Counter-Strike: Source

Counter-Strike: Source

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[SE] How make World Model
By Stomatolog
Toturial how make World Model for CS:S
Now for some reaso not many people know how to make / add world models
Today I'll show how to make and add these models
and is same works in other games on Source Engine but little different CS:GO from him skeleton
What will be needed
To do this you need some programs
1. Blender (or any 3D programm on your choose)
2. Notepad
(Can even use Windows Notepad but better use Notepad++)

3. Crowbar Tool (Latest build on now)

4. GCFScape
Making World Model
First you need to select a model and decompile it in Crowbar Tool
Example I use AN-94

1. Then open css pack01 directory via GCFScape and find your weapon with W_ prefix, for me it is "AK-47 - w_rif_ak47"
2. Throw in any place and decompile original / custom World Model
3. After, open Blender and install Source Engine Tools (How to install addons for blender, see it on the Internet yourself)
4. Make import custom model in new project (SMD or QC file)
5. Remove skeleton and unnecessary mesh and export to OBJ format or just already save in this format for get clear model
6. Create new project, import SMD from original World Model
7. Set position as original mesh (example look on video)
8. Open in right menu "Red ball" needed material and press Select
9. After selected on material, delete original mesh
10. Select in edit mode all the weapon with "button A" but remove the selection of the necessary parts (magazine) for that need hold ctrl + L and push on black vertex and press "Assign" to ValveBiped.weapon_bone in "Object Data Properties"
11. Same do it with Magazine but now press "A" and remove selection from Body and leave magazine part in selected and open again "Object Data Properties" + Press "Assign to ValveBiped.weapon_bone_Clip"

Done, you can export model as SMD in original folder with World Model and compile it

Or just wath video how it's do it