

38 ratings
Re-Volt: Car Guide
By ToughOoze
If you are wondering the strengths and weaknesses of each Standard Car in the game, then this guide is for you! It will cover every Standard Car in the game along with explaining their stats and quirks. Hope this guide will help you.
Introduction to Stats
Before talking about each car, i have to explain how does stats work and how do i show you those stats in this guide. Stat ranking of these cars will be in their respective tiers. Reason is that all cars have a Speed Rating corresponding to them. Comparing the lowest tier car to the highest wouldn't be a great way to show the cars' strengths. So yeah, that is why. Most of the Ranking will be a basic point rating so you can get an idea how the car performs in its Speed Rating. (I will not explain cheat only cars in this guide).

Second, i will explain how some stats/parameters work on these cars. This is important to know since slightest differences can make huge changes to a car's performance. So here we go:

Fuel Class: Shown as "Class" in game btw. There are only two main types of fuel in the game but it is purely for cosmetic. It does not alter any parameters or have any kind of mechanic tied to them. But produces different sounds during race. "Electric", "Glow" are two types of fuels.

Speed: Also known as "Top Speed". It shows how fast the car can go during the race. It is quite an important stat to have. But its success depends on the Acceleration, which we are going to talk about now.

Acceleration: Most important stat in the game. Especially in race tracks with straightway roads. It shows how fast the car can reach its Top Speed. Higher Acceleration means car can speed up much faster.

Mass: Or weight if you want to say it in that way. Mass is a minor stat, so it is not that important to have in greater parameters. However it is the only form of protection against Pickups. Getting launched across the race track is not a good thing to see since it can hinder your race greatly. Higher Mass makes the car less vulnerable to the Pickups or any form of force.

Drivetrain: Shows which wheels powers the card during the race. Consider this stat as "Classing" system. Because each Drivetrain type gives different forms of advantages and disadvantages during the race. These Drivetrains are:
Four-wheel drive (4WD): All four wheels powers the car in this Drivetrain. Cars having this type have better off-road capabilities which gives them an advantage in maps that have this kind of terrain. Most cars under this Drivetrain have all-around stats, making this Drivetrain beginner friendly and easy to learn.
Rear-wheel drive (RWD): Only two wheels in the back powers the car. This makes the car better at utilizing Speed and Acceleration. This is a good Drivetrain to have in your car but remember that cars having this Drivetrain tend to perform poorly on off-road/slippery terrain.
Front-wheel drive (FWD): Only two wheels in the front powers your car. These type of cars have an advantage on grip capabilities which gives them more control during race. But they do not utilize Acceleration and Speed very good. Which is a fatal flaw for most cars to have if stats aren't lined up too well.

Grip: Defines the overall control on your car simply. Grip enhances the handling greatly which is very important. You do not want to lose your car's control during race. Poor grip may cause the car to lose control very easily.

Turning Radius: Shows how wide or narrow the car can turn. This is a very important stat to have since cornering in high speeds will give you an advantage against other cars which saves you a lot of time. (I will show this stat's ranking differently).
Car Ranking/Unlock Explanations
Most cars require certain Cups completed to be unlocked. Meaning you have to know which car to select before going into each Cup/Mission before you can enter the said cup. Note that, earlier Cups have very easy tracks and shorter laps in them and further Cups have more complex, longer and more difficult tracks/opponents waiting for you...

Here are the letter explanations:
F: Cars that are not recommended to play in any situation.
D: Cars that have small traits that gives them a point or two, but not enough to make the car at least, perform on medium level.
C: Cars that are in short, good on most cases, but are not the best pick.
B: Cars that are good picks to go with, as long as you know the said car's capabilities.
A:Cars that have mostly great performance on almost every situation. Highly recommended.

This will help how the said car can be unlocked and which are the best picks for these situations. You will further get an idea which car is best for any situation that will come at you...
Rookie Cars (Part1)
THE GANG IS HERE!!! First set of cars you see when booting up the game. These memorable cars might be slow but still very fun to race with.

Unlock: Available on Start
Fuel Class: Electric
Speed: + + + + +
Acceleration: + + +
Mass: + +
Drivetrain: 4WD
Grip: + + +
Turning Radius: Decent

Being the first car that pops up on the selection screen, you probably expect this car is the "Mario" of the game with balanced stats and pretty much a generic race car design. And yes that is it. The car has all-around stats with plenty of different tricks that allows it to go on pretty much any kind of terrain. It is easy to control as well which fits for a starting car. You should kinda watch out for its light weight since it will not help enough to protect it from Pickups. Overall, this car is pretty decent with only little flaws that are not enough to overshadow its abilities.

It will fit in the races with ease and can compete without much problem. Not bad but also not the best...

