Lightout 2
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Lightout 2 Walkthrough
Henrimagne 님이 작성
A guide to help players through this short game. Two versions: 1) text-and-screenshots, 2) video playthrough (2 parts).
즐겨찾기 해제
Keybindings and Actions
W A S D = movement
LMB = pick up item (add to Inventory) / interact with things in the environment
RMB = carry an item
LeftShift = run
LeftCtrl = crouch
Mousewheel (press) = zoom (also enhancing sight)
Tab = Inventory (Mousewheel scrolls through items)
F = use lighter

Doors and use of keys:
∙ Open an unlocked door: LMB (left-click).
∙ Open a locked door with key from Inventory: RMB (right-click) = access picked-up key (Inventory), then LMB (left-click) to unlock the door, and LMB (left-click) again to open the door.
To gain full left/right mouse movement, click your mouse.

You start in a small room with a bed and two locked doors.
Pick up the key from the nightstand.

Use it on the closest door (to the side of the bed) - right-click (access key from Inventory), left-click (unlock door), left-click (open door).

Move down the hallway. The door you just opened closes and locks behind you.

Walk past the vending machine, past a door with a keypad, past a second vending machine (overturned) with two locked doors close by, turning left past the black telephone at the corner ...

... past a third vending machine until you reach a dead end with two locked doors.

Return all the way back to the door with the keypad.
A phone rings.
Walk back down the hallway to the black phone.

Left-click it to make it stop ringing.

Return to the area with the room where you started from. Something disappears into the room to the left of the wheelchair. All the doors there are locked.

Return to the other end of the hallway, past the black telephone and the third vending machine. This time one of the doors over there has opened up, but a crib blocks the way.

The numbers "7" and "5" are visible inside the room (two of the four numbers you need for the keypad).

Go all the way back to the room where you started from. The door is now open. Enter.

The other door is now open. Go through it.

The crib starts rocking in the corner of the hallway, then disappears.
Go through the open door to the left.

Jump scare.
The door closes and locks behind you.
Take the note from the bed.

Access your Inventory (Tab) to read the note. It is from someone called Sam.

There are four numbers on the walls in the flickering light: 2, 7, 5, 8. You may have to use zoom (press mousewheel) to clearly see the first number next to the door.

Take the key from the nightstand in this room.

Use the key on the door to get back out - right-click (access key from Inventory), left-click (unlock door), left-click (open door).
Go back along the hallway - straight on (slightly to the left) as you exit the door ...

... to return to the door with the keypad.

Type the code 2758 into the keypad to unlock the door.

Left-click the door so it opens. Go through the door.

Look around.
Take the lighter from the right-side basin.

The lights go out (jumpscare).
Use the lighter: (F).
Take the note from the mirror closest to the door.

Access your Inventory (Tab) to read the second note from Sam. (Use mousewheel to scroll through the items. Tab closes the Inventory again.)

The door unlocks. Left-click the door to open it. Exit.
Put away the lighter (F). You can use it whenever you want, but keep in mind that the fuel is finite. You will pick up refills as you progress.

Go back down the hallway to the right to where the overturned vending machine is.
You hear glass breaking on the other side of the window.

The door to the left, immediately past the overturned machine, is now unlocked.

Left-click to open it. Enter.
Jump scare: the temporary light from the TV screen reveals a body on a bed. It vanishes and a note lies in its place. As you walk towards the bed the door closes and locks behind you.
Pick up (left-click) the note from the bed.

Access the Inventory (Tab) to read the note.

Switching the TV on and off doesn't appear to do anything much.
Use the lighter (F) to see the lighter fluid on top of the TV. Pick it up.

To the right side of the bed is a screen. Walk into the dark space behind the screen to trigger a jump scare.

The room's door unlocks. Left-click to open it. Exit and turn right.

Return to the area where you started from.
The door to the left of the wheelchair unlocks and opens as you approach (there is a teddy bear on the floor at this door).

Enter the room.
The door closes and locks behind you.

Pick up the lighter fluid from a stand to your right.
In the left corner you see a closet with blood seeping from it onto the floor.
Go up to it and left-click to open the closet door and trigger a jump scare.

