Long Live The Queen

Long Live The Queen

110 ratings
"An Unexpected Pairing" achievement, Evrard version
By ° JG
This guide will help you unlock the "An Unexpected Pairing" achievement, as well as beat the game and get the "Long Live The Queen" achievement.
Weeks 1-14
This guide will help you unlock the "An Unexpected Pairing" achievement, as well as beat the game and get the "Long Live The Queen" achievement.

Week 1
(Studied Falcons in the morning.)
(Studied Falcons in the afternoon.)
You attend services in the castle grove, letting the peace of the ritual calm your heart.

Week 2
(Studied Climbing in the morning.)
(Studied Falcons in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Send her away] [Arrest her] [Let her stay]
Player chose: Let her stay
Make sure to go visit Julianna so she can tell you about the crystal.

Week 3
(Studied Climbing in the morning.)
(Studied Climbing in the afternoon.)
I chose to hold still, though it doesn't really matter because you don't have the composure to hold your position.
Visit Julianna again.

Week 4
(Studied Trade in the morning.)
(Studied Trade in the afternoon.)
You spend the weekend holed up alone in your room with your favorite toys. It's childish, but you feel a bit better.

Week 5
(Studied Production in the morning.)
(Studied Production in the afternoon.)
You attend services in the castle grove, letting the peace of the ritual calm your heart.

Week 6
(Studied Trade in the morning.)
(Studied Production in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Climb up to look over the hedge] [Call the guards] [Run and hide]
Player chose: Climb up to look over the hedge
Visit your father to ask him about the crystal.

Week 7
(Studied Accounting in the morning.)
(Studied Accounting in the afternoon.)
You have unlocked a new outfit!
Menu: [Apologise] [Punish her]
Player chose: Apologise
Visit Julianna again.
Menu: [I'll wait until I'm older] [I'll try to find a way] [What drastic action?]
Player chose: I'll try to find a way
Put on the economics outfit.

Week 8
(Studied Flattery in the morning.)
(Studied Flattery in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Invest] [Don't invest]
Player chose: Invest
You spend the weekend holed up alone in your room with your favorite toys. It's childish, but you feel a bit better.

Week 9
(Studied Court Manners in the morning.)
(Studied Court Manners in the afternoon.)
Menu: [I'm considering it]
Player chose: I just like jewelry
You spend the weekend holed up alone in your room with your favorite toys. It's childish, but you feel a bit better.

Week 10
(Studied Flattery in the morning.)
(Studied Court Manners in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Surrender Province] [Offer him money if Ixion withdraws] [Bluff / Intimidate] [Execute him]
Player chose: Offer him money if Ixion withdraws
Menu: [Agree] [Make counter-offer] [Refuse]
Player chose: Make counter-offer
Sitting in on court sessions is not fun at all, but it pleases your father and it may be important for your future.

Week 11
(Studied Trade in the morning.)
(Studied Court Manners in the afternoon.)
Your skill in Court Manners is now 50. You may not increase this skill until your other Conversation skills are 25 or higher.
You attend services in the castle grove, letting the peace of the ritual calm your heart.

Week 12
(Studied Logistics in the morning.)
(Studied Logistics in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Accept his offer] [Politely decline]
Player chose: Politely decline
Sitting in on court sessions is not fun at all, but it pleases your father and it may be important for your future.

Week 13
(Studied Presence in the morning.)
(Studied Presence in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Put her to work] [Imprison her] [Execute her]
Player chose: Put her to work
You attend services in the castle grove, letting the peace of the ritual calm your heart.

Week 14
(Studied Elegance in the morning.)
(Studied Elegance in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Call the guards to arrest him] [Tell him to leave]
Player chose: Tell him to leave
You don't have the required skills to build the hospital, so Elodie just tells the woman that she is not interested.
You attend services in the castle grove, letting the peace of the ritual calm your heart.
Weeks 15-30
Week 15
(Studied Composure in the morning.)
(Studied Composure in the afternoon.)
You have unlocked a new outfit!
Menu: [Poems praising your mother] [Religious doctrine]
Player chose: Religious doctrine
You attend services in the castle grove, letting the peace of the ritual calm your heart.
Put on the royal demeanour outfit.

Week 16
(Studied Elegance in the morning.)
(Studied Elegance in the afternoon.)
Player chose: I will lead the parade
You order the guards to step aside and let you into the treasury. They waver slightly, but in the end, they stand by your father's commands.

Week 17
(Studied Presence in the morning.)
(Studied Presence in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Someone about your age] [Someone younger than you] [Someone older than you] [Someone already married] [Someone scandalous]
Player chose: Someone about your age
You order the guards to stand aside and walk forward with your head held high. None of them dares to deny you access to your own treasury. You finally get the crystal.

