Monkey Island 2: Special Edition

Monkey Island 2: Special Edition

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Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Complete Walkthrough
由 V I R U S 發表
A comprehensive guide to the game as well as the achievements!

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge is the second installment of the series made by LucasArts. It is a comedic point n' click surrounding the misadventures of the pirate Guybrush Threepwood, this time in search of the infamous "Big Whoop." Like most early 90's LucasArts point 'n clicks, this game utilizes the SCUMM engine[]. It also boasts iMUSE[], an audio engine that allows music to move alongside game action and create atmosphere unseen in previous entrances to the genre.

Even today it is toted as one of the greatest point and click adventure games ever made; upon release, most magazines gave it incredibly-high scores.[] It earned Game Of The Year from Computer Gaming World Magazine in 1992, and remained so relevant in its excellence that it found it's way in their "Top 150 Games Of All Time"[] list five years later.

This project was led by three talented men, Tim Schafer, Ron Gilbert[] and Dave Grossman[]. If you enjoyed the game, pay tribute to the masters themselves by following their blogs, twitter accounts, or supporting their latest endeavors!

If you've already beat the game and are interested in learning about trivia and references available for MI2, go over to my other page for the game!
Gameplay Basics and HUD
Gameplay is much more simplified in the remastered version, but if you'd like to experience the game in its original pixelated glory, you can press F1 to change from the special edition to the enhanced CD-ROM version. If you're wanting to go full snooty on us here and get the completely unaltered version, you may choose to turn off the voices and commentary hotkey in the options menu.

In both modes, you may simply left-click a viable area on the map to walk to it. With the original version, you will see all possible interaction options strewn out for you on the bottom left corner. To pull these up in remastered, find an interactable object and hold down your right mouse button. From there, you can move it left or right to choose from the options.

Your item menu in original is located on the bottom-right corner of your screen, and can be scrolled up and down by clicking on the arrows. In remastered, you may find your way to the screen by pressing "i."

Items on this screen can left-clicked be examined further or utilized. If you wish to try and use two items together or combine them, simply select one and drag it onto another. Remember as well that this doesn't always go both ways!
(You may not be able to put the remote controller into a pair of batteries, but you may very well be able to put the batteries inside the remote.)

You may also at any point switch to hotkeys on your computer! They are fast, responsive, and make timed actions a breeze. Here is a legend for the hotkeys that can be used in both original and remastered.

Finally, if you wish to hear commentary from lead designers Ron Gilbert, Tim Schafer, and Dave Grossman, press A during applicable scenes in which the option pops up in the top left corner. You can always press A again to stop the commentary. If you leave that particular screen, the commentary will end so unfortunately for cutscenes with commentary (Like LeChuck's Fortress) you will have to choose hearing one or the other.

Act I: The Largo Embargo

  • Pick up the shovel on the sign at the entrance of town.
Walk over the bridge and watch the cutscene. You will no longer have any of your gold.
Go to the Cartographer Wally's house.
  • Take his monocle when he sets it down to rub his eyes.
  • Take a piece of paper from the pile at the side of the screen.
Leave to The Bloody Lip ask the bartender "How's business?" it will trigger a cutscene with Largo.
  • Use the piece of paper on Largo's spit afterwards.
Exit the bloody lip and then go back in through the open window on the left. This will take you into the kitchen.
  • Pick up the knife on the table.
Leave back out the window to the Marty's dry-cleaning.
  • Attempt to grab the bucket on the left.
When confronted, you can either ask if it's actually their bucket and get it immediately, or go through an amusingly long-winded exchange in which Guybrush pesters the pirate until he caves in and gives it to him.

  • Fill the bucket up with the swamp.
Jump into the coffin and enter the Voodoo lady's house.
  • Take some of the yoyo string from next to the skull.

  • Pick up the stick right near the beginning of the path.

Find the tombstone of Marco LaGrande at the top of the hill and use the shovel on the grave.
  • You will receive the bone.

