with either a wood box or the red bomb above, and use the deflected shots to get rid of the wood and bomb blocking the light ray. Wait for the light ray to finish its job and for the chain reaction to complete. Get all the frozen coins from the bottom right, then spread the fire over to the coal on the left side and gather the rest of the coins up top.

Sokoban 7: Start by pushing the gem on the beetle’s right 1 space right to get it out of the way. Then push the gem above the beetle up into the slot. Move over to the gem you pushed out of the way before and push it down into the slot. Move the beetle 1 space down, then push the gem all the way to the right to go into the slot. Get in between the 2 gems in the row below. Push the gem on the left to the left 1 space, then down into the slot. Go to the highest gem remaining and push it left 3, then up until it’s in the slot. Push the final gem up 2, left 4, and up until it’s in the slot.

Level 36: Work your way through the clay, dirt, and chains from the left side, and do not free the upper of the 2 light rays. You must free only the lower light ray for now, so it can zap the dark coin. Get the coin when it turns into a regular one, then clear out all the magnets on the bottom. Use a rocket on the bug. Now free the light ray so you can reach the coins below.

Level 37: Collect cow skulls from the bottom left until the shield goes away, which will start a chain reaction dropping half the coins from the top right down. Gather swords from the top left next to get rid of the last shield. Trip the permanent bombs to fire the cannon and drop the rest of the coins down. The rest is easy.

Sokoban 8: Push the gem above the beetle up 1 to move it out of the way. Then go to the 2 gems on the right and push the lower one down into the slot and the upper one left into the slot. Move to the gem that’s just below the 2 space wall (this is the gem you moved out of the way at the start) and push it left until it goes into the slot. Go to the highest gem in the playfield and push it left 1 and up into the slot. Move to the rightmost of the 2 gems remaining; push it up 1, then left until it’s in the slot. Push the final gem right 1, up 1, left 1, up 3, and left into the slot.

Level 38: Remove all the wood, then get the locked coin to free the electricity generator. Hook up a blue lightning piece to the generator and then drag more blue lightning pieces when they are in range of the connected piece to build the chain across to the lamp. The yellow sand tiles will unfortunately not conduct electricity, so you have to build down, then across, to light the lamp. Wait for the light ray to finish. When the bottom right populates, position an up arrow deflector in the cannon’s pathway which is also aligned with the magnet up top. Fire the cannon to remove the magnet, then use a rocket on the bug and clean up.

Level 39: Leave the coin which is blocking the light ray alone; do not pick it up yet. Get rid of all the bugs. Fire the cannon until all the coins are gone from the left, then you can go get the coin blocking the light ray.

Level 40: Rearrange the rocks on the top left with matches so you can reach the coins which were behind them and clear out the magnet too. Blast the clay above the 3 dark coins in the center. Make a lightning and use it on the directional arrow pieces so a mirror drops away from a light ray and zaps the top dark coin in the column. Gather the regular coin that it turns into, which lets the light ray keep going to the dark spot on the left, starting a little chain reaction that zaps the next dark coin. Get this coin, then make a lightning and use it on leaves to free the last light ray which will zap the last dark coin. This last coin is easiest collected either with a rocket or by positioning a down arrow deflector piece in the same column aligned with the cannon and firing the cannon.
Levels 41-50, Sokobans 9-10
Level 41: Collect purple crystals, which are only in the bottom half, until the shield blocking the key goes away, then get the locked coin without gathering too many gloves. You don’t want the glove shield to vanish because the coins will otherwise fall down and be hard to get. Fire the cannon while still avoiding the gloves until all the coins from the top left are gone. By this point, the glove shield is nearly gone anyway, so gather a few more gloves to get the bomb below to explode, removing the magnet. Now use a lightning made in the top half on gloves to drop the last coins to the bombs to finish.

Level 42: Clear the fog so you can remove the magnet. Evict the bugs. Make a lightning and use it on gray statuettes to open up some of the area on the left side. The bombs will start going off, which will get you a few coins, but you’ll have to drag the remaining coin halves together for the others. Collect any coins still left in the playfield.

Level 43: Break through the ice on both bottom sections until you can reach the magnets to remove them and the permanent bombs. Then keep tripping the appropriate permanent bomb to remove the shielded tiles from their vulnerable side until the bombs blast the red piece and the pumpkin to free the light rays up top. Wait for the rays to do their work and then it’s easy.

Level 44: Go from the top down, working on the clay and chains blocking the whole coins and get those coins. Do not break the clay blocking the coin halves; otherwise the red squares will go off and drop all the coins into the unreachable spots. When only the coin halves are left, blast the clay blocking them and get the last coin.

Level 45: Align up arrow deflectors with the cannon and the wood boxes above on the right side. Fire the cannon to knock out the wood and light the lamp. Wait for the chain reaction to finish, then clear out any deflectors from the cannon’s path and fire it so it hits the red bomb on the right. Get the coins and magnet from the left side, then use rockets on the bugs and clean up.

Level 46: Make a lightning and use it on either leaves, hats, or blue pieces to break some of the chains in the top right. Note that some of these are to be found in only some parts of the playfield. Make another lightning and use it on something else which is chained in the top right. This should be enough to give you the working room needed to blast the clay in the top right and get to the coins. Do not clear the papyrus in the bottom right or the coins will fall down into the unreachable column. Then join the coin halves below for the last coin.