Unlock: Available on Start
Fuel Class: Electric
Speed: + + + +
Acceleration: + +
Mass: + +
Drivetrain: 4WD
Grip: + + + +
Turning Radius: Tight

It is a cute little buggy! (I mean it is called "Dust Mite"). Even tho Dust Mite's Speed stats are decent, its ultimate gimmick is the ability to corner very well. On top of that, Dust Mite is very small. Allowing it to control even better. With great handling and small size, Dust Mite can dodge obstacles and sometimes Pickups as well. Dust Mite's small size also gives an advantage on narrow sections on the race track, which is the only car that can do it at best compared to others. However there are some problems... Acceleration is a major drawback for it. Reaching the Top Speed with the Dust Mite is quite challenging and maintaining the speed is also not that easy due to its another flaw is being a light weight car. This makes it quite vulnerable to the Pickups (Fireworks are especially deadly against it).

In conclusion, Dust Mite requires a higher level of skill which revolves around dodging obstacles and utilizing narrow sections for an advantage.

Unlock: Available on Start
Fuel Class: Electric
Speed: + + + +
Acceleration: +
Mass: + + + + +
Drivetrain: RWD
Grip: + +
Turning Radius: Tight

A complete opposite to the Dust Mite! Instead of small size, Phat Slug relies on its heavy weight and intimidating size. Top Speed is also great for it's rating too. However, its Mass is the real deal. Phat Slug is one of the heaviest cars in the game. This gives a large amount of protection against Pickups. It can even tank fireworks and unlucky bomb Pickups. Unfortunately, good things end here... Acceleration of this car is down right BAD!!! It takes ages for Phat Slug to speed up. Even AI struggles to keep this car on high speed which is an enough information how awful the car's Acceleration stat is. But there is something even worse that cripples the car in greater levels. Painfully decent Grip and RWD configuration gives it a hard time to maintain traction which hinders the speed as well.

In short, Phat Slug has many benefits but plagued with glaring flaws that holds it back from success. It's main strategy is just tanking. But if you are not that fast, then not many cars will try to stop you which makes its Mass useless most of the time.
Sad Slug Noises :(

Unlock: Available on Start
Fuel Class: Electric
Speed: + + + + +
Acceleration: + + +
Mass: + + +
Drivetrain: 4WD
Grip: + + + +
Turning Radius: Very Wide

Col Moss is certainly an interesting car. It is by far the fastest in its rating. Which makes it much better with fair Acceleration stat. This makes Col Moss a literal speed demon on race tracks with straight long roads. To make it even better, 4WD and good Grip allows it to keep that speed on off-road and slippery terrain. However, there is a huge flaw. A flaw that clashes with it's benefits drastically. Turning Radius of this car is infamous for being one of the worst in the game. You would occasionally find yourself slowing down just to turn. Which is not really a good thing for it considering many maps have sharp corners that becomes a pure nightmare for this car.

Col Moss is excellent at speed but, due to its flawed Turning Radius, it suffers during the races. Precise play is a must. Still a good car in practice...

Unlock: Available on Start
Fuel Class: Electric
Speed: + +
Acceleration: + + +
Mass: + + + +
Drivetrain: 4WD
Grip: + + + + +
Turning Radius: Very Tight

One of my favorite cars in the game :). Because it has a very unique looking tractor style shape and stats in the game. First, Turning Radius. It is excellent for harder maps with many sharp turns and complex geometry. Grip is something not to ignore, it is by far the most superior in its rating. This makes Harvester a very easy car to control in almost every situation (4WD also further boosts it's off-road capabilities which is also pretty good). Decent Acceleration and Mass is also something benefits this car more for keeping it's speed during havoc. Getting hit by Pickups will not affect it too much and even if it does, its decent Acceleration will get it back on the track, losing little time. However, there is a huge problem. By Top Speed, Harvester is slower than other cars in its rating. Which hinders it a lot, especially on long straight roads where other cars can quickly get an advantage over the poor Harvester.

Overall, Harvester performs good on race tracks with many sharp turns and off-road terrain. But suffers on maps with open layout. It is clearly obvious that Harvester's main gimmick is to extreme handling to get ahead in race.

