Have a Nice Death

Have a Nice Death

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Handbook Guide: Waldo
By Crevice; Abyssal Storm
Some advice for dodging Waldo's attacks that make the fight MUCH easier on higher difficulties.
Hello there, welcome to my guide to defeating the sorrow of the Toxic Food-Processing Department, Waldo. I will be giving some advice an how to dodge each attack and some extra tips to help with fighting him.
Movement Tips
Since I will be using a few terms that may or may not be what the techniques are called by most others, I will be storing them here (and I will put this is any future Have a Nice Death guides that I make).

1. Upperslash
What I call the "upperslash" is one of the most important techniques when it comes to dodging. It is performed by doing an up attack, simple. The height can also be increased by jumping when performing the upperslash. This is useful when trying to get high into the air or to dodge attacks that cover the entire ground.

2. Air combos
They have as much utility as they have combat, as they can be used to extend airtime. These are useful for lingering attacks or when there isn't enough safe space to land.
Phase 1
This is the simpler of the two phases, but can still be tricky for those unfamiliar with the fight. (Please take note that most of the names of the attacks are not the official names).

  • Stomp: This is performed when Waldo walks up to Death and proceeds to stomp his closest leg on him twice. This can be dodged by simply moving away from Waldo.

  • Soda rain: Waldo will climb onto the ceiling and spray (what I assume is) soda onto whatever is beneath him, going from behind him to in front of him. An upperslash to an air combo can be used to get damage on Waldo when he is stuck to the ceiling.

  • Soda ray: Waldo will kneel down and spray a soda geyser that spans the entire bottom of the arena. An upperslash and/or air combo are required to dodge this since the I frames of the dash won't last long enough, though can be used if Waldo isn't right against the wall.

  • Windmill dash: Waldo winds up, usually near the walls of the arena but he can do it anywhere he pleases, and dashes to the other side of the arena. Dashing must be used to dodge this.

  • Soda caps: Waldo will spit out two soda caps, with the second one coming out about a quarter of a second after the first, and both move towards Death with intervals of one second each, and moving about 4 times each. Moving around the arena and staying away from Waldo will prevent the caps from reaching Death. Dashing through the caps has dissipated them in earlier versions, but I am unsure if this still works.

  • Chainwall: Waldo stands at one end of the arena before summoning a massive chainsaw blade from the floor that travels across the arena. Dashing is mandatory since the blade reaches to the very top of the arena, if you are on the side of the area that Waldo is on, the dash behind him since it is a safe spot.
Phase 2
This is where the fun begins. When Waldo reaches to half health or below, but never below a third of his max hp (unless enough damage is dealt at once), he will enter phase 2, completely ditching the mech he was using in phase 1.

  • Chainsaw swipe: This is the phase 2 counterpart to his stomp attack, he will approach death and swipe twice with his chainsaw, and will usually chain this into another chainsaw swipe if Death is close enough or a chainsaw dash if the reaper is far from him. This can be dodged by dashing through or away from Waldo or executing an upperslash.

  • Chainsaw dash: This is essentially the same as the windmill dash but Waldo can be jumped over. He will most likely use this after a chainsaw swipe or when he moves to one end of the arena, though he can use it randomly. Dashing through him and jumping over him when he uses this attack will guarantee safety until he uses another attack.

  • Soda rocket: Waldo shakes a soda bottle before riding it about two thirds across the arena, before stomping on it. Anything behind when when he is riding the rocket will get damaged, as will anything at a 30 degree angle from the ground when he stomps on it. An upperslash to jump over Waldo followed by a quick down attack to get to the ground will suffice.

  • Club chainwall: An upgraded version of his chainwall attack, Waldo will stand on the end of the arena as usual, but he will send out three chainsaws, two of them move to the opposite side of the arena, with the second one coming out about one second after he first, with the third chainsaw appearing behind him to prevent Death from standing behind his and get free backstabs. He will occasionally chain three of these together, with each set of chainsaws having about a one-and-a-half second difference from the last and subsequent first being sent out. Dashing through the chainsaws is required as Waldo cuts off all access to potential backstabs with the third chainsaw, which means air dashing through the first chainsaw and moving backwards while waiting for the dash to come off cooldown should prevent any and all cuts.

  • Soda caps deluxe: An upgraded variant of his soda caps attack, with the second cap coming out one second after the first, meaning both will move at the same time. The same strats can be applied to this variant as the phase 1 attack, though the caps are likely to pincer Death if he is too close to Waldo when he releases the second cap.
Breakdown XIII
New additions:
  • Waldo will summon three pairs of chainsaws on the ceiling when he transitions to phase 2. These chainsaws only reach halfway down the arena, so standing on the ground is enough to avoid them.

  • The Club Chainwall gets an upgrade, specifically it's three pair variant. The last pair of chainsaws become ten chainsaws, with the first one being on the bottom, the next three being on the top, and the remaining six being on the bottom again. This can be dodged by dashing through the first chainsaw, waiting for the upper three to move away, and jump and dash over the final six chainsaws.
  • Try and stay behind Waldo, since the only attacks that can hit behind him are his soda rain and soda cap attacks in phase 1 and his soda cap deluxe and, if your high enough, chainsaw slash attacks in phase 2.

  • In phase 2, the attacks that can be jumped over (the chainsaw dash and the soda rocket) are telegraphed by Waldo's face changing to an angry expression, this is when an uperslash should be performed along with an air combo if needed. If done correctly, Waldo should just travel beneath Death and miss him completely.
The End
Here we are, the end of the guide. I hope this helps newer players or those who are struggling against Waldo on higher difficulties.

The next Have a Nice Death guide that I plan to make will be tips for Major Warren Pliskhan of the Modern Warfare department.
Crevice; Abyssal Storm  [author] Apr 6, 2023 @ 8:09am 
Major update: Changed the club chainwall description to match the 1.0 changes.
Crevice; Abyssal Storm  [author] Feb 14, 2023 @ 11:33am 
Major update: Added Breakdown XIII section to the guide.