Love and Sex: Second Base
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Love and Sex: Second Base

261 평점
Love & Sex: Second Base | Walkthrough (Male MC)
Haakii 님이 작성
The following articles describe the basics needed to play the game, including all the attributes and how interacting with the other characters in the game works. For questions if you get stuck: Click me
즐겨찾기 해제
I try to keep this guide up to date, but please understand that it may take some time after the game update to get everything up to date. For questions if you get stuck: Click me
Game Mechanics
You have two kinds of statistics: Needs and Attributes. There are a number of romance options they can interact with. They have three primary statistics: Love Points (), Kink Points (), and Girl Points (). Certain other romance options have additional statistics as noted in their sections.

In Love and Sex, you take actions to do things or move around the game. Actions may cost you time and/or attributes. You can see what the action will cost you by hovering over the icon. Many actions have additional requirements, such as specific needs or attributes or characters in the room, or certain seasons.
Romances Mechanics (Part 1) - (Love,Story,Daily,Tickling,Talking,Gitfs,Kissing,Compliment,Dates,Texts)
There are 3 main attributes for each romance character: Love Points (Love.png), Kink Points (Sub.png/Dom.png), and Lesbian Points (Gp.png). Additionally, other characters have additional stats that are described in their own character pages as they offer unique mechanichs.

Each character also has their favourite talk topics, favourite gifts, favourite dates and/or television programs. Also each character has their own schedule so you'll have to adjust your schedule depending on what romance you're after.

Love Points Love.png
They represent how much a character likes you. Love Points tend to have a cap based upon events; once you reach that cap it will often enable the next event in their story chain. As of this time, many of the characters still have caps below 100, which indicates more story is planned for them in future versions of the game. When you reach 50% Love.png, the character will change pose. This can be used as a cue to strike.

In game, this value is represented in a 0-100 scale, and therefore, all the values in this wiki are shown in this same scale. However, internally, it is on a different scale, which means that even if an action/event increases the love points, it may not be reflected in a stat bar change. A notification that Love.png was gained will still appear.

There are multiple ways of increasing (or decreasing) a character's love towards the main character. Love.png can be gained and lost through interactions with the characters, sending them texts.

Story events
During story events, the character's love may increase or decrease, sometimes in an unavoidable manner, and other times based on your selections.
Story events are also the only current way of increasing the Love Points cap.

Daily passive Love (DPL)

The first time you met a character every day, the character's Love.png will be modified based on their likes and yourself.
When a character likes an attribute, love is incresed if your attribute current value is higher than the character's love.
When a character has a trait, love is increased if you are wearing clothes that match that trait. See clothing for details on which cloth matches which trait.
When a character likes/dislikes a skill, love is increased/decreased if you have that skill.

You can tickle each character once per day. Depending on the character traits, Love.png can be increased or decreased. Their effect stacks, so having a multiple of this trais needs to be considered.
Playful: +0.5% Love.png
Dominat: -0.5% Love.png
Princess: -0.5% Love.png

You can talk with each character several times a day, but you can only talk about the same topic with that character once per day. Conversations for each topic vary for every character, and may also depend on the hero or the character stat values, or even randomness. Below you can find a table with the different characters and talk topics as a general guide.

Giving gifts to a character will increase (or decrease) their love towards you. The exact amount depends on several factors:
The gift base effect: usually more expensive gifts provide a higher love boost, but this is not always the case. See items for the base effect of each gift.
The gift favored traits: each gives have some favored/unfavored traits, and if the character has that trait, the love gain will be increased/decreased.
The girls likes/dislikes: girls may like or dislike certain gifts, or even certain gifts categories (such as jewelry or books) impacting the love gain. A girl that dislikes an item or its category will never increase their love, they may stay the same or decrease it.
If the gift is given in the character's birthday, the gain (which may also be negative) will be scaled up by 50%.
Love gain is reduced by 0.5% Love.png for each time you gifted the same item to that character in the previous 7 days.

Each character reacts different when you try to kiss them. Some require a certain event to have happened before allowing it, others require a certain amount of Love.png, which may also be modified by Charm.png. As a general rule, a first kiss will grant +2.5% Love.png while any other kiss will grant +1% Love.png.

Once per day you have the option to compliment a character. There are three possible outcomes depending on your Charm.png and randomness:
Success (50%): +1% Love.png
Neutral (30%): no change.
Fail (20%): -0.5% Love.png
Each Charm.png point will increase the success probability by 1%, reducing first the fail probability until 20 Charm.png and then the neutral probability until 50 Charm.png.

When you end a date with a character, additionally to whatever love increase you achieved during the date, their love will also increase. The ammount is determined by the date location, and whether the character likes or dislikes that location.
0% Love.png: Home, Mall.
0.5% Love.png: Cinema.
1% Love.png: Club, Restaurant, Nightclub, Park, Waterpark.
1.5% Love.png: Beach.
If the character likes/dislikes that date location, the love increase will be scaled up/down by 50%.

Once you get a character's number, and if she is not present in the same room, you can send them a text message. At 15 Charm.png, sexy messages are unlocked and at 30 Charm.png, dirty text messages are unlocked.
Be careful not to write text messages to characters that are sleeping, or instead you will get -1% Love.png.
Romances Mechanics (Part 2) - Kink-, Lesbian Points, Gifts, Traits, Talk Topics
Kink Points
If Kink Points are positive, it is a measure of how submissive they are, and the icon is a pair of handcuffs. If Kink Points go negative, it is a measure of how dominant they are and the icon is a whip. Only certain characters can go into Dom Points, and this opens up alternative scenes with them.

Kink Points can be raised by giving them “A sex slave’s story” book purchased in the bookstore, or lowered by giving “Mistress Amanda”.

Additionally, the sexy dress, slutty dress, and sexy swimwear can be gifted to each person once for a large bonus (do keep in mind that some of these gifts require a certain value to be accepted).

It can also be raised by spanking, but only once they have reached 10 , and cannot be raised past 50 (Some characters like Lexi don't require the 10 Sub.png). Watching S&M Porn with characters at home (for characters who do not live at home this can be done on home dates) will raise as well.

Raising Kink Points will open new options, such as piercing, collaring, agreeing to have unprotected sex.

Lesbian Points Gp.png
Lesbian points are a measure of how likely it is that a girl will agree to romantic content depending on the sex of the participants.

If a girl is over 90% Gp.png, she won’t date Mike.
If a girl is over 80% Gp.png, she won’t kiss Mike.
If a girl is over 60% Gp.png, she won’t have sex with Mike.
If a girl is under 40% Gp.png, she won’t have sex with Bree.
If a girl is under 20% Gp.png, she won’t kiss Bree.
If a girl is under 10% Gp.png, she won’t date Bree.
Additionally, scenes that include more than two characters may also be gated by Gp.png.
Gp.png can be modified by differect actions.

Complimenting a character, if successful, will modify Gp.png if it is preventing it to date that character.
Mike (Gp.png > 90%): -5% Gp.png
Bree (Gp.png < 10%): +5% Gp.png

Yuri Manga: +5% Gp.png
Porn magazine: -5% Gp.png

Lesbian porn: + Gp.png

When you reach at least 20 Love.png with a romance option, you can then give them gifts. Most gifts will offer an Love.png boost, but some will open up story options. Some gifts can only ever be given once. Other gifts can be given multiple times, but their effects will be reduced in the future, such as the flowers and the candies. For some characters, the Sexy Underwear or Sexy Swimsuit will allow them to wear a sexier version of that outfit at appropriate times. For most characters, the slave collar will, given enough Sub.png, change the character to be your slave.

On Valentine's Day (most characters give just chocolates then, others will pick from their list), Christmas or the MC's birthday you'll receive a gift if you meet the character that day and have at least 20 Love.png (birthday) or 25 Love.png (Christmas and Valentine’s)

Each character has a specific list of items to give and if you already have that item they'll skip to the next one, if they run out they'll give you a cake.

Each character has inherent traits which influences which actions they will like on dates, these dates will be discoverable when you get enough Love.png. They'll also influence how much Love.png you'll gain from the clothes you wear. Certain characters also have anti-traits, meaning if you do an action marked with that trait they may lose Love.png.

The following chart briefly shows where various traits are used. For the events the trait typically offers unique dialogue or choices specific to that trait with opportunity for Love.png gain or loss depending on player choice.

Talk Topics
When talking to a romanceable character, one of the options is “Talk”, allowing you to pick from a list of topics to talk about. Each of the characters has different topics that they prefer to talk about. Some characters will respond well to one topic and others will respond poorly to the same topic. Some topics will only be good to use when certain conditions are met, such as the character’s Love.png or skills that Mike has acquired.
It is important to remember that even “safe” topics can still have choices that negatively impact your relationship with a character.

The charts below are a matrix that shows each romanceable character in the game and the different talk topics available. ✅ denotes “safe” topics that are largely good ways to increase your relationship with the character. ❌ denotes unsafe topics that will harm your relationship with the character. Blank cells are neutral topics that won’t have an effect one way or the other.

1. Requires Love.png > 60
2. Most topics have a 50/50 ratio of good and bad answers
3. Not a negative when pregnant

Requires Charm.png > 25
Requires Cooking skill
Requires Love.png > 25
Requires Love.png > 20
Requires Love.png > 40
Requires Love.png > 75
Morgan is a special case. Her reactions to different topic rely on her masculinity, Love.png, Sub.png and whether or not she’s pregnant. Good Luck.
Romances Mechanics (Part 3) -Desire factors, Roommates, Dates, Clothing, Stamina, Booty
Desire factors
All romanceable characters have desire factors, which influence the things they like and do not like. When desire factors are an attribute, you get daily love points for being high in that attribute. Other desire factors include good date locations and occasionally date activities.
They can also have not desire factors, being things they do not like. Dates in these locations or actions related to these factors will give lower Love.png, or even Love.png loss.

Both MCs have 2 roommates, one of which is always Sasha. Roommates have more options than other characters:
You can watch TV with the roommates regularly. Each roommate has his or her own chart for programs they like.
You can cook a meal for the roommates for easy Love.png, if you have the cooking skill.

Upon reaching a certain Love.png, and sometimes after clearing specific events, you may ask a character out on a date. Sometimes these characters will ask you on a date.

If they ask you then a time is automatically chosen. If you do ask, then you can choose the time, either in the afternoon (only Saturday or Sunday) or evening. This means either 14:00 or 20:00.

Different dates cost a different amount of money.

If you don't take a character on a date on the day it was agreed upon then you'll lose a whopping 20 Love.png. Be careful because some events will cause you to miss the date time.

When the time to go on a date comes, you will get an action icon to take the person on the date. It will appear only at the hour of the date. If you miss the date due to an event, you can still call and cancel the date as long as you do it before midnight. After midnight, you will take the hit for missing the date.

On a date, you'll have a bar at the top of the screen, called Date Score (Dating.png). Every action that increases Love.png will fill the bar and every action that decreases Love.png will deplete it, so take care what you do or say. A full bar means a successful date. All the girls have different preferences on which location they like (dislikes in the infobox on their wiki page). If you take them to a date location they dislike you start the date with -25 Dating.png. If you also take her to the same date location again (after you took her there the date before) she will lose an additional amount of -25 Dating.png for taking her there again and an additional -25 Dating.png for not liking the location (up to -75 Dating.png).

You can also get Dating.png for certain actions, these fill the bar too but don't alter Love.png..

Dates generally last for 6 hours and it's possible for your date to propose to continue the date either an evening date location or the nightclub.

If a date is successful, usually with a high enough date bar, you might be able to ask your partner home for sex. A high morality Bree MC will usually not have sex right away, and some girls may need additional events to unlock sex.

The MC may purchase clothing in the clothes shop in the mall. The MC can wear one piece of clothing and one accessory. Most clothes add to traits, but some clothes unlock special locations. Some clothes also affect the DLove.png of dates, depending upon their traits. Depending on the traits of the characters, each piece of clothing and accessory you wear has a chance of adding 1 to your DPL, if multiple traits apply to the same girl then both will count(for example on Sasha the leather jacket has a 40% chance of gaining 1 Love.png and 20% chance of 2 Love.png)
Some items are for Mike MC, while differently named variations with the same effects are for Bree.
Clothing that unlocks a location does not need to be worn, merely owned.

As of version 22.2.0, the game implements a stamina mechanic. If Mike MC's stamina has not recovered since the last time he had sex with a girl, the option to take a girl home for 'hot coffee' is not available. When Mike MC's stamina has recovered, an eggplant symbol Stamina.png is visible in the personal information on his phone.

Stamina is calculated in hours since the last time Mike MC had sex. The base recovery time is 120 hours (= 5 days). Choosing 'erectile problems' during the introductory questions increases the base recovery time to 240 hours, the 'high libido' trait reduces it to 90 hours.

The recovery time is also reduced by Mike MC's level of Fitness.png and his sexperience. (one Fitness.png removes one hour from the recovery time, two sexperience also remove one hour from the recovery time)

Using the blue pill from the drug store restores stamina immediately. However, every time Mike MC takes a blue pill, an exponentially increasing (!) value is added to his recovery time.

Booty call
If the MC has > 75 Love.png, >= 25 Sub.png, you may call the character up and go directly to the post-date sex scenes without having a date. This sacrifices the Love.png gain of a date (and any story events that might happen) for the benefits of a sex scene.

Romances Mechanics (Part 4) - Piercings,Collaring,Marriage
If a romance option has at least 30 Sub.png (this number is the same for all characters and all piercings), during the mall date the MC can take their date to the piercing shop and buy or remove piercings. These piercings are generally cosmetic in nature only.

Not all characters support all piercings. In particular only a few support lip and eyebrow piercings.

There is a slave collar that can be purchased as a gift at the sex shop. If given to a character, and that character accepts it, their status will change to sex slave and they will wear the collar. If their Sub.png ever drops below 50, they will no longer be shown wearing the collar.
At the moment, collaring is not supported for all characters.

The 20 Love.png minimum is needed to be able to give gifts.

To collar Palla you have to play her slave route. In order to do that you have to receive a phone call from Palla where she calls Mike and tells him that she has problem settling down. Depending on what you choose when she talked to Mike face to face the dialog will play out a bit different but you you have to choose "I want you all to myself" in the upcoming menu in order to flag her slave route. After you have done that, you need to finish the event Palla explains her situation in order to collar Palla.

Some characters can be proposed to. A wedding ring can be bought in the mall. Giving the ring as a gift leads to a proposal. Characters who can be married need to have very high love - this should only be attempted when Love.png is at or near max, or they will likely say no.

Once accepted, the next Sunday, there will be a wedding.

After the wedding will be a bit of an epilogue, and the game will end. Because of this, you should ALWAYS save before proposing.
Note (Part 1)
You have 4 needs: Energy (Energy.png), Hunger (Hunger.png), Grooming (Grooming.png) and Fun (Fun.png).

Energy.png is refilled by either sleeping (my bedroom, faster with the luxury bed bought at the mall), drink a coffee (kitchen, once per day, free action), taking a break (office, free action) or drinking an energy drink (bakery, 25 Money.png, consumable) You can only drink one coffee per day, either in the kitchen (+2 Energy.png) or on break (+1 Energy.png +1 Fun.png).

Hunger.png is filled by either have a meal (kitchen), eat a hotdog (mall, 5 Money.png), eat a hamburger (pub, 25 Money.png) or eating a pastry (bakery, 25 Money.png, consumable).

Grooming.png can be refilled by taking a shower in the bathroom (at lower level of love points your housemates will not allow you in the bathroom alongside with them) or eating a mint candy (bakery, 25 Money.png, consumable)

Fun can be refilled by watching TV (living room), playing video games (after buying or being gifted the Z-box), play a game (arcade, 1 Money.png), take a break (office), reading the fun book (bookstore, 25 Money.png), watching a movie (movie theater, 10 Money.png), masturbate (living room, free action, requires under yellow fun) and complimenting/kissing the romance options. Sending texts to all the characters in your contacts is a good way to increase Fun.png and love points at the same time.

If one of your needs is below 5 it will block a small amount of actions, if your needs are in yellow (3 or below) they will block most of your actions, if your needs are in red (0) they will block almost everything except the most basic of actions (sleeping, eating and solving whatever need is in red)

Knowledge Knowledge.png increases your Fun.png cap (max 15) , the amount of money you get from working in the office, the amount of topics you get to talk about (you start with 2 and you get a new one every 10 levels) and is a prerequisite for options in events. You can increase knowledge by: thinking hard (park, only when all your needs are above 5, 50% chance), reading a knowledge book* (book store, 100 Money.png, free action), study (university, 2h, 25 Money.png), and buying the knowledge machine (mall, 600 Money.png, not guaranteed every night) also increased by wearing certain clothes.

Fitness Fitness.png increases your Energy.png cap (max 15) and is a prerequisite for options in events. you can increase fitness by: do push-ups (your bedroom, only when all your needs are above 5, 50% chance), swim (pool, only spring and summer months, requires bathing suit), go for a run (park, requires sport clothes), light training (gym, requires sport clothes), heavy training (gym, requires sport clothes) and buying the fitness machine (mall, 600 Money.png, not guaranteed every night) also increased by wearing certain clothes.

Charm Charm.png increases your Grooming.png cap (max 15) and decreases the chance of giving a bad compliment and is a prerequisite for options in events. You can increase charm by: practice speech (bathroom, only when all your needs are above 5, 50% chance), sunbath (pool, only spring and summer months), get a haircut (mall, 50 Money.png), party (nightclub (15 Money.png), 50 Money.png), reading the charm book (bookstore, 100 Money.png), after buying the hot tub (5000 Money.png) and buying the charm machine (mall, 600 Money.png, not guaranteed every night) also increased by wearing certain clothes.

Morality is a Bree MC specific trait that describes how good or bad your character is. This controls what actions might be available with certain other characters, positive points will be called morality and negative points immorality.

Your starting attributes are also raised by your choices in the prologue.

These there are the skills which currently matter in game-play. All skills are picked at the start of the game skills, but some skills can be learned as the game progresses. Initial skill choice is detailed in the Walkthrough section.
Note (Part 2)
Good Skills
Martial arts: need less fitness to win a fight, earnable on the beach
Golf: No current effect
Cooking: desire gain from eating with Sasha and Bree in the morning (this skill is earnable ingame) and can affect dialogue with some characters.
Dancing: Has minimal effect on current story. (Can be earned in game from Palla )
Shooting: Has some effect on Aletta’s story.
Kart racing: No current effect (learned by going to the karting track)

Video games: need less knowledge to win the videogame event. Can beat Bree while gaming in the living room (+1kp)
Guitar: prerequisite for the band storyline. Can be learned from a book in the book shop.
Workaholic: 2x work progress bar

Iron stomach: No current effect
Night owl: need 1 hour less sleep
Hung: get +1 Love.png if romance options happen to encounter the trouser python (+1 Love.png if you're in the bathroom with sasha or bree, first asking you to leave counts), always impregnate a girl when you ♥♥♥ inside her if she has pregnancy content
Luck: Starting money boost. Better odds on the bar lottery. Can be earned by getting Lavish's lucky panties or finding a 4 leaf clover, however the clover only gives luck for one day
Shibari: Allows bondage during some after date scenes
S&M: Allows SM during some after date scenes
Massage: Can give Sasha foot massages. Learned from book from book shop.

Skills also influence Daily Passive Love

Bad Skills
Debt: lose 100 Money.png each week before paying rent

Unlucky: worse odds in the bar lottery

Animals Hate Me: More likely shark will attack if you swim at the beach, bear will attack if you hike in the forest

Small D.ick: Pregnancy chance is reduced to 10%. Influences daily passive love for some girls, art might change in some sex scenes.

The Office

For Mike, the only way to reliably get money is to work at the office (you can also roam the streets for a random event or play vidya but you won't get far that way). Either work or work hard (both 4 hours), work hard gets you more money and costs more Fun.png but is only available if all your needs are above 5, work is available if your needs are above 3. You also have random events while working that can change how much money you get.

Work is only available in day hours and from Monday to Saturday, this is important because of the next point important! Every Monday morning 100 Money.png (50 Money.png on easy, 200 Money.png on hard) will be required to pay the rent, if you can't do this then you'll take a massive relationship hit with your roommates.

At the office you have a promotion bar. When this reaches 100%, you will receive a promotion. This includes a new office and a salary increase. The more promotions you get, the more your salary increases. Promotions will also unlock new content.

The office salary is based on the number of promotions, charm and knowledge. Raising all of these attributes will raise Mike’s salary.


- Work normally: +5% promotion progress.

- Slack off: +5% promotion progress and + 2 fun. There is a chance be caught by Aletta and -1% progress (chance reduced by Charm.png, 0% at 101 Charm.png).

Work hard (+50% money)

- Work normally: +10% promotion progress.

- Work fast: +15% promotion progress. There is a chance be caught by Aletta and get no progress (chance reduced by Knowledge.png, 0% at 100 Knowledge.png).

Mall Jobs

Mike if he loses or quits his office job, the alternative are mall jobs. Mall jobs pay much less than the office job and are not very fulfilling, but they will do the trick.

Bakery: This job pays based upon your Charm.png.
Electronic Shop: This job pays based upon your Knowledge.png.
Gym: This job pays based upon your Fitness.png.
Bookstore: This job pays based upon your Charm.png, and pays twice the amount as the Bakery.
Sex Shop: This job pays based upon your Charm.png, and pays twice the amount as the Bakery.
Note (Part 3)
You can purchase items at various shops. There are four types of items you can buy:

Gifts: Gifts are items that are specifically to be given to the romance characters. They can be flowers, candies, books, clothing and certain sex shop items such as the slave collar.

Consumables: Consumables are items that you buy and use. They include items such as cakes, mint candies, medicine and condoms.

Clothing: Clothing are items that you can equip for some effect. You have two slots to equip: A main clothing and an accessory. Each item in the clothes shop describes what it affects.

Plot items: Other items exist for plot purposes, and cannot be used explicitly but may be needed to make some scenes available. Examples of this are the bicycle or car, which unlocks the beach. Note that plot items can also be clothing, such as the sport clothes and fancy clothes needed to unlock the gym and nightclub, respectively.

Each week you're supposed to do certain chores as part of the household. There will be a bar that fills up to 100% while you are in the house. When you have filled this bar it will go away.

These are best left until Sunday as you don't have that much to do during that day.

If you don't do the minimum of 4 chores then you'll lose 10 Love.png with both Bree and Sasha.

Doing unfinished chores even after your chore meter is maxed out will gain extra Love.png with your roommates.

For 100 Money.png/week you can hire a cleaning service and not have to do chores.

Getting Sick
You have a small chance of getting sick every day.

If you get sick, other characters will comment on it, but it otherwise has minimal effect on the game. If you buy medicine in the mall, using it will immediately remove the effect.

If Mike MC has sex with a girl and ♥♥♥♥ inside her, there is a certain chance she will become pregnant. The pregnancy system changed with version 22.2.0. The chance of pregnancy now depends on the general fertility of the girl, the day her fertility cycle and the size of Mike MC's ♥♥♥♥.

There is a 28 day fertility cycle for each girl during which they can get pregnant.

During this time there is a 13 Days time window in which there is a chance for the girls to become pregnant. In order to see the Pregnancy chance for each girl you have to learn the new skill "Fertility Assessment". It can be learned through a book from the book shop.

Also, each girl has one of 3 fertility traits which change the chance of them getting pregnant.

Base pregnancy chance
Fertil Day
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13

Additionally, to the girl's fertility trait, Mike MC's potency depends on his ♥♥♥♥ size (hung/normal/small d.ick), which will increase or decrease the pregnancy chance.

The d.ick size can be chosen during the introductory questions. It can also be changed with the respective pills from the drug store.

Base pregnancy chance + Hero potency trait

Note (Part 4)
Birth control
In order to avoid pregnancy, Mike MC can use a condom. Condoms can be bought at the drug store or the sex shop. Some girls will insist on using protection, unless their Sub.png is high enough.

Any girl that has >= 50 Sub.png can be commanded to go on (or off) the pill. Some girls, such as Lexi and Palla start out on the pill, but most do not. A girl who is on the pill cannot get pregnant.

Besides the after-date scenes, there are also a couple of sexual encounters during the girls' story events. In most, they cannot get pregnant. This is a game design decision, so that the player does not impregnate a girl during a sex scene over which they have no control. The hung trait does not change the outcome! In some events, the player can choose whether to use a condom or not. A few events do not present that option. For these, the only sure way to prevent a pregnancy is if the girl is on the pill.

During a home date, Mike MC can have sex with a girl in the hot tub (after it has been repaired for 5000 Money.png). If Mike MC does not pull out, the girl can get pregnant during this event.

Giving Birth
When a girl becomes pregnant, sometime in the next week she will have a special conversation with MC where she breaks the news. Some girls do not want children and will want an abortion. Some girls will want to keep it. If, at the end of the conversation, she decides or is coerced into keeping the child, after 9 full days her art will update to the pregnancy version. Not all girls currently support pregnancy.

As of version 22.2.0, the game now gives the player the option to choose between the old system where girls stay pregnant forever or the new system where they give birth.

The girls give birth 60 days after they become pregnant
If you don't marry the girl before she gives birth she will lose 25 Love.png
You'll have to pay 100 Money.png in child support every week for every baby

Question #1: Do you like sport?

Question #2: Do you have a hobby to relax with?

Question #3: Can you tell us something bad or shameful about you.

Question #4: Do anything of note, or is corporate lackey all there is to you?


Advancing quickly in the game requires getting your attributes up and having a lot of money. As a result, a good early daily schedule includes working a lot and spending time practicing your skills, while at the same time increasing Love.png with your roommates. Here is a good recommended schedule to start with.

Purchase the Luxury bed at the mall for 200 Money.png. This will allow you to get up at 6:00 a.m. fully rested, without an alarm, provided you go to sleep at 23:00.

06:00: Wake up (set the alarm) and shower, Bree will ask you to leave, this will net you Love.png with her if you are hung.

07:00: Watch TV or do a chore

08:00: Kitchen with Bree, compliment her (free action, once per day), this will either increase Love.png or decrease it but we're going to get it back immediately anyway, talk to her.

09:00: Kitchen with Sasha, compliment her (free action, once per day), eat with her, also drink the coffee (your Energy.png should be 8 which brings you right back at 10 for free)

10:00: Office, work hard

14:00: Office, work hard

18:00: Text every girl in your contact list that is not at max Love.png. You should call and chat with the ones that can gain Love.png or, if desired, Sub.png for chatting.

18:00: Home: either TV with Bree (if you have enough Love.png with her) or wait for 2 hours (your fun levels are too low to do anything else)

20:00: Eat with the girls

21:00: TV with Sasha (if you have enough Love.png with her)

23:00: Sleep

Other good starting choices include (once you’ve worked a bit and built up some cash) buying gym clothes and going to the gym to train, or buying fancy clothes and going to the nightclub to party (only available late at night) to build up Charm.png. Going to the university to build up Knowledge.png is also valuable early. If you want to avoid Kylie (the Yandere character), she will not trigger until 7 days played. Kylie also does not become generally available until after Mike has 30 Charm.png, so raising Knowledge.png to max first and then raising Charm.png can keep Kylie at bay.

Be warned that starting on the second week, if you go to the Dark Alley after 22:00 you will encounter Danny. If you have less than 50 Fitness.png, (or less than 25 Fitness.png with martial arts skill) you will lose 500 Money.png, so do not do this encounter on a Sunday night!
Sasha - Content
In-game description: "One of my roommates, Sasha is a goth girl. She can be acerbic, but knows how to have a lot of fun."
Sasha is a smaller-chested brunette goth girl who is one of the roommates. She is into music and kinky sex.
Sasha is possessive! If you kiss someone in front of Sasha, many events will no longer trigger. She considers this cheating. Events noted with “not cheated” will not trigger, in this case, and you cannot recover this state.
If you allow Sub.png to go negative, Sasha gets Dom Points (Dom.png) instead, and this opens up special scenes.
Post-date, Sasha can have sex with the MC:
If Sub.png > 50 and anal beads have been purchased, Sasha will do bead play. During bead play Mike can her doggy, missionary, standing, and there’s a spanking option.
If Dom.png > 25, Sasha will Mike with a strapon.

Story events
1.1 Moving In
1.2 Unpacking
1.3 Playing pool
1.4 Sasha has a band
1.5 First gig
1.6 Take Sasha on a date 1
1.7 Take Sasha on a date 2
1.8 Confessing your feelings
1.9 Sasha gives herself to Mike

Flirting with Sasha
2.1 Flirting by the pool
2.2 Successful date
2.3 Sasha asks about family
2.4 Making a move
2.5 Coffee date

Appearance change events
3.1 Sasha breast complex
3.2 Sasha breast complex 2
3.3 Sasha breast complex 3
3.4 Sasha breast complex 4
3.5 Sasha breast complex 5
3.6 Sasha likes blondes
3.7 Sasha likes blondes 2

Sasha and Scottie events
4.1 Scottie appears
4.2 Scottie talk
4.3 Sasha and Scottie blowjob (avoidable NTR)
4.4 Scottie threesome request
4.5 Scottie threesome

Sex events
5.1 Masturbation
5.2 Pool Foreplay
5.3 TV BJ
5.4 Shower BJ
5.5 at home
5.6 at the beach
5.7 Foot massage
5.8 Foot job
5.9 Second Foot Job
5.10 Foot lick
5.11 Strap-on fun
5.12 Hot tub Sex

Other events
6.1 Sasha loves her toys
6.2 Sasha has a bad practice
6.3 Birthday date
6.4 Pregnancy request
6.5 Piss off!
6.6 Valentines Day
6.7 Christmas
Sasha - Story events
Moving In
Prerequisites: Living room, 09:00-19:00
Sasha moves in. Mike can help her or not. If you help her and have Charm.png >=4 you can laugh at her comment to not increase her Dom.png. With Fitness.png>=5 you can take all 3 boxes from her.
Outcome: Sasha max Love.png set to 15, can be kissed at 13 Love.png.

Prerequisites: done Unpacking, Hallway, 09:00-24:00, not cheated, Sasha is in her room and not sleeping
The MC can help Sasha unpack. Having Energy.png > 8 or Charm.png > 15 provides additional dialogue options with more Love.png possibilities.
With randomness on, this event has a 25% chance of triggering on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings. It has 100% chance of triggering Saturday at 19:00.
Outcome: Sasha max Love.png set to 20

Playing pool
Prerequisites: Pub, Sasha present, not cheated, Sasha Love.png >= 20
The MC meets Sasha in The Winchester and admires her playing pool. Can bet with her, can help her finish moving in, can have dinner with her.
Outcome: Sasha max Love.png set to 30.

Sasha has a band
Prerequisites: Hallway, Monday - Saturday, 18:00-24:00, Sasha in her bedroom, Sasha Love.png 30, not cheated
Mike overhears Sasha playing guitar in her bedroom. If Mike is enthusiastic about it, she will tell him she is in a band.
If he has the guitar skill, she will ask him to come to their band practice, otherwise she will invite him to their next gig. In order to play the Band Harem, you need the guitar skill at this point.
Outcome: Sasha max Love.png set to 70.

First gig
Prerequisites: done Sasha has a Band, did not have guitar skill, Pub, Friday, 20:00-23:00
Mike watches Sasha’s band do their first gig.
Outcome: Anna and Kleio unlocked.

Take Sasha on a date 1
Prerequisites: Sasha Love.png >= 70, done Sasha has a Band, Dating.png >=90%
After the date Sasha talks with Mike about the date. Both confess that they like each other.
Outcome: Sasha max Love.png set to 80.

Take Sasha on a date 2
Prerequisites: Sasha Love.png >= 80, done Take Sasha on a date 1, Dating.png >=90%
Sasha talks with Mike about the time she moved in.
Outcome: Sasha max Love.png set to 90, Sasha's status gets updated to Girlfriend.

Confessing your feelings
Prerequisites: Sasha Love.png >= 90, done Take Sasha on a date 2, eat a meal with her alone
Sasha and Mike confess their feelings for each other. The dialogue changes if Sasha is part of the Home and/or the Band Harem.
Outcome: Sasha's max Love.png set to 100.

Sasha gives herself to Mike
Prerequisites: Mike MC, Kitchen, Sasha Love.png > 62, Sasha Sub.png > 75
Sasha gives herself to Mike and calls him Master.
Sasha - Flirting with Sasha

Flirting by the pool
Prerequisites: Bedroom, Spring or Summer, Sasha by the pool, not cheated, Sasha Love.png >= 20
Mike flirts a bit with Sasha by the pool.

Successful date
Prerequisites: done Flirting by the pool, take Sasha on a successful date, Sasha Love.png >= 30
Depending on Sasha's Sub.png and Love.png, the dialogue plays out differently.

Sasha asks about family
Prerequisites: done Successful date, living room, interact with Sasha, not cheated, Sasha Love.png >= 40
Sasha asks Mike about his family, giving Mike an opportunity to flirt.

Making a move
Prerequisites: done Sasha asks about family, living room, interact with Sasha, not cheated, Sasha Love.png >= 50
Sasha asks why Mike did not make a move on her before.

Coffee date
Prerequisites: Coffee shop in mall date, Sasha Love.png >= 25
Mike takes Sasha to the coffee shop. This date has an opportunity for +/- 10 Sub.png as a method to quickly raise/lower that stat.
Sasha - Appearance change events

Sasha breast complex
Prerequisites: Mike MC, Living room 20:00-24:00, Sasha Love.png >= 25, not cheated
Sasha sees Mike looking at girls in a magazine, and gets irrational about it.
Outcome: -3 Love.png

Sasha breast complex 2
Prerequisites: Mike MC, Summer, Pool, Sasha Love.png >= 50, Sasha Sub.png > =75, Bree present and in swimsuit, done Sasha breast complex 1, not cheated
Sasha notices Mike checking out Bree in her swimsuit.

Sasha breast complex 3
Prerequisites: Mike MC, Bathroom, Sasha Love.png >= 75, had sex with Sasha, done Sasha breast complex 2, not cheated
Mike walks in on Sasha in the shower. She asks if Mike likes big or small tits. If he says big, she gets a breast complex.

Sasha breast complex 4
Prerequisites: Mike MC, done Sasha breast complex 3, Sasha has breast complex
Sasha tells Mike she wants a boob job. Mike can pay for it (bonus Sub.png and Love.png), agree to it (no bonus) or say no (cancels chain). If she does this, she will disappear for a week while she has the operation.

Sasha breast complex 5
Prerequisites: Mike MC, done Sasha breast complex 4, paid for or agreed to boob job
Sasha shows off her nice new bigger boobs, and gives Mike a tittyjob.

Sasha likes blondes
Prerequisites: Mike MC, Living room 20:00-24:00, Sasha Love.png > 62, Bree present, not cheated
Sasha catches Mike ogling Bree. If Mike says he likes Blondes, Sasha will be upset but think about that.

Sasha likes blondes 2
Prerequisites: Mike MC, Living room 20:00-24:00, Sasha Love.png >= 65, not cheated, only if Mike said he likes blondes in Sasha likes blondes
Sasha shows off her new blonde hair. If Mike does not like it, 7 days later it will change back to black.
You can tell Sasha to change her hairstyle between blonde and black at any time through the slave command (Sasha Sub.png >= 25).
Sasha - Sasha and Scottie events
Scottie appears
Prerequisites: Mike MC, Living room, 7 days played, not cheated
Sasha’s ex-boyfriend Scottie appears. With Sasha Love.png > 25 there are more conversation options that lead to more Sub.png/Dom.png for Sasha, but you’ll have to move quickly and complete Playing pool ASAP to get this far.

Scottie talk
Prerequisites: Mike MC, done Scottie appears, Sasha Love.png < 50, days passed >= 7
Sasha and Mike talk about Scottie.