Week 18
(Studied Composure in the morning.)
(Studied Production in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Greet her politely] [Shame her with silent scorn] [Insult her with false flattery] [Trip her as she passes]
Player chose: Greet her politely
Visit Julianna.
Menu: [Do it] [Don't do it]
Player chose: Do it

Week 19
(Studied Composure in the morning.)
(Studied Climbing in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Raise taxes] [Keep them the same] [Lower taxes]
Player chose: Keep them the same
You sneak out of the castle to have a little fun. You enjoy your freedom, but your father won't like it if he finds out.

Week 20
(Studied Trade in the morning.)
(Studied Production in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Pardon him] [Imprison him] [Execute him]
Player chose: Pardon him
You attend services in the castle grove, letting the peace of the ritual calm your heart.

Week 21
(Studied Logistics in the morning.)
(Studied Logistics in the afternoon.)
Your skill in Logistics is now 50. You may not increase this skill until your other Military skills are 25 or higher.
Menu: [That's hilarious!] [That's terrible!]
Player chose: That's hilarious!
Menu: [Climb out and grab it] [Ignore it]
Player chose: Climb out and grab it
Climbing up onto your roof is awkward and uncomfortable, but you manage to achieve your goal and get back inside without accident.
You attend services in the castle grove, letting the peace of the ritual calm your heart.

Week 22
(Studied Naval Strategy in the morning.)
(Studied Naval Strategy in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Leave him with Arisse] [Send him to his grandfather] [Marry him] [Send him to your uncle]
Player chose: Leave him with Arisse
You visit the royal treasury and check your available funds.
You have five thousand, one hundred and eighteen gold lassi and eighty-four silver tilassi.

Week 23
(Studied Strategy in the morning.)
(Studied Strategy in the afternoon.)
You have unlocked a new outfit! You may now tour the Barracks on the weekends.
Menu: [Accept her as Court Musician] [Reject her]
Player chose: Accept her as Court Musician
You visit the royal treasury and check your available funds.
You have four thousand, eight hundred and sixty-eight gold lassi and eighty-two silver tilassi.

Week 24
(Studied Naval Strategy in the morning.)
(Studied Logistics in the afternoon.)
You visit the royal treasury and check your available funds.
You have four thousand, eight hundred and sixty-eight gold lassi and eighty silver tilassi.
Put on the military outfit.

Week 25
(Studied Wield Magic in the morning.)
(Studied Wield Magic in the afternoon.)
While studying reports of trade and goods shipments, you notice something interesting. The domain of Shanjia, which is now the major power on the western continent, appears to be stepping up production.
Menu: [Build more warships] [Do nothing]
Player chose: Build more warships
You visit the royal treasury and check your available funds.
You have eight hundred and sixty-eight gold lassi and fifty-two silver tilassi.

Week 26
(Studied Public Speaking in the morning.)
(Studied Public Speaking in the afternoon.)
You have unlocked a new outfit!
You visit the royal treasury and check your available funds.
Put on the conversation outfit.

Week 27
(Studied Court Manners in the morning.)
(Studied Court Manners in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Go to Sudbury for Gwenelle's party] [Send your regrets]
Player chose: Send your regrets
You attend services in the castle grove, letting the peace of the ritual calm your heart.

Week 28
(Studied Naval Strategy in the morning.)
(Studied Naval Strategy in the afternoon.)
You have nothing more to learn about Naval Strategy.
Make sure Elodie confirms that she sent Gwenelle a note with her regrets and a gift.
Menu: [Sneak Out] [Ignore Him]
Player chose: Sneak Out
Menu: [Eat a cookie] [Refuse]
Player chose: Eat a cookie
You visit the royal treasury and check your available funds.

Week 29
(Studied Resist Magic in the morning.)
(Studied Resist Magic in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Recruit soldiers from prison] [Don't]
Player chose: Recruit soldiers from prison
You visit the royal treasury and check your available funds.

Week 30
(Studied Sense Magic in the morning.)
(Studied Sense Magic in the afternoon.)
You have unlocked a new outfit!
You visit the royal treasury and check your available funds.
You have eight hundred and sixty-seven gold lassi and forty-nine silver tilassi.
Weeks 31-40
Week 31
(Studied Wield Magic in the morning.)
(Studied Wield Magic in the afternoon.)
You visit the royal treasury and check your available funds.
You have eight hundred and sixty-seven gold lassi and three silver tilassi.
Put on the lumen outfit.

Week 32
(Studied Battlefield Medicine in the morning.)
(Studied Wield Magic in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Status and praise] [Employment] [Gold]
Player chose: Employment
Menu: [Eat candy now] [Save it for later]
Player chose: Save it for later
You visit the royal treasury and check your available funds.