Sokoban 9: There are 3 gems in the row the beetle starts out in. You must push each one of these gems 1 space left, but keep an empty space between each one as a setup for later. Start with the leftmost gem and push it left 1, then go to the middle gem and push it left 1, and finally the rightmost gem of the row and push it left 1. You now have 2 vertically paired gems near the right. Go to the highest one and push it left into the slot. Move the bug right 1 space, then push the gem below it down 2 and left into the slot. Go to the rightmost gem in the row and push it right 1, down 1, then left until it’s in the slot. Move to the rightmost of the 2 gems remaining and push it right 3, down 1, then left until it’s in the slot. For the last gem, push it right 5, down 1, left 6, and down into the slot.

Level 47: Blast the clay on the left to reach the permanent bombs and trip the permanent bombs until the pumpkin is gone. Get rid of the magnet which just got freed and trip the permanent bombs on the right until the red piece is gone. The level will finish itself in the chain reaction.

Level 48: Blast the clay above the red bomb so the shielded tiles drop and explode the bomb for you. The light ray will zap a dark coin. While collecting the coins on the top left, get rid of the magnets and keep allowing the light ray to zap the dark coins by moving the mirrors out of the way until all the coins are gone from the top left. Use a rocket on the bug, then use another on the coin above the red bomb on the right. Drag the drops into the vase until the vase disappears. You can take it from here.

Level 49: While removing the bugs, do not move the coin halves. Try breaking some of the chains holding the bug on the left there so it will walk towards the right side, making it easier to get rid of. Make a lightning and use it on cow skulls to finish freeing the light ray at the bottom right, which will then zap all the dark coins. Join the coin halves and explode one of the red bombs to trip one of the red squares if they don’t go off on their own. The rest is easy.

Level 50: Break the chains to get “flow” on the right, then work through the fog and ice to reach the magnet and remove it. Make a lightning and use it on blue crystals to light the coal and torches. Spread the fire to the 2 unlit torches blocking the vases to thaw a coin on the other side. Then use the bottom torch to get the rest of the frozen coins on the right side. Drag the drops into the vases until they vanish. Join the coin halves which were below the vases for the last coin.

Sokoban 10: Start by pushing the gem on the left down into the slot. You now have 3 rows with gems in them. Go to the highest row with a gem and push it right 4. The middle row has 3 gems in it; you need to push each one 1 space left starting with the gem on the left and then doing the middle one and finally the right one so each gem still has a space between it, but they’re all 1 space farther left. (You’ll have to go around the wall at the top to push that gem on the right.) Now push the gem which is immediately above the beetle up into the slot. Move the beetle into the space in between the 3 clustered gems so it has a gem on both the left and right and a gem below it. Push the gem on the beetle’s right 1 space right. Then go below the lowest gem in the playfield and push it up 2, right 2 to move it out of the way. Move to the middle gem of the 3 in the row below and push it right 1, up 1, left 1, and up into the slot. Go to the leftmost gem in the playfield and push it right 3, up 1, left 1, and up until it goes in the slot. Move to the lowest gem remaining. Push it left 2, up 1, left 1, up 3, and left into the slot. The last gem is pushed up 2 then left into the slot. Whew!
Levels 51-60, Sokobans 11-12
Level 51: The game pretty much tells you how to do this one if you have popup hints enabled. Make sure you always have at least one mirror in the 3rd row from the top at all times while ridding the playfield of bugs. This prevents the red square from going off prematurely. It’s harder than it looks! Wait for all the coins to become regular ones, then move the mirrors out of the way of the light ray so the chain reaction will get all the coins for you.

Level 52: Blast the clay in the top left section to free the light ray and have working room for moving those pesky mirrors out of the light’s path. After you get the 2 coins which were dark, the chain reaction will open up the right side. The red dragons are only on the right, so gather them while coin collecting until the last shield disappears and allows the light ray to zap the remaining dark coins. You can do the rest.

Level 53: Blast the clay so you can clear out the wood and magnets. The cannon is helpful as the deflector tiles can take out the magnet on the right. Get rid of the bug. Then fire the cannon twice so the remaining deflector tiles will get the 2 coins at the bottom. Use a rocket on one of the coins stuck in the top right. If that doesn’t make the rest of them fall down, make another rocket and keep trying until the other coins have come down for you to reach.

Sokoban 11: Move the beetle up 1 space, then push the gem on its right 2 spaces right. Move the beetle up 1 space again and push the gem on its right 1 space right, then left until it goes in the slot. Go down to the lowest gem and push it left until it’s in the slot. Move up to where there are 2 slots with a gem between them and push the gem left into a slot. Go to the highest gem remaining and push it left 1, right 3, left 1. You should have a column of 3 gems with the beetle on the right. Move the beetle down 1 space and push the middle gem left 1 to get it out of the way. Push the gem above the beetle up until it goes in the slot. Move to the bottom of the lowest gem remaining and push it up 2. The beetle has a gem to its left which is in the way again, so push that gem left 1 space. Now push the higher gem right 1, up 1, and right until it’s in the slot. Push the last gem right 2, up 1, right 1, up 1, right 4, and down until it goes into the slot.

Level 54: Break the chains on the top left so you can reach that pesky magnet and remove it. Now you can make lightning powerups to get the majority of the other chained pieces until either all the trunk coins are gone or you’ve got the working room to match them out yourself. Trip the trunk to free the coal veins so you can light the coal and torches with the fire and you can take it from here.