Sasha and Scottie blowjob (avoidable NTR)
Prerequisites: Mike MC, Sasha Love.png < 50, Sasha is in her room, hallway, days passed >= 7
Mike enters the hallway and can choose to peep on Scottie and Sasha.

Scottie threesome request
Prerequisites: Mike MC, days played >= 14, living-room, had sex with Sasha, Sasha Dom.png < 25, Sasha Sub.png < 25, Sasha Love.png >= 50, not cheated
Sasha will ask Mike to have a threesome with her and Scottie.

Scottie threesome
Prerequisites: Mike MC, done threesome request, Saturday or Sunday, 18:00, living room
Sasha, Mike and Scottie spend some time together.
Sasha - Sex events
Prerequisites: Sasha is in her room, 20:00-03:00, 25% chance
Knock on Sasha's door to peep on Sasha masturbating in her bedroom.

Pool Foreplay
Prerequisites: Sasha is alone in the pool, Sasha >= 50, 25% chance, Repeatable once a Week
Foreplay event with Sasha if she is in the pool alone.

Prerequisites: Mike MC, Sasha Love.png >= 75, had sex with Sasha, watching TV with Sasha. Repeatable
If Mike watches Porn with Sasha, she can give him a nice BJ.

Shower BJ
Prerequisites: Mike MC, take a shower, 20:00-24:00, Sasha Love.png >= 75, Sasha Sub.png >= 50, had sex Repeatable
Sasha gives Mike a BJ in the shower. at home
Prerequisites: Any room in the house 20:00-24:00, Sex with Sasha at least twice, Sasha Love.png >= 75
You can ask Sasha to have sex at home. If Bree is in the room and the Home Harem is active, Bree will ask to join in.
When initiated in the bathroom, Mike will ♥♥♥♥ Sasha in the shower. Unless she is on the pill, Sasha may get pregnant from this event! at the beach
Prerequisites: Beach Date 14:00-18:00, sex with Sasha at least twice, Sasha Love.png >= 75
Mike can ask Sasha to have sex at the beach.

Foot massage
Prerequisites: Watch TV with Sasha Mon-Fri: 20:00-24:00, massage skill, Sasha >= 25 Love.png, Sasha <= 0 Sub.png
The massage skill can be learned by purchasing a book in the book store.
When watching TV with Sasha, with the massage skill, Mike can give her a foot massage.

Foot job
Prerequisites: Watch TV with Sasha Mon-Fri 20:00-24:00, massage skill, Sasha >= 50 Love.png, Sasha >= 25 Dom.png, foot massages given >= 5
The massage skill can be learned by purchasing a book in the book store.
When watching TV with Sasha, with the massage skill, she can give Mike a foot job. This requires dom points.

Second Foot Job
Prerequisites: Watch TV alone between the hours of 1800-2300, Sasha is home and not a sleep, Already had a foot job from Sasha.
Mike gets a second foot job from Sasha. This event is repeatable once a month.

Foot lick
Prerequisites: Watch TV with Sasha Wednesday or Friday 20:00-24:00, massage skill, Sasha >= 50 Love.png, Sasha >= 50 Dom.png
The massage skill can be learned by purchasing a book in the book store.
When watching TV with Sasha, with the massage skill, she will ask Mike to lick her feet.

Strap-on fun
Prerequisites: Sasha Dom.png >= 25, after date scene/♥♥♥♥ at home
Sasha will ask Mike if he wants to try something new. If he accepts she will use a strap-on and ♥♥♥♥ Mike.
Outcome: Mike knows that Sasha has a strap-on dildo

Hot tub Sex
Prerequisites: Home Date, Sasha Love.png>=50, sex with Sasha at least once, hot tub repaired
During a Date at home click the "Dip in the hot tub" button when all the requirements are met.
Sasha - Other events

Sasha loves her toys
Prerequisites: Sasha Love.png >= 70, visit Sasha in her room (she has to be present), 20% chance of happening
Mike finds out that Sasha has some new toys she is eager to use.
Outcome: Mike knows about the strap-on

Sasha has a bad practice
Prerequisites: Practice with the band, Band progress > 25
Band practice is interrupted by Sasha having a bad day. Mike follows her and talks to her. Can gain 5 Sub.png or Dom.png with right conversation options.

Birthday date
Prerequisites: Sasha is datable, Go on a date with her on her birthday
Mike takes Sasha to a special birthday date. Sasha can't get pregnant from this event.

Pregnancy request
Prerequisites: Status is girlfriend, days since status changed >= 7, not pregnant already, Sasha is present
She proposes for Mike to impregnate her.

Piss off!
Prerequisites: Cheated on Sasha
When you try to interact with Sasha, she’ll tell you to piss off.

Valentines Day
On Valentine's Day (Spring 14), Sasha will gift you handcuffs. This event may not trigger, if her love points are not high enough.

On Christmas Day (Winter 25), Sasha will gift you anal beads. This event may not trigger, if her love points are not high enough. You can use these beads on her at the end of a successful date, if her kink is high enough.
Sasha - Time schedule
Before joining the band

After joining the band
Bree - Content
In-game description: "One of my roommates, Bree is a full time student. She is bubbly and sweet."

When playing as Mike MC, Bree is one of his roommates and one of the first characters he can interact with. Bree has some of the most content in the game. She is a cute, excitable blonde girl who is into video games and geekery in general.

If you have the cooking skill, you can make a meal for Bree (and Sasha) in at 08:00 and 20:00 to gain Love.png.
If you kiss someone in front of Bree, (other than Sasha if the Home Harem is active) you will lose 20 Love.png with her.

General story events
1.1 Missing phone
1.2 Playing in the arcade
1.3 Playing on the Z-Box

Gamer path
2.1 Video Game Training
2.2 Bree is Bored
2.3 Joystick
2.4 The Tournament
2.5 Bree Scissorhands
2.6 Virtual Problems
2.7 Offline Meet Up
2.8 Striking Distance
2.9 Sleepover
2.10 Assignment
2.11 The Yearbook
2.12 The Passing of a Loved One

Maid Path
3.1 Rent troubles
3.2 Cooking practice
3.3 Cooking Practice Redux
3.4 The Interview
3.5 Visit Bree At Work
3.6 Kitchen Fun Time (optional)
3.7 Advice
3.8 The One He Likes
3.9 Living Room Dominance (optional)
3.10 The Aftermath
3.11 Temporary Help
3.12 Preparation Time
3.13 Where We Stand (optional)
3.14 Die Hard

Bree and Dwayne
4.1 Bree meets Dwayne
4.2 Dwayne asks about Bree
4.3 Ask Bree about the Grand Tour (avoidable NTR)

Sex events
5.1 Pool BJ
5.2 Shower BJ
5.3 TV BJ
5.4 Masturbation
5.5 ♥♥♥♥ at home
5.6 Z-Box Penalty
5.7 Beach BJ
5.8 Hot tub Sex

Other events
6.1 Consequences
6.2 Pregnancy request
6.3 Birthday date
6.4 Get called daddy (Collared)
6.5 Get called daddy (Non-Collared)
6.6 Talk about the first kiss
6.7 Talk about breakup
6.8 Get out!
6.9 Anal confession
6.10 Bowsette
6.11 Let’s go to the beach
6.12 Valentines Day
6.13 The Hero's birthday
Bree - Story Events
General story events
Bree has to two paths, the maid path or the gamer path. Depending on the prerequisites met, the play through can result in either of these paths.

Missing phone
Prerequisites: Living room, Bree present, Bree 10 Love.png.
Mike’s phone is missing. While looking for it, he runs into Bree playing a videogame on the couch. If Mike asks her to help look, +5 Love.png. If Mike demands she look, +5 Sub.png.
Outcome: Bree max Love.png set to 20, kissable at 20 Love.png

Playing in the arcade
Prerequisites: Arcade, Bree present (Saturday afternoons,15 PM), Bree 20 Love.png
Play games in the arcade with Bree. Different text if Mike has video games skill, but the outcome is the same.
Outcome: Bree max Love.png set to 30.

Playing on the Z-Box
Prerequisites: Z-Box owned. Living room 10:00-19:00, Bree Present, Bree 30 Love.png
Play on the Z-Box with Bree, and see her bedroom. If you tease her about country music, +5 Sub.png. Otherwise +5 Love.png.
Outcome: Bree max Love.png set to 40.

If you finished the playing on the Z-Box event Bree's story will split into the Maid OR Gamer path (the gamer path requires the video games skill).
You can only do either the Maid or the Gamer path in one playthrough (both on the same save file is not possible).
Bree - Gamer path

Gamer path
Even if you choose the games skill you can start the maid path unless you finished the video game training event!
When Bree calls you, you have to ignore the call otherwise you will change to the maid path.
If you choose the Video games skill at the beginning of the game, you should now have a second Bree story tracker tab called "Gamer Bree"

Video game training
Prerequisites: didn't finish the event rent trouble, Mon-Sat 18:00-20:00, Living room, Video games skill, Interacting with Bree, Bree Love.png >= 40
Bree asks Mike if you could lend her money for a video game tournament. If Mike goes to the arcade with Bree, there is an encounter with another girl hogging the video game.
Outcome: Bree max Love.png set to 50

Bree is bored
Prerequisites: Mon-Fri 09:00, Living room, Video games skill, Interact with Bree, Bree Love.png >=50, had sex with Bree once
Bree will talk with Mike about her video games being too easy and boring. Mike suggests to help her with this Problem.
If Mike already had anal sex with Bree, he can choose anal as an option.
Outcome: Bree max Love.png set to 55

Prerequisites: Bree Love.png >= 55, done Bree is bored, living-room, had sex once, interact with her
Mike finds out that Bree is pretty good at the game she is playing and that she is bored again.
Outcome: Bree Love.png max set to 60

The tournament
Prerequisites: Bree Love.png >= 60, done Joystick >= 5 days ago, 08:00 - 20:00
Bree and Mike partake in a tournament.
Report the cheater +1 Love.png -
Be cautious -1 Love.png +1 Sub.png
Outcome: Bree Love.png max set to 65

Bree Scissorhands
Prerequisites: Bree Love.png >= 65, done The tournament >= 2 days ago, living-room, Bree is in the living-room
Bree points out that something about Mike seems different and offers to cut his hair.
Why not? +1 Love.png -
Love it +2 Love.png -
What have you done? -3 Love.png +5 Sub.png
No, no way, never! -3 Love.png +5 Sub.png
Outcome: Bree Love.png max set to 70

Virtual problems
Prerequisites: Bree Love.png >= 70, done Bree Scissorhands >= 1 day ago, 08:00 - 20:00, living-room, play videogames
Bree get's jealous about stuff that Mike does in-game.
Let's meet Thyra together +1 Love.png +2 Sub.png promised to meet Thyra with her
Fine.. I won't meet Thyra +2 Love.png - -
Outcome: Bree Love.png max set to 75

Offline meet up
Prerequisites: Bree Love.png >= 75, done Virtual problems >= 3 days ago, 10:00 - 14:00
If you told Bree that you won't meet Thyra, you'll skip this event and Bree's max Love.png will be set to 80. (You still need to trigger this event even though nothing will happen.)
Mike and Bree meet Tyhra together (only if you chose to invite Bree to meet Thyra).
Mike can choose to leave immediately or talk for a minute with Thyra.
Outcome: Bree Love.png max set to 80

Striking distance
Prerequisites: Bree Love.png >= 80, done offline meet up >= 6 days ago, 08:00 - 18:00, Saturday/Sunday, living-room, Bree is present
Mike meets Bree's father for the first time.
Outcome: Bree Love.png max set to 85

Prerequisites: Bree Love.png >= 85, done striking distance, 20:00 - 24:00, living-room, interact with her
Mike and Bree got very tired and decided to go to sleep.
Let Bree stay +2 Love.png -
Ask Bree to leave -2 Love.png +1 Sub.png
Outcome: Bree Love.png max set to 90

Prerequisites: Bree Love.png >= 90, done sleepover >= 2 days ago, 16:00 - 24:00, living-room, interact with her
Bree has to finish an assignment and asks Mike if he can help her with it.
I'll help you (if knowledge >= 70) +1 Love.png
You have to do it alone -1 Love.png
Outcome: Bree Love.png max set to 95

The yearbook
Prerequisites: Bree Love.png >= 95, done assignment >= 1 day ago, living-room, interact
Mike sees Bree carrying a box with the label "school stuff" on it. He finds an old yearbook of her.
No, you weren't +2 Love.png -
Fat and ugly, indeed -2 Love.png +1 Sub.png
Outcome: Bree Love.png max set to 100

The passing of a loved one
Prerequisites: Bree Love.png >= 100, done the yearbook >= 1 day ago, 08:00 - 20:00, living-room, interact with her
Mike and Bree experience a devastating loss that might change their lives forever.
Bree - Maid path
Maid path
If you did not choose the videogames skill at the beginning (or pick Bree's call before you finish the Video game training event), you will play the "Maid Bree" storyline.

Rent troubles
Prerequisites: gamer path is not started, Mon-Fri, 12:00-18:00, Bree Love.png >= 40, Bree Sub.png >=25 .
Bree calls Mike and asks to meet at the coffee shop. She explains that she doesn’t have money for the rent, but she has a line on a job. Mike agrees to help her out with the job.
If Mike is mean to her, Bree gains Sub.png. If Mike is kind to her, Bree gains Love.png. Mike can agree to cover her rent this month, which can be repaid later.
Outcome: Bree max Love.png is set to 50.

Cooking practice
Prerequisites: 09:00 - 22:00, Hallway or Bree’s Bedroom, Bree in her bedroom, Bree Love.png >=50
Mike asks Bree to cook for him to practice for her upcoming interview. If Mike is mean, Sub.png points are gained but Love.png are lost.
Outcome: Bree max Love.png set to 55.

Cooking practice redux
Prerequisites: 18:00-22:00, Kitchen or living room, Done Cooking practice, Bree Love.png >= 55
Bree asks Mike to sample her cooking the day before her big interview. It’s… not good.
Outcome: Bree max Love.png set to 60.

The interview
Prerequisites: 12:00-18:00 Mon-Fri, Street, Done Cooking practice redux, Bree Love.png >= 60
Bree has her interview at the Maid Cafe. If Mike paid her rent, she pays him back. After this, a new location, the Maid Cafe, is available. You can go there and buy coffee from Bree.
Outcome: Bree max Love.png set to 65.

Visit Bree at work
Prerequisites: 18:00 Mon-Fri, Maid Cafe, Done The Interview, Bree Love.png >= 65, had sex with Bree once
Visit Bree at work in the evening, to see how she is doing as a maid.
Outcome: Bree max Love.png set to 70.

Kitchen fun time (optional)
Prerequisites: done visit Bree at work, Sasha is not at home, Sub.png >= 50, 18:00 - 20:00, Bree is in the kitchen, you must be in the front porch
Bree cooks Mike something nice.
Outcome: Bree Sub.png max set to 75

Prerequisites: Bree Love.png >= 70, Visit Bree at work, Maid Cafe,
Mike visits Bree at her workplace and drinks a cup of coffee.
Outcome: Bree Love.png max set to 75

The one he likes
Prerequisites: Bree Love.png >= 75, done advice >= 2 days ago, living-room, 18:00 - 22:00, Bree is present
Mike wants to confess to Bree that she is the girl he likes.
Bree can't get pregnant from this event.
Outcome: Bree Love.png max set to 80

Living-room dominance (optional)
Prerequisites; done Advice and Kitchen fun time, living-room, 18:00 - 23:00, Sub.png >= 75, watch TV with Bree
Mike and Bree burn some energy in the living-room.
Bree can't get pregnant from this event.
Outcome: Bree Sub.png max set to 100

The Aftermath
Prerequisites: Bree  Love.png >= 80, done the one he likes >= 2 days ago, living-room, 18:00 - 22:00
Mike and Bree talk about the what happened the last time.
Outcome: Bree Love.png max set to 85

Temporary help
Prerequisites: Bree Love.png >= 85, the aftermath >= 2 days ago, maid cafe, 18:00 - 22:00,
Mike helps Bree and her boss Kiara out in the maid cafe.
Mike can decide to decline Kiara's offer or to accept it.
Outcome: Bree Love.png max set to 90

Preparation time
Prerequisites: Bree Love.png >= 90, temporary help >= 2 days ago, living-room, interact with her,
Bree talks with Mike about a her past and tells him that her dad is coming the next weekend.
This event has different dialogue if Bree is collared
Outcome: Bree Love.png max set to 95

Where we stand (optional)
Prerequisites: done preperation time and living-room dominance, Bree Sub.png = 100, Summer, invite her on a date to the beach
Mike and Bree talk about their roles in their relationship
Outcome: Bree Sub.png max set to 100

Die Hard
Prerequisites: Bree Love.png >= 95, preparation time >= 2 days ago, 08:00 - 18:00, Saturday - Sunday, Bree is present
Mike proves to Bree's dad that he has balls of steel.
has different dialogue if Bree is collared
Outcome: Bree Love.png max set to 100
Bree - Bree and Dwayne

Bree meets Dwayne
Prerequisites: Did not finish Cassidy's story, Bree Love.png >= 60, work or work hard
Bree is walking past Mike MC's office building and stops by for a visit. Mike introduces Bree to Dwayne, the company's CEO.

Dwayne asks about Bree
Prerequisites: Done Bree meets Dwayne, did not finish Cassidy's story, work or work hard
Dwayne stops by Mike MC's office and asks him to invite Bree back for the tour he suggested when they met. He makes it clear he intends to have sex with her in his office, and "generously" offers to let Mike join in.
Mike can agree to the proposal or refuse. If he refuses, he loses the current work progress. If he is rude about it, he will also lose all but the first promotion and Dwayne leaves with a general threat about not forgetting this.

Ask Bree about the Grand Tour (avoidable NTR)
Prerequisites: Done Dwayne asks about Bree, promised Dwayne to ask Bree
Talk to Bree and choose "About Dwayne."
Mike talks to Bree about her visit to the office. Bree admits that she finds Dwayne hot, so Mike presents the proposal to her.

If Bree Sub.png >= 75, she will be up for it. The "tour" will happen the next Wednesday at 14:00.
Otherwise, she will refuse the offer.
If her Sub.png &gt;= 25, she politely explains that she wants nothing to do with him, and loses -10 Love.png.
If her Sub.png < 25, she will get mad at Mike for suggesting such a thing. She walks out and loses -25 Love.png and - 25 Sub.png
Bree - Sex events
Pool BJ
Prerequisites: Swimming 09:00-19:00, had sex with Bree, Bree Sub.png >= 50
Bree will give Mike a BJ in the pool.

Shower BJ
Prerequisites: Had sex with Bree, 20:00-24:00, shower, , Bree Love.png >= 75 and Sub.png >= 50
(Repeatable) Bree will give Mike a BJ in the shower.

Prerequisites: Mike MC, Bree Love.png >= 75, had sex with Bree, watching TV with Bree. Repeatable
If Mike watches Porn with Bree, she can give him a nice BJ.

Prerequisites: 20:00-03:00, knock on Bree’s bedroom, 25% chance
Mike can watch Bree masturbate. The scene changes if Sub.png > 25 or Mike has had anal with her.

F.uck at home
Prerequisites: Any room in house 20:00-24:00, Sex with Bree at least twice, Bree Love.png >= 75
(Repeatable) Mike can ask Bree to have sex at home. If Sasha is in the room and the Home harem is active, Sasha will ask to join in.
When initiated in the bathroom, Mike will ♥♥♥♥ Bree in the shower. Unless she is on the pill, Bree may get pregnant from this event!

Z-Box Penalty
Prerequisites: Win at least five times when playing z-box with bree, Bree >= 80 and > 25, Bree sexperience >= 3
Penalty sex after win Bree 5 times in Z-Box

Beach BJ
Prerequisites: Beach 14:00-18:00, Bree Love.png >= 75, Sex with Bree at least twice
Bree gives Mike a blowjob at the beach.

Hot tub Sex
Prerequisites: Home Date, Bree Love.png>=50, Sex with Bree at least once, Hot tub repaired
During at Date at home click the "Dip in the hot tub" button when all the requirements are met.
Bree - Other events

Prerequisites: Bree is gone forever., alley
You meet someone how explains to you in detail on what the consequences are.
Outcome: -10 (Energy.png & Grooming.png & Fun.png)

Pregnancy request
Prerequisites: Stauts is girlfriend, days since status changed >= 7, not pregnant already, Bree is present
She proposes to Mike to impregnate her.

Birthday date
Prerequisites: Bree is datable, Go on a date with her at her birthday

Get called daddy (Collared)
Prerequisites: Bree's bedroom, Love.png>= 75, Sub.png >=75, have her collared, interact with her
Mike talks with Bree in her bedroom and asks if he likes her calling him Master. If Mike says no, she starts to call him daddy afterwards.
Outcome: Bree will refer to Mike as "Daddy" from now on.

Get called daddy (Non-Collared)
Prerequisites: Bree Love.png >= 75, not collared, collared version not triggered.
Interact with Bree in her bedroom.

Talk about the first kiss
Prerequisites: Kissed Bree, Bree Love.png >= 40 , Bathroom or Bree’s Room
After the first kiss, Bree will tell Mike to forget it happened.

Talk about breakup
Prerequisites: Bree present, Bree Love.png >= 40
Bree will use a bad metaphor to express sympathy for Mike’s breakup with Alexis.

Get out!
Prerequisites: Bree’s Room or Bathroom, Bree < 70 Love.png
Bree will ask you to leave her bedroom or step out of the bathroom.
If stepping into the bathroom and Bree is already in there, if Love.png < 50 she will tell you to get out.

Anal confession
Prerequisites: Had anal with Bree
Bree will confess that she liked anal sex and will try not to be ashamed about it.

Prerequisites: Hall or Bree’s Bedroom 18:00-20:00, at least 21 days played, Bree Love.png > 50
Bree will show her Bowsette cosplay. If Mike has already had sex with her, she’ll let him ♥♥♥♥ her in the costume.
Bree can't get pregnant from this event.

Let’s go to the beach
Prerequisites: Living room, do not own a vehicle
Bree will suggest going to the beach. This event exists to remind players that there is a beach and it needs a vehicle to get there.

Valentines Day
On Valentine's Day (Spring 14), Bree will gift you a box of chocolates (consumable). If you eat them, they will replenish
1 Fun.png and 1 Hunger.png. This event may not trigger if her love points are not high enough.

The Hero's birthday
On the hero's birthday (your birthday is randomized for each playthrough), Bree will gift you Bree's Sweater. Wearing the sweater will reduce Charm.png by 5 points. This event may not trigger if her love points are not high enough.
Bree - Time Schedule
Gamer path

Maid Path
Samantha - Content
In-game description:
Samantha's Wedding: "Samantha returned to my life, and she's getting married to Ryan. I still have kind of a crush on her, though."

Samantha's Marriage: "Samantha and Ryan are married, but all is not well in paradise. I can increase my influence on her either encourage her to divorce or stay with Ryan for other reasons."
Samantha: "Now that Samantha is free of Ryan, I am free to pursue a relationship with her."

Samantha used to be Mike’s roommate, but moved out so she could be with her boyfriend Ryan. Mike used to have a crush on Samantha (and still does).
Samantha is not initially dateable, and can only be dated depending upon her story progression with her wedding.
After a successful date, Samantha can do BJ, titjob, missionary or doggy. If doggy, she has options for blindfold, dildo and anal beads.

Story events
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Samantha moves
1.3 Samantha does homework
1.3.1 Ryan cheats on Samantha (optional)
1.4 Fun At Samantha's House

Path A (Stop the Wedding)
1.5.1 Tell Samantha Ryan is a cheater
1.5.2 Samantha cheats on Ryan
1.5.3 Samantha asks for a date
1.5.4 Samantha's confession
1.5.5 Samantha wants to know the truth
1.5.6 The one that got furious

Samantha’s wedding
2.1 Path B (Marriage Path)
2.1.1 Marriage ain’t all that
2.1.2 Marriage sucks
2.1.3 Cheater got Pregnant

2.2 Path C (Threesome Path)
2.2.1 Sam asks personal questions
2.2.2 Sam and Ryan talk threesome
2.2.3 Samantha MMF

2.3 Path D (Revenge Path)
2.3.1 Samantha BJ 1
2.3.2 Samantha BJ 2
2.3.3 Samantha Reverse Cowgirl
2.3.4 Talk with Samantha about Ryan
2.3.5 Samantha Weekend visit

2.4 Path E (Breakup Path)
2.4.1 Samantha dumps Ryan

Sex events
3.1 Hot tub Sex
3.2 Beach Date Sex

Other events
4.1 Birthday date
4.2 Pregnancy request
4.3 Samantha forgot money
4.4 Samantha wants a dress
4.5 Samantha meets Bree
4.6 Samantha meets Sasha
4.7 Samantha chats with Bree
4.8 Shopping for baby
Samantha - Story Event
Prerequisites: Street, 10:00-17:00, > 7 days played
Mike meets Samantha on the street and has a conversation with her to catch up.
Outcome: Samantha becomes available. Samantha Love.png max set to 20.

Samantha moves
Prerequisites: Bakery, 17:00, Samantha Love.png >= 20
Mike runs into Samantha at her job in the Bakery. After chatting, she asks him to help her finish moving her stuff.
Outcome: Samantha Love.png max set to 30, Mike loses an entire day.

Samantha does homework
Prerequisites: Park 09:00-17:00, Samantha Love.png >= 30
Mike finds Samantha in the park struggling with her homework. He can try to help her. This scene has different dialogue if Knowledge.png > 25.
This event will start the clock on Samantha’s wedding, which will happen the first Saturday after 7 days have passed. Intervening events that are not triggered will not happen.
Outcome: Samantha Love.png max set to 40.

Ryan cheats on Samantha (optional)
Prerequisites: Nightclub, Samantha Love.png >= 40
This event has a time limit! After the park event you only have 7 Days to max love Samantha = 40 and see him cheating! If you don't finish it in time you can't finish this event anymore.
Mike spies Ryan in the nightclub, offering to take a girl elsewhere for sex. He takes photos as proof for Samantha.

WARNING: You can't get Samantha past 50 Sub.png unless you play path D. If you tell her that Ryan cheated (first event on Path A) you'll stop the wedding. If you don't tell her that you'll continue on path B.
After finishing Marriage Sucks or path D you will continue on path E which leads to Samantha asks for a date on path A.

Fun At Samantha's House
Prerequisites: Samantha knows that Ryan cheats, Samantha is engaged to or married to Ryan, Mike has a car, 13:00-18:00, Samantha >= 45, 15% chance
Mike will receive a text from Samantha inviting him to her house to have fun while 'Ryan is away'.
Samantha - Path A (Stop the Wedding)

Path A (Stop the Wedding)
WARNING: Playing path A will lock you out from collaring Samantha!

Tell Samantha Ryan is a cheater
Prerequisites: Interact with Samantha, has evidence of cheating
Mike can tell Samantha about Ryan cheating on her. If he does, this will automatically continue Path A of her story.
He can choose not to and let her go through with it. If this option is chosen the wedding ceremony will happen and it opens many different paths how the story can develop.
Outcome: Samantha Love.png Max set to 50

Samantha cheats on Ryan
Prerequisites: Home, 22:00-04:00, told about Ryan.
Samantha shows up at Mike’s house, drunk and upset. She asks Mike to tell her he loves her; if he says yes, they’ll have sex.
Outcome: Samantha can be kissed.

Samantha asks for a date
Prerequisites: Bakery, Samantha Love.png >= 50, done Samantha cheats on Ryan, reached end of path D or path E
Samantha told Ryan about what happened and asks Mike on a date. There are several options with very different dialogue.
Outcome: Samantha Love.png max set to 75; Samantha is datable, and no longer engaged or married to Ryan.

Samantha's confession
Prerequisites: done Samantha asks for a date, Samantha Love.png >= 75 , interact with her
Samantha confesses to Mike that she only realized on how bad Ryan treated her when Mike opened her eyes and why she took so long to take off the wedding ring.
Outcome: Samantha Love.png max set to 85

Samantha wants to know the truth
Prerequisites: done Samantha's confession, not in the process of adding someone to the home harem , Samantha Love.png >= 85,
Samantha asks Mike if he has been seeing other girls on the side.
I admit (Sub.png < 75)
I'll be faithful Samtha's status will change to girlfriend
I can't promise Samantha is gone forever
I admit (Sub.png >= 75) Samantha will accept a non exclusive relationship
You're the only one Samtha's status will change to girlfriend
Outcome: Depending on your choice from the table, Samantha Love.png max set to 100

The one that got furious
Prerequisites: Samantha is your girlfriend, not non-exclusive relationship, cheated on her, on a date
Samantha gets a little bit mad at Mike.
Outcome: Samantha is gone forever
Samantha - Path B (Marriage Path)

Marriage ain’t all that
Prerequisites: Samantha present 10:00-18:00, Samantha Love.png >= 60, done Samantha’s Wedding
Mike runs into Samantha. Her marriage isn’t what she hoped for, so she hangs out with Mike. They go shopping and then Sam goes home with Mike. Eventually Ryan texts Samantha and she leaves.
Outcome: Samantha Love.png max set to 70, book (choice between skill: cooking, 2 Fitness.png or 2 Charm.png)

Marriage sucks
Prerequisites: Home, 20:00-24:00, Samantha Love.png >= 70, done Marriage Ain’t All That
Samantha had a talk with Ryan about their marriage not working, and in response he disappeared. She looks for comfort and then sex.
Afterward, Mike has the opportunity to tell her Ryan cheated, if he knows.
If Mike tells her, she will asks why Mike waited so long
If he says Sam isn’t much better, she leaves, and this opens path D.
If he apologizes, this opens path E.
If Mike doesn’t tell her about the cheating, she suggests a threesome with Ryan. This opens path C of her story.
Outcome: Samantha Love.png max set to 80

Cheater got Pregnant
Prerequisites: Home 16:00-24:00, Sam got pregnant during Marriage sucks AND Mike didn’t apologize for not telling about cheating
Sam’s pregnant and she doesn’t know who the father is.
Outcome: Samantha Love.png max set to 90
Samantha - Path C (Threesome Path)

Sam asks personal questions
Prerequisites: 14:00-15:00, 10% chance, Samantha Love.png >= 80, Sam suggested threesome during Marriage sucks (path B)
Sam calls Mike and asks personal questions about his sex life.
Outcome: Samantha Love.png max set to 85

Sam and Ryan talk threesome
Prerequisites: Bakery, Sam present, done Sam asks personal questions, Samantha Love.png >= 85
Sam and Ryan talk to Mike about the potential threesome. Ryan isn’t too happy with it. If Mike doesn’t indicate interest, path ends.
Outcome: Samantha Love.png max set to 100

Samantha MMF
Prerequisites: Living room Fri 20:00-22:00, done Sam and Ryan talk threesome, Samantha Love.png >= 90
Sam and Ryan drop by for a threesome.
Samantha - Path D (Revenge Path)

Note: This is the only path where you can collar Samantha and also add her in the Home Harem.

If you choose the Revenge path Samantha's max Love.png will be set to 60 and Samantha will be datable.

Samantha BJ 1
Prerequisites: Livingroom/Bedroom/Kitchen/Bathroom/Hallway Sat 14:00-18:00, Samantha Love.png >= 55
Samantha will come over to Mikes house saying she was just passing by and talk with him about his roommates for a bit. She confesses that she didn't just pass by and wants to talk with mike about the wedding. They get interrupted by a phone call from Ryan, Samantha hands the phone after a short talk to Mike and starts giving him a blowjob.
Outcome: Samantha Love.png max set to 60, Sub.png max set to 60

Samantha BJ 2
Prerequisites: Livingroom/Bedroom/Kitchen/Bathroom/Hallway Sat 14:00-18:00, Samantha Love.png >= 60
Samantha comes by again, this time she says that she forgot something the last time she was here. After a while she gets ready to give Mike another blowjob.
You have the choice to push her head down in this scene which will add +5 Sub.png, and change the ongoing conversation.
If you choose not push her head down, you will gain +3 Love.png.
Outcome: +3 Love.png OR +5 , Samantha Love.png max set to 65,Sub.png max set to 70

Samantha Reverse Cowgirl
Prerequisites: Livingroom/Bedroom/Kitchen/Bathroom/Hallway Sat 14:00-18:00, Samantha Love.png >= 65
Samantha comes by a third time, but this time without any excuse. She goes straight to Mike's bedroom.
Unless she is on the pill, Samantha may get pregnant from this event!
Outcome: Samantha Love.png max set to 70, Sub.png max set to 80

Talk with Samantha about Ryan
Prerequisites: Samantha Love.png >= 70
Go see Samantha at any time and talk with her about Ryan and the current situation.
Outcome: Samantha Sub.png max set to 90

Samantha Saturday visit
Prerequisites: Livingroom/Bedroom/Kitchen/Bathroom/Hallway Sat 14:00-18:00, Samantha Love.png >= 70
Original: Samantha comes by for a visit. This is the last event of the revenge path.

Alternative: If you caught Ryan cheating during the wedding you will have Sam visit you together with a friend of hers. Mike has to decide if he accepts or refuses Samantha's offer.

Outcome:Samantha Love.png max set to 80,Sub.png max set to 100, If you see her the next time then you reach path E and after that path A.
Samantha - Path E (Breakup Path)

Samantha dumps Ryan
Prerequisites: 14:00 - 16:00, 25% chance, told about cheating during Marriage sucks and apologized or finished Path D, Samantha Love.png >= 80, Samantha is NOT present

Sam will call Mike and ask to meet him. Sam tells Mike that she’s dumping Ryan. Ryan shows up very angry and there can potentially be a fight. Mike leaves with Samantha.

If Fitness.png>= 50 the dialogue will change a bit, the outcome stays the same.

Outcome: Sam is dateable and divorced. Samantha Love.png max set to 85. The story will continue on this Path A event.
Samantha - Sex Events
Hot tub Sex
Prerequisites: Home Date, Samantha Love.png>=50, Sex with Samantha at least once, Hot tub repaired
During at Date at home click the "Dip in the hot tub" button when all the requirements are met.

Beach Date Sex
Prerequisites: Beach Date, Samantha's sexperience >= 2.
Sam doesn't even wait for the date to be over to enjoy sexy time with the MC.
Samantha - Other events
Birthday date
Prerequisites: Samantha is datable, Go on a date with her at her birthday
Mike invites Samantha to a special date for her birthday. He can make a couple of decisions during that event
Samantha can't get pregnant from this event.

Pregnancy request
Prerequisites: Status is girlfriend, days since status changed >= 7, not pregnant already, Samantha is present
She proposes to Mike to impregnate her.

Samantha forgot money
Prerequisites: Pub, Samantha present, 5% chance
Samantha forgot her money. Mike can offer to pay her bar tab for 1 Love.png.

Samantha wants a dress
Prerequisites: Clothes shop, Samantha present, 5% chance
Samantha wants a dress but can’t afford it. Mike can buy it for her for a couple of Love.png.

Samantha meets Bree
Prerequisites: Pub, > 20 days played, Bree present
Mike introduces Samantha to Bree.

Samantha meets Sasha
Prerequisites: Pub, > 5 days played, Sasha present
Mike introduces Samantha to Sasha.

Samantha chats with Bree
Prerequisites: Pub or Nightclub, Samantha knows Bree, 10% chance
Sam and Bree will chat. This is repeatable and can change depending on where in Sam’s storyline she is.

Shopping for baby
Prerequisites: Mall date with Sam, Sam pregnant
Mike and Sam shop for baby clothes.
Samantha - Time schedule
Before moving

After she moved in with Mike
Emma - Content
In-game description: "Emma is the girl of my dreams. Literally, I had an amazingly intense dream about her, and then she turned out to be real. I feel drawn to her. Is it mystical? I don't know!"
Emma is a manic pixie dream girl that Mike can dream about.

