Magicians & Looters

Magicians & Looters

Not enough ratings
100% Map, Secret Rooms and Locations only
By ZeroSplint
Entire map of the game, includes all locations and secret rooms.

Does NOT contain a list where to find exact items.
Does NOT contain a list where to find the bosses.
For those that are looking to get the 100% map rating this here is perfect for u.
For everyone else that is looking for specific lists where to find what item this is not it.
Below is a list what the map does and does not contain.

What does the map contain:
  • All locations visible.
  • All Secret rooms
  • Locations of Warps, Saves, Merchants and Obstacle Courses

What does the map not contain:
  • Item locations
  • Boss locations
  • Marked area's for specific characters