Black One Blood Brothers

Black One Blood Brothers

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Collectibles Locations [SPOILERS]
Door Project153
Last major guide update: April 4th, 2024

Locations of all the collectibles that are currently in the game. Will slowly get updated and improved as more get added and I find them.

Recent guide update: Added three recently added collectibles
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General Information
Current list of collectibles and what they look like
  • The collectibles currently will show up in the same locations even after collecting them, you can collect them again with a higher difficulty setting to complete your "Trophies" collection for each difficulty level under your Career > Rewards section.

  • If you're having a hard time reading my maps/screenshots/descriptions, the exact location of the collectible is where my Squad Leader icon is located so just look for the Squad Leader icon on the map and line up your own map and you'll find it (hopefully). Generally "Mike" is the Squad Leader. Will eventually update the pictures because some of them suck.

  • I didn't order the collectibles in any particular way...well...sorta. Newest one will be shifted to the top, eventually shuffled elsewhere as more get added.

  • All of the collectibles are based off of real books about French units. Specifically the GIGN, BRI, and French Commandos Marine (at the time of writing). You can basically copy and paste the titles from this guide and find it online as the achievements use the titles of the books. Only two of the collectibles are shortened for whatever reason, the full titles will be listed at the bottom of the section for the books. Assuming you actually care about the real books...which you probably don't so whatever but hey, its there if you're interested and can read French.

  • Why are all the screenshots under NVGs? Because I enjoy playing night ops and was lazy and didn't change the weather/time to day...
RECENTLY ADDED: BRI: Les formes de l'ombre (Tome 2)
Map: Mall of Eden
  • 2nd Floor Electronics Store (ElectroniCCITY)
  • Next to TV display at the back of the store

Full title of the book: BRI, LES FORMES DE L'OMBRE T.02 : LA VENGEANCE DU CLAN
RECENTLY ADDED: Forces spéciales et unités d'élite (Tome 2)
Map: ARIAL Offshore Drilling
  • Top of Oil Rig next to helipad
  • Close to deployment point (helipad)
  • On table

Full title of the book: Forces spéciales et unités d'élites, au cœur de leurs émotions
RECENTLY ADDED: United We Conquer
Map: Compound
  • On a table in a house
  • Specific Target building is at the end of a flight of steps
  • Gas tank thing in front of building
  • Flipped over table next to steps up to building entrance

Full title of the book: United We Conquer - Commandos Marine, ils racontent leur histoire
Stick Action Spéciale
Map: Old Fortress
  • Shack that is located dead centre in the middle of the island.
  • Bridge to the left of shack, Patio to the right, Generator bottom right of the shack.
  • Table with three chairs to the left of the door (two chairs on left side of table, one on the right lower corner) with two small benches between the chair and door.
Full title of the book is: Stick Action Spéciale : Un opérateur du 1er RPIMa raconte
Book is focused on the RPIMa or sometimes referred to as the French SAS (sharing the same motto of "Who Dares Wins" but in French).

Confessions d'un OPS
Map: Elegance Airport
  • Third plane on the runway (from the hangars, facing towards the trees/fence) Window Seat, 3rd row from the back of the plane.
Due to my own poor choices it might be hard to make out, but the cluster of guys in red squad in the third plane is where the collectible book is located. Specifically look for the Squad leader. Usually that is the guy named Mike.

Full title of book: GIGN: confession d'un OPS
BRI: Les formes de l'ombre
Map: Central Hospital
  • Second Floor, from the front (Central Hospital sign), West Wing, second room, on the desk next to monitor and lamp.
  • If you are using the stairs on the outside in the West Wing, it is the second room on the right side.
Map: Vallenwood Villa
  • Second Floor of the house on a bookshelf, middle room between the stairs that lead to attic and stairs that lead to ground floor.
Easiest one to find due to map size.
Objectif: forces spéciales
Map: Burnwood Mansion
  • Located in the attic of the mansion, on a mattress that is on the ground.
  • From a top-down view with the front of the house (with stairs to the front doors) facing the top of your screen, the mattress is located Top Right (in map view, hide the roof of the building).
  • Quickest way to the attic is to enter from the Left side of the house (from top-down, front with stairs facing top of screen), is a stairway that leads to a door (next to it is another set of stairs that lead to wine cellar). Past this door is another stairway that leads up to the attic.
Homme D'action
Map: Jin-Shu Temple
  • Located in building that is directly across from the "hills", behind the house is a large patch of trees.
  • It is the vertical building (top down view with "hills" to the top) between the "big house" (should be on the right), and a similar sized house that is facing horizontally (to the left)
  • On a table, can't miss it.
The squad leader Icon in the map pictures is right where the collectible is if the map screenshot is a little tough to read and make out.

