Fire & Maneuver

Fire & Maneuver

All Faction Unit Roster 1.2 Update
由 Complex Strategy 制作
A overview of every faction and the units contained within them. Currently updated to patch 1.2
Second French Empire

The French army is a nation that has some of the strongest infantry in game. This can be attributed to it the chassepot rifle being on almost all infantry and a strong combination of perks on its elite heavy infantry. They are overall quite flexible due to the strong infantry and a capable cavalry options. Their biggest weakness is their artillery being bland and on the weaker side. The French are quite well rounded with a focus on elite heavy infantry but have to be careful they don't get overwhelmed by stronger cavalry and artillery.

Age of Glory Roster

Age of Rifles Roster

North German Confederation (Prussia)
The Prussian army prides itself on highly flexible infantry and the best artillery among all nations. Used well you can run circles around enemy infantry with your own and blast any force apart with your Krupp guns. However, it's artillery is the most expensive and losing it can completely collapse your line. On top of that cavalry is mostly average and doesn't stand out in any real way leaving them potential vulnerable to flanks.

Age of Glory Roster

Age of Rifles Roster
Notes: The M1869 Werder rifle is only useable on Wurrtemberg Infantry

United Kingdom (Britain)
The British army fully commits to quality over quantity. Most of it's infantry and carbine armed cavalry posses the Range Drill trait giving them +1 range damage which makes them devastating at range. In one on one fights almost nothing can beat a British infantry unit because of this. However, this comes at the downside of infantry being overall the most expensive in the game limiting the number that the British can field. They will need to rely on their superior range firepower to keep enemies away and minimize losses or else they will lose the battle of attirition.

Age of Glory Roster

Age of Rifles Roster
Note: The Martini-Henry Mk I is limited to 2

Russian Empire
The Russian Empire relies on superior numbers to overwhelm the enemy to carry the day. Their units are not particularly bad but instead suffer from the disorganized trait. This causes them to only regain half of their cohesion at the start of rounds which causes their units to generally lose ranged fights that drag on. However, these cheaper units also means the Russians often outnumber their enemy. Their cavalry is a highlight as it's quite cost effective if it can flank and charge from the side or rear. Otherwise it will want to close up on the enemy where it can play on a more even field by blocking the enemy from gaining their cohesion back while being more tolerant to some losses.

Age of Glory Roster

Age of Rifles Roster
Note: Berdan M1868 Rifles are limited to 2

Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman Empire truly embraces the the quantity over quality mind set. In a matter similar to the Russian Empire it's units are overall cheap however it's units are even cheaper and suffer from negative traits such as disorganized and breakable. Due to those factors the Ottomans have to aim to overwhelm through sheer number of units. It is incredibly difficult to have a "fair" fight with the ottomans as they can't trade blows long term. High aggression and accepting losses are what makes the Ottomans a fierce opponent.

Age of Glory Roster

Age of Rifles Roster
Note: Fusil M1866 rifles are limited to 2

Austrian Empire
The Austrian army is an interesting force. It finds itself split between a lot of of light infantry with the skirmishing trait and a large amount of infantry with a focus on melee. With access to superior rifles with range and breech loading they preform capably at range. They also have a unique aspect where all of their artillery has indirect fire which allows them to potentially use them in ways other factions couldn't. Yet even with these various perks the nation doesn't exactly measure up to other factions in terms of ranged combat. A lack of range drill on any infantry can be difficult to overcome and this is not helped by their artillery also all being on the expensive side. If used well the Austrian Empire can fight a quick moving battle and then charge in when the enemy is weak but has to be careful to not blasted when moving in for the kill.

Age of Glory Roster

Age of Rifles Roster

Sardinia-Piedmont (Italy)
Italy as a faction is a faction that can be somewhat map dependent on how effective they are. They are filled with specialized infantry many of which have the rugged trait allowing them to ignore terrain penalties. These units can be highly effective by doing things other infantry simply cannot but they are often weaker in head on fights. There are also many skirmish and efficient units allowing Italy to be quite mobile in its infantry movements. By ignoring terrain the Italians can be quite aggressive in ways that other nations can't do and they must leverage this to succeed. If they get tangled in a purely open area they will feel their infantry lacking.

Age of Glory Roster

Age of Rifles Roster
Notes: Fusil M1866 rifles are limited to 2

The USA is a force that can bring a cheap large army but at the cost of its units having very low cohesion. Most units do not have a negative trait meaning that they function quite normally at first. On top of that they also have many options for fast aggressive cavalry. However, once combat starts units will quickly lose cohesion that can lead to heavy casualties if not managed well. The US wants to use its larger force to control the pace of the battle where it can manage the low cohesion of its units and minimize casualties.

Age of Glory Roster

Age of Rifles Roster
Note: The Sharps M1848 Rifle can only be equipped to US Sharpshooters

The Confederates are a nation that relies on speed and aggression to win a fight. Its infantry mostly share the efficiency trait allowing for two movements a turn allowing for aggressive plays. The Confederate units suffer from slightly lower cohesion that most other nations but their units are also not as cheap to where they can win through sheer weight of numbers. Instead it must use smart movement and its fast cavalry to flank or punch through lines quickly. The confederate forces can be a quick moving and hard hitting force but if it finds itself in a drawn out battle where casualties can mount it can see its spearheads dulled and unable to break through.

Age of Glory Roster

Age of Rifles Roster
Note: Sharps M1848 Rifles can only be used by Whitworth Sharpshooters

7 条留言
Lord Admiral Buckethead 2023 年 11 月 16 日 下午 8:09 
Please add the 54th Massachusetts Infantry to the USA unit roster
DiorSavage💴 2023 年 3 月 13 日 上午 12:06 
need to add mexico asap
Complex Strategy  [作者] 2022 年 8 月 14 日 下午 5:04 
Now updated to Patch 1.2 and also altered how the information is displayed. Should be a little easier to view overall :)
Jeremy Donaldson 2022 年 8 月 8 日 下午 12:38 
Great guide. Just one small nitpick, it's spelled "Cavalry" not "Calvary"
JimJimJimJim 2022 年 7 月 21 日 下午 5:01 
Very useful for deciding which kingdoms to buy
TheBalls 2022 年 7 月 20 日 下午 7:29 
wheres all the pictures at, im a visual learner
Prime Fernando Alonso 2022 年 7 月 19 日 下午 1:41 
thanks, this is a really cool tool!