Level 55: Blast the clay blocking the fire in the bottom left corner, then spread the fire across the bottom and go counterclockwise around the rest of the board to light the remaining coal and torches to get all the coins from each quadrant. Use bombs to keep the flames refreshed in those tight corners since there’s a lot of water blocking the playfield.

Level 56: Blast the clay blocking the magnets and get rid of the magnets. Remove the lower left cloth, but leave the top left one alone for now. Use a rocket on the bug. Now remove the top cloth to collect all the coins from the bottom left and free the light ray to zap all the dark coins on the bottom right. You can do the rest.

Sokoban 12: Go to the highest gem in the playfield and push it down into the slot. Move to the rightmost gem in the playfield and push it left 1 to form a column of 3 gems. Push the lowest of the gems in this column left 1 to get it out of the way. There are now 2 vertical pairs of gems. Move to the lowest gem in the playfield and push it left until it’s in the slot. Move to the lowest gem remaining and push it right 1 space. There is a column of 3 gems again. The middle one is in the way, so move the beetle up 1 spot and push the middle gem right 1 space. Push the gem which is immediately above the beetle up into the slot. Go to the right of the highest gem remaining and push it left 1 space. Move the beetle down 1 space and push the gem on its left 1 space left. This puts it below the higher gem; push the higher gem up 2, then left until it goes to the slot. Push the last gem down 1 and left until it’s in the slot.

Level 57: Blast all the clay so the light ray gets rid of 2 dark spots above. If the red bombs didn’t go off, explode them so you can blast the single pair of gloves in the bottom center next. Get the locked coin, then clear the shielded tiles from the top down until you can get rid of the magnet. When the far left populates, join any coin halves you can and try to keep “coin mamba” from happening too much with the other halves. The rest is easy.

Level 58: The clay to blast is the 2 space section in the top left. Leave the other stuff alone. The chain reaction which occurs when the bomb explodes will get the 3 dark coins from the bottom for you. Drag the drops into the vase until it goes away for 2 more coins. Now you can blast the 3 space wide clay on the top right for the last dark coin and clean up.

Level 59: Remove the cloth so the bottom left populates and get rid of those magnets. Check that you’ve got all the requisite matches for the papyrus in both lower quadrants and clear the papyrus. Make a lightning in the bottom right and use it on runes so the mirror up top drops down and frees the light ray to zap the dark coins. You can figure the rest out.

Level 60: If you have hints on, there’s a critical one given in the popups at the start. Do not free the light ray, or else a rock pile falls down and cuts off your coin collecting. Work in the top left only to get enough of the green pieces for the first shield as green pieces are only in the top left. The red piece shield unlocks next, and fortunately red pieces are only in the top center. Gather enough red pieces to get rid of the shield and then that’s when it gets tricky with making sure you always have a mirror in the way of the light somewhere so the rocks don’t fall. Shuffle the pieces around somewhere on the left so a mirror falls into at least one of the singleton spots in the light ray’s path. Then leave the whole left side alone and work only on the right to get the coins.
Levels 61-70, Sokobans 13-15
Level 61: Get up arrow deflector tiles aligned with the cannon and the permanent bombs up top where the shots will hit the permanent bombs from left to right to light the torches and coal on the top right corner. Next, move any deflector tiles out of the cannon’s pathway so it will fire across with the next shot and spread the fire to the bottom torch. Use a lightning on the tile type which is next to the fire at the bottom to get the remaining coal and torch lit. After picking up the coin which is next to the fire, use a lightning on the tile type which is next to the fire to get the next frozen coin thawed and you can do the rest.

Level 62: Make a lightning and use it on books to remove the 2 shielded tiles by the left coin half. Scoot the coin half all the way left so you can remove the shielded tile blocking the coin halves by either matching or exploding a bomb on the side of the tile. Join the coin halves, collect the coin, and blast the single blue crystal piece to get the top right to populate. Either move the 3 mirrors around with matches to get them into a match setup and match them out, or blow them up to free the light ray. Let the ray zap all the dark coins on the bottom left, then clean up.

Sokoban 13: Move the beetle into the space between the 2 gems of the 2nd row of gems and push the left gem 1 space left into the slot. Move the beetle 1 space left and push the gem above it up into the slot. Go to the spot above the leftmost gem remaining (there will be another gem to the beetle’s right) and push the gem under the beetle 1 space down to get it out of the way. Go over to the rightmost gem and push it left until it’s in the slot. Push the lowest gem remaining up 2 so you have a horizontal pair of gems. Move to the gem on the right and push it down 2 to move it out of the way. Go back to the higher gem and push it up 1, left 1, and up into the slot. Push the last gem left 1, up 3, left 1, and up until it’s in the slot.

Level 63: Blast all the clay blocking the empty coin slots in the middle. Light the lamp in the left center first by hooking blue lightning pieces to the generator on the left and extending the chain under the sand. You’ll end up getting the easy coins out of the left and center while doing this. The chain reaction will drive off most of the bugs as well as remove both magnets. Evict the last bug with a rocket. Now light the remaining lamp so the chain reaction will get most of the leftover coins and collect any coins left in the middle.

Level 64: Another level which gives you a key hint in the starting popups. Get the stones in the top right to drop down on top of the cloth (the game calls it a Runestone, but it looks more like a cloth to me) by matching or otherwise blowing up the tiles under them. This prevents the light ray on the right from dropping the coins on the left into the unreachable area. Remove the cloth next, which sets off a chain reaction giving you access to the clay which is blocking the light ray up top. Blast that clay so you can reach the fog and work through the fog to get to the coins. The rocks have served their purpose, so blast them to free the light ray and let it do its work. The chain reaction which occurs will populate the bottom center and you can figure the rest out.