Enter the Swamp Rot Inn.
  • With the knife, cut the rope that is restraining Pegbiter the baby Alligator.
The Innkeeper will leave, granting you access to Largo's room.
  • Take those Cheese Squigglies from the pet bowl before you go.
Before touching anything in the room, close the door and balance the bucket o' mud at the top of it. Largo will come in as soon as you do this, and a cutscene will happen.
  • Grab his toupee from the dresser and leave.
Go visit the dry-cleaners again and watch the exchange between Largo and Marty. Once that is done, go visit Largo's room once more and close the door behind you.
  • Take the Laundry Claim ticket from behind the door and leave.
  • Take the laundry claim ticket to Mad Marty and receive Largo's clothing, a pearly-white bra.

While you're here, open the box underneath the three pirates of low moral fiber and use the stick to prop it up. Tie the string onto the stick and place the cheese squigglies inside. Walk out of distance until the rat begins eating them, and pull the string. Once trapped inside, open the box and pick up the rat.

You now have everything you need to get Largo LaGrande off the island! Go get the Voodoo lady's help.
  • You will recieve the voodoo doll.
  • She will also give you some pins to stick it with.

Go back to the Swamp Rot Inn, and enter Largo's room. This part is timed, so click the options fast. Hotkeys are ideal.
  • quickly combine the pins with the voodoo doll.
Enjoy the cutscene, and revel in the sweet victory of kicking Largo's butt.

Speak to the voodoo lady about what Largo just told you regarding LeChuck. She will give you the book "Big Whoop: Unclaimed Bonanza or Myth?" Use the book to hear more about Big Whoop if you wish.

You need money to charter the ship on the southern side of the island on the Peninsula. Reenter the kitchen of The Bloody Lip through the window.
  • Put the rat into the soup.
  • Exit through the window and go speak to the bartender.
  • Request stew.
This will lead to the discovery of the rat in the Vichyssoise, and open up the position as cook. Take the job, take the advanced pay, and take the window out of the kitchen.

Speak with Captain Dread, and he will explain why he cannot leave yet. Give him the monocle, pay for the ship, and head out!
Act II: The Map Pieces (1)

Dread's Ship
Pick up the Parrot chow on the back of Captain Dread's ship. Enter through the door and Dread will greet you. Ask him where you are able to go, he will give you a complimentary map.

Phatt Island
Begin walking directly to the left up the steps and you will see a guard who is looking at a "Wanted" poster. It will trigger a cutscene.

Jail cell
  • Pull the Mattress and pick up the stick.
  • Use the stick on the dead prisoner in the next cell and recieve its bone.
  • Give the bone to Walt the guard dog, he will take it and drop the key.
Take the key and exit the cell. Before you go, grab the contents from within both the Manilla and Gorilla envelopes. This will give you everything you previously had in your inventory, as well as a banana and an organ.

Go to the catalog and make Guybrush memorize the following titles:
  • "Great Shipwrecks of Our Century" in the C/D drawer.
  • "The Joy of Hex" in the P/Q/R drawer.
  • Any third book of your choosing.
Hand the Librarian "Big Whoop: Unclaimed Bonanza Or Myth?" and begin a conversation with her. Tell her you'd like to borrow a book, and begin the process to get a temporary library card. Select whatever you want and request the three books from her.
  • Open the model lighthouse and take the lens from within.

Governor Phatt's Mansion
Enter the mansion and tell the guard that there is a fire in the kitchen. Walk upstairs.

Phatt's room
Take the useless book you chose at random (Make for sure it's that one and not Joy of Hex or Shipwrecks Of Our Century!) And switch it with the book on his belly, "Famous Pirate Quotations."

You will see two alleys. One in front of the library, and one behind it. Enter the one in the front, and you will find a spinning wheel game. In the back alley, a mysterious door.

Front Alley
Enter the area and watch the wheel go. The small man will win and leave. Do not play the game yet, simply follow him out of the Alley.

You should see him walking down the wharf and into the back alley. Follow him in and observe the cutscene.