General story events
1.1 Dreams of Emma
1.2 the Dream Girl
1.3 Just a Glimpse
1.4 Samantha's Friend
1.5 A Friend Date
1.6 Talk about Samantha
1.7 Coffee Confession
1.8 Scavenger Hunt
1.9 Fate or Coincidence?
1.10 Sleepover Time
1.11 Wait for Emma to Reappear
1.12 (Optional) Avoid the unavoidable
1.13 Talk with Samantha
1.13.1 To be or not to be
1.13.2 Meeting with Samantha and Emma

Dating Emma
2.1 Handjob scene
2.2 Cinema date
2.3 Eavesdrop on Emma and Bree
2.4 Girlfriend situation
2.5 (Optional) Riding the line
2.6 The Judgment
2.7 Bedroom roleplay
2.8 Beach Date
2.9 Blowjob scene
2.10 Petite love

Sex Events
3.1 Beach Sex

Kissing Emma
Emma - Story Event (Part 1)
Dreams of Emma
Prerequisite: Days Passed > 10, Sleep, Fun.png >= 10, 20% chance
Mike has a horny dream about Emma. the Dream Girl
Prerequisite: 7 days after Dreams of Emma, Sleep, Fun.png >= 10, Lucky Trait Luck.png
If you didn't chose "I'm lucky" at the beginning of the game, make sure to use a 4-leaf clover or you posses Lavish's panties to boost your luck.
If you did chose "I'm unlucky" you need both items at the same time.
Mike’s dreams go all the way into the lewd.

Just a Glimpse
Prerequisite: Park 10:00-15:00
Mike spots a girl in the park who resembles the one from his dreams. Regardless of how you choose to react, you can now go searching for her at the Gym, Mall, Park and University.

Samantha's Friend
Prerequisite: Bakery, 10:00 - 15:00, Searched at all locations, Samantha Present, Samanthas Love.png >= 60,
When you enter the bakery, Samantha introduces you to her friend from University, Emma.
If Samantha introduces you as her boyfriend, you won't be able to kiss nor date her. Sam does this if you are on path A, so in order to avoid it you have to meet Emma after the wedding but before Sam dumps Ryan.

A Friend Date
Prerequisite: Bakery, 2 days after the last event.
Samantha organizes to get together with Mike and Emma (which takes place at 16:00 on the day of your choice). Choosing to joke about dating both of them gains Sam 5 Gp.png. After this event Emma will give you her number.
Outcome: Emma become available on map, and max Love.png set to 10

Talk About Samantha
Prerequisite: Emma's Love.png >= 10
Emma tells mike she is worried about Sam.
Outcome: Emma's max Love.png set to 15

Coffee Confession
Prerequisite: Coffee Shop (Mon/Wed/Thu 07.00), Emma's Love.png >= 15
Emma tells Mike about some odd dreams she's been having.
Outcome: Emma's max Love.png set to 20

Scavenger Hunt
Prerequisite: Emma's Love.png >= 20
Emma will call to invite Mike to go on a scavenger hunt with her around the city. The event will start at the chosen date at 16.00. There are three riddles that must be solved, hinting to a location and something within that location. Unlike a regular date you can move around the map. Your action bar also gains a button to have Emma repeat the hint and a button to guess if you are in the right place. If you are in the right location, you then have to choose which object from a list is the on the riddle refers to. Successfully getting all three answers will cause Emma to kiss Mike.

Answers to the riddles are behind the spoiler tags. Hover over the text to read it.

What has keys but unlocks nothing?
Electronic's Shop, Computer

It sits high glowing and watches the world go by, without it everything would seem dark and dangerous.
Park, Lamp

Elegant in public, a sign of power. Constricting in private, a sign of submission.
Sex Shop, Collar

Outcome: Emma's max Love.png set to 30

Fate or Coincidence?
Prerequisite: Pub, Emma's Love.png >= 30, Buy Emma a drink.
Mike and Emma talk about their dreams. Saying you don't believe in coincidence gains 3 Love.png.

Sleepover Time
Prerequisites: Living Room (Fri Evening), Emma's Love.png >= 40
Mike and Emma have a sleepover to see if they can share another dream.

Wait for Emma to Reappear
Prerequisites: Had the Sleepover
Emma won't appear on the travel bar to indicate she is at a location, you just have to run into her at one of her usual hangouts (there is a very high chance that you can meet her after the sleepover in the coffee shop at the mall). Mike talks to Emma about his latest dream.

You can admit to having another dream (or lie and then choose "Relent), which leads to the question if they should explore it or not.

"We should explore it": If Mike was introduced as Samanthas boyfriend, he has to talk to her before he can progress with Emma.

"Nothing": Mike decides not to do anything about the situation and that It's best that they pretend it never happened.
If you lied and choose "It's better this way" afterwards, her story progression ends here.

Outcome: Emma's max Love.png set to 60, If Samantha didn't introduce you as her boyfriend you can now date and kiss Emma.

(Optional) Avoide the unavoidable
Prerequisites: done Wait for Emma to Reappear, Emma's Love.png < 60, Samantha introduced you as her boyfriend

To avoide problems with Emma at this point it is recommended to do the following three steps in order to keep her in the game as a dating option:
  • Friendzone Samantha
  • Choose the "Ask for a second chance" option when you interact with Samantha (Don't use the "Go Steady" option)
  • Check if her status says "Friend" and nothing else
If you have done those two steps exactly as they are mentioned here, you should be able to
Emma - Story Event (Part 2)
Talk with Samantha
Prerequisites: Emma Love.png >= 60, Samantha is not friendzoned, Samantha introduced you as her boyfriend
Mike calls Samantha to talk with her about Emma.

If Samantha's status is "girlfriend", you'll have the following dialogue options:
  • Of course: The dialogue continues
  • I don't really: Mike breaks up with Samantha (this leads to a bad end).

When Samantha asks if she has to get out of the way:
  • No!: Samantha arranges a meeting with Mike and Emma the next day 14:00-18:00
  • want to explore with Emma:
  • If Samantha is Mike's girlfriend she breaks up with him (this leads to a bad end).
  • Otherwise, Mike friendzones Samantha and Emma gets the OK from her (Emma is now dateable). You can later apologize to Samantha.

To be or not to be
Prerequisites: done Talk with Samantha, chose "I want to explore with Emma" or "I don't really", Samantha is friendzoned, Emma is present
Emma talks with Mike about the whole Samantha situation.
  • If Mike chose "I want to explore with Emma" and Samantha was not his girlfriend, Emma will be ok with dating Mike
  • If Mike chose "I don't really" or "I want to explore with Emma" and Samantha was his girlfriend, Emma is mad that he betrayed Samantha and will be gone forever.

Meeting with Samantha and Emma
Prerequisites: done talk with Samantha, chose that you don't want to end things with Samantha
Mike, Emma and Samantha will meet in the bakery and talk about the whole situation.
If Samantha Gp.png >= 45, her dialogue will be a bit different. She promises to fix things with Emma (This path is not implemented at the moment!)
Outcome: Nothing changes, Emma is still not dateable
Emma - Dating Emma (Part 1)
Handjob scene
Prerequisites: Emma is datable, Emma Love.png >= 60, invite Emma to a date 4 times

1. For the after date scene to happen you have to invite Emma to Mikes's home 3 times. She will tell Mike that she will consider it another time.
  • Accept her choice and do this on three different dates with her.
  • Don't insist that she comes home with you, she will lose a lot of Love.png and the amount of times you need to ask are increased by +1.

2. When Mike asks her for the fourth time she will accept his invitation and go home with Mike. There she proposes that they watch some Anime.
  • Don't propose to do something different instead on the fourth date or she will get mad and leave for the evening.

3. When Mike invites Emma home for the fifth time, Mike can propose to either watch another anime series or that they do something sexier.
  • If Mike proposes to do something sexier, Emma will ask him with how many girls he has been together (had sex with) and if he has a girlfriend at the moment:
  • If Mike is not seeing any girl, everything is fine and Emma will give Mike a handjob
  • If Mike is seeing another girl (these status count: girlfriend, fiancee, mistress, pet, sex slave, pregnant)
  • Yes: Emma will remember that Mike admitted to having a girlfriend (this will be relevant later). If his girlfriend is Palla, Lexi or Audrey, nothing will happen.
  • [LIE] No: Emma will get that Mike lied to her and she will become undatable and her max Love.png will be set to 12.
  • If Mike just tells her that they're out of Benji episodes then the whole conversation about the other girls will be avoided and Emma will give Mike a handjob
Outcome: At this point of Emma's story a new value is introduced (Lovepoints, those are not the same as Love.png and can't be tracked ingame) that has to be increased in order to successfully get to a point in her story where you'll be able to keep dating Emma. The following three events don't have a specific order in which they have to be finished!

Cinema date
Prerequisites: Invite Emma to a date at the cinema, Emma gave Mike a handjob
Mike and Emma go on a date to the cinema. Mike has multiple reactions from which he can choose on how to react to the shown footage on screen.

Eavesdrop on Emma and Bree
Prerequisites: Emma & Bree are at the University (classroom), Emma gave Mike a handjob
Mike hears Emma and Bree talk about him at the university.
If you didn't already start Bree's maid path or her gamer path she will just watch a movie with Emma.
If Mike helps Bree with her money problems (maid path) or talked with her about the video game tournament (gamer path):

Girlfriend situation
Prerequisites: Invite Emma to a date at the park and have a picnic, Emma gave Mike a handjob
Emma will ask Mike again if he sees someone or how his relationship with some of the other girls go.
If a girl has any of these statuses she will count as a girlfriend: girlfriend, fiance, mistress, pet, sex slave.
There are some girls that don't get considered as girlfriends (Lexi, Audrey and Palla if Mike admitted it to her during the handjob event).
  • If Mike has no active girlfriend at the moment (Emma and Samantha don't count), he didn't get any girl pregnant and didn't admit that he has any girlfriends before, Emma will gain +1 Lovepoint and +20% Dating.png
  • Bree does not count if you Emma thinks that Bree is ok
  • If Mike admitted that he had a girlfriend before but broke up with all of them, Emma will gain +1 Lovepoint
  • If Palla, Audrey or Lexi are his girlfriends (and he admitted it before) then Emma will gain +1 Lovepoint and +20% Dating.png
  • If Mike still has no girlfriend everything is fine and Emma will gain +1 Lovepoint
  • If Mike got a girlfriend in the meantime or got any girl pregnant, Emma get's suspicious and thinks that Mike is cheating on her Dating.png +5

(Optional) Riding the line
Prerequisites: Emma gave Mike a handjob
Strictly speaking, it's possible to continue Emma's story while still dating girls she does not otherwise approve of, if you do things correctly. Notably, for the purposes of Bree's lovepoint Bree being pregnant will override all other versions of the scene,

so it is possible to have formed the home harem and still date Emma so long as Bree is pregnant and has the requisite stats. At which point, simply trigger the scene in the university and then select one of the two correct options during the cinema date,
and the storyline should progress normally.

The Judgment
Prerequisites: done Girlfriend Situation & Emma talks to Bree & Cinema date, Emma is present
Mike and Emma meet and Mike has awaits Emma's final decision about him.
  • If Emma's Lovepoints >= 3, her Max Love.png will be set to 70 and she gains +2 Love.png (her being suspicious of Mike cheating is not relevant)
  • If Emma's Lovepoints = 2, OR Emma's Lovepoints = 1 and she is not suspicious of Mike cheating on her, her max Love.png will be set to 70 and she gains +1 Love.png
  • Do note that for the second condition, it means you must have at least 2 Lovepoints to continue dating her if she suspects you of cheating.
  • If Emma's Lovepoints = 0, she will not date Mike anymore

Bedroom roleplay
Prerequisites: done Emma handjob scene, Emma Love.png >= 70.
After you saw the handjob and increased her Love.png to 70, Emma will propose to do some roleplay in the bedroom.
  • "Oh no, I've waited forever for this..." will lead to a bad ending for that scene resulting in Emma leaving forever.
  • As you wish my Princess leads to some cunnilingus action. Afterwards she will ask Mike if he wants to be her boyfriend.
  • Accepting that increases her max Love.png to 80 and sets her status to girlfriend
  • If Mike tells her that he can't do that her max Love.png will be set to 25 and she will be undatable.
Finishing the cunnilingus scene successfully allows you to choose between the handjob and the cunnilingus scene after a date.

Beach Date
Prerequisites: be at 90 Love.png
Take Emma to the beach for a date and she'll mention how she wants her wedding.
  • Max Love.png will be set to 100
  • Can Succesfully propose after this
Emma - Dating Emma (Part 2)
Blowjob scene
Prerequisites: done Bedroom roleplay
At their fifth date Mike can either ask Emma if she wants to give him a blowjob or he can insist on sex (if he does, Emma will leave forever).
Finishing the blowjob scene successfully allows you to choose a blowjob in further after-date events.

Petite love
Prerequisites: done Blowjob scene
In order to unlock the different sex scenes with Emma you need to loosen her up or have sex with her in order to increase her sexperience.
  • To loosen Emma up you have to perform cunnilingus during the after date scene. There is unfortunately no tracking how often you performed cunnilingus.
  • Emma's sexperience is increased by having vaginal or anal sex with her (cunnilingus, blowjob or handjob do not increase sexperience).
  • At the beginning it is not possible to have vaginal sex with her without loosening her up first (exception see in the table below)
  • Anal is unlocked when Mike MC's sexperience >= 20 and Emma Sub.png >= 50
  • You can check the sexperience in Emma's character card
Emma - Sex Event
Sex Event
Beach Sex
Prerequisites: Emma Love.png >=75, Had sex with Emma.
Interact with Emma at the beach or during a date at the beach. (nudist beach also counts)
Emma - Kissing Emma
Emma doesn't allow Mike to kiss her by just raising her Love.png. To unlock kissing Mike must go on a date with Emma and the date score (Dating.png) must be raised to 75%. After Mike kissed her for the first time he can kiss her everywhere.
Emma - Time schedule
The following table shows at which time you can meet Emma in various locations.
Warning: The table is only valid if you turn randomness off.

Minami - Content
Minami is Mikes adopted little sister which was added in Version 20.6. She lives together with Mike and his roommates.

She is described as a little bit self obsessed or even entitled. In general she has a very cheerful character and is a bit geeky.

She has an exclusive gameplay mechanic which is a bit like Harmony's purity system or Morgans masculinity. You have to play through a few events to enable dating.

You can either have sex with Minami in the cowgirl or missionary position.

There is a chance to increase your siscon points by calling her.

Siscon points are represented by a picture of Minami face.

Story events
1.1 First phone call
1.2 Second phone call
1.3 Minami moves in
1.4 Minami asks for a favor
1.5 Practice dating
1.6 Practices Kissing
1.7 Minami wants to learn about the ding-dong
1.8 Yet another lesson
1.9 Mattress wrestling
1.10 Visitor
1.11 Get Minami back to her old self
1.12 Confront Minami
1.13 Talk with Minami again

People from her past
2.1 Meet Jack
2.2 Meet Alexis
2.3 Meet Kylie
2.4 Meet Morgan

Siscon events
3.1 Minami struggling
3.2 Bathroom event 1
3.3 Bathroom event 2
3.4 Band practice
3.5 Minami is afraid of the storm
3.6 Minami is cosplaying
3.7 Minami playing games
3.8 Strip poker
3.9 Fun at the pool
3.10 Christmas shopping
3.11 The Nightclub

Other events
4.1 Minami likes blonde
4.2 Pregnancy request
4.3 There have to be consequences
4.4 Just like in the movies
4.5 Minami couch fun
4.6 Birthday date

Sex events
5.1 Hot tub Sex

Slave commands
6.1 Change your hairstyle
Minami - Story Event
First phone call
Prerequisites: Played days >= 13
Minami calls Mike to let him know that she will start with her first year in college soon.

Second phone call
Prerequisites: Played days>= 26, 10:00 - 14:00, done first phone call
Minami will call Mike again and talks with him about where she will stay during her college days. Mike can talk with Bree and Sasha about Minami moving in.

Minami moves in
Prerequisites: days passed >= 4, done second phone call
Minami moves in with Mike and the girls. If Mike forgets to tell one (or both) of them the one he didn't tell will lose the amount from the table below.
didn't tell: Sasha -25 Love.png Bree -15 Love.png
If you don't clean the attic Minami will lose 10 Love.png.
Outcome: You can now interact with Minami;
She starts with 100 Love.png and 0 Siscon points

Minami asks for a favor
Prerequisites: Minami Love.png >=95, done Minami moves in, Siscon points >= 20, Minami is at home, talk with Minami,
Minami talks with Mike about going on training dates with him.
Outcome: Max Siscon Points set to 40 (if Mike agrees to help her)

Practice dating
Prerequisites: Minami Love.png >=95, Siscon Points >= 40, done Minami asks for a favor, Saturday 14:00, INTERACT WITH HER & Click/press on the invite to date icon
Mike goes to an aquarium practice date with Minami.
If Mike holds her hand it will increase his Siscon Points by +5.
Outcome: You can now date Minami, Max Siscon Points set to 60 (if Mike holds her hand at the aquarium).

Practices Kissing
Prerequisites: Minami Love.png >=95, Siscon Points >=60, Minami is at home, 14:00-18:00, Living-room or Minami's room, done Practice Date
Minami asks Mike to continue his lessons about dating and wants to practice kissing with him.
If Mike refuses to help her Minami will gain +50 Gp.png. (This will lock out this path for good)
If Mike helps her it will increase his Siscon Points by +5.
Outcome: Max Siscon Points set to 80 & Minami can be kissed (only if Mike kisses Minami)

Minami wants to learn about the ding-dong
Prerequisites: Minami Love.png >=95, Siscon Points >= 80, 14:00 - 18:00, Living-room or Minami's room, done practice kissing event
Minami asks Mike if he can help her learn more about male biology.
If Mike refuses Minami will storm off angrily (she won't leave the game).
Outcome: Max Siscon Points set to 90(only if Mike shows his ding-dong) & +5 Siscon Points

Yet another lesson
Prerequisites: Minami Love.png >=95, Siscon Points >= 90, 20:00 - 00:00, Living-room or Minami's room, done Minami wants to learn about the ding-dong, Stamina.png
Minami asks Mike to teach her about third base.
If Mike accepts the Siscon cap will be increased to 100. If not the siscon cap stays at 90.
Outcome: Max Siscon Points set to 100

Mattress wrestling
Prerequisites: Minami Lve.opng >= 95, Siscon >= 100, done Yet another lesson, 20:00-22:00, Living-room or Minami's room, Stamina.png
Mike realizes that he thinks more and more about Minami in a sexual way. She asks him if he can help her learn about mattress wrestling.
If he refuses Minami loses 10 Love.png.
Minami can't get pregnant from this event.
Outcome: You can now trigger the after date scene with Minami.

Prerequisites: Have sex with Minami once, Minami is at home, be at home, 14:00 - 16:00, Saturday
Their mother comes over for a visit.
Outcome: Minami max Love.png set to 10

Get Minami back to her old self
Prerequisites: Done Visitor
To get Minami's Love.png back to 100 you have to take her to different date locations. Those are:
Nightclub, beach, cinema, home, mall, park, pub, restaurant, waterpark
You have to take Minami to every of single one of them (there is no specific order) to increase her Love.png max back to 100.
Outcome: After every date Minami's max Love.png will be increased by +10 Love.png.

Confront Minami
Prerequisites: done visitor, Minami Love.png >= 50, interact with Minami
Minami and Mike talk about the phone call their mother had.

Talk with Minami again
Prerequisites: done confront Minami, Minami Love.png >= 75, interact with Minami
Minami and Mike talk about the phone call again and how they want to deal with the situation.
Minami - Siscon Events
To see how many siscon points you have, open your phone and select Minami contact

Minami struggling
Prerequisites: Minami is at home, living-room, Minami Love.png >= 95
Minami tries to bring her college books into her room. She asks Mike if he is willing to help her studying.
Refusing to help her has no negative effects, but the event will stop there.
Outcome: +10 Siscon points (if Mike helps Minami)

Bathroom event 1
Prerequisites: Minami is at home, take a shower, Minami Love.png >= 95
Minami will interrupt Mikes shower because she has to go to the toilet.
Outcome: +10 Siscon points.

Bathroom event 2
Prerequisites: Minami is at home, Siscon Points >= 20, Energy.png <= 2
Mike has to use the bathroom immediately, but Minami is using it right now.
Mike can either enter the Bathroom or go in the yard.
Outcome: +10 Siscon points

Band practice
Prerequisites: Joined Sashas band, go to band practice, Minami Love.png >= 95
Minami will show up to band practice. Here she will meet Kleio and Anna.
The decision you make has an effect on the KP of the girls.
Outcome: +10 Siscon points

Minami is afraid of the storm
Prerequisites: Minami is at home, sleep at night 21:00-23:00, Minami Love.png >= 95
Minami comes to Mikes room for a sleepover because she is afraid of the storm.
Outcome: +10 Siscon points

Minami is cosplaying
Prerequisites: Hallway, Minami is at home, Minami Love.png >= 95, Siscon Points >= 20
Minami tells Mike that she started cosplaying and wants to show him something.
Mike can either refuse or go with her.
Outcome:+10 Siscon points (if Mike goes with her)

Minami playing games
Prerequisites: Minami & Bree are at home, living-room, Minami Love.png >= 95
Mike sees that Minami started to feel more at home and started to hang around in less casual cloths while playing games with Bree.
Mike can either refuse or stay with the girls and watch them play video games.
Outcome: +10 Siscon points (if Mike stays)

Strip poker
Prerequisites: All three girls are at home, Minami Love.png >=95, Siscon Points >= 40, living-room
Minami suggests a game of strip poker.
Outcome: +10 Siscon Points if Mike decides to play.

Fun at the pool
Prerequisites: Minami and Bree at home, Bree or Minami are at the Pool. Spring/Summer, Minami Love.png >= 95, Siscon Points >= 60, go to the pool, not done Christmas shopping
Mike applies sun cream to Bree at the pool. Minami sneaks beside them and asks Mike if he can also apply sun cream on her.
Outcome: If Mike accepts he will gain +10 Siscon points.

Christmas shopping
Prerequisites: invite Minami to a date in the mall. Winter & between day 18 - 24, Minami Love.png >= 95, Siscon Points >= 60, not done Fun at the pool
Mike goes shopping for christmas gifts with Minami when she gets distracted by something she sees in a shop window.
Outcome: If Mike compliments her he will gain +10 Siscon points.

The Nightclub
Prerequisites: Minami is at the nightclub, Siscon Points >= 80, Minami Love.png >= 95
Mike visits a nightclub in order to escape the boredom of his home. He spots a petite girl on the dance floor and starts dancing with her. As it turns out the girl is Minami and Mike can either choose to stop dancing or he can keep dancing with Minami.
Outcome: If he keeps dancing +10 Siscon points
Minami - People from her past
Meet Jack
Prerequisites: Minami is in the Pub
Mike and Minami are tired from Mike showing Minami around, so the take a break at "The Winchester Arms" (the pub). They meet Jack and talk with him.

Meet Alexis
Prerequisites: Fri. 18:00, Alexis is at the mall, click on the Mall
Mike and Minami walk through the mall and Minami gets excited about all the shops. They meet Alexis.

Meet Kylie
Prerequisites: Kylie is not in jail, Minami and Kylie are both at the university, 10:00-12:00 OR 14:00-17:00 on a weekday, university
The times in prerequisites are only correct if you deactivate randomness.
Mike shows Minami the campus and meet Kylie.

Meet Morgan
Prerequisites: done Minami meets Alexis, Morgan masculinity <=80, BOTH have to be present at the mall (they don't have to be in the coffee shop), go to the coffee shop
You could need a lot of tries to accomplish the miracle of having both at the same time in the mall.
Minami and Mike talk with Morgan in the coffee shop.
Minami - Other Events
Minami likes blonde
Prerequisites: done Sasha likes blonde, Minami Love.png >= 60, Minami is at home, 06:00 - 17:00, Sasha dyed her hair >= 7 days ago and Mike liked it
Minami is curious why Sasha dyed her hair. If Mike told Sasha that he likes blonde hair Minami will dye her hair.
Slave command interaction: You can tell Minami to change her hairstyle back to her original any time.
Outcome: Depending on your choice during Sasha's event she will get a haircut.

Pregnancy request
Prerequisites: Status is girlfriend, days since status changed >= 7, not pregnant already, Minami is present
She proposes to Mike to impregnate her.
Fun fact: when she tells you she's pregnant; rejecting her removes her from the game

There have to be consequences
Prerequisites: Minami Love.png >= 80, Minami Sub.png = 50, siscon >= 80, Sasha & Minami are at home (not asleep), 08:00 - 20:00, not in the livingroom
Minami spilled something over Sashas bass. Mike has to choose a side in this conflict. In order to increase Minami's max Sub.png to 100 you have to take Sashas side and need to punish Minami.
Outcome: If you took Sashas side and punished her, Minamis max Sub.png set to 100.

Just like in the movies
Prerequisites: Minami Love.png >= 80, siscon >= 100, had sex, 12:00 - 17:00, Minami is at home
Minami lost her keys and tried to enter the house in another way.

Minami couch fun
Prerequisites: Minami alone in the livingroom, 20% chance of happening, Repeatable once a month
Minami is having 'fun' in the couch. You can watch her.

Birthday date
Prerequisites: Minami is daetable, Go on a date with her on her birthday
Minami - Sex Events

Hot tub Sex
Prerequisites: Home Date, Minami Love.png>=50, Sex with Minami at least once, Hot tub repaired
During at Date at home click the "Dip in the hot tub" button when all the requirements are met.
Minami - Slave Commands

Slave commands
Change your hairstyle
Prerequisites: done Minami likes blonde, Minami Sub.png >= 25
Slave command interaction: You can tell Minami to change her hairstyle back to her original any time.
Minami - Time schedule
The following table shows at which time you can meet Minami in various locations.
Aletta - Content
In-game description: Aletta: "Aletta is my boss at work."
Aletta's hobbies: "Aletta gave me a ride on her motorcycle, and that is leading to more activities."

Aletta is Mike’s boss at the office. She can have Dom Points (Dom.png).

After a date, Aletta has cowgirl sex. With Sub.png > 75, she can have anal cowgirl.

Story events
1.1 Aletta’s Introduction
1.2 Office party
1.3 Aletta confronted by employee
1.4 Aletta office flirting
1.5 Office foot massage
1.6 Meet the CEO
1.7 A tale of morals and monsters
1.7.1 Scattered
1.7.2 Intervention
1.8 Date night
1.9 The Aftermath
1.10 End of the line
1.11 Aletta’s confession

Aletta’s hobbies
2.1 Aletta’s motorcycle
2.2 The firing range
2.3 The firing range 2

Submission events
3.1 Aletta is stressed
3.2 Presentation
3.3 Aletta loses her temper
3.4 Spanking time
3.5 A tight situation
3.6 Weekend at the office
3.7 Submission
3.8 Your new sex slave

Sex events
4.1 Mike gives Aletta Oral
4.2 Aletta gives Mike a BJ
4.3 Aletta Tit Job
4.4 Hot tub Sex
Aletta - Story Events
Story events
WARNING 1: YOU MUST HAVE CASSIDY AVAILABLE TO ROMANCE ALETTA! You WILL lock yourself out of the romance route if you don't record Cassidy.

WARNING 2: You must have Shiori available to do the submission route for Aletta. You will lock yourself out of the submission route if you don't have Shiori available.

Aletta’s Introduction
Prerequisites: Charm.png >= 30, coffee break at office
Mike sees Aletta smoking at the office and has several options about it that all lead to a minor Sub.png or Love.png change.
Outcome: Aletta appears as a character. Aletta Max Love.png set to 10.

Office party
Prerequisites: Promoted >= 2 times, Monday - Wednesdays work or work hard, done Aletta's Introduction
Aletta informs Mike that there is an office party on Friday evening and that he also has to attend.
If you fail to go to the office party you can trigger it again, following the conditions above.
Outcome: Unlocks Lavish and starts Cassidy's investigation event chain.

Aletta confronted by employee
Prerequisites: Charm.png >= 40, work or work hard, Aletta Love.png >= 10
A disgruntled employee calls Aletta a ♥♥♥♥♥. Mike can stand up for her or not. Afterward, Mike can offer or suggest a massage.
Outcome: Aletta max Love.png set to 20. kissable at 14 Love.png

Aletta office flirting
Prerequisites: Charm.png >= 50, work or work hard, Aletta Love.png >= 20
Mike and Aletta flirt a little in the office. Mike has the opportunity to touch her, which she likes a little.
Outcome: Aletta max Love.png set to 30

Office foot massage
Prerequisites: Charm.png >= 60, work or work hard, Aletta Love.png >= 30
Aletta gets frustrated at the office and Mike gives her a foot massage, and then later gives her oral.
Outcome: Aletta max Love.png set to 40

Meet the CEO
Prerequisites: Charm.png >= 80, work or work hard, Aletta Love.png >= 40
Aletta introduces Dwayne, the company CEO.
Outcome: Aletta max Love.png set to 50

A tale of morals and monsters
This event has two possible ways it can be played. If you have got the offer to become the CEO of the company (played through Cassidys story) you'll see the event Scattered otherwise you'll see the event Intervention.

Prerequisites: became CEO, Charm.png >= 100, Aletta Love.png >= 50, Aletta is at work, work or work hard
Aletta is acting strange. Mike can either reassure her or tell her to snap out of it.

Prerequisites: didn't become CEO, Charm.png >= 100, Aletta Love.png >= 50, Aletta is at work, work or work hard, Cassidy is gone forever
Mike hears a heated argument outside his office and investigates what is going on.
Outcome for both events: Aletta max Love.png set to 60

Date night
Prerequisites: done scattered, Aletta Love.png >= 60, invite Aletta on a restaurant date
Mike and Aletta are having a nice dinner at the restaurant.
If Alettas Sub.png is <= 30 Mike will entertain Aletta
If Alettas Sub.png is >= 31 Aletta will entertain Mike
Outcome: Aletta max Love.png set to 80

The Aftermath
Prerequisites: done Date night, Aletta Love.png >= 60, work or work hard, Aletta is at work
A detective shows up and asks Mike some questions about Dwayne.
Outcome: If Aletta's Love.png >= 70 her story will continue otherwise she will be gone forever.

End of the line
Prerequisites: done the aftermath, Charm.png >= 100, Aletta Love.png >= 80, work or work hard, Aletta is at work
Aletta comes to Mike to tell him that the investigation into Dwayne disappearing has been stopped.
Outcome: Aletta max Love.png set to 90

Aletta's confession
Prerequisites: done end of the line, Aletta Love.png >= 90, work or work hard, Aletta is at work
Aletta comes into Mikes office to reward him for everything he did for her.
Outcome: Aletta max Love.png set to 100
Aletta - Aletta's hobbies
Aletta’s motorcycle
Prerequisites: Charm.png >= 55, Street Sat-Sun 12:00-18:00, Aletta Love.png >= 25
Aletta sees Mike on the street and offers him a ride on her motorcycle. If he accepts he gets to feel her up a bit while they ride.

The firing range
Prerequisites: Charm.png >= 70, Sat 09:00-11:00, Aletta Love.png >= 35, done Aletta’s motorcycle
Aletta invites Mike to go to the firing range, and they do a little target practice.
If you don't have the shooting skill, Aletta's Sub.png will be decreased by 25 and her Dom.png increased by 15.

The firing range 2
Prerequisites: done The firing range, >= 90, Aletta >= 45, Living Room, Sat-Sun, 09:00-12:00
Aletta invites Mike to go out to the woods to continue their firing practice. Aletta gives Mike a BJ (+ 5 ) and if >= 50, Mike can finger Aletta (+ 5 ).
Aletta - Submission Events
Warning: You MUST have Shiori available to do the submission path. Not hiring her will lock you out of it

Aletta is stressed
Prerequisites: Aletta's Love.png >= 15, Sub.png >= 10, Aletta is in the office, office/breakroom/personal office, 14:00 - 16:00
Aletta comes into Mikes office looking very stressed.
Outcome: Aletta's max Sub.png set to 20

Prerequisites: done Aletta is stressed, Aletta's Love.png >= 20, Sub.png >= 20, Aletta is in the office, Shiori, Lavish and Audrey are available, office/breakroom/personal office
Mike is doing a presentation in the office.
Outcome: Aletta's max Sub.png set to 40.

Aletta loses her temper
Prerequisites: done Presentation, Aletta's Love.png >= 25, Sub.png >= 40, days passed >= 3, Aletta is in the office
Aletta has a bad day at work and let's it out on the other staff members.
Outcome: If Mike accepts her request Aletta's max Sub.png will be set to 50. Any other choice will end her submission path.

Spanking time
Prerequisites: done Aletta loses her temper, Aletta's Love.png >= 30, Sub.png >= 50, days passed >= 1, Aletta is in the office
Mike help Aletta to relieve stress.
If Mike's sexperience >= 20, she will come in for a spanking once a week.
Outcome: Aletta's max Sub.png set to 60.

A tight situation
Prerequisites: done Spanking time, Aletta's Love.png >= 35, Sub.png >= 60, days passed >= 1, Aletta's office, Aletta is in her office, Shibari skill & bondage ropes
Mike help Aletta to relieve stress.
Outcome: Aletta's max Sub.png set to 70.

Weekend at the office
Prerequisites: done A tight situation, Aletta's Love.png >= 40, Sub.png >= 70, days passed >= 1, Saturday 09:00 - 18:00, Mike's office
This event is not implemented at the moment but it's possible to trigger it (no art or dialog will be displayed).
Outcome: Aletta's max Sub.png set to 80

Prerequisites: done placeholder event, Aletta's Love.png >= 45, Sub.png >= 80, days passed >= 1, 09:00 - 18:00, At work & Aletta is present
Aletta tells Mike that she loves the thing they have at the moment and that she loves to submit to him.
Outcome: Aletta's max Sub.png set to 90

Your new sex slave
Prerequisites: Done Submission, Aletta's Love.png >=100, Sub.png >=90, At work with Aletta in the building.
Aletta asks Mike to be his sex slave.
Aletta - Sex Events
Mike gives Aletta Oral
Prerequisites: Aletta's Love.png >= 30, done Office foot massage, Aletta is in her Office
When you interact with Aletta you can repeat the sex event from Office foot massage.
Outcome: You'll increase Aletta's Sub.png
Note: Event gives +2 to sub when rough and +1 to dom when turning away. so plus +1 to sub if sub bar isn't full or +1 to dom if sub bar is full

Aletta gives Mike a BJ
Prerequisites: Aletta's Love.png >= 50, done The firing range 2, Aletta is in Forest
When you interact with Aletta you can repeat the sex event from The firing range 2.
Outcome: You'll increase Aletta's Sub.png.
Note: Event gives +3 to sub and +3 to dom. so don't do it after the first time if you want to keep that sub bar full

Hot tub Sex
Prerequisites: Home Date, Aletta Love.png>=50, Sex with Aletta at least once, Hot tub repaired
During at Date at home click the "Dip in the hot tub" button when all the requirements are met.

Aletta Tit Job
Prerequisites:Become CEO happened, Aletta Love.png>=100
When entering the CEO's office for the first time Aletta checks up on you and says she can't have the new CEO being stressed already
Aletta - Time schedule
The following table shows at which time you can meet Aletta in various locations.
Warning: The table is only valid if you turn randomness off.
Alexis - Content
Alexis is Mike’s ex-girlfriend, who he left after he found she was cheating on him. Once Mike achieves financial success, Alexis will suddenly return to his life, but her cheating ways have not been left behind. Kylie is her younger sister.