Level 65: Remove the papyrus so you can get to both frozen coins. Once they are both thawed, the chain reaction will populate the bottom right. Collect all the coins from the bottom right and light the lamp which was behind them. Pieces will start trickling in around the red bomb in the center and the shielded tiles; explode the bomb to get more working room. Get rid of enough of the dirt blocking the center section to have a good flow of pieces around the remaining lamp on the bottom left. Light the lamp, then get rid of the magnet on the bottom and the shielded tiles which were blocking the light ray. You can do the rest.

Level 66: Shuffle the pieces around in the bottom right with matches until you get the runes needed to remove the cloth on the top right. Bomb the bug in the bottom right while you’re at it. Trip the permanent bombs until the 2 axes which dropped down from the top are gone. Remove the cloth in the top left so the left side will populate. Use a rockets on the 2 bugs in the islands. Gather all the coins from the left side, then trip the permanent bombs for the last coin.

Sokoban 14: Push the gem on the beetle’s right 1 space to the right to get it out of the way. Push the gem which is now above the beetle up into the slot. There is a horizontal pair of gems next to the beetle at this point; go above the rightmost gem of this pair and push the gem down 2 to move it out of the way. There’s a gem to the left of the beetle which is also in the way, so push that gem 1 space left. Now push the gem above the beetle up into the slot. Move to the lowest gem in the playfield and push it up 2. Go to the leftmost gem and push it right 1, down 1, up 2. There is now a horizontal pair of gems again, but the gem on the right is in the way. Go above the gem on the right and push it down 1 to get it out of the way. Now you can push the other gem left 2 to put it in the slot. You have a pair of gems again in the playfield. Push the left one up 1. Then go to the right of the other gem and push it left 2, up 1. This moves the gem pair up and over, and the right gem is in the way again. Get atop the gem on the right and push it down 1 so you can then push the other gem left 1 and up until it’s in the slot. For the last gem, push it left 1, up 2, left 1, and up until it’s in the slot. Yikes!

Level 67: Get through the ice on the right to reach that one open space by the red bomb to explode it, which gets rid of the magnet. Make lightning powerups and use them to break the chains off the pieces in the bottom center until the red bombs explode on their own or you get the working room to be able to reach them. While the rock pile looks intimidating, getting the remaining coins actually isn’t all that hard.

Level 68: Blast the clay blocking the single book piece in the top right and then blast the book to remove the shield on the right so the bottom right populates. Bomb the bug in the top left too. Fire the cannon on the right to remove a shielded tile. Now blast the clay blocking the permanent bomb on the left and keep tripping the permanent bombs to fire the left cannon until all the magnets are gone. Finish getting rid of the bugs. Gather all the reachable coins, then use a rocket on one of the coins in the bottom left corner.

Level 69: Get rid of the ice blocking the lamp and blast the clay by the electricity generator. Light the lamp. Too bad you can’t utilize that existing chain, but it does keep the coins above from falling down until later! Once the lamp vanishes, the chain reaction will get all those coins for you. Use a rocket on the bug and clean up.

Level 70: Remove the bugs with rockets. That pile of shielded tiles on the bottom left is easier to get rid of than it looks, so be careful not to remove too many of them while making the rockets in the top left. After the bugs are gone, finish working your way through the shielded tiles and clay to reach the coin halves at the bottom left, get the coin, and trip the red square. Get the frozen coin and when the light ray is freed the level will finish itself.

Sokoban 15: Push the gem on the far right up into the slot. Go back down and push the gem on the bottom row left into the slot. Push the lowest gem remaining left 3 and up until it goes into the slot. Go around the walls and push the top 2 gems leftwards until they are in the slots. Push the final gem up 1, left 1, then down into the slot.
Levels 71-80, Sokobans 16-18
Level 71: Break the wood on the bottom right until the rocks lower enough for the lower of the 2 light rays in the top right corner to zap 2 dark coins. Blast the clay in the top center which is blocking the coin halves and get the coin while gathering axes which are only in the same area until the shield disappears. The green piece shield unlocks, and green pieces are only in the bottom center, so collect enough green pieces until the light ray is freed to zap the remaining dark coins. Clean up.

Level 72: Note that the pieces on the papyrus are not all in the same areas, so make sure you have the matches set up in advance before doing the whole sequence. The same thing occurs with the 2nd papyrus which unlocks; clear that next. The chain reaction clears the magnet below. Gather all the coins from the bottom left to activate the trunk. Use a lightning on bats to set off a chain reaction that trips the trunk, giving you the last coins to collect.

Level 73: Make a lightning and use it on green pieces to open up the top left. Gather all the regular coins from the top left, then move the mirrors out of the way in the top right so the light ray will zap the dark coin on the far left. Make sure there is at least one mirror on the bottom row of the top right section at this point to block the light ray, because you do not want a chain reaction occurring too soon in the next parts of the puzzle. Clear out the dirt blocking the left side of the cannon and fire the cannon to remove the shielded tile blocking the coin halves. Join the halves and get that coin. Use a lightning on books to clear out the clay blocking the bottom, then light the coal so there’s fire below the red bomb on the right. Now get the mirrors out of the light ray’s path so the chain reaction will thaw the coins and clean up.