Forces spéciales et unités d'élite
Map: Residential House
  • 2nd Floor, small bedroom left of stairways (when going up), 2nd room (left door).
  • "Party Island" poster on the wall above nightstand next to bed.
  • Recommended insertion point: Right side (back of house, connected to living room). See below:

I play this map regularly hence why the excessive amount of screenshots, would argue its one of the easier collectibles.
Final Notes?
  • I didn't list or show which spawn points I used at the time of writing. This is because I use "Random Insertion", once again due to laziness (similar to why all the maps are night time). Saves time starting up a mission but also royally screws me if the spawn isn't great. I might redo this guide and include which spawn points to use.

  • "Chef de Guerre" is probably the easiest one to find due to map size and its location.

  • "Forces spéciales et unités d'élite" is IMO the easiest, only because I play the map very often. About the same level of difficulty as "Chef de Guerre" but arguably easier because its well within view while "Chef de Guerre" is on a "lower level" aka knee height/crouch to grab.

  • I would argue "BRI: Les formes de l'ombre" is also easy to find once again due to map size, sure its a little tedious having to go room-to-room but the overall the size of the map + the space inside the rooms makes navigating around under NVGs fairly easy.

  • "Objectif: forces spéciales" is medium difficulty if you ask me, the difficult part is navigating the mansion, you have lots of tight spaces that can make navigation and searching difficult especially under NVGs, the wine cellar is...well....its a wine cellar. At least the attic is easy to navigate. Do yourself a favour and do it during the day...or not. I haven't tried it during the day so I have no idea what the map looks like. Hell I have no idea what most of the maps look like during the day, I literally play all my missions during the night with thunderstorm and rain or snow.

  • "GIGN: Confessions d'un OPS" isn't too bad, the only difficult part is the distance one has to cover, and of course, clearing the plane(s). Map size was the only difficult part if you ask me.

  • "Homme D'action" was my least favourite only due to navigating the map. Luckily the collectible was right there.

  • "Stick Action Spéciale" isn't all that difficult since the collectible is inside of a shack and they're all located in a pretty small area that is easy to search. Definitely not the worst one to hunt down.

  • As of writing (November 30th, 2022) there is currently no Steam achievement for collecting both "Forces spéciales et unités d'élite" and "Stick Action Spéciale".

  • This is more of a personal bullet point for me to brag about but at the time of writing, apparently only 0.10% of people have found "Chef de Guerre" and "Objectif: Forces speciales". The other three are 0% (or 0.01% according to my rarest Steam achievements, I'm not sure if that 0.01% is just me or me and a handful of people, but it might very well be me since all the other achievements are still 0% at the time of writing). I feel special. Let me have my moment of being possibly the first to find the other three and making this guide (All 5 Steam collectibles achievements unlocked on July 3rd, 2022). Okay special moment over, hope this guide helps.
    1. Chef de guerre: Unlocked 3 Jul (2022) @ 2:33am (0.10%)
    2. BRI: Les formes de l'ombre: Unlocked 3 Jul (2022) @ 3:57am (0% or 0.01%)
    3. Confessions d'un Ops: Unlocked 3 Jul (2022) @ 5:24am (0% or 0.01%)
    4. Objectif: Forces speciales: Unlocked 3 Jul (2022) @ 9:56pm (0.10%)
    5. Homme d'action: Unlocked 3 Jul (2022) @ 10:11pm (0% or 0.01%)
    6. Forces spéciales et unités d'élite: Found 16 Aug (2022) @ 5:44pm
    7. Stick Action Spéciale: Found 30 Nov (2022) @ 6:42pm
    8. United We Conquer: Unlocked 4 Apr @ 1:14am (0% or 0.01%)
    9. Forces spéciales et unités d'élite (Tome 2): Unlocked 4 Apr @ 7:11pm (0% or 0.01%)
    10. BRI: Les formes de l'ombre (Tome 2): Unlocked 4 Apr @ 7:56pm (0% or 0.01%)