Unlock: Available on Start
Fuel Class: Electric
Speed: + + + +
Acceleration: + + + +
Mass: + + +
Drivetrain: 4WD
Grip: + +
Turning Radius: Very Tight

Certainly one of the more unique looking buggy in the game. It is literally an ambulance that is modified to work on off-road... Okay, about the stats. Dr Grudge doesn't have a single best stat in the entire rating, but this is not something that is bad at all. Nearly all of its stats are above average, which is a unique trait that isn't shared with other cars in it's rating. Since that, Dr Grudge performs very good on races. So good in fact, it makes it one of the best cars in the Rookie rating. But of course, there are some problems. Due to its very bad combination of high speed based stats and mediocre Grip. The car has a vulnerability to lose control quite easily. But this only happens rarely

Dr Grudge is a very good pick for the races. But it's not a "Win All Button", since its mediocre Grip requires the user to think twice before crucial turning. But still... It only has just one minor flaw that doesn't cripple this car very much. Clearly something rare to see in this game.
Rookie Cars (Part 2)
I didn't have much space to fill the rest in the first part :'(

Unlock: Available on Start
Fuel Class: Electric
Speed: + + +
Acceleration: + + + +
Mass: + + +
Drivetrain: FWD
Grip: + + + +
Turning Radius: Wide

Finally! Something that looks like in a shape that i can call it as a "Car". Volken Turbo, by stat wise, is very unique. It is the only FWD car in it's rating. Which is a good thing since it gains a good traction from it. Volken Turbo is especially good on slippery surfaces thanks to its unique traits isn't shared by the other cars in the Rookie rating. Grip is also superior stat on it too, giving more stable control on the car. However, it has a mediocre Top Speed, which puts Acceleration stat in a questionable situation which sometimes does not benefit the car on straight roads that much. Another flaw or, flaws of the car are the natural drawbacks of the FWD and also rather wide Turning Radius. It noticeably hinders the cornering abilities. This might sound like a bad thing but, these problems are not enough to put the car in a bad spot.

Volken Turbo has unique controls for its rating and with enough practice, it will perform very good on most races.

Unlock: Available on Start
Fuel Class: Electric
Speed: + + + +
Acceleration: + + + + +
Mass: +
Drivetrain: 4WD
Grip: + +
Turning Radius: Narrow

This indigo checkerboard pattern car has some pretty good stats. Having an amazing Acceleration, being the best in its rating, and Top Speed is something of a benefit too. The combination of these two stats makes Sprinter Xl a very powerful car in the Rookie Rating. Can blast through stages if given opportunity. Narrow Turning Radius benefits it too. Since losing some speed to turn will not hinder it as Acceleration of this car will quickly get it back on the high speeds. Unfortunately, there are some major flaws plagues this car. Being a very light weight car, Pickups are very deadly against it. Even the slightest force can cause it to lose control, and on direct impacts from projectiles, sends the car into oblivion... The last flaw of this car is the rather below average Grip. 4WD configuration is not enough to cover this weakness as the car still suffers from sharp turns, causing it to lose control most of the time. Also, despite having 4WD, Sprinter XL performs poorly on slippery surfaces and sometimes, on off-road sections.

Sprinter Xl's best trait on races is the combination of Top Speed and Acceleration. It can easily beat other cars on race tracks with wide open areas. But suffers on Pickup protection and worse Grip, which requires a higher level of precise play to get around those issues.
Amateur Cars
They look even weirder than the Rookie cars!! But they do offer some nice traits that helps them in race. It is not about the looks. It is about the performance ;)

Unlock: Completion on Bronze Cup
Fuel Class: Electric
Speed: + + +
Acceleration: + + + + +
Mass: +
Drivetrain: 4WD
Grip: + +
Turning Radius: Tight

This small paper flat car sure can go pretty fast with the best Acceleration and not easily beaten Top Speed in its rating. Rc San shares many similarities to Dust Mite. Both relies on quick dodging and traversing narrow sections. The car can beat its competitors easily thanks to these superb advantages, which isn't shared with other cars on the Amateur rating. However, it has a flawed traction and somehow questionable Grip. Rc San is also a light weight car, which exposes itself to Pickups a lot. Direct hits from projectiles will launch the car into sky, causing it to lose control. But even with these flaws, Rc San's disadvantages are minimal enough to not overshadow its capabilities. And it can recover from Pickups quite easily thanks to its fast Acceleration rate.

Rc San is a fairly balanced car. Having more Acceleration and sacrifices some minor capabilities during the race. It fits into many race tracks with ease. Cautious play can get advantage of this car easily.

Unlock: Completion on Bronze Cup
Fuel Class: Electric
Speed: + + + +
Acceleration: + +
Mass: + +
Drivetrain: RWD
Grip: + +
Turning Radius: Very Tight

This funky looking car has some unique tricks. It has a remarkable cornering ability not shared by any car in the Amateur rating. Top Speed is also decent enough for races too. And.... That is it. Unfortunately, Candy Pebbles possesses one of the most mediocre stats in its rating. Only its Top Speed is good but most of other Amateur Class cars also shares similar speed parameters too. But this does not help Candy Pebbles at all since it has a rather not so good Acceleration stat if that wasn't something. RWD and bad Grip also hinders it as well, since it can cause issues on sharp turns or even using Battery Pickup.