Level 74: Blast the 2 clay tiles and use a lightning on red pieces to free the drops’ pathway to the vase on the left. Drag the drop into the vase to get rid of it and wait for the light rays to finish in the chain reaction. Collect all the coins from the bottom to free the last light ray and start another chain reaction. Spread the fire up from each flame to light the coal segments up top in order to drop the coins down.

Sokoban 16: Go to the lowest gem on the playfield and push it left until it’s in the slot. Move the beetle up 1 space and push the next gem left into the slot. Go around the wall at the top and push the gem which is just below a slot down 1…it does NOT go to this slot! The rightmost gem is the one which must go there, so push it left 1, down 1, then left until it’s in the slot. Push the lowest gem remaining leftwards until it goes into the slot. Finally, push the last gem left 1, then up until it’s in the slot.

Level 75: Work through the chains on the bottom left to get to the magnets and remove them. Make a lightning and use it on green pieces to remove the shielded tile on the right holding up the coins. Use the permanent bomb in the upper right to get those coins. Now make another lightning and use it on axes so you can then use the permanent bomb in the upper left to get the remaining coins.

Level 76: Like a couple of levels earlier, the electrified chain needs to stay in place until all the bugs are gone. So don’t blast any bugs or set off rockets too close to the chain and you’ll be OK. Once all the bugs have flown away, explode something near the chain on the left side so most of it disappears and trip the red bomb on the right. You can do the rest.

Sokoban 17: There are 3 rows with gems in them; go to the middle row of gems and push the gem on the right 1 space left so you now have 3 horizontal pairs of gems. Push the gem above the beetle up 1 into the slot. Then push the gem on the beetle’s left 2 spaces left. There’s now a gem under the beetle to be pushed down into the slot. Move one space left and push the gem up until it’s in the slot. Go to the singleton gem in the row with 2 slots and push the gem left into a slot. Move underneath the rightmost gem remaining and push it up 1, left 3, and up until it’s in the slot. The last gem is pushed right 1, up 1, and left until it goes into the slot.

Level 77: Blast the 3 red pieces while getting the 2 coins in the center. This removes the shield, lowering some of the shielded tiles so you have an access point from the left to break the 3 shielded tiles blocking the left coin half. Scoot the left coin half towards the left so you can get rid of the shielded tile in between the coin halves, then join the halves and get the coin. Remove the magnet so the light ray zaps the dark spot and lowers another shielded tile. You can now clear out the other shielded tiles working from the left. Clear out the dirt below to explode the bomb and trip the red square. The runes are freed to remove the cloth next. Collect the frozen coins and fire the cannon until all the coins on the bottom left are gone.

Level 78: Get all the matches for the papyrus sequence set up in the bottom left, then remove the papyrus. Join all the coin halves and get the coins to free most of the light rays. The first vase will take care of itself as you have to drag the drops into the vase to get them out of the way while working on the coin halves. Wait for the light rays to finish, then remove the other vase. Get rid of the cloth and let the light ray finish zapping the dark coins and it’s now easy.

Level 79: Work through the fog to reach the magnet and remove it. Blast the clay and remove the wood to free the light ray, which drops the coins on the right down. Blast the clay blocking the red bombs and explode them to remove 2 shielded tiles blocking the cannon. Use a lightning on books to get rid of the last shielded tile in the way of the cannon. Blow a hole through the clay on the left to reach the permanent bombs. Keep tripping the permanent bombs until all the coins on the bottom right are gone.

Level 80: Snake the fire around all the water to get to the frozen coin and the snow patch at the bottom. Wait for the chain reaction to finish, then use a lightning on skulls so the mirror drops out of the way of the light ray. Wait for the light ray to do its job, then put the drop into the slot. Use another lightning on blue pieces so the shielded tiles drop out of the way of the cannons and bugs and wait for the chain reaction to finish. If the cannons didn’t shoot all the bugs, use a rocket on any bugs remaining (I think the developer forgot to change some of those bombs to the timed ones which would have made this chain reaction work better). You can take it from here.

Sokoban 18: Push the first gem right until it goes into the slot. Move to the gem which is between 2 slots and push it to the right so it goes into a slot. Go to the gem farthest on the right and push it left until it’s in the slot. Move to the leftmost gem remaining and push it down 2, then up 1, but leave it alone after that. Go to the other gem in the bottom area and push it up 3, right 1, and up into the slot. Head back to the gem on the bottom you left alone earlier. Push it up 2, left 3, right 5, up 1, and right 2. The other gem remaining is now in the way, so push it left 2 to move it out of the way. Now you can push the higher gem up into the slot. Push the last gem up 1, right 2, and up until it’s in the slot.
Levels 81-85, Sokoban 19
Level 81: Gather purple crystals which are only in the top left until the shield goes away, but do not break the clay while doing it. For some reason, the purple crystals don’t replenish much, so using lightning or bombs on them helps. Trip the red square on the bottom right and wait for the light ray to drop the runes out of the ice. Remove the cloth and pick up the 4 trunk coins from the top right. Blast the clay blocking the drop from its slot and get the coin. Wait for the chain reaction to finish and you can take it from here.

Level 82: Join all the coin halves blocking the light rays and pick up the coins so the light rays will get all the dark spots on the right. Remove the vase. Make a lightning and use it on leaves to get the bottom right opened up. Blast through the clay and wood blocking the fire and light the coal and torch. Get the frozen coin from the bottom right so the pieces will get shuffled around and give you the missing rune needed for the cloth. Remove the cloth and clean up.

Level 83: This one is surprisingly tricky! No matter how you do it, it’s about the same difficulty and I have no idea why the game flashes the “replay” button at the very end, as either process described below works. In either case you must do step 1 before picking which method you want to do the rest.

