Arcade Paradise
27 คะแนน
Tips to know in Arcade Paradise
โดย Snarf Snarf Pandaman
A quick few tips to start your new game of Arcade paradise. (WIP will add more in the future)
First off thanks for reading this guide. It super simple to figure out most of these on your own, but you can use this as reference without having to open a new browser and looking for a Ferxalife Arcade Paradise guide.
Tip 1: Walk strafe
You can surprisingly move around with the "wasd" keys, however, there is no sprint key, or is there?

If you move around holding down "wa" or "wd" you move faster forwards. Walking at an angle increase your movement speed. This also works with "sa" or "sd" when walking backwards.

Coding wise, it probably because walking in any direction has a set speed. When pressing two keys, it double the set speed, causing you to move faster.

Unfortunately, no. Pressing more than two keys will not make you go mach 5.

Speed Runners will absolutely use this tech.
Tip 2: Trash Spam
When you pick up trash, you don't have to wait for the item animation to finish to pick up the next one. Just keep looking until you're prompted to pick up the trash and spam that pick up button while you move.

Taking trash out the moment you start your shift is always best, since trash does not spawn while you are working.

Just make sure you throw out your full bag before gathering more.
Tip 3: Editing the Settings to your arcade cabinets
Have you tried the video hockey game and had the most frustrating time getting a goal? On your PDA or menu, you can check on your arcade cabinets and adjust the difficulty and pricing.

This will help out in popularizing cabinets or making more money with the popular ones.

There are some cool tips on the PDA that will help further explain the stats to each cabinet.

The PDA will sometimes shows a "X" on one of the buttons called "leader board" on it. That just means it doesn't have a leader board.
Tip 4: Timers for washer and dryers
Washer and dryers generate some good cash in the beginning, but there's a lot of time to wait. If you look closely on the washer and behind the laundry basket on top of a washer, you can see the timer for when its finished.

Washer takes 3 minutes to wash, and the dryers also takes 3 minutes to dry. In between this time, you can play some arcade games, take out trash, clean the toilet if you need too, or even walk away yourself to do something quick irl.

If you don't have a lot of time left to play an arcade game, on your PDA there's a app called Llama that is a recreation of the Google Dino jump game when Google chrome cannot connect to the internet.

Tip 5: The Safe in the Office
Oh boy. A safe with a three number turning combo lock. Intimidating right?

WRONG. The game asks you to move the lock to find the right positions three times to unlock the safe, storing your money. However, there is a better way to do this.

JUST HOLD "S" or "D" and SPAM THE "E" KEY.

You don't need to be precise about your positioning. Just hold down left or right and spam the interact key as fast as you can. You will trip all the locks with minimal effort and faster time.
Tip 6: NPC Time Distortion Displacement
When ever the laundry mat is open, you can see customers come in.

These people are not apart of your plane of existence. They are merely echos of people apart of different timelines conglomerating within your laundry mat.

When ever you try to approach one of these entities, the time that you are currently in distorts the time echo of the person who is within their own time field.

Like two positive or two negative magnets, when you take those to magnetic fields, they do not attract and push each other away. This is the same concept, instead of pushing a physical being, you push the time distortion away from the laundry mat.

We believe this is a natural balance within the time space to avoid spacial tears or time paradoxes.
End (for now)
Here we are, at the end of the guide. Thank you so much for reading these tips to get you jump started to play Arcade Paradise.

Now get out there and earn some cash! You got an arcade to build!

(Will add more tips in the future, feel free to comment your own tips and ill be sure to credit you)

13 ความเห็น
Cheesus 15 พ.ย. 2023 @ 7: 54pm 
Either go hard doing laundry and getting S-ranks for big payouts in the early game, or don't do laundry at all. My tip: there are no consequences to ignoring new baskets of laundry. The timer does not start until you load the laundry into a washer, so you might as well wait for three of them.

In the long run it's more important to finish as many goals as you can, and forget the laundry.
Aniketos 16 ส.ค. 2023 @ 2: 02pm 
"Coding wise, it probably because walking in any direction has a set speed. When pressing two keys, it double the set speed, causing you to move faster."

Close, but not quite. Both the x and y components are set to the specified speed, resulting in the diagonal movement vector having a magnitude of sqrt(2 * speed ^ 2) - that is, 141% of the base movement speed .

This is a super common noob game dev oversight and is corrected by one line of code. It's telling that the developer did not notice or care to fix it.
Alex Helders 31 พ.ค. 2023 @ 2: 58am 
Geengi, when you continue playing, there will be an upgrade to make time go slower so you can play more. a WC stands for water closet, also known as a toilet. You need to complete the laundry immediately to get S rank. You can use the code WWSSADADE (then the space bar) to make S rank permanent. You can type this code in the main lobby screen at the start of the game.
geengi 29 พ.ค. 2023 @ 12: 48pm 
Why do i only get ranked a C when doing laundry??
geengi 29 พ.ค. 2023 @ 12: 37pm 
What does "WC Is blocked" Mean???
geengi 29 พ.ค. 2023 @ 12: 19pm 
Never have enough time to actually play the arcade machines?? Ugh. Why?
geengi 29 พ.ค. 2023 @ 12: 18pm 
Can i Collect from thre soda and snack machines? Do you collect the tokens from thr washer/dryers
Alex Helders 29 พ.ค. 2023 @ 2: 45am 
I believe you can also fast forward the truck animation by holding E when getting a new arcade machine.
Gamma 007 24 เม.ย. 2023 @ 8: 55pm 
milk man timby 12 พ.ย. 2022 @ 5: 25am 
the time distortion thing is a joke.
a joke.