Alexis is the only character in the game with a developed NTR storyline, including the ending scene. To that effect, she can be played on three possible paths: (1) Mike can remain oblivious to Alexis cheating on him; (2) he can set her straight (blocking all further NTR content); or (3) he can enjoy being cuckolded (NTR path). There are multiple possibilities to switch from the NTR to the non-NTR path.

Story Events - The Beginning
1.1 Reconnecting with Alexis
1.2 Dinner with Alexis (avoidable NTR)
1.3 Discussing the dinner date
1.3.1 About her flirting
1.3.2 About her cheating
1.3.3 About him leaving
1.4 Take Alexis on a date at the mall
1.5 Watch a movie with Alexis (avoidable NTR)
1.5.1 Non-NTR path
1.5.2 NTR path
1.6 Beach date with Alexis (avoidable NTR)
1.6.1 Non-NTR path
1.6.2 NTR path
1.7 Talk with Alexis

2.1 Police Path
2.1.1 Convince Alexis to go to the Police
2.1.2 Invite Alexis on a date at home

2.2 Self-administered justice Path
2.2.1 The PI calls
2.2.2 Confront the culprit
2.2.3 Talk with Alexis in the Pub

Story Events - Aftermath
3.1 Highschool reunion
3.2 The beauty and the nerds
3.3 Deal or no deal

NTR Events
4.1 Action at home
4.2 A hole in the wall
4.3 Place a camera in Dwayne's office
4.4 Action at the office

Sex events
5.1 Hot tub Sex
5.2 Halloween Foursome (NTR)

Other events
6.1 The Kylie situation
Alexis - Story Events (Part 1)
Reconnecting with Alexis
Prerequisites: Promoted 3 times, 10:00-20:00
Alexis rings Mike up and wants to reconnect. She invites him to dinner.
  • If Mike accepts: Alexis max Love.png set to 20 (kissable at 15 Love.png).
  • If Mike rejects: Alexis leaves the game permanently.

Dinner with Alexis (avoidable NTR)
Prerequisites: Alexis Love.png >= 20, Fri-Sat, 14:00-15:00, Money.png >= 500
Alexis rings up Mike for their planned dinner date. Against his better judgment, Mike goes.
Mike can decide whether he wants to pull out the chair for Alexis ( Love.png +1, Sub.png -5).
During dinner, another man starts flirt with Alexis in front of Mike.
Mike can object if he has Fitness.png >= 25 and Charm.png >= 25. If he does, the man leaves and the meal ends. You have to object in order to block all NTR content.
If he does not object, Alexis goes to the bathroom and spends a long time there. If Mike waits for her return, he remains oblivious and they finish the meal.
If Mike goes to check on her, he sees her banging that dude in the bathroom. He can either leave and stick Alexis with the check, or stay and watch the show. If he watches, the NTR path continues.
Outcome: Alexis max Love.png set to 20, Alexis max Sub.png set to 25.

Discussing the dinner date
Prerequisites: done Dinner with Alexis, told the guy off or caught Alexis cheating.
Depending on the choices made during the dinner date, Mike will have a different conversation with Alexis:

About her flirting
If Mike told the guy off, he can talk to Alexis and discuss her flirting behaviour.
He either can apologize for being possessive (reopens the NTR path), or he can tell her off. You have to tell her off in order to block all NTR content.

About her cheating
If Mike stayed and watched the cheating, he can either confront her about it and tell her he does not want to see her again (Alexis will leave the game), or ignore it (continues the NTR path).

About him leaving
If Mike left and stuck Alexis with the bill, she will give him an angry phone call the next day (09:00-22:00). When she rants about being humiliated, Mike confronts her about the cheating. He can tell her to he does not want to see her again (Alexis will leave the game), or he can forgive her and lay some ground rules (ends the NTR path).

Take Alexis on a date at the mall
Prerequisites: Love.png >= 20, done Discussed the dinner date with Alexis, go to the mall.
Take Alexis on a date to the mall. Once there, Alexis drags MC into the jewelry store and wants some expensive bling.
If MC agrees, -2000 Money.png, +5 Love.png, +55 Dating.png.
If MC refuses, -75 Dating.png.
Outcome: Alexis max Love.png set to 30.

Watch a movie with Alexis (avoidable NTR)
Prerequisites: Alexis Love.png >= 30, discussed the dinner, date with Alexis, go to the cinema and watch a movie.

Non-NTR path
Prerequisites: Told Alexis off or confronted and forgave her, Energy.png >= 5.
Mike and Alexis will see a guy that is staring at her and laugh about that together.
Outcome: Alexis max Love.png set to 40.

NTR path
Mike falls asleep while watching the movie with Alexis.
If Energy.png >= 5 or Alexis Sub.png >= 50, he wakes up without anything happening although he remains suspicious. To avoid NTR, make sure either of these conditions is met before going on the date.
If neither of the conditions is met, he will wake up and sees Alexis giving some other guy a BJ. If he confronts them, Alexis will leave the game. Otherwise, he can decide to leave, or stay and watch the show.
If Mike leaves the cinema, Alexis will give him an angry phone call the next day (09:00-22:00). When she rants about being humiliated, Mike confronts her about the cheating. He can tell her to he does not want to see her again (Alexis will leave the game), or he can forgive her and lay some ground rules (ends the NTR path).
If Mike stays and watches the BJ, he can either later confront her about it and tell her he does not want to see her again (Alexis will leave the game), or ignore it (continues the NTR path).
Outcome: Alexis max Love.png set to 40.
Alexis - Story Events (Part 2)
Beach date with Alexis (avoidable NTR)
Prerequisites: Alexis Love.png >= 40, date with Alexis, go to the beach

Non-NTR path
Prerequisites: Told Alexis off or confronted and forgave her
If MC doesn't have the Sports Car, Alexis will disapprove of the car Mike drives. At the beach, Alexis says she won't ride home in it. The date will continue until you leave the beach, and the event will need to be replayed with a Sports Car to continue.
If MC does have the Sports Car, Alexis will fawn over it.
Alexis will ask Mike if he can apply sun-cream on her.
Outcome: Alexis max Love.png set to 50.

NTR path
Prerequisites: Ignored the cheating or remained oblivious
Mike takes Alexis on a date to the beach. She takes a long time to return from the kiosk. If Mike waits for her return, he remains oblivious and they finish the date.
If Mike goes to look for her, he sees her having an MMF threesome with random guys. If he confronts them, Alexis will leave the game. Otherwise, he can decide to leave, or stay and watch the show.
If Mike leaves, Alexis will give him an angry phone call the next day (09:00-22:00). When she rants about being humiliated, Mike confronts her about the cheating. He can tell her to he does not want to see her again (Alexis will leave the game), or he can forgive her and lay some ground rules (ends the NTR path).
If Mike stays and watches the threesome, he can either later confront her about it and tell her he does not want to see her again (Alexis will leave the game), or ignore it (opens the additional NTR events).
Outcome: Alexis max Love.png set to 50.

Talk with Alexis
Prerequisites: Alexis Love.png >=50, interact with her
Alexis talks with Mike about the events that lead to their relationship breakup the first time. From here, Mike can either follow the police path or the self-administered justice path.
If you want to collar Alexis, you have to follow the self-administered justice path to uncap her Sub.png.
Outcome: Alexis max Love.png set to 60.
Alexis - Police Path
Police Path
If you pursue the police path, you will not be able to follow the self-administered justice path.

Convince Alexis to go to the Police
Prerequisites: Alexis Love.png >=60, go to the police station, 09:00 - 19:00
Talk with Alexis. There should be an extra topic if you talk to her. After you talked to Alexis, the Police station will become available on the map. Go there to make a report.
Outcome: Alexis max Love.png set to 70.

Invite Alexis on a date at home
Prerequisites: Went to the police with Alexis, invite her to a date at home.
As soon as you invite her to the date you will watch the news together.
Outcome: Alexis max Love.png set to 80.
Alexis - Self-administered justice Path
Self-administered justice Path
To hire a PI you have to choose the service icon on your phone (the same icon where you can hire a cleaning service). After you hired the PI you will not be able to see any events from the police path.

The PI calls
Prerequisites: Alexis Love.png >=60, hired the PI 3 days ago, 08:00 - 20:00, not on a date
The PI will call Mike back and inform him that he has found the person he is looking for. This will block you from going to the police.

Confront the culprit
Prerequisites: Alexis Love.png >=60, done The PI calls, have a bike or a car, 08:00 - 18:00
You have to trigger the scene manually by using the extra symbol if you're on the street. The following scene will change depending on whether or not you have bought the baseball bat.

Talk with Alexis in the Pub
Prerequisites: Alexis Love.png >= 60, done Confront the culprit, meet her at the Pub or a Pub date
Mike talks to Alexis in the pub but they will be interrupted by a news show, where Alexis can see the results of Mikes actions.
Outcome: Alexis max Love.png sett to 80, Alexis max Sub.png set to 100.
Story Events - Aftermath
Highschool reunion
Prerequisites: Alexis Love.png >=80, Complete Talk with Alexis in the pub, any day except Saturday
Interact with Alexis, she asks MC to high school reunion on the next Saturday.
NTR Choice is available for Alexis during the event.
Warning: If you don't go to the high school reuinion, Alexis Love.png max will stay at it's current level.
Outcome: "Go to the high school reunion" appears in tracker

The beauty and the nerds
Prerequisistes: done Talk to Alexis
Mike and Alexis go to their highschool reunion.
Depending on if you choose to ignore the NTR or told her to stop seeing other men, the event differs.
Outcome: Alexis max Love.png set to 90.

Deal or no deal
Prerequisites: Alexis Love.png >=90, done The beauty and the nerds
Depending on if you choose to ignore the NTR or told her to stop seeing other men, the event differs.
If you're not on the NTR path, they will talk about their current state of the relation ship and how much they have grown since the last time they dated.
On the NTR path you have two options you can choose:
  • Agree: Mike accepts the terms and conditions of their relationship
  • Refuse: Mike does not accept the terms and conditions. (Love.png won't be increased)
Outcome: Alexis max Love.png set to 100.
Alexis - NTR Events
Action at home
Prerequisites: Love.png >=50, done Beach date with Alexis, remained oblivious or chose to ignore her cheating, Sunday 14:00-18:00, date at home
Alexis invites a few male friends to join you during your date at home. Mike can either accept her proposal (continues the NTR path) or deny it (ends the NTR path).

A hole in the wall
Prerequisites: Done Action at home, Alexis is at the sexshop, Alexis Love.png>= 65, Mike and Alexis had sex at least 5 times
Alexis wants to have some fun at the sexshop.

Place a camera in Dwayne's office
Prerequisites: Done Action at the sexshop, Dwayne is not dead, Mike has a spycam in his inventory and is in his office at work
Mike decides to put a spycam in Dwayne's office (after clicking the icon).

Action at the office
Prerequisites: Done Action at the sexshop, Dwayne is not dead, Mike placed the spycam in Dwayne's office, Alexis Love.png >= 75
Dwayne gives Alexis a tour of the office. Mike has multiple options as to what he wants to do with the footage:
Alexis - Sex events
Hot tub Sex
Prerequisites: Home Date, Alexis Love.png>=50, Sex with Alexis at least once, Hot tub repaired
During at Date at home click the "Dip in the hot tub" button when all the requirements are met.

Halloween Foursome (NTR)
Prerequisites: Halloween party, invited Alexis, sex with Alexis at least once, remained oblivious or chose to ignore her cheating
If Mike invites Alexis to the Halloween party and she is on the NTR path, he can witness a foursome between her, Jack, Scottie and Ryan.
Mike can decide whether he wants to intervene (ends the NTR path) or enjoy the show.
Alexis - Other events
The Kylie situation
Prerequisites: Kylie is in jail
Alexis tells Mike that she is sorry about what Kylie did to him.
The dialog is different if Alexis Love.png < 50 and if Kylie killed someone
Alexis - Time schedule
The following table shows at which time you can meet Alexis in various locations.
Warning: The table is only valid if you turn randomness off.
Anna - Content
In-game description: "Anna is a member of the Deathless Harpies, Sasha's band."

Anna is a member of Sasha’s band. Anna starts out 75% Gp.png. and with 20 Sub.png.

After a date, Anna will reveal her tattoo that says “Anal wh.ore”. She’ll do cowgirl sex either vaginally or anally, and with Charm.png > 50 or anal beads, can do ass play during vaginal sex for +10 Sub.png. She'll give a boobjob once your Sub.png >=75

If Mike did not take the guitar skill, after Anna is introduced she can give him the guitar book to learn the skill.

Story events
1.1 Pub crawling with Anna
1.2 Horror movies
1.3 Fans in the pub
1.4 Anna meets her ex
1.5 Anna meets her ex 2
1.6 Take Anna to a restaurant date
1.7 Fix their relationship
1.8 Take Anna on a date 1
1.9 Anna's confession
1.10 Take Anna on a date 2
1.11 Living-room fun time
1.12 The concert
1.13 Fist of the North Star

Submission events
2.1 Eat pastries with Anna
2.2 Watch TV with Anna

Sex events
3.1 Hot tub Sex

Other events
4.1 Anna’s bad practice
Anna - Story Events (Part 1)
Prerequisites: Finished Sasha event : Join the Band OR First gig
Sasha will introduce you to her band members Anna and Kleio.
Outcome: Anna and Kleio are available.

Pub crawling with Anna
Prerequisites: 20:00-21:00, Anna Love.png >= 20
Drunk Anna dials Mike, who then goes to hang out with her. They get drunk together and eventually Mike helps Anna get somewhere safe to sleep.
Outcome: Anna max Love.png set to 30

Horror movies
Prerequisites: Home, 19:00-22:00 Done Pub crawling with Anna, Anna Love.png >= 30, Used TV talk topic earlier in the day
You have to talk to Anna before 19:00 !
After talking about TV with Anna, she reveals she likes horror movies. Later that same day, she will come by and watch a movie with Mike.
Note: This only triggers on the same day. If you miss the trigger, talk TV again, then go home that evening.
Outcome: Anna max Love.png set to 40

Fans in the pub
Prerequisites: Date with Anna in Pub, Anna Love.png >= 40 (it will also trigger if you reach the 40 Love.png while you're at at pub date with her) AND Dating.png >= 50% during the date
On a date (*1st date to trigger the second event) with Anna, Mike and Anna encounter fans of the Deathless Harpies.
You can help Anna during this encounter if your Fitness.png >= 40. This will increase her current Sub.png by +20 points.
Outcome : Anna max Love.png set to 50

Anna meets her ex
Prerequisite : Date with Anna in the pub, Anna Love.png >=50, Dating.png >= 50% during the date
Mike takes Anna to a date in the pub at night. Anna spots her ex Gwendoline which results in a confrontation between her and Anna. Gwendoline will begin to insult Mike and Anna until Mike says that he has no problem with hitting girls.
Outcome : Max Love.png set to 60

Anna meets her ex 2
Prerequisite: Anna Love.png >= 60, finished Anna meets her ex, at Pub/Street or Park
Mike will spot Gwendoline and there will be another confrontation between her and Anna. As soon as Gwendoline talks to Mike and Anna she begins to insult them again until Mike successfully scares Gwendoline off.
Outcome: Anna max Love.png set to 65

Take Anna to a restaurant date
Prerequisites: Anna Love.png >= 65, finished Anna meets her ex 2, date at the restaurant, Dating.png >= 50% during the date
Mike talks to Anna because she seems to be a little bit distracted. After being afraid that she has ruined the date, Anna tells Mike that she had a fight with Kleio.
Outcome: Anna max Love.png set to 70

Fix their relationship
Prerequisites: Anna Love.png >=70, finished take Anna to a restaurant date
Talk with Kleio: Mike confronts Kleio about her fight with Anna and is able to convince her to go and talk with Anna.
Talk with Anna: After Mike confronted Kleio he speaks with Anna about the reason why they didn't settle their differences by now, to find out that Anna wanted Mike's attention so she didn't see a reason to do clear this up immediately.
After he talked to both of them Mike will receive a call from Anna where she tells him that all has been cleared up and that they want to meet him.
Outcome: Anna max Love.png set to 75

Take Anna on a date 1
Prerequisites: Anna Love.png >=75, finished Fix their relationship, finish the date
Anna confesses to Mike that she likes him.
Outcome: Anna max Love.png set to 80

Anna's confession
Prerequisites: Anna Love.png >= 80, interact with her (does not have to be on a date)
Mike thinks that Anna is going to dump him, because she has been acting strange around him for some time.
Outcome: Anna max Love.png set to 85

Take Anna on a date 2
Prerequisites: Anna Love.png >= 85, finished Hangout with Anna, finish the date
Mike tells Anna that he doesn't like the fact that he has be without her after a date.
Outcome: Anna max Love.png set to 90, Anna's status gets updated to Girlfriend

Living-room fun time
Prerequisites: Anna Love.png >= 90, done take Anna on a date 2, invite her to a date at Mike's home
Anna and Mike have a date at Mike's house.
Mike can either just accept or ask if he can record it. If you choose the later option Anna will lose -5 Love.png and gain +10 Sub.png.
Outcome: Anna max Love.png set to 95
Anna - Story Events (Part 2)

The concert
Prerequisites: Anna Love.png >= 95, done living-room fun time, invite Anna to a date at the pub
Anna and Mike visit a Metalikea concert.
If Mike's Fitness.png >= 50 the event will have a good ending, otherwise it will end poorly and Anna will lose -8 Love.png
Outcome: Anna max Love.png set to 100

Fist of the North Star
Prerequisites: Anna Love.png = 100, done the concert, talk with her at the pub (not on a date)
Anna and Mike enjoy each others company in the pub until Gwendoline interrupts them.
Mike can either watch or interrupt which leads to Anna losing -10 Love.png and gaining +10 Sub.png.
Anna - Submission Events

Eat pastries with Anna during a date at the mall.
Prerequisites; Either already had sex or completed Fans in the pub
During a mall date, have a pastry with Anna
Outcome: Anna's max Sub.png set to 80.

Watch tv with Anna during a date at home
Prerequisites; Completed both already had sex and Fans in the pub
During a date at home, watch tv with Anna
Outcome: Anna's max Sub.png set to 100.
Anna - Sex Events

Hot tub Sex
Prerequisites: Home Date, Anna Love.png>=50, Sex with Anna at least once, Hot tub repaired
During at Date at home click the "Dip in the hot tub" button when all the requirements are met.
Anna - Other Events

Anna’s bad practice
Prerequisites: Band practice, practice >= 25, Anna Love.png >= 25
Anna has a bad day at practice and the rest of the band gets upset with her. Mike gets to mediate.
Anna - Time schedule
The following table shows at which time you can meet Anna in various locations.
Warning: The table is only valid if you turn randomness off.
Audrey - Content
Audrey is Mike’s coworker. She is a masochist and likes pain. She flirts with Mike in a way that pisses him off, as she is trying to get him to be hard on her. She isn’t very detail oriented and makes a lot of mistakes at work, but some of these are on purpose in order to get punished.

After a date, Audrey will in the spoon position.

In the office, Audrey will occasionally come to Mike asking for help after she’s made a mistake. If accepted, Mike spends 2 hours and gains 1 Love.png with Audrey. If refused Love.png is lost.

Story events
1.1 Mike saves Audrey
1.1.1 Danny
1.1.2 Ryan
1.2 Audrey thanks Mike for the help
1.3 Audrey in the gym
1.4 First date
1.4.1 Waterpark meetup
1.4.2 Park meetup
1.5 Audrey’s restaurant handjob
1.6 Audrey’s punishment
1.7 Photocopied butt
1.8 Relieve stress
1.9 Mike's confession
1.10 Audrey reappears

Disciplining Audrey at work
2.1 Audrey’s HR threat
2.2 Audrey gets caught
2.3 Audrey gets more spanking

Submission events
3.1 Getting dirty at the park
3.2 Distracted during the movie
3.3 Thirsty at work

Other events
4.1 Go to the gym!

Sex events
5.1 Hot tub Sex
Audrey - Story Events
Mike saves Audrey

Prerequisites: didn't finish Lexi calls Mike, Charm.png >= 20, Fitness.png >= 20, Pub, Audrey present
Mike sees Audrey being threatened by Danny. Mike can choose to help her. If Mike chooses not to help, Audrey does not become available.
If you do help, you can choose to say she’s your toy (she’ll tease you about that later), or fight Danny or intimidate him. If you fight him you must have 75 Fitness.png or 50 Fitness.png + martial arts skill.

Prerequisites: finished Samantha asks for a date & Lexi calls Mike, Charm.png >= 20, Fitness.png >= 20, Pub, Audrey present
Mike spots Ryan going to the bar in the pub. After a while he hears Ryan being an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ towards Audrey.
If Mike tries to help Audrey he will beat up Ryan if :Fitness.png >=90 or Fitness.png >=50 + martial arts skill. If he does not have enough fitness he will get beatup.

Outcome: If helped Audrey in either of these events, Audrey is available, Audrey Max Love.png is set to 20.

Audrey thanks Mike for the help
Prerequisites: Office, helped her with Danny, Audrey Love.png >= 20
Audrey thanks Mike for helping her with Danny, and flirts with him in a manner he finds confusing.
Outcome: Audrey Max Love.png set to 30, can be kissed at 28 Love.png.

Audrey in the gym
Prerequisites: Gym, Audrey Love.png >= 30
Mike spots Audrey in the gym and stares at her for awhile. If he goes over to her, she slaps him in order to provoke him.
Outcome: Audrey Max Love.png set to 40.

First date

Waterpark meetup
Prerequisites: not done Park meetup, Waterpark, Summer/Spring, Sat 12:00-16:00, done Audrey in the gym, Audrey Love.png >= 40
Mike meets Audrey at the waterpark. They do some kissing, and if Mike tries to feel her up can increase Sub.png

Park meetup
Prerequisites: not done Waterpark meetup, Waterpark, Fall/Winter, Sat 12:00-16:00, done Audrey in the gym, Audrey Love.png >= 40
Mike meets Audrey in the Park. Mike and Audrey are fooling around a bit.

Outcome: Audrey Max Love.png set to 50.

Audrey’s restaurant handjob
Prerequisites: Friday, 19:00, Audrey Love.png >= 50, done Waterpark meetup
Audrey invites Mike to a date at the high class restaurant. While there, she gives him a hand job and once he’s made a mess, leaves.
Outcome: Audrey disappears.

Audrey’s punishment
Prerequisites: Charm.png >= 50, work or work hard, done Audrey’s restaurant handjob, Audrey Love.png >= 50
Audrey reappears in the office, and Mike is angry. If he does not restrain himself, he ♥♥♥♥♥ her right there on his desk. Audrey loves it.
Outcome: Audrey reappears, Audrey Max Love.png set to 60.

Photocopied butt
Prerequisites: Charm.png >= 60, work or work hard, done Audrey’s punishment, Audrey Love.png >= 60
Mike finds a photocopy of a butt, and Lavish is there. Can use it to flirt with Lavish for 10 Sub.png. Mike can then accuse Aletta, Shiori or Audrey of leaving the photo for him.
Outcome: Audrey Max Love.png set to 70

Relieve stress
Prerequisites: done photocopied butt, Audrey >= 70, personal office, work or work hard
Mike calls Audrey into his office because he needs to relive stress.
If Mike's sexperience skill is >= 20 he can choose between the doggy and cowgirl position.
Audrey can't get pregnant from this event.
Outcome: Audrey max set to 80

Mike's confession
Prerequisites: done Relive stress, Audrey >= 70, personal office, call Audrey into your office
Mike calls Audrey into his office and confesses to her that he loves her.
Outcome: Audrey max set to 90, Audrey disappears from the map

Audrey reappears
Prerequisites: done Mike's confession, Audrey Love.png >= 80, days passed >= 3, work or work hard
Audrey reappears and confesses that she also loves Mike.
Outcome: Audrey max Love.png set to 100, you can now marry Audrey.
Audrey - Disciplining Audrey at work
These events are not relevant for increasing her Love.png cap or progressing her main story.
Important: For these events you must have Shiori available. You will lock yourself out of Audrey's submission route if you don't hire Shiori.

Audrey’s HR threat
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, done Shiori scolding 3, Audrey Love.png >= 45 & Sub.png >= 25
Audrey comes to Mike and threatens to go to HR because he’s a perv. If he “accepts her proposal she’ll come back.

Audrey gets caught
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, Audrey Love.png >= 55 & Sub.png >= 50, done Audrey’s HR threat
Aletta catches Audrey shredding some important documents, and brings her to Mike. Mike spanks Audrey.
Mike has the option to let Aletta stay and watch (if Aletta's Sub.png >=25 & Love.png >= 75 & had post-date sex), which increases Aletta’s Love.png and Sub.png.

Audrey gets more spanking
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, Audrey Love.png >= 65 & Sub.png >= 75, done Audrey gets caught
Audrey makes even more “mistakes”. Mike calls her on it and spanks her again, this time fingering her ass.
Audrey - Submission Events

Getting dirty at the park
Prerequisites: Audrey Sub.png >=15, Audrey sexperience >=1, Go on an evening date and get at least 80 date score
Outcome: Audrey max Sub.png set to 25

Distracted during the movie
Prerequisites: Audrey Sub.png >=25, Audrey sexperience >=2, Go on a date to the cinema
Outcome: Audrey max Sub.png set to 75

Thirsty at work
Prerequisites: Audrey Sub.png >=75, Audrey sexperience >=5, Work hard at the office
Outcome: Audrey max Sub.png set to 100
Audrey - Other Events
Go to the gym!
Prerequisites: No sport clothes, Audrey present
If you have not yet purchased sport clothes, Audrey will tell you to go to the gym, and that you need sport clothes to do so.
Audrey - Sex Events

Hot tub Sex
Prerequisites: Home Date, Audrey Love.png>=50, Sex with Audrey at least once, Hot tub repaired
During at Date at home click the "Dip in the hot tub" button when all the requirements are met.
Audrey - Time schedule
The following table shows at which time you can meet Audrey in various locations.
Warning: The table is only valid if you turn randomness off.
Ayesha - Content
In-game description: "Ayesha is a pro wrestler and a coach at the local gym."

Ayesha is an extremely muscular woman of color, who Mike meets at the gym. Under her tough façade, she is sensitive and enjoys being dominated in the bedroom. Mike can explore BDSM play with her.

Ayesha is part of the Taming Harem with Kylie and the Sporty Harem with Hanna.

Story events
1.1 Ayesha’s introduction
1.2 Ayesha’s show
1.3 Personal trainer
1.4 Meet Ayesha in the city
1.5 First date with Ayesha
1.5.1 Ayesha beach date
1.5.2 Hot coffee with Ayesha
1.6 Meet Ayesha at the cinema
1.7 Ayesha needs Mike’s advice
1.8 Pro-wrestling show
1.9 Mall date
1.10 Intense training
1.11 Pro-Wrestling show, but just as spectators
1.12 National Wrestling Tournament
1.13 True feeling hide behind muscles

BDSM events
2.1 Ayesha BDSM request
2.2 Ayesha BDSM training 1
2.3 Ayesha BDSM training 2
2.4 Ayesha BDSM training 3
2.5 Ayesha BDSM training 4

Sex events
3.1 After-date scenes
3.2 Hot tub Sex
Ayesha - Story Event (Part 1)
Ayesha’s introduction
Prerequisites: Gym, Wednesday, Hanna present.
Hanna introduces Ayesha.

Ayesha’s show
Prerequisites: 14:00-18:00 Sunday, Bree in game, done Ayesha’s introduction
Bree and Mike go see Ayesha do a wrestling show. During the match Mike has the choice to either protect Bree or to protect himself.
Protect Bree: Fitness.png >= 50 required, Mike will get Ayesha's phone number.
Protect yourself: Mike will use Bree as a human shield.

Personal trainer
Prerequisites: done Ayesha's show
Hanna helps Mike to hook up with a personal trainer. It turns out that the personal trainer is Ayesha. After the workout session, Mike can either compliment her muscles or her beauty.
If he complements her beauty she will thank him and Ayesha will gain 3 Love.png and tell him, that most of the people don't see it the way he does and that some people make fun of her.
Outcome: Ayesha max Love.png set to 10

Meet Ayesha in the city
Prerequisites: Ayesha Love.png >= 10, done personal trainer, go to the ally when Ayesha is there
Mike walks around the city and hears some people insulting someone. As it turns out they are insulting Ayesha and Mike has to choose if he either stands up for her or ignores it.
If he helps her he will tell those guys off and intimidates the a little bit. He and Ayesha become friends afterwards.
If he doesn't help her he will see that she is going away from there and that it looks like she isn't taking the insults very good.
Outcome: If he helped her: Max Love.png set to 20

Ayesha beach date
Prerequisites: Ayesha Love.png >= 20, done meet Ayesha in the city, Summer, weekend 14:00 - 16:00, have at least one of those: bike/car/sports car, call Ayesha
You have to call her either on Saturday or Sunday! Asking for a date before that specific time will not trigger the event!
Mike calls Ayesha and invites her to a date at the beach, which she accepts reluctantly. At the beach he notices that she isn't in a great mood and he tries to cheer her up. As soon as he is laying out their towels someone jogs by them and accidentally kicks sand into Mikes face. Ayesha does not find that one bit funny and she takes the poor guy into a submission hold.
After he apologizes Mike can either choose to tell her that it was an accident or keep quiet.
If he tells her that it was an accident she will gain +10 Sub.png
If he does not tell her that it was an accident, her Love.png will be increased by +5.
Outcome: Ayesha max Love.png set to 30, Love.png/Sub.png gain depending on your choice

Hot coffee with Ayesha
Prerequisites: done meet Ayesha in the city, not done Ayesha beach date, Ayesha Love.png >= 20, successful date with Ayesha
Mike and Ayesha go on a date. If Dating.png = 100 (every drink reduces the requirement by -5), Ayesha asks to have a "hot coffee".
On the way back, Mike can suggest they take the fast route through the cemetery for +2 Sub.png. They run into two goth characters, Vincent and Violaine.
If Mike goes for anal right away, Ayesha gains +15 Sub.png and an additional +10 Sub.png if he pulls out.
Outcome: Ayesha max Love.png set to 30

Meet Ayesha at the cinema
Prerequisites: Love.png >= 30, done beach date, invite Ayesha on a cinema date
Mike goes to the cinema with Ayesha. Both of them don't know any of the movies which are currently displayed at the cinema. Due a lack of information about the current movies they decide that Mike should pick a one movie. He can either decide to pick between a sci-fi thriller and a historical drama.
Outcome: Max Love.png set to 40, historical drama will increase Ayesha's Love.png by +5

Ayesha needs Mike's advice
Prerequisites: Ayesha Love.png >=40, done meet Ayesha at the cinema, be at home, 10:00 - 14:00
Ayesha calls Mike and asks him for advice if she should accept the offer to become an MMA fighter or if she should continue being a wrestler.
If you tell her to do it you will gain +1 Love.png. If you tell her not to do it you will lose some -1 Love.png and gain +1 Sub.png
Outcome: Ayesha max Love.png set to 50

Pro-wrestling show
Prerequisites: Ayesha Love.png >= 50, done Ayesha needs Mike's advice, be at home, Saturday 09:00 - 14:00
Ayesha calls Mike because there is a huge wrestling show in town and Ayesha partakes in it. She asks Mike if he could jump in as a replacement for the guy that was supposed to be her manager for that event.
If he accepts he will be a part of the action and her Love.png will be increased by 2. Otherwise it will be increased by 1
After the match he has the option to treat the match like it was a real fight or as if it is all ♥♥♥♥♥.
If he acts like it's all real he will gain +2 Love.png. If not he will gain +1 Love.png and her Sub.png will be decreased by -2 Sub.png.
Outcome: Ayesha max Love.png set to 60
Ayesha - Story Event (Part 2)

Mall date
Prerequisites: Ayesha Love.png >= 60, done Pro-wrestling show, invite her to a date at the mall
Mike and Ayesha go to a date at the mall. Ayesha seems to be quite nervous the whole time and Mike has to decide if he either asks her what is wrong (if Charm.png >= 50) or if he starts to talk about himself.
If he talks about himself, Ayesha will lose -5 Love.png. If he asks her what is bothering her +5 Love.png
Outcome: Ayesha max Love.png set to 65.

Intense training
Prerequisites: Ayesha Love.png >=65, Go to the gym when Ayesha is there, Be Ayesha wrestling manager

Pro-Wrestling show, but just as spectators
Prerequisites: Ayesha Love.png >=65, Ask Ayesha on a date, Don't be Ayesha Wrestling Manager

National Wrestling Tournament
Prerequisites: Ayesha Love.png >=77.5, be home, wait for Ayesha to call you

True feeling hide behind muscles
Prerequisites: Ayesha Love.png >=90, go on a date to the mall with Ayesha
Ayesha - BDSM
BDSM Event
Ayesha has a series of BDSM events. Every week, she will meet with Mike to try a new gadget in the bedroom with him. If Mike has the shibari skill and bought ropes, he will also tie Ayesha up.

Ayesha BDSM request
Prerequisites: Ayesha Sub.png >= 50, interact with Ayesha
Ayesha is curious about trying some BDSM stuff with Mike.
Outcome: Mike and Ayesha agree to meet for their first training session in 7 days.

Ayesha BDSM training 1
Prerequisites: done Ayesha BDSM request 7 days ago, 16:00
Mike and Ayesha meet for their first BDSM training session.
If Mike's sexperience >= 30 and Ayesha Sub.png >= 50, Mike is up for the task, otherwise he gets cold feet and they postpone the meeting for two weeks.
Outcome: Ayesha max Sub.png set to 60, the next meeting is scheduled in 7 days.

Ayesha BDSM training 2
Prerequisites: 7 days after Ayesha BDSM training 1, 16:00
Mike and Ayesha meet for their second BDSM training session.
If Mike's sexperience >= 30 and Ayesha Sub.png >= 60, Mike is up for the task, otherwise he gets cold feet and they postpone the meeting for two weeks.
Outcome: Ayesha max Sub.png set to 70.

Ayesha BDSM training 3
Prerequisites: done Ayesha BDSM training 2, Ayesha Sub.png >= 70, date at home, Dating.png >= 75%
Mike and Ayesha take their training to the next level.
If Mike's sexperience >= 50, he is up for the task, otherwise he gets cold feet and they postpone the meeting for two weeks.
Outcome: Ayesha max Sub.png set to 85, the next meeting is scheduled in 7 days.

Ayesha BDSM training 4
Prerequisites: 7 days after Ayesha BDSM training 3, 16:00
Mike and Ayesha meet for their last BDSM training session.
If Mike's sexperience >= 50 and Ayesha Sub.png >= 85, Mike is up for the task, goes through with it, otherwise he gets cold feet and they postpone the meeting for two weeks.
Outcome: Ayesha max Sub.png set to 100.
Ayesha - Sex Events

After-date scenes

does not apply if Mike goes for anal on the first date

Hot tub Sex
Prerequisites: Home Date, Ayesha Love.png>=50, Sex with Ayesha at least once, Hot tub repaired
During at Date at home click the "Dip in the hot tub" button when all the requirements are met.
Camila Foglio - Story Events
Sergeant Camila Foglio is working as an inspector for the local police station.

Mike meets her the first time when he brings camera footage to the police station proving that Kylie is stalking him.