Pick up the red tank from the corner next to the door - right-click to carry this object.

Immediately a baby starts to cry behind the wall in the next room. This wall is cracked and brittle. Use the red tank to break it down. (Simply destroy the cracked part of the wall by walking through it while carrying the tank.)

Once you are through to the adjacent room, right-click to drop the tank.
Left-click to open the case with the numbers "550 - 14 / 7126" on it. It triggers a jump scare.

The door to this room unlocks and opens.
(Note the words "RUN AWAY" spelled out on the building blocks on the small table.)

Exit through the door. (It will close and lock behind you.)

Turn left to walk to a lobby or waiting area. Enter.

As you approach the lobby, a tricycle rides by itself from the right side and comes to a stop in front of a locked door to the far left.

The exit to the far right is also locked.
Pick up the red key card from the counter to the left. It grants access to the upstairs area.

To reach the upper floor, go straight on to the middle door. Left-click to open it. It leads to stairs.

Go up and use the red key card on the lock - right-click (access key card), then left-click (unlock the door), and left-click again to open the door.

Pick up all the lighter fluid (x4).

Left-click to open the double doors and enter.

The objective here is to find three fuses in order to progress. There is a fuse box on the wall right next to the double doors you've just entered through.

As soon as you enter, a music box starts playing. The doors close behind you.
Use your lighter (F) to light the way.

To refill the lighter when it runs out of fuel, access the Inventory (Tab), use the mousewheel to select the lighter fluid, then left-click to fill the lighter.

Walk all the way down the hallway to the end, turning left at the corner on your way.

Left-click the door here to open it. (All the other doors are locked or barred.)

Enter. Go to the radio on the window sill at the far end

It stops playing. You are turned around to face a jump scare. When the jump scare creature disappears, you can see the door at the far end (back down at the corner in the hallway) open up.

The lights go out as you exit the toilets.
Up ahead, at the corner in the hallway, where the door just opened, you see a lit-up wall with the numbers 2 and 3, and a wrapped corpse hanging upside down.
Proceed towards it and enter the room they are in.
After you enter, the door shuts and locks behind you.

You can see the numbers 2 and 3 to the left of the hanging corpse, and the numbers 1 and 5 to the right of it.

Use your lighter (F).
You now see numbers arranged from left to right all over the room.
There is more lighter fluid to be picked up from the stand beneath the corpse.
The numbers can be lit like candles.
Use the lighter to light (left-click) the 2 and 3 (left-side of the corpse) ...

... and the 1 and 5 (right-side of the corpse). (Ignore the 1 that is to the left of the corpse.) You may have to crouch (LeftCtrl) to be able to light the numbers.

A fuse falls from the corpse onto the stand beneath it. The room's door unlocks and opens.

Pick up the fuse (right-click to carry it) and exit the room.

As you exit, turn left and carry the fuse to the double doors where you entered this area.
(If not already equipped, you may have to drop the fuse first to use the lighter to see where the fuse box is located.)
Put the fuse into the fuse box by simply walking into the wall to the right of the doors where the box is located.

A soccer ball drops onto the floor close to you.

Pick it up and carry it (right-click) a short distance down the hallway to the safe (next to a door) on the left side.

The ball settles on top of the safe, unlocking and opening it.
Pick up the key (left-click) from the safe.

Use the key on the door right next to the safe - right-click (access from the Inventory), left-click (unlocks the door), left-click (opens the door).

Enter the room.

Once inside, notice the picture on the wall immediately to the left. It shows three children's toys: a bear, a wooden car, and a rabbit.

A duplicate of this picture also hangs just above a small, low table on the opposite wall.
You need to find the three objects and place them on the small table.

Pick up the bear from the mattress underneath the first picture.
Right-click to carry it to the small table.

Find the wooden car. It is on the other bed. Carry it (right-click) to the small table.

The safe to the left of the little table unlocks. Left-click the door to open it.

Take the rabbit from inside it and carry it (right-click) to the table to complete the task.