Back Alley
Once he leaves, walk up to the door and knock. The doorman doesn't recognize you and will ask that you get the puzzle right three times to prove that you are in the Gambler's Club.
The first number on his hands is always the answer to his question to the second hand shown.

Once you are done with this puzzle, you will recieve the winning number.

Front Alley
Bet the winning number and place a bet on it. Take the Invitation to Governor Marley's Mardi Gras party.

Booty Island

Ask Kate Capsize for one of the leaflets she's handing out. Speak to her as well about the Glass-bottomed boat she's chartering.

Antique Store
  • Purchase the Saw, the Horn, and the Sign.
  • Use Parrot Chow bag with the hook where the sign used to be.
  • The bird will gravitate away from the sign and towards the picture of the bird. This gives you the option to buy the mirror as well. Do so.
  • Examine the the map piece on the counter and learn about the Mad Monkey.

Costume Shop
Hand the invitation to the shopkeeper, recieve your costume.

Small Structure
On the way to Elaine's mansion, you will speak with a guard dressed as LeChuck. Hand her the invitation and get dressed in your costume.

Elaine's Mansion (Outside)
Go around to the back and mess with the garbage can. When the chef comes out, run to the front and he will follow you. Loop around again to the back of the manor and enter the kitchen.

Elaine's Kitchen
  • Pick up the fish.
  • Leave back out to the front and enter the party.

Elaine's Mansion (Inside)
Take the map piece from the frame on the wall and exit the mansion. A cutscene will ensue outside and bring you back in the house.
After the conversation with Elaine, you will automatically go downstairs. Go back upstairs to her room to get the boat oar and leave the house.

Elaine's Mansion (Outside)
  • Attempt to pick up the map piece.
  • Pick up the dog.

Big Tree
Stand on the plank and then insert the oar into the next hole.
Watch the cutscene, and then pick up the broken oar. Your Spit-encrusted paper has been altered.

Scabb Island
(The Bloody Lip)

  • Use the Banana on the Metronome to paralyze the Monkey. Pick him up.
  • Try to buy some grog from the Bartender. Offer your temporary library card as a means of identification.
  • Buy a Blue Whale and a Yellow Beard's Baby, and mix the two drinks together to make a green drink. You will also have recieved a crazy straw.

Carpenter's house
Give the carpenter your broken oar to be "reinforced."

Walk out to the three pirates of low moral fiber and use the saw on the one with the peg leg. Walk off to trigger the cutscene.

Carpenter's house
The carpenter should be out fixing the peg leg.
Pick up the hammer and nails.

Booty Island
(Stan's Previously-Used Coffins)

Tell Stan you're in the market for a coffin, and close the lid when he is demonstrating a particular model for you. You will obtain a complimentary hankie.
Request another demonstration and then close the lid again, this time using the nails on the coffin.
Pick up the Crypt Key hanging on the wall in the back.

Spitting Contest
Blow the ship's horn. While everyone is distracted, pick up the flag markers. Use your crazy straw on your green drink and then enter the competition. Wait until the wind is favorable (An audience member's red belt will flutter in the wind) This will give you just enough distance to reach first place. You will obtain the spit plaque.

Antique Store
Convince the dealer to buy your spit plaque for 6000 piece of eight.
Check the book "Great Shipwrecks of Our Century" to get the coordinates. Go talk to Kate Capsize and pay for the chartered ship. Sail to the coordinates and dive under.
Pick up the Monkey Head and pull the Anchor to go back to the surface.
Reenter the antique store and trade the Monkey Head for the first Map Piece.
Act II: The Map Pieces (2)
Phatt Island

Speak to the Fisherman and bet on who can catch the biggest fish.
Hand the fish to the fisherman and obtain the fishing rod.
Place the leaflet from Kate on the Guybrush poster and leave to the left. This will trigger a cutscene.

Pick up the Vanilla Envelope on the desk and obtain the Near-grog.
Optionally, you may also use the small key to free Kate.

Booty Island

Use the fishing pole with the note hanging onto the Cliffside. It will be whisked away once more to the big tree.