Cinema Date
Prerequisites: Kylie needs to be arrested during Report Kylie to the police, Saturday evening (6pm-12am)
Camila calls if you can meet her at the cinema. He can either decide to be amused or to get angry after she tells him that this is a date.
Be amused +2 Love.png
Get angry -2 Love.png
Outcome: Camila max Love.png set to 10

Meet Camila at the shooting range
Prerequisites: Cinema Date done, Camila's Love.png >=10, Saturday afternoon (12pm-6pm)
Mike joins Camila at the shooting range. If Mike has the "Shooting" skill he gains 1.5 Love.png, otherwise 1 Love.png during this event. If Mike has seen Aletta's The firing range before, she can be met here during this event.
Outcome: Camila max Love.png set to 20

Pick Camila up at the hospital
Prerequisites: Meet Camila at the shooting range done >= 3 days ago, Camila's Love.png >=20, afternoon(12pm-6pm)
Camila calls and asks you to pick her up at the hospital. Camila got shot and Laura the doctor asks you to look out for her.
Side with Camila +2 Love.png
Side with Laura -2 Love.png
Outcome: Camila max Love.png set to 30

A mugger at the mall
Prerequisites: Pick Camila up at the hospital >= 1 day ago, Camila's Love.png >=30, mall
Some scumbag stole an old women's purse. Mike has the option to tackle the mugger if his Fitness.png>=50
Tackle the mugger +2 Love.png
Leap -2 Love.png
Outcome: Camila max Love.png set to 40

A park date in winter
Prerequisites: A mugger at the mall done >= 1 day ago, Camila's Love.png >=40, take Camila to a date in the park during the winter
Camila tells a few storys until Mike and Camila have a snowball fight with some kids. After the snowball fight is done, Mike can ask her if she's ok.
Are you ok? +2 Love.png
Ignore Camila
Outcome: Camila max Love.png set to 50

A date with Camila
Prerequisites: A park date in winter done >= 1 day ago, Camila's Love.png >=50, take Camila on a date
Camila got a new hairstyle and asks you about your opionion. (Depending on your opinion she will keep the new one or not)
I love it +2 Love.png
Meeeh... -2 Love.png +1 Sub.png
Outcome: Camila max Love.png set to 60

Go on patrol with Camila
Prerequisites: A date with Camila done, Camila's Love.png >=60, police station evening(6pm-12am)
Mike goes on patrol with Camila, after a while they meet Lexi. Mike can tell Camila if he knows Lexi or not.
Outcome: Camila max Love.png set to 70

Hospital Call
Prerequisites: Done go on patrol with Camila, Camila >=70,
Camila will call Mike from the hospital in the Afternoon. The hospital will be available on the city map, next to the park, one day after receiving the call. Camilla will then remain in the hospital for 5 days.
Outcome: Camila max set to 80

Cinema Date
Prerequisites: Have a date with Camila in the cinema, Camila Love.png >=80,
Mike invites Camila to a nerd movie but she will be annoyed of it, so she will find better ways to pass the time.
Outcome: Camila max Love.png set to 90

Important Talk
Prerequisites: Talk with Camila, Camila Love.png >=90,
Camila has something important to talk with Mike the next time they meet.
Outcome: Camila max Love.png set to 100
Camila Foglio - Prison Events

Kylies request
Prerequisites not done Orange is the new Black, Kylie is in prison, Camila Love.png >= 60, had sex >= 1, visit her at work
Mike got a letter from Kylie and decides to talk with Camila about that. Camila convinced Mike to go and see Kylie in prison.

Conjugal visit
Prerequisites : done Kylies request >= 3 days ago, Camila Love.png >= 60, had sex >= 1, visit her at work
Mike gets follows Camila for his conjugal visit.
Camila Foglio - Submission events

Kink talk 1
Prerequisites: Camila Sub.png >=25, Camila sexperience >=2, Go on a date with Camila and get 50 date score

Kink talk 2
Prerequisites: Camila Sub.png >=50, done Go on patrol with Camila, Talk to Camila

Police Car sex
Prerequisites: Camila Sub.png >=75, Camila sexperience >=4, Be home during the afternoon
Camila Foglio - Sex Events

Hot tub Sex
Prerequisites: Home Date, Camila Love.png>=50, Sex with Camila at least once, Hot tub repaired
During at Date at home, click the "Dip in the hot tub" button when all the requirements are met.
Cassidy - Story Event
Cassidy is the daughter of Dwayne, the company CEO. She is a bored, spoiled rich girl who decides to toy with Mike. She can learn her lesson...or Mike can learn his.

Cassidy can have Dom Points (Dom.png) if Mike agrees to become her slave.

Upon Cassidy’s introduction, Mike will be under investigation. Once the investigation begins, he has 7 days to collect enough information to clear his name, or he risks consequences.

If Cassidy becomes Mike’s pet, and Mike plays with her too much while her Love.png is low, she’ll get so humiliated she will leave. The easy way to deal with this is to get her Love.png > 60.

Story events


Note: Ignore the in-game text. Yes, you can complete her story to get rid of her dad.

Office party
Prerequisites: Promoted twice, invited to a party by Aletta, Friday 20:00-22:00
Mike attends an office party. He meets Lavish, Cassidy and Dwayne.

Cassidy bursts onto the scene
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, done Office party, wait 14 Days
Cassidy bursts into Mike’s office and demands Mike be her personal valet on a trip to Switzerland. Mike refuses and she goes on her merry way, but she is angry about it.

Mike is investigated
Prerequisites: 7 days after Cassidy bursts onto the scene, done meet the CEO, work or work hard
Aletta comes into Mike’s office and informs him that he’s under investigation for embezzling money from the company. This prevents work and work hard options.
Once the investigation starts, Mike has 7 days to get 100 investigation points.

  • If Aletta >= 50 when she informs Mike about the investigation, she gives him a folder of information for 20 points.
  • Mike can hack Aletta’s computer every day when she is not there, either at 08:00 or 20:00. This is worth up to 13 points each, up to 15 with -boosting clothing and accessories, scaled by Mike’s , with a minimum of 5 points per hack. To have the best chance of succeeding this investigation, have a very high knowledge!
  • Mike can talk to Aletta, Lavish, Audrey and Shiori and ask them to help with the investigation. They will call back 2 days later, so this must be done early. Lavish provides a minimum of 15 points, Aletta and Audrey provide a minimum of 5, all scaling up with higher love (at approximately 1 point per 3.5 .) Shiori however, gives 10 negative points. If you have Camila unlocked, then you can also talk to her for 10 investigation points when she calls back.
  • Mike can hire a private investigator from his office for 10 investigation points.
  • A couple of days into the investigation, Cassidy will call Mike and ask for a midnight meeting. Mike can go to the electronics shop and buy a spy camera. If he installs the camera in his office, he can record Cassidy. This is critical to getting the best ending.
  • Make sure you don't accept her offer as mistress. If you accept, Dwayne gets fired.
  • Mike can ask Cassidy 3 questions during the midnight meeting if he set up the spy camera. For maximum points they should be:
    1: “What do you know about the investigation?”
    2: “Who are you working with?”
    3: “Where is the money?” Asking these questions provides 20 points.
  • If Mike asked who Cassidy is working with, Mike will have the option to call the accountant from his office. Doing so provides 20.

After 7 days the investigation is complete, Aletta will call Mike into the office. Cassidy will talk to him in the office beforehand. If you decline the call you can buy yourself more time to investigate.
  • If Mike gets 100% investigation points and recorded Cassidy, Mike presents his case to Cassidy. She agrees to become his pet in order to prevent Dwayne from being fired (pet path)
  • If Mike gets 100% investigation points but did not record Cassidy, she believes Dwayne will beat the rap. She is wrong, Dwayne gets fired. Cassidy leaves the game.
  • If Mike does not get 100% investigation points, but did record Cassidy, she will give Mike a tittyjob, then take the evidence and leave the game.
  • If Mike does not get 100% investigation points and did not record Cassidy, Cassidy asks him to be her slave (dom path). If he refuses, Mike is fired, and loses all access to the office and working. He’ll have to get a job at the mall.

Mike’s new assistant
Prerequisites: Personal office, finished Mike is investigated, Cassidy still in game.
If Cassidy is still around after the investigation, Aletta introduces her to Mike as his new personal assistant.
Outcome: Cassidy max set to 40
Pet path: If Cassidy agreed to be his slave, Mike can play with her in the office. If Mike plays with her too much while her is low, she’ll get so humiliated she will leave.
Dom path: If Mike agreed to be Cassidy’s slave, occasionally he has to give her oral.
Cassidy - Dwayne and Cassidy (Part 1)
Cassidy asks about Aletta
Prerequisites: Personal office, Cassidy Love.png >= 40, done Mike’s new assistant
Cassidy asks about Aletta, and is coy about why.

Cassidy and Dwayne fight
Prerequisites: Coffee break, done Cassidy asks about Aletta >= 1 day ago
Mike overhears Cassidy accusing Dwayne of cheating on his wife.

Cassidy and Dwayne fight fallout
Prerequisites: Personal office, done Cassidy and Dwayne fight 1 day ago
If Mike insist to know what's bugging Cassidy she will talk a bit about the fight. She reveals Cherie, Dwayne’s wife, is her stepmother and they hate each other. But with Dwayne cheating on her, she’s starting to wonder what actually happened to her own mother.
Outcome: Cassidy max Love.png set to 60

Dwayne does not approve
Prerequisites: Personal office, done Cassidy and Dwayne fight > 7 days ago, Cassidy is pet
Dwayne visits and tells Mike he does not approve of how Mike is treating his daughter. Mike makes it clear he can ♥♥♥♥ off or Dwayne will be ruined.

Cassidy and Aletta fight
Prerequisites: Personal office, done Cassidy and Dwayne fight fallout > 7 days ago (or Dwayne does not approve if appropriate)
Mike encounters Aletta and Cassidy fighting. Mike learns that Dwayne has been using Aletta for sex; SHE is the one Dwayne was cheating with.
Cassidy decides to take a break.
Outcome: Cassidy disappears.

Cassidy needs comfort
Prerequisites: Living room, 3 days after Cassidy and Aletta fight
Cassidy shows up and tells Mike that she found her Mom. She learned that Dwayne paid her to leave, and a lot of her childhood has been a lie.
Note: Mike can get rid of her; if he does this ends Cassidy’s story.
Outcome: Cassidy max Love.png set to 80. Cassidy returns.

Cassidy and Aletta make nice
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, done Cassidy needs comfort >= 1 day ago
Cassidy and Aletta come together and work on a plan to punish Dwayne. Mike agrees to help.

Cassidy arranges a party
Prerequisites: 7 days after Cassidy and Aletta make nice, Cassidy present.
Cassidy explains she’s arranged for Mike to get an invitation to a party at the mansion she and Cherie live at. During that conversation Mike has 3 different options how he can react to Cassidy telling him that she will try to seduce her father to distract him.

The party
Prerequisites: done Cassidy arranges a party, Saturday 18:00
Mike visits the party and talks to Cassidy's stepmother Cherie. They talk for a while and before she leaves she asks Mike for his name.

Talk with Cassidy about the party
Prerequisites: done The party, Personal office when Cassidy is there
Mike and Cassidy talk about the party and Cassidy hints that Cherie might be slightly interested in Mike. Cassidy tells Mike to just drop by the mansion in order to meet Cherie again.

Meet Cherie again
Prerequisites: done talk with Cassidy, 11:00 to 14:00 Monday to Friday
Mike visits Cherie and they have lunch together where they talk about Dwayne.

Talk with Cassidy
Prerequisites: done meet Cherie a second time
Mike talks with Cassidy about the things he talked with Cherie about during dinner.

Talk to Aletta
Prerequisites: done talk with Cassidy, talk to Aletta in her office
Mike talks with Aletta about his his meeting with Cherie. Aletta talks about the need to make an alternative plan for herself if Cherie does not call Mike.
If Aletta's Love.png >= 50 the dialog will play out a bit different.

Dwayne confronts Mike in his office
Prerequisites: done talk to Aletta >= 5 days ago, Personal office, Cassidy is not in the office
Dwayne comes to Mikes office to tell him to stay away from Cherie.

Cherie calls Mike
Prerequisites: done Dwayne confrontation >= 2 days ago, livingroom/bedroom 10:00 - 22:00
Cherie calls Mike to break off whatever is going on between them because she won't let Dwayne destroy him. Mike then tells Cherie that he has a plan to get rid of Dwayne. She tells him that she will try to give him an opportunity to help him with whatever he has planned.

Talk to Cassidy and Aletta
Prerequisites: done Cherie calls Mike, Cassidy is at the office, Aletta is at the office
Talk to Aletta:
When Mike talks with Aletta she is relieved that Cherie called him back and that it'll all end soon.
If Aletta's Love.png >= 65 the dialog will be different. Aletta will ask Mike if he is going to have sex with Cherie.
When he gets asked if he wants to have sex with Cherie he can either say yes or no to that.
If he says yes: Aletta will tell him that she knows that he is fooling around with some other women and asks him if he is willing to dump them all in order to be together with her after this whole incident.
If he tells her that he is not willing to do so she will asks him if that's it for their relationship.
If you choose "I guess so" she will be mad at Mike and her Love.png cap will be set to 12. Relationship ends.
If you choose "No", she will lose 10 Love, and gain 4 at the end of the scene. Relationship continues.

Note: Currently (04/09/22), there is no way to get Love Cap over 50 without completing the CEO story arc.

Talk to Cassidy:
When Mike talks with Cassidy about the call he got from Cherie he can either tell Cassidy that this might hurt Cherie or that he thinks that Cherie wants him. She tells Mike, that she is going to buy a gun just in case.
If her Love.png >= 50, the dialog will be a bit different if Mike tells her that he wants to have sex with Cherie.
Mike can either tell her not to do so or encourage her to buy one.

Cherie calls Mike again
Prerequisites: done talk to Cassidy and Aletta
This is a critical event! If you choose the wrong answers it will end here. You can see in the table below how to play this in order to progress!
Mike talks with Cherie about the safe he needs her to steal information from. She gets upset when she hears that Cassidy is involved in the planning and when he tells her that it's also for him to get revenge on Dwayne she questions his affection for her. He can choose if he either wants to tell her that he has feelings for her or that the situation is a bit complicated.
She will go to grab a drink, at this point Mike can stop her physically from doing so or just ask her to wait.
In the following dialog she tells him to leave the house right this instant, but before Mike can leave she asks him if she would offer him to have sex with her right now if he would do it.
This table shows the different combinations of you choices and how they will end. Note that the first no is part of the selection beside don't hesitate and hesitate and will branch afterwards in a yes or no answer. Every ❌ means that you reach a bad end and every ✅ that you reach a positive end where she will help you.

*You'll only be able to get the fourth choice if you choose no during the third choice.
Cassidy - Dwayne and Cassidy (Part 2)

Wait for Cherie's call
Prerequisites: done Cherie calls Mike again >= 7 days ago, Cherie decided to help Mike, 22:00-23:00
It's recommend too learn the martial-arts skill before you accept Cherie's call. If you want to experience one of the games ends you don't have to.
Cherie calls Mike to give him a folder with information about Dwayne. Unfortunately Dwayne shows up an begins to attack Mike.
If Mike has the martial-arts skill he will survive Dwayne's attacks. If not he will die.
After Mike arrives home Cassidy will come to his house and the talk about everything that happened. They will discuss their relationship and mike has to choose if he wants to end their relationship, keep her as a slave or if he wants her to be his girlfriend. She won't accept you to have any other women beside her (this has no real impact at the moment other then changing the dialog) if her < 100.

Outcome: Cassidy max set to 100.
If she stays your Slave, nothing changes on the way you can interact with her during work.
If she is your girlfriend you can no longer perform any sexual activity with her during work. If she is you girlfriend she won't accept the slave collar anymore.
Cassidy - Sex Events

Hot tub Sex
Prerequisites: Home Date, Cassidy Love.png>=50, Sex with Cassidy at least once, Hot tub repaired
During at Date at home click the "Dip in the hot tub" button when all the requirements are met.

Beach Sex
Prerequisites: Cassidy Love.png >=75, Had sex with Cassidy at least once. Interact with Cassidy at the beach or during a date at the beach. (nudist beach also counts)

Dog Walk Pt 1
Prerequisites: Cassidy collared, Cassidy status "pet", Cassidy Sub.png >= 90, Mike has a date with Cassidy at home during the evening, DateScore >= 90%
Mike takes Cassidy out on a walk

Dog Walk Pt 2
Prerequisites: Cassidy collared, Cassidy has the "pet" status, Cassidy Sub.png = 100, Done Dog Walk Pt 1, take Cassidy on a home date.
Mike takes Cassidy out on a walk again. (This event is repeatable)
Hanna - Story Event
Gym Girl: "There is this hot girl at the gym. I don't even know her name."

Hanna: "Hanna is the daughter of the owner of the gym."

Hanna is a serious fitness buff, and her father owns the gym. She is shy and extremely well built.

If Hanna has sex after a date, she’ll do the cowgirl position or missionary. She will require a condom unless Love.png >= 90 or give her at least 3 drinks and choose her cowgirl pose during the after date scene and she will accept to have sex without a condom.

Hanna’s introduction
Prerequisites: Gym 10:00-17:00, >7 days played, Fitness.png >= 20, Train or Train Hard
Mike sees Hanna running on the treadmill.

Hanna masturbates
Prerequisites: Gym 10:00-17:00, Fitness.png >= 30, Train or Train Hard, done Hanna’s introduction
Mike, while taking a shower, watches Hanna masturbate without knowing who she is.

Meet Hanna
Prerequisites: Renew gym membership, Fitness.png >= 40
Mike is introduced to Hanna. He finds out her dad owns the gym, and sometimes she works there.
Outcome: Hanna max Love.png set to 20

Shower with Hanna
Prerequisites: Hanna Love.png >= 20, Train or train hard, Fitness.png >= 50, done Meet Hanna
Hanna boldly asks to join Mike in the shower. If accepted, she gives Mike a BJ.
Outcome: Hanna max Love.png set to 30

Prerequisites: Hanna Love.png >= 30, Park 6:00-10:00, Hanna is present, Fitness.png >= 50, done Shower with Hanna
Mike races Hanna in the Park.
Outcome: Hanna max Love.png set to 40

Working out
Prerequisites: Hanna Love.png >= 40, Fitness.png >= 70, Gym, done Race, Train or Train Hard.
Mike and Hanna work out together. Hanna flirts with Mike
Outcome: Hanna max Love.png set to 50

Gym Talk
Prerequisites: Hanna Love.png >=50, Fitness.png >= 80
Mike and Hanna talk about the gym. Hanna's father has debts he can't pay, so he steals money from his business. After you talk to her, the max Love.png will be set to 60.
The outcome requires that you reach 60 Love.png and talk to her. The decisions, their requirements and their consequences are listed in the table below.

Hanna and Mike are visiting the stripclub
Prerequisites: Done Gym Talk, told Hanna to make the gym sexier during Gym Talk, Hanna Love.png >= 70, happens after a date when DateScore >= 50%
Hanna and Mike visit the stripclub.

Outcome: Hanna Love.png max set to 80

Hanna's date at the stripclub
Prerequisites: Done Hanna and Mike are visiting the stripclub, Hanna Love.png >= 80, Mike gifted Hanna a sexy dress, Mike goes on a date with Hanna and chooses Strip club as a location

Outcome: Hanna Love.png max set to 90, Sub.png max set to 100

Workout With Hanna
Prerequisites: Done date at the stripclub, Hanna Love.png >=90, Hanna at the gym, Be at the gym.
Hanna - Sex Events
Hot tub Sex
Prerequisites: Home Date, Hanna Love.png>=50, Sex with Hanna at least once, Hot tub repaired
During at Date at home click the "Dip in the hot tub" button when all the requirements are met.
Hanna - Other Events
Touchy customer
Prerequisites: done Gym talk, convinced her to make the gym more sexy, Hanna is at the gym, visit the gym
Mike visits the gym after Hanna changed its image to make it sexier. He spots Hanna having trouble with one of the customers.
Mike can either intervene or let it happen.
Outcome: Hanna Sub.png max set to 75

"Dog" Walk Pt 1
Prerequisites: Done Touchy customer, Hanna collared, Hanna Sub.png >= 90, Mike has a date with Hanna at home during the evening, DateScore >= 90%
Mike takes Hanna out on a walk
(Note: If you played the Touchy customer event in a version before v22.9.0, you have to play it again for this event to unlock!)

"Dog" Walk Pt 2
Prerequisites: Done "Dog" Walk Pt 1, Hanna Collared, Hanna Sub.png = 100, Take Hanna on a home date.
Mike takes Hanna out on another walk. (This event is repeatable.)
Hanna - Conversations

Hanna has some of the most complex conversations in the game and you are able to adjust her stats depending upon your responses.

Harmony - Story Events
In-game description: "Harmony is a girl I met at church."

Harmony is a voluptuous redhead that starts out as a devout Christian. Mike runs into her at church when attending mass on Sunday.

Harmony has a special purity stat (Good.png) that needs to be lowered in order to advance her storyline. At high Good.png, Harmony will not kiss, date, dance or have sex. Mike has to corrupt Harmony by decreasing her Good.png in order to open up these activities, uncovering the secret slut that is hidden inside her.

Church girls are hot
Prerequisites: Church, Sunday, 09:00-11:00, attend mass,
While attending mass, Mike sees a girl so hot he has to masturbate. If he does it in the church, she catches him in the act. It’s awkward.

Harmony invites Mike to church
Prerequisites: done Church girls are hot, did not wait to masturbate, Church, Sunday, 09:00-11:00, attend mass
Mike runs into Harmony again. They talk awkwardly. Eventually she decides he needs some Godly help and invites him to private Bible study.

Bible study 1
Prerequisites: done Harmony invites Mike to church, accepted her help, Church, Sunday 14:00-16:00, Harmony present, bible study
Mike and Harmony study the bible together. With Knowledge.png >= 10 Mike can find issues with the bible, which results in -5 Good.png.
Outcome: Harmony max Love.png set to 20, you can now give gifts

Bible study 2
Prerequisites: Church, Sunday 14:00-16:00, Harmony present, Harmony Love.png >= 20, bible study
Mike and Harmony study the bible again. With Knowledge.png >= 20 Mike can find fault with the moral of the story, which results in -5 Good.png.
Outcome: Harmony max Love.png set to 30

Bible study 3
Prerequisites: Church, Sunday 14:00-16:00, Harmony present, Harmony Love.png >= 30, bible study
This week, Harmony wants to discuss Mike's sexual habits. With Knowledge.png >= 30, Mike can question her perspective, which results in -5 Good.png.
Outcome: Harmony max Love.png set to 40

Bible study 4
Prerequisites: Church, Sunday 14:00-16:00, Harmony present, Harmony Love.png >= 40, bible study
Mike and Harmony study the bible more. With Knowledge.png >= 40 Mike can offer his own views, causing Harmony to kiss him on an impulse and -5 Good.png.
Outcome: Harmony max Love.png set to 50

Prerequisites: done Bible study 4, Harmony Love.png >=50, any day except Saturday, ask for a date,
Mike invites Harmony to go roller-skating next Saturday at 14:00. While roller-skating Mike can either choose to make it lewd or keep it Christian:

Note: To lower Good.png to the respective levels, the events below (starting with Annual Church dance) have to be completed first!
Outcome: Harmony max Love.png set to 60

Date at the mall
Prerequisites: done Roller-skating, Harmony Love.png >= 60, any day except Saturday, ask for a date
Mike and Harmony go shopping together and Mike can choose the stores they visit:

Note: To lower Good.png to the respective levels, the events below (starting with Annual Church dance) have to be completed first!
Outcome: Harmony max Love.png set to 70
Harmony - Slutty Event
Invite Harmony on another date 2
Prerequisites: Harmony Love.png >= 70, completed Date at the mall
Ask Harmony for a date.
Outcome: "Go to my date with Harmony at home" appears in the tracker

Go to my date with Harmony at home
Prerequisites: Harmony Love.png >= 70, completed Invite Harmony on another date 2
Go on the date on Saturday night.
Outcome: Harmony max Love.png set to 75

Go on a date with harmony at the nightclub
Prerequisites: Harmony Love.png >= 75, completed Go to my date with Harmony at home
Once her Dating.png becomes positive, Harmony starts to imbibe a little strongly...
Outcome: Harmony max Love.png set to 85.

Go on a date with harmony at the nightclub 2
Prerequisites: Harmony Love.png >= 85, completed Go on a date with harmony at the nightclub
Once her Dating.png becomes positive, Harmony wants to explore...
Outcome: Harmony max Love.png set to 95.

Invite Harmony on another date 3
Prerequisites: Harmony Love.png >= 95, completed Go on a date with harmony at the nightclub 2
When you ask her for a date, Harmony wants to go to the strip club on Saturday evening...
Outcome: "Go to my date with Harmony at the strip club" appears in the tracker

Go to my date with Harmony at the strip club
Prerequisites: Harmony Love.png >= 95, completed Invite Harmony on another date 3
Harmony has her dance all planned out...
Outcome: Harmony max Love.png set to 100.
Harmony - Vanilla Events
These events require Harmony to not have the religious or slutty traits.

Board night with Harmony
Prerequisites: Harmony Love.png >=70
Ask Harmony on a date.

Meeting Harmony's parents
Prerequisites: Harmony Love.png >=75
Ask Harmony on a date

Harmony meets Angela
Prerequisites: Harmony Love.png >=85
Ask Harmony on a date

Love Confession
Prerequisites: Harmony Love.png >=90
Ask Harmony on a date to the park
Harmony - Religious Events
These events require Harmony to have the religious trait

Meeting Harmony's parents
Prerequisites: Harmony Love.png >=70
Ask Harmony on a date

Harmony meets Angela
Prerequisites: Harmony Love.png >=85
Ask Harmony on a date

Concerns about housemates
Prerequisites: Harmony Love.png >=90
interact with Harmony

Nun Confession
Prerequisites: Harmony Love.png >=90
Wait for Harmony to call you

Nun reveal
Prerequisites: Harmony Love.png >=95
Wait to see Harmony on a Sunday
Harmony - Corrupted events
These events require Harmony to have the slutty trait

Board night
Prerequisites: Harmony Love.png >=70
Ask Harmony on a date

Nightclub with Harmony
Prerequisites: Harmony Love.png >=75 & Sub.png >=70
Take Harmony on a date to the nightclub

Strip Club with Harmony
Prerequisites: Harmony Love.png >=85 & Sub.png >=90
Take Harmony on a date to the nightclub

Dual Performance at the strip club
Prerequisites: Harmony Love.png >=95 & Sub.png >=100
Ask Harmony on a date
Harmony - Purity reducing events
Tip: Never invite Harmony to a date if you want to reduce her and you have her at her current max . It will always trigger the next story event instead.
Always reduce it by at least one point, for example:
  • If for example Harmony is at 60 and you try to trigger any of the events below you'll always invite her to the date at the mall instead.
  • Reduce her to 59 in order to trigger any of the events below

Annual church dance
Prerequisites: done Bible study 4, Harmony Good.png <= 80, Monday-Saturday, interact with Harmony
Harmony invites Mike to the annual church dance on Sunday at 14:00. When Mike dances with Harmony he can choose to pull her close for the dance or not.
If Mike pulls her close it will lower -5 Good.png and she will lose -5 Love.png.
Outcome: Harmony's Good.png can be decreased to 70

Picnic in the park
Prerequisites: done Annual church dance, Harmony Good.png <= 70, not Winter, Monday-Saturday, ask for a date (ask on Saturday or via phone call to prevent triggering the Roller-skating or Mall date)
The only way to reduce her Good.png to 70 at the moment is to gift her "Romance Novels"!
Mike invites Harmony to date in the park at the next Sunday 12:00. They accidentally kiss and Mike can either lean into the kiss or pull back from it.
If Mike leans into the kiss Harmony's Good.png will be reduced by -5.
Outcome: Harmony's Good.png can be decreased to 50
You can now date Harmony if Good.png <= 65 and Love.png >=25, and dance with her if Good.png <= 60.
At Good.png <= 55, the after-date scene becomes available (which also decreases Good.png).
The only way to reduce her Good.png to 55 is to gift her "Romance Novels"!

Broken wings
Prerequisites: done Picnic in the park, church, attend the mass, Harmony Good.png <= 50, Harmony is present
Mike attends the mass together with Harmony.
Outcome: Harmony's Good.png can be decreased to 30

Fall from heaven
Prerequisites:done Broken wings, Saturday/Sunday, nightclub date, Mike has stamina Stamina.png, Harmony Good.png <= 30, interact with her
Mike and Harmony go to a nightclub to party.
If he accepts her proposal, they will have some fun in the VIP section of the nightclub.
-5 Good.png, +4 Love.png, +20 Dating.png
If he refuses Harmony is disappointed that Mike is no fun
-5 Love.png, -20 Dating.png
Outcome: Harmony's Good.png can be decreased to 10
Harmony - After date scene

You can't choose between the titjob and the blowjob if you do them the first time. The initial event for those will trigger as soon as you meet the requirements during the after date scene. The first one of those two that will trigger is the titjob. The blowjob will trigger if you get to the after date scene during another date. If you successfully triggered the titjob and blowjob you can now choose them during the after date scene.

* Note: The after-date scene gets unlocked once Harmony's Good.png reaches 55. However, if her Good.png goes up again (e.g., by trying to gift her the slave collar before she is ready for it), she will remain open for sex. In fact, if Mike has sex with her for the first time and Good.png >= 65, she will ask him to stick it in her butt so she can technically remain a virgin.
Kleio - Story Events (Part 1)
In-game description: "Kleio is a member of the Deathless Harpies, Sasha's band."

Kleio is a tattooed rebel who is in Sasha’s band. She is unlocked by following Sasha's chain of events until you either see the Deathless Harpies perform, or are invited to the studio where they practice.

After date, she can give BJ, do doggy and missionary. Mike needs 50 Fitness.png to do more than BJ. She requires 90 Love.png or to be drunk (at least 3 drinks) to have sex without a condom. With 50 Sub.png she will do anal.

Kleio starts at 100% Gp.png and will move down a bit as she progresses through her story.

Hang with Kleio at the mall
Prerequisites: 14:00, Kleio Love.png >= 10, Kleio introduced at practice or performance
Kleio calls Mike up and offers to hang out at the mall. She’ll ask Mike a few questions, and if she’s satisfied with his answers she’ll talk about how she broke up with her girlfriend. If Mike answers well she will lose 5 Gp.png.
Outcome: Kleio is kissable, Kleio max Love.png set to 20

Kleio gets a tattoo
Prerequisites: 17:00, Kleio Love.png >= 20, done Hang with Kleio at the mall
Kleio calls Mike and asks him to go with her while she gets a tattoo. She asks Mike a few questions, including which tattoo to get. If Mike answers appropriately, she says she had fun and she will lose 5 Gp.png.
Outcome: Kleio max Love.png set to 30

Kleio raises hell
Prerequisites: Wake up 05:00-09:00, Kleio Love.png >= 30 & Gp.png <= 70, done Kleio gets a tattoo
Kleio wakes Mike up with a call, and asks him to go out. She raises a bunch of hell. If Mike asks no questions and goes along with, she is flirtatious, and she will lose 5 Gp.png.
Outcome: Kleio max Love.png set to 50

The car needs repairs (Something will happen soon)
Prerequisites: Tuesday or Thursday between 09:00 and 18:00, Done Kleio raises hell, Mike has a car, Love.png >= 40, at map
Mike will need to take his car in for repairs. Sasha suggests taking it to Kay. Turns out that Kay is actually 'K' meaning Kleio.
If Mike has the sport car Kleio gains +5 of Love.png and the story continues with Kleio calls about the car (only way to raise her Sub.png to 100!)
If Mike don't has the sport car the story continues with Kleio brings Mike his fixed car

Kleio studio sex
Prerequisites: Studio, done Kleio raises hell, in band, Kleio Love.png >= 50 & Gp.png <= 75, not done Kleio calls about the car, or Kleio brings Mike his fixed car.
Sasha gets upset and walks out of band practice. Mike can comfort her, but Sasha sends him back.
He and Kleio then have sex in the studio.
Outcome: No change

Kleio fixed the car

Kleio calls about the car
Prerequisites: Monday, Wednesday or Friday between 20:00 and 23:00, Done The car needs repairs (Mike had the sports car during the event), Kleio Love.png >= 55, at map, not done Kleio brings Mike his fixed car
Kleio calls Mike that his car is fixed.
Outcome: Kleio Love.png set to 60, Sub.png set to 100

Kleio brings Mike his fixed car
Prerequisites: Monday, Wednesday or Friday between 14:00 and 18:00, Done The car needs repairs (Mike didn't have the sports car during the event), Kleio Love.png >= 55, at the livingroom, not done Kleio calls about the car
Kleio shows up at Mike's home to bring him his car.
Outcome: Kleio Love.png set to 60

The protest
Prerequisites: Kleio Love.png >=60, 12:00 - 18:00, done Kleio studio sex, done the car needs repair
Kleio calls about a protest she was going to partake with Mike. Right answer is Yes.
Outcome: Kleio max Love.png set to 70

Take Kleio on a date
Prerequisites: Kleio Love.png >= 70, on a date with Kleio, Dating.png >=90%, finish the date
Kleio and Mike talk about what they think of each other.
Outcome: Kleio max Love.png set to 75

Hang out with Kleio
Prerequisites: Kleio Love.png >= 75, done the protest, done Take Kleio on a date, interact with Kleio
Mike talks with Kleio about her being weird lately. She confesses that she likes Mike.
Outcome: Kleio max Love.png set to 80

Take Kleio on a date 2
Prerequisites: Kleio Love.png >= 80, taken Kleio on a date (finish the date), done Hang out with Kleio
Kleio talks with Mike about the date
Outcome: Kleio max Love.png set to 85

Hang out with Kleio at the park
Prerequisites: Kleio Love.png >= 85, done Take Kleio on a date 2, go on date in the park
Take Kleio on a date at the park, she butts heads with an interesting opponent...
Outcome:Kleio max Love.png set to 90

Hang out with Kleio 2
Prerequisite: Kleio Love.png >= 90, done Hang out with Kleio at the park, 19:00 - 21:00, interact with Kleio in the pub
Kleio and Mike visit a concert together. If you decide to get jealous over Kleio's comment about the bassist her Love.png will be decreased by 5 points.
Outcome: Kleio max Love.png set to 95
Kleio - Story Events (Part 2)

Kleio needs help
Prerequisites: Kleio Love.png >= 95, done hang out with Kleio 2, days passed since concert >= 1
Kleio calls Mike because she needs him to help her with a difficult situation.
Outcome: Kleio max Love.png set to 100.

Kleio proposes to Mike
Prerequisites: Kleio Love.png = 100, not engaged to Mike, done Kleio needs help & days passed >= 7, 09:00 - 19:00
Kleio will call Mike and asks him if he could meet her at the place they had their first date together (the rooftop).

Prerequisites for the event: Kleio Love.png = 100, 18:00 - 20:00, go to the rooftop (you will gain access after the call)
Kleio propses to Mike. He can either accept the proposal which leads to their wedding the next Sunday (and therefore ending the game) or he can reject her proposal which leads to Kleio losing -15 Love.png (you can still propose to her if you buy the ring on a later point).
Outcome: Depending on your decision you can end the game at this point. For the Kleio & Anna ending you can find the conditions here.

