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Achievement Hunter's - OLI
By Tut Wheezy and 1 collaborators
A guide to completing the game OLI. Nothing too fancy seeing as most achievements you get just by completing the story. Will include the original language and a translation for the achievement. I apologize if it isn't a correct translation seeing as I am using Google Translate.
Termine a introdução do game - Finish the intro of the game
The Train Station
Termine o Capítulo da estação de trem - Finish the train station chapter
The Bridge
Termine o Capítulo da ponte - Finish the bridge chapter
First Encounter
Primeira Fuga - First escape

Done after you escape the spider in the bridge scene.
The Train
Termine o capitulo do trem - Finish the train chapter
Second Encounter
Segunda Fuga - Second escape

Done after you escape the spider on the train.

I won't lie...I don't remember if it's the train or NOVATECH labs spider, my guess is the train since that is the second encounter. Either way you will get it when playing the game.
The Balloon
Termine o capítulo do balão - Finish the balloon chapter
The Beginnings
Complete todas as lembranças - Complete all memories
Use os portais - Use the portals

In the final memory, you enter the bunker that goes to the basement of the house. Inside is a lab with blueprints that show different things involving portal usage to go between a blue and regular world. You can also find a Portal Gun blueprint, which is a clue for this achievement.

When you approach the tube, you want to jump over the black semi circle door at the bottom to avoid the cut scene trigger. From there, continue going left and you will find there is another room which is similar to the rooms from the Portal games. You will then find a blue and orange portal. Once you jump in it and fall through them, you will get this hidden achievement.

Below will be a video to show you what to do.

Termine as fases que são no prédio da NOVATECH - Finish the levels that are in the NOVATECH building
The Scape
Fuja do Prédio da NOVATECH - Escape the NOVATECH Building

Termine o jogo - Finish the game
Pegue todos os coletáveis do jogo - Collect all collectibles in the game

I didn't understand the reason of putting collectables in a game if they have no importance in the long run. Once you collect them, there isn't anything that happens other then the achievement.

If you need help looking for all 20, I can upload another guide on where to find them if this guide gets rated 5 stars or gets an award. Simply too lazy to add that information at this time.

UPDATE - 7/7/2022

This guide did get an award, so as promised I created a video on where to find all the collectables. The link to it is here.

As I mention in the guide, most of these collectables you will run into while playing the game. If you have any questions leave them below in the comments.
Zero Deaths
Complete o jogo sem morrer nenhuma vez - Complete the game without dying once

This achievement can be difficult considering how the controls of the game are not sharp. I cannot explain how many times I had to restart because of an issue of jumping being delayed. One of the hardest parts of the map is the balloon mission because everything you touch is an instant death, and since you can't save or select chapters you are forced to replay the entire game if you die.

However, I did discover that you could pause the game right before a death happened. Say for instance if you pressed the space bar too long in the balloon mission and are about to crash, you can pause the game to prevent the death tally going up. Instead of returning to main menu, close the game out, or Alt + F4 because the game will continue for a couple of seconds after you click return to menu which will cause the death to happen.

The mechanics of the game are a bit unrefined, which means the game play can be tedious. With this method I prevented several deaths during my final run which helped in getting this achievement.

So, long story short...

Pause the game when you are about to die, then Alt + F4. DO NOT CLICK RETURN TO MENU!