Overall, despite how Candy Pebbles looks, its stats does not look that funky at all. It's mediocre at best and occasionally finds trouble in races.

Unlock: Collecting stars on Easy tracks (Practice Mode)
Fuel Class: Electric
Speed: + + + + +
Acceleration: +
Mass: + + + +
Drivetrain: 4WD
Grip: + + + +
Turning Radius: Wide

I called this car "Vacuum Cleaner" when i was young. I mean, tell me if this doesn't look like something you will see on supermarkets... Anyway, Genghis Kar has the unique trait of having the fastest Top Speed in its rating. Its Grip is also excellent, enabling sharp turns with ease. Weight of this vehicle is also pretty good. Genghis Kar can take hits very well to a point it is something that player should not be cautious about Pickups too much. Which is always a plus in this game. Well... With these amazing traits, there are some stuff that clashes with its good capabilities. Acceleration is by far the WORST in its rating. I don't want to compare cars with different ratings to each other but, it is so bad that most Rookie cars Accelerate better than it (Ouch). Even tho Grip is very good on this car, the same cannot be said to its Turning Radius. Genghis Kar has a special trait of turning very slow, which causes it to make wider turns than the usual. That is a critical issue about the car itself.

Sadly, Genghis Kar is one of the most sluggish cars in its rating which kills the entire point of its capabilities. I don't usually say this but, use another car...

Unlock: Collecting stars on Easy tracks (Practice Mode)
Fuel Class: Glow
Speed: + + + +
Acceleration: + + +
Mass: + + +
Drivetrain: RWD
Grip: + + +
Turning Radius: Very Tight

Almost an aquatic vehicle... Aquasonic is a very versatile car. Having above Average stats across the board. Its combination of great Top Speed and Acceleration is what defined the place of this car. It is also capable of turning very tight, giving more versatility what it can do in race. Decent Grip is always good during the races, but due to the RWD configuration, Aquasonic may face problems on off-road or especially on slippery surfaces. Like most RWD cars, Aquasonic suffers more from Oil Slick Pickup.

But nevertheless, these problems are on a minor level that does not kill the entire point of the car. Aquasonic is an extremely versatile car that can do many kinds of tricks and has a nice Top Speed to get ahead in competition if needed.

Unlock: Win normal races on Easy tracks
Fuel Class: Electric
Speed: + + + +
Acceleration: + + + +
Mass: + + + + +
Drivetrain: 4WD
Grip: + + +
Turning Radius: Decent

Despite the name, it doesn't look like in a way it resembles a mouse... But don't get fooled by its heavy looks. Mouse has some above average stats to utilize. Its Top Speed and Acceleration is good for the Amateur rating. However, its main ability is the Mass. Mouse is the heaviest car in its rating and it is enough to tank even the strongest pickups without much problem which is quite surprising considering Phat Slug, which is also a very heavy car, is not that speedy or quick in the Rookie rating. This sounds like Mouse might be a quite overpowered car in some form but it really isn't. Because its main weakness is the shape of the car. Mouse is infamous for being very unstable due to its wheel size/shape and quite a tall body. This causes a lot of problems since manual flipping takes lots of precious time in race, which hinders the potential of this car.

Mouse is certainly an interesting concept. Its main weakness is caused by the way it is shaped. Which is a very unique concept for a car like this. And of course it requires quite precise play in order to take advantage of these stats.
Advanced Cars
We are entering veteran territories. Due to the faster pace, player needs to be more cautious about its surroundings. Anyway, here we go!!

Unlock: Completion on Silver Cup
Fuel Class: Electric
Speed: + + + +
Acceleration: + +
Mass: + + +
Drivetrain: 4WD
Grip: + + +
Turning Radius: Wide

Evil weasel starts with a pretty good Top Speed for the Advanced rating. It also possesses good traction and decently good Grip. But, there are more flaws than it's capabilities sadly... Acceleration is quite a shock to see on a car like this (I mean Evil Weasel looks like something that can accelerate quickly). Which is below average in most ways. This hinders the potential of reaching desired speeds in the race. Evil Weasel also suffers from off-road too. Due to poor Acceleration, jagged terrain becomes a challenging obstacle for the buggy, slowing it down more (This is one of the rarer weaknesses of a 4WD car can have.). And lastly, the Turning Radius. It is not really good for maps that have narrow roads and sharp turns, which hinders this car's progress even more.

Evil Weasel gets overshadowed by lackluster stats that gets in its way. It is rather a mediocre car that is easy to beat. Its traits are not enough to help its user to win most races. However it is not the worst car in the rating.