Meet Kleio's ex
Prerequisites: Done Hang with Kleio at the Mall, done Morgan cinema date, Location Pub, Kleio and Morgan present
Mike learns that Morgan and Kleio were together. This will add the Morgan and Kleio storytracker which leads to an threesome. The information about how to achieve this can be found on the Pixie Harem wiki site.
Kleio - Sex Events

Hot tub Sex
Prerequisites: Home Date, Kleio Love.png>=50, Sex with Kleio at least once, Hot tub repaired
During at Date at home click the "Dip in the hot tub" button when all the requirements are met.
Kleio - Customization Events

Double trouble
Prerequisites: Kleio & Bree Love.png >= 50, both are at the pub
Mike goes to the pub to relax from a stressfull day, when he meets Bree and Kleio.
He has to decide if he wants to play pool with Kleio or play on the Arcade with Bree.
  • If Mike chooses Bree, Kleio will loose -10 Love.png (this option enables Kleios new haircut)
  • If Mike chooses Kleio, Bree will loose -10 Love.png
[/previewicon][/list] [h1][u][b]Back to the classics[/b][/u][/h1] [b]Prerequisite[/b]: Kleio [previewicon=28874847;sizeThumb,inline;20px-Love.png]Love.png[/previewicon] >= 60, Chose Bree in the Double trouble event Kleio asks Mike if he prefers Girls with long hair. [h1][u][b]Twintail[/b][/u][/h1] [b]Prerequisites[/b]: done Back to the classics at least 7 days ago, meet Kleio Kleio let her hair grow out. [b]Outcome[/b]: You can now switch between Kleios hairstyle with twintails or her short hair

Back to the classics
Prerequisite: Kleio Love.png >= 60, Chose Bree in the Double trouble event
Kleio asks Mike if he prefers Girls with long hair.

Prerequisites: done Back to the classics at least 7 days ago, meet Kleio
Kleio let her hair grow out.
Outcome: You can now switch between Kleios hairstyle with twintails or her short hair.
Kylie - Story Event
Kylie is the younger sister of my ex-girlfriend, Alexis. She is crazily hung up on me, and acts jealous every time she sees me with other women. This could be trouble!"

Kylie is the younger sister of Mike’s ex-girlfriend Alexis. She has a special stat called Yandere (Yandere.png) which represents how her jealousy can make her violent. Yandere is primarily raised when Kylie witnesses Mike interacting with other girls, such as kissing them while she is there. There are also random events on dates with Kylie that can raise Yandere, and during her events Yandere can increase dramatically depending on Mike’s choices. Once raised, Yandere cannot be lowered except when Kylie gives Mike her cookies or if you manage to unlock the Taming Harem with Ayesha.

Note: If you do not want Kylie to interfere with your playthrough, you can easily avoid her completely. Her second event will only trigger if you go to the university on Tuesday or Friday.

The higher Kylie's Yandere, the more obsessed she becomes with Mike and the more psychotic she behaves. Mike can help her overcome her tendency for violence, or he can report her to the police and have her imprisoned. Kylie's arrest is a requirement if you want to unlock Camila as a romance option.

After a successful date, Kylie can have sex in the missionary, cowgirl and doggy position. At Sub.png >= 15 you can give her cunnilingus, at Sub.png >= 30 she can give you a BJ. She also has a bondage option (Sub.png >= 75).

Kylie’s introduction
Prerequisites: University, 10:00-17:00, >= 7 days played
Kylie sees Mike at the university and re-introduces herself. The last time Mike knew Kylie, she was a little girl, but now she is a very attractive adult. Mike is conflicted about her, but she is cute and bubbly.

Kylie’s crush
Prerequisites: done Kylie’s introduction, University, Tue or Fri, Charm.png >= 30,
Mike meets Kylie at the university, where she admits that she had a crush on him all the way back when he was dating Alexis.
Outcome: Kylie becomes generally available and starts stalking Mike. Kylie Love.png max set to 20.

Kylie phone sex
Prerequisites: Kylie is not in prison, 19:00-24:00, Kylie Love.png >= 20
Mike calls Kylie (click on her icon) and Kylie masturbates while he is on the phone with her.
Outcome: Kylie Love.png max set to 50

Kylie gets jealous
Prerequisites: Kylie is not in prison, Kylie Love.png >= 25, Kylie present, talk or compliment any other girl with Love.png >= 25 (except Minami)
Kylie sees Mike chatting with another girl. She confronts him about it.
Mike can say she’s just a friend, or tell Kylie he likes the other girl, fueling her jealousy (+10 Yandere.png).
Outcome: Whoever Mike interacted with becomes Kylie's target. You can change the target by kissing another girl in front of Kylie. To start the Taming Harem, Kylie has to target Ayesha.
Depending on Mike's answer, the next event will play out differently:

Kylie asks for study help
Prerequisites: done Reconnecting with Alexis, done Kylie gets jealous at least 3 days ago and said target was just a friend, Kylie is not in prison, University
Kylie runs into Mike and asks him for help with her studies. If he accepts they go and he gives her some pointers. If they refuse, she gains +5 Yandere.png and storms off. Alexis shows up and offers some advice
on dealing with her.

Kylie peeps on Mike
Prerequisites: done Kylie gets jealous at least 3 days ago and said he liked target, Kylie is not in prison, Bedroom, 22:00-04:00
Mike tries to get some work done late at night, and discovers Kylie peeping on him. He can let her in or not, and either way she acts creepy.

After you finish either of these events, Kylie's story can develop into two possible directions:
Mike can support Kylie in the endeavour to overcome her pathological tendencies (Reform Path), or let her go down the violently jealous route (Yandere Path).
Kylie - Reform path
Note: For Kylie to get better, Mike has to commit to their relationship and keep Kylie's Yandere.png below 25. Otherwise Kylie will return to her Yandere path!

Trying to change
Prerequisites: done Kylie asks for study help or Kylie peeps on Mike, Yandere.png < 25, Kylie Love.png >= 40, interact with Kylie
Kylie apologises to Mike for her obsessive behaviour. She promises to see a therapist if Mike agrees to become her boyfriend.
If Mike agrees, her status changes to girlfriend and Yandere.png max is set to 90. If he refuses, the Reform Path ends.
Outcome: Kylie Love.png max set to 60

Dealing with the demons
Prerequisites: done Trying to change at least 3 days ago, agreed to become her boyfriend, Yandere.png < 25, Kylie Love.png >= 50, Coffeeshop, Kylie present
Kylie tells Mike about the improvements she is making since going to therapy.

Prerequisites: done Dealing with the demons at least 3 days ago, Yandere.png < 25, Kylie Love.png >= 60, interact with her
Kylie confesses to Mike she realised what she was feeling before was not love but obsession.
Outcome: Kylie Love.png max set to 75, Yandere.png max set to 75

Prerequisites: done Confession at least 3 days ago, Yandere.png < 25, Kylie Love.png >= 75, interact with her
Mike tells Kylie he is proud of her improvement and of being with her.
Outcome: Kylie Love.png max set to 100, Yandere.png max set to 50
Kylie - Yandere path

Mine alone
Prerequisites: done Kylie asks for study help or Kylie peeps on Mike, Kylie is not in prison, Yandere.png >= 25, Kylie Love.png >= 40, interact with Kylie
Kylie demands that Mike commits exclusively to her. If Mike agrees, her status changes to girlfriend and she loses -10 Yandere.png. If he refuses, she gains +10 Yandere.png.
Outcome: Kylie Love.png max set to 60

Prerequisites: done Mine alone or Trying to change at least 3 days ago, Yandere.png >= 25, Kylie Love.png >= 50, Kylie is not in prison, Bedroom, 14:00-18:00
Mike catches Kylie in his room as she is punching holes in his condoms.

Prerequisites: done Sabotage at least 3 days ago, Yandere.png >= 35, Kylie Love.png >= 60, Kylie is not in prison, Bedroom, 23:00-04:00
Kylie wants to meet up. When Mike confronts her about what happened, she pretends not to know what he is talking about and offers him a BJ instead.
If Mike agrees, he will believe that they can overcome their issues (ends the event chain). If he refuses, she acts all calm and says he will be hearing from her soon.
Outcome: Kylie Love.png max set to 75

Prerequisites: done Gaslighting at least 3 days ago and refused Kylie, Yandere.png >= 60, Kylie is not in prison, Bedroom, 20:00-23:00
Kylie comes to Mike's house and attacks either Bree or Sasha with a knife. Mike realises she has gone completely insane.
Outcome: Kylie Love.png max set to 100
Kylie - Stalking events

Prerequisites: Kylie is available, front porch, 00:00-06:00
Mike starts to see someone on the front porch at night, but that person will be gone by the time Mike can get out there.
Outcome: Kylie will disappear for 1-7 days without any option to contact her.

Kylie is a stalker
Prerequisites: Kylie Yandere.png >= 25, installed the camera >= 7 days ago, Bree & Sasha are at home, living-room, 10:00-18:00
Mike gets annoyed by the fact that something wakes him up at 03:00 every night and overhears a conversation of his roommates about the lights going on at that time. Mike decides to check the camera footage in order to find out what is going on.
Outcome: The police station becomes available.

Talk with Kylie about the camera footage
Prerequisite: done Kylie is a Stalker
Mike has an urgent wish to die and talks with Kylie about the camera footage. Kylie tries her best to convince Mike that she sorry for what she did telling him she was just passing by on that day and that it lead to her doing it every night. Kylie promises Mike that she won't show up at 03:00 at his house anymore.
Outcome: Removes the police station temporarily (you can get access again through the other camera event)

Kylie’s night assault
Prerequisites: Kylie Yandere.png >= 50, Kylie Love.png >= 50, 00:00 - 06:00, opened the door when she was in front of the house once
When Mike hears a strange sound in front of the house he can open the front door and check for him self what's going on.
If you decide to open the door you will trigger an event where Kylie tasers Mike and tries to force him into having sex with her. Mike has the option to shout for help or stay silent and endure it.

WARNING: If you shout for help when you don't have both Bree and Sasha at Love.png >= 75, the one with more Love.png will come to check on you and will be murdered by Kylie.
Outcome: Kylie gets pregnant if she is successful. If you installed a camera at the front porch, you will have evidence to report Kylie to the police.

Kylie attacks Bree
Prerequisites: Kylie Yandere.png >= 50, Kylie Love.png >= 50, Bree is Kylie's target, both are in the same location
Mike hears someone fighting in the distance. He soon recognizes that the voices are those of Kylie an Bree.
He can either decide to intervene and help Bree or to hide and watch.

Kylie’s Christmas murder
Prerequisites: Home, Christmas, 06:00 - 12:00, Kylie is targeting a girl, Kylie Yandere.png >= 90, Kylie Love.png >= 25, Kylie is not in prison
Kylie brings Mike his Christmas present. At first Mike is excited, but then he discovers it’s Bree’s severed head. Mike responds poorly and Kylie murders Mike.
Outcome: Game over
Kylie - Prison events
Report Kylie to the police
Prerequisites: done Kylie's night assault or Kylie is a stalker
Mike goes to the police station in order to report Kylie. Mike tells Sargent Camila Foglio everything he knows and hands her the evidence.
If one of the following conditions is true, Kylie will be arrested:
  • She raped Mike and he allows it to happen by staying silent
  • She killed Sasha or Bree
It will not be enough to lead to an arrest if:
  • She attempted to rape Mike but was successfully repelled by Mike screaming for help
  • She was caught on camera stalking Mike (as of version 23.8.0c)
After you reported it to the police you'll have to wait >= 7 days to hear from the police if they arrested Kylie or not.
Outcome: Kylie is in prison

Orange is the new Black
Prerequisites: done Kylie got arrested, completed Camila prison visit, Kylie Love.png >= 50, visit the police station
Mike gets a letter from Kylie and decides to visit her to. If Mike does not accept her propsal the event chain will end here.

Behind bars
Prerequisites: done Orange is the new Black, accepted her proposal, Kylie Love.png >= 50, visit the police station
Mike comes in to take responsibility for the proposal he made

Oral attention
Prerequisites: done Behind bars >= 1 day ago, Kylie Love.png >= 50 & Sub.png >= 40, Sunday, 10:00 - 18:00
Mike visits Kylie a third time to fulfill his carnal desire.
Kylie - Sex events

University BJ
Prerequisites: Kylie Love.png >= 50 & Sub.png >= 50, Kylie is at the university, study with her, 20% chance
Kylie gives Mike a blowjob in an empty classroom.

Kylie the Voyeur
Prerequisites: Yandere.png >= 25, take Alexis to a date, finish the date successfully and invite her over for hot coffee, 20% chance
While Mike spends some time alone with Alexis after a date, he feels that something isn't right. He spots someone peeping on them and soon finds out that it's Kylie.
Mike can confront Kylie about her peeping on him and Alexis (click on the Alexis icon when interacting with Kylie). She proposes that she will peep again when Mike has sex with someone because he seems to like some audience. If Mike accepts, she gains +5 Love.png, if he declines +10 Yandere.png.

Hot tub Sex
Prerequisites: Home Date, Kylie Love.png >=50, Sex with Kylie at least once, Hot tub repaired
During at Date at home click the "Dip in the hot tub" button when all the requirements are met.
Lavish - Story Event (Part 1)
Lavish is the new office intern. She is young, driven and somewhat innocent. She is determined to succeed and will work for it.

After a date, Lavish will have sex in the missionary position. She will force condom usage unless she has Love.png >= 90.

Lavish is one of the few characters that which have an additional stat besides Love.png, Sub.png and Gp.png. Like Palla Lavish has a Career.png stat that shows her progress towards promotion but she also has a hidden sleaze stat that gets increased if Mike interacts with her in a certain way.

On a date at home, Mike can ♥♥♥♥ Lavish in the pool.

Office party

: Promoted twice, invited to party by Aletta, Friday 20:00-22:00
Mike attends an office party. He meets Lavish, Cassidy and Dwayne.

Lavish’s introduction
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, done Office Party
Aletta introduces Lavish as the new intern. Mike is her manager.
Outcome: Lavish max Love.png set to 10

Lavish does filing
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, done Lavish’s introduction, Lavish employed >= 2 days
Mike admires Lavish’s figure as she does filing. He has the following two options to interact with her during that event:

Lavish’s first official review
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, done Lavish does filing, Lavish employed >= 4 days
Mike has his first management meeting with Lavish. He tries to figure out if Lavish was flirting with him. In the meantime, Lavish expresses that she wants more interesting work. He has the following possibilities to interact with her during that event:

Outcome: Lavish gains +5 Career.png

Lavish’s first project
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, done Lavish’s first official review, Lavish employed >= 7 days
Mike is overwhelmed with work and realizes he can give Lavish some of the work. He can choose to give her an easy but important project, a hard but less important project, or do the work himself.

Harder Project +10 Career.png
Easier Project +5 Career.png

The outcome of the project (Career.png gain) is part of the next paragraph, the table is there to provide information about the amount you'll gain later.
Outcome: Lavish max Love.png set to 15.

Lavish turns in her project
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, done Lavish’s first project, 2 days later
If Mike assigned her a project, he gets the results here.
If he did not give her a project, she asks for one. She explains that she is ambitious. If Mike has flirted with her, she can promise ambiguous favors for good projects.

Outcome: Lavish max Love.png set to 20, she gains Career.png points depending on which project Mike gave her.

Lavish’s next project
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, done Lavish turns in her project, Lavish employed >= 14 days
Mike offers Lavish a project. You can choose from the following interactions:

Outcome: Lavish max Love.png set to 30

Lavish turns in her next project
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, done Lavish’s next project, 7 days later
Lavish turns in her next project. Mike can compliment her work or not, and be sleazy or not. If Mike has been sleazy in previous reactions, she is more obvious about showing off for him.

1If you choose this option you can choose one of the two below
Outcome: Lavish max Love.png set to 40

Lavish at the pub
Prerequisites: Pub, interact with Lavish, done Lavish turns in her next project
Mike interacts with Lavish in a less formal setting. It becomes clear that Lavish is willing to offer sex for status at work.

Outcome: Lavish max Love.png set to 50

Lavish seeks a promotion
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, done Lavish at the pub, Lavish days employed >= 21
Lavish tells Mike that she wants to apply for his old job. Mike can encourage her or discourage her. In some circumstances she’ll straight up promise him sex

Lavish needs guidance
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, done Lavish seeks a promotion, Lavish days employed >= 28
Lavish needs help with a technical screening for the interview. Mike can help and potentially ask for (and receive) a kiss.

Lavish needs coaching
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, done Lavish needs guidance, Lavish days employed >= 30
Lavish asks for coaching for her upcoming interview. Mike can help or not, can ask for a kiss (or another kiss)

Lavish - Story Event (Part 2)
Aletta asks Mike about Lavish
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, done Lavish needs coaching, Lavish days employed >= 35
Lavish has passed all the interviews and Aletta asks Mike’s opinion.
In this event a temporary stat (convinced) will be introduced. At the end if the Amount of convinced points + Career.png is >= 50 Lavish will get the job.

There are multiple options depending on Lavishs work performance and how many sleaze points Mike gathered:

Fantastic (only available if Career.png >= 50 or sleaze > 20)
If her Career.png is > 50, convinced will be increased by +10 points
She's ok, I guess
+2 convinced points will be gained
I wouldn't hire her
No: This does not influence anything
Yes: If Mikes sleaze points > 20, convinced will be increased by +10 points

After Lavish gets her promotion, Aletta informs Mike that she’s moving the position to work under him, so Mike will still be Lavishs boss.

Lavish got the job
Prerequisites: Interact with Lavish, done Aletta asks Mike about Lavish, Lavish was hired.
If Lavish was hired, she’ll thank Mike for his help, kiss him if she promised to do so earlier (and say there’s more coming).
Outcome: Lavish max Love.png set to 70, is now kissable and datable.

Working together
Prerequisites: Lavish Love.png >= 70, done Lavish got the job, work or work hard
Lavish works together with Mike and helps him solve a problem.
Outcome: Lavish Love.png max set to 75

Trouble at the restaurant
Prerequisites: Lavish Love.png >= 75, done Working together, restaurant date
Someone is causing trouble during Mike's date with Lavish.
Outcome: Lavish Love.png max set to 80

Lavishs presentation
Prerequisites: Lavish Love.png >= 80, done Trouble at the restaurant, (Shiori, Aletta, Audrey & Lavish are in the office), Aletta's office
Lavish holds a presentation at work with little Freudian Slip at the end.
Outcome: Lavish will disappear for some time.

Hide and Seek
Prerequisites: done Lavishs presentation >= 3 days ago, work or work hard
Lavish has been avoiding Mike for some time after the incident at the presentation. Mike finds her and talks with her about what happened.
Outcome: Lavish Love.png max set to 90

Papers to Sign
Prerequisites: done Hide and Seek >= Wait about a week, work or work hard
Mike gets called into Aletta's office. Once there, he finds Lavish there as well and Aletta tries to trap the two of them into signing papers declaring they are a couple and therefore the company is not responsible.
Outcome: Lavish Love.png max set to 100.
Lavish - Disciplining Lavish at work
Those events are not relevant for increasing her Love.png cap or progressing her main story.

Lavish spanking start
Prerequisites: Done Shiori#Shiori scolding 5 and Shiori#Shiori shows off 3, Lavish Love.png >= 45 & Sub.png >=25, Lavish is at work
Call Shiori to your office, choose "Don't you think you need to be punished" in the "♥♥♥♥" menu.
Lavish catches Mike spanking Shiori.

Lavish Office Blowjob
Prerequisites: Mike is in his office, no girls are currently in Mike's office, Lavish Love.png >= 50 & Sub.png >=50, Lavish is at work
Outcome: Lavish blowjob get's unlocked in the "♥♥♥♥" menu while at work. Lavish Sub.png max set to 60.

Lavish spanking 1
Prerequisites: Done Lavish spanking start at least 2 days ago, Mike is in his office, work or work hard, Lavish Love.png >= 55 & Sub.png >= 60, Lavish is at work
Lavish asks Mike for spanking sessions.
Outcome: Lavish spanking get's unlocked in the "♥♥♥♥" while at work. Lavish Sub.png max set to 70.

Lavish spanking in the office
Prerequisites: Done Lavish spanking 1 at least 3 days ago, Done Lavish Office Blowjob, Mike is in his office, Lavish Love.png >= 62.5, had sex with Lavish at least once, has Stamina Stamina.png
Choose "Spank her" in the "♥♥♥♥" menu while Lavish is in your office. (Can only be done once per day)

Lavish spanking 2
Prerequisites: Done Lavish spanking 1, Mike is in his office, work or work hard, Lavish Love.png >= 65 & Sub.png >= 70, Lavish is at work, Done Lavish spanking in the office at least 3 times, Mike didn't spank Lavish on the same day
Lavish confesses that she's addicted to getting spanked.
Outcome: Lavish Sub.png max set to 100
Lavish - Sex Events

Hot tub Sex
Prerequisites: Home Date, Lavish Love.png>=50, Sex with Lavish at least once, Hot tub repaired
During at Date at home click the "Dip in the hot tub" button when all the requirements are met.
Lavish - Other Events

Lavish's lucky panties
Prerequisites: Lavish Love.png & Sub.png >= 50, Mike's birthday or Christmas, already received Lavish's tie, interact with her
The second present you get from Lavish are her lucky panties. Those boost your Luck.png and you need them and a four leaf clover to gain access to Emma if you have chose the "I'm unlucky" trait at the beginning of the game.
Outcome: You'll get Lavish's panties and gain a permanent +1 Luck.png
Lexi - Story Event
Lexi is a trailer park trash, drug addicted prostitute. She isn’t smart, but she can be sweet. Her initial encounters can cost Mike money.

After a date, Lexi can do BJ and standing positions. Mike can give her drugs to change the experience a little. This has different dialogue if she is pregnant.

Alley encounter
Prerequisites: Street 22:00-04:00, min 9 days played, > 250 Money.png
Mike runs into Lexi in an alley on the street. While interacting with her, he is jumped by the thug Danny. Lexi suddenly asks Danny for help, and there is a fight.
Mike can win this fight with 50 Fitness.png, or 25 Fitness.png + Martial Arts skill. If Mike has already defeated Danny (in Audrey’s scene or in Samantha's scene) Danny will not attack, and instead defers to Mike.
If Mike loses the fight, he also loses 500 Money.png (or all his money if he has less).
Outcome: Potential loss of 500

Nightclub BJ
Prerequisites: Nightclub, done Alley encounter
Mike meets Lexi in the nightclub, who offers him a BJ in the bathroom.
If this BJ is not accepted, Lexi leaves the game.
If the BJ is accepted, Lexi steals Mike’s wallet and up to 500 Money.png
Outcome: 500 Money.png lost OR Lexi permanently leaves game.

Lexi appears
Lexi now has tow different events you can use to unlock her. It uses the in-game season to decide which of the events you'll see.

Pool time fun
Prerequisites: Living room 20:00-24:00, done Nightclub BJ, not done Meeting at the mall Season: Spring/Summer, has Stamina Stamina.png
Mike gets a phone call from Lexi, who is right outside the house. She talks her way into being invited in and gets some sexy time in the pool.
(Lexi can't get pregnant during this event (she starts on the pill by default).
Outcome: Lexi becomes available. Lexi max Love.png set to 50. Get back your 500

Meeting at the mall
Prerequisites: Ground floor of the mall 12:00-18:00, done Nightclub BJ, Season: Winter & Day < 25, has Stamina Stamina.png
Mike gets a phone call from Lexi. She wants to talk to him at his house but Mike thinks some neutral ground is the better option. Lexi thanks Mike for the day in her own way.
Outcome: Lexi becomes available. Lexi max Love.png set to 50.

Looking for Lexi
Prerequisites: done Pool time fun, Lexi Love.png >= 50, Days passed since Lexi went missing >= 7 (there is no notification for her being removed from the map!), Friday or Saturday 17:00 -24:00
Mike has had a hard week and begins to think about Lexis body. He tries to contact her multiple times without any luck and starts to look around for her.
You need to look for her at the following places : Mall, Park, Dark Alley, Nightclub

Mike finds Lexi
Prerequisites: done looking for Lexi, Mon-Fri 10:00-14:00, car/sports car, City
Mike installs a tracking app and finds out where Lexi is. He sees that she is not living a very luxurious life. She tells Mike that Danny threatens to kill him if she keeps seeing him.

Mike has can choose between 2 options:
He can back off which results in Lexi being removed from the game
Stand up to Danny
Outcome: Lexi max Love.png set to 60

Danny and his friends visit for a cup of tea
Prerequisites: days passed >= 3, done Mike finds Lexi , Lexi Love.png >= 60, living-room
Danny visits Mike at home and forcefully enters his house. He tells Mike that he should have stayed away from Lexi and will pay the price.

There are 2 Options Mike can choose:
Use Brain:

If Knowledge.png < 50, Mike will lose 500 Money.png and Lexi will be gone forever
If Knowledge.png >=50. Mike will successfully convince Danny to drop it

Use Brawn (the following values may be lower with the martial arts skill)

If Fitness.png < 50, Mike will lose 500 Money.png and Lexi will be gone forever
If Fitness.png >= 50, Mike will successfully scare off Danny

Outcome: Lexi max Love.png set to 70

Lexi calls Mike
Prerequisites: days passed >= 3, done Danny comes over, wake up at 07:00, Lexi Love.png >= 70,
Untypically for Lexi, she calls Mike early in the morning. Turns out that instead of Lexi, Danny is talking to Mike. He blackmails Mike into meeting with him. As soon as Mike arrives he gets attacked by Danny and they fight.
There are 2 possibilities how this will end:

The following values may be smaller with the marital arts skill
If Mike's Fitness.png <75 Mike will not survive the fight
If Mike's Fitness.png >75 Danny will not survive the fight

Outcome: Lexi max Love.png set to 80

Hide the evidence
This event has two locations where it can trigger. The events are slightly different but the outcome is the same.
Prerequisites: done Lexi calls Mike, Forrest OR Beach 20:00 - 06:00, Dannys corpse is in Mikes inventory
Mike and Lexi get rid of the evidence either in the forrest or on the beach.
Outcome: Lexi max Love.png set to 90

Prerequisites: done Hide the evidence, interact with Lexi
Lexis and Mike talk about what had to be done.
Outcome: Lexi max Love.png set to 100
Lexi - Pimping
Celebration time (avoidable NTR)
Prerequisites: done Meet the CEO, didn't finish Cassidy's story, didn't have sex with Aletta, had sex with Lexi, promoted, 12:00 - 16:00
Mike is celebrating his promotion with Dwayne and Aletta and they meet Lexi in the pub.

Lexi meets Jack
Prerequisites: Mall date with Lexi, 5% chance, Lexi > 75
Mike and Lexi meet Jack at the mall, who pervs on her a bit.

Jack asks about Lexi
Prerequisites: 16:00-17:00, 5% chance, done Lexi meets Jack
Jack calls up Mike and asks if he’s serious about Lexi. If he says no, he offers money for Lexi. Mike can accept for 500 Money.png.

Mike pimps Lexi
Prerequisites: Talk to Lexi, done Jack asks about Lexi
Mike tells Lexi he’s pimping her out, and he’ll give her half of the 500 Money.png. She agrees for a mere 10 Love.png lost.

Lexi prostitution (avoidable NTR)
Prerequisites: Street, 15:00-17:00, done Mike pimps Lexi
Lexi and Jack meet up, and Jack gets what he paid for.
Outcome: 250 Money.png gained.

Ryan meets Lexi
Prerequisites: Mall date with Lexi, Ryan is not dead, finished Lexi prostitution with Jack
Ryan spots Mike with Lexi who hits on Lexi. If Mike knows that Ryan cheated on Sam, there is additional dialogue.

Ryan calls Mike about Lexi (avoidable NTR)
Prerequisites: 12:00-18:00, done Ryan meets Lexi, 1 day later, Ryan is not dead
Ryan calls Mike. If you don't pick up the call or tell Ryan to piss off the event chain ends here. If Mike agrees to send Ryan Lexi's info, then Mike pimps out Lexi to Ryan.

Lexi prostitution with Ryan
Prerequisites: Said yes to Ryan when he called, Ryan is not dead
Mike is nervous as Lexi returns with news of the outcome; She says she ♥♥♥♥♥♥ him for money and that's it. At this point she asks if Mike would be willing to become her pimp full time. If you say no the event chain for all future Lexi prostitution content ends here. If you agree to it Mike becomes her official pimp (currently there's no additional content with the event chain)
Outcome: 200 gained
Lexi - Slave
Lexi meets Sasha
Prerequisites: Mall date, Lexi Love.png >= 75 & Sub.png >=25, Sasha Love.png >= 75 and Sasha present in clothes shop
Sasha sees Lexi on a date with Mike.
If Sasha has agreed to be Mike’s slave, she is meek and asks if Lexi pleases him.
If she is not, she is angry and loses 20 Love.png.
Outcome: If Sasha is Mikes sex slave Lexi's Sub.png will be set to 50

Lexi gives herself to Mike
Prerequisites: Lexi Sub.png >= 50, Talk to Lexi, done Lexi meets Sasha while Sasha was slave,
While talking to Lexi, she offers herself to Mike. Mike can accept or refuse her request to become his slave.
Outcome: If Mike accepts her as a sex slave: Lexi max Sub.png set to 90, her status gets updated to sex slave.
To increase her Sub.png to 100 check the collaring table

Dance with Sasha and Lexi
Prerequisites: done Lexi meets Sasha, gift Sasha the sexy dress, take Lexi on a date at the nightclub at Saturday, Sasha is at the nightclub
Lexi and Mike will meet Sasha while they dance in a nightclub.

Dance with Sasha (threesome)
Prerequisites: done dance with Sasha and Lexi, take Sasha to a date at the nightclub on Saturday, Lexi is at the nightclub
Mike goes on a date with Sasha in the nightclub. After a while Lexi joins them on the dance floor and both girls decide that Mike needs to do some work too.

Dance with Sasha or Lexi (Foursome)
Prerequisites: done Dance with Sasha (threesome), done Samantha wants to know the truth, take Sasha or Lexi to a date at the nightclub on Saturday, Sasha, Lexi and Samantha are at the nightclub
Mike goes on a date with Lexi or Sasha in the nightclub.
If you've chosen Lexi, Sasha will join them on the dancefloor (or the other way around).
After a short while Samantha joins the group. If Mike is in a non-exclusive relationship with Samantha they decide to leave the nightclub to have some fun in Mike's bedroom together.
If Mike is in an exclusive relationship with Samantha, she will get furious and leave forever.
Outcome: Depending on your relationship with Samantha, you'll either see the foursome or lose Samantha.

Lexi - Sex Events

Nightclub fun
Prerequisites: Nightclub, Lexi present or on date, sex with Lexi at least twice, Lexi Love.png > 37,
Lexi Sub.png > 25
At the nightclub, Mike can ask Lexi for a BJ from the interact menu.

Beach sex
Prerequisites: Beach, Lexi present or on a date, sex with Lexi at least twice, Lexi Love.png > 37,
Lexi Sub.png > 25
At the beach, Mike can ask Lexi for Sex from the interact menu.

Hot tub Sex
Prerequisites: Home Date, Lexi Love.png>=50, Sex with Lexi at least once, Hot tub repaired
During at Date at home click the "Dip in the hot tub" button when all the requirements are met.

Blowjob Alley
Prerequisites: Lexi Love.png >=50, between 0am and 5am, not on a date, Lexi is not at the dark alley.
Mike goes to the dark alley, gets blow by Lexi.

Lexi is still dealing
Prerequisites: Street 00:00-05:00, Lexi Love.png >= 75
(this event is not repeatable)
Mike catches Lexi in the street, still dealing drugs even after he told her not to.
He punishes her with his ♥♥♥♥.
Lexi can't get pregnant from this event.
Lexi - Other Events
Pregnancy request
Prerequisites: Status is girlfriend, days since status changed >= 7, not pregnant already, Lexi is present
She proposes to Mike to impregnate her.
Note: This is just a conversation for love points. You can't get her pregnant without going down the slave route to take her off the birth control.
Morgan - Story Events
In-game description: "Morgan is old friend from school. I always thought Morgan was a boy, but it turns out Morgan is a girl!"

Mike knew Morgan in school, but he thought she was a boy, even though she clearly is not.

Masculine: This statistic can be adjusted by choosing weaker or more feminine options for her in various chat dialogues. As her masculine trait goes down, her outfits change.

After a date, Morgan will do sex in the missionary position. She’ll require a condom if Love.png < 75. She has different sex dialogue depending upon how masculine she is.

Morgan’s introduction
Prerequisites: Go on a date with any girl at the Cinema or go to the cinema alone before you get a phone call from Kleio
Mike sees Morgan, who he remembers from school, and has weird feelings because he thinks she’s a guy.

Morgan is a girl?!
Prerequisites: Pub, done Morgan’s introduction
Mike meets Jack and Morgan and learns that Morgan is a girl.
Outcome: Morgan max Love.png set to 10, Morgan becomes available

Apologize to Morgan
Prerequisites: Morgan Love.png >= 10
Talk with Morgan about the fact, that Mike thought she was a boy.
Outcome: Morgan Max Love.png set to 25 Love.png, drinks can be offered at 20 Love.png

Pub date
Prerequisites: Morgan Love.png >= 25
Invite Morgan to a Date in the Pub (this is a requirement for story progression with Morgan).
Outcome: Morgan max Love.png set to 30, you can kiss Morgan once you reach 27 Love.png

Restaurant date
Prerequisites: Morgan Love.png >= 30, done pub date
Invite Morgan to a date in the Restaurant (this is a requirement for story progression with Morgan).
Outcome: Morgan max Love.png set to 40

Cinema date 1
Prerequisites: Morgan Love.png >= 40, done restaurant date
Invite Morgan to the Cinema (this is requirement for story progression with Morgan).
Outcome: Morgan max Love.png set to 50

Yet another date

Waterpark date
Prerequisites: done cinema date, not done Mall date,Morgan Love.png >= 50, Spring/Summer season, Saturday/Sunday afternoon date
Invite Morgan to the Waterpark (this is a requirement for story progression with Morgan).

Mall date
Prerequisites: done cinema date, not done Waterpark date, Morgan Love.png >= 50, Winter season & day between 18 - 25, Saturday/Sunday afternoon date
Mike and Morgan do some Christmas shopping in the mall. Morgan has a bit of a problem with the huge crowd in the mall.

Mike can either:
calm Morgan down: (+2 Love.png +2 Sub.png)
leave the mall with her to help her (-5 Love.png).
The choice does not change the outcome.

Outcome: Morgan max Love.png set to 60

Cinema date 2
Prerequisites: Morgan Love.png >= 60, done yet another date, Dating.png >= 90% during the date. Invite Morgan to the cinema at the evening (this is requirement for story progression with Morgan).
Outcome: Morgan max Love.png set to 70

Aquarium meetup
Prerequisites: Morgan Love.png >= 70, 12:00-17:00
Morgan calls Mike and asks him to come to her workplace, the aquarium, because she has a surprise for him.
Outcome: Morgan Love.png max set to 80

Old times
Prerequisites: Morgan Love.png >= 80, Morgan is in the pub, interact with her
Jack sees Mike and Morgan kissing in the pub.
Outcome: Morgan Love.png max set to 90

Dream come true
Prerequisites: Morgan Love.png >= 90, interact with Morgan
Mike and Morgan confess their feelings for each other.
Outcome: Morgan Love.png max set to 100
Morgan - Sex Events
Hot tub Sex
Prerequisites: Home Date, Morgan Love.png>=50, Sex with Morgan at least once, Hot tub repaired
During at Date at home click the "Dip in the hot tub" button when all the requirements are met.
The second only means to get her pregnant.
Talk subjects
Talk interactions and effects will vary depending on Morgan's Masculinity.

Above 80
All subjects increase Morgan's Masculinity by 1.

From 60 to 80
Morgan - Morgan´s Outfits
Morgan's outfits
Morgan's looks change depending on her masculinity stat. She starts out at 100 and gradually becomes more feminine as the stat is lowered towards 0.

Palla - Story Event (Part 1)
Palla is a model and Audrey’s best friend. She is a confusing mix of ♥♥♥♥♥♥ and sweet, difficult to get to know.

After date sex with Palla, she will ♥♥♥♥ in the doggy position. Anal sex will increase her Sub.png rapidly.

Palla’s introduction
Prerequisites: Mall 14:00-18:00, > 10 days played
Mike sees Audrey talking to a cute redhead in the mall, and Audrey introduces her best friend, Palla.

