The Looker
155 evaluări
How to Look
De către TheARate
You will be prepped to enjoy this game in the most optimal manner.
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Are you ready to look?
Here are the three simple steps necessary for the optimal looking experience.

1. Open your eyes.
2. Focus on whatever you want to look at.
3. Blink occasionally so that your eyes don't shrivel up.
Congratulations! You're now qualified to play The Looker, as well as every other game on Steam that requires the usage of ocular organs.

I'm sorry to all of the blind readers out there. I wish it was easier for you to enjoy this guide.

Goodbye, and don't forget to stay hydrated.
36 comentarii
owiethepowie 30 mart. la 16:29 
thanks, i didn't know that you could see before :steamthis:
I LOVE HAVING FEMININE PRONOUNS 20 sept. 2023 la 5:23 
help cant close eye help
TheARate  [autor] 19 sept. 2023 la 10:47 
@overweight_brian_gaming, I would call you lazy, but that would make me a serious hypocrite considering the amount of sheer effort and time I put into this masterpiece of a guide.
I LOVE HAVING FEMININE PRONOUNS 19 sept. 2023 la 8:59 
too hard cant move eye
TheARate  [autor] 24 aug. 2023 la 18:27 
@Stupid_Simmy, thank you for your input. It's been noted. You may receive complementary ocular improvements, courtesy of the 6,000+ visitors. Each molecule, subtley harvested from a user upon reading the document, have compounded into a pair of ocular replacements. Special ocular replacements. Call now for your free ocular replacements at (DEPRECATED NUMBER)! That's (DEPRECATED NUMBER)! Enjoy your 24-hour cycle!
Stupid_Simmy 24 aug. 2023 la 17:46 
unrelated but while reading the comments i couldn't help but notice that the author types a lot like GLaDOS from portal in a way. just an observation really, nothing too important.
shs37 3 aug. 2023 la 5:25 
thank you i can now look plus its good that you put the blinking part a lot of other guides dont have that
Frick 31 dec. 2022 la 16:13 
how luuk
TheARate  [autor] 19 dec. 2022 la 5:45 
(I spiked the lean with grape juice, by the way. Delightfully devilish.)
TheARate  [autor] 19 dec. 2022 la 5:44 
@_yoshimario40, paradoxically, you must look for it yourself. Life is but a game that gives you inconsistent tutorials, is pay to win, and an always online MMO. You may need to learn by doing. Look by looking, I suppose. Don't forget your complementary lean on the way out!