1) Break through the chains enough to reach the clay blocking the red bomb with the magnet next to it. Try to blast only the clay where the magnet is. If you get the one next to it too, that’s OK, but don’t blast out all 3 clay pieces.

2) Method 1: When the magnet is gone, make a lightning and use it on blue crystals. This shifts the pieces around the red square some, because you can’t just zap all the chains with lightning straight away without ruining the level. If you still cannot use lightning on either candles or gray statuettes without tripping the red square, make another lightning and use it on leaves. This should shift the pieces around the red square enough to where you can then use a third lightning to zap either the candles or statuettes (whichever is not touching the red square) to break the chains in the top right. If the light ray has not been freed to remove the dark spot at the left yet, get rid of the wood box blocking it so the dark space goes away. Get the fire to the coal. Make a lightning and use it on something which is next to the red square.

3) Method 2: Work through the chains with matches or by bombing them until you have a pathway to the coal. Break the wood blocking the light ray. Light the coal. Make a lightning and use it on either candles or gray statuettes.

What the game wanted you to do: I confess to replaying and pressing the Hint button all the way through to get this. If you don’t like seeing that “replay” button flash in my earlier solutions, what the dev had wanted you to do is break all 3 clay tiles, then trip the permanent bombs until either the gray statuette or the candle have moved away from the red square. Use lightning to zap whichever of these is not touching the red square to break the chains above. Break the wood box blocking the light ray and light the coal. Make another lightning and use it on something touching the red square.

Level 84: Where’s a can of Raid when you need one? Since you don’t have bug spray, blast the bugs and/or use rockets on the unreachable ones until they’re all gone. Get the coin blocking the fire so you can spread the fire to the frozen coins on the right. The bottom center opens up in a chain reaction. Use a rocket on the coin blocking the light ray so the runes will fall out of the ice. Remove the cloth and finish up.

Sokoban 19: Move the beetle up 1 space and push the gem on its right 3 spaces to the right to move it out of the way. There are 2 gems below the beetle close to slots which you push the first gem down into the slot, and then push the other left into its slot. Go to the lowest gem remaining in the playfield and push it up 3, then left into the slot. Move to the leftmost gem remaining and push it right 1, up 1, right 4, left 1, and up until it’s in the slot. Push the last gem left 2, up 1, right 3, up 2, and right into the slot.

Level 85: Work the fire from the top left corner to the coal with the bomb and magnet behind it. Make a lightning and use it on blue pieces to trip the red square and get rid of all the rocks. Now use the fire on the right to light the last coal and wait for the chain reaction to finish. The rest is easy.
Levels 86-90, Sokobans 20-21
Level 86: Collect the locked coin so you can light the lamp. Wait for the light ray to zap all the dark coins, then collect the coins from the bottom and get rid of the accessible magnet. Blast the clay in the pathway leading to the lamp so you can keep hooking blue lightning pieces to the chain and light the lamp on the bottom left. This gets rid of the last magnet. Use lightning on swords to start a chain reaction which frees the drops and clean up.

Sokoban 20: Move the beetle up 1 space, then push the gem to its left 1 space left. Move up another space and push the gem left until it’s in the slot. There is a horizontal pair of gems near the top; push each one of those gems up into their slots. Go to the leftmost gem remaining in the playfield and push it left into the slot. Move to the lowest gem still on the playfield and push it up 4, down 1, and left until it’s in the slot. The last gem is pushed left 1, up 1, right 1, up 2, and right into the slot.

Level 87: The game gives you a key tip at the start if you have popup help enabled. Get the 4 coins on the bottom right without using lightning, because lightning will make the rock pile drop down and ruin your coin collecting. So either match out the chains or bomb them to get to those coins. The wood will start falling down when you get to the right, but it’s not hard to break. Now you want to use lightning on either blue or red pieces to break some of the chains on the top left and give the rocks an exit spot. Match below the rocks to drop them down until the light ray can do its work. You can take it from here.

Level 88: Explode the row of 5 bombs on the bottom, which makes the rock pile start to fall. Lower the rocks with some matches under them. Explode the bombs near the left to blast some of the rocks. Bomb out any rocks and break any wood still in the way of the coin halves. Join the coin halves and gather all the coins in the board. You can ignore the magnet as rockets and lightning aren’t that useful. The coins in the top half will often collect themselves if you concentrate on working at the bottom.

Level 89: Get through the fog and get the 4 coins from the bottom left. Use lightning on books, which drives off most of the bugs. Make a rocket in the bottom section so as not to disturb the electrified chain in the top and use it on the last bug. Blast the clay blocking the 2 coins by the lamp and collect the coins. Finish extending the electrified chain to the lamp to free the last coins and clean up.

Level 90: Collect enough yellow eyes to make the shield vanish. Make sure you do not complete the papyrus sequence on the left side! If the papyrus on the right happens to get its sequence completed and disappears while you’re working on the eyes, great, but if the papyrus on the right side is still there after the shield is gone, work on getting rid of it. Get rid of the other magnet if it’s still there. Still without completing the sequence on that left papyrus, make a lightning and use it on blue pieces to get rid of all the bugs. Now you can finally get rid of that pesky papyrus to trip the red square and the rest is easy.

