Fallout Shelter

Fallout Shelter

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Fallout Shelter Tips, Tricks, and Secrets
Bappo 님이 작성
Fallout Shelter is one of the most addictive, fun free games out there. Released on multiple platforms, including mobile devices and the Nintendo Switch, it's a great way to kill 20 minutes, and it has a surprising amount of depth. However, getting started in Fallout Shelter can be tricky, and there are a lot of common mistakes that new players make. To help you avoid these traps, this guide lists 10 tips and tricks to help you start your vault off on the right foot.
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Train up Your Dwellers as Quickly as Possible
Training rooms take up a lot of space and power, but once you've got a few fully upgraded generators on the go, it's a great idea to start building them as fast as possible. Increasing your Dwellers' natural SPECIAL stats is a sure-fire way to make them better workers, explorers, and questers. In addition to this, babies born to parents with high SPECIAl stats have a higher chance of being born with good SPECIAL stats themselves, which cuts out some of the work that you need to do in training your later generations.

Go on Quests as Much as You can
Once you build the overseer's office, a whole new, exciting aspect to Fallout Shelter is revealed. You can now send your Dwellers on quests; missions to rescue other vaults, seek out special Dwellers. You have the opportunity to earn thousands of CAPS and score some sweet outfits and weapons. To take full advantage of this feature of the game, make sure to send your Dwellers on quests as much as possible. Equip your team with weapons and outfits and load them up with Stimpaks and RadAways to ensure you have the highest chance of success on your quest

Upgrade Rooms Before You Build More
Building more rooms to create jobs as fast as possible is tempting, but in terms of your resource levels, it's a mistake. If your vault gets too big, your power generating rooms won't be able to keep up, and rooms that are shut down due to a lack of electricity can't make anything at all. A lot of people come across this problem and find their resources dwindling at an alarming rate. To prevent this, focus on upgrading your existing rooms before you build new ones. Rooms can be upgrade twice for an additional cost.

Upgrade Your Vault Door ASAP
Attacks from raiders, feral ghouls, and other Wasteland menaces can be terrifying at the start of the game when you probably have precious few weapons to distribute amongst your Dwellers. Having a few extra seconds at the start of an attack to position your best Dwellers on the top floor of your vault can make all the difference. Upgrading your vault door isn't too costly and provides you with those life-saving few seconds. Make it a priority!
Keep Weapons and Outfits
It can be tempting to sell weapons and outfits for extra CAPS, but unless every single one of your Dwellers is already kitted out, this is a big mistake! Outfits provide great boosts to your Dwellers' SPECIAL stats, which makes them more efficient workers in their assigned rooms and more likely to survive quests or wasteland trips. Likewise, weapons are invaluable when your vault is under attack from raiders or when you need an extra power boost on quests. Make sure to have a good stock of weapons and outfits, with a few spare in reserve to hand out to new Dwellers.
I listed every weapon down here:

Make Use of Your Best Gear
High-level guns are useless in the hands of pregnant Dwellers or Dwellers with low SPECIAL. Strength-boosting military fatigues are useless when given to a Dweller that needs a perception boost. A pet that increases the chance of finding junk in the wasteland is wasted on a Dweller who never sets foot outside the vault. While lower-level gear can be distributed somewhat randomly, make sure to be careful with your more powerful gear and pets and distribute them where they're really needed.
Things to Avoid in Fallout Shelter
Here are some things you should avoid doing in Fallout Shelter.
Overpopulate Your Vault
Overpopulating your vault early on is a critical mistake that many Fallout players make. It can be tempting to get all of your female Dwellers pregnant as quickly as possible to boost your population and unlock more rooms, but if you don't have the infrastructure to support a large number of dwellers then you'll find yourself in hot water hildren drain your food and water without contributing anything, and even once they're grown, if you don't have jobs available, then your adult Dwellers will be forced to roam aimlessly, chewing up resources. To prevent this problem, put a cap on the number of pregnancies you allow at any one time and make sure that you have extra jobs before increasing your population.
Ignore Your Objective List
Early on in the game, the easiest way to get some extra CAPS and to earn lunch boxes and pet crates is to complete objectives. Because of this, making sure to regularly check off your tasks and actively work towards them is one of the best moves that you can make. The game lets you skip one task a day (without using extra Nuka-Cola). Take advantage of this by only skipping the most difficult or time-consuming tasks.

Being Afraid to Rush Rooms
Rushing rooms can be scary; the anticipation while you're waiting to find out the outcome, the disappointment of seeing that big red "FAILED" sign, and the stress of dealing with the fire or bug infestation that comes afterward isn't fun. Despite this, rushing rooms is a great way to earn extra CAPS and gives a nice little XP bonus to boot. If you have some Dwellers with a high 'Lucky' stat working in the room you're rushing, then your chances of success are usually pretty good.

Ignore Your Dwellers' Health
It's easy to get attached to the little people living in your vault, which makes it sad when they die because of a mistake that you made. Obviously, sometimes a Dweller's death is unavoidable, but there are still some simple measures that you can take to minimize risk. Watching your Dwellers' health bars during conflicts and making sure to apply healing Stimpaks when needed is the most basic way to avoid deaths. Don't try and hold out until the last minute to apply Stimpaks; they're fairly easy to come by and should be used generously to get the best effect.

댓글 7
2armored 2024년 6월 1일 오전 4시 17분 
Never upgrade the shelter door if you don't want a Deathclaw to knock in.
Fatty 2 Chunky 2024년 5월 27일 오후 1시 44분 
This is fantastic! Thanks a ton!
2024년 5월 26일 오전 2시 27분 
Kingwolf (58833318) 2024년 5월 10일 오전 1시 38분 
DO NOT UPGRADE your Vault Door asap, or anytime... Let it on Level 1. The Level 2 or 3 gives only more HP to the Door. So you earn some time, in detail seconds maybe, to let them inside. You can defend the level 1 vault door with 2 people, best outfit, best pets and best weapons. and after that room you make a 1x3 powerroom with 6 people, best weapon and 3 best pets after that first floor NO LIFT and if somethings crash through your 2 Rooms they need to come back and fight again your 6 Power Room people. At this point they will die at last.

When the Attack is beginning you cant send people to missions, you cant bring people back home, you cant change jobs cause after the attack they lose the new job definition and also the pregnant people arent working during an activ attack. So what we want that the Attack is over ASAP that means i want them to come inside ASAP to kill them ASAP... if i got an attack i wish i could open the vault door to let them in.

Just my opinion.
Poppa Woody 2022년 7월 14일 오전 2시 48분 
Been playing this game on multiple platforms since it released; great guide for a great game
OMNICRON (away until July 31st) 2022년 6월 21일 오후 9시 42분 