Super Auto Pets

Super Auto Pets

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Favorite Arena Team
By ThatGuyWakatta
Just a few units i think are underrated and deserve more attention.
This Team is my favorite to run, it's how i got my first arena run and i still think it's very good. I have not seen much people using it as well it's how i got the ribbons on the ant and flamingo, people usually just end up pilling them first. They work as very good tanks though to power up your squad as they faint. I think they just deserve to be used more in the late game, all you ever see late game is hippo and bison. Once you get flamingo and ant to level three they are literal game changers and can bring you to a high win count or the ten wins that you have been longing for in arena. Ant with damage boost (meat) and you use the Flamingo with the melon shield, other than that you can compose your team with other units. You at least need a pet that can snipe though so dolphin, crocodile or the skunk is a good choice for the back line. You also need one healer, but the fifth unit could be anything. If you want to you could just run hippo or bison and just make the unit insanely strong with the buffs from the flamingo and ant. I hope this ends up helping a few new players and or just giving veteran players something to experiment with while they just endless loop through the arena matches while running bison, hippo, and the ever favorable horse...

Thanks For Reading, Have A Nice Day!