Sokoban 21: Push the gem immediately above the beetle up 1 to get it out of the way for now. Move one space right and push the gem below the beetle down into the slot. Go down another space and push the gem left until it’s in the slot. Move the beetle down a few spaces so it’s on the left of the gem in the middle and push it right 1 to get it out of the way. Go to the lowest gem in the playfield and push it up 3, then left until it goes in a slot. Go to the gem at the top and push it down 3, then left until it’s in the slot. Push the last gem right 1, up 2, right 1, up 2, and right into the slot.
Levels 91-100, Sokobans 22-23
Level 91: Move the mirrors out of the way of the upper light ray so it zaps the dark coin on the top left starting a chain reaction that populates the bottom right. Get rid of the wood and shielded tile blocking the electricity generator in the bottom right, then light the lamp to remove the magnet. Use lightning on candles to light the torch so you can light the coal. Get the coin, then use lightning on hats to get a wood box out of the way. Finally, move all the mirrors blocking the light ray to trip the trunk in a chain reaction and clean up.

Level 92: Remove the bug with a rocket. Clear out the ice and dirt until there’s a pathway to the coal in the top left. Now pick a corner and spread the fire to the coal in that corner. Repeat with each corner until all the coal has been lit. Remove the vase and you can take it from here.

Level 93: Don’t break all the wood because you want the light ray to stay trapped; otherwise, the coins will fall into the unreachable area. Remove the magnet on the right, then get through all that ice to clear out the other magnet while picking up the coins along the way. Don’t panic if the game flashes you the “replay” button if you happen to gather all the coins from the left before removing the 2nd magnet – they had it programmed to where the game wants you to get the magnet first before all the coins, but it still works the other way around. Get rid of the bugs with rockets next, then remove any wood still blocking the light ray.

Sokoban 22: Push the gem near the beetle at the start left 3. Move 1 space down and push a gem left into the slot. Go to the top and push a gem left into the slot. You have an L-shape of gems remaining. Push the rightmost gem up 2 to get it out of the way. There’s a gem to the beetle’s left which is also in the way, so push it left 1 to get it out of the way. Now push the lowest gem in the playfield up until it’s in the slot. Move to the lowest gem remaining and push it right 1, then up until it’s in the slot. Push the final gem down 2, left 1, up 4, and left until it goes into the slot.

Level 94: Get all the coin halves joined and collect the coins so the light rays will take care of the dark at the right. Match by the torch in the center which just lit to get the next coal vein lighted. Clear the ice on the bottom (why fire never works on the ice in these games, I’ll never know), then spread the fire to the frozen coins. You can do the rest.

Level 95: Clear all the obstacles around the magnets and get rid of the magnets. You will pick up the coins from the halves in the bottom left in this process, but be careful not to explode any of the bombs on the right before the magnets are removed. Use a lightning on swords to start a chain reaction. Drag all the coin halves in the far right column 1 space left to put the coins by the bombs, then explode the bombs. Collect the first coin at the bottom left corner so the light ray can keep going and keep getting the coins until the level ends.

Level 96: While gathering the purple crystals required to remove the shield, make sure there’s always a mirror blocking the light ray. The easiest way to do this is to get a mirror in the way of the light at the left, then work only on the right so as not to move the mirror. If you don’t have all the runes needed for the cloth coming in at the top left yet, gather the coins and eventually the shuffling of the pieces will bring you the runes you require. Remove the cloth to drop the coins on the top right down to the red squares. Now move the mirrors out of the way of the light ray so it will eventually trip the red square and clean up.

Level 97: Move the mirrors away from the upper light ray so the bomb will get rid of the magnet. Make a lightning in the top half of the board and use it on mirrors to get rid of the mirror in the unreachable area which would otherwise block the other light ray. The chain reaction which occurs will unlock all the coins below. Get all the coins from the bottom half except the frozen ones. Break through the assorted obstacles on the right until you can reach the shielded tiles in the singleton spaces which are blocking the cannon. Remove those tiles, then fire the cannon. You can do the rest.

Level 98: Use lightning on books to get at least one of the trunk coins. If you have no matches there, make another lightning and use it on the bird pieces. Gather all the trunk coins from the top right to activate the trunk. Use lightning on leaves to obtain access to the area where the key and locked coin are. Clear out the rest of the shielded tiles in the way and get the coin. Light the coal, which will trip the trunk in the chain reaction. Trip the red square, then the green.

Level 99: Another pestilence of bugs, and still no bug spray. Blast the 3 bugs in the bottom left while collecting books to remove the shield. When the right side populates, remove the cloth. Gather all the coins blocking the light ray, which will then remove the magnet. Use rockets on the remaining bugs and the rest is easy.

Sokoban 23: Push the gem closest to the beetle at the start left 3, then up into the slot. The beetle has a gem immediately to its right now; push this gem up 1 to get it out of the way. Go to the leftmost gem and push it right 1, down 1, up 2. This produces a horizontal pair of gems. The gem on the right is now in the way. Move the beetle above this gem and push it down 1 to get it out of the way. Then push the gem on the beetle’s left 2 spaces left, then up into the slot. There is a horizontal pair of gems remaining. The one on the left is in the way, so push it up 1 to be out of the way. Push the other gem left 2, up 1. You now have a horizontal pair of gems again, and the one on the right is in the way. Go above it and push it down 2 to be out of the way. Move back to the other gem and push it up 1, then left into the slot. Finally, push the last gem up 1, left 1, up 2, left 2, and up into the slot.