Changing room sex
Prerequisites: Clothes shop, Charm.png >= 50
Palla sees Mike in the clothes shop and demands he buy her a dress she wants. Mike can pay or refuse. Either way she goes to try the dress on and taunts him about following her.
If Mike follows her, they have anal sex while Palla pretends not to want it.
Outcome: Palla becomes available. Palla Max Love.png set to 5, Palla max Sub.png set to 60.

Discussing the changing room
Prerequisites: Coffee shop, done Changing room sex
Note: Having had sex is not required to trigger this.
Palla confronts Mike in the coffee shop to discuss what happened. If Mike paid for the dress and did not accost her, she offers to pay him back. If they had sex, she berates him.
Mike has two responses when asked to apologize.
Apologize - No change in Palla's stats
Not a chance - Palla gains +6 Sub.png
Either way she vacillates between being mean and sweet, and eventually leaves awkwardly.

Meet Palla in the coffee-shop
Prerequisites: Discussing the changing room done, Palla is not in the coffee shop, Palla >= 5, >= 20
Mike meets Palla in the coffee shop. As she spots Mike she greets him with a wrong name and orders him to buy her coffee.
He can choose between 3 different choices which all have a different outcome:
  • Buy her the drink: -5 & -10
  • ♥♥♥♥ off: [Fine]: Same as buy her a drink | [No] + 2
  • Did you call me ♥♥♥♥♥?: [Worth it]: +3 +5 | [Not Worth]: -5 + 5
Outcome: Depends on the choice and Palla max set to 10

Meet Palla in the clothes-store
Prerequisites: Done second coffee shop encounter, Sasha is in the clothes-store & Palla not, Palla Love.png >= 10
Palla is at the clothes-store where Sasha works and rants about some clothes that she can't find in the store. At some point both of them realize that Mike is there too.

He can choose between 3 different choices which all have a different outcome:
Defuse the situation: [Palla] -5 Love.png -5 Sub.png | [Sasha] -2 Love.png
Escort Palla out: [Palla]+2 Sub.png | [Sasha] +5 Love.png
Stay out of it: [Palla]: - 5 Love.png -10 Sub.png | [Sasha]: -3 Love.png

Outcome: Depends on the choice and Palla max Love.png set to 15 Love.png

Meet Palla in the nightclub
Prerequisites: done Meet Palla in the clothes-store, Palla >= 15, nightclub, Palla is at the nightclub, interact with Palla
Mike sees Palla giving the bartender a death glare because she does not like the way the bartender made her drink. The bartender offers Mike a free drink and he has to make a choice:
  • Accept the drink +1 +1
  • Decline drink -3 -10
If Mike decides to accept the drink he has multiple choices in the following discussion:
  • You counted cute twice -1 -1 OR Not as cute as the bartender +2
  • For a dance? Sure (ends the event)
  • You'll have to do more then that ---> Yes +4 OR No -3 -10 (ends event)
  • I don't think so
  • Just don't feel like it (ends event)
  • Because you're being a ♥♥♥♥♥
  • Still no -5 -5 (end of event)
  • I have to see this ---> Blue Hawaiian +10 OR Blue Hawaii (ends event)
Outcome: Depends on your choice and Palla , Palla max set to 20

Buy Palla a drink at the pub
Prerequisites: done meet her in the nightclub, Palla Love.png >= 20, interact with her and offer her a drink

Mike offers Palla a drink in the pub, he mocks her with the blue hawaiian drink from the bar and she demands from him that he apologizes.
If he does so: -5 Love.png -10 Sub.png.

If he doesn't apologize it will not have any consequences.
They keep on talking and Palla asks why Mike puts up with her and why exactly he bought her the drink.

Her he can choose different answers:
want to ♥♥♥♥ your ass again (only if he had sex with her in the clothes-store): +2 Sub.png
Watching you be a ♥♥♥♥♥: -
I kind of like you: -5 Love.png -10 Sub.png
I was bored: -2

Outcome: Depends on your choice and Palla max Love.png set to 25
Palla - Story Event (Part 2)
Buy Palla another drink at the pub
Prerequisites: done buy her a drink at the pub, Palla Love.png >=25,
interact with her and offer her a drink

Mike tries to invites Palla to a drink again and has to choose if he tells her to:
Stop being ♥♥♥♥♥♥: +3 Sub.png
Please take the drink:

Mike notices that Palla is unusually quiet today and asks her if something is wrong. She asks him what's up between him and the girl he is seeing (this has some unique dialog for the following girls: Hanna, Bree, Audrey, and Sasha). She asks Mike if he lets her watch the next time he and his girlfriend have sex.

If he says yes: -5 Love.png -10 Sub.png
If he says no: +2 Sub.png

Outcome: Depending on your choice and Palla max Love.png set to 30

Workout with Palla
Prerequisites: done second pub event with Palla, Palla Love.png >= 30, Palla is at the gym,
interact with her and train together with her

Mike asks Palla if she wants to train with him. She demands that he has to do what she says in order to workout with her.

If Mike accepts that: -3 Love.png -4 Sub.png
If Mike declines the conditions: +2 Sub.png
Set the weights where she says: -
Set the weights really high: -5 Love.png -2 Sub.png
Set the weights a little high: +1 Sub.png

Outcome: Depends on you choice and Palla max Love.png set to 35

Palla Coffeeshop event
Prerequisites: done workout with Palla, Palla Love.png >= 35, Palla is in the coffeeshop, Money.png >= 10

Mike runs into Palla at the coffeshop and witnesses Palla ending a phone call rather aggressively. She starts insulting Mike after he offers to listen to her problems. He can choose from two Options:

Have it your way: -1 Love.png
Sit down anyway: +2 Sub.png

Either option will lead to another decision Mike has to make:
Take the job: -5 Love.png +1 Sub.png
Stick with you principles: +1 Love.png

Outcome: Depends on your choice, Palla max Love.png set to 40

Palla invites Mike to the nightclub
Prerequisites: 24:00-01:00, Palla Love.png >= 40, done Discussing the changing room

Palla rings Mike up in the middle of the night and demands Mike go and dance with her.
If he refuses, Palla leaves the game.
If he accepts, they dance. If Mike has the dancing skill, Palla is impressed, otherwise she is not. Then she goes to the bathroom and tells Mike not to follow her in a way that suggests Mike really should follow her.
If he does, they make out a bit until they are interrupted. Palla then runs off, leaving Mike hanging.
If Mike does not follow her, Palla’s storyline is temporarily halted.

Outcome: Palla max Love.png set to 60 if he followed her, Palla will allow being kissed and you can now dance with her.

Learning to dance
Prerequisites: Nightclub, Palla Love.png >= 40, dance with Palla
If Mike does not have the dance skill, Palla will teach him to dance.
Outcome: After 4 lessons, Mike gains the dancing skill.

Palla is not impressed
Prerequisites: Mike did not go to the nightclub OR did not follow her to restroom, interact with Palla
If Mike didn’t accede to Palla’s whims, Mike and Palla will have an awkward conversation where she is angry with him for turning her down.
If Mike rebuffs her here, she leaves the game. If Mike agrees to give her one more try, 3 days later her max Love.png will be set to 60 and her storyline can progress.

Palla discusses the nightclub
Prerequisites: Palla present, done Palla invites Mike to the nightclub and followed her to the bathroom. Palla approaches Mike the next time she sees him, and thanks him for coming when she really needed someone. They kiss, then she tries to pull away. Mike can let her for Love.png gain, or not let her for gain.

Palla invites Mike to the restaurant
Prerequisites: done Palla discusses the nightclub, 23:00-24:00, gave flowers to Palla, gave candies to Palla, Palla Love.png >= 60.
Palla rings Mike up late at night and asks him to come to the restaurant with her. Mike can refuse, and she’ll try again. But she will only try 3 times. If he refuses all 3 times, Palla’s story will not progress further. If Mike goes, she demands he shower first.
They have a nice date, and it ends with Palla giving Mike a BJ under the table.
Outcome: Palla max Love.png set to 80, Palla is dateable

Palla discusses sex
Prerequisites: Had post-date sex with Palla, Palla present
Palla approaches Mike and assumes Mike is going to dump her now that they’ve slept together.
If Mike chooses not to dump her, they talk about their relationship.
Note: Palla needs Sub.png >= 50 and you must selected “I want you to be mine and mine alone” in order to increase Palla max Sub.png to 70. This is needed to progress her storyline further.
Outcome: Palla max Love.png set to 100; Palla max Sub.png may be set to 70.

Palla boyfriend material
Prerequisites: Palla Love.png >= 70, Palla present, done Palla discusses sex
Palla tries to talk to Mike about their relationship. Mike can establish that they are friends with benefits, or declare he wants her as a girlfriend, something she seems to resist. Mike can establish whether or not she should be allowed to see other men, but only if Palla Sub.png >= 50.
Palla - Story Event (Part 3)
Palla establishes boundaries
Prerequisites: 24:00, Palla Sub.png >= 70, Palla Love.png >= 100, done Palla discusses sex
With Palla firmly in love with Mike, she calls to ask if Mike is okay with her dating other people.
If he says no, Palla max Sub.png is raised to 100. Otherwise it stays at 70 Sub.png.

Is Palla dating someone else?
Prerequisites: Nightclub Mon-Fri 24:00-04:00, done Palla establishes boundaries
Mike sees Palla go into the VIP with someone else. He can try to follow but will be prevented. He has no idea who this mysterious person is.

Mike meets Palla’s mystery man
Prerequisites: Electronics shop, done Is Palla dating someone else?
Mike meets Palla’s mystery guy, who turns out to be a man named Shawn who works in the electronics shop. Mike gently probes Shawn for information.

Mike asks Palla about Shawn
Prerequisites: Talk menu option for Palla, done Mike meets Palla’s mystery man
Mike asks Palla about Shawn and she comes completely unglued.
Outcome: Palla disappears.

Shawn confronts Mike about Palla
Prerequisites: Street 20:00-24:00, 2 days after Mike asks Palla about Shawn
Shawn meets Mike in the street and angrily confronts him about what Mike did to hurt Palla. They can fight, but Shawn will always lose.
Shawn reveals he was not actually dating Palla, but instead is her roommate, and she’s having trouble paying the rent. Mike can cover her rent by buying weed from Shawn.

Palla returns
Prerequisites: Living room 20:00-24:00, 7 days after Shawn confronts Mike about Palla
Palla shows up at Mike’s doorstep, clearly upset. She admits that she’s been lying to Mike about her financial well-being, and apologizes.
Outcome: Palla is available again.

Palla explains her situation
Prerequisites: Mall ground floor (the floor when you enter the mall), done Palla returns, not on a date
Palla asks Mike to have a coffee with her, and explains that her dreams have been crushed and she’s been pretending that her career is great, but it’s not. Mike offers to be her agent and help get her career back on track. Palla says she’ll need to think about it.

Mike becomes Palla’s agent
Prerequisites: 2 days after Palla explains her situation
Palla agrees for Mike to become her agent.
Outcome: Mike can give Palla jobs on the smartphone
Palla - Palla’s Career
Palla’s Career
Once Mike becomes Palla’s agent, he can get her jobs.
On her smartphone, he can find new jobs for her, as well as assign her to an available job.
While employed, Palla will have a career gain based upon the job. Every week she will get paid, and Mike will take 10% after her expenses. However, each job also has a difficulty. If her career is too low she can get fired.
However, if she gets fired 3 times, Mike can suggest that she does porn. She resists, but Mike can force the issue, and if he does, she can eventually become a porn star. (*)
The following chart contains all the possible jobs. The minimum career is how high her career needs to be to get the job. The maximum is how far that job can take her. The income is per week, and Career shows how many points of Career per week she can gain.
If her career is less than difficulty + 10, she can get fired. If her career is less than difficulty, she will get fired.

Palla - Sex Events
Palla mall date ♥♥♥♥
Prerequisites: Shopping spree with Palla date, had sex > 2 times
(Repeatable) Mike can take Palla on a shopping spree, and they can have sex in the changing room.

Hot tub Sex
Prerequisites: Home Date, Palla Love.png >=50, Sex with Palla at least once, Hot tub repaired
During at Date at home click the "Dip in the hot tub" button when all the requirements are met.

♥♥♥♥♥♥ Harem with Audrey
Prerequisites: Palla restaurant date, Palla Love.png >= 80, Audrey Love.png >= 70, Palla & Audrey Gp.png >= 50, done Palla establishes boundaries
During a Date in the Restaurant Palla and Audrey planned a surprise for Mike.
Palla - Other Events
Pregnancy Request
Palla pill talk on
Prerequisites: Palla Sub.png > 50, Command Palla to go off the pill
At first Palla can not go pregnant, because she is on the Pill. If MC demants, her to go off the Pill, she will refuse.
If Mike pushes the issue, she says she’ll think about it.

Palla pill talk off
Prerequisites: Pallas Career must be at Career.png>75
If you get Palla employed and get her career up to 75, she’ll call Mike and say she’ll maybe answer differently if he asks again.
After that she stops take the Pill and can now go pregnant.
Shiori - Story Event
In-game description: "Shiori is my secretary at work. She is honestly not very good at her job, but she is sweet and seems to really like me."

Shiori is hired as Mike’s new secretary, though her competence is questionable at best. She makes up it in her absolute devotion to her boss.

Note: If going for a marriage completion run its best to save Shiori for NG+2 or 3

Shiori’s introduction
Prerequisites: Personal office, work or work hard
After his first promotion, Mike gets his own office. When he works, he is introduced to his new secretary, Shiori. He has the option to allow her to call him "Sir" (thereby accepting her as his secretary).
If you choose "No" he will not offer Shiori an position in the company and therefore she will not become his secretary. (Choosing this option leads to her not appearing in the game).
Outcome: Shiori starts with 25 Sub.png, Shiori max Love.png set to 10.

Shiori scolding 1
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, Shiori Love.png >= 10
Mike scolds Shiori for poor performance as a secretary.
Outcome: Shiori max Love.png set to 15

Shiori gets coffee
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, Shiori Love.png >= 15
Shiori gets coffee for Mike. He can take it black or milky. Milky leads to… milk fun, later.
Outcome: Shiori max Love.png set to 20

Shiori shows off
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, Shiori Love.png >= 20, done Shiori scolding
Shiori comes into the office and wants to bring some of the documents to the archives.
Outcome: Shiori max Love.png set to 37. datable at 25 Love.png, can be kissed at 28 Love.png

Prerequisites: Talk to Shiori in the office, Shiori Love.png >=37
Shiori asks Mike if he might be able to babysit her son Kanta.
The actual event will happen the same day between 19:00 and 22:00 o'clock if Mike accepts her request. If you miss the event, you will have to talk to Shiori again to start the event again.
If your Love.png with either Sasha or Bree is < 75 Love.png or Mikes Energy.png < 5 , the event will end will have a bad ending.
Outcome: +5/-5 Love.png (Good/Bad end), Shiori max Love.png set to 50

Shiori shows off 2
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, Shiori Love.png >= 50, done babysitting
Shiori talks to Mike in his office.
Outcome: Shiori max Love.png set to 55.
To increase Shiori's Love.png to 60 you have to invite her to a date and trigger the after date scene.

Go to the Strip club
Prerequisites: Strip club 22:00 - 23:00 Shiori Love.png >= 60, done Shiori shows off 2, had sex with Shiori once. Mike visits the Strip club and sees, that Shiori is working there. She spots Mike in the crowd.

Shiori works as a stripper
Prerequisites: Go to your office, Shiori Love.png >= 60, done Go to the Strip club
Shiori will talk with Mike about her working at the Strip club.
Outcome: Shiori max Love.png set to 65.

Get a lap dance from Shiori
Prerequisites: Strip club 22:00 - 23:00, Shiori Love.png >= 65, done Shiori works as a stripper
Go to the Strip club and get a lap dance. This should trigger Shiori's lap dance scene.
Outcome: Shiori max Love.png set to 70.

Shiori's situation
Prerequisites: Be at work, Shiori Love.png >= 70, done Get a lap dance from Shiori
Go to work. When in your office, call Shiori in and interact with her. She will talk with Mike about her past.
Outcome: Shiori max Love.png set to 75.

Shiori is not at work
Prerequisites: Shiori Love.png >= 75, done Shiori's situation, work or work hard
Mike gets worried about Shiori because she does not show up at work. He calls her to check if she is ok.

Shiori shows up again
Prerequisites: done Shiori is not at work, Time < 12:00, work or work hard
Shiori is back in the office and Mike sees that something is wrong with her. He orders her to his office and she tells him the reason she couldn't come to work the other day.
Outcome: Shiori max Love.png set to 80

Talk to the manager
Prerequisites: Shiori Love.png >= 80, done Shiori shows up again, Time < 22:00, go to the Strip club
Mike goes to the Strip club to talk to the manager of that place. He talks with the manager about Shiori's debt and the manager tells Mike that he is not the one she has to repay the debt to but that he has to make sure she does.
Mike can choose to tell the manager that he will be back with the money or that he will think about it.
Outcome: Shiori max Love.png set to 85

Pay off the manager
Prerequisites: done talk to the manager, Money.png >= 10k, at the Strip club
Mike shows up in the Strip club again and pays Shiori's debt.
Outcome: Shiori max Love.png set to 90, you won't find her in the Strip club anymore.

Tell Shiori about her debt
Prerequisites: Shiori Love.png >= 90, done pay off the manager, use the Shiori icon when talking to her. Mike talks to Shiori and tells her that he paid off her debt.
Outcome: Shiori max Love.png set to 100
Shiori - Shiori work issues
Shiori's son sick
Shiori will tell Mike, "I just got a call saying my son is sick. Please may I go home to care for him?"
If Mike says Yes, Shiori will gain one Love.png and Mike will lose 5% work.
If Mike says No, Shiori will lose one Love.png.

Shiori asks about files
Shiori will ask Mike, "What do you want me do with all of those files?"
Mike has three options.
Archives - Nothing happens
Aletta - Shiori gains one Sub.png.
Me - Shiori gains one Love.png.

Shiori can't find files
Shiori will tell Mike, "I can't find the files for the Murdock case..."
Mike has three options.
Archives - Nothing happens
Aletta - Shiori gains one Sub.png.
I'll search - Shiori gains one Love.png.

Shiori asks for a raise
Shiori will tell Mike, "Things are really tight for me at the moment...can I have a raise?"
If Mike says Yes, Shiori will gain one Love.png and Mike will lose 5% work.
If Mike says No, Shiori will lose one Love.png.
Shiori - Disciplining Shiori at work
Those events are not relevant for increasing her Love.png cap or progressing her main story.

Shiori scolding 2
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, Shiori Love.png >= 20 & Sub.png >= 40, done Shiori scolding
Mike scolds Shiori for poor performance as a secretary again, this time threatening severe punishment if it happens again.

Shiori scolding 3
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, Shiori Love.png >= 30 & Sub.png >= 50, done Shiori scolding 2
Mike has had enough of Shiori’s poor performance, he can spank her to discipline her.
You have to spank her if you want to see Shiori scolding 5!

Shiori scolding 4
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, Shiori Love.png >= 40 & Sub.png >=60, done Shiori scolding 3
She seems not to be learning her lesson. He can spank Shiori again.
If he does not spank her here you can't trigger Shiori scolding 5!

Shiori scolding 5
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, Shiori Love.png >= 50 & Sub.png >=70, spanked her at least twice, done Shiori scolding 4
Mike spanks Shiori again. She still isn’t learning her lesson. Or is she?

Shiori office BJ
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, Shiori Love.png >= 60 & Sub.png >= 50, done Shiori scolding 5
Mike rewards Shiori with his ♥♥♥♥. Aletta enters Mike’s office while she’s under the desk, and Mike manages not to let on to Aletta what’s going on.
Shiori - Sex Events
Office fun time
Prerequisites: Shiori Love.png >= 62, Shiori is in Mikes office, done Shiori shows off 3
Mike can ask Shiori to have sex with him in his office.

Beach sex
Prerequisites: Beach, Shiori present or on a date, sex with Shiori at least once, Shiori Love.png >= 62. Mike can ask Shiori to have sex with him on the beach.

Hot tub Sex
Prerequisites: Home Date, Shiori Love.png>=50, Sex with Shiori at least once, Hot tub repaired
During at Date at home click the "Dip in the hot tub" button when all the requirements are met.
Shiori - Other Events
Enable anal sex
Prerequisites: Shiori Sub.png > 50 or had sex with her, have a butt plug
Gift Shiori the butt plug. She will accept it if you meet the requirements and after that we will accept anal sex request during the after date scene.

The meeting
Prerequisites: Audrey & Aletta Love.png >= 25, done Babysitting, Time < 10, work or work hard
They have a morning meeting where Shiori has a little accident.

Shiori lap dance
Prerequisites: Finished "Get a lap dance from Shiori"
Go to the Strip club a second time and get another lap dance. This time Mike will get a special lap dance from Shiori.
Shiori can't get pregnant from this event.
Outcome: +5 Sub.png

Shiori coffee 2
Prerequisites: Work or work hard, Shiori Love.png >= 55 & Sub.png >= 50, done Shiori coffee, requested “milky”, Shiori is at work
Shiori provides Mike with coffee, creamed with her own breast milk while Mike watches.

Shiori shows off 3
Prerequisites: work or work hard, Shiori Love.png >= 60, done Shiori shows off 2, gifted her the butt plug. Shiori has a little accident in Mikes office (again).
Master - Story Events
The Master is met at the Beach, and can teach Martial Arts.

Meet the master
Prerequisites: Summer, access to the beach, Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday 10:00 - 16:00, 50% chance, don't know the karate skill
Mike will meet a strange men who introduces himself as "The Master". He tells Mike that he can teach him the ancient ways of martial arts.
If Mike accepts he can now train with The Master.
After Mike trained with the master a couple of times he will reach 100% in the martial arts skill. That does not mean that he learned the skill yet.

Finish your training
Prerequisites: done meet the master, Beach, train with The Master, Martial arts progress = 100%
The master tells Mike that there is nothing he can teach him anymore and after a quick training fight Mike learns the martial arts skill.
Outcome: Mike learns martial arts
Jack - Story Event
Jack is one of Mike's oldest friends.

Demons and Demi-Gods
Prerequisites: days played >= 14, Saturday/Sunday 14:00 - 17:00, living-room
Jack visits Mike on the weekend. He tells Mike that he wants to try the new version of Demons and Demi-Gods and that his house would be the perfect place to do so. As soon as Jack sees Mike's roommates Jack is not taking no for an answer as soon as both Bree and Sasha decide to also join their adventure.

Jack calls
Prerequisites: done Demons and Demi-Gods, Monday - Friday, 14:00 -17:00
Jack calls to tell Mike that he plans to play the next Sunday.

The adventure
Prerequisites: done Jack calls, Sunday, 14:00 - 17:00, living-room
Jack hands out all their character sheets and they start their adventure in the local tavern. Mike has to decide multiple times during this adventure if he sides with Bree or with Sasha when something needs to be decided.

After the third decisions if one of them has zero RPG-points she will tell Mike that she didn't like it and that will end the RPG sessions.
Outcome: Depending on their RPG-points they will gain the same amount of LP.

The adventure continues
Prerequisites: done the adventure, Sunday, 14:00 - 17:00 living-room, Bree & Sasha RPG-point's >= 1
Sasha and Bree are eager to play the next round of their Double D adventure. While they wait for Jack to arrive Mike decides to lift the mood a little by asking pointing out that both of them bought their own dice set's.

After Mike checked out either Bree's or Sasha's dice Jack finally arrives and they playing.
If Minami has already moved in, she will also partake in this round. Therefore the Choose Minami option is only valid if she is part of this adventure.

The adventure will continue if Sasha & Bree each have >= 2 RPG-points and Minami (if she is part of the group) has >= 1 RPG-point
Amy - Story Event
Amy is a teaser character that has a few scenes available. She appears after 33 days of play for Male Mc only. She (reluctantly) works at the Electronics store

Amy Teaser
Prerequisites: Electronics Store, 33 days since game start, 50
Mike runs into a bored Amy at the electronics store. He can either flirt with her and get her number, continuing the event chain, or ignore her, causing her to never show up again.

Amy Teaser Kiss
Prerequisites: Electronics Store, 1 day since Amy Teaser, 50
Mike enters the store hoping to find Amy and sees her getting scolded by Shawn. She decides to kiss and leave to Mike and Shawn's confusion.

Amy Teaser Sex
Prerequisites: Electronics Store, 1 day since Amy Teaser Kiss, 50
Mike comes by the store again and runs into Shawn before he calls Amy over because he is too busy. Amy takes the opportunity to have some fun with the MC. You can choose to either f.uck her p.ussy or her
Reona - Story Event
Bree can introduce Reona at the university once Mike MC has 50 with Bree.

Currently there is no more content with Reona, though there will be soon.
Kat - Story Event
This girl is hogging the arcade game Bree wants to practice on during the Gamer Bree arc. Later, Kat appears in the same arc as a gaming tournament player named Thyra.

She and Bree can agree to "arrange a demo" of Mike's "hardware", hinting at possible future content with her.
Home Harem - Bree & Sasha Events
The Home Harem consists of the girls living in Mike's household. The members that start the Home Harem with Mike are his roommates Bree and Sasha. In can be expanded to include Mike's adopted sister Minami as well as Samantha and Lexi if he can convince them to move in with them. This makes the Home Harem the largest of the harems currently available in the game, with a variety of possible ending combinations. It is also the only harem that can be played in the public version of the game.

Forming the harem
In order to unlock the home harem you must meet the following criteria:

Be aware, if you trigger the confrontation with Sasha and Bree without fulfilling the requirements for the love points (Love.png) girl points (Gp.png) or kink points (Sub.png) then one or both of the girls will leave. If both girls have < 75 Love.png they will both leave. Otherwise the girl with the lower Love.png will leave.
  • If you've got both of them pregnant and didn't already form the home harem you'll trigger an event which leads to both of them leaving forever.
  • If Sasha joined the Band harem before starting the Home Harem, she must be collared in order to accept sharing. Otherwise, you will have to choose between Bree and the Band Harem.

Beach date
Prerequisites: Car/Sports car, Bree & Sasha & Mike are at home, 08:00 - 20:00, Summer
Bree and Sasha want to go on a date to the beach with Mike. If Mike refuses Bree and Sasha both lose -5 Love.png.
Mike has to make a few decisions during that date:

Shower girl on girl
Prerequisites: bedroom 20:00-22:00, Bree Gp.png >= 50, Sasha Gp.png >= 50
Mike watches Bree and Sasha have sex in the shower.

Prerequisites: Sasha Love.png >= 75, Bree Love.png >= 75, watch TV with both
If Mike watches Porn with both of them, they will give him a tag team BJ.

Birthday 3BJ
Prerequisites: Living room on Mike’s birthday 14:00-18:00, Sasha Love.png >= 75, Bree Love.png >= 75
This special tag team BJ happens only on Mike’s birthday. You can find his birth date in the phone.
Prerequisites: Sasha collared, Bree collared, Sasha Sub.png >= 90 , Bree Sub.png >= 90, watch TV (both present)
Mike can take both girls for a walk on their leashes. 2
Prerequisites: Sasha collared, Bree collared, Sasha Sub.png = 100 , Bree Sub.png = 100, watch TV (both present)
Mike takes his for a walk, and they give him a double blowjob.

Threesome (repeatable)
Prerequisites: any room of the house, 20.00-0.00, Bree & Sasha at home, ask either of them to have sex with you. You can ask either Bree or Sasha if they want to have fun (the other one asks to join if she is at home). If you asked Bree if she want's to and Bree Sub.png >= 25 you can choose that Sasha uses a strap-on.
The scene is different depending on who you ask. There is also a different scene if you are in the bathroom.
Home Harem - Troublesome sister
Troublesome sister
Important: In order for this event chain to work you have to make sure that you don't add another women to the home harem at the same time!
For example: If you are currently doing the event Minamis Request you can't trigger this event since you can only add one girl at a time. You first have to finish all of Minamis home harem events (until the foursome) in order to be able to add another girl to the harem. The same is true if you are adding Samantha or Lexi first.

Minami snooping around
Prerequisites: Already formed the home harem, Had a threesome with Bree & Sasha the night before, Had sex with Minami before once, wake up 07:00 - 09:00, times denied Minami < 3
Minami is trying to figure out what is going on between Mike, Sasha an Bree. She bursts into Mikes room after he had some fun Bree & Sasha.
If MIke tells Minami that he is not in the mood that will lead to 2 new options he can choose from:
He deny that there is anything between him and the girls. Minami will get angry and storm out of his room. (increases times denied by +1)
If he tells her that he sleeps with Bree and Sasha, Minami will leave his room. (this will lead to Minami's request)
"Come here": Mike sleeps with Minami to distract her. (increases times denied by +1)

Minami's request
Prerequisites: done Minami snooping around, Gp.png >= 25, Love.png >= 75, 08:00 - 22:00, 3 days passed since Minami was snooping around, denied Minami < 3
Minami ask's Mike if she can be part of the fun he has with Sasha and Bree.
Mike can either tell her that he can't do that or that he will ask Bree and Sasha.
Outcome: Depending on your answer you either have to convince Bree and Sasha or if you refuse, the event Intruder will trigger

Ask them for approval
Prerequisites: done Minami's request, 3 days passed after you talked to Minami
You have to ask them individually OR you can ask both at the same time (if they are in the same room)!

Ask both of them together
Prerequisites: Bree & Sasha are in the same location, you didn't talk with them individually before this event
Mike talks with both of them at the same time and tries to convince them that it's a good idea for Minami to join the harem:
If either Bree's or Sasha's Sub.png is < 51 both of them don't want Minami to join the harem and the event will fail.
If both of their Sub.png is >= 51 they will accept the proposal that Minami joins the harem

Ask Bree/Sasha individually
Prerequisites: Either Bree or Sasha is present, you didn't ask both of them together before this event, 08:00 - 22:00
(The conditions in this event are valid for both of them)
Mike talks to Bree/Sasha and asks each of them individually if the think that it's a good idea for Minami to join the harem.
If Bree's and Sasha's Sub.png is < 50 both of them don't want Minami to join the harem and both will deny the request.
If one of them has at least 50 Sub.png they will help you convince the other one that it's a good idea for Minami to join the harem.

Ask Samantha
Prerequisites: Samantha is part of the home harem, 08:00 - 22:00, Samantha is in the same room
Mike asks Samantha if she is ok with Minami joining the harem.

Convince Bree/Sasha
Prerequisites: Bree & Sasha are in the same location, talked with Bree and Sasha individually, one of them refused to let Minami join, 08:00 - 22:00
Mike and Bree or Sasha (depending on which one accepted the proposal) will talk with the one who refused to let Minami join and convice her to change her mind.
Outcome: If you convinced both of them that it's a good idea, Minami will officially be part of the home harem.

Prerequisites: During "Minami's Request", both Bree and Sasha refused to let Minami join, or Mike told her that she can't join, have a threesome with Bree and Sasha
Minami will burst into the room and takes part in the threesome without getting invited.
Mike can either tell Minami to get out which will block Minami from joining the home harem. The other option Mike has in that Situation is to tell Minami that she'll get what she deserves which leads to her joining the home harem.
Outcome: Depending on your choice, you still have to ask Samantha if she is part of the home harem or Minami won't join at all.

Good morning BJ
Prerequisites: Minami is part of the home harem, everyone's Love.png >= 75, Minami's Gp.png >= 25, wake up 06:00 - 10:00. Minami, Sasha and Bree decide that it's a good idea to wake up Mike in a very special way.

Minami's introduction ritual (foursome)
Prerequisites: done Strap-on fun or Sasha loves her toys or Threesome (Bree's Sub.png >= 25 for the last one. You have to choose Sasha uses the strap-on scene once in threesome.), everyone's Love.png >= 75, Minami's Gp.png >= 25, Minami joined the harem, 20:00 - 23:00, all three are at home, interact with Minami
Bree, Minami, Sasha and Mike share some quality bonding time together.
The scene can be repeated if all three are at home and you ask either of them to have fun with you.
Home Harem - The one that joined the fun
Important: In order for this event chain to work you have to make sure that you don't add another women to the home harem at the same time!
For example: If you are currently doing this event Minamis Request you can't trigger this event since you can only add one girl at a time. You first have to finish all of Minamis home harem events (until the foursome) in order to be able to add another girl to the harem. The same is true if you are adding Samantha or Lexi first.

Ask the girls
Prerequisites: Samantha accepted a non-exclusive relationship (finish any path except path C),
If Minami is not part of the home harem: Mike has to talk to Bree and Sasha to ask them if it's ok that Samantha joins the home harem.
If Minami is part of the home harem: Mike has to ask Bree, Sasha and Minami if they are ok with Samantha joining the home harem.
Outcome: They will always accept.

Mike's Angels
Foursome prerequisites: Minami IS NOT part of the home harem, Sasha and Bree are at home, call Samantha from MC's home before 19:00
The quintuple prerequisites: Minami IS part of the home harem, all girls are at home, call Samantha from MC's home before 19:00
Samantha will show up and all four will have some fun in Mikes bedroom. (You can only see the scene with Minami or the scene without her for now)
Outcome: Samantha moves in with Mike and officially joins the home harem
Home Harem - Mike's living the dream
Important: In order for this event chain to work you have to make sure that you don't add another women to the home harem at the same time!
For example: If you are currently doing this event Minamis Request you can't trigger this event since you can only add one girl at a time. You first have to finish all of Minamis home harem events (until the threesome) in order to be able to add another girl to the harem. The same is true if you are adding Samantha or Lexi first.

Lexi's Trailer burned down
Prerequisites: done Dance with Sasha or Lexi (Foursome), Lexi present
The next time you meet Lexi, she tells you that her Trailer burned down. Mike can choose between the following two options:
  • 1) Tell her "Of course you can come!"
    Mike decides that he needs to help Lexi, but he has to speak to his housemates (including Samantha if she's already part of the Home Harem) before.
  • 2) Tell her "It's not possible"
    This will end the quest currently, Lexi will not move into Mike's house

Ask the girls
The conditions listed here are valid for all girls that are part of the home harem at the point you try to finish this event.
Prerequisites: Accepted Lexi to move in in Lexi's Trailer burned down, 08:00 - 22:00, talk with Bree/Sasha/Minami at home, talk with Samantha
Depending on which girls are already part of the home harem, Mike has to talk to Bree, Sasha, Minami and Samantha if Lexi is allowed to move in.

Lexi moves in
Prerequisites: Done ask the girls, 08:00 - 17:00
Lexi moves into the house and sleeps on one of the sofas from now on.

Lexi Bree Threesome
Prerequisites: Lexi moves in
Go to you bedroom and sleep from 14:00 and make sure you wake up at 20:00

Lexi Sasha Threesome
Prerequisites: Lexi Bree Threesome , 22:00
Happens right after the Threesome with Lexi and Bree at 22:00 bedroom

Prerequisites: Bree/Sasha/Minami/Samatha and Lexi joined the home harem, Livingroom, Saturday 12:00 - 18:00
Mike's living the dream...
Home Harem - Other Events
Nice Collar
Prerequisites: Collar Bree or Sasha (not Both), be in a room with both.
Bree will react to Sasha's collar or Sasha will react to Bree's collar.

A request for a pet
Prerequisites: Sasha and Bree are home, Be home in the afternoon or evening
Sasha and Bree ask Mike to get a pet. Sasha wants a cat and Bree wants a dog. Mike gets to choose to who to side with or to have no pets.

Going to the Animal Shelter
Prerequisites: Done a request for a pet, Sided with Bree or Sasha, Be home in the morning or afternoon, 7 day after the request.
Mike goes to the animal shelter with Bree or Sasha.
Outcome: A dog or cat will be add to the household.