Unlock: Completion on Silver Cup
Fuel Class: Glow
Speed: + + + + +
Acceleration: + + +
Mass: + + + +
Drivetrain: RWD
Grip: + +
Turning Radius: Decent

Panga TC's Top Speed is amazing for its rating. One of the fastest to a point it can compete in Semi-Pro rated cars. Its acceleration is also good, supporting its superior speed even better. Pickups are somewhat has a little impact on this relatively small car since it is also quite heavy. But there are glaring issues about how this car controls. Pretty much every stability and cornering features about this car is flawed that is not even funny. The car can lose control easily and its weird Grip hinders its performance. Turning with this car often leads to trouble, causing it to spin and lose control easily. And for the final nail in the coffin, RWD would be a worst Drivetrain to have on a car like this. It takes previous problems to a new level when dealing with slippery or off-road terrain.

Panga TC's overall speed is remarkable but its own problems are too much for it to handle. You have to play precise with this car in nearly all maps. Slightest error causes it to lose control very easily so be careful when using this car.

Unlock: Collecting stars on Medium tracks (Practice Mode)
Fuel Class: Glow
Speed: + + + +
Acceleration: + + + + +
Mass: +
Drivetrain: FWD
Grip: + + + +
Turning Radius: Decent

The "TURBO" in the name does not mess around. R6 Turbo is a lightning fast car that can easily get ahead in race. Top Speed and Acceleration. All of these stats are too powerful what Advanced rating can handle... Another excellent combo is the combination of good FWD and Grip. Which is quite overpowered in some way. Its relatively small size can allow it to dodge obstacles very well too, adding more on top of it. This car sounds like that it belongs in higher rating but it is not, due to a fatal flaw that makes this car go from overpowered to just painfully above average. R6 Turbo's Mass is literally nonexistent, giving it a very difficult time against Pickups. Slightest force can cause this car to lose control every time. Projectiles don't have to hit directly on R6 Turbo at all. Even the slightest knockback is enough to shut it down. It is that frail! Another flaw of this car is the way it is shaped and built. Wheels of this car is way too minimal on suspension that smallest ramp jumps can cripple this car's stability, resulting it to lose control easily. Also don't use Battery on this car, you will regret it, trust me...

R6 Turbo is a "high-risk high-reward" car that is very good for its rating but has a critical flaw that holds it back from being overpowered. High skill is involved when using this car. and certainly not a beginner friendly car. Sick design tho...
NY 54

Unlock: Collecting stars on Medium tracks (Practice Mode)
Fuel Class: Glow
Speed: + + +
Acceleration: +
Mass: + + +
Drivetrain: RWD
Grip: + +
Turning Radius: Decent

NY 54 has a fun design to it. Orange is a cool color and i also like the smooth shape of the car. But sadly, stats don't look that fun at all. Its best stat is the Top speed, which is not bad yet, not that good. Decent protection against Pickups is good too but it is not that great either. These are the only good features about this car and unfortunately, things get worse from that point. Below average Grip causes the vehicle to sometimes lose control, and it is not even that easy to recover from this because of its bottom of the barrel Acceleration. This further hinders the car a lot and makes it difficult to even utilize its perks at all.

NY 54 is a below average car. It doesn't have anything unique going for it and lack of good stat combination kills the potential of this car even further. It is much harder to win races with this car. You can still use it if you want.
What the heck? This rating is full of cars with glaring flaws or mediocre stats that doesn't benefit anything! The word "Advanced" suddenly becomes questionable eh? But wait, there is still one left to see...

Unlock: Win normal races on Medium tracks
Fuel Class: Electric
Speed: + + +
Acceleration: + + +
Mass: + + + + +
Drivetrain: 4WD
Grip: + + +
Turning Radius: Decent

Despite the looks, this vehicle is not packed with machine guns or cannons. Instead, it is one of the heaviest cars in the game. It is so heavy in fact, even the strongest pickups unable to do a scratch on this thing! It also has a respectable Top Speed and Acceleration stats to keep its pace going if some stuff doesn't go well. But the vehicle's main problem is steering and Grip. Which is not something that is bad at all surprisingly. You can get around these problems quite easily (I mean have you seen the other cars on this section?).

There isn't much to talk about this car. And that is a good thing. It's a simple car and performs really good. It is also by far the more better car in this rating too.
Semi-Pro Cars
Second fastest rating in the game. It features rather quirky cars that have quite a few unique stuff going on them...