Week 33
(Studied Battlefield Medicine in the morning.)
(Studied Logistics in the afternoon.)
You have nothing more to learn about Logistics.
Menu: [Mounted Parade] [Jousting] [Fencing] [Archery] [Music] [Falconry] [None]
Player chose: None
You visit the royal treasury and check your available funds.

Week 34
(Studied Herbs in the morning.)
(Studied Battlefield Medicine in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Recruit soldiers] [Don't]
Player chose: Recruit soldiers
Menu: [Direct the fleet] [Stay in the capital]
Player chose: Direct the fleet
You visit the royal treasury and check your available funds.
You have no funds available.

Week 35
(Studied Herbs in the morning.)
(Studied Strategy in the afternoon.)
The eventual outcome...
... is a hard-fought victory.
You have repelled the invasion fleet, driving the survivors back across the sea. You and your sailors are heroes, and Nova is safe once more.
You visit the royal treasury and check your available funds.

Week 36
(Studied Elegance in the morning.)
(Studied Presence in the afternoon.)
Menu: [Ransom the rich, conscript the poor] [Ransom the rich, execute the poor] [Execute them all]
Player chose: Ransom the rich, conscript the poor
You visit the royal treasury and check your available funds.
You have six hundred and ninety-nine gold lassi and seventy-five silver tilassi.

Week 37
(Studied Public Speaking in the morning.)
(Studied Public Speaking in the afternoon.)
People are hanging your portrait outside their homes and decorating it with flowers like a shrine.
Everyone loves you.
You visit the royal treasury and check your available funds.

Week 38
(Studied Court Manners in the morning.)
You have nothing more to learn about Court Manners.
(Studied Public Speaking in the afternoon.)
Menu: [An extravagant feast] [A respectable feast] [A small feast] [No celebration]
Player chose: An extravagant feast
Elodie, Crown Princess: (Roasted meats, cakes, chocolates, wine, enough for everyone! And I can give out commemorative cups and coins!)
You visit the royal treasury and check your available funds.

Week 39
(Studied Flattery in the morning.)
(Studied Flattery in the afternoon.)
That boy, Evrard... If you ordered blueberry bread for your coronation festivities, you might be able to see him again...
Menu: [Talarist] [Banion] [Linley] [Kevan] [Adair] [Anciet] [Evrard] [No one]
Player chose: Evrard
There's no time to pursue that thought at the moment, but perhaps in the future...
You visit the royal treasury and check your available funds.

Week 40
(Studied Resist Magic in the morning.)
(Studied Sense Magic in the afternoon.)
You are fifteen years old, a legal adult. You have worked and studied and suffered and prepared, and now the time has come.
Priestess of the First Circle: People of Nova, I give you Elodie, daughter of Fidelia, your true sovereign. What say you all?
Elodie, Queen of Nova: (Thank you! I will!)
Even after her coronation, Elodie liked to don a ragged cape and hood and sneak out of her castle to visit a certain bakery. Evrard's father nearly collapsed with terror when he realised the identity of his mysterious customer, but 'that boy' never responded to his Queen with anything other than a cheeky grin and a warm croissant.
It was refreshing for Elodie to have a friend who showed neither deference nor scorn for her position, and for the next few years, friendship was all that it was. However, somewhere along the way, she grew to depend on Evrard as more than just a source of stability to help her face all the pressures of her ruling life.
After all the struggles Elodie had faced to build a secure and stable Nova, did she not deserve some happiness? She decided to set propriety aside and follow her heart, and anyone who objected was not invited to the wedding!
Elodie and Evrard had three children, whose tearaway antics sent noble fingers wagging about the trouble with mixed marriages, but the Queen loved them all.

Note: many thanks to http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198114914928 for helping me write this guide :)
𝔗𝔢𝔞 ❀ Dec 6, 2020 @ 2:21am 
That's a nice ending.
stormrao Mar 27, 2019 @ 3:54am 
Thank you for the guide! The wiki only got up to week 25 or so!
Would you be interested in having your guide transposed to the Queen wiki at all?
nakcylo Jan 3, 2016 @ 4:29am 
sank you:2015cookie:
Lord Jun 11, 2015 @ 2:25pm 
Yay! I don't like Evrard, but Iwas curious. xD Thank you very much :3
hayacri May 13, 2015 @ 9:50pm 
thanks for the guide! it helps me a lot! ^^ :lumen:
Gareth Green Jan 10, 2015 @ 10:55am 
Thanks for the quide - worked perfectly, and this was one of my last achievements to get. So pleased now :)
Artemina Dec 30, 2014 @ 8:28pm 
Thanks so much for the guide!
9na Clock Dec 22, 2014 @ 7:16pm 
This was brilliant and worked perfectly.. I only used it as a loose guideline but still, thank you! :)
SANITÄTERIN Nov 17, 2014 @ 9:12pm 
this was great and spot on! most guides always leave out something that ends up screwing up the whole thing but yours was absolutely perfect. thanks!