Name the pet
Prerequisites: Sasha and Bree are home, Be home in the afternoon or evening, 3 Days after picking up the pet
Mike, Sasha, and Bree name the pet.

Caught peeping by Lexi
Prerequisites: Don't have the sneaky skill, Lexi Sub.png < 90, Lexi is in the Home harem, Lexi is home but not in the bathroom and not sleeping.
Knock on the bathroom door and take a peek while somebody is showering. (There is only a 33% chance to trigger this event.

Girls Releasing Some Sexual Tension
Prerequisites: Both girls have Gp.png>= 50, currently in Home harem, both girls in same room at home, not asleep.
Enjoy a scene between two girls of the Home harem.
Currently available scenes are,
  • Samantha and Bree
  • Samantha and Sasha
  • Minami and Samantha
  • Lexi and Samantha

Peeping on the Girls having fun
Prerequisites: Both girls have Gp.png>= 50, currently in Home harem, in house.
Knock on door between 1-5 at night (25% chance of triggering)
Currently available scenes are,
  • Samantha and Bree, check Bree's door
  • Samantha and Sasha, check Sasha's door
  • Minami and Samantha, check Minami's door
  • Lexi and Samantha, check Livingroom
Home Harem - Endings
Possible combinations
Prerequisites: The girls Love.png > 97, Wedding ring amount has to be equal to the amount of girls you want to marry
It's possible to marry many different combinations of the home harem. There are 3 different ending categories (small, medium, big) and the full harem.
If you can't find a time where all the girls are at the same place you also can alternatively propose to each of them individually.
Home Harem - Beach Dates
Once the home harem is formed, the girls will ask you to go to the beach during summer.
You need to have a car.
Each scene is repeatable once a week. This cooldown with start if you accept OR refuse the presented dates.
The game will let you set up a date regarding the following checks:
  • Home harem members who are home and awake
  • Check members combinations in this list having a beach date scene implemented in-game
  • Exclude scenes already triggered or refused during last week
  • Show the menu

Lexi, Minami, and Samantha Beach Date
The Best Choices are:
  • Choose a Different spot ( Req. Charm >=75)
  • Go for a stroll (Req. Charm >=80)
  • Apply sunscreen on all of them ( Req. Charm >=95)

Samantha and Sasha Beach Date
The best choices are:
  • Help them (Req. Fitness >=75)
  • Play in the sea (Req. Charm >=80)
  • Suggest a photo-shoot (Req. Charm>=95)

Bree and Lexi Beach Date
The best choices are:
Use a parasol (Req. Charm >=75)
I need sun cream too! (Req. Charm >=80)
Play in the sea (Req. Charm >=95)

Available scenes
  • Bree, Sasha
  • Bree, Lexi
  • Lexi, Minami, Samantha
  • Samantha, Sasha
Band Harem - Band events
The Band Harem is formed by Sasha, Anna and Kleio, the members of the band The Deathless Harpies. In order to unlock the harem scenes, you do not have to play through the Battle of the Bands storyline.

Band events
Mike joins the band
Prerequisites: done Sasha has a band, had the guitar skill, Map, Friday 20:00-21:00, not cheated on Sasha. Sasha introduces Mike to Anna and Kleio and they ask him to join the band. If he says he is okay with cross-dressing, the band events play out a little differently.
Outcome: Anna and Kleio unlocked, Studio unlocked

Band practice
Prerequisites: Studio, Wednesday or Friday, 18.00-22.00, Grooming.png >= 1, Hunger.png >= 3, Energy.png >=3, Sasha, Kleio and Anna present
Mike and the other band members prepare for the Battle of the Bands event. Their practice progresses 10% with every session.
The first round of battle of the bands will happen seven weeks after the first practice session.

First gig
Prerequisites: Studio, 41 days after first practicing, practice with the band
A week before the first round, Sasha tells the band they have landed a first gig for practice.
Outcome: Whether the performance is a success depends on the amount of practice:
Practice >= 50% gives the girls +5 Love.png
Practice >= 25% gives the girls +2 Love.png

Battle of the Bands round one
Prerequisites: Studio, Friday, days played >= 45, done First gig >= 7 days ago, Grooming.png >= 1, Hunger.png >= 3, Energy.png >=3, click on the guitar icon.
At the beginning of the event Sasha will tell the band members that they will have to compete in two rounds. In order to move on to the second round, the band needs a BoB score of at least 75%.
The base score is calculated on the amount of practice you had. It gets modified depending on your reaction as well as your Charm.png:
BoB score +10% if you react positive; BoB score -10% if you react angry.
BoB score +20% if Charm.png >= 75; BoB score +10% if Charm.png >= 50; BoB score -10% if Charm.png< 50.

Battle of the Bands round two
Prerequisites: Studio, Friday, days played >= 55, successfully finished round one >= 14 days ago, Grooming.png >= 1, Hunger.png >= 3, Energy.png >=3, click on the guitar icon.
In order to win the second round of Battle of the Bands, the band needs a BoB score of 100%.
Again, the base score is calculated on the amount of practice you had. It gets modified depending on your Charm.png and Fitness.png:
BoB score +10% if Charm.png >= 75; BoB score -10% if Charm.png< 75.
BoB score +10% if Fitness.png >= 75; BoB score -10% if Fitness.png < 75.
If they win the Battle of the Bands, the band will celebrate in a restaurant and in the nightclub. If one of the girls is your girlfriend or sex slave, you will take her home.
If the band harem has already been formed with Anna and Kleio, Mike will have a threesome with them.
Band Harem - Band harem
In order to unlock the band harem you must meet the following criteria

Kleio & Anna showdown
Prerequisites: had sex with Anna & Kleio within the last 7 days
Kleio and Anna found out that Mike is sleeping with both of them. If both girls meet the criteria, they will agree to stay and form the Band harem.
If only one of the girls meets the criteria, she will give Mike up to the other one and leave the game permanently. If neither meets the criteria, both will leave.
Once you have successfully started the band harem you can overhear a conversation between Kleio and Anna in the pub (you have to interact with one of them) about anal sex.

Prerequisites: done Kleio & Anna Showdown, Kleio & Anna Love.png >= 85, Studio
Anna and Kleio will approach you at the studio and tell you that you are taking them to dinner and you will be given the option choose a day.
It is possible to fail the date with Kleio and Anna, the description and table below will show you how to avoid that. For this you need to get a "date score" of 3 (DS, not the same as in a regular date):
The first thing that can help you to successfully get through the date is your choice of clothes.

The girls will make a comment that changes depending on the clothes you wear during the date.
After that you have to make a few decision during the date in order to increase the DS.

Sasha showdown
Prerequisites: done Band Harem threesome >= 7 days ago; won Battle of the Bands; not cheated on Sasha; had sex with Sasha, Kleio & Anna within the last 7 days
A week after the threesome, Sasha will confront you about how you, Anna and Kleio have been spending time together. So long as Sasha meets the criteria, she will ask to join. If Sasha does not meet either of the criteria she will leave the game permanently. If Sasha meets one of the criteria she continues as normal.

Foursome the first
Prerequisites: done Sasha showdown, 20:00-22:00, livingroom
Kleio and Anna will come to Mike's and Sasha's place and have some fun.

Foursome the second
Prerequisites: done Foursome the first, all members of the band harem are in the studio, 20:00-24:00. After a long practice session they decide that it's time for some relaxing at Mike's
Band Harem - Endings
Anna & Kleio
Prerequisites: done Kleio & Anna showdown; Anna Love.png > 97.5; Kleio Love.png > 97.5; 2 wedding rings
  • To get Anna's Love.png above 95 you have to finish her event the concert.
  • To get Kleio's Love.png above 95 you have to finish her event Kleio needs help.
If you can't find a time where all the girls are at the same place you also can alternatively propose to each of them individually. If you successfully proposed you will see the Wedding scene the following Sunday and after that the epilogue in which you can see their children if they were pregnant during the wedding ceremony.

Band ending (Sasha, Anna & Kleio)
Prerequisites: done Sasha showdown; Anna Love.png > 97; Kleio Love.png > 97; Sasha Love.png > 97; 3 wedding rings
  • To get Anna's Love.png above 95 you have to finish her event the concert.
  • To get Kleio's Love.png above 95 you have to finish her event Kleio needs help.
  • To get Sasha's Love.png above 90 you have to finish her event Confessing your feelings.
If you can't find a time where all the girls are at the same place you also can alternatively propose to each of them individually. If you successfully proposed you will see the Wedding scene the following Sunday and after that the epilogue in which the Deathless Harpies go on a tour together.
Band Harem - Other Events
Kleio and Anna reacts to Sasha's Murder
Prerequisites: Kylie killed Sasha.
Talk to Anna or Kleio
B.itch.y Harem
The Bit.chy Harem consists of Audrey, Palla and Cassidy.
To achieve the bit.chy harem you have to meet the following requirements:

Palla/Audrey threesome
Prerequisites: Palla restaurant date, Palla Love.png >= 80, Audrey Love.png >= 70, Palla & Audrey Gp.png >= 50, done Palla establishes boundaries
While on a date with Palla, Palla gives Mike a BJ. However, Audrey shows up and sits down. She makes a scene when she discovers Palla under the table, and they are kicked out of the restaurant.
Eventually it turns out Palla and Audrey set this up in advance, and they both agree they should be punished. Mike can walk out here. Or Mike can take them home.
Mike can spank either or both of them, and then there is a threesome scene.

Palla apologizes for Audrey
Prerequisites: Palla present, done Palla/Audrey threesome, did not walk out
Palla explains what her plan actually was, apologizes for Audrey’s behavior, and asks Mike if he wants to do it again. If he answers yes, Mike can have Palla and Audrey threesomes by asking her on a date and including Audrey.

Palla asks if Mike is mad
Prerequisites: Palla present, done Palla/Audrey threesome, walked out on them.
Palla asks if Mike is mad and seems genuinely sorry and humble about it. She explains she thought Mike would really like a threesome and wanted to be dramatic, and blames Audrey for screwing it up. She asks Mike if he’d like that threesome. If he answers yes, he can arrange it by inviting her and Audrey on a date together.

Cassidy/Audrey showdown
Prerequisites: Palla and Audrey are already part of the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Harem, Mike is in his office at work, Cassidy's status is either girlfriend or pet, Cassidy and Audrey are at work, Mike had sex with Cassidy and Audrey in a timespan of 7 days
Mike ♥♥♥♥♥ Audrey while Cassidy watches. Depending on the girls stats the following could happen:

(If their Love.png are equal and they do not meet the Successful showdown requirements it's random who leaves)

Cassidy/Palla showdown
Prerequisites: Palla and Audrey are already part of the Bit.chy Harem, Mike is on a date with Cassidy at the nightclub, Mike had sex with Cassidy and Palla in a timespan of 7 days
Mike and Cassidy meet Palla at the nightclub.

(If their Love.png are equal and they do not meet the Successful showdown requirements it's random who leaves)

Cassidy joins the Bit.chy Harem (hidden event)
Prerequisites: Done Cassidy/Audrey showdown and Cassidy/Palla showdown
If both showdowns are done, Cassidy automatically joins the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ harem. There's no indication this happens (but Cassidy's Gp.png should get locked at that point)

Foursome Request
Prerequisites: Done Cassidy joins the Bit.chy Harem, Audrey/Palla/Cassidy are part of the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Harem, Mike is not on a date, Mike visits the mall or the nightclub
Audrey and Palla want to talk to you about Cassidy.

Mike asks Cassidy about the foursome
Prerequisites: Done Foursome Request, Audrey/Palla/Cassidy are part of the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Harem, Mike is not on a date, Cassidy is present and Mike talks to her
Outcome: If Cassidy Love.png >= 80 and Gp.png >= 45, she will agree, otherwise she leaves the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ harem and looses -10 Love.png

Nightclub encounter
Prerequisites: Done Mike asks Cassidy about the foursome, Cassidy agreed to the foursome, Mike goes on a date with Cassidy and dances with her
Cassidy and Mike meet Palla and Audrey at the club.
Jealous Harem - Initial events

The jealous harem consists of Audrey and Sasha.
To activate the event chain to achieve this harem you have to meet the following conditions:

Invite Sasha to a date in the nightclub. This event will only trigger if Audrey is also at the club at the same time. You can check Audrey's time schedule (currently, Sunday 12 AM to 5 AM) to see if when she is in the club.

The nightclub
In the nightclub Sasha hears a song she wants to dance to, so she drags Mike onto the dance floor. Mike can soon feel someone pressing their body against his own which turns out to be Audrey instead of Sasha. Sasha gets mad, turns around and starts to storm off. Audrey realizes what just happened and steps aside to allow Mike to follow Sasha. He reaches Sasha and has to decide if he either admits that he cheated on Sasha or not.
If Mike admits that he cheated on Sasha, she will get mad at him and storm off, resulting in -5 Love.png
If Mike denies that he cheated on Sasha, she won't get mad at him but she will leave and her Love.png will be decreased by -10

Apologize to Sasha
After Sasha found out about Mike cheating on her with Audrey, Mike need to find someone to talk. Therefore Mike has to talk to Samantha to progress (you have to at least show Samantha the evidence that Ryan cheated on her!) OR (you have to be on Samantha's Revenge Path). In the Dialog with Samantha she tells Mike that the only one who can resolve this problem is Mike himself. After Mike talked to Sasha the problem is resolved and Sasha won't tell Mike to piss off anymore.
Jealous Harem - Harem events
After you finished the initial events there are a few more conditions required to progress:

Audrey has a proposal
To progress further in the event Mike has to go to to work and either work or work hard while Audrey is also present. She will put Mike in an situation where he can't escape from her and asks him why he is avoiding her lately. She proposes to Mike that he, Sasha and Audrey should have a threesome.
If Mike doesn't accept the proposal then the jealousy harem will end right there.

Talk to Sasha
After Mike has accepted the threesome idea from Audrey he has to talk to Sasha (you should see an extra icon when talking to her). They will talk about the incident at the nightclub again before Mike asks Sasha if she would be ok with having a threesome. Sasha accepts after thinking about and Mike tells Sasha that because Audrey is the new one in this situation, she will be in an inferior position.

Talk to Audrey
After Mike has Sasha's blessing for the threesome, he tells Audrey the good news (talk to her at work, there should be an extra icon). Audrey somehow has predicted, that Sasha would accept this proposal and the they agree to meet on the next Saturday at Mike's house at 14:00.

The threesome
(you need to manually trigger the event by clicking on the date icon) Mike and Sasha sit in the living room waiting for Audrey to show up.
Office Harem - Office events

The Office Harem consists of the girls working with Mike in the office: Aletta, Audrey, Lavish and Shiori (if you lose one of them the Office Harem is still possible to get).
In order to unlock the Office Harem you have to finish Cassidy's storyline and become the CEO of the company, making you the girls' superior.

Become the CEO
Prerequisites: done get rid of Dwayne, days passed >= 7, personal office, work or work hard
Cherie will come into Mike's office and offers him a position as CEO of the company.
Mike can accept that offer and become the CEO or he can decline it. If Mike does not accept the position as CEO the Office Harem events will stop at this point.
Outcome: depending on your choice Mike will become CEO or not.
After Mike becomes CEO he has 7 days until the business partners from another company come to close a contract with him.
During those 7 days Mike can place a spy cam in the office to record the meeting (you can't place the camera after 7 days passed anymore).

The Horny Vikings
Prerequisites: done Become the CEO, days passed >= 7, personal office, work or work hard
The three representatives of the other company come to Mike's office to close the contract. Unfortunately for Mike they have an extra condition on what is supposed to happen before they seal the deal. They laid eyes on Mikes co-workers, especially on Audrey, Lavish and Shiori. They give Mike the choice to arrange that they have some fun with one of the girls or Mike will lose the contract. Mike now has 6 different choices: (note that you can only pimp girls which are not hidden on the map or gone forever)
  • Offer all three of them
  • Offer one of the girls (Audrey, Shiori, Lavish or Aletta)
  • Refuse the offer
If Mike refuses the offer and he placed the camera in the office before this event he will use the footage of the camera to convince the customer that they should close the deal without any extra favor and that they should also pay his bonus.
If Mike refuses the offer without placing the camera before the meeting he will lose the deal and the money.

Offer all three of them
Prerequisites: Each girls Sub.png >= 75 OR one of the girls Sub.png >= 75 and Mikes Charm.png >= 90
If you fulfill the conditions then they will accept Mike's offer to entertain the guests.
If not you will lose the deal with the customer.

Offer one of the girls
Prerequisites: Chosen girls Sub.png >= 75 OR Mikes Charm.png >= 90
If the girl's Sub.png is at 75 or above she will accept Mike's proposal and help him seal the deal.
If the girl's Sub.png is below 75 but Mike's Charm.png is >= 90 he'll try to bribe the girls to accept the deal.
If none of the above is true she will get mad and Mike will lose the deal with the customer.

After deal scene
Prerequisites: offered one of the girls or all of them
The customers will talk to Mike about his great effort to close the deal and will grant him a bonus of 10000 Money.png.
If Mike bribed Aletta, Shiori or Lavish they will lose 50 Love.png. If Mike bribed Audrey she will take half of the bonus payment.
Office Harem - Harem Events
To form the harem you have to do a series of events for each girl that you want to add to the harem.

Coffee surprise
Prerequisites: both are at work, 06:00 - 11:00, had sex with them within a 7 days time span
Shiori walks in on Mike and Audrey starting to have some fun time.
If their Love.png & Sub.png meet the conditions in the table above they decide to share Mike. Otherwise the harem won't be formed but no one leaves forever.

Audrey & Shiori threesome
Prerequisites: done coffee surprise, days passed >= 1, they decided to share Mike, both are at work, work or work hard, 06:00 - 11:00
Audrey and Shiori show up in Mike's office to have some fun.
Mike can choose if he wants to f.uc.k Shiori or Audrey.
The one you decide to i.nside of can get pregnant during this event!
Office Harem - Lavish
Lavish & Shiori Showdown
Prerequisites: Lavish Sub.png < 50 OR Shiori Sub.png < 50, had sex with them within a 7 days time span
Lavish finds out about Mike fooling around with Shiori behind her back.
Outcome: Lavish will be gone forever

Trouble at the restaurant (Audrey)
Prerequisites: invite Lavish to a restaurant date, had sex with them within a 7 days time span
Mike goes on a restaurant date with Lavish until Audrey shows up.
If you choose not to stop Audrey, Lavish will join the office harem and accept Audrey as a partner in the Harem.
If you choose to stop Audrey Lavish will not join the office harem.

Office fun time (Audrey)
Prerequisites: done Trouble in the restaurant >= 2 days prior, both are at work, work or work hard. Mike orders Audrey & Lavish into his office and they do some team building

Trouble at the Office (Shiori)
Prerequisites: done Audrey & Shiori Threesome, Shiori's & Lavish's Sub.png > 50, both are in the office, work or work hard
Mike decides it's time for more team building and calls Shiori and Lavish to his office.

Three times the trouble
Prerequisites: done Trouble at the office + Trouble at the restaurant + Audrey & Shiori threesome, had sex with them within a 7 days time span
Mike and Audrey are out on a beach date together and without Mike knowing Audrey also invited Lavish and Shiori.
To successfully finish this event each girl has to have at least Love.png >= 70 & Sub.png >= 25
  • If Lavishs Love.png >= 60 BUT Lavishs Love.png < Shioris Love.png, Lavish will be gone forever
  • If Shioris Love.png >= 60 BUT Shioris Love.png < Lavishs Love.png, Shiori will be gone forever
  • If Both have Love.png < 60 they will both be gone forever. The same is true if both of them are between 60 - 70 Love.png and have the same Love.png value.
Outcome: They will accept or depending on your LP, one of them or both of them will be gone forever

Three times the fun
Prerequisites: done Three times the trouble >= 2 days ago, all are in the office, work or work hard. Mike is doing more team building with the girls.
Office Harem - Aletta
Aletta & Shiori/Lavish Showdown
Prerequisites: Aletta Sub.png < 50 & Shiori/Lavish Sub.png < 50, Aletta is not part of the Harem, had sex with them within a 7 days time span
This event can happen if you fooled around with one of the girls mentioned in the prerequisites.
Aletta and found out about Mike fooling around with one of the other girls in the office.
  • If Mike is the CEO of the company, Aletta will be gone forever
  • If Mike is not the CEO, Mike will be fired
Outcome: Depending on being a CEO or not Aletta will be gone forever or Mike will be fired.

Work place efficiency
Prerequisites: Mike is CEO, done Three times the fun, everyone is at the office, work/work hard,had sex with them within a 7 days time span
Aletta is holding a meeting about a new study that shows how polyamory relations in a work place can help boost productivity.
To successfully finish this Aletta has to have at least Love.png >= 70 & Sub.png >= 25 otherwhise she will not join.
Office Harem - Management options
Change the work attire
Prerequisites: became CEO
If you are in Mike's office you'll see the command menu symbol. By clicking on it you'll open a dialogue that will give you the option to enforce a certain work attire in your office for each girl individually.
You can only command a girl to wear the new work attire if her Sub.png >= 50.
Criminal Harem

The Criminal Harem consists of the policewoman Camila Foglio and the games two less than law abiding citizens, Kylie and Lexi.

Go find Lexi to the police station
Prerequisites: Had sex with Camila
Lexi wants MC to bail her out.
Agree: -1000 Money.png
Refuse: Lexi -25 Love.png
Outcome: "Talk to Camila about Lexi bail" appears in tracker.

= Talk to Camila about Lexi bail
Prerequisites: Completed Go find Lexi to the police station, interact with Camila.
If you choose to lie to Camila, she will lose 25 Love.png
If you choose to tell her the truth, and don't have the following stats, she will leave the game permanently. Otherwise the criminal harem will be formed.

Back alley Blowjob
Prerequisites: Completed Talk to Camila about Lexi bail. Camila is okay with Lexi.
Go on a date with Lexi to a nightclub.
Triggers if at nightclub between 2 and 4 am.
Outcome: Camila and Lexi give you a blowjob in the alleyway.
College Harem

The science project
Prerequisites: kitchen, 07:00 - 10:00, Had sex with Anna & Bree within 7 days, Bree is in the kitchen
Mike meets Bree in the kitchen and she looks a bit tired. He asks her what is wrong and she tells him that there is a science competition coming up at their university. Mike proposes, that Bree should work together with Anna for this competition.

The meeting
Prerequisites: done The science project, university, Bree and Anna are at the university
Mike helps Bree and Anna to form a team for the science competition.

Lab rat
Prerequisites: done The meeting, livingroom, Bree is in her bedroom
Mike hears a loud scream from Brees room and runs to the maiden in distress. He can choose one of the following options:

Once they all processed the situation Bree and Anna ask him if he would be willing to partake in some hands-on experiment.
  • If Brees Sub.png > 50 & Annas Sub.png > 50, there will be an additional bj scene.
After the first experiment turns out to be a success, they start preparing for the second phase of it.

  • If Brees Sub.png < 50 & Annas Sub.png < 50 the event will end no matter what was chosen before.
They continue the second part of their experiment until they have gathered enough data.

Presenting the results
Prerequisites: done Lab rat, university,Bree is NOT pregnant, Bree & Anna are at the university
Mike meets Bree and Anna and they show him a video about the presentation of experiment.
Pixie Harem

Pixie Harem is a story line that you can follow after you finished the following events for Kleio and Morgan

  • Kleio event: Hang with Kleio at the mall
  • Morgan event: Cinema date.
This is relevant, because Kleio will talk with you, about a bad breakup she had with her girlfriend that cheated on her. Morgan on the other hand will tell Mike about the first time you met her at the cinema. She will tell him how she cheated on her girlfriend with the girl Mike saw her at the cinema with.

An unexpected Encounter
Prerequisites: Hang with Kleio at the mall (Kleio) and Cinema date (Morgan) done, Morgan, Kleio and Mike are at the pub (also triggers if Mike is on a date with Morgan or Kleio at the pub if the other girl is present!)
During this event Mike learns that Morgan and Kleio were together. Here Mike can choose to take either the side of Morgan, Kleio or he can choose to take neither Morgan's or Kleio's side.

Talk with Kleio and Morgan
Prerequisites: An unexpected Encounter done, interact with the girls and choose "About Morgan"/"About Kleio", Mike's Charm.png >= 50, current girl's Love.png >= 50 (depending on the girl you're currently talking to)
Mike talks to Kleio and Morgan (not at the same time) about their relationship.
Note: If you talked to the second girl (order doesn't matter) and all three of you are at the pub the Confrontation event will automatically trigger! (So make sure to check the Criteria of the next event!

Prerequisites: Done Talk with Kleio and Morgan, Mike had sex with Kleio and Morgan at least once, Mike, Morgan and Kleio are at the pub (also triggers if Mike is on a date with Morgan or Kleio at the pub if the other girl is present!)
Morgan and Kleio confront Mike at the pub.

  • If you don't meet the requirements in the table you have to choose one of them, the other one will leave the game permanently.
  • If you meet the requirements it will automatically lead to both of them accepting to share Mike.

Prerequisites: Done Confrontation, Kleio Love.png >= 50, Morgan Love.png >= 50, offer both of them a drink at the pub 2 times on the same evening (advance the time in between)
Mike has a few drinks with Morgan and Kleio, when you end the interaction for the last drink, the event will trigger.

Repeat the Threesome
Prerequisites: Done Threesome, Kleio Love.png >= 50, Morgan Love.png >= 50, all three of you are at the pub, interact with either Morgan or Kleio and choose "♥♥♥♥ Morgan and Kleio"
(Note: If you played the Threesome event before version 22.9.0 you have to replay it again for the "♥♥♥♥ Morgan and Kleio" option to show up!)

Threesome #2
Prerequisites: Done Repeat the Threesome, all three of you are at the pub
Morgan and Kleio propose another Threesome. Mike can accept if his sexperience is >= 20.
Taming Harem - Harem Events

The Taming Harem was added in version 20.10.1 . It's one of the hardest harems to unlock since you have to play in a certain way otherwise you will completely block off the harem.
The Taming Harem contains of Kylie and Ayesha and has the following conditions in order to unlock it:

IMPORTANT: There are two ways you can get Kylie to target a person.
  • Through the jealous event (choose 'I kinda like her' during the jealous event) when you talk to Ayesha!
  • If you kiss someone in front of Kylie the target flag will also change. So if you kiss Ayesha infront of Kylie she will be set as a target (Only if the dialogue about Kylie is being triggered!).
When you talk to any of the girls in front of Kylie, her Yandere.png stat will increase but if you form the taming harem it will decrease the Yandere.png stat if you talk to Ayesha in front of her.

Initialize the harem
Prerequisites: fulfill the requirements above, both of them are in the gym, Kylie has Ayesha as a target
Kylie will go after Ayesha in the shower of the gym. Mike hears the fight and recognizes the voices of the girls fighting. He decides to intervene.

Restaurant date (repeatable)
Prerequisites: start the Taming harem, Kylie's & Ayesha's Sub.png >= 35, both are in the same place, interact with one of them, 18:00 - 21:00, Money.png >= 200, have stamina (eggplant symbol)
If you play on a fixed schedule you can initiate this event when you talk to one of them in the Gym at 18:00 on a Wednesday and click on the icon that looks like the head of either Kylie or Ayesha.
The three of them will go on a restaurant date together. Mike hopes that this will improve the relationship between Kylie and Ayesha in order for them to get along. He is the last one to arrive at the restaurant and sees that both of them just sit there in silence. When Mike calls over a waitress to order drinks for them the waitress focuses only on Mike and ignores the two girls sitting at the same table as him.
Mike has multiple options on how to handle the situation:

Finishing this event for the first time will automatically lead to the threesome. If you repeat this event you can either choose to go home (which leads to the threesome scene) or to go to the nightclub with them.
If you decide to go to the nightclub with them you need an additional amount of 200 Money.png. Everything is pretty uneventful until they enter the nightclub and Mike has to decide if he either goes and grabs a drink for Ayesha or goes onto the dance floor with Kylie.

They start to dance and Mike realizes that they are both trying to get his attention and he has to decide on who of them he focuses.

As it gets late Mike has to decide if they should stay a bit longer or if they should call it a night.

No matter wich of the above decisions you make they will come back home with Mike and the threesome scene will start.
Mike can decide during the threesome scene if he wants to go for another round with the girl he didn't pick first. The consequence for the girl you didn't please that night is shown in the table below.

Aquarium Date
Prerequisites: Done the Restaurant date at least twice, Afternoon.
Interact with Ayesha or Kylie. They don't need to be in the same location.
Mike takes Ayesha and Kylie to the aquarium.

The aquarium date is a three-phase event beginning with the titular aquarium date. To get the best possible result from each phase, you will need to select specific dialogue choices.

Aquarium: 75+, then choose "explain yourself" -> "Shut up both of you" -> "A mermaid for both girls"
Restaurant: 75+, then "Order for everyone" -> "Deal with it" -> "Split the bill"
Beach: 75+, "shut up both of you" -> "play peacekeeper" -> "make a wish"

Home Date
Prerequisites: Did restaurant date 3 times, done aquarium date, Afternoon or evening
Interact with Ayesha or Kylie

Home Meeting
Prerequisites: Did restaurant date 4 times, done home date, Afternoon or evening
Interact with Ayesha or Kylie
Taiming Harem - Sex Events
These events require the restaurant date at least twice.

Repeatable Threesome
Ask either Ayesha or Kylie on a date

Harem Blow Job
Prerequisites: Ayesha Sub.png >=50, Kylie Sub.png >50, hot coffee

Kylie Tied Up, Ayesha is not
Prerequisites: Shibari Skill, ropes in inventory, had a Threesome with Kylie and Ayesha. Choose "Use Ropes" while Ayesha is chosen.
Fashion Harem - Events

The Fashion Harem was added with version 22.4.0 of the game.
The Fashion harem contains of Sasha and Palla. The first event of the harem is part of the popularity poll in which the Patreon supporters could vote for their favorite girl.

Only One Queen
Prerequisites: done meet Palla in the clothes-store, be at home, Sasha's Love.png >= 25, Sasha is in the clothes-store, Didn't cheat on Sasha, Palla & Sasha are available, not on a date, had sex with them within a 7 days time frame
While Mike is browsing through some ratings for the clothes-store Sasha works in he can decide to either visit her, praise her at home or do nothing.
If Mike does not visit her the event ends here.
If Mike decides to visit Sasha he will hear a some strange noises from the staff only are of the clothes-store.

  • If Mikes does not Investigate the event will end here
  • If Mike Investigates and his Fitness.png is < 50 or he does not have the sneaky skill the event ends without a scene
  • If Mike passes the check, he will see Sasha working hard for customer satisfaction

After a successful sneak attempt Mike has to decide if he wants to only watch the scene in front of him or if he wants to try and convince them to let him participate.

If Mike's Charm.png is < 60 he will be sent away
If Mike passes the charm check he will partake in the customer satisfaction process
Outcome: Sasha and Palla will both gain +2 Love.png, +2 Sub.png and + 10 Gp.png
Sporty Harem - Harem Events

The Sporty Harem was added with version 22.9.0 of the game.
The harem is formed by Hanna and Ayesha and has the following conditions you have to meet before you can successfully form the harem:

Swimsuit Contest
Prerequisites: Hanna's Love.png >=60, Ayesha's Love.png >=60, mall date with Hanna, Ayesha is at the mall
Hanna challenges Ayesha for a swimsuit contest

Ayesha & Hanna Showdown
Prerequisites: done Swimsuit Contest, Hanna & Ayesha are at the gym, had sex with both of them within 7 days
Outcome: If Mike meets the criteria in the table above, they will either join the harem or leave the game.

Private class with Hanna or Ayesha (or both?)
Prerequisites: done Ayesha & Hanna Showdown >= 1 day ago, Hanna & Ayesha are at the gym
Hanna and Ayesha want Mike to join their private classes.

Sporty Harem Ending
Prerequisites: Both characters Love.png=100, propose to both girls
Achieve the Sporty Harem ending.
Gamer Harem - Bree & Kat Events

A harem involving Bree and Kat (meaning this harem is exclusive to Gamer Bree)

Forming the harem
In order to start the gamer harem you must meet the following criteria:

To start the harem you must be on the Gamer Bree path and must have met Thyra in Offline meet up. You must then go into the living room at home when only Bree is there in the afternoon on the weekend (12PM and 4PM both work). Kat will interrupt while playing games with Bree at home and you must accept her request to join you in order to start the harem. During the event you will be given the option to have sex with either Kat or Bree during the threesome.
Bree doesn't technically have to have greater than 75 Love.png for this event but it is a pre requisite for the Offline meet up event.
This is the only event in the harem so far.
Friendly Harem - Harem Events

This is a harem containing Samantha and Emma.

Date with Emma at the mall
Prerequisites: Emma's Love.png >= 63, Samantha's Love.png >= 63, Samantha is divorced, had sex with Emma and Samantha in the timespan of one week. (these are only the conditions to trigger the event, see the conditions below to form the harem)
Mike & Emma have a date in the mall until Sam spots them.
Those are the conditions to successfully form the harem:

If Love.png for both girls are >= 75 but the other stats (Gp.png and Sub.png) don't match Emma will leave the game.
If Emma's Love.png >= Sam's Love.png and Emma's Love.png >= 63 Sam will leave the game. If Emma's Sub.png <= 25 she will follow.

Prerequisites: Afternoon or Evening, at least 2 days after "Date with Emma at the mall", Mike is not on a date, Mike is at home, the harem was formed successfully during "Date with Emma at the mall"
Emma and Samantha pay a surprise visit.
(If Mike invites Emma or Sam on a date afterwards he can to go on a date with both girls to repeat the threesome)
댓글 38
BartWiksa 2024년 9월 21일 오전 9시 34분 
Great guide. THX
тнєєρѕукσιχ 2024년 4월 29일 오후 11시 40분 
cant convince alexis for police, no option at all
Wurenben 2024년 3월 21일 오전 7시 13분 
Give a feedback , a new event for Kylie. If you make your "thing" smaller ( I did that for Emma) and Kylie gives college BJ for you , she will call it "small thing" and +10 dominate
沉墨狂笑 2024년 2월 7일 오전 7시 11분 
Give you feedback,In the current latest version(V0.24.1), Bree's player road will make BUG to let her sub point locked 50. After checking the archive code, I found that it might be because both paths share the "maid path max sub",So this means that there is no need to modify the game save, and it is safer to choose the maid path.:steambored:
Methos-Kyuubi777 2024년 1월 30일 오전 11시 10분 
Thank you, I only play a few Renpy Engine games, so I haven't really kept up on the system for it.
Dofok 2024년 1월 30일 오전 6시 46분 
simply press the mouse wheel (mouse 3) to hide the UI. that goes for nearly all Ren'ply games
Methos-Kyuubi777 2024년 1월 29일 오후 12시 00분 
First, I would like to say that the guide is good, but the harem stuff changed a little while back. Les-points now need to be at 50. (It's been like this for over a year now, but the wiki was never updated with that, it still says 45 on the site, but in game it's 50.)

Second... Does anyone know how to hide the ui for screenshots? I've noticed quite a few picks that are missing the dialogue and other bits of the ui, yet I can't seem to get rid of it for decent photos. (I want a good pic for the game's page in my library, but the dialogue box is always in the way. Used to be that you could press esc to open the menu, press it again to close the menu, and the ui would be hidden. :steamfacepalm: )
Haakii  [작성자] 2024년 1월 2일 오전 2시 53분 
@awastatyme Yes, I will also create a suffering thread about Bree MC.
I need to update this guide here again, I will try this week, I had a serious accident a month ago
awastatyme 2023년 12월 29일 오후 4시 30분 
@Haakii Will there be a guide for Bree MC?
Burningneolight 2023년 10월 20일 오전 7시 38분 
Noticed you didn't have the home harem.