Unlock: Completion on Gold Cup
Fuel Class: Glow
Speed: + + + + +
Acceleration: +
Mass: + + + +
Drivetrain: RWD
Turning Radius: Decent in theory

This car... I can't explain how awesome this car is. It is so good in fact, it is considered one of the best cars in the game. It is just so overpo- Just Kidding!! This car itself, is a joke. Its only traits are having a very fast speed that rivals even Pro rating cars and being a heavy weight car. And that is it. These are the only good stats of this car. But it would be more fun to talk about its pitiful stats, so here we go. Acceleration of this car is by far the weakest aspect of this car. It speeds up so slow, which is something of a huge flaw considering Pest Control is on Semi-Pro rating! That stat completely puts its one of only good stat, which is Top Speed, to waste. However Grip is the real flaw here... It literally does not exist! Slightest jolts of turning causes the car to slide, it is that bad, i tell you! And RWD configuration does not help any of its stats, don't even ask. We should not talk about the Turning Radius too, because it doesn't even matter. The car simply does not work at all!

This car is infamous for its pitiful stats and considered one of the WORST car ever exist in the game. I do not recommend it in any race if your goal isn't embarrassing yourself. Do yourself a favor and don't pick this car.

Completion on Gold Cup
Fuel Class: Glow
Speed: + + +
Acceleration: + + + + +
Mass: +
Drivetrain: 4WD
Grip: + + +
Turning Radius: Very Tight

Ah, i hate this car. Because it is the most annoying AI opponent in the game. Aside from that, it is a pretty good car. Acceleration is by far the best in its rating. Which gives a lot of potential to speed up quickly and easily recover from any kind of problem. Its cornering abilities are above decent. Has tight turns and Decent Grip supports it further, only failing on sudden or sharp turns. Which isn't really a problem for the car itself since it can quickly recover back. Top speed might be quite slow but, excellent Acceleration quite covers this problem. But this car is very vulnerable to the Pickups since it is just slightly more heavier than the feather light R6 Turbo. But it is not really a big problem since its other abilities are always gets it back on the track quickly and sudden.

Adeon is a very powerful car for its rating. It is so good to a point that, it can even compete in Pro rating and will still perform well. Its a fun car! Also very easy to control as well.
Its kinda funny how this game rewards you on gold cup with two cars that one is very good and the other is the complete opposite of the good...

Unlock: Collecting stars on Hard tracks (Practice Mode)
Fuel Class: Electric
Speed: + + + +
Acceleration: + + +
Mass: + + +
Drivetrain: 4WD
Grip: + + + + +
Turning Radius: Pole Poz

Pole Poz has some neat stats on the board. It has a good Top Speed and acceptable Acceleration. 4WD configuration enables off-road capabilities and powerful Grip allows this car to not slide even a single inch. This buggy seems unstoppable but there is a huge flaw. Its cornering ability is just downright one of the worst in the entire game. You will guaranteed to smash into a wall, all the time! It is what the vehicle known as sadly. And just because of that major flaw, the buggy suffers a lot in races. It kinda features a lot of similarities to Col Moss. But unlike Pole Poz, Col Moss suffers less from the wider Turning Radius thanks to its slower Rookie rating. Pole Poz however, is on Semi-Pro, which is relatively a fast paced tier. Meaning, Pole Poz will have little time to turn corners, which is something that Pole Poz always has to slow down to not touch the walls or use the "Powersliding" technique, which is not a very good technique and it is not recommended to execute unless you have to.

Pole Poz have many above average stats but all of them are usually put to waste due to its one major flaw. But its not like impossible to use this car at all. It just requires precise play and practice to use it efficiently.

Unlock: Collecting stars on Hard tracks (Practice Mode)
Fuel Class: Glow
Speed: + + + +
Acceleration: + + + +
Mass: + +
Drivetrain: 4WD
Grip: + +
Turning Radius: Tight

Zipper is a car that shares quite a few similarities to Adeon. However, works very differently. Its speed is good for the Semi-Pro. Which is something that vehicle will benefit a lot because its Acceleration is also on a good level too. Turning Radius is not bad either. Its cornering is above average very good. However there are some known issues about it. Grip is rather mediocre. Zipper may slide easily on sudden jolts of turning. This rather poor Grip is also stacked with not so good Mass. Zipper is vulnerable to wide range of projectiles and Bomb Pickup. Since its Grip is not good, it hinders its recovery in result after a major impact.

In conclusion, Zipper is a very viable car to pick. It only has one medium flaw, but it can be avoided with enough practice. Poor weight might cause problems that may hinder its racing but at the end, Zipper's good features covers these weaknesses good.