Big Tree
Use your reinforced Oar and the plank together in the holes of the tree for makeshift stairs. Guybrush will catch on by the fourth peg and automate the tedious task.
  • Pick up the telescope and enter the treehouse.
  • Use the dog on the pile of papers and he will pull out Elaine's map piece.
Act II: The Map Pieces (3)
Phatt Island

Walk to the top and use the frozen Monkey Jojo with the pump. The water will stop and an opening will be revealed. Walk through the tunnels.

Rum Roger's Cottage
Speak to Rum Rogers about the map piece and be challenged to a drinking contest. He walks off after preparing yours, so dump his hard alcohol onto his potted plant and fill the mug with Near-grog. You will win the contest.
  • Use your mirror with the mirror frame and exit to the outside of the cabin.
  • Open the left-side window.
  • Use your telescope with the grotesque statue, and note which brick the light hits.
  • Reenter the cottage and press that brick.
  • Pick up the map piece in the basement and leave.

Act II: The Map Pieces (4)
Scabb Island (Cemetery)

Use the crypt key and enter. Use your "Famous Pirate Quotations" book and open the coffin with Rapp Scallions quote. Take some of his ashes.
House of Voodoo
Attempt to pick up the "Ash-2-Life" in her cabinet of jars, which will start a cutscene. Give her the book "The Joy of Hex."

Cemetery (Crypt)

Use the potion on Rapp Scallion's ashes and agreee to check the gas for him at the weenie hut. he will give you the key to do so.

Beachside (Weenie Hut)

Use the key on the weenie hut, and turn off the gas.

Cemetery (Crypt)
Speak to Rapp once more and tell him you've turned off the gas. He will give you his map piece.

Woodtick (Cartographer's House)
Give Wally the model lighthouse lens and the map pieces. Run his errand for him while he compiles the map.

House of Voodoo
Ask for Wally's Love potion, and a cutscene will start. Jump in the crate of voodoo supplies just outside, and it will be taken to LeChuck's Fortress.
Part III: LeChuck's Fortress

Enter LeChuck's Fortress and walk across the hallway without going inside. After a screen or so, you should find yourself in Wally's prison cell. Speak with him and he will tell you to go get the key to his cell.

Go back to the hallway with the signs and enter the labrynth. Once inside, check the spit-encrusted paper where Guybrush had written the song his parents sang. It is randomized each time so there is no set path, but the particular pattern from your game will guide you.

The first three bone types listed is the code for each door, from top to bottom. For example, from left to right:
  • 1:head bone to rib bone, rib bone to foot bone.
  • 2:Hip bone to arm bone, arm bone to head bone.
  • 3:Foot bone to head bone, head bone to hip bone.
After going through all four verses, you will find yourself at an ostentatious door with a plethora of locks; ignore these and just open the door.

LeChuck's Voodoo Room
Pick up the key on the wall next to the throne.

Acid Pit
  • Use the crazy straw with the green drink
  • Spit on the pan and it will turn slightly.
  • Spit twice on the shield to the right.

Dark room
  • Open the juju bag
  • Use the matches on the bomb.
Part IV: Dinky Island

  • Pick up the bottle, crowbar, and martini glass.
  • Fill the Martini glass with ocean water, and then use the filled glass with the still machine.
  • Open the barrel and take the cracker.

Walk to the left and eventually you will find a tree with a bag dangling precariously from it. Use the bottle with the tree to break it, and then the broken bottle to rip the bag. You will receive a cracker mix.
  • Use the cracker mix with the distilled water.
Walk to the right until you get to a large conspicuous box filled with explosives. Use the crowbar to pry it open and take some dynamite from within.

Give the parrot next to Herman Toothrot a cracker so that it will tell you where to go.

The bird will eventually rest periodically within the jungle. When it does, do not leave the screen it is at and give it another cracker. Keep doing so until he leads you to the X.

X marks the Spot
  • Use the shovel
  • Mix the matches with the dynamite to get passed the cement.

