Assassin's Creed II

Assassin's Creed II

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Assassin's Creed II Unlock Bonus Content
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A way to unlock bonus content in Assassin's Creed II after Ubisoft servers' shutdown
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Closed servers
On June 1st, 2021, Ubisoft closed servers of Assassin's Creed II. These servers were activating additional content in your saves. Now that the servers are down, this content, such as Ubisoft Connect rewards or Deluxe Edition bonuses, cannot be unlocked. The only way to access them is to load an old save file that has them activated.

However, after some research, I found a way to unlock this content in new saves. In the following sections, I will describe how to do it. For those who don't want to modify the file themselves, here is a download link to the prepared file:

Save types
First of all, the save files are located in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\savegames\[Ubisoft account ID]\4".

There are two save types in Assassin's Creed II. The first type is responsible for settings and unlocking the content, while the second type contains data about game progress, Ezio's location and your session's name.
Depending on which one is created first, these saves may have different numbers. If you start by changing some settings, the first type will be created and thus it will have number 1. However, if you start a new session without changing anything, the second type will be created first and this one will be number 1.
There are also "files" with .upload extension. These are just indicators pointing which saves should be uploaded to the cloud. They are empty and do exactly the same as adding .upload extension to your save files.

You can identify your save type by size of the file. The second save type is much bigger and grows as you progress through the game. The first save type is around 3 KB and doesn't change much later.

The one that interests us is the first type.

Unlocking content
First, you need to create a save file of the first type. You can do this by simply launching the game and turning subtitles on, which are turned off by default. You don't even have to create a new game session.
If you're unlocking content in your current saves, make sure to back them up just in case.

Next, you need to open the save file with a hex editor. I used HxD. Go to "5F2" offset. This is where the values that interest us begin. You need to change "00" values to "01" in the offsets listed below to activate the content.
  • Deluxe Edition bonuses:
    1. 5F2 - Palazzo Medici Templar Lair
    2. 604 - Santa Maria dei Frari Templar Lair
    3. 616 - Arsenale di Venezia Templar Lair
    4. 63A - Bonus outfit dye
  • Ubisoft Connect rewards:
    1. 694 - Throwing knives capacity upgrade
    2. 6A6 - Altaïr's outfit
    3. 6B8 - Auditore Family Crypt
  • Bloodlines weapons:
    1. 78B - Maria Thorpe's Longsword
    2. 78C - Fredrick's Hammer
    3. 78D - Mace of the Bull
    4. 78E - Dark Oracle's Bone Dagger
    5. 78F - Twins' Rapier
    6. 790 - Bouchart's Blade

After modifying and saving the file, the content should be unlocked.

If you're using cloud saving, add .upload extension to the file you just modified. Depending on the save number it may be named "" after that. There is probably an indicator file with the same name in this folder already, so just delete it. This will upload your modified save to the cloud and replace the old one. If you wouldn't do that, the old file would keep replacing the new one every time you launch the game.

Now all you have to do is progress enough in the game's plot to access the desired content.

That's all
Battle of Forlì and Bonfire of the Vanities sequences are already integrated into the game and do not need to be unlocked. They start by themselves after sequence 11.

So in the end it all comes down to turning zeros into ones. Unfortunately, in next games in the series, the content unlocking system looks different, and I haven't found the time to decrypt it. But at least this game was saved from being stripped of its additional content.

112 Komentar
Jan de man 11 Jun @ 3:39pm 
Confirming this still works, with only one change: the empty "upload" file must be created separately and functions like a command; it's not a temporary rename of the actual file. As you start the game, the launcher notices both versions are not in sync and asks which one to keep.
Where are the "Bloodlines weapons"? The other two groups of unlocks seem to work well.
duky5000 3 Jun @ 9:51am 
it worked for me but i actually had to replace my as it was the smaller file in size and held my settings and content.
V1rgil 11 Mei @ 9:10am 
i cant do this i need a video
Darkhai 22 Apr @ 5:26pm 
Would this work for Brotherhood and Revelations too?
Mosa 11 Apr @ 2:19pm 
Thanks bro. I have nothing to add. If you don't could you make one for brotherhood and revelations? Thanks :)
Tusia 30 Mar @ 6:12am 
Not all heroes wear capes :) Thank you for the advice & the file - as a competionist it was really bugging me to have those final slots just sitting there!

(Although there's still one there because the game won't register an opened chest so I have 329 treasures instead of 330 and the little diamond on the map, even though the box is already opened).

Also - cheers to a fellow Pole!
BUBBA C TANK 21 Mar @ 2:59pm 
This works great I ended up having to copy the created file after editing and creating one named and another and dragged them in the save location while the game was loaded. then i exited and relaunched and immediately had access to templar lair in Florence. Note i am in sequence 6. Thank you
mishuxxs 4 Jan @ 6:29pm 
I have the Ubisoft store version and this worked for me to unlock the templar lairs, thank you :zagwow: I also tried to unlock the bloodlines weapons but I'm not sure how to tell if I have them or not :zaglol:
CapJack 4 Jan @ 3:54pm 
all thats coming up for me in the save files are my far cry 5 saves can anyone help
xX-Navin-Xx 4 Jan @ 2:31am 
for assassins creed brotherhood...??