Unlock: Win normal races on Hard tracks
Fuel Class: Glow
Speed: + + + + +
Acceleration: + +
Mass: + + + + +
Drivetrain: 4WD
Grip: + + + +
Turning Radius: Wide

Rotor is a fun concept that is hilarious and also quite smart. Its most unique, one of a kind ability is the trait of going upside-down (Because its wheels are very big!). This ability becomes very useful in very crucial situations. Rotor's Top Speed is surprisingly, is the best at its rating. Quite a weird good stat for a vehicle like this to be honest. You can ignore the existence of Pickups too, because Rotor is extremely durable against any kind of huge impact thanks to its remarkable Mass. And last perk of Rotor is the excellent combination of good Grip and 4WD configuration. Which only benefits it further. However, Rotor is plagued with many glaring problems. Acceleration and Turning Radius is poor and will create issues on the vehicle itself. Not speeding fast enough and have to sacrifice speed just to turn doesn't sound that good since wide Turning Radius is a big problem to deal with it. But the worst flaw of the vehicle is itself! Really! Its shape is just abnormal enough to make the car vulnerable to weird terrain and sharp turning. This only causes it to flip or lose control significantly. Last note: Even tho this car has a good Pickup protection, due its weird shape, it can sometimes lose control on occasions...

Rotor is a very fun car! But its flaws are just too much for it to handle and requires high skill to overcome its unfortunate flaws. Any player should avoid complex surfaces and jagged terrain while driving this car.
Pro Cars
Finally! The most veteran cars in the bunch. These cars are sure very fast but, also requires fast reaction times and sometimes precise play.

Unlock: Completion on Platinum Cup
Fuel Class: Glow
Speed: + + + + +
Acceleration: + + +
Mass: + + + +
Drivetrain: FWD
Grip: + + + +
Turning Radius: Wide

Like its name, Cougar is an extremely fast car. And it is also one of the fastest in the entire game along with its rating. Cougar's Acceleration is also decent but, it utilizes its terrifyingly fast Top Speed to make a difference! If you want to stop this menace then you are out of luck because Cougar is also quite heavy, giving a decent resistance against Pickups. Cougar has a unique trait of being the only FWD car in Pro rating. Which gives extreme advantage on traction. However, this is a double-edged sword. It causes vehicle to have turns wider than usual which for a Pro car, is a critical flaw. It forces the player to slow down on sharp turns or use the Powersliding technique.

Despite these flaws, Cougar is still a powerful car to pick. It will perform amazing on wide open maps with little sharp turns.

Unlock: Completion on Platinum Cup
Fuel Class: Glow
Speed: + + +
Acceleration: + + + + +
Mass: + + + +
Drivetrain: 4WD
Grip: +
Turning Radius: Decent

Humma does not joke around. Acceleration is basically the car's best stat. It can avoid havoc very easily and it also gives it advantage on gaining speed in little time, benefiting it even further. Top Speed is also above average, making vehicle utilize the Acceleration even better. And like Cougar, Humma also posses a similar weight. Protecting it from Pickups decently. Despite these traits, Humma's Grip is a huge problem for the car itself. Its Grip is comparable to the Trash-Tier Pest Control! And due to the higher speed tiers of its rating, slightest jolts will cause Humma to lose control very easily. Player has to be cautious about the car when using it.

Humma is great. However, it requires knowledge on its Grip and player needs to be careful on complex terrain during the race. The car is more skill based and will take time to get used to it.

Unlock: Collecting stars on Extreme tracks (Practice Mode)
Fuel Class: Glow
Speed: + + + +
Acceleration: + + + +
Mass: + + + +
Drivetrain: 4WD
Grip: + + +
Turning Radius: Decent

If i have to say one word to explain how good Toyeca is, then that word is: "Mewtwo". Toyeca has overall the best stats in the entire game, sure it does have just one minor problem but, that is very minimal to overshadow its capabilities. Top Speed and Acceleration of this monster is incredible. Both of them are superior in practice. It is also easiest car to use in races thanks to its better handling and decent Mass for protection. There isn't much left to point out about the car. The only minor flaw is probably its quite decent Turning Radius. Its not bad but since Toyeca is a fast car, it is required to slow down a little bit to not smash into walls or obstacles. And that is it.

In short, Toyeca is a superior pick in its rating and performs amazingly in pretty much every way without much drawback. You can say it is almost broken...

Unlock: Collecting stars on Extreme tracks (Practice Mode)
Fuel Class: Glow
Speed: + + + + +
Acceleration: + +
Mass: + +
Drivetrain: RWD
Grip: + + +
Turning Radius: Very Wide

AMW, like Cougar, has a Drivertrain that isn't shared by any other car on Pro rating, which in this case, it is RWD. Its Top Speed is one of the best in the Pro rating and AMW can take advantage of straightway roads. And this is the only very good perk, sadly. Its Grip is just decent. Meaning it will not benefit the car at all in noticeable levels. Acceleration is easily what makes AMW painfully mediocre. It speeds up so slow compared to other cars and has no other gimmicks or traits to save it from that position. To make things even worse, Mass is questionably light. Exposing the car against most Pickups.