Inside the hole
Use the rope with the crowbar and use it on the twisted metal rods that were in the cement.
Final Battle With LeChuck
You will have to run around between all of the rooms to collect everything needed for a voodoo doll of LeChuck; Something of the head, something of the thread, something of the body, and something of the dead.
  • Hand him the complimentary hankie Stan gave you to get something of the body.

Storage Room
  • Open the boxes scattered on the floor.
  • Take a doll and the balloon.

  • A skull from Mr. And Mrs. Threepwood for something of the dead.
  • Open the desk drawer for a hypodermic syringe
  • The surgical gloves in the trash can
Costume/Break room
Fill the surgical gloves and balloon with helium from the tank.
Interact with the coin return on the grog machine and a coin will drop onto the floor. Stay in this room until LeChuck comes in to corner you, and when he makes a grab for the coin quickly "Pick up" his exposed underwear for something of the thread.

Call the elevator and get inside it. Wait for LeChuck to appear, and once he does close the doors on him by pulling the lever. Pick up his beard for something of the head.

Melee Island alley
Mix together the doll, skull, underwear, used hankie, and beard into the leftover love potion juju bag, then take the elevator back down to confront LeChuck.

Employee Tunnel
When LeChuck appears, stab his voodoo doll with the syringe. Follow him and finish the conversation by tearing off the doll's leg. The final cutscene will ensue.

Congratulations! You've beaten Monkey Island 2! Enjoy one of the the most mystifying endings that video game history has to offer.
The Largo Embargo

Finish Act I.

The Four Map Pieces

Finish Act II

LeChuck's Fortress

Finish Act III

A True Pirate

Beat the game

Free Thinker

Beat the game with less than 10 hints. (Note: If you are using hotkeys, watch out for the H button. If you click it accidentally, it counts.)

Monkey Master

Beat the game with absolutely no hints.(Note: If you are using hotkeys, watch out for the H button. If you click it accidentally, it counts.)

Speed Demon

Beat the game in less than three hours. You are able to keep track of your game time with the time marked in your save file. Time does not continue on the pause screen.

Turning the Lights Out

Beat the game without using object highlighting more than 5 times. This can be turned off in the options menu.

Call 9-1-1

Call the LucasArts helpdesk in the Dinky Island jungle.

Five Minutes Later...

Idle in the acid room puzzle for five minutes.

Helium Inhaler

Inhale helium from the filled glove.

Keeping it Old School

Switch to classic mode using F1.
Trivia And References
The trivia section was too big for one guide! If you'd like to see my full list of references and trivia, go to my other guide here!
15 則留言
Barandas 6 月 26 日 上午 4:48 
That was a perfect guide. Simple and handy. I kike it.
Aero 2023 年 2 月 18 日 下午 3:27 
Awesome Guide! Thx !
pugperson77 2023 年 1 月 3 日 上午 7:20 
i used the crackers already before i went in the forest im stuck what do i do
dunkward 2022 年 9 月 19 日 下午 1:04 
Was stuck on the bone puzzle for a while. You might want to add that you only need the first two lines of each verse. The third line of each verse can be disregarded.
Thanks for the Walkthrough!
COBALT 2022 年 4 月 17 日 上午 2:58 
Didn't pick up the parrot chow, is there any way to get it?
Kolbykheese 2022 年 4 月 7 日 下午 6:02 
I just don't think you are understanding the puzzle, worked for me first try. @Jimblez
Jimblez 2022 年 1 月 31 日 上午 7:58 
Skeleton puzzle is bugged to shiz, doesnt work.... sat here 3-4 hours trying everything possible, all the guides, it simply doesnt work
Jippen Faddoul 2020 年 2 月 15 日 上午 1:50 
Heads up - you didn't underline the telescope as you did with other items, and I totally missed it. Argh.
torbellinosplitz 2019 年 8 月 7 日 上午 2:40 
hradede 2019 年 8 月 1 日 上午 7:01 
I was also stuck on the elevator for ages in 2016, I came back to this game now and realized I hadn't filled the balloon and the gloves yet. Check if you have done everything before trying to pull the lever. @Margaret_River