You hear glass breaking somewhere outside the room.
Exit the room.
The double doors opposite have now unlocked.

Left-click to open them,
The room is lit up by candles. A large picture of a clown hangs from the window.

Enter this room to pick up (left-click) the lighter fluid (x2) from the window sill beneath the clown picture.

You trigger a jump scare as you try to leave the room.

Exit the room and turn right.

Go to the corner area of the hallway. The double doors here (to the left of the window) were previously locked/barred.

Left-click to open the doors and enter.

As soon as you enter, turn back to notice a colour-coded lock on the tiled wall next to the doors.

You will use this soon. But first focus on the heavy breathing you can hear coming from the far left corner from behind a screen.

Approach the screen to trigger a jump scare.

The double doors you entered through has now vanished. In it's place is a smooth tiled wall with a colour-coded lock next to it.

(There is a container of lighter fluid on a trolley in this room.)
The solution to the puzzle is found on a piece of paper located on the middle level of a trolley in this room.
Equip your lighter (F). You may have to crouch (LeftCtrl) and use zoom (mouse-wheel) to see all the clues.

The piece of paper reveals:
pink = 2 (it looks kind of purple, but pink solves the puzzle)
brown = 3
red = 1
black = 4

Once you type the correct code (red. pink, brown, black, followed by "Enter") into the lock ...

... another fuse drops onto a stand to your left.

Left-click to open the double doors and carry (right-click) the fuse back to the fuse box at the area's enter/exit doors.

You turn around from the fuse box to see a wooden rocking horse rock at the corner in the hallway. It suddenly stops.

The double doors on the left wall (previously barred) are now accessible.

Left-click to open them, and enter the lit room.
Walk to the window on the right side of the far wall.

On the little table there are two white objects inside a wooden box.
Pick up the one on the left.

Carry it (right-click) to the box on the wall to the right of the doors. It fits into place.

Go back to fetch the other white object and also carry it to this box.

The lights flicker twice. Writing on the walls warn of trouble and to get out.
A third fuse has appeared on a stand to the right as you face the doors.

Pick up the fuse and carry it (right-click) back to the fuse box where you have inserted the other fuses.

The door on the other side of the double doors you first entered this area through has now unlocked. Left-click the double doors to open them.
Exit and follow the stairs back down to the lobby.

You enter the lobby to see a corpse on a gurney. You are made aware that there is a name card on a pillar at its head that reads, "SAM".

This is the name of the person who wrote the three notes you picked up. It seems Sam didn't make it.

The door to the right, where the tricycle stood before, is now open, so approach.

Note that you have the ability to sprint (LeftShift). You will need it for the next bit.

Once you exit from the lobby and progress a bit down the new hallway, a cut scene will show that you are being pursued by someone with a butcher knife. If he reaches you, you will die and will have to start the run from the lobby door again.

You are going to run all the way down the dark hallway, making two left turns. Don't bother with the small doors on the way.

To escape you have to reach the very end of the hallway.
The large door to the left of the large lit-up window unlocks and opens by itself. (You don't have to click on it at all.) Wait for it to open and quickly exit.

Once you make it through the large door, it will close and lock behind you, and your pursuer can only look on through the glass pane in the door.

LOBBY (WAITING AREA) (2nd return)
You have returned to the first hallway at the start of the game.

Continue to the left (you are prevented from going right) ...

... past the very first door with the keypad, the vending machine and the teddy bears.
Pass the room where you started from through the large exit door to reach the lobby again.

Once back in the lobby, turn right and go through the exit door that was previously locked.

You enter a room with red book cases lit by candles.

Approach the next door up ahead. As soon as you reach it, the door behind you closes and the "butcher" can be seen looking through the glass pane in it.

If you have played Lightout (1), you will now recognise your surroundings: you have entered into the apartment where that game takes place.

Calming music plays as you move through the apartment's living area/dining room/kitchen.

The front door is open.

Go down the staircase to the bottom.

Flickering lights illuminate double doors.
Left-click these doors to end the game.

Playthrough Part 1
Duration: 8:19

Playthrough Part 2
Duration: 7:21