Sadly, AMW is a very dull car that has nothing going for it. Top Speed is the only good stat and rest are just below average drawbacks that AMW has. Straightway roads barely gives a slight advantage but AMW simply isn't that good in a way that it is considered as an advantage at all.

Unlock: Win races on Extreme tracks
Fuel Class: Glow
Speed: + + + + +
Acceleration: + + + +
Mass: + + + + +
Drivetrain: 4WD
Grip: + + + +
Turning Radius: Very Wide

Look at this absolute unit! Titanic Mass and huge size makes Panga extremely resistant against Pickups. In fact, it is almost invincible to any kind of impact. It is very hard to flip this car with Pickups and this makes it by far the most resistant vehicle in the entire game. Panga also has superior Top Speed and above average Acceleration, which enables it to be a tough opponent to any unlucky victim. And the last trait, the Grip. This makes Panga, a very easy car to control and it rarely puts it on trouble. But its Turning Radius is very unreliable. Preventing a lot of potential during the race. Even the easiest wide corners are something challenge for the Panga to deal with it. This forces the user to slow down just to take a turn and it critically affects the overall performance of the vehicle.

Panga is quite difficult to use. But it offers a lot on other traits which makes this car a good pick. Straightway roads are the best fit for this special car.
Closing Sentences
English is not my first language so you might find a few grammatical errors on it. Some of the information is from the Revolt Fandom Wiki which is where i researched some of the technical stuff about the game. A few of the stuff on cars' information are my general experience about the said car.

I hope this guide helped new players to understand how each car works overall. Have fun racing!!!

UPDATE 8/15/2022: I did some clean-up on guide and fixed a few problems (mostly errors and simplifying some details).

UPDATE 9/6/2022: I added unlock methods on the cars and also gave them an overall ranking on each. Hope this small addition benefit to some :)

UPDATE 9/17/2022: Word fixing and general polish...
anubis01902 Jan 13 @ 1:22am 
Thank you for the information. It is very useful for me. I certainly appreciate it.
just.researcher May 14, 2023 @ 2:32pm 
damn what a dedication :steamthis:
ToughOoze  [author] Feb 10, 2023 @ 7:28am 
I might do the extra cars in future. These cars are indeed fun to mess around the game. And if i get enough time to work on it, i can include these in the guide, oh also thanks for reading the guide!
ChanceFreely Feb 10, 2023 @ 12:37am 
phenomenal guide! Thanks for all the info. You're right about the Toyeca being almost too good. Growing up and playing this game, it was an almost assured win, but it was awesome to see every car detailed out like that! Would you ever do the mystery/extra cars in the future? They aren't really practical, but it would be fun to see. Thank you!
ToughOoze  [author] Dec 26, 2022 @ 11:54am 
Well, there is also progress table where you can check which objectives you have already cleared. Its very useful.
ToughOoze  [author] Dec 26, 2022 @ 11:53am 
I included their unlock methods on their descriptions. But if you want me to go over some details here you go:
Certain cars require you to win races on X tracks. For example: If a car wants you to "Win all races on easy tracks", it means that you gotta go and do normal races on each easy map. But you have to win those races in order to be it counts.
Another criteria is "Collecting stars on X tracks". Each track on practice mode have a star hidden in it, which you gotta find it and collect it. However, some stars are tricky to collect as they are on places which faster cars can reach, so you have to unlock other cars in order to make their collecting easier. Each map only have 1 star.
Last one is winning cups. You just have to complete an entire cup in order to unlock car(s) having that criteria. It is by far the hardest criteria to clear on the game since it basically puts your skills on test.
Mopario Dec 25, 2022 @ 5:43pm 
Hi (HOLA(Esperando que hables español) U know how to unlock every car without code or cheat? and any map? plz
ToughOoze  [author] Aug 16, 2022 @ 4:37am 
Thanks for the feedback! And yes, i might make a list that includes best picks (both for all and limited to ratings) for the cars in future. And thank you for reading my guide :)
Disco King Aug 15, 2022 @ 4:42pm 
Hey! Firstly, I just wanted to say this is a great and well-thought-out guide.

I was wondering if you could possibly include a section that has "Your Top Pick/Suggestion" for each car class.

You could separate it into two lists: a pick that is limited to the base selection of cars that you would get upon completing each cup in chronological order and then a pick that includes every possible car in the base game that you would have upon full completion.

Other than that minor suggestion, I think it's awesome that you took the time to make this.