Level 100: Blast the clay blocking the magnet and remove it. Make a lightning and use it on blue pieces to remove the shielded tile blocking the permanent bombs. Now keep tripping the permanent bombs until the cannons have shot out all the obstacles in the top center. The cannons don’t reach the last bomb in the top center, so set that one off with a match by it or by using lightning on whatever tile type is next to the bomb. Clear enough of the shielded tiles so all the cannons have a free pathway. Trip the permanent bombs again repeatedly until the cannons have shot out all the clay on the top left. Get the trunk coins and trip the trunk for the remaining coins.
Levels 101-110, Sokobans 24-25
Level 101: Gather blue pieces from the bottom until the shield vanishes and the light ray does its thing so the top populates. Remove the cloth, which will get you the coins from the top right in the chain reaction. Bomb the bugs up top. Don’t worry about that electrified chain; you can break it or not. Get the 3 coins at the bottom which you can reach, then remove the magnet and use a rocket on the last coin.

Level 102: Spread the upper fire to the higher coal to free the highest light ray. Now it gets tricky. Scoot the lower key enough so it’s in the middle area that’s 2 spaces deep below the water. Start spreading the fire from the lower flame, then either match or blow something up behind the key so the flames keep spreading past the key. Light the lower coal without having the key scoot backwards too much so the fire doesn’t get cut off. This may take a few tries to get the hang of it. Once all the fire goes out, get the keys to their coins and collect the coins. This removes the magnet in a chain reaction. Use a lightning on books. Wait for the light ray to finish, then make another lightning and use it on green pieces.

Sokoban 24: Move the beetle onto the slot next to the gems and push the gem below it down 3 to get it out of the way. Go to the gem on the bottom right and push it right 2 and up into the slot. There’s a gem in the center of the puzzle under the 1 space wall. Push this gem left 1, then up until it goes in the slot. There are 3 gems in a row near the top. Go under the rightmost one and push it up into the slot. Then push the next gem up 1 and left into the slot. Push the last gem in the top area right 2, up 1, then right into the slot. Push the final gem up 4, then left into the slot.

Level 103: Either rearrange the 3 purple crystals into a match, or blow them up to remove the shield. Gather the coins which dropped down, then get through the fog to remove the magnets. Use rockets on the bugs. Remove the cloth and the level will finish itself.

Level 104: Work around the sand to light the lamp. The shielded tiles drop down in the cannon’s pathway for you to clear next. Trip the permanent bombs to fire the cannon, which removes the magnet in a chain reaction. Use lightning on leaves to open up some working room in the bottom left. Clear the rest of the wood in the way of the light ray and let it zap all the dark coins on the bottom right. You can do the rest.

Level 105: Yes, you have to get through all that ice. And no, you can’t use lightning just yet, sorry! Clear out the wood and collect the regular coins which block the light ray so it can zap the dark coins. Now spread the fire back to the left for the frozen coins. The bomb will explode after the coins thaw, removing the magnet. Use lightning on swords, and clean up.

Level 106: Clear the fog to reach the fire and magnet. Get the frozen coins, then remove the magnet. Use lightning on blue crystals, which also drives off the bug. Get the coin blocking the light ray on the top right, then move the mirrors out of the way of both light rays so they can get the dark spots below and start chain reactions with the bombs. This frees all the runes for you to remove the cloth and clean up.

Level 107: Gather the 4 easy coins at the bottom, then work through the obstacles on the left until the light ray in the top left is freed and zaps the dark coins. Pick up all the coins which fell, and then make a rocket. Leave the rocket there for now and clear the obstacles by the magnet so you can remove the magnet. Then use the rocket on the last coin.

Level 108: Break the ice by the vase and remove the vase. Spread the fire around the water at the left to get the frozen coin in the center left. Break the chains in the bottom center section, then spread the fire from the right around the water to the frozen coin. Trip the permanent bombs to have the cannon shoot out the magnet. The light ray will start zapping dark coins, but get stopped by the regular coin in the middle. Note what tile type is sitting above the regular coin, and use a lightning on it so the light ray can keep going to the rest of the dark coins. Then make another lightning and use it on whatever tile type is sitting atop the shielded tile blocking the cannon. Keep tripping the permanent bombs until all the coins are gone.

Sokoban 25: There are 2 gems next to slots at the start. Go over to them and push them into their slots. In the bottom center are a vertical pair of gems. The lower one is in the way, so push it right 1 to move it out of the way. The beetle is under the other gem now, so push it up 3, right 2, and up into the slot. Move the beetle down 2 spaces and push the gem left 1, up 2, right 2, up 1, and left into the slot. Push the last gem left 1, up 4, right 3, and up into the slot.

Level 109: Blast the clay and remove the wood in the top right to free the light ray in the corner. This opens up some space in the center, so clear the obstacles there in order to remove the vase. The up arrow deflector piece shifts to be aligned with the magnet above. Trip the permanent bombs to fire the cannon, which will remove the magnet. Use a rocket on the bug and you can take it from here.

Level 110: Blast the 3 purple crystals to remove the shield. The tricky part here is not to light the lamp prematurely and also to leave the electrified chain in place, so you can’t blast the chained pieces near the electrified chain. Gather all the coins above the electrified chain, then light the lamp by hooking up a couple more pieces to the chain. The level will finish itself.
End notes
This is the end of the game, but note that if you go to the replay levels area, you still cannot pull up M3 levels on demand as the game goes to endless mode and selecting the M3 level option from the level replay area will give you a random level instead. If you are only part of the way through the game, the M3 level replay does work for replaying previously completed levels in order. All the minigames can be replayed in order at any time.