Smashmuck Champions

Smashmuck Champions

평점이 부족합니다.
Bursty Zert FTW
Mellow 님이 작성
Hi my name is PokeGrelucha. I'm the leader of the Gods Warriors clan and member of KMOA (Killing Machines of Awesomeness).
I've been playing SM for quite a while now and I feel that i have atleast some skill in the game. If you wish to friend me in SM thats fine ( my username is jordanpika in SM). I also play Awesomenauts, League of Legends and Hearthstone if you were interested.
즐겨찾기 해제
The Build itself
DISCLAIMER: This Build requires a very fast and steady hand to do so. Are you up to the challenge.

Okay to start off:
Weapon: Shock Cannons. (I use these for the sole purpose of getting Back Draft)
Badges: Rattlesnake, Hard Learner, Charger or Boost (Rattlesnake for poke and harrass,
Hard Learner if you think you will die alot,
Charger for the Energy regen because you
will be focused
and Boost for the same effect as charger but on the offensive side).

Training Routine: There are many options but these 2 are my favourites.
1st: Strength - Bowling x5
Endurance - Athletic Tape x5
All-Star - Coffee x3
Aromatheropy x2
2nd: Strength - Bowling x5
Endurance - Batteries x5
All-Star - Sports Drink x3
Coffee x2

I prefer to use the first Routine because it synergyzes well with Charger with the extra Health and Hex duration But i will use the second Routine if i play against a passive or tanky Team. (I play by Highlander rules).

The reason why I said you needed a Steady Hand is because you need to be very quick with your actions to be able to pull off the burst damage. But when you do it does around 600-700 damage plus the burn effect (and rattlesnake if you have it equipped).
Thx 4 Reading
Thank you for reading htis guide. Hopefully i shall post more builds in the upcoming future and i would love some support along the way.
